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© Universiti Tun Hussein onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office International

Journal of
IJSCET Sustainable
Construction .my/ojs/index.php/ijscet
Engineering and
ISSN : 2180-3242 e-ISSN : 2600-7959 Technology

The Study Of Managing Highway and Railway Crossing To

Improve The Sidoarjo-Tarik Supporting Cross Safety
(A Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia)

Abstact : Supporting cross-railway crossings between Sidoarjo-Tarik in Sidoarjo Regency are mostly railway
crossings without door bars that are prone to traffic accident due to conflicts on railway crossings between road users
and passing trains that hev the potential to accident. This study aims to provide recommendations for handling in
accordance with PM 94 of 2018 concerning improving the safety of crossing a plot between a railway line and a road
and guidelines SK. No 77 / KA.401 / DRJD / 2005 concering to the technical guidelines for Crossings between how many
ropads and Railway Lines, The survey conducted in this study is a road inventory to find out the geometric at the sample size?
crossing of a railway plot and a survey of behaviour on road users to find out the behaviour of road users passing at
the crossing of a railway plot. The appropriate recommendation for handling the cross-supporting railway crossing Method and
between Sidoarjo-Tarik Sidoarjo Regency to improve safety and prevent accidents is to install door bars and efforts analysis?
to close the crossing of a category of 2 to 4 meters.

Keywords: conflict, geometric, behavior, handling recommendations

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of Study
combined Level crossings are still a concern that must be accounted for as population and mobility increase. There are still
many level crossings that do not meet the standards, especially in Sidoarjo Regency. Between Sidoarjo and Tarik, there
are 36 level crossings, 6 of which are guarded, while the remaining 30 are not. (source : Dishub Sidoarjo) under the
supervision of DAOP VIII. There are 30 spots along on the supporting cross between Sidoarjo – Tarik, where indicates
level crossings without doorstops that are prone to accidents. It is located at six spots along the route from Candi to Tarik,
including Prambon: 1 point, Tarik: 1 point, Candi: 2 points, and Sidoarjo 2 points.

1.2 Objective of the Study

This study aims to provide recommendations on how to deal with issues in accordance with the regulations for
improving safety at level crossings along the supporting cross between Sidoarjo – Tarik, as stated in PM 94/ 2018,
improving the safety of level crossings between railways and highway and technical guidelines SK.770 / KA.401 /
DRJD/2005, about technical guidelines for about technical guidelines for level crossings between highways and railways.
Therefore, it is expected that this study would contribute to the consideration of level crossing safety to the Government
of Sidoarjo Regency, the Eastern Region Railways Division, and DAOP VIII Surabaya .
Avoid using LR title, change to main topic ie Railway track structure.
2. Literature Review
The advantages of rail transportation are they are more organized and have fixed routes and schedules. It also can
reduce traffic congestion which can save time and shorten travel time. Moreover, because of the lower transport cost
(Tinghao & Ali, 2009). However, along with the increasing number of railroad lines being built to increase
environmentally friendly modes of transportation including environmentally friendly here is the location of level
crossings that are not dangerous for motorists crossing the railroad tracks (Yean Ghing et al .2022).

*Corresponding author: 1
One of the problems that raised in this study is the problem railroad crossing. Frequent accidents occur around the
crossing caused the negligence of the doorman or the attitude of reckless drivers. human factor and technology is often
in the spotlight in lots train accident case. Concept about technological determinism and social construction indeed the
two poles as it were opposite each other in seeing a phenomenon technology. A level crossing is a level crossing between
of railroad track and a road. A level crossing between the railroad and the highway is a special case on a highway section
with responsibility for regulation and security considerations divided between the interests of the highway and the
railroad. Road users approaching a railroad crossing must have a good and unobstructed view of the driveway sufficient
to allow control of the vehicle. Apart from being reviewed from a safety perspective, crossings also have an impact on
vehicle delays (Farouq Umar, 2018)
According to regulation of the director general land transportation republic Indonesia SK.770/KA.401/DRJD 2005,
regarding Technical Guidelines for Level Crossings between highways and railways, the requirements for level crossings
are as follows :

