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These three significant learnings simplicity, emotion, and framing that I have

gained in viewing and designing visuals, when used skillfully, enable us to create a

different range of ideas, emotions, and narratives through visuals, demonstrating the

impact that a single image or design can have on storytelling and communication. In the

world of visual communication, less can often be more. By using simple cues such as

color, shape, and composition, one can effectively communicate a wide range of concepts

and emotions. This minimalist approach not only makes visuals more accessible and

memorable but also allows for a quicker and more profound impact on the viewer.

In the role of emotions in visual design cannot be understated. Visuals have a

remarkable ability to show feelings and connect with the audience on a deep emotional

level. A single image can convey joy, sadness, fear, or excitement, making it a potent tool

for storytelling. Designers need to harness the emotional resonance of images to create

compelling content that resonates with their target audience.

Then the concept of framing is important in both viewing and designing visuals.

How an image or scene is framed can significantly influence the viewer's perception and

interpretation. Proper framing can draw attention to essential elements, guide the viewer's

gaze, and emphasize the message or story being told. Whether it's through composition,

perspective, or cropping, thoughtful framing is a fundamental aspect of effective visual


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