Earth Science

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Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester

Subject: Earth Science No. of Hours: 80 Hours

Course Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of the Earth on a planetary scale. It presents the
history of the Earth through geologic time. It discusses the Earth’s structure and composition, the processes that occur beneath and on the Earth’s surface, as
well as issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to Earth’s resources.


A. ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners… S11/12ES-Ia-1
OF THE EARTH understanding of…
1. describe the historical
1. Universe and Solar System 1. the formation of the make a concept map and use development of theories that
2. Earth and Earth Systems universe and the solar system it to explain how the explain the origin of the Universe
geosphere, hydrosphere, 2. compare the different S11/12ES-Ia-2
2. the subsystems atmosphere, and biosphere hypotheses explaining the origin
(geosphere, hydrosphere, are interconnected. of the Solar System
atmosphere, and biosphere) 3. describe the characteristics of S11/12ES-Ia-b-3
that make up the Earth Earth that are necessary to
support life
4. explain that the Earth consists S11/12ES-Ib-4
of four subsystems, across whose
boundaries matter and energy
1. identify common rock-forming S11/12ES-Ib-5
1. Minerals and Rocks 1. the three main categories 1. make a plan that the minerals using their physical and
2. Mineral Resources of rocks community may use to chemical properties
3. Energy Resources conserve and protect its 2. classify rocks into igneous, S11/12ES-Ic-6
4. Water Resources 2. the origin and environment resources for future sedimentary, and metamorphic
5. Soil Resources of formation of common generations 3. identify the minerals S11/12ES-Ic-7
6. Human Activity and the minerals and rocks important to society
Environment 2. prepare a plan that the 4. describe how ore minerals are S11/12ES-Ic-d-8
3. the various sources of community may implement found, mined, and processed for
energy (fossil fuels, to minimize waste when human use
geothermal, hydroelectric) people utilize materials and 5. cite ways to prevent or lessen S11/12ES-Id-9
resources the environmental impact that
4. the amount of usable water result from the exploitation,
resources on Earth extraction, and use of mineral
5. the distribution of arable 6. describe how fossil fuels are S11/12ES-Id-10
land on Earth formed
7. explain how heat from inside S11/12ES-Ie-11
6. waste generation and the Earth is tapped as a source of
management energy (geothermal) for human
8. cite ways to address the S11/12ES-Ie-f-13
different environmental concerns
related to the use of fossil fuels,
geothermal energy, and
hydroelectric energy
9. recognize how water is S11/12ES-If-14
distributed on Earth
10. identify the various water S11/12ES-If-g-15
resources on Earth
11. explain how different S11/12ES-Ig-16
activities affect the quality and
availability of water for human
12. suggest ways of conserving S11/12ES-Ig-16
and protecting water resources
13. identify human activities, S11/12ES-Ih-17
such as farming, construction of
structures, and waste disposal,
that affect the quality and
quantity of soil
14. give ways of conserving and S11/12ES-Ih-i-18
protecting the soil for future
15. describe how people S11/12ES-Ii-19
generate different types of waste
(solid, liquid, and gaseous) as
they make use of various
materials and resources in
everyday life
16. explain how different types S11/12ES-Ii-j-20
of waste affect people’s health
and the environment
17. cite ways of reducing the S11/12ES-Ij-21
production of waste at home, in
school, and around the
C. EARTH PROCESSES 1. describe how rocks undergo SS11/12ES-IIa-22
1. Exogenic Processes 1. geologic processes that 1. make a simple map 2. explain how the products of S11/12ES-IIa-b-23
2. Endogenic Processes occur on the surface of the showing places where erosion weathering are carried away by
3. Deformation of the Crust Earth such as weathering, and landslides may pose risks erosion and deposited elsewhere
4. Plate Tectonics erosion, mass wasting, and in the community 3. explain how rocks and soil S11/12ES-IIb-22
sedimentation (include the move downslope due to direct
role of ocean basins in the 2. using maps, diagrams, or action of gravity
formation of sedimentary models, predict what could 4. explain why the Earth’s S11/12ES-IIb-c- 23
rocks) happen in the future as the interior is hot
tectonic plates continue to 5. describe how magma is S11/12ES-IIc-24
2. geologic processes that move formed
occur within the Earth 6. describe what happens after S11/12ES-IIc-25
magma is formed
3. folding and faulting of rocks 7. describe the changes in S11/12ES-IIc-d- 26
mineral components and texture
4. the internal structure of of rocks due to changes in
the Earth pressure and temperature
5. continental drift 8. describe how rocks behave S11/12ES-IId-27
under different types of stress
6. seafloor spreading such as compression, pulling
apart, and shearing
9. identify the layers of the Earth S11/12ES-IId-28

10. differentiate the layers of the S11/12ES-IIe-29

Earth from each other
11. describe the continental drift S11/12ES-IIe-30
12. discuss evidence that support S11/12ES-IIe-31
continental drift
13. explain how seafloor spreads S11/12ES-IIf-32

14. describe the structure and S11/12ES-IIf-33

evolution of ocean basins
15. explain how the movement S11/12ES-IIg-h- 34
of plates leads to the formation
of folds, faults, trenches,
volcanoes, rift valleys, and
mountain ranges
D. HISTORY OF THE EARTH 1. describe how layers of rocks S11/12ES-IIh-35
(stratified rocks) are formed
Major Events in Earth’s Past 1. relative and absolute describe the possible events
dating that occurred in a certain area 2. describe the different methods S11/12ES-IIh-i-36
based on the rock layers (relative and absolute dating) of
2. the major subdivisions of found therein determining the age of stratified
geologic time (including index rocks
fossils) 3. explain how relative and S11/12ES-Ii-37
absolute dating were used to
3. how the planet Earth determine the subdivisions of
evolved in the last 4.6 billion geologic time
years 4. describe how index fossils S11/12ES-Ii-j-38
(also known as guide fossils) are
used to define and identify
subdivisions of the geologic time
5. describe the history of the S11/12ES-IIj-39
Earth through geologic time

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