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Boston by Night
a Chronicle setting for Vampire the Masquerade
(Draft - 3/16/2023)

Jimmy Hill - Man in Uniform 104

Table of Contents 2 Brujah 107
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 5 Martha Randolph - Reactionary Revolutionary
CHAPTER III: BOSTON GEOGRPAHY25 Konrad Mueller - Sabbat Soldier 113
Central Boston 29 Sammy Totem - Pirate Admiral 116
DOWNTOWN 30 Gangrel 119
BEACON HILL 33 Axel “Ax Mike” McMichaels - Feral Mechanic 120
NORTH END 36 Amos Breckenridge - Free Trapper 122
CHINATOWN 40 Abbess Twain - Sea-Wolf 125
BACK BAY 43 Tepexk - Deer Island Stalker 128
West Boston 47 Deslin Coates - Sheriff of Boston 130
FENWAY-KENMORE 48 Hecata 133
BROOKLINE 52 Vivian Abbott - Gin Dealer 134
ALLSTON–BRIGHTON 54 Gonzo Carnivale - Mincemeat PI 137
North Boston & Cambridge 57 Faustino “Fozzie” De Rossi - Die Laughing 140
CAMBRIDGE 58 Andreas Giovanni - Don Giovanni 142
CHARLESTOWN 62 Stephano Giovanni - The Sergeant 146
SOMERVILLE 65 Nino Ricci - Dr. No-Name 148
South Boston & Quincy 69 Mirabella Higgins - Rising Star 151
SOUTHIE 70 Jason Millier - Fiscal Prodigy 153
SOUTH END 73 Losambra 156
ROXBURY 75 Jessica Wagner - Sister of Trinity 157
DORCHESTER 79 Malkavian 160
QUINCY 81 Percival - Questing Knight 161
East Boston 85 Bernhard von Eschenbach - Architect of Madness
CHELSEA 86 164

WINTHROP 88 Elizabeth Whitt - Fae Touched 166

REVERE 90 Quinten King III - Prince of Boston 171

EAST BOSTON 93 Effie Feng – The Hungry Dead 174


Banu Haqim 98 Harry Doyle - Body man 179
Yasmine Lazaar - Reluctant Assassin 99 Candace Hall C.S.D. - Faith Healer 182
Franz Galvez - Kindred Inquisitor 102 Yesenia Mora - Artistic Entrepreneur 184
Patrick Carr - The Bellhop 188 THE DYING TIMES 271
Jennifer Rebauch - Station Shadow 190 Fae Contracts 272
Kaius Leto – Bookworm 193 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES 273
Ravnos 196 HEDGE MAGES 274
Bartholomew Bradley - Insightful Survivor 197 HUMORS 275
Thin-Bloods 200 INDIE FILMMAKER 276
Molly Blake - Terminally Online 201 ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM 277
Jackie Freeman - Grave Digger 203 KINDRED NATIONALISM 278
Lin Feng - Would be Bridge. 206 KINDRED SPORTS 279
Toreador 209 MARINERS 280
George Brimmer - Dusty Librarian 210 THE MBTA 281
Annalee Bonnett - Artistic Inspiration 213 META-VERSE 282
Romero Entretelas - Troubadour 216 REDCOATS 283
April Bosley - Embattled Herald 218 SABBAT TACTICS 284
Tempa Dolma - Exiled Occultist 222 VAMPIRE ROMANCE 286
Leonie Uhrmacherin - Arcane Clock worker 225 WITCH HUNTS 287
Tzimisce 228 THE ROUND TABLE 288
Ion Mykhailo- Cyborg Vampire 229 CHAPTER VII: OTHER DENIZENS OF
Ingrid Weaver - Anarch Auteur 232 DARKNESS 289

Ventrue 235 Hunters 290

Hazel Iverson - Prince of Boston 236 Mages 298

Berel Underwood - Rejected Son 239 Werewolves 306

Jameson Chobot - Merchant of Old 242 Ghosts 310

Trent Dallas - Tech Bro 244 Changelings 313


Snopes 250 Text 323
Kindred of Liberty 252 Artwork 324
The Camarilla Court 254 Acknowledgements 326
The Giovanni Family Council 256
The Kids Table 258

I laughed,
in bitterness
and agony of heart,
at the contrast between
what I seem
and what I am.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne

What is the World of Darkness?

The World of Darkness (WoD) is a line of Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs) published
by Paradox Interactive under the Label White Wolf Publishing. World of Darkness uses a set
of rules called the Storyteller System. The storyteller system emphasizes group storytelling
and role play over tabletop combat. Dice are still rolled in the Storytelling System, with
players using their Characters’ Attributes and Skills to build a “pool” of 10-sided dice (D10).
However, the outcomes of these rolls are used to enhance the drama of the story, not be the
sole origin of it.

