20230924-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. To Banyule City Council Mayor CR Castaldo and Ors-TRESPASS, Etc-Supplement 6

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3 Banyule City Council (Australia, Victoria date) 24-9-2023
4 enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au
6 Cc: Cr Alison Champion alison.champion@banyule.vic.gov.au
7 Cr Fiona Mitsinikos fiona.mitsdinikos@banyule.vic.gov.au
8 Cr Elizabeth Nealy elizabeth.nealy@banyule.vic.gov.au
9 Cr Mark Di Pasquate mark.dipasquale@banyule.vic.gov.au
10 Cr Alida McKern alida.mckern@banyule.vic.gov.au
11 Cr Peter Dimarelos peter.demarelos@banyule.vic.gov.au
12 Cr Rick Garotti rick.garotti@banyule.vic.gov.au
13 Cr Tom Melican tom.melican@banyule.vic.gov.au
14 Mayor Cr Peter Casteldo peter.castaldo@banyule.vic.gov.au
15 Mr RomanWojtkowski enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au
17 Re: 20230924-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Banyule City Council Mayor Cr Castaldo and Ors-
18 TRESPASS, etc-Supplement 6
23 Sir & Ors,
24 It is one thing for Banyule City Council to claim some by-law but it ids another thing
25 if such alleged by-law is actually constitutionally valid.
27 Banyule City Council staff trespassed upon our ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property at 107
28 Graham Road, Viewbank and by this may have contaminated our property by shedding having
29 been jabbed with the covid “gene therapy” DEPOPULATION bioweapon. In view that Banyule
30 City Council in recent email correspondence was aware of Olga, my 90 year old wife, suffering
31 from heart failure and other comorbidities then the issue is very much what did Banyule City
32 Council do to ensure that any Banyule City Council staff member(s) who attended to the
33 property ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE would not pose/cause any dangers to my wife in
34 particular!
35 I below will also quote parts of my extensive complain to the Australia Federal Police
36 commencing 6 August 2021 and it is my position that where any Banyule City Council staff
37 member (including any councillor) was jabbed (so called vaccinated) then such a person became
38 a bioweapon by himself/herself due to the risk of shedding and should have been placed in
39 quarantine. While Premier Daniel Andrews very much claimed a “pandemic of the
40 unvaccinated” that they were a danger to others, etc, reality is that it was a covid scam and those
41 who were jabbed with the “gene therapy” DEPOPULATION bioweapon became the real
42 dangers to society. They should all be placed in secure quarantine centres to avoid them
43 shedding by this causing harm upon others.
24-9-2023 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 2

2 On 6 September 2023 a Banyule City Council staff attended to our ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE
3 property and despite signs that ENTRY IS PROHIBITED nevertheless the person trespassed
4 and caused in the process damages near the water mains meter. This already requires Banyule
5 City Council to provide relevant details, etc as to why this Banyule City Council staff attended to
6 our property, etc.
8 Note in any orders important stated (“Banyule City Council Staff” reference is deemed to
9 include any multitude of persons):
11 Did the Banyule City Council staff wear protective clothing to avoid in event of shedding to
12 contaminate our property?
14 Did the Banyule City Council staff make any court order and or warrant application, and if so
15 was it issued and if not why not?
17 Did the Banyule City Council staff have a court order and/or warrant and on what allegations
18 was this obtained?
20 Did the Banyule City Council staff if having applied for a court order/warrant set out at the time
21 that he/she/they may be in person bioweapon(s) and may contaminate any area’s he/she/they
22 may attend to, etc?
24 Did the Banyule City Council staff provide any documentation/details of being permitted lawful
25 entry to either or both myself and/or my wife Olga? Is so in which manner?
27 Did the Banyule City Council staff make any attempt(s) to contact the ESTATE IN FEE
28 SIMPLE property owners/residents and so set out preside details of being permitted lawful
29 entry?
31 In which manner did the Banyule City Council staff gain entry, was it by climbing over any
32 structure, etc, trespassing upon neighbours property, etc?
34 Banyule City Council staff touch any items on the property and did the person(s) afterwards
35 decontaminate any areas so touched? If not, why not?
37 In view that Banyule City Council staff trespassed the ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property
38 with a camera, then was the trespassing for the purpose of making photos of the property and so
39 upon what if any legal authority?
41 On 7 September 2023 a Banyule City Council staff attended to our ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE
42 property and despite signs that ENTRY IS PROHIBITED nevertheless the person trespassed
43 and caused in the process may have caused harm to the property owners/residents and may have
44 caused the loss of a car battery charger. This already requires Banyule City Council to provide
45 relevant details, etc, as to why this Banyule City Council staff attended to our property, caused
46 harm and vandalism to the motor vehicle 1XK6MV lawfully parked in front of the property, etc.
48 Note in any part where it is stated “Banyule City Council Staff” reference is deemed to include
49 any multitude of persons:

24-9-2023 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 3

1 Did the Banyule City Council staff wear protective clothing to avoid in event of shedding to
2 contaminate our property?
4 Did the Banyule City Council staff make any court order and or warrant application, and if so
5 was it issued and if not why not?
7 Did the Banyule City Council staff have a court order and/or warrant and on what allegations
8 was this obtained?
10 Did the Banyule City Council staff if having applied for a court order/warrant set out at the time
11 that he/she/they may be in person bioweapon(s) and may contaminate any area’s he/she/they
12 may attend to, etc?
14 Did the Banyule City Council staff provide any documentation/details of being permitted lawful
15 entry to either or both myself and/or my wife Olga? Is so in which manner?
17 Did the Banyule City Council staff make any attempt(s) to contact the ESTATE IN FEE
18 SIMPLE property owners/residents and so set out preside details of being permitted lawful
19 entry?
21 In which manner did the Banyule City Council staff gain entry, was it by climbing over any
22 structure, etc, trespassing upon neighbours property, etc?
24 Banyule City Council staff touch any items on the property and did the person(s) afterwards
25 decontaminate any areas so touched? If not, why not?
27 In view that Banyule City Council staff trespassed the ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property
28 with a camera, then was the trespassing for the purpose of making photos of the property and so
29 upon what if any legal authority?
31 On what basis did Banyule City Council staff claim that the motor vehicle parked in front of our
32 ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property at 107 Graham Road, Viewbank had allegedly been
33 standing there for 2 months and was deemed abandoned?
35 On what alleged legal basis did Banyule City Council staff vandalise the motor vehicle by
36 putting a sticker on the windscreen?
38 Do provide any legislative, rules, regulations within motor registration provisions for so far
39 claiming to be applicable.
41 Why did Banyule City Council fail to immediately remove the sticker and any residue when I
42 complained to Banyule City Council about the matter?
44 The above questions may not all questions I may pursue but would assist in any future litigation
45 that may follow.
47 Much is claimed about the “Unvaccinated” albeit technically any person who had the “gene
48 therapy” never either was vaccinated as the FDA made clear it is not a vaccine but a “gene
49 therapy”. Moderna prior to the start of the covid scam was on video making clear that it is a
50 “gene therapy” and Pfizer in its material made clear from onset that their (so called) vaccine may

24-9-2023 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4

1 cause shedding. As such, even before a single jab was done in Australia it was known it was a
2 “gene therapy” and it could cause “shedding” and so harm to others, including pregnant women.
4 Scott Morrison requested the Australian Federal Police to investigate regarding
5 COVID issues, and well, let the AFP do its job and do a proper investigation as I now
6 have requested in this COMPLAINT.
7 This document can be downloaded from:
8 https://www.scribd.com/document/518990686/20210806-Mr-G-H-Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-
9 B-to-Reece-Kershaw-Chief-Commissioner-of-the-Australian-Federal-Police-
11 QUOTE 20210806-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian
12 Federal Police-COMPLAINT(2)
13 Reece Kershaw 6-8-2021
14 Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
15 Forwarded via email/mail
17 Cc: Mr Scott Morrison via email
18 acv@health.gov.au Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Therapeutic Goods Administration
19 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Pharmacovigilance and Special Access Branch, MDP 122
21 Committees@health.gov.au Committee Support Unit, Therapeutic Goods Administration
22 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Scheduling & Committee Support Section, MDP 122
24 Mr Daniel Andrews Premier daniel.andrews@parliament.vic.gov.au
26 Mr Martin Pakula, martin.pakula@parliament.vic.gov.au, attorney-general@justice.vic.gov.au
28 20210806-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
30 Sir,
31 I understand from news report that a special AFP team has been appointed regarding online
32 publications relating to the COVID-19 issue. I view therefore that it is within the AFP
33 investigative powers to investigate all relevant issues and not just those which the Government
34 may desire to be investigating to perhaps aids in its overthrow of the Commonwealth of
35 Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) and so the provisions therein.
37 https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-anti-vaxxers-targeted-special-team-detectives-fears-could-target-
38 vaccine-hubs/fad28908-9340-4d0e-80f7-f5e21d61f0e7
39 Coronavirus: Anti vaxxers targeted by special team of detectives amid fears they could target
40 vaccine hubs (9news.com.au)
41 Fears vaccine hubs could be 'targeted' as online chatter spikes
43 A special team of AFP detectives has been appointed by the Federal Government to
44 watch the online interactions of the anti-vaccination "movement".
47 My concern is also that the Federal Government is aiding and abetting with the States as to
48 succeed in this to install a NEW WORLD ORDER, violating our constitutional rights, by
49 providing funding for the unconstitutional lockdowns or any state/territory.
51 Hansard 23-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
52 Australasian Convention)
54 We ought to leave it open to this extent, that while we agree upon essentials, and express ourselves fully
55 and freely upon all our views, still, so far as our views are not negatived by any principle here laid down,
56 their embodiment in any resolution may stand over for Select Committee and afterwards [start page 20] for

24-9-2023 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 5

1 Committee of the whole House, when they may be debated with the freest publicity and fullest
2 freedom. I believe we shall by this process best arrive at conclusions; not that, as many of us would like.
3 we shall be able to drive our own particular views to an issue at once, but we shall discuss all these matters,
4 both constitutionally and otherwise, and then we may arrive at views which, though contrary to our
5 present opinions, shall essentially represent the views of those who sent us here to deal with the
6 problems we have to discuss.
9 The legal principle of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) is that We,
10 the People, elect our representatives to act on our behalf laws and governance for “peace, order
11 and good” governance. A NEW WORLD ORDER that would take over those legal principles
12 would be akin to treason by those who are promoting and/or aiding and abetting in this regard to
13 apply/install the NEW WORLD ORDER.
14 Mr Brad Hazzard purported NSW Minister for health is recorded at least on 2 videos making
15 known he is using the NEW WORLD ORDER. In my view, this disqualifies him from being a
16 Member of any Australian Parliament as provided for in Section 44 of the constitution to which
17 the States within Section 106 are “subject to this constitution”. Likewise, any other purported
18 Member of any Australian Parliament who is aiding and abetting in this TREASONOUS
19 conduct.
21 END QUOTE 20210806-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
22 Australian Federal Police-COMPLAINT(2)
25 The Australian Federal Police in my view should immediately investigate the TGA,
26 and also undertake steps that no one is coerced into being jabbed and that all and any
27 participation must be within the normal applicable provisions of a “clinical trial” and
28 not despite of it to serve power hungry politicians, etc.
29 This document can be downloaded from:
30 https://www.scribd.com/document/519487441/20210810-Mr-G-H-Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-
31 B-to-Reece-Kershaw-Chief-Commissioner-of-the-Australian-Federal-Police-
32 COMPLAINT-Suppl-04
34 QUOTE 20210810-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian
35 Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-04
36 Obviously, the AFP could check out when was any purchase established with Moderna,
37 considering that Mr Greg Hunt referred in a past sense to it.
39 https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/moderna-vaccine-to-be-approved-within-a-fortnight-hunt-
40 says/ar-AAN49zO?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531
41 Moderna vaccine to be approved within a fortnight, Hunt says
43 Health Minister Greg Hunt says he expects the Moderna vaccine to be approved by
44 the Therapeutic Goods Administration within a fortnight.
46 The Federal Government has bought 25 million doses of Moderna, 10 million of which will
47 be used for vaccinations, and 15 million as boosters.
48 In a much-needed boost to Australia's vaccination rollout, the first doses of the vaccine will
49 begin arriving in the country by the middle of next month, Mr Hunt said.
50 Australia will receive a million doses in September, followed by three million each month in
51 October, November, and December.
52 The Federal Government has bought 25 million doses of Moderna, 10 million of which will
53 be used for vaccinations, and 15 million as boosters.
24-9-2023 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 6

