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Polynomials are algebraic expressions that contain indeterminates and constants.

You can
think of polynomials as a dialect of mathematics. They are used to express numbers in almost
every field of mathematics and are considered very important in certain branches of math,
such as calculus. For example, 2x + 9 and x2 + 3x + 11 are polynomials.
The degree of the polynomials is determined by the highest exponent. Various operations like
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be applied on polynomials.

What are Polynomials?

Polynomials are mathematical expressions made up of variables and constants by using

arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication. They represent the
relationship between variables.
In polynomials, the exponents of each of the variables should be a whole number. The
exponents of the variables in any polynomial have to be a non-negative integer. A polynomial
comprises constants and variables, but we cannot perform division operations by a variable in

Polynomial Examples

Let us understand this by taking an example: 3x2 + 5. In the given polynomial, there are
certain terms that we need to understand. Here, x is known as the variable. 3 which is
multiplied to x2 has a special name. We denote it by the term "coefficient". 5 is known as
the constant. The power of the variable x is 2.
Below given are a few expressions that are not examples of a polynomial.

The following image shows all the terms in a polynomial.

Degree of a Polynomial
The highest or greatest exponent of the variable in a polynomial is known as the degree of a
polynomial. The degree is used to determine the maximum number of solutions of a
polynomial equation (using Descartes' Rule of Signs).
Example 1: A polynomial 3x4 + 7 has a degree equal to four.
The degree of the polynomial with more than one variable is equal to the sum of
the exponents of the variables in it.
Example 2: Find the degree of the polynomial 3xy.
In the above polynomial, the power of each variable x and y is 1. To calculate the degree in a
polynomial with more than one variable, add the powers of all the variables in a term. So, we
will get the degree of the given polynomial (3xy) as 2.
Similarly, we can find the degree of the polynomial 2x2y4 + 7x2y by finding the degree of
each term. The highest degree would be the degree of the polynomial. In this example:
 The degree of 2x2y4 is 2 + 4 = 6 and
 The degree of 7x2y is 2 + 1 = 3
 Among these, 6 is the bigger number and hence it is the degree of the polynomial
2x2y4 + 7x2y.
Standard Form of Polynomials
The standard form of a polynomial refers to writing a polynomial in the descending power of
the variable.
Example: Express the polynomial 5 + 2x + x2 in the standard form.
To express the above polynomial in standard form, we will first check the degree of the
 In the given polynomial, the degree is 2. Write the term containing the degree of the
 Now, we will check if there is a term with the exponent of variable less than 2, i.e., 1,
and note it down next.
 Finally, write the term with the exponent of the variable as 0, which is the constant
Therefore, 5 + 2x + x2 in standard form can be written as x2 + 2x + 5.
Always remember that in the standard form of a polynomial, the terms are written in
decreasing order of the power of the variable, here, x.
Terms of a Polynomial
The terms of polynomials are defined as the parts of the expression that are separated by the
operators "+" or "-". For example, the polynomial expression 2x3 - 4x2 + 7x - 4 consists of
four terms. The terms are classified into two types: like terms and unlike terms.
Like terms in polynomials are those terms which have the same variable and same power.
Terms that have different variables and/or different powers are known as unlike terms.
Hence, if a polynomial has two variables, then all the same powers of any ONE variable will
be known as like terms. Let us understand these two with the help of examples given below.
