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An improved mechanical behaviour of fly ash and GGBS based

geopolymer concrete
Pathi Janardhan ⇑, Venkata Krishnaiah
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, BIHER, Chennai, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Concrete is high in carbon dioxide emission which produce more heat of hydration. To reduce the heat of
Available online xxxx hydration as a new generation and also the advanced concrete, we are making the geo polymer concrete
which doesn’t have the cement it means of no heat of hydration. In this research we are adding geopoly-
Keywords: mer concrete is made with fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag, with the ground granulated
Geo polymer concrete blast furnace slag serving as a partial replacement for the fly ash. The concrete mix is prepared for both
Fly ash normal concrete and geo polymer concrete at M25 grade to each and compared them for suitable con-
struction purpose. The geo polymer concrete is casted in mix ratios of Mix-A (FA50 -GGBS 50), Mix –B
Sodium silicate
Sodium hydroxide
(FA25-GGBS75), Mix-C (FA0-GGBS100). The concrete samples were prepared by cube moulds of
Workability 150 mm*150 mm*150 mm and tested for compression testing. For the homogeneous normal concrete
Compression test and geo polymer concrete workability tests were conducted. The test results of compression test have
shown a gradual increment of characteristic compressive strength compared to the normal concrete
and geo polymer concrete. In all curing periods, it is observed that geo polymer concrete values have
higher compressive strength test results. Geopolymers’ improved strength can be concluded to be
enhanced by an increase in GGBS replacement level.
Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Conference on Advancements in Man-
ufacturing Engineering – 2022.

1. Introduction The study uses geopolymer concrete that has been mixed with
steel fiber (0.5 percent) and antacid activators of 8 and 10 M. These
In the production of concrete, a promising new invention that activators for antacids are given out at a 1:2.5 ratio. Those findings
utilizes fly debris, ground granulated impact heater slag (GGBS), proved that fiber has the potential to drastically enhance mechan-
and repurposed totals produced from development and destruc- ical characteristics. With a growing fiber volume division, the
tion (C&D) wastes is now being implemented. The results show improvement also increases. Materials like marble and rock totals
that GRAC’s compressive strength, flexible modulus, and toughness need reinforcement since they result from stone companies that
were all best when the material was relieved at 80 degreesC for 12 have caused extensive damage to their waste total, reuse total,
to 24 h, resulting in a denser and more ettringite-shaped and total. This experiment employed geo-polymer concrete with
microstructure [1]. This paper looks at the potential geopolymer different amounts of dark marble waste total (BMWA) as a coarse
glues derived from low calcium and how the addition of salt acti- aggregate (GPC). The compressive character of GPC was not fully
vator affects the standard consistency and setting seasons (GGBS). established after 28 days of relieving; instead, it was compared
As soluble activators (AAS), sodium hydroxide (SH) and sodium sil- to GPC constructed with ordinary coarse aggregate [2]. Barrels
icate (SS) were used with various amounts of FA and GGBS to cre- (50 mm  100 mm) were tested for compressive strength at 7,
ate geopolymer glue. It has been discovered that GPC’s mechanical 14, and 28 days of age. Compressive strength was shown to rise
behavior is similar to that of regular Portland concrete (OPC). alongside GGBS concentration in the stirs (up to 100 MPa).
Accordingly, it appears that the flexural strength and flexibility Microstructure, stage piece, and warm stable state of the geopoly-
modulus of GPC might be measured under conditions analogous mer specimens were also independently analyzed by scanning
to those specified in ACI 318–08. electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermo-
⇑ Corresponding author. gravimetric analysis (TG-DTA). Studies have shown that the pre-
E-mail address: (P. Janardhan). pared mix business may save money by switching using regular
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Conference on Advancements in Manufacturing Engineering – 2022.