1 Do note the term “has bought” as such no matter what the TGA couldn’t achieve anything to
2 provisionally approve Moderna on 9 August 23021 but nevertheless this might be attempted as
3 many persons would unlikely go to the details as I do.
5 https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/suspicions-grow-nanoparticles-pfizer-s-covid-19-vaccine-trigger-rare-
6 allergic-reactions
7 Some people suspect polyethylene glycol may have triggered severe reactions in at least eight people who received
8 the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the past 2 weeks.
10 Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions
11 By Jop de VriezeDec. 21, 2020 , 5:10 PM
12 Science’s COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center and the Heising-Simons Foundation.
14 Katalin Karikó, a senior vice president at BioNTech who co-invented the mRNA technology underlying both
15 vaccines, says she discussed with Szebeni whether PEG in the vaccine could be an issue. (The two know
16 each other well; both are Hungarian and in the 1980s, Karikó taught Szebeni how to make liposomes in her
17 lab.) They agreed that given the low amount of lipid and the intramuscular administration, the risk was
18 negligible.
19 Karikó emphasizes that based on what we know so far, the risk is still low. “All vaccines carry some risk. But
20 the benefit of the vaccine outweighs the risk,” she says.
21 Szebeni agrees, but says he hopes that’s also true in the long run. He notes that both mRNA vaccines require
22 two shots, and he worries anti-PEG antibodies triggered by the first shot could increase the risk of an allergic
23 reaction to the second or to PEGylated drugs.
24 Stay for 30 minutes.
25 To understand the risk, Phillips says, it’s crucial to unravel the mechanisms underlying the immune
26 reactions and find out how often they are likely to occur. The known U.S. cases are currently under
27 study, but key clues may have vanished: Anaphylactic reactions produce biomarkers that only remain
28 in the blood for a few hours. At the NIAID meeting, participants discussed ways to ensure that blood
29 samples from future cases are taken immediately and tested for those markers.
30 If PEG does turn out to be the culprit, the question is, what can be done? Screening millions of people
31 for anti-PEG antibodies before they are vaccinated is not feasible. Instead, CDC guidelines recommend
32 not giving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to anyone with a history of severe allergic reaction to any
33 component of the vaccine. For people who have had a severe reaction to another vaccine or injectable
34 medication, the risks and benefits of vaccination should be carefully weighed, CDC says. And people
35 who might be at high risk of an anaphylactic reaction should stay at the vaccination site for 30 minutes after
36 their shot so they can be treated if necessary.
37 “At least [anaphylaxis] is something that happens quickly,” Philips says. “So, it’s something that you can be
38 very much alerted to, prepared to recognize early and be prepared to treat early.”
41 Obviously to “the risks and benefits of vaccination should be carefully weighed” you require
42 a qualified medical specialist to consider such matters and not merely assume it is all right.
44 Again:
45 To understand the risk, Phillips says, it’s crucial to unravel the mechanisms underlying the immune
46 reactions and find out how often they are likely to occur. The known U.S. cases are currently under
47 study, but key clues may have vanished: Anaphylactic reactions produce biomarkers that only remain
48 in the blood for a few hours.
50 https://nationalfile.com/report-pfizer-vaccine-confirmed-to-cause-neurodegenerative-diseases/
51 REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study
53 In a shocking new report on the COVID-19 vaccines, it has been discovered that the Pfizer coronavirus
54 vaccine may have long term health effects not previously disclosed, including “ALS, Alzheimer’s, and
55 other neurological degenerative diseases.”
56 “The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order
57 without extensive long term safety testing,” the report declares. “In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19
58 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.” Prion-
59 based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the

24-9-2023 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 7

1 Pfizer vaccine is potentially likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards
2 to the brain.
3 This is especially concerning since the Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, an untested type of vaccine
4 which creates new proteins and can actually integrate into the human genome, according to a report
5 from the National Library of Medicine. In other words, degenerative brain conditions may appear at
6 any time in your life after receiving the vaccine.
9 https://nationalfile.com/report-pfizer-vaccine-confirmed-to-cause-neurodegenerative-diseases/
10 REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study
12 The report determined that “the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and
13 FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations,” meaning that both proteins have the potential
14 to embed themselves into our DNA and cause harmful neurological diseases.
15 The report’s abstract summary concludes that “The enclosed finding as well as additional potential
16 risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2
17 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.” The report itself ends
18 with this warning: “The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original
19 infection.”
22 By the time any proper diagnoses can be made AFTER the vaccination then it might be well
23 after the person has died. Hence, any specialist must be involved PRIOR TO any vaccination
24 being done.
26 https://www.9news.com.au/videos/health/coronavirus-australias-first-drive-through-covid-19-
27 vaccination-clinic-opens/cks3mmsjf002s0ho2s3nj8d9o
29 Australia's first drive-through COVID-19 vaccination clinic opens
30 New drive-through vaccination hub in Melbourne's west.

34 Moderna vaccine receives provisional approval from TGA
35 Monday August 9: The Australian Government has secured 25 million doses of the
36 Moderna vaccine after it was provisionally approved for use in Australia by the TGA.
37 an hour ago01:54
38 'Disease of the unvaccinated'
39 Of the 175 people in Australian ICU wards this year, 168 were not vaccinated; eight
40 patients had one dose; and zero had been fully vaccinated.
41 4 hours ago07:23
44 How on earth can there be any proper observation for 15 minutes after a driver has been jabbed,
45 when they are in charge of a motor vehicle?

24-9-2023 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 8

1 Where is the observation room for the driver to be observed, and if the driver encounters a
2 serious adverse reaction then where is the medical team facilities as to assist the driver in time
3 before the driver might die?
4 How indeed can this be considered circumstances applicable to a “clinical trial”?
6 During 2020 pathologist of Hungary, Spain, Italy, France and Germany made clear in various
7 videos that not a single person had died “from” COVID-19 but many had rather died “with”
8 COVID-19. In the USA the CD directed that anyone who died, even in a motor vehicle accident
9 could be recorded as a COVID-19 death merely to assume the person had COVID-19
10 .
11 One judge, who was informed that her sister had died in a nursing home “from” COVID-19,
12 decided she wanted to know the truth and so an autopsy was performed that proved that the sister
13 didn’t even have COVID-19, but died from Alzheimer’s. Likewise, numerous other so called
14 deaths “from” COVID-19 afterwards were shown had absolutely nothing to do with COVID-19.
15 Reality is that the financial incentive to nursing homes, hospitals, etc, was to pretend a person
16 had died “from” COVID-19 as allegedly a payment as much as $79,000 could be claimed.
18 Yes, there was at times hospital facilities shortages but now for the right reasons. As many
19 reports, including videos proved that hospitals were laying of staff and closing beds and so that
20 was the real reason why a hospital may have insufficient facilities to provide for a person needs.
21 Indeed, I watched videos where the media (TV) was announcing certain hospitals being
22 overwhelmed where then a person videoed showing that the hospital was about totally isolated
23 with virtually not even a car in the car park and nurses and doctors doing dancing in hospital hall
24 ways and carparks as a form of entertainment as nothing else was there to do. As such, the so
25 called “crisis” was a self inflicted absurd condition not at all relating to the real issue of COVID-
26 19. As I view it, essentially patients were actually “murdered” while in hospitals. In fact this is
27 not at all aggregated beyond reality this as I have downloaded videos where nursing staff was
28 pleading to feed patients but they were told they die anyhow so no need to feed them or provide
29 certain medical care.
31 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/02/02/covid-vaccine-death-
32 seniors.aspx?ui=9f3184a621aaa3f412fa6b94da9e2e1659a095d9670040e856c222e88170d7b7&cid_source=dnl&cid
33 _medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210202_HL2&mid=DM792926&rid=1
34 Seniors Dying After COVID Vaccine Labeled as Natural Causes (mercola.com)
36 Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, commented that the deaths
37 have to be “put into context with the population they occurred in.” 5
38 In other words, they were old and old people die. It’s hypocrisy at its finest. When seniors die before vaccination,
39 it’s due to COVID-19 and something must be done to prevent it, but when they die after vaccination, they die
40 of natural causes and no preventive action is necessary.
41 The World Health Organization added that since there was “no certain connection” of the vaccines to Norway’s
42 deaths, there is no reason to discontinue giving it to senior citizens.
45 One then has to question if the TGA simply skipped proper consideration considering that to my
46 understanding Moderna never before sold any “vaccine” prior to the COVID-19 claims. As such,
47 the TGA so to say dealing with a new comer surely ought to have been very careful as to what
48 Moderna’s claim about a vaccine was about.
50 I have not at hand the case but there was a previous ruling regarding the Minister having taken a
51 mere 10 minutes to consider if a person was entitled to remain in Australia. The Minister rejected

24-9-2023 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 9

1 the application but the Court held that the Minister never could have given proper consideration
2 to the file in mere 10 minutes.
4 This legal principle may also be considered to apply to the TGA where even so the application
5 may have been made in June nevertheless with dealing with a new comer and the already
6 horrendous amounts of problems highlighted with Pfizer and AstraZeneca then the TGA should
7 have been alerted to not repeat the same with Moderna. After all it as I understand it did disclose
8 it included graphene and well in recent times this has been of considerable attention as to the
9 disastrous health complications relating to graphene.
10 END QUOTE 20210810-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
11 Australian Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-04
14 https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-12-treason-us-military-waging-biological-warfare-
15 against-its-own-troops-via-mandatory-injections-of-spike-protein-bioweapons.html
16 TREASON – US military waging biological warfare against its own troops via mandatory
17 injections of spike protein bioweapons
18 Thursday, August 12, 2021 by: Mike Adams

23 Hang a picture of your preferred person(s) up-site-down to show your disgust about
24 person(s) you view are part off or in support of those committing TREASON and working
25 together using bioweapon jabbing to aid foreign enemy entities. Let then a special
26 Bioweapon Tribunal pass judgment upon any of them.
27 This document can be downloaded from:
28 https://www.scribd.com/document/520702644/20210819-Mr-G-H-Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-
29 B-to-Reece-Kershaw-Chief-Commissioner-of-the-Australian-Federal-Police-
32 QUOTE 20210819-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian
33 Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-08-BIOWEAPON
34 https://www.bitchute.com/video/WCV5ZkFF8k4e
35 Dr. David Martin Just Ended Covid, Fauci, DOJ And Politicians by Stew Peters Show

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/jhNvLsa08PQl/
3 Propaganda Expert Piers Robinson: Covid-19 Is A Global ... - BitChute
4 4 days ago ... Source: Asia Pacific Today: https://rumble.com/vkppo0-covid-is-a-global-
5 propaganda-operation.html.

7 https://nationalfile.com/report-pfizer-vaccine-confirmed-to-cause-neurodegenerative-diseases/
8 REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study
10 In a shocking new report on the COVID-19 vaccines, it has been discovered that the Pfizer
11 coronavirus vaccine may have long term health effects not previously disclosed, including “ALS,
12 Alzheimer’s, and other neurological degenerative diseases.”
13 “The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order
14 without extensive long term safety testing,” the report declares. “In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19
15 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.” Prion-
16 based diseases are, according to the CDC, a form of neurodegenerative diseases, meaning that the
17 Pfizer vaccine is potentially likely to cause long term damage and negative health effects with regards
18 to the brain.
19 This is especially concerning since the Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, an untested type of vaccine
20 which creates new proteins and can actually integrate into the human genome, according to a report
21 from the National Library of Medicine. In other words, degenerative brain conditions may appear at
22 any time in your life after receiving the vaccine.
25 https://nationalfile.com/report-pfizer-vaccine-confirmed-to-cause-neurodegenerative-diseases/
26 REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study
28 The report determined that “the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to
29 fold into their pathologic prion confirmations,” meaning that both proteins have the potential to embed
30 themselves into our DNA and cause harmful neurological diseases.
31 The report’s abstract summary concludes that “The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks
32 leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was
33 premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.” The report itself ends with this
34 warning: “The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.”
37 https://www.bitchute.com/video/9sQGkUOOUyCp/
38 pharma downloaded spike protein recipe from chinese government!
42 https://www.bitchute.com/video/FJQUJRFBwUeO/
43 Tim Truth Reports: Pharma Downloaded Spike Protein Recipe From ...
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1 6 days ago ... Credit to Tim Truth Pharma Downloaded Spike Protein Recipe From
2 Chinese Government?! The Virus Has Never Been Isolated!
4 https://www.bitchute.com/video/c8HpB0rQKHaX/
5 The Virus Has Never Been Isolated! - BitChute
6 7 days ago ... Pharma Downloaded Spike Protein Recipe From Chinese Government?!
7 The Virus Has Never Been Isolated! ... First published at 22:33 UTC on August ...
9 https://www.bitchute.com/video/l19Fq8ePqDvZ/
10 Pharma Downloaded Spike Protein Recipe From Chinese ... - BitChute
14 Here the scientist claims that within “2 hours” having downloaded the details from the Chinese
15 WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) they had a “vaccine”. The moment the video starts she is
16 explaining this! Essentially, as it appears to me, the Chinese Government provided the script
17 how to create a bioweapon to kill of people around the world for their depopulation program and
18 to take over the world.
20 Pharma Downloaded Spike Protein Recipe From Chinese Government

22 http://stateofthenation.co/?p=77610

23 HARD PROOF: COVID-19 Surges and Outbreaks Nationwide Caused by High Covid
24 Vaccination Rates
26 It’s important to note that South Florida never sees influenza cluster explosions like this in the middle of the summer, so
27 the only explanation is the high Covid vaccination rates.

