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School Mindanao State University- Buug Laboratory High Grade Level Grade 9

Teacher Iza Jay T. Donato Learning Area Science
Teaching Date and September 25, 2023 Quarter One
Time 7:20 – 8:20 am

Seven E’s Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the measurement
of temperature.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to know how to use a thermometer to
measure temperature.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Within a 60-minute discussion, the Grade 9 Diamond students
are expected to do the ff. with at least 75 % level of accuracy:
a. Explain temperature.
b. Differentiate the Metric system and English system.
c. Know the conversion method of Celsius to Fahrenheit
and vice versa.
II. CONTENT Measures of Temperature


A. References
1. Learners Materials Lesson Module
2. Materials Whiteboard marker
Printed pictures
Bond paper
Food coloring

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. ELICIT A. Greetings
(5 minutes) “Good morning, class” “Good morning, ma’am Iza.”

B. Prayer
“Before we begin our discussion, let us (One student leads the prayer)
first ask for guidance from our Almighty
(One student raises and recites their
C. Simple Recall previous lesson.)
“What was our topic last meeting?”
D. Motivation
“Before we start our proper discussion, (The students are busy guessing the game)
let us have a short drill first. This is
called four pics 1 word. You will be
grouped into two. This row is group 1
and this row is group 2. You will be
given 3 minutes to guess the exact

“Temperature, ma’am”

__ __ M __ E __ __T__R __

“Thermometer, ma’am”

T__ __R__ O__ __ __ E__

B. ENGAGE (The teacher will present the topic.)

(5 minutes)
“Our lesson for today is all about
measures of temperature.”

(The teacher will present the objective of

the lesson.)
 Explain temperature.
 Differentiate the Metric system
and English system.
 Know the conversion method of
Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice

(The teacher will call one student to read (Student read the lesson objective)
the objectives.)
C. ENGAGE (The teacher conducts a pre-test about
(5 minutes) temperature.)

“So, class, before we delve into our

topic this morning, I will give you a pre-
test. Please get a ¼ sheet of paper and
answer the following questions using
your own understanding.”
1. What is temperature?
2. Give the exact value of the
boiling water in terms of the
metric system.
3. Convert 0°C to °F.

D. EXPLORE “So, class, this time you will be grouped

(10 minutes) again into 2 groups.”

(Students counting 1-2)

Group 1 will make a “DIY

thermometer” and group 2 will perform
the “Water Temperature Experiment.”

“For group 1, the instructions are the

1. Take an empty jar and pour a cup
of water into it.
2. Pour a cup of alcohol into the jar.
3. Add a few drops of liquid
coloring to the jar. Mix the
solution well inside the jar.
4. Make a hole at the center of the
lid and then insert a straw into
the jar containing the solution in
such a way that half of the straw
is dipped inside the liquid, and
the rest appears outside the lid.
5. Take a tiny piece of clay and
mold it around the hole of a lid
so that the straw does not move
and is placed intact in its
6. Put the DIY thermometer inside
the basin full of cold water for
some time and mark the level of
liquid raised with a pen.
7. Lastly, keep the thermometer in
the hot sun outside for some time
and mark the level of liquid
raised with a pen.

Compare and record your observations

then report it to the class.”

Now, for group 2, I have here 3 glasses

of water and a food coloring. One is for
cold water, the other one is for warm or
room temperature water, and the other
glass is for hot water.

(The teacher started distributing the

glasses of water to each group.)

“All you must do is to pour the food

coloring into the glasses of water. Wait
for 1-2 minutes. Observe what happens
to the food coloring as it is poured into
the glasses of water at different
temperatures. Write down your
observation and report it to the class. 1
representative in each group.”

E. EXPLAIN What is temperature?

(15 minutes)
“Temperature is a measure of the
hotness and coldness, which in turn is a
measure of the kinetic energy of
particles. When the temperature
increases, the motion of these particles
also increases. Temperature is measured
with a thermometer or a calorimeter. In
other words, temperature determines the
internal energy within a given system.”

“Thermometers are the most common

instrument to measure temperature. It
can measure the temperature of a solid
such as food, a liquid such as water, or a
gas such as air. The three most common
units of measurement for temperature
are Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. The
Celsius scale is part of the metric
system. The metric system of
measurement also includes units of
mass, such as kilograms, and units of
length, such as kilometers. The metric
system, including Celsius, is the official
system of measurement for almost all
countries in the world. Most scientific
fields measure temperature using the
Celsius scale. Zero degrees Celsius is
the freezing point of water, and 100
degrees Celsius is the boiling point of

“The Fahrenheit scale or the degrees

Fahrenheit is the common unit of the
English system. scale based on 32° for
the freezing point of water and 212° for
the boiling point of water, the interval
between the two being divided into 180
equal parts. It is represented by the
symbol °F. The Kelvin scale is used by
physicists and other scientists who need
to record very precise temperatures. The
Kelvin scale is the only unit of
measurement to include the temperature
for "absolute zero," the total absence of
any heat energy. This makes the Kelvin
scale essential to scientists who calculate
the temperature of objects in the cold
reaches of outer space.”

“Now, some temperatures that are often

measured are atmospheric temperature
(usually given in weather reports), body
temperature (used to determine illness),
and oven temperature (used in cooking).

F. ELABORATE (The teacher continues to discuss.)

(10 minutes)
The Celsius scales and Fahrenheit scales
are used to measure the temperature and
it provides a way to measure the object’s
hotness and coldness. The symbol used
to represent Fahrenheit is °F. Similarly,
the symbol used for Celsius is °C. The
Celsius scale is also known as the
centigrade scale. We know that, on a
Celsius scale, water freezes at 0°C and
boils at 100°C. In the Fahrenheit scale,
the water freezes at 32°F and boils at

Now, for the conversion of Celsius to

Fahrenheit, just multiply the °C
temperature by 1.8 (9/5). Add 32 to this
number. This is the answer in °F.

( )
° F= ° C +32 ¿

The Fahrenheit to Celsius formula is

generally called the F to C formula. It is
the conversion formula that converts the
given temperature in Fahrenheit to
Celsius. The formula is:
° C= (° F−32)

For example:
1. Convert 0°C to °F
= 32 °F
2. Convert 0°F to °C
= -17.78 °C

Another example,
1. What is 80 degrees Fahrenheit in
Using the formula, we can convert 80°F
into Celsius.
° C= (° F−32)

° C= (80−32)

° C=26.67

2. Convert 25° Celsius (a nice warm

day) to Fahrenheit

( )
° F= ° C +32

° F= ( 95 25 )+32 ¿
° F= ( 95 ° C )+32 ¿
° F=77
3. Convert 40 °C to the Fahrenheit
( )
° F= ° C +32

° F= ( 95 40)+ 32
° F=104

4. Convert 75°F to the Celsius scale.

° C= (° F−32)

° C= (75−32)
° C=23.89

G. EVALUATE “Now, to test your understanding, I want

(10 minutes) you to get a 1/2 whole sheet of paper
and answer the following. Write your
name, your section, and the date today.”

1. Convert 150°C to Fahrenheit.

2. Convert 200°C to Fahrenheit.
3. Convert 12°C to Fahrenheit.
4. Convert 67°F to Celsius.
5. Convert 125°F to Celsius.
6. Convert 180°F to Celsius.

“Okay pass all your papers”

H. EXTEND “For your assignments, read in advance
about the measures of time.”

Prepared by:
Iza Jay T. Donato

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