2.1 Level Crossing Regulation

Although railway crossings should be made non-level, this can still be averted by making the following
a. The time period between one train and the next (headway) that operates by the area is often at least 6 minutes on the
rush hour (peak).
b. On a train track, there must be at least 800 meters between each track.
c. Not located on a railway junction or highway junction as well.
d. there are environmental conditions that provide a view for train drivers from above the crossing and for automobile
e. The road that is crossed is class III road.
avoid using too much sub-topics.
2.2 The Infrastructural Regulation
Road sections that can be made level crossings with railroads have the following regulations:
a. The time period between one train and the next (headway) that operates by the area is often at least 6 minutes on the
rush hour (peak).
b. The road that is crossed is class III road.
c. As many roads as possible, ideally with two lanes on each.
d. Not located on a junction and/or horizontal alignment with a radius of at least 500 meters.
e. The slope level is less than 5 (five) % t from the outermost point of the railway.
f. Ensure clear sight distance is maintained.
g. Based on General Spatial Plan or RUTR (Rencana Umum Tata Ruang) regulation.

2.3 Level Crossing Settlement

There are level crossings with gates that are either automated or not, mechanical or electrical, and there are also level
crossings without doors. Whenever a railroad crossing fulfills one of the following criteria, it must be non-level:

Fig. 1 - Graphic for Settlement Area of the Railway Level Crossings Type

a. There are at least 25 trains per day and a maximum of 50 trains per day that operates on that area.
b. Average of daily traffic volume (LHR) of 1000 up to 1500 vehicle on inner-city roads and 300 up to 500 vehicles on
out-of-town roads, or
c. Multiplication result between the average daily traffic volume (LHR) and the train frequency between 12,500 to
35,000 smpk. If more than that, a level crossing must be existed.

2.4 Materials of Level Crossing Surface.

The types of materials on the level crossing surface between the railway track and the road are based on sources from
the Kentucky Transportation Center number KTC-14-19/SPR-452-13 4 F about Railway and highway at-grade Crossings
surface rehabilitation manual.. Recommendations and Guides are as follows:
a. Asphalt
Asphalt, which is set between and on the outside of the rails and can be used for inter-rural crossings with low traffic
volumes, is the type of material required at the intersection of the rail surfaces .
b. Surface of rubber seal dan asphalt
Surface rubber seal and asphat are used for crossings with moderate to high traffic volumes. This surface includes asphalt
between the rails, rubber strips covering the rails, and asphalt placed on the rubber on the outside of the rails .


Fig. 2 – Type Of Surface (a) Type of Asphalt Surfaces; (b) Type of Rubber Seal and Asphalt Surface

c. Timber and asphalt surface

Surface timber and asphalt also ideal materials for medium up to high volume crossings. Asphalt is applied in the center
of this surface, while timber is placed on both sides of the rail, and asphalt is coated on the timber outer and inner rail
d. Concrete Panel
Surface Concrete panels are typically used for high traffic crossings. This surface is considered a premium surface since
it is produced by putting concrete panels between the rails and the edges of the court.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3 – Type Of Surface (a) Type of timber and Asphalt Surfaces; (b) Type of concreate panel Surface

e. Full-Depth Rubber
A track surface material that is applied to concrete road's surface. Typically used on roads with heavy traffic and high
purchasing cost

f. Combination
The combination surfaces very similiar to full depth timber, but they are formed up of different types of finely divided
waste product mixed with polymer adhesives to bond the materials. They are mostly used in high-volume passages, and
the installation cost of the material is higher compare to more common crossing surfaces.

(a) (b)

Fig. 4 – Type Of Surface (a) Type of full-depth rubber; (b) Type of Combination

g. Concreate Tub
Concrete tub materials rarely used compared to other similar track materials. This material is generally used on highways
with high traffic volumes and low-speed rail roads.

Fig. 5 – Type of Concreate Tub

3. Method
3.1 Location
Location This study conducted on level crossing of supporting railway in Sidoarjo-Tarik, Sidoarjo Regency. explain more about
the location.