28 However, this analysis by no means precludes the distinct possibility that the NWO globalist cabal has released a new
29 variation of the COVID-19 bioweapon. See: COVID KILL SHOT: A GENOCIDAL BIOWEAPON & FUNVAX
31 Nonetheless, the so-called Covid breakthrough cases mushrooming statewide are directly attributed to the pervasive and
32 aggressive Covid vaccination programs, particularly those implemented throughout Southeast Florida.

35 https://awakeneduk.wordpress.com/2018/10/05/are-nanoparticles-preventing-ascension/
36 Are Nanoparticles Preventing Ascension?
37 Awakened-UK Ascension, Global Witness Posts Oct 5, 2018
38 Derek Broes has warned us that nano particles are ‘the government’s virus for your mind’. He has evidence
39 that nano particles are going to deliver a virus to humans to prevent us connecting spiritually with the Father.
40 This would in turn stop our ascension.
42 https://banned.video/watch?id=60eccfd9eac9c959a4f8a2ae
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1 Top Equities Investor: There is no DELTA variant... not novel... no pandemic. Dr David Martin
3 Getting back to the video “Dr. David Martin Just Ended Covid, Fauci, DOJ And Politicians
4 by Stew Peters Show” we then have to consider if within the Commonwealth of Australia where
5 politicians, Health Departments, the medical profession, etc, are actually acting within the legal
6 provisions governing bioweapons. After all, where the so-called vaccine is really a bioweapon
7 that causes the body to create “spike” where it normal would not do so then in my view this is
8 not at all for the benefit of “man-kind” but rather a weapon to interfere with the ordinary
9 function of the human immune system. Being able to have some computer chip, etc, to switch of
10 or on cells beyond the control of the human body itself (the immune system) is a very dangerous
11 way to allow interferences with the rights of a human being.
12 As the “Lock Step Scenario” really is to use an ordinary fly to embolden the powers of those in
13 government as to be more powerful, and to deprive citizens their ordinary rights, then I view this
14 is the conduct of TERRORIST, persons who are actually enemy of the State, etc, and can be
15 deemed “combats men” regardless if they are in any government position. They are no longer
16 governing within their laid up duties and obligations within the confines of legal principles
17 embedded in the constitution but are conspiring to overthrow the constitution and so the will of
18 We the People. And in the process cause misery and death that TREASON is but one of many
19 statuses such a person has to be considered to be involved in.


22 This is a video recording of 2005 where Bill Gates is explaining to the military how to use
23 nanoparticles, etc, to alter the mind set of persons. As such, the nanoparticles now discovered in
24 the so called COVID-19 “vaccines” really have their purpose, just not thing to do with
25 combatting some alleged “virus”.
26 What we now have is a bioweapon that is injected to citizens and well

27 Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994

28 No. 26, 1994
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1 Compilation No. 14

2 Compilation date: 29 December 2018

3 Includes amendments up to: Act No. 67, 2018

4 Registered: 21 January 2019

7 An Act relating to the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling or use of
8 chemical weapons and the control of certain chemicals capable of being used as chemical
9 weapons, and related provisions
10 Part 1—Preliminary
12 6 Acts bind the Crown
14 https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2019C00058
15 Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994
16 (1) If any chemical weapon is developed, produced, otherwise acquired, stockpiled,
17 retained or transferred in contravention of section 12, the weapon is ...
19 Part 2—Offences relating to chemical weapons Error! Bookmark not defined.
20 12 Offences relating to chemical weapons Error! Bookmark not defined.
21 13 Notification of finding of substances or articles believed to be chemical weapons Error!
22 Bookmark not defined.
23 14 Forfeiture and seizure of chemical weapons Error! Bookmark not defined.
25 3 Object of Act
26 The object of this Act is to give effect to certain obligations that Australia has as a party to
27 the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of
28 Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
29 4 Extension to external Territories
30 This Act extends to the external Territories.
31 5 Extra-territorial operation of Act
32 (1) Subject to this Act, this Act extends to acts done or omitted to be done by an Australian
33 citizen outside Australia and the external Territories or to acts done on board Australian
34 ships and aircraft.
35 Note: Extended geographical jurisdiction applies to the offence against section 12.
36 (2) In subsection (1):
37 Australian ships and aircraft means ships and aircraft registered in Australia or belonging
38 to, or in the possession of, the Commonwealth or a State.
39 6 Act binds the Crown
40 (1) This Act binds the Crown in all its capacities.
41 (2) Nothing in this Act renders the Crown liable to be prosecuted for an offence.
42 7 Definitions
43 (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears:

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1 challenge inspection means an inspection declared by the Minister to be a challenge

2 inspection under section 47 and carried out under Division 3 of Part 5.
4 And

6 consumption facility means a facility:

7 (a) that is covered by a permit required under subsection 16(1) and designated in the
8 permit as a consumption facility; or
9 (b) that was so covered and designated but is now covered by a notification required under
10 subsection 28(1).
13 And
15 (a)in a provision of the Act other than a provision relating to an international compliance
16 inspection—a Schedule 1, 2 or 3 facility or an OCP facility; and
17 (b) in a provision of the Act relating to an international compliance inspection—a
18 Schedule 1 facility, a facility referred to in section 40 or 41, or an OCP facility.
19 Director means the Director of the Chemical Weapons Convention Office referred to in
20 section 86.
21 facility means a particular plant site comprising one or more plants.
22 facility agreement, in respect of a particular facility, means an agreement or arrangement
23 entered into under section 76 between the Minister, on behalf of Australia, and the
24 Organization setting out detailed inspection procedures to be followed in respect of an
25 international compliance inspection, or a challenge inspection, of that facility:
26 (a) at which the production, acquisition, retention or use, or from which the transfer, of a
27 Schedule 1 chemical takes place; or
28 (b) at which the production, processing or consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical takes
29 place; or
30 (c) at which the production of a Schedule 3 chemical or of an unscheduled discrete organic
31 chemical takes place.
33 And

35 protective facility means a facility (if any):

37 (a)that is covered by a permit required under subsection 16(1) and designated in the permit
38 as a protective facility; or
39 (b) that was so covered and designated but is now covered by a notification required under
40 subsection 28(1).
41 research facility means a facility:
42 (a) that is covered by a permit required under subsection 16(1) and designated in the
43 permit as a research facility; or
44 (b) that was so covered and designated but is now covered by a notification required under
45 subsection 28(1).
46 Schedule 1 chemical means a chemical listed in Schedule 1 to the Convention.
47 Schedule 1 facility means:
48 (a) a single small-scale facility; or
49 (b) a protective facility; or
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1 (c) a research facility; or

2 (d) a consumption facility.
5 And
7 71. A converted facility shall not be used:
8 (a) for any activity involving production, processing, or consumption of a Schedule 1
9 chemical or a Schedule 2 chemical; or
10 (b) for the production of any highly toxic chemical, including any highly toxic
11 organophosphorus chemical, or for any other activity that would require special equipment for
12 handling highly toxic or highly corrosive chemicals, unless the Executive Council decides
13 that such production or activity would pose no risk to the object and purpose of this
14 Convention, taking into account criteria for toxicity, corrosiveness and,
16 if applicable, other technical factors, to be considered and approved by the Conference pursuant
17 to Article VIII, paragraph 21(i).
19 And
27 1. A State Party shall not produce, acquire, retain or use Schedule 1 chemicals outside the
28 territories of States Parties and shall not transfer such chemicals outside its territory except to
29 another State Party.
30 2. A State Party shall not produce, acquire, retain, transfer or use Schedule 1 chemicals
31 unless:
32 (a) the chemicals are applied to research, medical, pharmaceutical or protective
33 purposes; and
34 (b) the types and quantities of chemicals are strictly limited to those which can be
35 justified for such purposes; and
36 (c) the aggregate amount of such chemicals at any given time for such purposes is
37 equal to or less than 1 tonne; and
38 (d) the aggregate amount for such purposes acquired by a State Party in any year
39 through production, withdrawal from chemical weapons stocks and transfer is equal
40 to or less than 1 tonne.
41 3. A State Party may transfer Schedule 1 chemicals outside its territory only to another State
42 Party and only for research, medical, pharmaceutical or protective purposes in accordance with
43 paragraph 2.
44 4. Chemicals transferred shall not be retransferred to a third State.
45 5. Not less than 30 days before any transfer to another State Party both States Parties shall
46 notify the Technical Secretariat of the transfer.
47 6. Each State Party shall make a detailed annual declaration regarding transfers during the
48 previous year. The declaration shall be submitted not later than 90 days after the end of that year
49 and shall for each Schedule 1 chemical that has been transferred include the following
50 information:

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 (a) the chemical name, structural formula and Chemical Abstracts Service registry
2 number, if assigned;
3 (b) the quantity acquired from other States or transferred to other States Parties. For
4 each transfer the quantity, recipient and purpose shall be included.
6 And
8 15. A State Party producing Schedule 1 chemicals at a single small-scale facility shall make a
9 detailed annual declaration regarding the activities of the facility for the previous year. The
10 declaration shall be submitted not later than 90 days after the end of that year and shall include:
11 (a) identification of the facility;
12 (b) for each Schedule 1 chemical produced, acquired, consumed or stored at the
13 facility, the following information:
14 (i) the chemical name, structural formula and Chemical Abstracts Service registry
15 number, if assigned;
16 (ii) the methods employed and quantity produced;
18 (iii) the name and quantity of precursors listed in Schedules 1, 2, or 3 used for
19 production of Schedule 1 chemicals;
20 (iv) the quantity consumed at the facility and the purpose(s) of the consumption;
21 (v) the quantity received from or shipped to other facilities in the State Party. For each
22 shipment the quantity, recipient and purpose should be included;
23 (vi) the maximum quantity stored at any time during the year; and
24 (vii) the quantity stored at the end of the year; and
25 (c) information on any changes at the facility during the year compared to previously
26 submitted detailed technical descriptions of the facility including inventories of
27 equipment and detailed diagrams.
29 And
31 18. With regard to frequency and intensity of subsequent inspections, inspectors shall during
32 the initial inspection assess the risk to the object and purpose of this Convention posed by the
33 relevant chemicals, the characteristics of the plant site and the nature of the activities carried out
34 there, taking into account, inter alia, the following criteria:
35 (a) the toxicity of the scheduled chemicals and of the end-products produced with it,
36 if any;
37 (b) the quantity of the scheduled chemicals typically stored at the inspected site;
38 (c) the quantity of feedstock chemicals for the scheduled chemicals typically stored at
39 the inspected site;
40 (d) the production capacity of the Schedule 2 plants; and
41 (e) the capability and convertibility for initiating production, storage and filling of
42 toxic chemicals at the inspected site.
45 https://www.mapw.org.au/files/downloads/Leeson -Bioterrorism and the public health_0.pdf
46 Biological Weapons: Bioterrorism and the Public Health - Medical ...
47 The World Health Organization has defined biological agents as 'those that depend ... As these
48 toxins are produced and can be disseminated in similar ways.
50 Medical Association for Prevention of War www.mapw.org.au Archived Resource
51 Leeson -Bioterrorism and the public health_0
53 Medical Association for Prevention of War www.mapw.org.au Archived Resource

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1 Biological Weapons: Bioterrorism and the

2 Public Health
3 Date: 2000 Author: Kate Leeson MEDACT (SA), Adelaide

4 About MEDACT (SA)

5 MEDACT (SA) is the South Australian Branch of MAPW, the Medical Association for Prevention of War
6 (Australia). MAPW is an organisation of doctors and other health professionals with the following mission
7 statement:

8 The central objective of the organization is to relieve and prevent the human death and suffering which arise
9 from war and preparations for war, including civil conflict. To this end, the Association will engage in research,
10 education and advocacy, and in particular will:

11 i. educate medical and other health practitioners, governments and the general public about the consequences to
12 health of war and its preparations, especially nuclear, biological and chemical warfare;

13 ii. work for the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction;

14 iii. urge that the excessive financial, technical and human resources spent on armaments be directed to uses
15 which promote the health and welfare of humanity;

16 iv. examine the psychological mechanisms by which people come to accept war as a necessity;

17 v. promote non-violent means of conflict resolution at all levels.