Please cite this article as: P. Janardhan and V. Krishnaiah, An improved mechanical behaviour of fly ash and GGBS based geopolymer concrete, Materials
Today: Proceedings,
P. Janardhan and V. Krishnaiah Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

strength Portland concrete cement (PC) instead of AAC. High- Table 1

strength cements, on the other hand, may have their soluble base Proposed test results and properties of cement.

enacted cement accurately determined. A step-by-step procedure S.NO Properties Proposed results
for determining preliminary blend extents for cements is 1 Specific Gravity 2.6
described. This procedure takes into account the cement’s consis- 2 Fineness Modulus 3.63
tency value, setting time, and solid form compressive strength. 3 Water absorption 2.54
Potential effects of using GGBS to replace up to 50 % of fly detritus
The maximum allowable strengths for a 12 M sodium silicate and
sodium hydroxide focus arrangement were investigated. 2.2. Fine aggregate
The samples were similarly cooked at 60 degrees Celsius for
24 h. For 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 year projections, compressive Fine total utilized was Zone-II. Different tests were directed to
and divided elastic properties were estimated. Immersion in NaCl decide the properties of sand which are displayed in the Table-4.
and H2SO4 for 28 and 90 days reduced the 3D squares’ hardness. Reviewing is the molecule size appropriation of a not set in stone
30 % replacement of fly debris with GGBS produced the best by a strainer examination. The tests were finished by IS: 2386
results. This research aimed to determine how different propor- (Part-1) 1963. Table 2 gives the test results of fine aggregate.
tions of fly Ash (FA) and ground granulated impact heater slag
(GGBS) affected the mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete 2.3. Coarse aggregates
(GPC) when substituted for concrete with different soluble activa-
tors, such as sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide Coarse aggregate used was locally collected sample from the
(NaOH). Geo-polymer concrete samples were cast and cured at granite quarry and was tested for impact and crushing strength
room temperature for 7, 14, 28, 56, and 112 days to examine their for its toughness properties. Table 3 detailed about the coarse
mechanical properties. Compressive, split, and flexural strengths aggregate.
all improved with more GGBS [3–10]. Concrete powder and high
filler use arise from a blend of natural components predicted to
heat to above 1400C in Portland concrete. We store everyday items 2.4. Fly ash
there. I utilized fly detritus and ggbs to measure compressive
strength, split stiffness, and corrosion resistance. Class F fly debris Fly debris is a reusing material which goes under supportable
is used. This study compares class F fly debris (FA) and ground turn of events. Fly debris is a coal combusted buildup and further-
granulated impact heter slag (GGBS) at different replacement more a crushed fuel debris. It tends to be acquired from the coal
amounts using sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide as an antacid ventures from the boilers with fuel gases. Additionally Fly debris
activator (FA50-GGBS50, FA25-GGBS75, FA0-GGBS100). can be acquired from the coal related power plant ventures. Miner-
A higher GGBS level increased GPC compressive strength and als like silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al 2O3), ferric
ultrasonic heart rate during all restoration periods. GGBS reduces oxide (Fe2 O3), and calcium oxide (Ca O) are found in fly debris.
BMI, compressive strength, and resting heart rate less than other The term ‘‘hydraulic cement” refers to the use of fly debris as a par-
methods. To improve cement quality, fly ash is partly, partially, tial substitute for Portland cement. The American Society for Test-
or totally substituted with GGBS. This project will use 11 M and ing and Materials (ASTM) classifies C618 fly debris into two
13 M sodium hydroxide. Here, the antacid activator ratio is 2.5 categories. Class C and Class F fly debris make up the other. The
and the soluble fluid to fly debris ratio is 0.40. The recovered sam- amount of minerals in each class sets it apart from the other. Class
ples then underwent stiffness, flexure, and compression testing. All F fly debris is made by burning older bituminous coal that has less
experiment results are discussed. Based on our first studies, a com- than 7 % lime in it. Debris from Class C flies can be framed as
bination of FA, GP, and GGBS having a constant percentage of CA geopolymer. Subbituminous is consumed to produce Class C fly
and FA provides M32 geopolymer cement. Geo-polymer concrete debris. There are self-cementing materials in it. The lime content
costs 14 % less than OPC cement of equal strength. Geopolymer of Class C fly debris is greater than 20 %. The structure of class C
concrete assessed the present Mix Design’s applicability. We fly ash is given Fig. 1 and the Table 4 the properties of fly ash.
examined two structure types that substituted M-sand for conven-
tional sand and typical concrete for ASTM class F fly debris. Data 2.5. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)
analysis showed that the Indian standard mix plan may be used
with geopolymer concrete. The current study investigates the Slag is a byproduct of the separation of iron from iron metal that
mechanical characteristics of self-compacting concrete (SCC) and occurs in steel plants and is produced by shoot heaters. The
self-compacting geo-polymer concrete (SCGPC), concretes manu- arrangement of granular particles is made possible by the interac-
factured with GGBS and fly debris, respectively, to increase blend tion, which includes cooling the slag with high-pressure water jets.
extents to fulfill EFNARC’s self-similarity standards in March Additionally, the granulated slag is dried and then crushed into an
2006 [11–12]. extremely fine powder known as GGBS in an upward roller factory,
turning ball plant, or roller press. GGBS is a waste product made
from iron mineral businesses that can be replaced with concrete
2. Materials used in concrete for expanding functionality and improving cement’s
strength and rigidity. Impact heater slag is the product that results
2.1. Cement from the combination of iron metal, lime, and coke at temperatures