What is Vampire the Masquerade?

Vampire the Masquerade (VtM) is one of the TTRPGs in the WoD. It focuses on Vampires,
called Kindred, as they struggle to maintain their eroding humanity in the ocean of time.
VtM is a game of personal and political horror that sees its players struggle to control their
monstrous impulses while attempting to impose their will on the mortal world and resist the
control of their scheming elders.

What is Beyond Boston?

Beyond Boston (B³N) is a Storyteller’s Vault setting book for VtM 5th Edition (V5). While
Boston already has an official “by Night” Setting Book for V5, B³N aims to build upon that
basis to incorporate more material from previous editions. In addition, Beyond provides
additional material on the wider Boston Metro area and a more granular look at the city
itself. The goal is to give storytellers and players all the building blocks they need to populate
this city and make running a chronicle in Boston as easy as possible. In addition to providing
a rich, detailed description of this city I love.

Welcome to Boston; Beantown, The Cradle of Liberty, the City of Notions, The Athens of
America, Titletown, The City on a Hill and The Hub of the Universe. If you’re at this point in the
book, chances are you’re asking a question; why should I run a chronicle in Boston? There are a
myriad of reasons. But for, it’s because I love this city & I cannot think of a better place for
telling stories of any kind.

The stories we tell are, at their core, about change. For that, there is no better city in the
world. Boston is a dynamic, ever-changing latticework of shifting tensions, new ideas, historic
trends, old powers, and young people. Boston is the home of scientific innovation and a rich
historical tradition. Its denizens are famed for their fierce love of competition, while still
immensely proud of their cooperative accomplishments. They have articulated lofty ideals and
dealt with harsh realities. They’re decried as overly rambunctious rabble and as overly refined

Innovation and tradition. Competition and cooperation. Ideals and reality.

Rambunctiousness and refinement. This is the fabric of the Boston identity. It is a city of
scrappy underdogs and entrenched aristocrats. It’s a city rife with tensions, primed for change
and has an unmatched record for birthing new ideas.

Many of you reading this may already know that. Because of some personal connection
to the city. You lived, worked, were schooled, or visited it, and something about Boston stuck
with you. I know that’s the case for me. But for those who have not been, it is worth the trip.
Either a brief visit to grab some ‘Dunks, stroll the freedom trail and catch a Sox game, or a
longer sojourn to let the city work and change you as it has changed countless others.

Till then, hopefully this book can help your imagination run rampant through the cold
brick streets, bask in the foggy glow of glass skyscrapers, and feel the weight of history as your
boots crunch against concrete.

Grater Boston by Night is a Homebrew campaign setting for Vampire the Masquerade
5th Edition. It builds upon official material from the World of Darkness game lines to flesh out
the city of Boston into a full, vibrant, and viable campaign setting. Included will be;

• Introduction – You’re reading this now!

• Boston History – An overview of Boston’s Vampiric society through the ages, and in-character
perspectives on key city events.
• Boston Geography – A granular look at Boston’s neighborhood and some surrounding cities.
Including points of interest, the history of each neighborhood and a description of the city’s street
• Kindred of the City – Biographies and stats for 49 Kindred in Boston. Including their havens,
schemes, and history.
• Coteries – More information on Boston’s major factions & smaller groups.
• Loresheets – 20 ways to mechanically represent your characters’ connection to important aspects
of Boston.
• Other Denizens of Darkness – Example stat blocks, equipment and information for storytellers
wanting to deploy other supernaturals in a Boston Chronicle.
• Quick Start Sessions – Outlines for stories set in Boston to build a Chronicle from.

George Brimmer’s Account

“Historical Atlas of Dominions, Volume III; North America, Book 1: United States, Section 2;
New England, Chapter 3; Boston, Part 1; Introduction.”

Pre-Colonial Vampires
Few books or scrolls or scratched stones tell
of what the Shawmut was like for Kindred in
olden days. The Camarilla insists that
Vampires arrived in the new world with
Columbus, or perhaps a few of the Viking
Raiders before him. But some Sabbat packs
trade superstitions about the dreaded
Antediluvians fleeing across the seas to
establish empires of blood in a promised
land far from their rebellious children.
Many modern Anarchs do not care. But
most have heard at least one conspiracy
theory about a powerful methuselah who
walked or sailed or flew across the ocean to
find freedom from their sire in lands then
unknown to the brood of Caine.