19 MAPW is the Australian affiliate of International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), a long-
20 established global federation of medical organisations holding aims similar to those of MAPW. IPPNW received
21 the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1985 for the cooperation of physicians from countries on both sides of the Cold War
22 in the education of decision-makers and the general public about the realities of a nuclear attack on human
23 populations and its advocacy of the urgent need to prevent nuclear war. IPPNW and MAPW continue to work
24 for the abolition of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

25 About the author

26 Kate Leeson is employed as the Editorial Assistant of the Hawke Institute at the University of South Australia,
27 and she also works as a freelance editor, researcher and writer. She has qualifications in law and politics, has
28 taught feminist theory, and has a longstanding association with the peace movement. She was the co-author of
29 Landmines: a global health crisis, published by International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in
30 1997.
33 https://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/minisite/theaustraliagroupnet/site/en/guidelines.html
34 The Australia Group - Guidelines
35 Guidelines for Transfers of Sensitive Chemical or Biological Items. June 2015. The
36 Government of xxx has, after careful consideration and consistent with ...
38 https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-107shrg79961/html/CHRG-
39 107shrg79961.htm
41 The intelligence community has warned that al Qaeda was working to acquire dangerous
42 chemical agents and toxins as well as biological weapons.
44 https://fas.org/irp/threat/cbw/BIOWEAPONS_FULL_TEXT2.pdf

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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2 Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or
3 possesses any biological agents, toxin, or delivery system for use as a ...
5 https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/cbwprolif
6 Chemical and Biological Weapons Status at a Glance | Arms Control ...
7 More progress has been made by Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) ... of biological
8 agents and toxins for offensive purposes,” and accused Iran of conducing ...
10 https://www.stimson.org/wp-content/files/file-
11 attachments/Biologicalweaponsproliferation.pdf
12 Biological Weapons Proliferation - Stimson Center
13 2 Jan 1998 ... stockpile, or otherwise acquire or retain (1) microbial or other biological
14 agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, ...
16 https://bolenreport.com/getting-to-the-truth-portugal-shows-us-the-way/
17 Getting To The Truth – Portugal Shows Us the Way… – BolenReport
19 https://banned.video/watch?id=60f9e83673a7b3082db33cc0
20 The DELTA Variant is Total FAKE NEWS! (banned.video)
21 The video “Dr Andrew Kaufman” -Re “Delta fear” “banned-video” explains even for a
22 layman why the Delta variant is really nonsense, and then read the next document also! And
23 obviously one has to question that if the medical and scientific professions including those
24 holding positions as Chief medical Officers cannot even grasp the basics of what is a variant and
25 how to establish it beyond a question of doubt then surely we have a lot of grossly incompetent
26 persons who are being paid for a job they do not seem to understand what it is about. Regretfully
27 in the process people are left suffering and even dying due to their gross incompetence.
29 https://banned.video/watch?id=60b68ddb3050f25ed4399f5b
30 You Got The Lethal Injection
32 https://thefreedomarticles.com/covid-admissions-cdc-scientists-accidentally-destroy-official-narrative/
33 QUOTE(Part)
34 26 October 2020
35 https://thefreedomarticles.com/covid-admissions-cdc-scientists-accidentally-destroy-official-narrative/
36 In June Study CDC Scientists Make 2 COVID Admissions that Destroy Official Narrative
38 • • THE STORY: These 2 COVID admissions utterly destroy the official narrative – and they come straight
39 from a CDC paper.
40 • • THE IMPLICATIONS: Even the CDC admits that the virus is a computer-generated fraud and not a real
41 entity in people's bodies – plus, by their own research, it doesn't infect human tissue.
43 (Center for Disease Control) scientists made some COVID admissions
44 that totally destroy the official COVID narrative in a study published in June 2020 entitled Severe Acute
45 Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States. The interesting
46 thing about this whole scamdemic is that when you dig deep enough, the truth is out there – and it is admitted
47 by official sources – however it does take a lot of persistence to cut through the propagandistic maze of
48 disinfo. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the significance of what the CDC scientists revealed,
49 namely that for their research involving the allegedly new virus SARS-CoV-2, they only used 37 base pairs
50 from actual sample tissue and filled in the rest (around 30,000 base pairs) with computer generated
51 sequences, i.e. they made it up! The other of the COVID admissions is equally as stunning: after testing they
52 found that SARS-CoV-2 could not infect human tissue.
53 #1 COVID Admission: The Computer-Generated Frankenstein Virus: CDC Scientists Admit Only
54 Using 37 Base Pairs from Real Tissue to Assemble SARS-CoV-2
55 In a previous article, I talked about how SARS-CoV-2 is a stitched-together, Frankenstein virus, because it is
56 a computer-generated, digital, abstract creation, not a real living virus. It has never been properly purified and
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1 isolated so that it could be sequenced from end-to-end once derived from living tissue; instead, it’s just
2 digitally assembled from a computer viral database. The CDC scientists state they took just 37 base pairs
3 from a genome of 30,000 base pairs! That means that about 0.001% of the viral sequence is derived from
4 actual living samples or real bodily tissue. Here is the quote:
5 “Whole-Genome Sequencing
6 We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference
7 sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512). We extracted nucleic acid from isolates and amplified by
8 using the 37 individual nested PCRs.”
9 Interestingly enough, in the next paragraph, the CDC scientists say they used “quantitative PCR” for further
10 analysis/construction, which goes against what Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, once said – namely that
11 “quantitative PCR is an oxymoron” since PCR is inherently a qualitative technique not a quantitative one. I
12 have covered how badly the PCR test is being misused throughout this entire COVID scamdemic in other
13 articles such as this one. In his article Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’ Dr. Thomas
14 Cowan highlights this scientific fraud:
15 “… we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they found
16 37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes. This means they actually looked at 37 out of the
17 approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus. They then took
18 these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.
19 To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of
20 researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a
21 snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn,
22 and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they had never actually seen a
23 unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual
24 unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.”
25 Pure or true science attempts to prove whether something is so; hence true science has no room for politics,
26 majority rules or consensus. Yet, according to Cowan, consensus was used to determine which digital SARS-
27 CoV-2 model was the most real fake model:
28 “The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by “consensus,” sort of like a
29 vote. Again, different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary “unicorn,” so
30 they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn.”
31 #2 COVID Admission: CDC Scientists Found that SARS-CoV-2 Didn’t Infect Human Tissue
32 A big part of the official story we were told was that COVID was a new, dangerous and unpredictable disease
33 that was both fast-spreading and lethal. Well, it’s apparently not very lethal since the CDC scientists found
34 that it couldn’t even infect human cells in vitro. They tested the ‘virus’ (not really, but solutions they claim
35 contain samples of SARS-CoV-2) on 3 different types of human tissue cultures (human adenocarcinoma cells
36 [A549], human liver cells [HUH 7.0] and human embryonic kidney cells [HEK-293T]). The ‘virus’ was not
37 able to infect any of the 3 human tissue cultures. Here’s the quote:
38 “… we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human
39 cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human
40 embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T), in addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells. We also examined an
41 available big brown bat kidney cell line (EFK3B) for SARS-CoV-2 replication capacity. Each cell line was
42 inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24 h postinfection … No CPE was observed in any
43 of the cell lines except in Vero cells, which grew to >107 PFU at 24 h postinfection. In contrast, HUH7.0
44 and 293T cells showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells were incompatible with SARS-CoV-2
45 infection. These results are consistent with
46 previous susceptibility findings for SARS-CoV and suggest other common culture systems, including MDCK,
47 HeLa, HEP-2, MRC-5 cells, and embryonated eggs, are unlikely to support SARS-CoV-2 replication. In
48 addition, SARS-CoV-2 did not replicate in bat EFK3B cells, which are susceptible to MERS-CoV. Together,
49 the results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 maintains a similar profile to SARS-CoV in terms of susceptible cell
50 lines.”
51 END QUOTE (part)
52 END QUOTE 20210819-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
53 Australian Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-08-BIOWEAPON
54 And
55 20210819-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal
57 While the AFP may argue that internal state issues are not for the Australian Federal Police to
59 SOCIAL DISTANCING, etc, reality is that where they are part of a criminal event then they all

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Page 20

1 are relevant. As such, where the denial of protest against the Commonwealth is prevented by the
2 State allegedly for pushing its mantra as to COVID-19 then one has to look upon it in the overall.
4 As Premier Daniel Andrews made clear that the restrictions would be applied until 80% of
5 citizen were vaccinated! As such, he squarely joined the restrictions to the so called
6 “vaccinations”. As the TGA didn’t approve any “vaccinations” for commercial use, but only for
7 “clinical trial” purposes and the so called “vaccinations” Premier Daniel Andrews refers to are
8 those commercial purchased by the commonwealth from wherever, then clearly any
9 direct/indirect coercion to be “vaccinated” with a bioweapon so called vaccine is a crime against
10 humanity/genocide, etc.
12 Yet, to my understanding the Australian Federal Police seems to be more interested in sitting on
13 its hands to go out and arrest those Premiers, health officials, police, journalist, medical doctors,
14 etc, who are pushing this illegal bioweapon jabbing. We even have that private companies are
15 not assisting the governments to unlawfully force employees and others to be vaccinated with
16 this bioweapon or be segregated and possibly denied to use their services.
17 END QUOTE 20210819-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
18 Australian Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-08-BIOWEAPON
20 The above must make it very clear that since 6 August 2021 my complaint to the Australian
21 Federal Police was comprehensive in exposing the bioweapon issue. It is not my duty and/or
22 obligation to personally inform every person in Australia, such as Banyule City Council
23 councillors as to issues concerned. My blog at https://www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati provides
24 free of charge my writings.
26 The issue obviously is if the Banyule City Council staff was shedding when on the property and
27 this may have also caused my wife to have additional health problems? It may underline that
28 Banyule City Council should always avoid any trespassing by its staff.
30 Obviously, I require Banyule City Council to provide me with all and any rules/provisions,
31 etc, it may have governing the conduct of Banyule City Council staff to attend to and/or enter in
32 any manner any property, the owners and/or residents.
34 Mr Roman Wojtkowski may or may not have quoted a particular alleged by-law but I should
35 be able to check and verify if such alleged by-law is existing and if it exist if it is within
36 constitutional provisions enacted. After all:
38 WATSON v_ LEE (1979) 144 CLR 374;( JUDGE3 STEPHEN J.)
40 As Scott L.J. said in Blackpool Corporation v. Locker (1948) 1 KB 349, at
41 p
42 361 , speaking there of sub-delegated legislation, "there is one quite general
43 question . . . of supreme importance to the continuance of the rule of law
44 under the British constitution, namely, the right of the public affected to
45 know what that law is". The maxim that ignorance of the law is no excuse forms the
46 "working hypothesis on which the rule of law rests in British democracy" but to
47 operate it requires that "the whole of our law, written or unwritten, is accessible to
48 the public - in the sense, of course, that at any rate its legal advisers have access to it at
49 any moment, as of right".
51 Again;
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Page 21