Fig. 6 – Location of KA Crossing

3.2 Stages of Study Design
In this section, the stages of the study is being presented:
need details explanation.

Fig. 7 - Stage of Study

4. Result and Discussion

4.1 Traffic Condition
Some locations at JPL Sidoarjo – Tarik crossing require specific management of traffic conditions; supporting data
required for processing is in the form of average daily traffic (LHR). Regarding the samples collected are located in the
Prambon and Raya Tulangan.
(a) (b)
LHR/hour Prambon Road, South to North LHR/Hour Prambon Road North to South


2927 2829
2462 2538 3701 3818
2186 3335
1496 1433 1323 1734
1188 1675
994 1036 1188 995 1124
940 955

.06-07 .07-08 .08-09 .09-10 .10-11 .11-12 .12-13 .13-14 .14-15 .15-16 .16-17 .17-18 .06-07 .07-08 .08-09 .09-10 .10-11 .11-12 .12-13 .13-14 .14-15 .15-16 .16-17 .17-18
TIme Time

Fig. 8 – Fluctuation Of Traffic Prambon Roan (a) South to the North Direction (b) North to south direction

(a) (b)

Fig. 8 – Fluctuation Of Traffic Tulangan Road (a) south to north directioon (b) North to the south direction

4.2 Model Analysis of Delays at Crossings

This analytical procedure employs statistical calculation tools for Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS)
in order to save processing time and reduce calculation error rates. The recapitulation of these variables' values yielded
the following results.

Table 1 - Delay Variable Value of Prambon Crossing

No Waktu Y (Delay) X1 (Ds)
1 06.00-07.00 3 0.51
2 07.00-08.00 2 0.36
3 08.00-09.00 2 0.27
4 09.00-10.00 3 0.61
5 10.00-11.00 2 0.21
6 11.00-12.00 2 0.29
7 12.00-13.00 2 0.29
8 13.00-14.00 2 0.23
9 14.00-15.00 3 0.58
10 15.00-16.00 2 0.42
11 16.00-17.00 2 0.35
12 17.00-18.00 2 0.29

Y = a + b1 x1
Y = dependent variable (Ds / Road Performance)
a = constant value
b = coefficient of regression
X1 = value of independent variable 1 in this equation is the Time Delay
The following calculation output is generated as a result of the analysis using Statistical Product and Service Solutions

Table 2 - Impact of Independent and Dependent Variables

Adjusted R Std. Error of the Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Model R R Square Square Estimate 1 Regression 1.797 1 1.797 39.711 .000

1 .894 .799 .779 .21275 Residual .453 10 .045
Total 2.250 11

The table above explains percentage influence of independent variable or predictor variable on the related variables. The
value of correlation or relationship (R) 0,894. From the output, it is obtained that coefficient of determination (R Square)
is 0,799 which implies that influence of indenpendent variable variable Ds (Road Performance) on dependent variable
(Length of Delay) is 79.9%. The table above also explains that the output of annova: from the output it is known that the

calculated F value = 39,711 with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. Then regression model can be used to predict the
long delay variable or in other words there is influence of variable Ds or road performance (X) on the long delay variable

Table 3 - Delay Model at Prambon Crossing

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.144 .186 6.158 .000
Ds 3.008 .477 .894 6.302 .000

Constanta value (a) is 1,144, while the Delay Time (b) Regression coefficient is 3,008 that the regression equation can
be formulated as follows,
Y = a + bX. Y= 1.144 + 3.008X
Thus, can be inferred:
A constanta of 1.144 means that a value of the long delay consistency variable at 3.008
Regression coefficient X of 3.008 states that for every 1 (one) % addition of the Ds value or road performance, delay
time value increases by 3.008. The regression coefficient is possitive, so it can be said that direction the influennce at
variable X on Y is possitive

Table 4 - Value of Delay Variable of Kemantren/Tulangan.

No Time Y (Delay) X1 (Ds)
1 06.00-07.00 3 0.64
2 07.00-08.00 2 0.37
3 08.00-09.00 2 0.24
4 09.00-10.00 3 0.56
5 10.00-11.00 2 0.22
6 11.00-12.00 2 0.20
7 12.00-13.00 2 0.19
8 13.00-14.00 2 0.21
9 14.00-15.00 3 0.61
10 15.00-16.00 3 0.41
11 16.00-17.00 2 0.34
12 17.00-18.00 2 0.28

Table 5 - The Impact of

Independent ANOVA
and Dependent
Variables Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2.108 1 2.108 37.726 .000
Residual .559 10 .056
Total 2.667 11

