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Name: Yballe, Kharrel Mae R.

NSTP 102 Time: 7:30-9:00
Edp Code: 28548

“Narrative Report”
I implemented the first day for the implementation last May 6, 2023. The intended
location was in my Aunt rest house that are nearby in our house, which had ample
space to and pleasing surrounding that accommodate my two respondents which are
my cousins. During the day of my implementation I don’t have plan to implement on
that day because I have a lot of school works that needs to be finished for the reason
that I need to have time management for me to able to finished everything that I need
to be finished since by tomorrow I will head back to the city. However, when I asked
my cousins in our exclusive group chat about my project implementation three of
them agreed to my request. Actually, I already asked their permission a week before
we do the implementation for them to be involved in my project implementation

Before we start doing the project implementation which is Zumba. I asked them to
prepare outfit that can be seen that they are really in a zumba club fitness. I myself,
also prepare an attire for me to able to move properly while doing the Zumba. Not
only that, I also prepare snacks, for them to to exert effort before and after we do the
Zumba. Around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, All of us gathered in my Aunt rest house
to start the implementation. Well, before we start the Zumba exercise I discussed first
with them the content of the Pre- evaluation form before I interviewed them and fill
out the online form. After that, I ensure that they are physically and mentally healthy
so that I can’t cause any trouble to them. Since, I have three respondents I asked one
of them to do the documentation while we perform the Zumba so that I can also
compile some part of the implementation evidently. Afterwards, I place my laptop in
a safe table for us to have a video guide that has sent in our NSTP 102 group chat. I
also place my cellphone close by the laptop so that I have a center capture through
taking a video while performing the Zumba exercise. After 15 minutes, I let them take
a water break for 5 minutes also for them to be able to take some rest. At the same
time, we also take a short of time to inhale and exhale and release the tension that we
feel in our body. Afterwards, we continue the Zumba exercise. Just like a minutes ago
we also do the exercise 15 minutes and take a 5 minutes break until we finished the
video. Lastly, After we finished the zumba I let them sit in the wood chair for them to
have a long rest since we already done the Zumba. Then I prepare first some snacks
and water for their drink before I let them fill out the Post evaluation.

In conclusion, the implementation of the Zumba program was successful in achieving

our objectives in my group in Maka-Diyos. The implementation contributed to the
respondents physical and mental well-being and provided a fun and engaging way to
exercise. The success of my implementation can be attributed to the thorough
planning and implementation process, which ensured that my implementation was
tailored to the needs and preferences of my respondents. The Zumba program can
serve as a model for other people whether young or old for them to dance away their
stress, makes them feel happy, healthy, strong and confident and promote lifelong
health and wellness.

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