2 it requires that "the whole of our law, written or unwritten, is
3 accessible to the public - in the sense, of course,
6 The Supreme Court of Victoria so to say threw out charges against the Albert Park protesters
7 when Mr Jeff Kennett was Premier OF Victoria because the purported legislation was not
8 gazetted and as such not legally enforceable. Meaning, that whatever purported legislation Mr
9 Roman Wojtkowski may claim to rely upon I require to know the legal basis including when
10 such alleged by-law was gazetted.
12 We also have this notice 18951 by Angelo O’Brien “by order authorised officer “Banyule
13 City Council”. To me this is utter and sheer nonsense as it shows no claimed legal provisions
14 merely “by order authorised officer “Banyule City Council”. I am entitled to know how
15 allegedly Banyule City Council can overrule and legal provisions enacted by the State of
16 Victoria and where it is shown something like “by order authorised officer “Banyule City
17 Council legal provisions of the State of Victorian are nullified” or something like that. We are
18 referring to a motor vehicle that was lawfully parked in front of our property and no signs were
19 displayed that in any way prohibited the parking of the motor vehicle and/or restricted parking.
20 Considering the notice number 18951 it appears to me that this nonsense kind of notice must
21 have been repeatedly used without a shred of information where Banyule City Council has the
22 legal authority to permit a motor vehicle to be vandalized with a sticker where its glue is very
23 difficult to be removed. If Mr Angelo O’Brien had looked into the vehicle he would likely have
24 noticed that there were blue bed sheets covering the content stored into the vehicle. This as to
25 avoid making the vehicle attractive for theft, etc.
27 As I mentioned previously, I have properties in Berriwillock and other then when my wife is too
28 ill, I travel to Berriwillock at times to slash the grass, etc, unless a friend takes care of it. Hence
29 the Ford AU was purchased to have duel fuel so that when I am limited in travelling due to the
30 gas being nearly all used I can then travel further using petrol where at time gas stations facilities
31 are not available. As eventuated at times in the past. The Ford AU was specifically fitted out for
32 towing the trailer with the ride on mower. The Ford 2010 is not. So that now is a problem as both
33 the Ford AU could no longer remain parked due to the vandalism by Banyule City Council
34 causing my wife to have a higher dangerous heart rate and also she now is too ill for me to travel
35 to Berriwillock, all due to the vandalism by Banyule City Council.
37 Whenever I used to travel to Berriwillock I would have to load the car based upon what is called
38 “guts feeling”. For example one year I asked a friend to come along as I had the “guts feeling” I
39 likely need assistance. I also asked him to bring along his generator so we could use electrical
40 equipment such as electric drill. I also purchased a block and tackle, special angle iron and bolts,
41 nuts and washers from Bunnings and a lot more. I also loaded up extension ladder and A-frame
42 ladder, and a lot more even so never before had I taken any such items along. When we arrived
43 at the properties it was obviously a storm must have loosened the side of one of the huge sheds
44 as an entire wall was hanging nearly loose. With the tools and equipment we were able to fix it
45 all and well my friend just couldn’t believe that I had these items taken along just upon a “guts
46 feeling”. Some years later another person asked if he could come along to the properties and I
47 accepted. I purchased a chainsaw at Bunnings because I just had this “guts feeling” I needed one.
48 When we arrived there were several trees torn apart and so having the chainsaw we were able to
49 cut the parts that were broken apart.
50 This is how I used to load the car. Just on “guts feeling” and so besides the renovation items I
51 would load the car with whatever I held might be needed. Having the car parked in front of the
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Page 22

1 property I was making it ready for another trip and hence covering equipment with a blue bed
2 sheet to prevent it to be attractive for anyone to steal from it.
3 Ample of motor vehicles are parked in various streets in Banyule City Council and well every
4 motor vehicle owner is entitled to have items on or in their motor vehicle, many tradesman have
5 ladders on their vehicles, etc. It must be clear that the vehicle was being used and there is no law
6 that dictates a vehicle must be moved 1 centimetre or 10 centimetres or more. I am not aware of
7 any legislation and/or road rules that dictates I must inform Banyule City Council each time I
8 attend to a vehicle. If Banyule City Council however may claim there is such authority then well
9 spill it out, and show the relevant alleged legislation and when it was gazetted. Banyule City
10 Council might argue we didn’t state how much the vehicle had to be moved but that would be
11 nonsense, as if it in the first place had no legal authority to interfere with a registered motor
12 vehicle then anything that flowed from it is for the responsibility of Banyule City Council.
13 As to Banyule City Council claiming the vehicle was “abandoned” even so parked in front of
14 our property without violating any laws:
16 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/abandon
17 ABANDON | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
18 abandon | American Dictionary ... to leave behind or run away from someone or something, or
19 to give up something: Air attacks forced the villagers to abandon ...
21 Meaning of abandon in English

22 abandon
23 verb [ T ]
24 UK
25 /əˈbæn.dən/ US
26 /əˈbæn.dən/
27 abandon verb [T] (LEAVE)
28 Add to word list
29 B2
30 to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever:
31 We had to abandon the car.
32 By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been abandoned.
33 As a baby he was abandoned by his mother.
34 abandon ship We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.
35 Fewer examples
36 If disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die.
37 It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon
38 his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.
39 According to an eyewitness account, the thieves abandoned their vehicle near the scene of the robbery and
40 then ran off.
41 The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.
42 The house had been abandoned for several years before they decided to demolish it.
43 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
46 https://www.dictionary.com/browse/abandoned
47 Abandoned Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
48 abandoned · forsaken or deserted: an abandoned building; an abandoned kitten. ·
49 unrestrained or uncontrolled; uninhibited: She danced with abandoned enthusiasm.
51 It ought to be clear that a motor vehicle being prepared for a long distance trip is not particularly
52 “abandoned”. As I made clear due to the vandalism upon the motor vehicle by Mr Angelo
53 O’Brien and this resulting to my wife’s heart rate increasing dramatically I had no choice but to
54 remove all items from the car and have my son driving the vehicle away, hope this may to some
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 23

1 extend reduce the frustration, etc, my wife was caused to suffer from. Just that the onus is now
2 upon Banyule City Council, like it or not, to get my Berriwillock properties slashed and or have
3 it slashed at its cost. Failing this, I have no doubt that Buloke Shire will likely pursue litigation,
4 etc, and well there can be no question that Banyule City Council unlawfully interfered and by
5 this prevented me to do the work needed.
7 There was this incident where a person for whatever reason pushed an elderly person causing the
8 elderly person to go off balance and happen to fall down a set of stairs he had been standing
9 nearby. The elderly person ended to die as result and the person who had caused the elderly
10 person to fall ended up as I understand it charged and convicted. It was held that had this person
11 not pushed this elderly person then he would unlikely have fallen down the stairs and ended up
12 death. Likewise, had Mr Angelo O’Brien not interfered with the vehicle then my wife’s heart
13 rate would not have gone up as it did and I would not have needed to ask my son to drive the
14 vehicle away to avoid further and continued problems.
15 Also, now that my wife has become aware that Banyule City Council staff trespassed upon our
16 property, around the time she usually attend to her plants in the backyard, basically has now
17 turned our property into some kind of prison that my wife will not know if it is safe to be
18 attending to her plants and not faced with some intruder trespassing onto our property. She
19 cannot be left alone tending to her plants because if there is another intrusion it may be having
20 fatal results to her that is if I was not around.
22 SHAME ON Banyule City Council to terrorise a 90 year old very ill woman!
24 My readers do ask why on earth would Banyule City Council target me and in particular my 90
25 year old wife who suffers from heart failure and well to me it was expected that my writings
26 have obviously made it discomfort to some evil doers and now seek to get back on me. If we
27 consider that not uncommon babies reportedly died of SIDS and some mothers were accused and
28 convicted of murder, while in reality it could have been caused by the jabs at a local health
29 centre, than well Banyule City Council may desire to silence me as much as they can or just try7
30 to make my life as miserable, but it really draws more attention to itself.

33 https://rumble.com/v2ydov4-history-of-sudden-death-1979-infant-death-coverup-culprits-
34 bought-by-pfizer.html
36 So, I understand that Banyule City Council (as most councils) has Health Department that
37 engages in jabbing children but never really explain all the dangers to the parents and well
38 always seem to claim “safe and effective” regardless it isn’t. No proper testing is being done
39 beforehand to establish if a particular child immune system actually may be able to handle the
40 jabs. Injecting children against polio, measles, and other infectious diseases this even so it is an
41 exclusive Commonwealth power!
43 Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
44 Convention)
45 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
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Page 24

1 I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd
2 clause, is intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any
3 quarantine. That simply applies to quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.
6 Why does this need to be done when we have the mantra “safe and effective” if it may cripple or
7 even kill the child? At least it keeps doctors and nurses in a job, regardless of the harm inflicted
8 upon the children. So, what the child may for the rest of its life with the harmful consequences
9 but look at it at the good side, this way it keeps doctors and nurses in a job and the
10 pharmaceutical companies have future business, so well, ignore the child rights just accept it is in
11 the interest of the general community. And well, if needed just murder the patients that would
12 save the State a lot of monies and those doing the killings are deemed “Hero’s” and getting well
13 paid to do so.
15 https://rumble.com/v2lc74s-gassings-in-hospitals-and-quarantine-camps-hot-mic-and-two-
16 whistleblowers-r.html

19 The Nurses Became The Paid Assassins; Kate Shemirani Blasts Doctors & Nurses
20 Complicit In MURDER
22 https://www.bitchute.com/video/YPw1xirAf2bi/
23 "The Nurses Became The Paid Assassins" Kate Shemirani Blasts ...
24 7 Mar 2023 ... "The Nurses Became The Paid Assassins" Kate Shemirani Blasts Doctors & Nurses
25 Complicit In MURDER · in 11 hours. Qwanser. Ban midazolam from the ...
27 https://www.bitchute.com/video/nzti8kRSaFAF/
28 "The Nurses Became The Paid Assassins" Kate Shemirani Blasts ...
29 9 Mar 2023 ... "The Nurses Became The Paid Assassins" Kate Shemirani Blasts Doctors & Nurses
30 Complicit In MURDER · 5 months ago. I mute Lib tards. The ...
32 https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/professional-regulation/covid-denier-and-anti-vaxxer-nurse-struck-off-
33 register-by-nmc-04-06-2021/
34 Covid-denier and anti-vaxxer nurse struck off register by NMC
35 4 June 2021 ... ... Kate Shemirani – was no longer a safe or effective nurse. ... 4 August 2023
36 nursingtimes.net Neonatal nurse Lucy Letby to appeal murder ...
38 https://principia-scientific.com/the-nurses-became-the-paid-assassins-kate-shemirani-blasts-doctors-nurses-
39 complicit-in-murder/
40 “The Nurses Became the Paid Assassins” Kate Shemirani Blasts ...
41 “The Nurses Became the Paid Assassins” Kate Shemirani Blasts Doctors & Nurses
42 Complicit in Murder. Published on March 19, 2023. Written by Tim Truth.
44 One of the many who lost their licence for exposing the truth! Surely you cannot allow the truth
45 to be told!
47 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/former-nz-pm-ardean-urges-united-nations-crack-
48 down-free-speech-weapon-war?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1842
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Page 25

1 Former NZ PM Ardern Urges United Nations To 'Crack Down On Free Speech

2 As A Weapon Of War'
4 That is the person who reportedly in 1 year increased her bank account by some $25 million
5 pushing the COVID-19 jabs! Never mind constitutional rights!
7 https://rumble.com/v2wgd98-fascism-on-full-display-australias-misinformation-bill-corrupt-
8 govt-to-sile.html

11 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
12 Australasian Convention)
14 What a charter of liberty is embraced within this Bill-of political liberty and religious
15 liberty-the liberty and the means to achieve all to which men in these days can reasonably
16 aspire. A charter of liberty is enshrined in this Constitution, which is also a charter of
17 peace-of peace, order, and good government for the whole of the peoples whom it will
18 embrace and unite.
20 And
21 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
23 Mr. SYMON (South Australia).- We who are assembled in this Convention are about to
24 commit to the people of Australia a new charter of union and liberty; we are about to
25 commit this new Magna Charta for their acceptance and confirmation, and I can
26 conceive of nothing of greater magnitude in the whole history of the peoples of the
27 world than this question upon which we are about to invite the peoples of Australia to
28 vote. The Great Charter was wrung by the barons of England from a reluctant king. This
29 new charter is to be given by the people of Australia to themselves.
32 I really was never much interested in world politics albeit with the downing of MH17 it
33 interested me who could be the culprit and I made my submission that exposed Ukraine having
34 been involved rather than the Russian Federation. The same we had with the Bucha mass
35 murders, a railway station mass murders, and numerous other incidents and now the marked
36 mass murder which yet again turned out to be Ukraine’s doing. But now it is simply claimed to
37 have been another error.
39 With the elaborate covid scam it is very clear that those joining the covid death cult were
40 seeking to force others to be part of their kind of religion. I have always held that every person
41 has a right to follow his/her calling but never should seek to dictate others to follow suit. After
42 all the constitution provides for this right!
44 https://www.rt.com/news/582438-pope-epic-mongol-empire/ 5 Sep, 2023 22:11
45 Pope praises ‘epic times’ of Mongolian Empire
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Page 26

