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Name : Brigitha Alexandra Titis Yolanda

NPM : 21013010178
Class : SPM – J
Course’s Summary – Chapter 4: Control System Tightness
A. Results of Strict Control
For control management considered tight, dimensional results must aligned with
objective organization, performance targets must specific, desired results must
communicated and internalized in a way effective by those whose behavior it is
1. Suitability
For many type organizations and fields Specific in organization , is normal thing _
that objective Actually has understood with good . Apart from that , choose
dimensions measurable and reflective performance _ objective the actual
organization is also often a something challenge .
2. Specification
The level of strictness control results also depend on the description expectation
performance in specific terms . _ Specification expectation performance , or target,
requires sorting and quantification .
3. Communication and internalization
For results control become strict , performance targets must also be communicated
in a way effective and internalized by the parties responsible answer on his
achievements .
4. Completeness
Completeness is condition end for results strict control.

Performance Measurement
The results of tight control also depend on its adequacy size performance used. If
measurement failed in one area, the system control No can categorized as strict Because
possibility big happen problem.

Control results will more strict if meaningful rewards in a way direct and certain linked
with achievement desired result.

B. Tight Action Control

1. Behavioral constraints
Behavioral constraints, fine physique nor administrative can produce tight controls
in several areas of the organization. For example as following :
- Limit authority taking decision
- Separate task between two or more employee
2. Pre- action review
Overview pre-action can make MSC become tight if review done in a way frequent,
detailed, and conducted by diligent and knowledgeable reviewers wide.
3. Action accountability
Action-accountability controls achieve a high level of control in a way that closely
resembles the effectiveness of tight results controls.
- Definitions: to establish a strong sense of control through action-accountability
measures, it is essential that the actions outlined in the control system are in
congruent, specific, well communicated, and complete
- Action tracking: enhancing the efficiency of the action-tracking system can
further strengthen the level of control within an action-accountability control
- Action reinforcement: to increase the level of control, it's possible to intensify
the impact of rewards or penalties on the employees who are influenced by
them. Generally, the level of impact is directly linked to the magnitude of the
reinforcement. While rewards, often in the form of incentives, are commonly
used in settings focused on results control, action-control settings tend to rely
on disciplinary actions as they often relate to employee rule and procedure
violations. Although individuals may respond differently to the same
punishments, the concept of a significant disciplinary measure, such as the
possibility of termination, is likely to be universally comprehensible.

C. Tight Personnel/Cultural Controls

In certain scenarios, management control systems that prioritize personnel and cultural
aspects can be regarded as effective means of control. In charitable and voluntary
organizations, personnel controls often play a substantial role because many volunteers
find intrinsic satisfaction in performing well and are motivated to excel in their roles.
Similarly, for-profit businesses can also establish stringent personnel and cultural
controls to achieve their objectives.

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