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Nama : Sherly Nurfajri Erwiyanti

Asal institusi : Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh


“Indonesian youth, arise, work with balanced nutrition !”

My name is Sherly Nurfajri Erwiyanti, from the department of nutrition Poltekkes Kemenkes

Now I will tell a story by the title of ‘Angsa putri’ Aset bangsa pemuda yang bernutrisi.

Karin and Tania, 2 girls who are close friends, they are always together,
eat together, play together, and at school, both of them are even in the same
class. Currently, they are 12 years old, but Karin always feels sad, even though
she is friends with Tania, she feels unhappy because her friends always compare
her to Tania, do you know why? Because they saw from Karin and Tania’s
posture, Karin has a big body and she is often ridiculed and bullied they call her
fat, and some even call her a gorilla because she is big and Karin is not enough
if she eats only one portion, she also likes to eat unhealthy snacks, while Tania,
she is called a princess by her friends, because she is beautiful, her body is also
like a model, she doesn’t like junk food, Tania is still happy to be friends with
Karin because Karin is the most understand her.

One day, the nutritionist came to Karin and Tania’s school to socialize
about balanced nutrition for teenagers, when explaining about the impact of
obesity Karin felt embarrassed she asked Tania “ Tania.. am I obese? I’m
embarrassed Tania “ I don’t know Karin, but you can try to ask the nutritionist “
then Karin boldly asked the nutritionist” “ Excuse me I wanna ask .. is obesity
like me ?” finally the nutritionist who socialized measured Karin’s nutritional
status and it was true that Karin was diagnosed with obesity, Karin felt sad but
the nutritionist gave her encouragement and advised Karin to adjust her diet and
maintain her weight, Karin felt that this was the time for her to change and cut
down on unhealthy snacks so that she would avoid obesity, so that she would
not get a disease that would harm her, with determination and patience, after
months her weight decreased and she returned to the Puskesmas to measure her
nutritional status, up to her struggles ended up being that Karin’s nutritional
status was normal, Karin looked beautiful with her ideal body.
The next day Karin went to school as usual, Karin often got questions
from her friends about her not being fat anymore but she was embarrassed to
answer, she was also never bullied again when she arrived in class she told
Tania that her nutritional status was normal, tania was very happy but she is
confused “ Karin you are amazing, I am very happy to see how you have
changed now, how did you get like this? “ Thank you Tania, so far I have been
very careful about my diet and portion sizes, I also don’t like random snacks, I
was recommended by a nutritionist to eat in accordance with the rules of
nutrition are often called “Gizi Seimbang” on the contents of my plate, there are
carbohydrate foods, protein, vegetables, vitamin and mineral according to the
portion, I also don’t eat junk food anymore, and exercise regularly. I’m sure that
if I manage my food, my nutritional status will be normal, and now it’s true that
I’m not ashamed anymore because I’m fat”

“Wow, I also want to take care of my diet and the portion of my food, so I can
avoid dangerous diseases”

“ Yes Karin, let’s take care of our food according to “ Gizi Seimbang”

Okay guys, the conclusion from this story that can be drawn is to become a
productive youth generation starting from consuming healthy and nutritionally
balanced food

“apply balanced nutrition for a productive golden generation”

Okay, enough my story, don’t forget to take nutrition and healthy food guys, see
you later next time, Thank you

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