The concrete utilized was DECCAN OPC 53 grade concrete. The

Table 2
accompanying Table 1 is the different tests directed according to
Test results and properties of fine aggregate.
Indian Standards to decide the properties of this concrete. For
starting and last setting time IS: 8112–1989 is utilized and for S.NO Properties Obtained values
standard consistency of concrete IS: 4031(part-4) 1988. For explicit 1 Specific Gravity 2.36
gravity of concrete (IS: 2720-section 3) is utilized. The Table 1 gives 2 Fineness Modulus 2.80
3 Zone II
the test results of cement.
P. Janardhan and V. Krishnaiah Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Test results of Coarse aggregates. Properties Values obtained

1 Specific Gravity 02.96
2 Fineness modulus 06.00
3 Impact Test 18 %
4 Crushing Test 17.4

Fig. 2. The Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag is displayed here.

Fig. 1. The structure of Class C Fly ash.

Table 4
Fly ash properties.

S. No Properties Values obtained

1 Specific Gravity 02.86
2 Fineness modulus 01.575
3 Specific surface area 305 m2/kg
4 Density 01.4 kg/m3

Fig. 3. Shows the dissolved sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate.

of 15,000 degrees Celsius. In large production at clumping plants. It
is extremely cementitious and contains a lot of calcium silicate
hydrates (CSH), a compound that improves strength by working
on the strength, solidity, and presence of the substantial. The com-
pound piece of a slag fluctuates significantly relying upon the
structure of the unrefined components in the iron creation process.
Different constituents of GGBS are referenced in the accompanying
Table 5 and Fig. 2 below. The further chemical compositions of fly
ash and GGBS are given in Figs. 3–6.

Table 5
GGBS properties.

S. No Characteristics Test Result

1 Fineness (%) 3.83
2 Specific Gravity 2.90 Fig. 4. Shows the Sodium Hydroxide pellets.
3 Residue left on 45l (%) 4.82
4 Initial Setting Time (Min) 190
5 Insoluble Residue (%) 0.3 3. Objectives & test methodology
6 Magnesia Content (%) 7.79
7 Sulphide Sulphure (%) 0.49
3.1. Objectives
8 Sulphate Content (%) as SO3 0.45
9 Loss on Ignition (%) 0.42
10 Manganese Content (%) 0.27 Finding out how GGBS and fly debris might influence the
11 Chloride Content (%) 0.001 mechanical characteristics of geopolymer concrete was the major
12 Moisture Content (%) 0.01 focus of this study. The entire amount of coarse sand utilized of

P. Janardhan and V. Krishnaiah Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Shows the chemical composition of Fly Ash.

