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NO Activities

1 Anecdotal Notes - T makes short notes based on observation and discussion with SS.
2 Attitude Movement - T shares discussed issues among SS and SS read aloud.
3 Brainstorming - Brainstorm for ideas.
Bus Stop - SS move in groups from one stop to another to discuss on the topics or issues on the
4 wall. SS record their comments and information.
5 Café - Similar to a café, SS sit around the table in groups to discuss an issue.
6 Carousel - Questions will be passed around to be answered by SS in groups.
Chain Link - SS make a 'paper chain' where it is filled with idea and information based on the topic
7 given.
Chart and Share - The form is given to SS which is to be filled with information and idea for sharing.
9 Checklist - SS are required to tick the items in the checklist to show their understanding.
10 Chunking - SS use their prior knowledge to build on the new knowledge.
Circle of Voices - SS sit in a group of 4 or 5 and given turn to talk followed by a general discussion.
11 Only allowed to ellaborate on friends' ideas.
Circle Time - A bag is passed around with questions or topics. Whoever holds the bag need to
12 answer questions and is passed on.
Classification - Paste keywords or questions on the wall. SS are required to answer questions from
13 where they are standing.
14 Cloze Procedures - SS are given task where they need to listen in order to fill in the blanks.
15 Collaboration - Task is given and should be done in groups or cooperate among groups.
16 Commercial - SS are required to present their topics or titles.
Compass Points - Forms to be distributed to individuals. (Excited, Worrisome, Need to Know,
17 Suggestions)
Constructivism - Involves new meaning making and meaningful learning process which involves
18 Generate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate.
Continuum - Using a graph or chart to represent the development or understanding of the students
19 about a topic.
Diamond Ranking - 9 cards are arranged in the shape of a diamond to show the sequence based on
20 priority or importance according to the SS.
Distancing - Using a situation from a drama, movie or role play to distance students from sensitive
21 and emotional topics.
Drawing Posters - Based on the instructions given, SS draw in groups without using any word or
22 text.
Envoys - Each group is given a task. A representative will share the findings and return with
23 feedback for the group.
24 Exemplars - T uses the best examples or models to enhance SS understanding.
25 Exit Card - For reflection. (e.g. - Light Buld - What have I learnt today?)
26 Field Trip - Choose a limited space. Research or report to be done individually or in groups.
27 Forum - Conduct a session of forum with different topics.
28 Free Discussion - Can be done in group. Requires a facilitator as it is not structured.
29 Freeze Frame - Start in a circle. SS build a freeze frame based on topic and to be presented.
30 Gallery Walk - SS move about to observe, think and discuss among friends.
31 Games - Effective strategic games for reflection and discussion.
Goldfish Bowl - Like 'Hot Seating' but whole group to present, share opinions and answer questions
32 from the floor.
33 Graphic Organiser - Use graphic or image, built to improve understanding on the topic.
34 Hot Seating - A student from the group will present and answer questions from the floor.
I See, I Think, I Wonder - Using graphic or object, SS list what they see(See), think and relate to their
35 life(Think) and ask relevant questions(Wonder).
36 Indicator - Using green to show agree and red to show disagree.
37 Jigsaw Reading - SS are given jumbled up sentences to be arranged choronologically.
Jot Thoughts - SS are given a few 'sticky notes' to write about the topic given. Each sheet is used for
38 different idea.
39 KWL Chart - A chart to be given before lesson. (Know, Want, Learned)
40 KWL Doughnut - SS stand in pairs and exchange thoughts and ideas based on the topic given.
41 Learning Trios A-B-C - A strategy for handling a discussion in a group of 3. (Speak, Listen, Ask)
Listening Triad - 3 in group, one will ask, one will answer and one will record. In the next lesson,
42 their roles will rotate.
One Stay Others Stray - After discussion, a spokesperson will move to other groups for additional
43 information.
44 Pair Discussions - Discuss a topic in pairs.
45 Peer Assessment - SS exchange worksheet and check according to teacher's answers.
46 Personal Learning Experiences - SS share their personal experience about the topic discussed.

