Uv Visible and Ir Spectros

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UNwT-_€ | Phonmacevkcal an : oy oe nole Phonmacentical only hyp * Dpanep'e of TD vanrovus len ives Phoomaceub'cal anetysis branches Scien ca Cchemsly. pase micro biobyy . nuclear Peena, Slectsonics ek) - Prarmaceuhcal anclyss Qvalita hve % Qonttohve es ono Code, Geol od ~ bead fechaig - Phoamaceutcal onof) “a Spectsal methods- Use hig ht iL bhon [enmssron china hth? of ‘s Hy maialy * oo aveas //f v4 aso ~ pred Uv vel (obsosbane) cantonal uf 24 “int Mn ’ ob Chsomatagsafzhic method - Bowed! oF qe? y/ fashion Ge fopen romalopeapy Tee HPLC ©} Electso - anayheal fechony uo = re & * c % Based on elect chemirah "ojo J* by. ko Ge flere? h Conduct etsy - m re Ampeno oly m dy Biolagicak and micsobiologcal methodk - » aw | Based 02 gnimal aack mi @oddcanism * Scanned with CamScanner Blois & Radicackve method- Based on radiahan- 1 _ ain 2 er hy €x- Broleyicnd assay J Soma ankbiohes aack vienna | techn aan: fy Physical method- Rosod on measunomant af physteak | | &- REA (Radio- Emme Ais) ond olan nalateol | Chanaclenishcs. | Gx- PUferon hal thenmal analysis Co.r.0) cayprertal page Calosimetey (Dsc) Thermal. Hechanical analy sis (ray Thermal _qsavometsic anghysts CT4A) 2 Mieelloncoun techni was Based or some ttsabon metooh. €- Polanimetsic nol deme oer flxahon. Scanned with CamScanner GAR fas “ban fra! in vaccum olto 7, eee z Sfactsoscopy. * ‘ 3 fe peda, & fhe measurement and ‘tobe folin Herd ne radliokion (eat) ee ae or ohms — OF fon. de. suf a one enetgy Slate #0 another “Ol om _qoound Sate # excifecl State his ch exit oF Line Vw fonts olate Ai ground. State , Ce golational, uibsohbonal and 6 be cngeyit chr other woah of for measures’ #e oe a ee a te ame ey” in eahonall, vibrohond and. olectsonic on Llectso mopnobe Relition CEMR) aR a OY trol fwonsmitecl at te 7 im of clay neht,_ fold oth wave “OG a well a parce chanclerishes we oe iypes 7° EMR we- y 7 a vitsar violet nas COV) Visible light Jofea ned. Hieso waves Radio waves Scanned with CamScanner d Magnetic lol ar, che ey of an aleceomagnent wa dahon Y eshv whae € = enn zadbahon ne poll C Vv Fant (6-624 xg" 5 gay Scanned with CamScanner Plai Faequency d radiation . (PF PSE ererr rrr. fo eg por waht 9 vacueny < Fsequenty = G . selec of Gt j 1% Zsave fexyt® re c = 3,10'ms" H > hey = ence € = hv y how chew ¥ save mumbor > (1 a the cmd i ober perf td andl a te | Frequency 3- Preprere is Horta combele wave ey” unis ‘aa 4 in unit hme. are -- He (Her 0% eps cycle por second ) a Ha = lone 2 [kite H2 = ' He lfoensol = 107 He 2 seam of Woavelensth 8- phe olatance bofoeon hoo sucebsive Maxima on ~ Wave leagth & Ov pea ks olilanca behveon fue successive reo ghs n in mefeey , cm, mm, km ete minima fh Can be measure Wove | a nee Tey | morta / Peak L <— wove feng ph —>! Minina/ prog he Scanned with CamScanner \eshost ave ley th>! &Q8QOQ°@ High J eequensy Chis ereagy 2 low Present (lous meray) Wave number ro A is Ae vmken wees je Conhme Ke A Boe A kebsele 2 bhuenvmb2 % gene vn Cm (Pea Conkmelee ) on © RAAB A A em A nn Bee eo Scanned with CamScanner ee eee pecpqueneny” “4 che_el “is te_ ffectumn te pete cdistebuton d Ta 7 ei ner pen bay geen WV Helo woaves con uncloreo irdenforence , Se seapheal e refracted. , diffeocted. and —fofawgock anh have at je opus ah ee (2998 x 10%ms°) in Va cour i Scanned with CamScanner Sects se ! 