Fig. 7. Detailed about the detailed test methodology.

20 mm, while the total amount of fine sand used was stream sand.
The Fig. 7 detailed about the test methodology. tion of fine total and 2 proportions of coarse total. A very much
blended homogeneous cement is tried for all its functionality and
3.2. Test methodology compressive strength tests for the obtain the precise outcomes.
The substantial is casted in 3D square shapes for testing the com-
pressive strength. The water concrete proportion is viewed as 0.55
4. Mix design for all the blend tests. Three models were casted for the calculation
of compressive strength at 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and
The mix degrees for M25 grade concrete are 1:1:2, according to 28 days reestablishing. The samples ratios which are shown in
IS-10262-2009, and the objective mean strength was 25 Mpa. The the Table 6 will give the clear percentages to be mixed in the
ratio of water to concrete is maintained at 0.5. There is no addition concrete.
of super plasticizer to this blend plan. Both normal and fly debris,
as well as GGBS-based geopolymer concrete, will be suitable appli-
cations for the M25 grade of concrete. The blend plan’s rate propor- 4.2. Geo polymer concrete mix design M25 fly ash and GGBS
tions and extents will be shown in the following even section. The
new geopolymer concrete made with fly debris and GGBS was For the geo polymer concrete mix design, we are considering
found to be thick, solid, and dull in arrangement. As demonstrated mainly-one titrated chemical solution of alkaline and two materi-
by IS 5512-1983 and IS 1727-1967, straightforwardly following the als i.e., one is fly ash and second one is GGBS which are full replace-
production of the homogeneous blend, the usefulness of new ment materials to the cement. The proposed mix ratio of 1:1.3:
geopolymer concrete was evaluated using a stream table appara- 3.10 for geopolymer concrete is considered for this ratio in fly deb-
tus. Cast in three layers are enormous solid conditions with a ris, ggbs, fine total and coarse total proportions. For the prelimi-
150 mm side. Squeezing a post 16 mm apart compresses each layer nary blend, the mass-to-water ratio of geopolymer solids is as
particularly well. For adequate cement compaction, all blocks were follows: Water weighs 0.559 times 102, or 57 kg, and solids weigh
placed on a table vibrator and vibrated for two minutes. Using a 102 times 57, or 45 kg, in a sodium silicate arrangement. As a
scoop, the top surface was evened out after the concrete was com- result, the mass ratio of geopolymer solids to water is 82/470, or
pacted. After restoring these solid shapes for 24 to 48 h, the 3D 0.17. In order to achieve sufficient utility, an additional 55 L of
squares were deformed, dried, and subjected to pressure testing water are determined to be under investigation. The clear percent-
at 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. ages that need to be mixed in the concrete will be provided by the
ratios of the samples that are depicted in Table 7.
4.1. Normal M25 grade cement concrete mix design Table 6
Normal M25 Grade concrete mix proportions.
For the Normal M25 Grade Concrete substantial blend plan we Cement in kg/m3 Fine aggregate kg/m3 Coarse aggregate kg/m3
need to accomplish the trademark compressive strength of 25 MPa.
For this we need to think about 1 proportion of concrete, 1 propor- 1 554.4 612.29 1348.14

Fig. 6. Shows the Chemical composition of GGBS.

P. Janardhan and V. Krishnaiah Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 7
Mix proportions for geo polymer concrete using fly ash and GGBS. Materials Mix ratios in kg/m3

Mix-a(FA50-ggbs50) Mix-b(FA25-ggbs75) Mix-c(fa0-ggbs100)
1 Fine aggregate 554 554 554
2 Coarse aggregate 776 776 776
3 Fly ash (Class F) 204.5 102 0
4 GGBS 204.5 307 409
5 Sodium silicate solution 102 102 102
6 Sodium hydroxide solution 41 (10 M) 41 (10 M) 41 (10 M)
7 Extra water 55 55 55

Table 8
Shows the fly debris GGBS based geo polymer concrete mix ratios.