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .889 .790 .770 .23638

The table above explains percentage influence of the independent variable or predictor variable on the related
variables. The value of correlation or relationship (R) is 0.889. From output, it is obtained that coefficient of determination
(R Square) is 0.790 which implies that the influence of the independent variable Ds (Road Performance) on dependent
variable (Length of Delay) is 79.0% the table above also explains that the output of annova: from the output its konwn
that calculated F value = 37,726with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05 Then the regression model can be used to predict

the long delay variable or in other words there is an influence of the variable Ds or road performance (X) on the long
delay variable (Y).
Table 6 - Delay Model at Kemantren/Tulangan Crossing

Constanta value (a) is 1,392, while Delay Time (b) regression coefficient is 2,646 so that regression equation can be
Y = a + bX so Y= 1.392 + 2.646X
These equations can be inferred:
A constanta of 1,392 means, consistenet value of delay variable is 2,646. A regression coefficient X of 2,646 states
that for every 1% addition of the Ds value or road performance, the delay time value increases by 2,646. The regression
coefficient its be possitive , so it can be said that direction of variable X at Y is Positive.

4.3 Comparative Analysis of Level Crossing between Indonesia & Malaysia

Comparison of managing the level crossings in Indonesia, particularly Sidoarjo - Tarik, with level crossings in
Malaysia reveals some general similarities, but in several handling level crossings located in Malaysian city areas, the
majority of crossings or railroad lines are not parallel to the highway, while the background for handling crossings in
Indonesia and Malaysia is related to the infrastructure and facilities used in both countries.

The following table can be used to generalize findings on the Coefficients

Unstandardized Coefficients effectiveness of level crossing safety facilities in
Malaysia and Indonesia, particularly at the Sidoarjo
Model B - Tarik level crossings:
Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.392 .168 8.295 .000
Table 7 - Ds
Comparison of Managing
2.646 Facilities
.431 for JPL in Indonesia
.889 – Malaysia
6.142 .000

No Handling facility Indonesia Malaysia

1 Warning sign √ √
2 Common sign √ √
3 Prohobition Sign √ √
4 Mechanical Doorstop √ √
5 Shock Tape √ √
6 Substation / Monitoring post √ √
7 Fly Over / Overpass √ √
8 Underpass X √
9 JPL Pavement/ Survace √ √
10 View of Clearance X √
Completeness Percentage 80 % 100%
In Indonesia, the percentage of comprehensive level crossing tools and facilities is lower than in Malaysia, where it
ranges from 80% to 100%. Comparison in regulation and management of level crossings in Indonesia and Malaysia are
as follows:
1) Regulation in Indonesia
The management of level crossings into non-level crossings must comply with the provisions of the Regulation of
Director General of Land Transportation Indonesian republic at Number SK.770/KA.401/RDJD/ 2005 which includes
the number of trains that pass at that location at least 25 (twenty five) trains on one day and as many as 50 trains on one
day and average daily traffic volume (LHR) is 1000 to 1500 vehicles on inner city road and 300 to 500 vehicles on out-
of-town roads. From a management standpoint, there is overlap in management areas, so widening the policy bureaucracy
area and also corporate management, which emerges because railway management is divided between two parties.
Notably, the Ministry of Transportation in the infrastructure area and BUMN (PT.KAI) in the facilities area, delaying
and complicating field policies.
2) Regulation in Malaysia
The conversion of level crossings to non-level crossings is based on avoiding high accident potential and also on the
use of electric traction on railway infrastructure, thus without concern for train frequency or vehicle traffic. As a result,
non-level crossings must be regulated. In terms of management in Malaysia, in the area of Railway Facilities and
Infrastructure, under the supervision of 1 unit that is the same and stands independently, which has a good influence,
specifically shortening the bureaucracy, reducing the complexity for company management, planning, and field policies.