1 The sprawling empire of Genghis Khan ensured an “absence of conflicts” that the modern world
2 lacks, the Pontiff has said
4 “May Heaven grant that today, on this earth devastated by countless conflicts, there be a
5 renewal, respectful of international laws, of the conditions of what was once the pax
6 mongolica, namely, the absence of conflicts.”
9 I not long ago read about how the Mongols invaded Hungary raping and murdering, but then a
10 second time they tried again they were defeated. The Hungarian king had prepared for this attack
11 properly. As such, the claim that Mongols were peaceful is like to claim the covid cult fanatics
12 were peaceful. I never followed the Catholic religion but that doesn’t mean I do not read articles
13 about it. And, while the Mongols like many other nations had their time to concur it doesn’t
14 mean this was peaceful at all.
15 In today’s world you just make a pretend vision and those who are power hungry wanted to get
16 in will do what they essentially are told, even slaughtering their own descendants, regardless that
17 they themselves will soon or later become victims themselves.
19 WARNING, the following images are not of Mongols but allegedly of peaceful police, just
20 conducting themselves as BROWNSHIRTS of the NAZI WWII performances:
22 Video: Australia's Vaccine Prison State. Shut Up Be Happy.
23 https://rumble.com/c/TimTruth?page=6


27 Objectors (They really look very dangerous just looking around) to the unconstitutional
28 mandates are then confronted by armed police with guns!!!!!
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Page 27

3 Mind you there were also parents holding children but obviously that was not of concern of the
4 BROWNSHIRT police!

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Page 28

4 Time and time again police using capsicum spray (or something like it) to chase people, when
5 police originally wanted capsicum spray to be able to use instead of fire arms. Would one chase
6 someone with a fire arm for merely going about what they are constitutionally permitted to do?

9 A nearly vacant street, bar police with guns, using excessive police force!
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Page 29

1 Let us get this very clear, here we have the Victorian Police force in 2020 obviously in advance
2 prepared against mainly unarmed citizens. As such this was a well in advanced planned covid
3 scam to not just indoctrinate but back it up with violence regardless of what constitutional, legal,
4 human, natural and/or common law rights provided for. Therefore, using the Chief Health
5 Officer Brett Sutton, who I understand was not a medical doctor and as such not medically
6 qualified to dictate medical issues to use the police force and even the army to enforce his
7 unconstitutional “mandates” I view was TREASON and constituted TERRORISM!
9 Hansard 10-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
10 Australasian Convention)
12 It means the existence in our midst of a certain number of idle men-men sharpening
13 their knives and their swords for the first fitting opportunity of fleshing them on the
14 people of their own country, because we have no other enemies.
17 Hansard 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
19 That the military and naval defence of Australia shall be intrusted to federal forces under
20 one command.
21 Of course that is a sine qua non; and I hope we shall not do this thing by halves. I hope
22 we shall not, as has been done in the United States, provide for a divided authority over
23 any of our forces, whether those forces consist of a standing army, of citizen troops, of
24 militia, or of any other description of force whatever.
27 Hansard 10-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
28 Australasian Convention)
30 let us set our face once and for ever against the creation of anything like a military despotism.
33 Well, we found that unconstitutionally the armed forces were operating in the states to enforce
34 the unconstitutional mandates.
36 Hansard 9-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
38 With regard to the defence of Australia, in what could federation do more practical good
39 than in defence? In what matter can there be a greater necessity for one headship than in
40 defence? The points which must be defended, which strengthen us in these colonies, are far
41 distant, and how can we efficiently or economically defend them, except by having a
42 united force-a force which will be under one head, and which will be ready at any point,
43 should our country ever be invaded. Reference was made to a standing army. A standing
44 army! What a reflection upon the military spirit of young Australia. A standing army
45 we may have merely as an example of what steadiness, discipline, and obedience can
46 do; but our defence must be the stout arms of our sons-our own sons as a militia,
47 charged with the duty of defending that land which they ought to love, and inspired
48 by the devotion of those men who may be paid servants of the Crown, but who never,
49 either in this country or in the old country, turned their back on an enemy, or did
50 anything but what will redound to the glory of English arms.

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Page 30

1 We have (homegrown) TRAITORS in our midst who are in governments, police forces, etc, to
2 serve the foreign enemies rather than to protect Australia and its citizens, and it is the duty of
3 every Australian to stop those TRAITORS and their collaborators.
5 What was shown that having disarmed most Australians we now have a NAZI kind of
6 BROWNSHIRTS/BLUESHIRTS terrorising peaceful Australians. I have written in the past that
7 the constitution has the right to bear arms included. I never desired, since leaving the army, to
8 ever own a fire weapon , neither do so know, as I rather use my knowledge, however what has
9 been proven that the real terrorist are those working for the governments.
11 https://www.westernjournal.com/judge-halts-enforcement-high-capacity-magazine-ban-issues-savage-rebuttal-
12 responsible/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=CTBreaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=conservative-
13 tribune
14 Judge Halts Enforcement of 'High-Capacity' Magazine Ban, Issues Savage Rebuttal
15 to Those Responsible
17 It may very well be that if citizens were to have weapons then the terrorist police may not be
18 eager to shoot at unarmed citizens as they proved to do.
22 https://rumble.com/v2wmo4a-the-hidden-agenda-dr-stefan-lanka-on-the-fraudulent-nature-of-
23 virology-and-.html

26 https://rumble.com/v2kn780-martin-haberlands-huge-court-win-measures-based-on-imaginary-
27 viruses-are-no.html

30 I understand that in this case Marvin Haberland proved that Peter Doherty Institute
31 (Melbourne) did not at all have isolated and purified by the Koch postulate the alleged SARS-
32 CoV-2 virus. As they had claimed, this as the FOI Act obtained material indicated that Peter
33 Doherty Institute admitted they never did so at all!
35 https://rumble.com/v2h56nq-from-lockdowns-to-mass-poisonings-when-does-virologys-
36 unproven-model-become.html

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Page 31

3 What has been shown is that TGA (then) John Skerritt who I understand has no medical
4 qualifications to be a medical doctor and Chief health Officer Brett Sutton also who I understand
5 was not a medical doctor somehow dictated to the medical profession about the
6 (unconstitutional) mandates, and how “safe and effective” the jabs were this even so neither I
7 understand were up to date with relevant details.
9 https://rumble.com/v2gmkre-antibody-nonsense-unproven-antibody-theory-another-huge-scam-
10 to-push-inject.html

13 https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/todd-callender-govt-will-trigger-deadly-marburg-
14 pandemic-with-5g-covid-was-a-trial-run/
15 Forbidden Knowledge TV forbiddenknowledgetv.net
16 Todd Callender: Gov't Will Trigger Deadly MARBURG Pandemic with 5G... Covid Was a Trial Run
18 Attorney, Todd Callender has been defending US servicemen from being forced to take the
19 Death Shot and he's been having his cases thrown out because our Constitution was
20 suspended on March 13, 2020 under 42 CFR parts 70 and 71, which is the enabling statute
21 for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to assume power upon the
22 declaration of a Public Health Emergency.
23 Todd joins Seth Holehouse from Man in America to discuss the next plandemic, with the
24 release of the Marburg pathogen.
25 Most of us are unaware that Marburg was officially declared a pandemic nearly three years
26 ago, according to The Federal Register on December 9, 2020. This, despite the fact that
27 only 10 people have died from Marburg in 40 years.
28 Nonetheless, the Marburg "pandemic" was declared in the middle of the COVID
29 "pandemic" and the reason for this, Todd says is because it creates a suspension, not just of
30 our Constitutional rights, but a suspension of our human rights – which includes the right
31 to not be experimented on.
34 Regardless what might be argued in the USA, there is in Australia absolutely no constitutional
35 mechanism to suspend the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK).

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Page 32

1 Politicians whenever on power w3would desire to suspend whatever constitution power that
2 doesn’t suit them but it cannot be done. To even try could constitute TREASON and also
5 https://www.globalresearch.ca/explosive-analysis-causes-disability-death-covid-
6 vaccines/5833297
7 Explosive — Analysis of Causes for Disability and Death by COVID Vaccines
8 Introduction by Peter Koenig
10 https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/timeline-covid-19-vaccines-and-myocarditis-
11 5317985?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=jhart&src_src=partner&src_cmp=jhart
12 Timeline: COVID-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis
14 Sept. 22, 2020: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
15 (CDC) identifies myocarditis as an adverse event of special interest, or a potential
16 side effect.
17 Oct. 30, 2020: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identifies myocarditis as
18 an adverse event of special interest.
19 December 2020: One case of pericarditis reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event
20 Reporting System (VAERS), which is co-managed by the CDC and FDA.
22 COVID Vaccines and Future Boosters Are ‘Not Safe for Human Use’: Dr. Peter
23 McCullough Testifies in EU Parliament
26 https://covidreason.substack.com/p/ignoring-the-heart-of-the-matter?utm_source=post-
27 email-title&publication_id=64295&post_id=137227959&utm_campaign=email-post-
28 title&isFreemail=true&r=9atnc&utm_medium=email
29 Ignoring the Heart of the Matter: How Myocarditis Became the Silent Scandal of
30 COVID-19 Vaccination.
32 https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=1103773&post_id=137280708&utm_source=post-email-
33 title&utm_campaign=email-post-
34 title&isFreemail=true&r=1a0316&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NzI2NjI2NiwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTM3MjgwNzA4L
36 OiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.PzfwTe30aQVN5lic6mFXRZR7xvam8JxmWQ70ccHMIMQ
37 Daily Clout Team Obtains White House/CDC Emails from Early 2021 Confirming
38 Cardiovascular Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Injections
39 Yesterday on DailyClout.io, Amy Kelly reported on the findings of “46 pages FOIA’ed
40 (Freedom of Information Act) emails between CDC leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and
41 the White House, NIH, and HHS."
43 https://www.wnd.com/2023/09/cancers-erupting-ways-never-seen-following-covid-
44 shots/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-
45 breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking&ats_es=a706e995ec590e9480340416ca68a7e0
46 &ats_ess=3b96bb1aa28cc0b6fa73dbed2f634ed3b3de7f721adf5b5f2722b51f34f53061
47 Cancers erupting in ways 'never before seen' following COVID shots
48 Dr. Harvey Risch suspects patients' immune systems compromised
50 So, already way back in 2020 it was known that the covid jabs were dangerous but surely those
51 who benefit from forcing the jabs and may have made million or billions of dollars aren’t going
52 too worried about killing some people, let alone causing harm to the many.
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Page 33

1 https://www.eugyppius.com/p/study-with-each-covid-vaccination?utm_source=post-email-
2 title&publication_id=268621&post_id=137221270&utm_campaign=email-post-
3 title&isFreemail=false&r=9atnc&utm_medium=email
4 Study: With each Covid vaccination, healthcare workers get sicker – applying for
5 progressively more leave and taking more analgesic medication after each dose
7 https://rumble.com/v2pq8zy-murderer-depop-czar-greg-hunt-dismantled-imagine-a-world-
8 where-all-genocida.html

12 https://rumble.com/v2jiwg6-tyranny-in-essex-county-council-runs-away-and-cancels-meetings-
13 because-many.html

16 It appears to me that Banyule City Council is using its power and abusing its power to now
17 implement NWO agenda disregarding citizens their constitutional, legal, human, natural and/or
18 common law rights as now shown by how it acted against my 90 year very ill wife and myself.
20 https://www.globalresearch.ca/direct-energy-weapons-create-forest-brush-
21 fires/5828967?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles
22 The Criminal Insanity of Climate Change: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Create
23 Forest and Bush Fires, Destroying Entire Cities and Igniting Boats in the Sea.
25 All those freaks going on about climate change and councils charging big time against property
26 owners when it is just sheer wast of monies. Reportedly 95 % of the recycling waste ends up in
27 general waste. As such the huge cost associated with recycling simply isn’t worth it. It doesn’t
28 mean citizens should need seek to recycle but there should be better guidance what really can
29 and cannot be recycled. And obviously people like myself who use items as a hobbyist for
30 whatever may suit them do not need to have come Banyule City Councillor trespassing and
31 dictating what can or cannot be done on an ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE.
33 https://www.rt.com/africa/583357-africa-slave-reparations-un/
34 African state demands slavery reparations from the West
36 https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/08/paul-craig-roberts/the-african-origin-of-the-slave-trade/
37 The African Origin of the Slave Trade
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Page 34

