16 Personality Reflection

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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a half page minimum below describing:

 Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality (why or why not).
 How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.

Don’t forget to:

 Share WHAT your designation is (the FOUR LETTERS).

 Provide details and examples where possible
 Use paragraphs in your writing


Begin your reflection here....

INFP – This is the result I came across after trying out the 16 personalities test. First off,
Introverted. Strangely, although I am outgoing at times and enjoy social interaction at school, I
end up drained when I get home, and feel really lazy for a few hours. Strangely, I do not go out
of my way to get into settings that require me to actively socially interact with people. This ends
up in me being withdrawn in my own world, constantly thinking and coming up with random
thoughts or ideas. In a way, it does get lonely at times, but I do not mind this emptiness. The
tranquility I feel in exchange for this loss is far greater than any woe that I derive. For example,
this summer I barely got outside with any friends with the gym being an exception. But again,
even at the gym I would work out distant from the group of friends I came with. This can also be
because I am at my most productive past 7pm, as the sun sets. I prefer the quiet darkness of my
room as I finish assignments, study for tests, practice my instruments, or paint. Due to these
tendencies, isolation became my friend, and I had no one to talk to regarding personal issues or
deeper subjects. Of course, my parents are there, but a sense of awkward aversion creeps up
when opening up to them. Perhaps it is due to the rocky relationship I once had with my mother
in the not-so-distant past, or that I barely had time to spend with my father. On top of that,
growing up without any siblings further exacerbated this dilemma. This became a key catalyst
for the mental health issues I had suffered at the peak of Covid-19.
I even got flagged by the school councillor and was sent to this therapy centre where I
was evaluated as a “low risk” case. It took over a year for me to get the help I was once
promised. But again, wounds healed as the world went back to normalcy. I discovered that I
enjoyed playing the euphonium, connecting back to the ‘creative’ or ‘expressive’ aspect of my
supposed personality type. I went through the ups and downs of failed solos and concerts until
the end of the tenth-grade school year. I remember finishing a solo in rehearsal, then finding the
whole band looking back and clapping. The cherry on top was the ‘most improved’ award that
was given to me. I felt something tick in me, a feeling of ‘wow, I just did that by purely loving
what I do.’ I felt that I can indeed love myself, which I had doubted due to myself criticism.
Through these ups and downs, I found myself to be an emotional person, and dealing with
emotions are one of the important obstacles I oddly and unintentionally figured out through
learning how to precess them through mindful meditation. This is one of the major developments
that followed the darker periods of my life. I eventually forgave myself for the rocky past I had
once blamed myself.
Aside from that, I see the ‘creative’ part shine through through the rushing thoughts that
flood my mind amidst boredom. Ideas that I would then find a way to visualize through the help
of the illustration medium. I enjoy consuming as much as I love to create, often listening in to
video essays about film criticisms, deeper meanings behind stories, and how characters grow and
change. This also is reflected by my gift of analysis of literary works in the english subject. I find
myself approaching each essay I write like an art piece I would paint. Finding an objective and
doing my best to reflect the author’s writing, while keeping the idea that the piece that I am
dissecting is not only words on paper, but someone’s identity woven into a specific art form. I
find myself enjoying the process of identification of what the author wants to convey while
pseudo-reverse-engineer the steps they took to write the piece to discern the raw emotions and
human intent behind the words.
In terms of career plans, I find myself desiring more than the typical 9-5 job working at a
good company. I would rather earn less than that but working a fulfilling job that lets me vent
my thoughts and identity through creative means. Rigidness is something I despise, as reflected
but the fact that I hated having to do cadets, and eventually left that program. The last thing I
want is working in a bureaucratic environment that the sole purpose of the job is to make
someone rich, richer.

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