For example, 2x and 3x are like terms. Whereas, 3y4 and 2x3 are unlike terms.
Types of Polynomials
Polynomials can be categorized based on their degree and their power. Based on the numbers
of terms, there are mainly three types of polynomials that are listed below:
 Monomials
 Binomials
 Trinomials
Monomial is a type of polynomial with a single term. For example, x, -5xy, and 6y2.
A binomial is a type of polynomial that has two terms. For example, x + 5, y2 + 5, and 3x3 -
7. While a Trinomial is a type of polynomial that has three terms. For example 3x3 + 8x - 5,
x + y + z, and 3x + y - 5. However, based on the degree of the polynomial, polynomials can
be classified into 4 major types:
 Zero Polynomial: It a polynomial whose degree is equal to zero.
 Constant polynomial: It is a polynomial with just a constant and no variables. For
example 3, 5, or 8, etc.
 Linear polynomial: It is a polynomial with degree 1. Example: x + y - 4.
 Quadratic polynomial: It is a polynomial with degree 2. Example: 2p2 - 7.
 Cubic polynomial: It is a polynomial with degree 3. Example: 6m3 - mn + n2 - 4.
Properties of Polynomials
A polynomial expression has terms connected by the addition or subtraction operators. There
are different properties and theorems on polynomials based on the type of polynomial and the
operation performed. Some of these are as given below,
Theorem 1: If A and B are two given polynomials then,
 deg⁡(A ± B) ≤ max(deg⁡A, deg ⁡B), with the equality if deg⁡A ≠ deg ⁡B
 deg⁡(A⋅B) = deg⁡A + deg⁡B
Theorem 2: Given polynomials A and B ≠ 0, there are unique polynomials Q (quotient) and
R (residue) such that,
A = BQ + R and deg R < deg B
Theorem 3 (Bezout's Theorem): Polynomial P(x) is divisible by binomial x − a, if and only
if P(a) = 0. This is also known as the factor theorem.
Theorem 4: If a polynomial P is divisible by a polynomial Q, then every zero of Q is also a
zero of P.
Theorem 5: Polynomial P(x) of degree n > 0 has a unique representation of the form P(x) =
k(x - x1)(x - x2)...(x - xn), where k ≠ 0 and x1,…,xn are complex numbers, not necessarily
Therefore, P(x) has at most deg ⁡P = n different zeros.
Theorem 6: Polynomial of n-th degree has exactly n complex/real roots along with their
Theorem 7: If a polynomial P is divisible by two coprime polynomials Q and R, then it is
divisible by Q⋅R.
Theorem 8: If ß is a complex zero of a real polynomial P(x), then so is ¯¯¯ß߯ (complex
conjugate of ß).
Theorem 9: A real polynomial P(x) has a unique factorization (up to the order) of the form,
P(x) = (x - r1)...(x - rk)(x2 - p1x + q1)...(x2 - plx + ql),
where ri and pj, qj are real numbers with pi2 < 4qi and k + 2l = n.
Theorem 10 (Remainder Theorem): The remainder when a polynomial f(x) is divided by (x -
a) is f(a).
Theorem 11 (Rational Root Theorem): A rational root of a polynomial functional f(x) =
an xn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a2x2 + a1x + a0 is of the form p/q, where p is a factor of a0 and q is a
factor of an. This theorem is very helpful in finding the rational zeros of a polynomial.
Operations on Polynomials
The basic algebraic operations can be performed on polynomials of different types. These
four basic operations on polynomials can be given as,
 Addition of polynomials
 Subtraction of polynomials
 Multiplication of polynomials
 Division of polynomials
Addition of Polynomials
Addition of polynomials is one of the basic operations that we use to increase or decrease the
value of polynomials. Whether you wish to add numbers together or you wish to add
polynomials, the basic rules remain the same. The only difference is that when you are
adding, you align the appropriate place values and carry the operation out. However, when
dealing with the addition of polynomials, one needs to pair up like terms and then add them
up. Otherwise, all the rules of addition from numbers translate over to polynomials. Have a
look at the image given here in order to understand how to add any two polynomials.