2 For many years I have reported that the slave trade was an African institution. The black
3 kingdom of Dahomey was the slaver state. The Dutch, Portuguese, British, and French
4 ship captains were the transporters of blacks enslaved by other blacks to the new
5 world. Apparently, Brazil was a larger market for enslaved blacks than England’s North
6 American colonies.
7 Dahomey was a highly organized almost absolute monarchy as efficiently organized as the
8 United States today, and perhaps more so, but with far more unity and social cohesion than
9 exists in the United States. Dahomey had powerful enemies over whom Dahomey
10 eventually prevailed due to its success in slave wars. The slaves provided trade goods for
11 European firearms that Dahomey used to build its armies, including a regiment of
12 Amazons, who proved themselves an effective fighting force.
13 Survival required that Dahomey was organized for war to expand its boundaries and
14 to take captives from opposing forces as slaves, who were used to work the royal
15 plantations that supplied food for the army and to trade to Europeans for
16 weapons. In effect, it was the soldiers of Dahomey’s army who were the slavers.
17 Every soldier to whom gunpowder was issued was required to bring to the king the head of
18 an enemy or at least one prisoner as a slave. Many of the enslaved blacks brought to the
19 New World were black warriors captured as prisoners of war, and some were royal
20 personages.
23 Well, it seems that the slavery trade originated by African kings themselves, but obviously you
24 cannot hold them accountable rather hold innocent people accountable, while they continue to
25 engage in the slave trade, like in Libya, etc.
27 Let us say that instead of the covid scam jabs the Chief Health Officer not being qualified in
28 medical issues now issue a mandate that every councillor must have an open heart surgery. I
29 doubt every councillor would just go along and make known that as it is a mandate then well
30 better comply regardless if it is needed or not. No medical assessment is needed as after all the
31 Chief Health officer mandates it! If any councillor were to argue not to be so stupid to risk
32 his/her life if there is no need for open heart surgery, and to do it merely so the medical
33 profession and pharmaceutical companies can make money out of it all then well tough luck but
34 it is not going to be complied with. If this open heart surgery would be stupid to comply with
35 then why without any medical assessment would anyone be so stupid to have a “gene therapy”
36 DEPOPULATION bioweapon jab” Firstly to even use a bioweapon jab requires special
37 approval! I doubt any ordinary doctor, nurse, and pharmacist had this let alone their Girl Friday
38 who may have done the actual jabbing! How on earth would most people know if they needed a
39 “gene therapy” unless they had a particular illness they suffered from and it was medically
40 recommended. As such, even medical doctors who went along with APHRA to conceal the truth
41 from patients and injected them with the “gene therapy” DEPOPULATION bioweapon jab” may
42 be ending up to be sued. And councillors whom are pushing the childhood vaccinations such as
43 not immunised then no access to certain facilities also may just discover that they might be sued
44 by parents who’s children became ill or even died after the vaccinations. When was the last time
45 any councillor actually bothered to check if any of the vaccinations were proven to be justified
46 for each particular child? Well, let just go along, nothing to see here, after all if a child is harmed
47 or even dies then blame it on SIDS or whatever even get a mother convicted for murder while
48 the real culprits are not held legally accountable.
49 Recently the FDA (USA) approved another set of “gene therapy” pretending to be vaccines and
50 well without any proper testing, why would they care as they earn billions from patents when
51 approving any kind of so called vaccines and not held accountable for the death and injuries they
52 inflict in the process. . Councillors may argue that well that is in the USA far away from Banyule
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 35

1 City Council, then let me wake you up. TGA (then) John Skerritt made clear that those
2 (misnamed) covid vaccines were “safe and effective” as he relied upon the FDA (OK, initially
3 he did not reveal to rely upon the FDA but on the website claimed that the TGA itself does the
4 testing.)
6 https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/there-never-pandemic-covid-mandates-
7 invalid?utm_source=post-email-
8 title&publication_id=1910355&post_id=137118245&utm_campaign=email-post-
9 title&isFreemail=true&r=1a0316&utm_medium=email
10 Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was a Pandemic. The Database Is
11 Flawed. The COVID Mandates Including the Vaccine Are Invalid
13 https://kirschsubstack.com/p/masks-fail-their-latest-test#§jama-study-in-showed-surgical-
14 masks-were-slightly-better-than-n-masks
15 Masks fail their biggest test in Bangladesh
16 Masks do not work to protect anyone from SARS-CoV-2. It's all based on sloppy
17 science. We asked the senior author of the Bangladesh mask study to defend his study.
18 He failed. Badly. Very badly.
20 https://rumble.com/v2e2h0o-confirmed-cdc-is-sending-mobile-crews-to-test-on-selected-people-
21 for-the-ev.html

24 https://rumble.com/v2e0dmq-mysterious-canadian-govt-vans-harassing-folks-for-blood-saliva-
25 and-urine-te.html

28 Actually, I understand that the very evil doers the so called globalist realize that if they need
29 blood then having avoided to be injected with the poison now need uncontaminated blood for an
30 operation, etc, and so get people to donate their blood pretending it is for a good cause while
31 really it are the evil doers who need it.

34 Think you really own your property_ Think again.-Malcolm Roberts
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 36

2 Malcolm in his speech also refers to that John Howard circumvented Ss51(xxxi) of the
3 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK):
5 (xxxi) the acquisition of property on just terms from any State or person for any purpose in
6 respect of which the Parliament has power to make laws;
9 I do not agree with this. As the States in Section 106 are “subject to this constitution” and as
10 such are bound by the legal principles embedded in this constitution.
11 While the State previously limited the use of private property or simply acquired it without
12 proper compensation, this doesn’t mean it is constitutionally valid.
14 As I previous did set out also::
16 HANSARD 22-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
17 Australasian Convention)
18 QUOTE The Hon. E. BARTON (New South Wales)[10.32]:

19 I have read these reasons through very carefully, and I have been unable to discover that any of the
20 evils which my hon. and learned friend, Mr. Clark, fears may be expected from leaving these words as
21 they are. The powers are powers of legislation for the peace, order, and good government of the
22 commonwealth in respect of the matters specified. No construction in the world could confer any
23 powers beyond the ambit of those specified.

24 The Hon. N.E. LEWIS (Tasmania)[10.35]: I should like to submit for the consideration of the leader of the
25 Convention the question whether the words which the legislature of Tasmania have proposed to omit might
26 not raise the question whether legislation of the federal parliament was in every instance for the peace,
27 order, and good government of the commonwealth. Take, for instance, navigation laws. Might it not be
28 contended that certain navigation laws were not for the peace, order, and good government of the
29 commonwealth, and might there not be litigation upon the point? We are giving very full powers to the
30 parliament of the commonwealth, and might we not very well leave it to them to decide whether their
31 legislation was for the peace, order, and good government of the commonwealth? Surely that is
32 sufficient, without our saying definitely that their legislation should be for the peace, order, and good
33 government of the commonwealth. I hope the leader of the Convention will give the matter full
34 consideration with a view to seeing whether these words are not surplusage, and whether, therefore, they had
35 better not be left out of the bill altogether.

36 The Hon. E. BARTON: The suggestion of the hon. member will be considered by the Drafting
37 Committee.
38 Amendment negatived.
41 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
42 Australasian Convention)
44 Mr. BARTON.-They do not require to get authority from home, for this reason: That the local
45 Constitutions empower the colonies separately to make laws for the peace, order, and good government
46 of the community, and that is without restriction, except such small restrictions as are imposed by the
47 Constitutions themselves, and, of course, the necessary restriction that they can only legislate for their
48 own territory. The position with regard to this Constitution is that it has no legislative power, except
49 that which is actually given to it in express terms or which is necessary or incidental to a power given.
52 It is my view that the States must provide appropriate compensation to any property owners if it
53 were to acquire a property and this it must also consider if the property is an ESTATE IN FEE

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 37

1 SIMPLE or not. In my view the State cannot limited the use of an ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE
2 as to make it difficult or impossible for the owner of the property to manage it financially, etc.
4 The following may be an eye opener to many if you properly read and consider the content.
5 It is not so much about HIV & AIDS albeit being the topics but rather how Kary exposes the lack
6 of scientific basis some claims are made and that with cancer patients the treatment can actually
7 kill the patient. Let us neither overlook:
9 It is criminal behaviour to start passing out poisons to people who have no real
10 diagnosable diseases, to babies, for instance?
13 Yet, babies are harmed from birth with all kinds of so called vaccinations even if the baby ends
14 up being severely harmed all under the claim that it is for the sake of common good, where it is
15 really for the sake of the pharmaceutical companies and their lackeys. Like the covid scam “safe
16 and effective” and as I understood it Premier Daniel Andrews making clear he wasn’t interested
17 about the human rights but saving lives, when I view in reality he pursued genocide. Where are
18 the lives saved? His mantra of “pandemic of the unvaccinated” really is the “pandemic of the
19 vaccinated” as they are now the shedders causing others to become ill. They are the ones who are
20 mainly occupying the hospitals and the graves. No more children to be sacrificed on the altar of
21 the covid DEPOPULATION cult but rather that all vaccinations are stopped and only those
22 vaccinations that now by testing are actually proving to be for the benefit of a child and a medic
23 al doctor certifies for this, so if matters go wrong the medical doctor is held legally accountable,
24 should any vaccination be permitted.
26 Kary Mullis On The The AIDS Scam & AZT (Zidovudine) Poisoning Killing of AIDS
27 Patients
28 https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/kary-mullis-azt-poisoning:f
29 Kary Mullis On The The AIDS Scam & AZT (Zidovudine) Poisoning
30 24 Mar 2023 ... For more Kary Mullis, check out this video of interesting clips:
31 https://www.bitchute.com/video/VP4WoIiQL8Es/
33 https://rumble.com/v2elooo-kary-mullis-on-the-the-aids-scam-and-azt-zidovudine-poisoning-
34 killing-of-ai.html

37 To silence the inventor of the PCR test he conveniently died in 2019!

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 38

1 Transcript quotation with the errors that were shown in the video wording
2 The question really is whether it should be considered criminal behaviour on the part of
3 people who have the public trust.
4 You know, it is criminal behaviour to set off a bomb in a federal building.
5 It is criminal behaviour to start passing out poisons to people who have no real
6 diagnosable diseases, to babies, for instance?
7 They’ve been fooling us.
8 They know, you know, the people that are AIDS researchers now are getting neurotic.
9 If you ask them any questions.
10 There was a time when I first started asking questions because all I wanted was, where are
11 the papers? Just tell me the papers that you read that convinced you that HIV was the cause
12 of AIDS.
13 Because I need to reference those papers.
14 In some of those- I was working on a test for HIV with PCR, and I needed to write a little
15 report to the NIH and say, Here’s the progress we’ve made.
16 And the first line of it was HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.
17 And I thought that was true. This is before I got involved.
18 And I said, What’s the reference for that quote?
19 And I looked for it for about 2 or 3 years and I never could find it.
20 And by the end of two years, I’d ask everybody at every meeting that I’d gone to that
21 talked about AIDS, I’d ask, you know, I’d look through every computer database.
22 There is no reference.
23 There is nobody who should get credit for that statement.
24 And that’s pretty weird situation in science where getting credit for a discovery is the most
25 important thing in your life as a scientist.
26 You want your work to be associated with you, especially if it’s got to do with something
27 that’s so important in the world that they’re spending billions of dollars on it.
28 We ought to know who was it that should get credit for pointing out to us that HIV was the
29 probable cause if AIDS?
30 And probable is not a very powerful word.
31 But there is no such person.
32 There is no paper, there’s no group of papers.
33 They can say, Well, it’s in there somewhere, but it’s not in there somewhere.
34 Questions: Gallo couldn’t find it for you?
35 Gallo wouldn’t talk to me, but Montagnier couldn’t find it for me. Montagnier said.
36 Why don’t you- first they said, Look at the CDC report.
37 Okay. They’re talking about the bulletin of Mortality and morbidity.
38 It comes out every couple of weeks.
39 That’s not a scientific publication in the sense of here’s the data, here’s the argument,
40 here’s the conclusions. That’s just a little thing that goes to doctors and say, when you see
41 somebody come into your office with this kind of symptoms, you report it to us because
42 it’s possibly this or that kind of thing. It’s not a scientific thing.
43 It’s not the guy that wrote that that bulletin that month doesn’t get the Nobel Prize for
44 having discovered that HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.
45 Right? I mean, it’s just- it’s ridiculous to quote that thing.
46 And then I said, now I told him, I said I read that.
47 I didn’t think that was very- I’m talking about where did science come by the notion, you
48 know, who came, who brought that up, Who showed it to us?
49 Who explained it to you?
50 Where did you come up with the idea?
51 He said, Well, there’s this SIV stuff.
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Page 39

