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Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.

Achilles enthesopathy, 363–364
Achilles tendinopathy, 363–364
Achilles tendon, complete tear of, 226 –227, 228
hypoxic tendinosis of, 222, 225
normal-sized, 220 –221, 224
overuse injuries of, in runners, 220 –227
tendinosis of, 221–222, 225
Ankle, and foot, in running, 192–193
Ankle inversion and eversion studies, in medial tibial stress syndrome, 277
Ankle joint, ranges of motion in running, 193
Ankle sprains, in runners, treatment of, 362–363
Anti-inflammatories, in tendinopathy, 330 –332
Aprotinin, in tendinopathy, 339
Arm swing, during running gait cycle, 196, 197
Autologous whole blood, in tendinopathy, 336 –337
Avulsion hamstring stress, 229, 233

Balance testing, and core stability testing, of injured runners, 211–213
shoewear and, 212–213
Balance training, in running injuries, 358 –359
Barefoot running, 212–213
disadvantages of, 213
Biceps femoris, injury to, 228
Biophosphates, in bone diseases, 302–303
Bone, stress injury to, 217–219
Bone mineral density, and female athlete triad, 250 –251
low, stress fractures in, 292
Bone stimulators, in running injuries, 354
Bracing, in running injuries, 355

Calf injuries, rehabilitation following, 367–368
Cavus foot, 209 –210
Compartment syndrome, exertional, 230 –235
chronic, 307–319
complications of, 316
diagnostic testing in, 310 –312
evaluation in, 309 –310

Clin Sports Med 31 (2012) 373–379

0278-5919/12/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
374 Index

treatment of, 307, 312–315

author’s preferred, 313–315
outcomes of, 315–316
rehabilitation following, 367–368
Computed tomography, in lower leg pain, 218
Corticosteroids, in tendinopathy, 338
Cystic adventitial disease, 238 –239, 241

Eccentric exercise, in tendinopathy, 334, 335
Enthesopathy, Achilles, 363–364
Exercise, eccentric, in tendinopathy, 334, 335
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, in tendinopathy, 334 –336

Female athlete triad, 247–254
bone mineral density and, 250 –251
as continuum, 247, 248
energy availability and, 249
etiology of, 248
evaluation in, 251–252
menstrual dysfunction and, 249 –250
prevalence of, 247–248
prevention of, 252
risk factors for, 248 –249
treatment of, 252–253
Femoral head, osteonecrosis of, 219
Femoral neck, stress fractures of, 296 –301
Fitness-cross training, maintenance of, in running injuries, 359
Flexibility training, in running injuries, 357–358
Foot, and ankle, in running, 192–193
injuries of, in runners, treatment of, 361–362
pronation and supination of, in running, 193
Footstrike, 190
Footwear, balance and core stability testing and, 212–213
barefoot-simulating, 213
for runners, 212–213, 356 –357
Fracture(s), causing tibial pain, 219, 220
stress. See Stress fracture(s).

Gait analysis, of injured runners, 210
in medial tibial stress syndrome, 276
Gait cycle, 187
Glycerol trinitrate, in tendinopathy, 333
Glycerol trinitrate patches, transdermal, in tendinopathy, 341

Hamstring muscle complex, avulsion injuries of, 229, 233
injury to, 227–230
Index 375

Hamstring(s), anatomy of, 263–264

injuries of, classification of, 265
diagnosis of, 264 –265
diagnostic studies in, 265
history taking in, 264
physical examination in, 264, 265
rehabilitation program in, 365–366
treatment of, nonoperative, 266 –267
operative, 267–270
preferred surgical technique in, 270
proximal repair of, postoperative rehabilitation protocol, 269
strains and tears of, in athlete, 263–272
Heelstrike, 190
Hip flexor strain, rehabilitation following, 366
Hip(s), of injured runner, examination of, 208
movement of, during running, 194 –195
of runners, kinetic chain of injuries of, 199
stress fractures of, 219, 222
subchondral fracture of, 219
transient osteoporosis of, 219

Iliotibial band syndrome, 365
Imaging, diagnostic, in evaluation of leg pain in athletes, 217–245
Injection therapy, in running injuries, 355–356
in tendinopathy, 336 –340, 341, 342
Inversion strength testing, in injured runners, 206

Knee, of injured runner, examination of, 207
joint ranges of motion of, in running, 194
in running, 193–194
spontaneous osteonecrosis of, 219, 223

Leg, lower, anatomic compartment of, exertional compartment syndrome and,
208 –209
structures within, 308
anatomy of, 308 –309
Leg pain, differential diagnosis of, in athletes, 310
evaluation of, diagnostic imaging in, in athletes, 217–245
in runners, clinical presentation and diagnoses of, 203–204

Magnetic resonance imaging, in lower leg pain, 218
Massage, in running injuries, 354
Medial tibial stress syndrome, 273–290
imaging studies in, 279 –282, 284 –285
376 Index

patient evaluation in, 278 –282

physical eaxmination in, 278 –279
prevention of, 283–286
rehabilitation for, 367
related pathoanatomy and pathophysiology of, 273–275
risk factors for, 275–277
signs and symptoms of, 278
treatment of, 282–283
Metatarsal, fifth, stress fractures of, 300 –301
Muscle soreness, cellular mechanisms of, 256 –257
clinical presentation of, 255–256
and delayed-onset muscle soreness, 255–262
prevention of, 257
symptom management in, 257–258

