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Science Department 2nd term 6th prim.

Extra sheet on unit 2

Q1: Complete:

1- The electric shock occurs as a result of the passing of ..................... through the
human body.
2- Some of the types of electric lamps are ................... and....................
3- ................... and................... are examples of materials that are electric
4- ..................,................... and ................... are examples of materials that are
electric insulators.
5- .................., and ................... are some of the dangers of the electricity
6- The ................... leads to destroy the tissues of the body.
7- You cannot put out the electric fire with water because water is.................
8- The electric shock occurs as a result of passing …….................... through the
human body.
9- ........................... and ............................. are some of the precautions to deal
with the electricity.

10- The filament of the light bulb is made of …………

11- The electric lamp connected to the electric circuit by…………..

12- We fill the lamp with …..………. gas to stop combustion of the filament.
13- ……...........………. & …….............…… from the direct dangerous effects of
14- ………………………………and ………………..……………….. are from the
causes of burns resulting from electricity .
15- We should not place the flammable materials near to electric machines that
generate heat such as…………………………. and……….........
16- The light bulb consists of ……………………., …………………………
17- The lighting of the light bulbs does not change if they are connected in

Science Department 2nd term 6th prim.

Q2: Correct the underlined words:

1. The electric lamp converts the electric energy to the kinetic energy.
2. The filament of the light bulb is made of carbon.
3. While connecting the lamps in parallel, the lamps are connected one after
4. There are two connecting points at each end of the light bulb ends.
5. The electric fire occurs due to the passage of the electric current through
the human body.
6. The electric lamps are connected in the house in series.
7. The lamps in the electric circuit continue to work when connected in series if
a lamp is damaged.
8. The electric lamp contains hydrogen gas.
9. Electric insulator allows the passage of electric current through them.
10. Aluminum is from electric insulator.
11.Wood is from electric conductor.
12.Electric fires are put off (extinguished) by water.
13. Galilio is invented the electric lamp.
14.To connect lamps in parallel, the lamps connected in one route.

Q3:Give Reason
1-Flammable materials should not be placed close to electric heater.
Or -The heater should not be placed in a touching position of textiles and carpets.


2- Plastic is considered as an electric insulator.

Or Pushing the injured by electricity by wood

3- Water is not used to put out electric fires.


4- Don't place any metallic object inside the socket.


5- The filament of the light bulb made of tungsten.

Science Department 2nd term 6th prim.

6- The glass bulb in light bulb filled with inert gas (Argon gas).

7- There are two pieces of lead in the base of light bulb.

Or-There are two points of connection at each tip of fluorescent lamp.

Unit 3 lesson 1

1. The------------------is formed when an opaque object blocks a part of the

incoming light.
2. ------------------is the phenomenon that happens when the moon comes
between the Sun and Earth during its rotation.
3. Solar eclipse occurs when------------------is located between the Earth and the
Sun on one straight line.
4. The solar eclipse is formed when the--------------casting its------------------ on
a part of Earth.
5. The------------------rotates around the Earth in------------------shape orbit.
6. The size of------------------at Earth varies according to the distance between it
and the Earth.
7. In the------------------area of the shadow, the light source can't be seen
8. In total solar eclipse, the moon appears in------------size to that of the Sun.
9. ------------------is the moon's faint shadow in which the partial solar eclipse
10.------------------is the type of solar eclipse in which the Sun disappears
11.------------------is the solar eclipse in which the Sun appears as a lighting
12.The solar eclipse phenomenon doesn't last for more than------------------
minutes and------------------seconds.

Science Department 2nd term 6th prim.

2-Write the scientific term:

1.The moon's faint outer shadow. (-----------------------------)
2.The area in which the total solar eclipse appears. (---------------------------)
3.The solar eclipse in which the Sun disappears completely.
4.The harmful rays emitted from the Sun during the solar eclipse.
3-Give reasons for each of the following :
1. The distance between the Moon and the Earth varies during the moon's rotation
around the Earth.
2. The type of solar eclipse differs according to the movement of the Moon in
front of the Sun.
3. The total solar eclipse is formed when the Moon rotates nearer to the Earth.
4. The annular eclipse occurs when the Moon comes in an orbit higher to Earth.
5. We shouldn't look directly at the Sun with naked eye during the solar eclipse.
6. The use of a special glass to look at the solar eclipse.
7. Although the weak glowing of the Sun during the eclipse we mustn't focus
looking to it.
4-What happen?
1- The moon comes between the sun and Earth.
2- The solar eclipse is watched from the umbra region.
3- The Earth lies in the Moon penumbra.
4- The moon comes in higher orbit from Earth (antumbra).
5- You focus looking to the sun directly during the solar eclipse.

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