1 And I said, Yeah, but that was last month.

2 We’ve known this for a long time.
3 Who is responsible for us knowing it?
4 Don’t we want to know that person’s name?
5 He walked away.
6 I figured- that was the last person I ever asked.
7 I asked a whole lot of people in that that 2 or 3 years when I was certain at first that there
8 must be an answer. Why didn’t- you know I was in a different field.
9 So I mean I I figured the virologists had that one taken care of, but they didn’t.
10 There wasn’t a soul and there still isn’t.
11 And the more you ask them..
12 Now, you ask them, you can get thrown out of a dinner party.
13 I mean, you sit around with, go to some virologist house and start talking about questions
14 like that. Even people that aren’t virologists, people that are just ordinary people that are
15 completely ignorant of the details will get mad at you if you start talking about the fact that
16 AIDS may not be caused by HIV.
17 Just say something simple like it may not be caused because I can’t find any evidence that
18 it
19 These people that are being being treated with AZT, fairly lethal drug.
20 If you take enough of it, they may be taking a drug that’s killing.
21 There are people dying just because of AZT.
22 I mean, that’s that’s proven in big studies.
23 Big Studies like the Concorde study.
24 The conclusion of the Concorde study was this stuff is not good for you.
25 You know, the little skeleton on the little crossbones, you know, the skeleton and
26 crossbones on on the bottle says probably wouldn’t be a good idea to take this stuff unless
27 you’ve got a good reason to. Now, I would say that probably, you known, there have been
28 I don’t know how many of the people who have died, so-called of AIDS, have actually
29 died of AZT.
30 Because it certainly would wreck your immune system to take that stuff for a few years.
31 It’s like if you started taking any other chemotherapeutic agent for the rest of your life, it
32 would be that agent probably that killed you.
33 You know, when you give chemotherapy to somebody with cancer, you give them a round
34 of it for maybe 14 days or a few days.
35 Hopefully you’re not going to kill the patient.
36 You’re going to kill the cancer, patient’s going to survive.
37 But you don’t keep giving it to him until he dies, because he certainly will.
38 And AZT is just like those things.
39 It’s a little more lethal than most of the anti cancer things that people take for that.
40 Everybody knows that those things, you wouldn’t want to just keep taking them until you
41 died.
42 Why would they- I mean, how could somebody say, take this drug?
43 It’s not making you well. By the way.
44 It’s making you feel terrible.
45 But you just- we don’t have anything else to give you.
46 And this is going to cost you $8,000 a year.
47 And- because someone postulated that the AZT would stimulate T cells and then it was
48 shown that it didn’t stimulate T cells, that it was in a healthy way, that it was causing the
49 body to have a hyper immune reaction.
50 I didn’t know if somebody thought it was going to stimulate t cells.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 40

1 I thought they figured it was going to kill that virus because it’s going to terminate DNA
2 reproduction.
3 That’s what it does.
4 And it certainly does that and it does that quite well in a lot of places that are not viral.
5 I mean, it does that in normal immune cells- any rapidly growing tissues just like any other
6 chemotherapeutic type agent.
8 QUESTION: Hypothetical situation. How many- Let’s assume for a moment that HIV is
9 the cause of AIDS, just for argument’s sake. Okay. How many HIV cells are there
10 generally compared to healthy cells?
12 You mean how many cells are infected by the virus in somebody- That’s fairly. Yes. The
13 numbers vary wildly around, you know, all kinds of.
14 I wouldn’t- there used to be a time when people said one out of ten to the fourth, then they
15 went to one out of ten. There are some papers that say one out of ten and one out of 100.
16 It’s not like it’s got them all for sure.
17 And I don’t think that that means it can’t cause the disease because, you know, it could do
18 something subtle and it might not have to be in every cell.
19 It just that there isn’t any evidence for that, you know.
21 QUESTION: But what is the benefit of killing 100 or 1000 or 10,000 healthy cells to kill
22 one sick cell?
24 Well, if that one six cell had some property about it, that was going to get you.
25 But has that been shown to be the case?
26 Well, if it was, you know, let’s say you had a if you had a way of if you when you kill,
27 when you try to kill cancer cells, you kill a lot of healthy cells, too.
28 It is not very effective treatment.
29 But the argument is- you going to- you got nothing else to do.
30 You’re going to try to kill the cancer.
31 Hopefully it’s more susceptible to the chemical than the healthy cells.
32 Now, in this case, they have the same argument, except for the fact that they say, are you
33 going to keep on using this drug knowingly that it’s killing your healthy cells until you die.
34 You’re not going to take it for two weeks and then hope you’ve killed all the HIV and now
35 you will be alive.
36 It’s not like that.
37 They said, No, we’re going to do the same thing that we can do to cancer, but we’re just
38 going to keep on doing it until you die and hopefully it’s going to prolong your life.
39 Well, if it doesn’t prolong your life, what they look for is surrogate markers.
40 Now, have you heard that term battered about surrogate markers means?
41 Well, it doesn’t seem to do anything for the disease, but it does every now and then do
42 something for the level of CD4 cells that we measure or it does something for this or that.
43 Not that anybody really knows whether you want more or less CD4 at any particular time
44 in your life. A lot of diseases cause CD4 to go up.
45 A lot of diseases cause it to go down.
46 Nobody’s even sure if the CD4 cell is always CD4 cells.
47 Just it’s a marker on the cell at the time that they do this little counting procedure, which is
48 to stick a fluorescent tag on there and say the ones that light up have CD4 on the outside.
49 And we don’t really know what those cells do.
50 The immune system is incredibly complicated and immunologists’ brains are not nearly
51 complicated enough to deal with it.
24-9-2023 Page 40 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 41

1 We have these little- there are theories all over the place, but no real competent immune
2 immunologists would tell you that CD4 levels was a sufficient- a surrogate marker for
3 anything until we know more about it.
4 But that’s what they’re using.
5 That’s what the FDA is saying.
6 Yeah, you don’t have to show it helps them.
7 These protease inhibitors the same thing.
8 You don’t have to show that it helps the patient.
9 You don’t have to show a single life saved.
10 All you have to do is show some little clinical indicator has changed in a way that
11 somebody is hoping is going to make you better.
12 End Transcript quotation with the errors that were shown in the video wording
14 https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/09/joseph-mercola/global-takeover-advances-to-final-
15 stages/
16 Global Takeover Advances to Final Stages
18 We have the First Amendment — freedom of speech — for a reason. Government
19 does not have the legal right to suppress our speech, and the medical board is a state
20 government agency. So, by censoring doctors like Nass and punishing them for
21 speaking their minds and sharing medical and scientific data, they are actually the
22 ones breaking the law.
23 Nass didn’t, because there’s no law against sharing information, even if it is suspected
24 of being incorrect, or can be proven to be wrong. And, in this case, the board is
25 actually punishing her for sharing truths.
26 So, in mid-August 2023, Nass sued the Maine medical board, and every board
27 member in their personal capacity, for violating her free speech rights.5
29 And
31 According to the WHO, the reason the COVID pandemic got so bad is because
32 nations failed to cooperate. Hence, the reasoning goes, we need an international treaty
33 that centralizes pandemic response powers to the WHO. The problem, of course, is
34 that most nations did follow the WHO’s irrational and unscientific recommendations.
35 Its ineptitude — whether intentional or not — is what destroyed economies and
36 resulted in needless deaths.
37 Based on the current treaty draft and proposed IHR amendments, it’s clear that mRNA-
38 based vaccinations will be mandatory under the WHO’s power structure, and these
39 vaccines will be made in 100 days rather than 10 years by skipping human trials and
40 shaving safety and efficacy testing down to the bare bones.
41 The WHO will also decide which medications can be used in medical emergencies,
42 and which you cannot have. In other words, the WHO director-general will decide
43 the health care for every person in every member state, and your local doctor will be
44 required to follow his edicts. You’ll have no medical freedom or bodily autonomy
45 anymore.
48 I understand the WHO Director-General also is not a medical doctor but now councillors can rest
49 assured that he is now going to dictate what medical treatment you may be able to have, if any at
50 all! Well, unless he is caught first, as I understand he is wanted for terrorism in his own country!

24-9-2023 Page 41 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 42

1 https://www.wnd.com/2023/09/experts-media-wrong-covid-vaccine-mrna-ends-mothers-
2 milk/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-
3 breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking&ats_es=a706e995ec590e9480340416ca68a7e0
4 &ats_ess=3b96bb1aa28cc0b6fa73dbed2f634ed3b3de7f721adf5b5f2722b51f34f53061
5 Experts, media wrong! COVID vaccine mRNA ends up in mothers' milk
6 CDC, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 'fact-checkers' all said vax
7 wouldn't reach breast tissue
9 Did Pfizer give placebo group COVID clinical trial subjects the Moderna mRNA vaccine?
10 Seems so & thus why? A preprint paper provides stunning information; 38 trial subjects died,
11 why?
12 “Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the
13 Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial,” is a “forensic analysis of the 38
14 trial subjects who died"

18 12 SEPT 2023

22 https://100percentfedup.com/placebo-group-subject-in-pfizer-covid-19-jab-trial-given-
23 moderna-shot-preprint-says/
24 ‘A preprint paper published Monday criticized Pfizer’s shady practices and
25 procedures from its COVID-19 jab clinical trials.
28 https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-pfizers-secret-report-on-the-covid-vaccine-beyond-
29 manslaughter-the-evidence-is-overwhelming-the-vaccine-should-be-immediately-
30 withdrawn-worldwide/5780561
31 Video: Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
32 Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
33 Worldwide
35 I for one would like to see that all the evil doers, including the collaborators to pursue the “gene
36 therapy” DEPOPULATION bioweapon jabs are held legally accountable.
38 With the AIDS scam I understand many died not from AIDS but because of the poison that was
39 provided to them and then claimed the person died of AIDS, and with the covid scam we had
24-9-2023 Page 42 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 43

1 people dying from being deliberately starved to death, being murdered, etc. As Kary Mullis
2 seems to indicate someone makes a claim and well over times it is accepted as science this even
3 so it never was, very much as was with the covid scam where the truth in general became
4 suppressed as those who collaborated with the TRAITORS/TERRORIST somehow preferred
5 to go along and assist in the murderous conduct than to stand up and so to say be a man/woman.
7 I am a constitutionalist and a (retired) professional Advocate and not a scientist/medical doctor
8 and nevertheless to seek to protect Olga had to research matters to seek to avoid her to be
9 harmed. When a specialist in 2021 urged Olga to get the jab, he was unable to explain what
10 dangers there would be for Olga to have the jab, when asked about it. Olga decided to change
11 specialist. When the local hospital refused proper services due to Olga not being jabbed, etc, she
12 engaged private specialist. We did our best to protect her and at huge financial cost but we held
13 her health was our priority. This now was vandalised by Banyule City Council staff and there has
14 to be legal accountability for this.
16 Forget about seeking ex-parte court orders because they could be unconstitutional.
18 In 1988 a warrant was issued against my then 2 year old daughter and 5 days later the Supreme
19 Court of Victoria declared the warrant to have been unlawful as it defied Supreme Court of
20 Victoria earlier orders. Let it be very clear our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act
21 1900 (UK) has numerous legal principles embedded in it and I view lawyers better make sure
22 they darn well understand and comprehend what they are about as I showed in AEC v Schorel-
23 Hlavka in both cases that regardless of whatever purported legislation may be claimed to exist in
24 the end the “compulsory” part of voting is unconstitutional.
26 Councillors now better check out which if any childhood vaccines may be lawful and without
27 any danger to any child injected with it, because now that Banyule City Council decided to take
28 me and my wife on, for whatever reason, and this is now in the public domain, it may just end up
29 with a plethora of law suits of any parent who may deem their child was harmed by any
30 vaccination.

34 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
36 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
37 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


39 (Our name is our motto!)

24-9-2023 Page 43 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati

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