7 4 made 7 or moleelan kel . cima Oscoby- where the “eyes fn ey hake Pee at €¥ -Alomic absorption fochoxs + Flame fobrety 4 (esther efthen atomic ab sen) bhion er adomic _ amen) nadishon 6 * shobieol ) by Noleculan sshsowcey where the ‘changes tele flaw af molecular Auel “Cy e /a@ ie “LR Ssheckbsco * Flocsimaty (ichene the mebculan arer|>bion emission ox vbr i boing Btuobied) - 2) Whether the sy base on absospion es crisian of ene 7 SAR ay Absos Kor. Spec tocseepy- here tha absosphon at naobahen te beiy phicbeel Ex-- ON spectroscopy “IR Spectsoscop “ Alomic absospWon spectroscopy ’ Colosimetsy by Gmission ghectose Whene emission J rachaton & berry Pluoloel + Flame Phobometsy ” Llosime ty ® 2) Whether she ay Clectsonte spectooscopy oa uv spectros copys Colostmetay i Flvossnetey chew he se i at alesfspre or he = : rysyrahe ovale » Scanned with CamScanner 7 be i f in 1s done win Gale ee ractioho™ oy (withov! Ha ee= ' jue (fe ) by Hosnehe spectrescoly - Exc- NHR shectoos I where the Shdy is Mee wi CHR padfahion under the afiene che enoayy Me molecule, con be due © ~ Rolatonal “ea £ Uboatroned eral ! Elechonre Hae = ] £100 210,000 ‘ \ [When in EMR & asseol onto a molecule, oneagy eee Joke place in@ \ molecule / Alom which can be measure 4 5 : heos | of eclsocscopy - . )- When ett footels a mbclum corteiary abm , molecules 02 om, . ” ane of the jee ‘se 2 ‘ dC. % a \ » 5 s ‘ a 2 Aloms or molecules Qo snensity ent Liht = — Injensit incident Yght 2 de (te) J / d (Je) gd 2 de, a a 0 ne fon + Ao i in] oumake obout thi ’ to a “gy i hee andre the . Scanned with CamScanner jo Pin, a. leche if chon , oe & scatenin, where some ghuolés like naphlemete ch’ 7 mn tush; ‘melsy ane a, © Chk ens) fm a ph — Pbserbana 4oonm aowalendlh (rm) ndn Pe, adsox pion cusve the vsowelensth of which maximum besos bon gadiahon & Joke free is Calle! 05 max ungus Jor vey Colsurecl dubstance . a Amae & Chasaclerihe a Substance > and nis & @ use)ul fn tole iy = A max >is not usually cffeet by ood substane * |» Che Patera Goh Sol" nescasaa ith cone: cubsan PAasog Seyee Scanned with CamScanner C—O 13 woe lok 2 gaaph J contenlyohon Ys absebonce oJ Lohen a cobibsahon Cusve et @Blinclancl curve * Pesoxbang ——> SJ, 1S. 20628 Conc: ‘ J \ chi alibaation Cana & tudajol ty oblenminiry “ko Cone, of amount-of a chug cfubslonce a he_ given! Say wld gi A Legos. \ Cras * S, Lows ining obser ef sodintin 3- —— ar ee als ab sosbin prion ) dg, “7, pects) iy Bears law (aelated # cone \. ‘ty Lombent's (elated. #9 thichioss / Pathlenges a YeThage 400 lows one ae under ae en thon ~ % % y © = dhlensity tnciclent Leht ‘ Da = Intensis cubsoabadl Jight.. pray 2 s TRE ntensiy of dransmiftel Aght sand 20 phchon k ah Sealer hol ' od J 4 teker