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Name: Sophia Margaret O.

Suplito Section: N18

Date: October 06,2022
Instruction: Label the parts of the kidney below and briefly discuss its function.
( 2 points each)
1.) Minor Calyx – Each pyramid’s renal papillae are surrounded by a minor calyx, which collects urine.

2.) Arteries and Veins in the Renal Sinus – The lobar veins combine in the renal sinus to form veins that
correspond to the main divisions of the renal arteries, and they generally fuse to form a single renal vein
in or near the renal hilus.

3.) Renal Sinus – The renal sinus is a sector of the kidney that employs fat to cushion vital structures
such as the renal pelvis, lymphatic channels, calyces, and renal artery.

4.) Interlobular Artery – Supply blood to the glomerular capillaries.

5.) Interlobular Vein – Interlobular veins run alongside the interlobular arteries and collect venous blood
from the capillary plexus of the cortex.

6.) Renal Pyramid – The main function is to filter blood and remove unwanted substances from the

7.) Renal colcolumn – The renal columns also divide the kidney into 6-8 lobes and provide a framework
for arteries entering and exiting the cortex. The kidney lobes are made up of the pyramids and renal

8.) Renal Capsule

9.) Cortex

10.) Medulla

11.) Segmental Artery

12.) Hilum

13.) Major Calyx

14.) Renal Artery

15.) Renal vein

16.) Renal Pelvis

17.) Ureter

18.) Medulla Ray g

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