Of all clans, the Gangrel have the most

coherent, and believable, testimony. They
claim to have inhabited the continent since
mammoths walked the Earth. Their
numbers always low, and their habits always
nomadic. These forerunners inspired myths
of Wendigo, Soucouyant and Hooh-Strah-
Dooh. But none of these “Gangrel
Forerunners” survive to the modern night.
Or if they do, they elect not to share their
stories with outsiders.

Based on how the itinerant Gangrel of

modern nights treat their herds it can be
surmised that these forerunners would have
slept in caves or melded with the Earth.
Interacting with tribes in either a more
traditional predator-prey relationship or
presenting themselves as a forest spirit and
establishing cults of worship that would
sacrifice members to slake their hunger.

Early Colonization (1600 - 1860)

Other Vampires were slow to become Despite this victory the Tremere Inner
involved in colonization following the Circle had lost faith in Coventry and
“discovery” of the new world. It took until dispatched another Elder, Baladin, to
the 1600s before the Tremere made the first oversee the Chantry. Coventry and Baladin
organized push to establish a permanent both refused to acknowledge the other’s
presence in what would become Boston. The authority. This culminated in 1795 with
besieged clan was hoping to establish a them breaching the masquerade in
powerbase away from the witch hunts, spectacular fashion. Floating above the city
inter-clan politicking, and their entrenched the two Warlocks clashed; hurtling bolts of
rivals on the Continent. They dispatched flame and thunder, unleashing bats of
Madeline Coventry to Boston in 1635 with blood, and letting boiling vitae flood the
the hope she could build a chantry and streets. Hysteria swept the city. Their
ensure Tremere domination of the colonies. chantry was sundered into a thousand
Coventry gathered a small clique of local bricks, and their spawn scattered to the
witches and sorcerers, beginning to groom winds. After three full nights of combat,
them for the embrace. Coventry fled, fearing final death.

Other clans were soon to follow, with a Fractured and scattered, the Tremere lost
cohort of Venture and Malkavian Elders control of Boston despite Balandin’s best
arriving in Boston from the Camarilla. They efforts to unite the remaining Neonates. The
forced Coventry and her small collection of Tremere elder managed to cling to the title
ghouls and Childer to flee north to Salem in of Prince until 1825 when Quinten King III,
the early 1700s. These inter-clan tensions frustrated with his inability to keep the city
broke into outright war during the safe, claimed Praxis from the Tremere. King
American Revolution as Brujah agitators was an eccentric, even by Malkavian
and Sabbat Antitribu aided Coventry’s standards, but he did manage to keep his
efforts to drive the Ventrue out of Boston. beloved city relatively safe from Lupine
The resulting power vacuum allowed ravagers, and the circling Sabbat. Boston
Coventry to re-establish the Boston Chantry became an oasis of calm in the otherwise
in 1783, and claim the title of Prince. dangerous New England.

The Primogen Congress (1860 - 1900)

Boston was the exception in New England. observers. The proposal was adopted after a
The whole region was on the brink of legendary speech from the Toreador
collapse, as the Sabbat battered its cities. Justiciar, and the walkout of many young
New Hampshire has already fallen, and with Kindred. This conclave produced a bold
New York also in the Sabbat’s clutches there plan to reorganize the region into a
was genuine fear most of the East Coast was comprehensive Domain; “The Primogen
sure to follow. This was made all the worse Congress''.
by the outbreak of the American’s Civil War.
Modeled off the first American System of
It sparked an exodus of Kindred south. Government it was a loose governing body
Many Vampires were hoping to fight in, or that would sit above individual cities’
gorge on, the battlefield. With almost every Princes and Primogen. The Congress would
qualified combatant entering the war, the act as a supervisory body. Congressmen
less violent Kindred in New England, many would meet to develop plans then be
of them Toreadors, poured into Boston. dispatched to the relevant domains to aid
There they found refuge from both the Black Princes with the implementation of these
Hand in New England and the Confederate plans.
Army in the Border States.
The Congress was largely ignored in Boston.
As the situation grew more dire the King was unwilling to respond to the whims
Camarilla called for a Conclave to be held in of some far-off Congress, which was
August of 1865. The agenda was wide normally embodied by a single Kindred who
ranging, but the primary cause was to would spend weeks at a time traveling
establish a plan that would stabilize New outside the city to “coordinate” with others.
England. The first hours of debate saw the When a Congressman was in the city, King
outbreak of an open brawl, ended only when would find ways to exploit their rivalries or
a contingent of American Nosferatu highlight contradictions between the
dramatically announcing their presence on current and previous mandates. While
the Continent. weaker domains were torn apart by
infighting and resentment, Boston remained
These Nosferatu shaped the Conclave going as stable as a Domain could be in those
forward, calling for the formation of a times.
region spanning network of contacts &