pleco. Scanned with CamScanner 4 , . ' Om ngRementation d Visual efectos) Qs Source lhe ae © Files Mod Yponcchaemaloes oe cSonble cole ds Lekchss 0) Source of Mahl :- ne rngwiernents J Bounce Ghd 7" Glaximeforn — ‘St Sheulel sovicle Conbnvous Zoe (400 - 8000m) “SH hele! Asouiel cchgvate inlensi fiffcied inbersily "A Phoull to hablo’ and ao ofrbewe ey “The Siunces of (pleases wuscel are — \ > Tongsien lam » Teagan lamp (Che lomh consist J a oe foment in @ (% ” Casein axe fam) vaccum buh. ~ » Carbon arc bn fos rd, oa - vntesity, Canbon onc bd Can bs ued « ft abe js jel an hve Itong gy | hse Runge visi) / i oS J ae ri visval gectum. , : bp Fens anol Monvchsomats 3: . + he aoune light 9lte, raoketons from worm ~ 00m . he & yen nacre 1) 12 nature Gg Several ezavelenmphs) dan a colosim [sec hophofomelen an oe ey monochso~ och crate ght « Hene a fie @ morochsemahs ts Lecce! chyoh Scanned with CamScanner ~ AMAA A HD - w Convers | eyo on th icc Pe +b filers - “Chey ana eo A ape oe ” Posenp pi ie olga je _ ae ia 5 coated. with er 2 ty ane oisliap y = pe fa: unsanbed nackiation ‘ancl ° jaansmit Ho uncoan xest 7 gackiahon hich & Taguisedl /o coloaimerry. af : bo selected “<6 fo the tio bobo — ' Mh hijers = Con io 15 0 ps prow Fen. Vv (s cjecle wave “Ksife tho colours (BG YOR) | ia ncboise a anbelocesia mannan as : 4 rg We sition & ae 24 Ped . ol” “ gw yee’ ne Oloun. A Y b tho Ceboun of Ho ool”): + Sinilay we can olec/ #e _* vised filler 1,2 Selnhh , } bunt he & anf He del”: 3 i v- Violet } aon 2 Sed g ‘ B-Bive © G ~Gx eon Ps Jellous 0a ApsosPh’on |i |ten- Scanned with CamScanner aa ee eee | Nerts nis s— * Simple tr consteuckon * Cheer * Sclechon d j= = easy Demeniis = 75 crawtale Since bard pass.i8 mere G80 am) 70,4 we have a measuxe at SO0dam » xodithon "ey fi WWam = $30 am- * Snensty d Hadliahon becomes. less ~ due 4 absos)shion by (jtten: 2 Soles fence tien: . This is alo Ya fabay - Renol (filer YS consis! 7 an ty a Feanspanent dieloctsie shacgn (oss safsactie incler”’ sonelesichocd Ys the semi deansan Silver fier Hapnesiorn fluoride is a common didlechere Secanse % Pardes. aren becaure Some har dilectsi: faces are ee faith Silicon Monoxide ofc. \ : ag MED = Che gh, “incieclend fen the Pham / He fier a ny lecteg bact nel Jats bls’ tho medal fm 3d * ‘ Each cBiver ha ech g ‘ancl transmits he chan. af fd ff ‘ey ractahion Sake ip. ( ¢ ‘ ( Scanned with CamScanner Wile, |[-_———— we ~ & 3 ww eee vr ul ee a --————— |] Glass hey can be swecl with high iolonsiy Gr” dousce bes thy Hemeve encoantocl - nadobon wm Asansmiss'on and x aa ie Gack rot y absosh hon - Nenits - Jn expansive Laser bandl pass Compara * aire, Rs and hence mose accunate Demenfts - The band. pass is eny fo-is am and hence AghX vexslution Obloined coith (ith ~monochsomasehs 2 vedi cannot 42 achreveol: DP) MonocHRonA ters \ Honochsomalens ane ober anol mosa aliicient than filer in Conventing a Polycheomake a rable let Monochsomahic light - A monochsomater hos ta ollowing vart - Enfsan@ slit (Tf Jt nemo pe Scanned with CamScanner abs (To wenden ” forall . Seales of psism To clisperae zadliafion) * Olt mabe (lo axJe1m the tnase enteancee shit) * Gait oft (_fell on Goryple @l} ). KK Isnts ? he Si'sms cifere he wil sadiahen 1b incbiyialuoh Clos. en *Cheybensine tashoument (+ Bench fats Leeson than filers an hence be fen resolihon “Cte a oe fet Bee mel rfpachio drolex ce Mi, ‘si J te jpn # ramol oo a Veo ies. aisms ane 7 > Risachio 4 f Deck yr ot ey Y Ke til 4 ne . ounce i M Arauyh tenance aft, fals on G ae AANA ee he faretel neolaton J” a “co inte ane ‘i - ‘ ‘ Scanned with CamScanner inl diet Colours andl usave! ey ma and “by usirp other et of 7. Oe ahhis ah 020 Cd (ones will be either tole ay oO, Blu2, Gre, Yellows, Ooange ® Reel) Y ; , Z ip she Gon 40 soleched , She noguised na Afron oa ex! t mil Ure pm o2 y hefty fhe gpahem sahonay ‘on moving the © ext Bit Bp con in be Caled? Pollet & | Tae LY ay a 2 N te Lncifle of cooking 8 imilan po he petty ea 6. ft ~ v lace. or $m Na ptt om pow * oy! ta at a, . a " Scanned with CamScanner loht "ne mo nochyo~ Most i (* convertag Poychonett JF -matic. £04 ar could be achieved! Commonly used tr Sfecfrophotmeler - Chey are boo PP - ' Dilbsachion Ae il) Tsansmission Gah | » Di sackon Gre Consisl io wg fines Tan af close Sinton 20 A >. 3)600 Vive fe mo: uw wh s| 7 peepoemetr Ln &% lines 4mm fer oR sfeecbe holo meter fede ane _mwlings madeon come mdenol kke glassy: Ib OV alky halite 44 wpe the ae Qui Scanned with CamScanner ‘ 4 ‘ ( ( 1 ' , Care & cell - | Sample we er Cowles axe od & folel cone olson eometsy anol pada vanies tA the ins foment anc Ahets abl, 7 bok Aaclled he matesioll some cell apteull rot absorbs at Xo cones os cbsered » Sambl palume - Small volume cls Vokme cols CS -lOml) oi Mico. test Wb nactanwlan * % Shape Coll - Ggbadbical Clee festtube ) en A) Gylindnicel. foctangular Types d Somple Cell 7 wy doth length Cinkenral dishane)- tem (1osrmally) » pie Hoce ly paitlew iy, Imm ot 2mm (Sheet ps leagh) Cells ane avasiable - Notorfal - Rised. ep vistble xeqion y che Cell a we Is fox 9 ous dolvend tu aon fe or + fos UV region must use Quark cell becuse gles abserbs Co-sml 62 less) anc feage - A ANAK ~ uv a vocliastion Scanned with CamScanner Glos metonal 4 drtabe jot 9% am ~48 2500 m | ‘Delectoss- pelectoss wed fe Uv visual Some sadiahon Absoxboct ancl os toansmittect. Falls on Fsansenill eal eA) Delechs en uiaion ae energy) / Lepit \ Convorteel to a Me i i & Electaic ‘anol. - ' Read Electsic energy a lec #4 , \ ' aacvial es » che most cney “tba ell cbfeeloss ae - ' iy Baarier | an (ell or pholovoltate cells t iy Pholodubey Photo emissive cells %F1) Photo mulkplyen tobe (PHT % . e scfeleching atten 7 suitable chtectoss Should be V4 ps hire. + dhoulél be Epboh and, ‘cool ey > Should be mea VA ye) \ Ghoul phe siren sreyonse Scanned with CamScanner 4 PB layen Coll @ phofovltare Cef| in as woe Glass fransporent 2 tht yen —-| ITIL ELL jess lijan-- 9 fe eae eee Son loyen tve dexminal Plastic cane + Phokevoltaic cell ane corsisuclech uaing & bam plale of ston which & Coated with atin k & of Gemi-Conduchs m sa + ke Selenium + + he Selenium is covercel with a thin ig wien } while sey enclosed. in 9 Hoste ne + che hp postion tis cave f a na 94 Feu tae tent ~* material ite V glass - ‘ hs franypanent material allows fr Van to fess” ond! fell on © fe dtfven layer a the dete : HLA Say * She ohmic contacts at ison ancl Sifvor Seloniim “fe ane Bieciae hic confack ack. Oa (fra bokoeon 420 conduckies 3 She area eBhml " : ; © Wosktng s- ral (Photon ) ; : } |r on ‘ \ Dekec tow Scanned with CamScanner i Electsons on Silven-Selenivm ane excrtedl | & 4 Glastaans neleased dom bonds Ts Collectecl at \ Callectos olectsocle, (At silver-Seleniom a ho cussent flows - len connectecl hofons incocanor Wher Galvanom © Ps the Posy [tg tncseaser , ho number whith spe/odses CL election » ted Weve de prof combat i ’ | eae — —— - as | Cheap -_ na gti ' it b ‘ bh b & ‘ | Glass chamlg b k be b ‘ & - Power Supply Scanned with CamScanner Pees. 7 _ Composed d evacvodect gh tube L (coated with Caasiom / Consist al photo cathode + Potassium /Silver oxiele ) Anode ‘collector |g sadiahon Electron Nbonated Ae cat hoels “ pabacsont Hew \ fowands Ano ole , Coxyont ‘procluchon [Prose af cuerent ot dndensty af iyht wedlaony) * Banal. Isom olelecfos con 40 on ified ‘ on one * Beton Sensibvily Han /Pobrotise coll ) | Scanned with CamScanner Collector anocla ample > Readeut + dour cs L secosd a Dy Anool &» (anoday made 4 quoale ae tap TE, cathode fy s- Photomaltiplies Tobe NS Pho mullfpien tebe AY toasists . as a _ _ © Acothode ‘e Alegative electsoda k a seniteylindncal os = Gaked, cith alkaline % eoath oxide. vr { Radiedian Radiahion | on allows 7 An anoole *Postue clectsocle * Coated with alloys, oniimeny » Gallium» — Pips ton ancl chsomi- “um ion: da PHP, quante wiadow Z Scanned with CamScanner 4 Cathode aie . Gnission ellectson CPoopostiorgl to the incident fe Psodsucen ‘Binal Cussent (to A) + 4a PNT, €4-16 dy anocles ane paeseoe * PNT con lek \v1 eoeak ignals , even 200 timer cseaken thon teh could be ‘dlone wi vollaic cell py fiyh aapifetin (1o® fines) ith the Aq Ay ancelon 5 ¢ Single beam jfeclphotomelen WY Deuble beam sfectsg ‘hofontolos sophofomedern I~ eS *_ Bogle bean pect Scanned with CamScanner Pe re en Light Radiation ie J [stron GUE | shen Pass nought {jlee/ Monochsomalor (only aequived caning tht re - | falls 09 Sample coll / Refenence coll ' = y suka fation \ Absosphion | ome acl b ok Vhs { gidied 2 props - fos} tg Feansmélicel t [en falts-28 1 Delectos wry CPhobvoltaic cell) ; . b k Ampii ven pie wl ‘ iy ow b Recosd3s / oipley , : Vy Monit - : be Simple & consfeuchion ; oo" & ch “peste 4 % . Ee ae ey a ements - : E ee re ind adensi whe reaching ane lected. hy of vcietons it Nf nd ms Bousce ° d aif . Vs foto : y} Hd Scamming gch a shectum i nob poss eRecosder cannot be ugocl wih ey" kam Ame % : Ba L Scanned with CamScanner ' 2 ey. beam shectso, 40 fom erenr > oe Refenen®t —pratoluba Bata Pamess ir Read out Setectas 2 Cllimates 1 —_— se Phofotubo Fig ~ Double beam ghectsophotomeden. Li sip wodkiation (som Hag lamp) Falls on iit 7 ly using - Concave missan | fee tye pose enh coovelength Selects - | pres lid uae by v- shopeel beam splitter Z = Semple Refanenco call J Detetos J Scanned with CamScanner ee ek Data [ps0¢ a y Read out Adwantase - High attusac; Good Sensif'vit tide narse ' + be#len ee and aefeohbilly } Disadi : , Snieasi as fe nedlucsel fo 50% + Complex Consh Lehion (.dnstsvmend \) 7 | 8killed peeee aegis Expensive : (sileaia, fers re actooy We visual spot } estinaton *- » ty Sabi my qm ‘ Bs fact Goluhon Ceurs che A — % nis offolaton Cee ae Shon vm abana §2> Sntensit Colour - h Solutba ‘Cl _ Graal, > be. inkerse of" acuxafe nesult in Jou » © Concenfsosion + S35 Cleonth Solution - & Sobstand Gheulel be completely. goluble in Solvent” & Scanned with CamScanner DOL Trin fart 6% pei be a Sater he Loft or bok - we Rebvoducrbilit _ Result Shull ha neprocucable 5} Valiliy Beos’s /aw - Colewe alisily f* wal” Dol b2 py oonal % te Gone: Aplicabon To vivol cHfectsoscof 1» Lehner ge bisckomical Conypourcls in bloool, Pore, CSF, I , Vine _ eke: 9 Glens. Toe 5 Us Rien “ae Son j tL, Sie sential) ) billsubin ole po Widely ued. tn — hegftlals ond Labsialonta; ahs) duk}ukon foool snclustey = sah) ey Nicloe~ x “Painl inca . Texhle trcbustoy 3 Usod sh quarblakie eshmakon of biochemical onfosuncls eee eee -* fs the qucoklatie 2 psi by y Ghusimeds oH —F B85 os Tos must be Krasn — a 7 dhe absobhon characterishes~ ie, A to be knaon by Valily fe fas “ECan aoage in whith Scanned with CamScanner He kn obeys /neant Slvaje neagent ‘anol. other Conelitiona w Qvolit Contso) pens ‘ sa Jha impusrh® * Glovsccl ‘mpuarhes Coleuninneley Con be. Uae -— péesent in ; Bomple jue wise 0 addbihonal pe or more | ybsexption at fosheb/an woavelenplh - : ‘i ‘ CJ af WW, shod pS ° To check vodler 7 (scweonit chemicals I’ke Lies cyniele b = Jeon} dissolved cyyyen , zinc Ge) dhe conc: plant ntviadl (such OA 4 aor Te dlefenmine : phos hosus ,,attsotes , ammonia .etc): fa mefallic. con) Jex es: ‘ yt Bacnens he nal [metal naho + Stovclune leiden elorid g. ail pais SE com ppovace = : ‘on cer lor ham pouaale can be che absoap The obsosphion Secl el, ah frown cmp fo tol fhe ee ae sfrucfat 4 be Sobfaitnedl 4H 8 Scanned with CamScanner CU spectsoscopy. i. coith Ultsaviolet shechoscopy is concennod Absorbhon UV nockahon which 7) e+ eestor 200% |= d.. * Compounds “which ara colourless absoéb Zackiah'on in UV Reion * Compounds ,rohich ano -Coleuvedt |-obsosb sracliashon f°" YoOnm = +. 80O0m ~ + do both Uv os well ax | yibrble giclee ony be bolonce @~\ghsosh the “ ony * There by the Molecule. = frengison a pane pe excrtecl late - + Shs abserbhon ts Chonaclerishe ond ay fenchs son ‘the naturs’ ehecdsor _Poeeent . Th C ian of absexphon encls open n Me cone, and kena tk Pa Car Lombord fous fo J Der elec tons fone ¢— i= ‘Ase. fo per ted alectsons — yo olectoons — © clectoons dx Sadvsatedd compound Aavinn Bingk bonds and absosh vaccum U-V nays. Cless thon 2000m) J ny FW electsons — K electrons ane unsabisated! Conpeurchs that rossess cleuble : and tsih lo honok in molecuks - i J C=C , C=C, =O