Navicular drop test, in medial tibial stress syndrome, 275, 277
Navicular stress fractures, 297–299

Osteitis pubis, rehabilitation following, 366

Paratenonitis, 221, 225
Pelvic bridge test, for core stability testing, 211–212
Pelvis, of injured runner, examination of, 208
motion during running, 195
Periostitis, 218 –219. See also Medial tibial stress syndrome.
Plantar fasciitis, rehabilitation in, 361
Platelet-rich plasma, in tendinopathy, 337–338
Plica and patellofemoral syndrome, 364
Polidocanol, in tendinopathy, 339
Popliteal artery, entrapment syndrome, 235–239, 240, 241
Popliteal entrapment, associated with aberrent musculotendinous
impingement, 321
patient workup in, 322–324
in runners, 321–328
surgical treatment of, results of, 324 –325, 326
Popliteus strain, 364 –365
Prolotherapy, in tendinopathy, 339 –340
Pronation, in running, 191–192

Radiography, in lower leg pain, 218
Rehabilitation, initial strategies in, 351–354
of running injuries, 351–372
Retrocalcaneal bursitis, 223–225, 227
Index 377

Runner(s), Achilles tendon overuse injuries of, 220 –227

footwear for, 212–213, 356 –357
hips of, kinetic chain of injuries of, 199
injured, core stability and balance testing of, 211–213
evaluation of, 196 –199, 203–215
gait analysis of, 210
hip of, examination of, 208
history taking in, 203–204
inversion strength testing in, 206
knee of, examination of, 207
leg pain in, clinical presentation and diagnoses of, 203–204
palpation examination of, 206
pelvis of, examination of, 208
physical examination of, 204 –210
prone examination of, 209
side lying examination of, 208
site-specific examination of, 206 –207
standing examination of, 209 –210
supine examination of, 207–208
overuse injuries in, biomechanical abnormalities leading to, 199
popliteal entrapment in, 321–328
stress fractures in, 291–306
Runner’s evaluation intake sheet, 204, 205
Running, anatomy and biomechanics of, 187–201
ankle joint ranges of motion in, 193
barefoot, 212–213
foot and ankle in, 192–193
kinetic chain of, 191–192
knee in, 193–194
motion of pelvis during, 195
movement of hip during, 194 –195
pronation and supination of foot in, 193
stance phase of, 189 –191
swing and stance phases of, 187, 188, 189, 190
swing phase of, 191
torso during, 196
upper extremities during, 196
Running gait cycle, 187–191
arm swing during, 196, 197
float phase of, 190
Running injuries, balance training in, 358 –359
compression in, 353
elevation in, 353
flexibility training in, 357–356
heat in, 354
ice applications in, 353
maintenance of fitness-cross training in, 359
medications in, 354
protection of, 352
rehabilitation of, 351–372
rest following, 352–353
378 Index

return to running following, 359 –361

running skills and drills in, 359
strengthening in, 357
Running skills and drills, in running injuries, 359

Sclerosing agents, in tendinopathy, 338 –339
Shin splints, 218 –219. See also Medial tibial stress syndrome.
Shoewear. See Footwear.
Standing foot angle measurement, in medial tibial stress syndrome, 276
Stress fracture(s), of anterior tibial shaft, 297–299
crutch use in, 367
of femoral neck, 296 –297, 298
of fifth metatarsal, 300 –301
high-risk, 296 –301
of hip, 219, 222
low-risk, 301–302
in military personnel, 291
navicular, 299 –300
prevention of, 302–303
rehabilitation following, 366 –367
in runners, 291–306
evaluation of, 295
pathophysiology of, 291–292
risk factors for, 292–295
biomechanical, 294
demographic, 292–293
extrinsic, 294 –295
lifestyle behavior, 293
nutrition and, 293–294
treatment concepts for, 296, 297
talar neck, 300
treatment of, 302–303
Stress injury, to bone, 217–219
Supination, in running, 191, 192

Talar neck, stress fractures of, 300
Taping, in running injuries, 355
Tendinopathy, Achilles, 363–364
authors’ preferred management of, 341
fluoroscopically guided injections in, 341, 342
operative management of, 340 –341
pathophysiology of, 330, 331
pharmacotherapy of, 330 –334
prevalence of, 329 –330
transdermal glycerol trinitate patches in, 341
treatment of, where is the evidence?, 329 –350
Tendinosis, of Achilles tendon, 221–222, 225
Index 379

Tendon, tendinopathic, and normal, compared, 332

Tibia, pain in, fracture causing, 219, 220
stress injuries to, grading of, 218, 219
Tibial shaft, anterior, stress fractures of, 297–299
Torso, during running cycle, 196

Ultrasound, in running injuries, 354

Walking gait cycle, 188

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