S. No Concrete Mix W/C ratio Slump value in mm Compaction Factor Value Vee-Bee in Sec
1 Normal 0.45 52 0.85 16

Table 9
Demonstrates the mix ratios for geo polymer concrete using fly ash and GGBS.

S. No Concrete Mix Alkaline solution ratio Slump Value in mm Compaction Factor Value Vee-Bee in Sec
1 Mix-A 10 M 86 0.84 8.5
2 Mix-B 10 M 98 0.92 11
3 Mix-C 10 M 120 0.95 14

Table 10
5.4. Compressive strength of fly ash and GGBS based geo polymer
Fly ash GGBS based geo polymer concrete mix ratios.
S.NO Age (days) Compressive strength MPa
1 3 Days 9.8
2 7 Days 13.2
3 14 Days 19.6 6. Results and discussions
4 21 Days 21.5
5 28 Days 23.8
Compressive strength rose noticeably from 50 % to 100 % GGBS
in all relieving times (Table). Higher levels of GGBS substitution are
5. Experimental investigations likely responsible for the enhanced durability seen in geopolymers
with increasing GGBS substitution level (11). Compressive
5.1. Workability of normal M25 grade concrete strengths of 18.4 MPa, 24.2 MPa, 32.4 MPa, 36.2 MPa, and
38.6 MPa were measured in a GPC with 100 % GGBS test performed
5.2. Workability of GEO polymer concrete at 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. When tested against the industry stan-
dard M25 grade of concrete, the compressive strengths at 3, 7, 14,
The range of molarities that may be calculated from given propor- 21, and 28 days are 9.8 MPa, 13.2 MPa, 19.6 MPa, and 23.8 MPa,
tions is from 10 M to 18 M. Different geopolymer concrete cube molds respectively. The greater compressive strength demonstrated by
took between 15 and 20 days to cure after being exposed to the sun for the test and the resulting elongation times are clear indicators of
3 days. The initial mismatching of Molarity levels in mixing geopoly- the geopolymers’ notable qualities. Additionally, this can be used
mer concrete is insufficient, and many attempts have been made to for tensile and flexural strength testing thanks to its unique
develop a suitable Solution for strong bonding between the solution strength properties. The Tables 10 and 11 gives the details of Fly
and components. The Table 8 and Table 9 demonstrate about the ash GGBS based geo polymer concrete mix ratios and Compressive
mix ratios for geo polymer concrete and fly debris. Strength of Fly ash GGBS based geo polymer concrete. The Fig. 8
gives performance measure values of the compressive strength of
5.3. Compressive strength of normal M25 grade concrete fly ash with GGBS based geo polymer.

Table 11
Compressive Strength of Fly ash GGBS based geo polymer concrete.

S.NO Age (days) Compressive strength MPa

1 3 Days 12.1 16.5 18.4
2 7 Days 15.4 18.1 24.2
3 14 Days 26.5 28.4 32.4
4 21 Days 29.2 32.2 36.2
5 28 Days 33.5 35.5 38.6

P. Janardhan and V. Krishnaiah Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx





25 mix A
mix B
mix C


3 days 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days

Fig. 8. Shows the compressive strength of fly ash ggbs based geo polymer concrete.

7. Conclusion Acknowledgement

The mechanical characteristics of FA-based GPC blends that were Authors are thankful to the Dr. G Prashanth who guided the
combined with GGBS at room temperature were enhanced without project in each and every aspect and author also thankful to the
the requirement for a decrease in intensity, as is the case with FA- Mr. M Harish Kumar who helped to use the laboratories for the
based GPC blends on their own. Improved mechanical qualities at research work. And finally, author thankful to the each and every
room temperature were achieved via increasing GGBS content in researcher who helped to collect the literature and complete the
GPC blends, making them appropriate for usage by persons of all research with scope.
ages. Taking into account the availability of reserve money for regu-
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