Foreign Rule & the Triad (1900 - 1990)

Then, a trio of British Elders decided to blood bonding, or were forced to live a
move into New England and remake the dangerous existence, fleeing from both the
region as their own domain by exploiting Court and the still roving Sabbat Packs
the weakness & disorganization of the which frequently struck at the city. What
Congress. First establishing control of New little organized resistance formed described
Hampshire and Rhode Island, they funneled themselves as the “Kindred of Liberty” or
Lupines, Sabbat, Hedge Witches, and KoL. They were styled after Boston’s famed
Inquisitors into Boston, weakening the city Sons of Liberty, and the Massachusetts
beyond King’s ability to hold it. At that Minutemen.
point, the self-styled Lord Biltmore stepped
in to play Savior. These KoL functioned as part militia, part
secret society. Characterized as either bomb
Biltmore arrived in Boston on July 4th, throwing ruffians causing trouble in the
1895, with his Red Coats, a small army of street or ineffectual intellectuals debating
blood bonded soldiers. Unable to refuse the grand ideas in back rooms. Regardless, the
help, King accepted. He was reduced to an KoL were able to carve out small pockets of
ineffectual puppet. Biltmore himself freedom in the city and boasted a wide
remained in the shadows, pulling King’s enough membership to be considered their
strings, and leaving him to take all the own sect, efficiently splitting the Boston
blame for this new order. In the name of Camarilla into British and American
Security, these Red Coats patrolled the city. Factions.
Camarilla Kindred of good standing were
escorted to and from feeding grounds, and During this era, the Giovanni family also
closely monitored in all other places. Those began to move into Boston, exercising
outside the Camarilla, the Caitiff, Anarch or indirect influence to carve out a space for
Thin-Blooded risked being cut down in the themselves downtown. Operating
streets. All Vampires across the city felt the underneath the Camarilla, they avoided the
grip of this new regime, although only a few exposure and risk that came with control,
knew its true cause. but quietly amassed wealth and power.
While Biltmore was focused on controlling
Those who openly bucked the security Kindred, the Giovanni slowly gained control
enforced by Biltmore could find themselves of the Kine.
impressed into his service through brutal

Dying Times & the Mad King’s Reign

(1990 - 2010)
By the early 90s The Sword of Caine had
grown desperate; fleeing brutal tactics used
by Lord Pendragon in New Hampshire,
many poured into Boston launching riskier
raids and assaults. Referred to by Bostonian
Vampires as “The Dying Times”, this string
of battles with the Sabbat saw Kindred of all
sects and clans assaulted in the streets and
their havens. Random embraces were
common, and many Kindred simply

Frustrated with the lack of results from

Biltmore’s Redcoats, Quinten King grew
more violent and became personally
involved in a number of these street battles.
He also made a daring play and offered the
Giovanni membership in the Camarilla in
exchange for their aid resisting the Sabbat
and Biltmore. By the turn of the
millennium, the Redcoats were exhausted,
and even the Sabbat’s near-endless soldiers
seemed spent.

It was at that point the Giovanni launched

their assault. The Camarilla found their
assets frozen, Sabbat packs were beset by
spectral thralls, the Anarch coteries found
loved ones threatened. Even Biltmore, who
long hid behind a veil of anonymity was
outed to Vampiric Society. Without risking
any skin themselves the Giovanni had
captured the city. Biltmore fled north to his
Allies in New Hampshire, followed by the
ravenous Sabbat hungry for revenge after
almost a century of stalled progress. This
left Boston at relative peace as for the first
time in nearly 100 years, as the Camarilla
capitulated to the family’s demands.
Crushed, Quinten King drew into himself,
eventually vanishing.