Subtraction of Polynomials
As discussed above, the rules for the subtraction of polynomials are very similar to
subtracting two numbers. To subtract a polynomial from another, we just add the additive
inverse of the polynomial that is being subtracted to the other polynomial. Another easy way
to subtract polynomials is, just to change the signs of all the terms of the polynomial to be
subtracted and then add the resultant terms to the other polynomial as shown below. We just
have to align the given polynomials based on the like terms.

Multiplication of Polynomials
The multiplication operation on polynomials follows the general properties like commutative
property, associative property, distributive property, etc. Applying these properties using the
rules of exponents we can solve the multiplication of polynomials. To multiply to
polynomials, we just multiply every term of one polynomial with every term of the other
polynomial and then add all the results. Here is an example to multiply polynomials.
For example, (2x + 3y)(4x - 5y) = 2x(4x - 5y) + 3y(4x - 5y) = 8x2 - 10xy + 12xy - 15y2
⇒ (2x + 3y)(4x - 5y) = 8x2 + 2xy - 15y2
Division of Polynomials
The division of polynomials is an arithmetic operation where we divide a given polynomial
by another polynomial which is generally of a lesser degree in comparison to the degree of
the dividend. There are two methods to divide polynomials.
 Long division of polynomials
 Synthetic division
To learn more about each type of division, click on the respective link.
Factorization of Polynomials
Factorization of polynomials is the process by which we decompose a polynomial expression
into the form of the product of its irreducible factors, such that the coefficients of the factors
are in the same domain as that of the main polynomial. There are different techniques that
can be followed for factoring polynomials, given as,
 Method of Common Factors
 Grouping Method
 Factoring by Splitting Terms
 Factoring Using Algebraic Identities
Based on the complexity of the given polynomial expression, we can follow any of the
above-given methods.
Polynomial Equations
A polynomial equation is an equation formed with variables, exponents, and coefficients
together with operations and an equal sign. The general form of a polynomial equation is P(x)
= an xn + . . + a1x + a0. Some examples of polynomial equations are x2 + 3x + 2 = 0, x3 + x + 1
= 0, x + 7 = 0, etc.
Solving polynomial equations is to find the value of the variable that satisfies the equation.
Polynomial Functions
The general expressions containing variables of varying degrees, coefficients, positive
exponents, and constants are known as polynomial functions. In other words, a polynomial
function is a function whose definition is a polynomial. Here are some examples of
polynomial functions:
 f(x) = x2 + 4
 g(x) = -2x3 + x - 7
 h(x) = 5x4 + x3 + 2x2
Solving Polynomials
Solving a polynomial means finding the roots or zeros of the polynomials. We can apply
different methods to solve a polynomial depending upon the type of the polynomial, whether
it is a linear polynomial, quadratic polynomial, and so on. Let us first understand what is
meant by the zero of a polynomial.
Zeros of Polynomials
The roots or zeros of polynomial are the real values of the variable for which the value of the
polynomial would become equal to zero. So, if we say any two real numbers, ‘α’ and ‘ß’ are
zeroes of polynomial p(x), then p(α) = 0 and p(ß) = 0. For example, for a polynomial, p(x) =
x2 - 2x + 1, we observe, p(1) = (1)2 - 2(1) + 1 = 0. Therefore, 1 is a zero or root of the given
polynomial. This also means that (x - 1) is a factor of p(x).
Now, to find the zero or root of any polynomial, that is, to solve any polynomial, we can
apply different methods,
 Factorization
 Graphical Method
 Hit and Trial Method
Important Notes on Polynomials:
 Terms in a polynomial can be only separated by the '+' or '-' sign.
 For any expression to become a polynomial, the power of the variable should be
a whole number.
 The addition and subtraction of a polynomial are possible between like terms only.
 All the numbers in the universe are called constant polynomials.
☛Related Articles:
 Polynomials in One Variable
 Linear Equations
 Polynomial Solver Calculator

Download FREE Study Materials

Polynomials Worksheet
Polynomials Worksheet
Worksheet On Factoring Polynomials
Polynomials Examples
 Example 1: Mr. Stark wants to plant a few rose bushes on the borders of his
triangular-shaped garden. If the sides of the garden are given by the polynomials (4x -
2) feet, (5x + 3) feet, and (x + 9) feet, what is the perimeter of the garden?
Perimeter of a triangle is just the sum of its sides.
Perimeter of garden = (4x - 2) + (5x + 3) + (x + 9) = 4x + 5x + x - 2 + 3 + 9 = 10x + 10
Answer: ∴ The perimeter is (10x + 10) feet.
 Example 2: The income of Mr. Smith is $ (2x2 - 4y2 + 3xy - 5) and his expenditure is
$ (-2y2 + 5x2 + 9). Use the concept of subtraction of polynomials to find his savings.
We all know that Savings = Income - Expenditure. Now, applying the same thing here, we
will get:
Savings = 2x2 - 4y2 + 3xy - 5 - (9 - 2y2 + 5x2) = 2x2 - 4y2 + 3xy - 5 + 2y2 - 5x2 - 9 = -3x2 - 2y2 +
3xy - 14
Answer: Hence, his savings will be $(-3x2 - 2y2 + 3xy - 14).
 Example 3: Add the following polynomials: (2x2 + 16x - 7) + (x3 + x2 - 9x + 1).
To add polynomials, we have to combine the like terms.
(2x2 + 16x - 7) + (x3 + x2 - 9x + 1) = x3 + (2 + 1)x2 + (16 - 9)x - 7 + 1 = x3 + 3x2 + 7x - 6
Answer: x3 + 3x2 + 7x - 6
Practice Questions on Polynomials
 Q.1) Every binomial is a polynomial with exactly two terms.


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 Q.2) What is the coefficient of x2y2�2�2in the term −56x2y2−56�2�2.





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FAQs on Polynomials
What is Polynomial Meaning?
What are Coefficients in a Polynomial?
Is 8 a Polynomial?
What are Monomials, Binomials, and Trinomials?
What is Constant in a Polynomial?
What is Descartes Rule of Signs of Polynomials?

What is a Polynomial Equation?
Why are Polynomials Important?
How to Multiply and Divide Polynomials?
Is Zero a Polynomial?
Where to Find Polynomial Calculator?

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