Spiritual Needs of The Mentally Challenged

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This study illuminates how existential needs and spiritual needs are connected with health care
ethics and individuals' mental health and well-being. It discusses whether or not patients' needs
are holistically addressed in Western health care systems that neglect patients' existential and
spiritual needs, because of their biomedical view of Man which recognizes only patients'
physical needs. It excludes a holistic health care which considers all needs, expressed by patients
in treatment of mental illness. Addressing all needs is important for patients' improvement and
recovery. For some patients, this is the only way to regain their mental health and well-being.

Spirituality can be an important sometimes a central part of someone’s life. It can offer real
benefits for mental health.
Impact of Spirituality on Mental Health
Spirituality influences many decisions that people make. It encourages people to have better
relationships with themselves, others, and the unknown. Spirituality can help you deal with stress
by giving you a sense of peace, purpose, and forgiveness. It often becomes more important in
times of emotional stress or illness.

Positive impacts of spirituality. There are several ways that spirituality can support your
mental health:
 You may feel a higher sense of purpose, peace, hope, and meaning.
 You may experience better confidence, self-esteem, and self-control.
 It can help you make sense of your experiences in life.
 When unwell, it can help you feel inner strength and result in faster recovery.
 You may work at better relationships with yourself and others.
Many people with a mental illness get a sense of hope by talking with a religious or spiritual
leader. Some mental illnesses can be seen as times when people question their value or purpose
in a way that leaves them feeling pessimistic. It can be extremely helpful to include spirituality in
the treatment of mental health difficulties. ‌
Negative impacts of spirituality.
Some people may take advantage of emotionally vulnerable people while pretending to support
their spirituality. If you’re emotionally vulnerable, you can be more easily convinced to take part
in unhealthy activities.
When to see a doctor. It may feel strange talking with your doctor about spiritual topics. But if
your spiritual beliefs are affecting your mental state, you should talk with your doctor about it.
Seek a professional’s advice if you have worries or are feeling stress due to your spirituality.
If your doctor is treating you for a mental illness, consider telling them about your spiritual
beliefs. Express your concern if your spirituality prevents you from following their medical
recommendations. Remember to tell your doctor if your spiritual beliefs affect your health care
Spirituality and Treatment of Mental Health Conditions
Mental health disorders may be treated with the help of spirituality through a psychotherapeutic
method called Spiritually Augmented Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This technique involves
including spiritual values in cognitive behavior therapy.

It focuses on four key areas:

 Acceptance
 Hope
 Achieving meaning and purpose
 Forgiveness
This type of therapy examines unavoidable parts of life such as birth and death. It then looks at
the ways that you may confronting these unavoidable parts of life. Finally, the focus is on
seeking divine purpose.
The main techniques used during this process are:
 Empathetic listening
 Encouragement of emotional expression
 Problem-solving
 Use of meditation, prayer, rituals, and monitoring effects of beliefs on symptoms

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