Modern Nights (2010 - 2020)

Backed into a corner, and lacking In a daring nighttime raid, the Society of
leadership, the Boston Camarilla took their Leopold captured many of the Camarilla’s
time to re-group, and rebuild their assets. prominent members. This assault also
Eventually coalescing around Hazel Iverson, decimated Boston’s Tremere, practically
the Camarilla formally established a new exterminating the first clan to control
court. It remained a small operation, feeling Boston within the city limits. Surprisingly,
beset on all sides by enemies. They built a the Hecata managed to avoid being caught
few strongholds and power bases under the in Swansong and subsequent operations.
careful watch of the Giovanni.
But the Camarilla continued to be battered
Hazel and the Court found their time to by raids. They were eventually forced to
strike in the late-2010s as the Giovanni’s partner with some of Boston’s Anarchs to
most prominent members were recalled to launch a counterattack. This managed to
Italy for the Family Reunion. With their destabilize the Inquisition and drive them
opposition temporarily leaderless, Hazel out of Boston, but at the cost of many
and her court struck downtown, carving out Kindred. From here the Hecata pushed out
large gains and reclaiming the city of Boston and reclaimed much of their old territory,
proper. Returning to find their opposition forcing the Camarilla to relocate back into
emboldened, Andres was furious. But Hazel Cambridge.
and her court had entrenched themselves
into Downtown, forcing the Giovanni, now Modern Nights see the city once more
recognized into Hecata, to remain in the fractured, with the Hecata holding its
North End. center, the Camarilla clinging to Cambridge
and a few isolated footholds, with many of
Despite having a foothold in Boston proper, the fringes dominated by Anarch gangs or
the Camarilla was still in a precarious independent factions.
situation. Hoping to strengthen their
standing, Hazel reached out to the Hartford Boston is a dynamic, churning city. With a
Tremere and proposed an alliance. Through rich history and strong spirit of innovation.
rapid diplomacy the two courts agreed to There’s both the wisdom of tradition, and
merge their domains in 2019. However, the virality of youth. Those seeking
their frequent and open contact left clear adventure and dynamism, can do no better
traces across Boston, allowing the Second than this jewel on the North Atlantic. The
Inquisition to move in and easily eliminate fate of the city is uncertain going forward.
large swaths of the new Court in “Operation But, if history is any guide, what happens in
Swansong.” Boston will ring throughout the world.

Quinten King’s Address to the Round Table

I know what you must think. I too have heard it whispered. The British Doll, Hollow
Prince, Embarrassment to Clan and Camarilla, Traitor, Puppet Prince, Biltmore’s
Plaything; the Mad King of Boston. Scorn, that is not unearned.

But what my ravenous detractors have been so keen to forget is just how close we were
to extinction that fabled 4th of July. A cult of Faith Healers rising in our mists fusing
religion and science in a prelude to the Inquisition of today. Mortal Mages bearing
their light into all corners of our darkened night, slaking their hunger for playing
hero. The seeds of a criminal conspiracy planted to fester on our north shore. Utter
incompetence from a faraway congress that feigned to know what be better for this
city than you and I.

To say nothing of the Lupines, and that damned sword of Caine battering at our
parapets! No. All this forgotten because a few dandy degenerates threw a ball every
night, and so long as the roads ‘tween haven and Elysium were free from fear, fire and
fang, all must be well.

But I walked beyond those streets. Into the dark corners even us monsters must fear.

I saw the terror of these threats firsthand. I witnessed Frenzy, Diablerie and Final
Death night after night. My Knights and I scantly staved off our own destruction more
times than I care count. And where were you while these brigands circled to pull us
into the light? Did you dig in your heels, or close your eyes?

Some say I sold your freedom. Ruled as tyrant. No. I spared you from the endless fires
of day. After years of wiping the ash of your brethren from my arms, night after night,
I leap at the offer of competent aid. And I would do so again. I shook hands with devils
and took on countless sins so you could count yourselves pure and safe and happy in
the delusion all was fine. But, when reality crept in, I was made a villain for not
allowing your fantasy to be your end.

Two scores shy of two centuries I stood up to lead. I have sat to contemplate the
choices you could not bring yourselves to comprehend. Yet there are still those who
claim they are more fit to lead than I. And I merely laugh. When the hard choice come
home once more, and your Fledgling Prince equivocates with indecision, letting the
fires of Inquisition once more scorch the streets of Boston, I will shed no tears for
those fools while I once more don the mantel, and lead…

