PR 2 - Activity 1 Format

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Senior High School

2nd Floor, CS Building
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Philippines
Phone (+632) 8524-20-11 Local 134

Name: Plata, Mio B. Section: 12 STEM-ENGINEERING

Subject: Practical Research 2 Teacher: Mr. John Robert Babaran

Activity #1 Think of a quantitative research study and design applicable to it (in your field of interest) and
explain on how you will proceed it.

Production of Bioplastic Using Raisin Starch

What made you interested in this particular study?

- What made me interested in this study is because of the use of biodegradable plastics that is getting more
used as much as possible in the market to slowly replace the excessive usage of single-use plastics.
What is/are the research problem/s?
- Does the use of bioplastics made from raisin starch can lessen the pollution in our area?
- Does the cost of this bioplastic is friendly to the market?
- Does the bioplastic can remain its quality in the long run?
What were the purpose and objectives of the study that you found?
- To lessen the use of single-use plastics that contribute mostly to the pollution in our area.
- To create another choice in packaging and make use of other resources and help nature.
What specific quantitative research design did the studies use? Why did the researcher use the research design?
- Experimental research, the researchers used this type of research design because not only it deals
scientifically with the problem, but also gives a clear answer to the cause and effect of every problem or
Do you think the choices of the researcher and the study itself adhered to the expected characteristics of a
quantitative research? Justify your answer.
- I believe so because experimental research adhered to the characteristics of a quantitative research such
as it involves variables and manipulating them to show cause and effect relationships between a data and
its variables.

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