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Third Quarter
Module 3 - Effect of Force in Matter
Movement of Objects

Prepared by:
Learner’s Information Boado, Roel D.
Lising, Susan P.
Name: Mendoza, Merlita R.
Grade and Section: Paleracio, Anna Marie S.
Pinlac, Leslie L.
Grade 4 Science Teachers

The module is about the Force and Motion, wherein after studying and
understanding the lesson, the learners are expected to:
➢ Describe the effects of the amount of force on the movement of an object

What changes took place after I have applied force on the material?
1. Cutting paper ______________ 4. Tearing box _______________
2. Breaking glass ______________ 5. Slicing vegetables _______________
3. Bounding chalk ______________

Lesson 3 Effect of Force in Matter (Movement of an Object)

The force applied on an object affect the movement of an object. Example:

1.Push and Go — The toy car travelled farther when the force
applied was stronger. It travelled nearer when lesser force was
applied to it.

2.Hang and Pull — The spring was pulled down when a

padlock was hung to it. The spring is pulled as more padlocks
are hanged into it

What you need:

• small plastic toy car
• meter stick
• spring balance
• 3 identical padlocks

Activity Time!

Push and Go
1. Select a flat surface on the classroom floor.
2. Mark a starting point on the floor. Gently push the toy car with your hand. Observe
how far it moved. Measure the distance that it travelled using a meter stick. Make a
similar table below on your notebook and record your observation.
3. Bring the toy car back to the starting point and repeat step 2, but this time, push the
toy car with a stronger force. Observe how far it travelled. Measure the distance it
covered. Record your observations on your data table.
4. Repeat step 3 for three more times with varying forces applied on the toy car. You
can vary the force with the help of different objects. Record your observations in your
data table.

Trial Type of Force Applied Distance Covered


Guide Questions:
1. How do you compare the distance travelled by the toy cars when pushed by the
weakest force and when pushed by the strongest force?
2. Which degree of force applied made the toy car travelled the farthest? nearest?
3. What affected the distance travelled by the toy car?

Activity Time!
Hang and Pull
1. Hang a padlock on a spring balance. Measure the force exerted by the padlock on
the spring. Record your observation in your notebook in a table similar to the one below.
2. Add another padlock to the spring balance and take note of the force exerted by the
two padlocks. Record your observation in your data table.
3. Add a third padlock to the spring balance. Measure the force exerted by the padlocks
on the spring balance. Record your observations in your data table.

Number of Padlock Force Exerted by Padlock


Guide Questions:
1. What did you observe with the spring balance when you hanged a padlock on it?
2. What was the effect on the spring balance as you add more padlocks?
3. Predict what will happen if you keep on adding more padlocks to the spring balance?

The force applied on an object affects the object movement. Objects with
lesser mass requires lesser force for it to move it to some distance while
objects with greater mass require greater or stronger force to move it
longer distance.

Just for Fun!

Material : 3 identical small cars
1. Look for a flat and smooth surface in your house.
2. Mark a starting point and finish line on a surface. Measured at least 2 meter
3. From the starting point, place the toys cars down.
4. From the starting point blow the car toys up to the finish line. Do not hold the toy
5. Once the toy car reaches the finish line, do the same on the second and third
6. Play the game several times.

Answer the following question:

1. Was it easy to blow the car up to the finish line?
2. What strategies did you use to be able to make it to the finish line fast.
3. Did your body build help to you reach the finish line fast? How?

Challenge Yourself:
What Pushes and What Pulls
1) One thing which I push is __________
2) One thing which I pull is ___________
3) One thing which I push is ___________
4) One thing which I push is ___________
5) One thing which I pull is ____________

Look around your house, list down the things that can be easily moved and those that are
difficult to move.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which among the following will require a greater force to move?
a. refrigerator c. monoblock chair
b. study table d. television
2. Which among the objects below require lesser force to move?
a. book c. pencil
b. notebook d. blackboard eraser
3. Which of the following objects will move more easily when force is applied to it?
a. plastic dining table c. small refrigerator
b. empty steel cabinet d. small wooden dining table

4. If a boy will have to kick one object, which one from the list below will move the
farthest upon kicking?
a. shut put ball c. golf ball
b. soft ball d. tennis ball
5. Which among the following will move faster upon application of force?
a. marble c. pebble
b. pingpong ball d. beach ball

Suggest way on how can you carry a heavy box like a Balikbayan Box?

Answer Key

What I Know
1. It will have different shape and will become smaller (Change in size and shape)
2. It will have different shape and will become smaller (Change in size and shape)
3. It will have different shape and will become smaller (Change in size and shape)
4. It will have different shape and will become smaller (Change in size and shape)
5. It will have different shape and will become smaller(Change in size and shape)

1. a. refrigerator
2. c. pencil
3. a. a plastic wooden table
4. c golf ball
5. b. pingpong ball

➢ Quiambao, Florencia B., et. al., The Wonderful World Science (2009),FNB
Educational, Inc.
➢ Coronel,Carmelita O., et . al.,Exploring and Protecting Our World (2006)VIBAL
Publishing House ,Inc.

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