Self Study Guide Week 2-4

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1ST SEM 2023-2024

Self-Study Guide

Introduction to Transcultural Nursing

1.Historical and Theoretical Foundations of TCN

2. Cultural Context

Culturally Competent Nursing Care

A. Rationale for Culturally Competent Care

B. Definitions and Categories of Cultural Competence

Chapter 1: Introduction to Transcultural Nursing

Theoretical Foundations of Transcultural Nursing

 Nursing Models for Transcultural Care
a. Leininger
i. Defines Transcultural Care as
1. Humanistic and scientific area of formal study and practice
which is focused upon differences and similarities among
cultures with

respect to human care, health, and illness based upon the people’s
cultural values, beliefs, and practices
ii. Goal is to provide competent care for all people
b. Leininger’s Model
i. Four primary foci, used as a prototype for modern theories
ii. Depicts a full sun with the four foci
 Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model
iii. Includes five main focuses
1. Transcultural nursing and culturally diverse nursing
2. Culturally competent care
3. Culturally unique individuals
4. Culturally sensitive environments
5. Health and health status based on culturally specific illness
and wellness behaviors
iv. Defines transcultural nursing as
1. Culturally competent practice field that is client centered
and research focused
a. Takes note that culture can and does influence client’s
care needs
2. Care must be taken to not project one’s own culture onto another
a. Avoid being ethnocentric when providing care
v. Every nurse must used transcultural knowledge
1. To promote appropriate care methods
Cultural Context
 Culture
c. Definition
i. A response that develops over time
ii. Influenced by social and religious structures
d. Culture results from
i. Acquired mechanisms
ii. Affected by internal and external environmental stimuli
e. The core values, beliefs, norms, and practices of a group change a culture
i. Culture is an expression of “who we are”
f. Allows for a unique way of perceiving, behaving, or evaluating an environment
i. Is a dynamic process
ii. Ever changing based on the groups within the culture
g. Practices that become accepted by the social group over time

Rationale for Culturally Competent Care

 Need for Transcultural Nursing
h. United States environment
i. Rapidly becoming more multicultural
ii. By year 2020, 53% of USA population will be White of European
i. Impossible to denote a specific “race”
i. Intermarrying, increase in an interconnected world
ii. More diversity in patient population
j. The world is changing, but education is not
i. Most student not taught culturally appropriate care techniques
ii. Variation within a social group
1. To provide effective care, a nurse needs to be aware of a
patient’s cultural beliefs

Definitions and Categories of Cultural Competence

 Culturally Diverse Nursing Care
k. Accounts for six social phenomena
i. Found in every culture to a varying degree of application
ii. The phenomena
1. Communication
2. Space
3. Social organization
4. Time
5. Environmental control
6. Biological variations
iii. Since application varies in these six, individualized assessment of
these areas is necessary
l. Cultural competences
i. The act by which one is aware of one’s own thoughts and environment
1. Does not allow these factors to affect level of care
ii. An adaptation of care that is congruent with the client’s culture
m. Important to remember that
i. Each client is culturally unique
1. A product of experiences, cultural beliefs, and cultural norms
n. Aim is to provide a holistic approach to health
i. Addressing every need of the patient, including culturally
specific scenarios

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