Picnic - SS paste their work on the wall of the class so that all can see in a relaxed and free manner.
Pose, Pause, Pounce, Bounce - T pose questions. SS are given time to think and and answer. Other
48 SS will state their opinion about the answer.
Presentations - SS can present verbally, in video, in PowerPoint presentation and more. T must
49 evaluate and give feedback.
50 Puzzle It Out - SS are given information to discuss and arrange in sequence.
51 Post It Notes - SS write notes and paste on the notice board after the lesson.
52 Quick Quiz - Short quiz to test on SS' understanding before or after lesson.
Radio Phone-In - T or SS acts as the caller. SS roleplay different characters to discuss on the topic.
54 Rally Coach - Pair activity. SS A answers question, SS B checks answer and vice versa.
55 Read and Highlight - A guided reading strategy by highlighting keywords.
56 Recap Groups - SS in groups report verbally about what they have learnt.

Rocket Writing - SS write about what they have learnt or what do they know in 3 or 5 minutes.
Rotating Stations - Place a small group in every station. Each group needs to answer in 10 minutes
58 using different colours and move to another group.
59 Round Robin - Each group is given a topic to discuss and rotates after 2 minutes.
60 Rubrics - A strategy to evaluate SS work through the rubric given.
61 Self Assessment - SS self-assess based on the guidelines given by teacher.
62 Sharing - Group is made based on same interest or learning objective.
Shout Out - SS share ideas verbally in a brainstorming session and recorded to be sequenced
63 accordingly.
Showdown - Captain Showdown is elected in a group. Marks will be given when SS answers the
64 question by the Captain correctly.
Snowballing - T asks a question or give a statement. SS answer individually and combine with other
65 SS.
Stepping Stones - 5 indicators to be sticked on the floor. SS advance for each correct answer. If
66 wrongly answered, SS will start from beginning.
Story Books - Children story books to be used in classroom for more matured discussion and
67 reflection.
Stretch to Sketch - SS will draw according to T' instructions. The most accurate or nearest to what is
68 depicted will be rewarded.
Surf and Wave - SS will be divided in groups to search for information for collection and to be
69 enhanced with the T.
70 Survey - SS survey to obtain more information for analysis making.

SWOT - SS discuss on the topic given and state the Strengths, Weaknesses, Obstacles and Thoughts.
Table Cloth - T will prepare a question on a large sheet of paper on the table and SS will write their
72 answers on it.
Table Talkers - A discussion is to be made based on the issues or topics in the cards verbally or in
73 written form.
74 Talk Partners - SS are given chance to talk and discuss about what they have learnt.
75 Think-Pair-Share - SS are required to think individually, discuss and share.
76 3 Steps Interview - SS will discuss among each other (A,B,C and D) and share their opinions.
Thumbs Up - A form of evaluation using hand gestures (Thumbs Up, Thumbs Middle, Thumbs
77 Down)
78 Time Capsules - T collects SS' work and to be shared again a few months later.
79 Timeline - A strategy to collect information in a form of ranking or classification.
80 Traffic Lights - A form of evaluation using colour code in the lessn (Green, Yellow, Red)
TV Chat Show - T will be the host and a few SS will be the guests to discuss on the topic. Other SS
81 can throw questions to the panel.

Expand Your Vocabulary - SS are given an alphabet and to find 5 new words in the newspaper.
Job Section - SS choose a job from the newspaper and to be interviewed based on their needs and
83 requirement to get the job.
84 Odd One Out - List 10 words and erase the odd ones. Compare the last two words.
85 Out The Bag - Imagine SS are different items in a bag. Each SS will share their opinions.
86 Speed Dating - SS share ideas in pairs and continue to exchange partners.
87 Using Large Picture Cards - Use photo or picture during the lesson.
88 Video Clips - Ask questions based on the video clips.
89 Walking Worksheets - SS will move from one set of questions to another.
90 T recalls the lesson.
91 Introducing topic for today’s lesson & stating lesson objectives.
92 Viewing videos and pictures or other stimuli.
93 Brainstorming ideas on the stimuli presented.
94 Explanation and discussion of the topic by teacher.
95 Explanation of the task instructions and requirements.
96 Students do the task as practice individually / in pairs / in groups.
97 Ss presents their tasks.
98 Discussion of the task. Elaboration and justification by class.
99 Tc gives tips and feedback in completing the tasks.
100 Conclusion / Recap of today’s lesson.
101 T introduces topic by using HINGE questions to trigger pupils' schemata.
102 Pupils do an exhibition , sharing their product and info collected about the task.
103 Listening task. Pupils are to listen to the audio selected and answer the questions related.
104 T shows a picture to trigger pupils' schemata.

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