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islands eastwards, away from the mainland. So even borders the Atlantic Ocean rather than the Caribbean
geographically locating the region is not straightforward. Basin, because the social and cultural experiences of its
Thus there are some countries which have long been people are similar to those of the people of the islands in
considered to be part of the Caribbean but are excluded the Caribbean Sea.
if a strict geographical definition is applied. This implies The opposite is also the case. There are some countries
that the cultural background of Caribbean countries which are not widely accepted as ‘Caribbean’ although
is just as important as their geography. For example, they are ‘washed by the Caribbean Sea’. Activity 1.1
Guyana is considered to be Caribbean although it invites you to further examine this issue.

1. On the blank map of the Caribbean region provided, a. Identify FOUR countries shown on Fig. 1.2 whose
locate and label the following: geography would define them as part of the
a. water bodies – the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of geographic Caribbean, but which are nevertheless
Mexico, the Pacific Ocean; not widely accepted as ‘Caribbean’ by people in
the region.
b. the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles;
b. Name the regional grouping to which each
c. the isthmus of Panama. country is normally attached.
Check your work against Fig. 1.2. c. Suggest ONE reason why each country is not
2. Shade the territories that you consider are normally accepted as part of the Caribbean and analyse
included in the Caribbean region. whether this relates to its economic, political,
3. Read over the previous section and look again at Fig. social or cultural background.
1.2 in attempting the following exercise.

0 400 800 km
0 250 500 miles

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