Martha Randolph on the New Hazel Iverson Addressing

Prince Elysium
I don’t trust the Cam. I don’t talk to the What our detractors fail to understand is
Cam. I don’t like the Cam. Easy. Most folks that we cannot continue to exist as we were.
runnin’ that shit show, the people who want There are dangers and threats inherit to our
to put a boot on my neck or a steak in my condition. Those have grown exponentially.
heart, they the same damn people buying It’s no longer pitchforks, and torches that
my guns 15 years back. Talking all this shit hunt us. We’re even past powder and steel.
about Liberty, tyranny, foreign rule, mad The times have evolved, and so must we.
kings. My ass. Their problem was they ain’t
in charge. We are, and always have been resilient. We
endure, we persist. But it has always been in
So, we do our jobs, get King and his private spite of each other. In spite of ourselves.
army to fuck off to god know where. Then That must change. Our very survival now
suddenly all these enlightened-ass patriots depends on our cooperation and
who boldly supported the Kindred of coordination. Together we can do so much
Liberty, in the privacy of their own homes, more than we can alone.
show up. ‘Fore, we know it we got the Queen
Bee herself standing up to tell us these are But that requires commitment. To a
dangerous times. ‘For our own protection common good, a common goal. A goal I, and
she’s gonna give us a place to feed. It’ll be my Primogen, are pursuing. Our survival,
safe. Not private. Not free. But safe. From and our refinement. Details must, at this
hunters. Now tell me, how’s sticking you in early hour, remain scarce. There are those
a room, pointing a camera in your face and cynics, and our enemies who would rather
telling you “you can only feed from the all of us face destruction for their ideals,
mortal I bring you”, any different from than have some of us choose to survive,
King’s goons goose stepping you to and despite their egos.
from the rack? Other than the cover charge
they’re taking for the inconvenience your This goal will be pursued in two ways, first
very existence has caused them? the enforcement of the traditions. Too long
interpreted at the whims of a mad King and
From the night I was embraced that’s all I his British Dolls. Starting tonight, the
been hearing from these fucks. You Masquerade, Creation and Destruction,
shouldn’t been made. You shouldn’t been Domain, Hospitality and Accounting will be
there. You shouldn't done that. Don’t matter respected. To ensure this, a census will be
if it’s King, Biltmore, Iverson or completed by Deslin, Galeb and Franz.
Underwood. You’re the damn same to all of Those who present themselves, claim
‘em. Just another body to throw at their domain and can trace their lineage have
problems, so they persist while we’re nothing to fear.
To begin; I am Hazel Iverson of Clan
What they’re calling chaos, I’m calling Ventrue. Childe of Nathan Appleton, sire of
progress. Final death is an equal Miley Sellers. Prince of Boston.
opportunity destroyer!

Jennifer Rebauch: the Big Dig Konrad Muller Remembers

That fucking tunnel. Biggest infrastructure the Combat Zone
project in the city’s history since they filled I miss downtown. The real downtown. You
in Back Bay. Cost of 22 billon dollars, two know. The Combat Zone? Course ‘ya don’t.
criminal convictions, a person’s life and the ‘Fore your time. Well ‘tween the ’60s and
dignity of every single mayor from the mid- 90s there was a couple blocks north the
80s till ’06. But we got it. common. Cops decided, “eh we don’t give a
Overbudget, past due. But it’s done. Took
the damn free-way and stuck it
Sex, drugs, violence. Go hog wild. But the
underground where it belongs. Gave us the
second you cross Kneeland St, (SNPAS)
greenway, connected the North End back
done. Like you’re back in civilized society.
with downtown, shoved the traffic out into
Aw, it was fucking great. Little slice of
the suburbs, paved the way for Roxbury,
Carthage in the heart of New England.
Southie, Dorchester to all be what they are
today. ‘Course when the fucking Giovanni took
over, they couldn’t have that in their city no
That fucking tunnel is half the reason half
more. Never mind that Andres personally
these over-educated brats would ever think
knew ever kinkster and junkie out there. Got
about sticking ‘around here after they’ve
to look respectable for the Ivory Tower.
done with their degrees and dinking. Was a
Attract the Blue Blood’s Money. Make the
nightmare to live through, and burned off
Malks think they got a monopoly on crazy.
any willpower for any major infrastructure
project for at least a generation. But I’m Fuckin shit. Can’t do fuck all anymore.
glad they did it. Gentrified, think that’s… whatever the fresh
licks call it now.

Operation Swansong – After Incident Report by Kaisu Leto

In the early winter of 2019, the Boston Court, under the Praxis of Prince Hazel Iverson, suffered
the most devastating assault carried out by the second inquisition on American Soil. In the
initial assault over ¾ of the Hartford Chantry was destroyed, along with the Primogen Jara
Dory, and roughly a dozen other prominent members of the Camarilla.

In subsequent raids, the S.A.D Agents, aided by the society of Leopold , proceeded to further
destroy Camarilla assets. Capturing Blood Dolls, killing prominent Ghouls, and destroying
further Kindred. A total head count is ongoing, but, it’s estimated at least a third of Camarilla
Kindred have been destroyed or captured. Internal investigations reveal prominent members of
the Court may have leaked information to the SI about Camarilla operations.

