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IS Indian-Non Ju ial Stamp: pe & Haryana Government Date, 24/05/2022 cortcate No. enxzoczees —— ATRERINTEE sempomrats 10 at ° GAN, 90860105 Pena Name: Kishan Kumar Sangwan HNofReor: 4554 Seer Ward Lanatarks x Ciynilage: Balebgem «istic +—Fallabad Siete: Haryene Prone: 9828 Name: Mant HNoRoor: 4565 SectorWard : 3 Lander: X Ciyvitage: Balabgarh Distict: Faridabad errana Phone: 90°26 Purpose: AGREEMENT AGREEMENT TO SELL f THIS AGREEMENT TO SELL is made at Faridabad between Sh, KRISHAN KUMAR ANGWAN (Adhar NO,5169 8848 7445) S/o Sh. Tale Ram,R/o H,NO,4554/LIG/ PF igéct or-03,4.B.Col ony ,Ballabgarh/Faridabad, (Haryana) , (hereinafter “Gallea as ‘the Geller!) of the first Part. anD mt.Manful (adhar NO, 6890 3123 3803 ) W/o Sh.Daleep Kumar,R/o House NO, 4565/PF,near Police Post ,Sector-03,Ballabgarh/Faridabad, (Haryana),| (hereinafter called as ‘the Purchaser')the second Part. And Whereas the Seller is the absolute Owner of a House NO. 4554/ LIG/FF,Sect or-03,H,.B.Colony ,Ballabgarh/ Faridabad (Haryana) . vide a Conveyance Deed NO,1186,dated 11/06/2021 duly registered in the Office of sub Registrar,Ballabgarh, ‘hat the said House is free all s of encumbrance, fran v A“ (ke: jangwan ) amy 228 and Whereas the Geller is in needs of mmey so that the Seller is interested to Sale this House, and purchaser is also agree to Purchase this House am the terms & conditions given below. NOW THIS AGREEMENT TO SELL WITWESSETH AS UNDER :- That the total Sale consideratim of this H.NO,4554/LIG/FF, Sector-03,H.B,Colany ,Ballabgarh/Faridabad, has been fixed of Rs.12,00,000/-(Rupees Tweleve Lakhs only). 2, that the Purchaser has paid the sum of Rs. 60,000/- (Rupees Sixty thousand cnly) to Seller vide a Cheque NO,000005,0f H.D.F.C. Bank Ltd,,to Selier being an Advance mmey out of total Sale cm@sideratin of this House. 3. ‘That the last a@ate for full & final Payment and Execution and registration of Sale Deed/transfer Papers has been fixed @m or bef: ‘e one month fram this date. That the Seller will Provide the No Dues Certificate/Property ID of this house at the time of fulls final Payment. pay the double of advance money to Purchaser,if purchaser will ba cut then his advance money will be forfeited in favour cf Seller. In Witness Whereof both Parties have Signed this AGREEMENT TO SELL qm the day, math and year hereinabovys iritten, Witness:- wv B30 7 Ashok Kumar pe Sign. of St Part. eis bso. 3973 FPocket-2 (Sh. Ked shan swan ). DEB Sel 3, Rallgbaarh /Fho! £25 9263 89.9855 sifn.ce burcfideer/2nd Part, (smt.Manful ) 5 GL AOSTA 93 Fr WES FF aeons whqiaity, a te a ' Seg - 4994s las NOTARY PUBLIC Faridabad (Haryanat My gt ita ean received a sum cf Rs,60,000/-(Rupees Sixty thousand only) videcheque §N0,000005, of HDFC Bank Ltd., being an advance money cut of total Sale consideration of Rs.12,00,000/-(of House WO, 4554/LIG/PP,Sector-03,H.B Colony ,Ballabgarh/Paridabad,fran smt.Manful (adhar NO. 6890 3123 3803 W/o Sh.Daleep Kumar ,R/o H.NO,4565/FF near Police Post,Sector-03,H.B. Colony ,Ballabgarh/Faridabad, as per the terms sconsideraticn of the Agreement to Sell executed by both the Parties. In Witness Whereof both the Parties have signed this Receipt a the day, month and year hereinabove written. Achok Kumar hwo. 247 Sec-3, 42.68899855 AY — fad DERG 23 Hs UU bs FF Weare wsaeng Sh GFVIVMSS RECEIPT 1,Keishan Kumar Sangwan(adhar NO,516 8648 7445 I S/o Sh. Tale Ran, R/O H,NO, 4554/LIG/#P,Sect or-3,#,B colony ,Ballabgarh/Paridabai, have Pocket -2, llabgaxh, Pod) a Sign. of Receipant/Seller. (Keishan Kumar Sangwan ). HAY sidi.oe Payee/Burchaser. ( Smt.Manful )

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