3) Management Handling in Indonesia
Level crossing construction is not adjusted to the demands and current circumstances, and the majority of level
crossing construction is merely modified to the budget ceiling, making it prone to continual damage. In Indonesia, the
safety feature of the clear line of sight issue between drivers and motorcyclists is relatively restricted, therefore double
security is required at level crossings, resulting in a waste of expense and ineffective signs.
4) Management Handling in Malaysia
On the contrary, because the construction has been standardized and managed on a massive scale, there are no
damaged level crossings. In Malaysia, the free sight distance between the driver and the driver of the vehicle is
implemented in accordance with the applicable rules, so that the potential for an accident due to a very small free sight
distance occurs and the installation of safety signs at level crossings can function optimally.
Provide the discussions with supportive statement by previous study.
5. Conclusion
Based on level crossings in Malaysia, the conclusion of this comparative study is a recommendation for managing
level crossings in Indonesia, particularly on the Sidoarjo-Tarik crossing.
1) Safety Facility avoid using number in conclusion, only in paragraph written.
The percentage of comprehensive level crossing tools and facilities in Indonesia, particularly on the Sidoarjo-Tarik
crossing, is lower than in Malaysia; the table above shows that the completeness of the safety facilities in Indonesia,
particularly on the Sidoarjo – Tarik crossing, approaches 80%. While JPL in Malaysia, especially on the Johor – Kuala
Lumpur and Sabah – Beauford routes, achieved 100% comprehensive level crossings.
2) Management of Level Crossings
Short-term level crossing management is carried out by constructing supporting infrastructure facilities for level
crossing safety, which will, of course, have no impact on road performance, with a solution consisting of applying
identified level crossings to remain open, re-optimizing and accomplishing existing safety signs and equipment.
Medium to long-term level crossing management is accomplished by constructing supporting infrastructure facilities
for level crossing safety, which include solutions such as:
a The Fly Over / Over Pass construction can take place at the JPL 27 Prambon level crossing.
b The Underpass can be established at level crossings or JPL number 16, particularly on the Tulangan highway near the
c Frontage Road development in detail begins with serial number JPL, which is transferred to the frontage along JPL
17 - 29, and then access is opened at JPL point number 23.
3) Managing the Free Sight Distance
The recommendation for dealing with the free sight distance of still-open level crossings is to qualify safety conditions
of free space between the train driver and the motorized driver; 500 meters for train drivers at least, and a minimum
distance of 150 meters for motorized drivers.
4) Level Srossing Safety Improvement
Increasing the safety of level crossings can be accomplished by reducing the JPL at grade, which is still minimal in
Indonesia due to the numerous direct intersections between drivers and trains. As a result, the improvement of level
crossing facilities must be accomplished by no longer implementing JPL at grade, but instead replaced with an elevated
crossing, or in this case, a Fly Over or underpass.

5) Recommendations on Railway Level Crossings

Spasial Recommendation avoiding the train not intersect with public roadways is the most effective strategy to prevent
conflicts. This can be accomplished physically by replacing level crossings with a flyover or underpass.
Social Recommendation There must be space for public discussion and education regarding level crossing traffic
protocols. It is also important to investigate community engagement approaches for level crossings. For instance,
providing dense local patrol posts around level crossings. Technical Recommendation with Crossroads Reconstruction
and Clossing Gate
Regulation recommendation Revision of laws and regulations related to development issues that cross the railway
line as well as regulations that provide sanctions for traffic violations at JPL.
Recommendations for traffic management at crossings In order to comply with regulations, traffic signs must be
installed. Cleaning the area surrounding crossing signs so that motorists can see it clearly.
Recommendations for HR crossing gates, vehicle drivers and machinists Some of the recommendations are as follows:
Improving crossing guard discipline and competence, integrating knowledge of railroad traffic signs as standardized test
material for acquiring a driver's license, and raising awareness and adherence to railway traffic signs.
6) Socialization of Railway Crossing Safety.
It is essential to develop a curriculum at educational institutions or to establish understanding of the importance of
driving safety at intersections at an early age. Furthermore, there is public awareness and education surrounding train
tracks or crossings, as well as community and business participation to improve crossing safety.
7) Management and Engineering of Railway Crossings

Management and engineering at railrway crossings according to Regulation of the Director General of Land
Transportation at year 2005 as follows:
Level crossing management and engineering includes:
a. Construction maintenance of railway.
b. Road surface construction and maintenance
c. The closing of railway crossing
The implementation of traffic management and engineering at level crossings is carried out by:
a. The Minister of Transportation for national highway
b. The Government for provincial highway.
c. Mayor for district/ city roads.
The implementation of traffic management and engineering includes:
a. Inventory and identification of level crossings.
b. Analysis and evaluation of existing crossing conditions, so as to produce a recommendation such as closing, opening
without crossing gates, opening with doors (automatic or non-automatic).
c. Installation of traffic signals and road markings in accordance with guidelines.
d. Improved free sight distance.
e. Arrangements for stopping/parking of vehicles around the crossing


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