ec ; Scanned with CamScanner Wyn electsons — | hese axe non bonoled elections which Ae not tivolvedd in he any bond whe hath ' formalin ‘ g . Suphus , ongen, Aiea nel. voll TF Ay moldule has either 1,1 to & a Combination gf these dandy ebehons (eaidi x) and non bonding Cn) alecdsons soxb the Chanacleriske radliahon) ancl a al -fsansition souncl hk to excited Sade « : J by the choxaclenishe absey a peesont and ene Me. dole 0 ul ho Pee electson ar Srucbse can b -elocitladect pon Aect' » [eanstbon ancl “ex ‘ess. Choir axe ‘f dyes d Pa akan pe fe Beaune ade. in molecule — y Nn . Poy . \ i > n* SS 7 -—r> ry oe § Oe Se wo 9 oF \ or “dn UV rodiation, elec Fwonic jeonstlon’ Fakes ‘pace (eto grenhed followed. \hy intfal vibwakon ond “gotahon* |” ‘Uke absoxiia nooltedin fn, Comes hack ® /asen onesy oT Jeve} because “molecvlos. collin and’ sxe: enengy absorbed. fs ' Mleasecl as feat Oo fn UW nadtabon th & Yeanmec. as molecular phenomena ., ' Bonding osbital (a0) Finkbon ching osbital (ABO) ke si co 3 oo b ’ Fe nt ‘ Sat . oo Scanned with CamScanner o- doch 41 - bon if ing on banal Bi Geonch slale = = - * cab hp nn | Pony c ee : Oey jel level d Electronic toanarhion cf Mabe “sak oe ) ‘otbilal se BGT ad daw bonding orbital eR. 29) >, “94. Cannot fm bonck + Asay oy whl, “cabtlad, om allel > Teds osbital She engn ey 7 vised — fa excilehin wa ier sonst ore — n> Lt o—>or mose than 2700nm Ee» aie than a hos nx mary feeds oy o- — ae * steqiees Lhe! "Oe erctaton tae oY, “ ‘on my deoctsone sans thy nse Mendct b fa etercins - . ee ‘oly ‘wavelen h 7 P>eunols cof | electson k pret” ina cleuble on tiple ber ‘hese seansihion neguises docsan onesgy ue Chis can be very. well observecl in Cony Scanned with CamScanner \ z eye kelynes , Nits© compounds @. Peaks due fo this, Feansi- a ar ehon ose callect . “© Q Bonds” Peak prank oe disa}p coxs : oo n> << taansifion ee ’ ' , ° Banos - \ gives chs ed feonsition f anise, 4 8B > € ond KK Types vary ‘panda’ (Benzenoiel bands) Bo 2» € bande Ceinylente banda) ay k bands (ror*) ee the) doonstion 7 pe & | Avomatic. and Hetero axomone sige eomadie. sy vslems [st +4 gated. system \ uiBED Mose shan 200 am Coote) » no" jeanne © Reguises pproximede (15 am apne fk the ake ane oF dhe poser oncl. d' uy yy spetvon Can 5 be called as end abs oxphon _ tis deansion acuss satusate oop, wom febso aboms- , Khe S,0,N os halen b ‘se . & J ee lessen energy when Compan 10 Aikatotls A oo * faonsition eo Ikahols,hldlehy.clea.—-élo k Hater - 167 am ? nes tote: Helhylene chlow Hethanol - 2030 t yee rail 163.0m Ethane) ~20%N™ Chiowjosm - 23} am Scanned with CamScanner - . — 7% fsansftfon 2 Ss _ : Requiser ener: ) d 12s - gsm which is pe ey a fa el othor Fsansifions * 3 “Vaceum uy x : . ay pane Oe Pepne abe) ~Povieker om Bear's-Lambert's favs te A phn cai ay | Bean's es when af “encenfechby vs abo Anco oves..a while Line Cress gph d the deviaton & bond droanchs x. Ans, 1e., coith the ineseuse \ fq a Hone k a dictedse wn absoxbane. callool Os gs scbutahon - ee . 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