Solutions Pressure

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Thank you for your presentation Minh Phuong. My name is Duong Cam Tu.

Next, I would like to present

the solutions to reduce the pressure of studying and taking exams. Currently, the pressure of studying
for exams is increasing, leading to the unfortunate consequences mentioned above. So what can we do
to reduce them?

There are 3 main solutions: Students themselves, families and schools

*In terms of students themselves:

- Firstly, They should make a specific plan, arrange a reasonable study time. These help them avoid
accumulating a mass of knowledge in the same time period. Allocate a reasonable study time to avoid
stress, excessive pressure and also help them have time to rest and relax.

- Secondly, students ought to change positive attitude to life. Learning results may not accurately reflect
all tolerated knowledge. Grades are not everything. Therefore, study to improve your knowledge
instead of focusing too much on grades and achievements.

- Moreover, they should set goals in accordance with your ability

Learning must have a goal, but it needs to be consistent with your own capacity and ability. Do not try to
achieve goals that are too high for your own ability, it will make you feel more pressure to study.

*Regarding to Family:

- Do not compare their child with peers. In fact, each person's ability and aptitude is completely
different. In an educational environment, students have to study many subjects, so sometimes the
results are not as expected. Therefore, parents should not put too much emphasis on achievements or
think that their children are weaker than other children.

- Actively share with their children so that they can understand the pressure are under. From there they
will give useful advice to help their children overcome the pressure of studying.

*The last one I will talk about the impact of school on students:

- Teachers and schools should set the motto: ''Take learning as a motivation, not as a pressure''. Let
students relax after stressful school hours by directing them to fun extracurricular hours.

- Teachers should encourage students to try, should not put too much pressure on grades and

- Do not distinguish between good students and bad students, but try to create a link between teachers
and students so that they can understand psychology and help them develop better academically.

Here is the full presentation of our group. If you have any question, I’d be pleased to answer them.

Thank you for listening.

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