Types - Communication

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Types of Advantages Disadvantages

according to
Verbal & Non-Verbal Provides a comprehensive grasp of When you are talking to someone
communication the material presented and the face-to-face, you tend to use
opportunity to clarify it further if verbal and nonverbal
there are any ambiguities in the communication at the same time.
interpretation of words or
Visual Communication Helps in oral communication: All the topics can not be presented
Visual techniques can be used with through visual communication.
oral communication. Oral Meaning, complete and detailed
communication becomes more information can not be displayed
meaningful if key elements such as through this communication
graphs, pictures and diagrams are method.
used with it.

Types of communication Advantages Disadvantages

according to “CONTEXT “.

Intrapersonal communication Understanding how ones The disadvantages of Intrapersonal

emotional state influences communication are being too
personal thinking and overthinker, misconception and
intrapersonal communication incorrect decision.
allows you to question your
opinions and reduce the emotional
impact on your thoughts.
Interpersonal Building stronger, more personal Disadvantages of interpersonal
relationship. Making sure that communication include the spread
when sending a message the of lies and misinformation, as well
receiver will easily understand as sharing bad ideas.
what they want to convey.
Extended the ability to provide The lack of physical cues in online
comprehensive call center services forums may lead to
and integrated communications miscommunication.
using the most lopping
technologies accessible to business
and consumer organizations.
Organization Greater levels of trust and There is hesitations to
commitment. Increased employee communicate bad news for fear
engagement and higher levels of that it will make them appear .
Intercultural Healthier communities, increased Languages, behaviour patterns and
international, national and local the values cause the differences in
commerce, reduced conflict, and all the existing cultures in the
personal growth through increased world.

Types of communication Advantages Disadvantages

according to “PURPOSE

Formal Communication This type of communication is used Generally time consuming or takes
by following the predetermined a lot of time
rules so it increases the overall
efficiency of the organization.
Maintaining of the authority
relationship in an organization.
Informal Communication Fast communication between one Can cause non-cooperation and
other. Can create a sense of incomplete information.
belongings in the workplace.



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