C. Cell Division: Chapter 2 - Lesson 3 Cell Division (P. 56 - 63) A. Choose The Best Answer

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Chapter 2 – Lesson 3

Cell Division (p. 56 – 63)

A. Choose the best answer:

1. The total number of cells in an organism increases as a result of
which process?
a. Respiration c. Cell division
b. Photosynthesis d. Fermentation

2. The formation of a cell plate is a characteristic of

a. cytokinesis in plant cells c. both A and B
b. cytokinesis in animal cells d. neither A nor B

3. Chromatids are held together by a

a. spindle fiber c. cell plate
b. centromere d. centriole

4. The correct order for the parts of mitosis are

a. prophase, interphase, metaphase, anaphase
b. telophase, anaphase, metaphase, prophase
c. interphase, prophase, metaphase, telophase
d. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

5. What is copied during replication?

a. The cell’s organelles c. The cell’s DNA
b. Chromosomes d. Two daughter cells

B. Write (T) or (F) and correct the underline word(s) if the
statement is false:
F 1. Cell division allows organisms to grow, repair damaged
structures, and produce energy. Reproduce
F 2. Mitosis results in the formation of two daughter cells. Cell cycle
T 3. The process in which the cell makes an exact copy of the DNA
in its nucleus is replication.
F 4. Cell growth and production of new organelles and enzymes are
characteristics of prophase. Interphase
T 5. The two rod-like parts that make up a chromosome are called

C. Complete the statements:

1. A cell’s nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei during the

stage of the cell cycle known as __mitosis_________.
2. A cell’s nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei during the
stage of the cell cycle known as ____mitosis_________.
3. During cytokinesis in plant cells, a(n) ___cell plate___ forms
across the middle of the cell.
4. ___replication____ is the process by which a cell makes an
exact copy of its DNA.
5. The ____cytokinesis______ stage of the cell cycle follows
mitosis stage.

D. Match between columns (A) and (B):

(A) (B)
1. Regular sequence of growth and division ( c ) a. Interphase
that cells undergo
2. First stage of the cell cycle ( a ) b. Mitosis

3. Process in which DNA is copied (e ) c. Cell cycle

4. Stage of the cell cycle during which the ( b ) d. Cytokinesis
cell’s nucleus divides
5. Doubled rod of condensed chromatin (f ) e. Replication
6. Final stage of the cell cycle (d ) f. Chromosome

E. Study the diagram then answer the following questions:

1. Identify structure (A) and describe its function.

Centromere –holds chromatids together until they move apart
later in mitosis.
2. Identify the drawings (1 – 5) and write them in the correct
a. 3.interphase d. 1. Anaphase
b. 2. prophase e. 4. telophase
c. 5.metaphase


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