The Prince mobilized a task force and launched a counter attack nights after the initial incident.
This assault was successful, due in part to assistance from the Boston Anarchs, who took heavy
losses. However, the Camarilla position going forward is still uncertain.

Operation Longbow, the The Dying Times, New

Triad & Recolonization England Gehenna & Mad
“Recolonization” was the euphemistic name King’s Reign
a group of British elders used to seize The Dying Times are a catch all term for the
control of New England at the dawn of the turn of the Millennium. Some Kindred draw
20th century. These three kindred called lines between it, “The Mad King’s Reign”,
themselves “The Triad” and titled “The New England Gehenna”, and other
themselves Lords. poetic terms that describe the 20 or 30
years of instability that rocked Kindred in
Lord Pendragon was a warrior,
Boston at the end of King’s Praxsis.
commanding an army in New England. Lord
Warrick was the spy with his network based More pedantic historians insist the Dying
in Rhode Island. Lord Biltmore was the Times ended with the Sabbat’s
diplomat, conducting relations in Boston. disappearance around 2004 which marked
the beginning of the New England Gehenna.
Their plan to take control of the region,
That period then continued till around the
Operation Long Bow, was successful and for
mid-2010s when Hazel reformed the
almost a century they puppeteer these
Camarilla Court. The Mad King’s Reign has
American states. But, with the advent of the
no precise definition. It can mean all of
Beckoning, the Sterilization of London and
Quentin’s Praxis, everything after the Triad
the disappearance of the Sabbat, their hold
became involved, just his partnership with
the Giovanni, or some other stretch of time.
Where the Lords are now is a matter of
Regardless of how they choose to label it,
much debate among powerful Kindred in
Boston’s history in the late 20th & early 21st
the region. As is how to deal with their
century has been turbulent for all Vampires
potential return.

Gonzo Carnivale about The Boston Strangler

Was ’62 when Anna Slesers hit the obits. She was the first of 13 women found killed in their
homes. No discernable pattern with the victims. Young, old. Didn’t matter. Any dame with a
beating heart had to be worried. Lock their doors, board the windows. Don’t come out at night.
Don’t talk to strangers. Don’t ever be alone. For a year and a half.

What connected the killings was a sick signature; stocking tied round their necks in a bow. As if
a morbid present to the investigators. Took two years to pin down the bastard. Cops were
basically chumps. Nothing conspiratorial, they were just incompetent. Hell, a rookie reporter
did more of the legwork than the flatfoots.

Guy they busted for it, name don’t matter he’s rottin’ now. But, not everyone’s convinced he did
it. Or, did all of it. Baker’s dozen of bodies, cross 5 cities, it’s a lot for one gallows bird to get
away with. I ain’t saying the Strangler is still taking air. But there’s a good number of o’ smart
and stupid, schumcks implying it. For what it’s worth; I’m just glad it’s over. Rackets like that
make it all the more likely one of our kind get caught out in the rain.

Excerpts from President Barack Obama’s Speech on the Boston

Marathon Bombings

On Monday morning, the sun rose over Your resolve is the greatest rebuke to
Boston. The sunlight glistened off the State whoever committed this heinous act.
House Dome. In the commons, in the public
garden, spring was in bloom. On this
If they sought to intimidate us, to terrorize
Patriot's Day, like so many before, fans
us, to shake us from those values that make
jumped onto the T to see the Sox at Fenway.
us who we are as Americans, well, it should
In Hopkinton, runners laced up their shoes
be pretty clear by now that they picked the
and set out on a 26.2-mile test of dedication
wrong city to do it. Not here in Boston.
and grit and the human spirit.

Boston showed us that in the face of evil,

And across this city, hundreds of thousands
Americans will lift up what's good. In the
Bostonians lined the streets to hand the
face of cruelty, we will choose compassion.
runners cups of water, to cheer them on. It
In the face of those who would visit death
was a beautiful day to be in Boston, a day
upon innocents, we will choose to save and
that explains why a poet once wrote that
to comfort and to heal. We'll choose
this town is not just a capital, not just a
friendship. We'll choose love. Because
place. Boston, he said, is the perfect state of
Scripture teaches us God has not given us a
spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love
and self-discipline.
And then, in an instant, the day's beauty
was shattered. A celebration became a
When exhausted runners, including our
tragedy. And so we come together to pray
troops and veterans, who never expected to
and mourn and measure our loss.
see such carnage on the streets back home,
become first responders themselves,
Every one of us has been touched by this tending to the injured, that's real power.
attack on your beloved city. Every one of us When Bostonians carry victims in their
stands with you. Because, after all, it's our arms, deliver water and blankets, line up to
beloved city, too. For millions of us, what give blood, open their homes to total
happened in Monday is personal. strangers, give them rides back to reunite
with their families, that's love.
Our prayers are with the injured, so many
wounded, some gravely. From their beds, That's the message we send to those who
some are surely watching us gather here carried this out and anyone who would do
today. And if you are, know this: As you harm to our people. We will find you. We
begin this long journey of recovery, your city will hold you accountable. But more than
is with you. Your commonwealth is with that, our fidelity to our way of life, for a free
you. Your country is with you. We will all be and open society, will only grow stronger,
with you as you learn to stand and walk and, for God has not given us a spirit of fear and
yes, run again. Of that I have no doubt. You timidity, but one of power and love and self-
will run again. Because that's what the discipline.
people of Boston are made of.
Tomorrow the sun will rise over Boston.

