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Important - To edit the template, head to 'File' and then 'Make a copy'.

Welcome to my Free Accounting Template! There are a couple of things to
note before
Single you
started... System
2) This template works with the "Cash Method of Accounting". That
means transactions
Cash Method of should only be recorded once they 'hit' your bank

One last thing! Here's a short checklist to help you kick things off...

Getting started

0 Pick a ledger (three column / multi-column)

0 Update 'Your Business Name'
0 Update 'Month'
0 Rename the tab to match the month selected
0 Delete the sample data (leave the cells containing formula untouched)
0 Fill in a new row for each transaction
0 Insert new rows (if required)
0 Rename or add transaction category headers (if required)

At the end of the month

0 Duplicate the latest tab

0 Update tab name & header (within the tab) to match the current month
0 The prior month closing balance becomes the current month opening balance
0 Rinse and repeat

© All Rights Reserved Accounting Stuff

*This is a 100% free accounting template for personal and business use.
*Not for resale
*Use original link if you want to share my templates
Your Business Name
Cash Ledger Month: Jan-2000

Date Description Amount

January 1, 2000 Opening Balance Rp0.00
January 5, 2000 Initial Investment Rp5,000.00
January 9, 2000 MacBook Purchase -Rp2,000.00
January 11, 2000 Domain Registration (1 Year) -Rp35.00
January 14, 2000 Web Hosting Fees (1 Year) -Rp100.00
January 16, 2000 Advertising Expense -Rp20.00
January 18, 2000 Product Sales Rp50.00
January 20, 2000 Bank Fees -Rp2.00
January 23, 2000 Product Sales Rp100.00
January 27, 2000 Office Chair -Rp150.00
January 31, 2000 Closing Balance Rp2,843.00
Your Business Name
Cash Ledger Month: Jan-2000

Transaction Details Cash In Cash Out

Date Description Reference Sales Bank Interest Investment Total Cash In Web Equipment Advertising Bank Fees DrawingsTotal Cash Out Amount
January 1, 2000 Opening Balance Rp0.00 Rp0.00 Rp0.00
January 5, 2000 Initial Investment <1> Rp5,000.00 Rp5,000.00 Rp0.00 Rp5,000.00
January 9, 2000 MacBook Purchase <2> Rp0.00 -Rp2,000.00 -Rp2,000.00 -Rp2,000.00
January 11, 2000 Domain Registration (1 Year) <3> Rp0.00 -Rp35.00 -Rp35.00 -Rp35.00
January 14, 2000 Web Hosting Fees (1 Year) <4> Rp0.00 -Rp100.00 -Rp100.00 -Rp100.00
January 16, 2000 Advertising Expense <5> Rp0.00 -Rp20.00 -Rp20.00 -Rp20.00
January 18, 2000 Product Sales <6> Rp50.00 Rp50.00 Rp0.00 Rp50.00
January 20, 2000 Bank Fees <7> Rp0.00 -Rp2.00 -Rp2.00 -Rp2.00
January 23, 2000 Product Sales <8> Rp100.00 Rp100.00 Rp0.00 Rp100.00
January 27, 2000 Office Chair <9> Rp0.00 -Rp150.00 -Rp150.00 -Rp150.00
January 31, 2000 Closing Balance Rp150.00 Rp0.00 Rp5,000.00 Rp5,150.00 -Rp135.00 -Rp2,150.00 -Rp20.00 -Rp2.00 Rp0.00 -Rp2,307.00 Rp2,843.00

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