Introduction: City of Cities

Boston’s long history has given the city an eclectic identity. The Boston Metropolitan
area, and the city of Boston itself, is not a cohesive whole. It is a loose collection of communities,
towns, and whole cities that have evolved into symbiotic codependency. Because of this, each of
Boston’s neighborhoods can be viewed as a city unto itself. They each come with their own rich
history, unique identity, and untold stories to explore.

Understanding all of Boston in one sitting and holding all of this information in your
head at one time can be overwhelming. For storytellers feeling intimidated, it's advised to
choose one of Boston’s Districts and focus your chronicle there. After all, a Coterie of Fledglings
in Quincy may never have need to travel to the North End, Cambridge, or Revere. Each of these
neighborhoods has enough potential drama to fuel a chronicle all their own.

Hopefully, the following pages provide a strong basis of understanding for the history
and character of Boston’s various neighborhoods and close neighbors. It’s been divided into five
sections, each looking at a geographic area of Greater Boston, and the neighborhoods it
contains. These neighborhood descriptions will include:

German for “spirit of the streets.” This section conveys the general character of the area, and
what actually being on the streets would look and feel like. This section is to establish the tone
and general feel of this neighborhood.

Much of Boston’s identity is wrapped up in its history, and the city often chooses to put that on
display. This section is a straight, and semi-detailed, look at how the neighborhood came to be.
This information will be especially useful for players looking to create older Kindred woven into
the history of the city. The storyteller may also be able to pick up several plot hooks, themes, and
points of conflict to use as inspiration for the SPCs and Stories set here.

Landmarks that Kindred living in the area would know, and what they would be used for. Each
point of interest will include “Form” a description of the location ready to share with your
players, and “Function” an explanation of why your characters may find themselves there.

Central Boston consists of the Shawmut peninsula, and land reclaimed for the sea surrounding
it. Serving as one of the great American cities during the colonial era, Central Boston more
closely resembles European cities than many of its American brothers. It grew haphazardly, and
organically at a human scale, only later developing to accommodate cars, trains and other signs
of modernity. Many old-world Kindred flocked to Boston due to this sense of familiarity.

Central Boston hosts many of the city’s most important historic sights, centers of economic and
cultural power, as well as a diverse range of cultures and architectural styles. It serves as a
classic example of the much-romanticized American Melting Pot. Irish Catholic, Italian, English
Puritans, Moroccan, Chinese and Afro-American influence can be found throughout the area.
It’s an area of towering modern skyscrapers, and old stone and brick structures.

Central Boston is largely the stronghold of the Hecata. However, the Camarilla and Anarchs
continue to hold some territory. Although, they know better than to openly fight the
Necromancers on their own turf.

Wide thoroughfares are connected by smaller cross streets, which are interconnected by even
narrower alleys that snake between buildings, themselves connected by a latticework of tunnels,
and walkways. Towering new skyscrapers cast long shadows over the middle-aged buildings that
young developer’s eye hungrily. However, even the most audacious new developments give a
wary berth to older structures sanctified by age, and the weight of history. Pedestrians hustle in
what could be any modern city center, pausing only occasionally to acknowledge they stand in
the birthplace of American Democracy.

Boston’s downtown follows the general until the late 1800s when it slipped into a
trajectory of the city. An early economic regional power. The early and mid-1900s
boom pre-revolution. It was then hit hard by saw Boston scrambling to update the city,
British occupation and the American siege. leading to a series of disastrously ill-
However, it quickly recovered to become conceived initiatives aimed at revitalizing
one of the leading metropolises in the the city center. However, by the 1990s
nation, rivaling New York in Political Power, Boston had come around to embracing its
Economic Clout, and Cultural influence unique identity.


Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Faneuil Hall

From: This former interstate has been From: Sitting at the head of this open air
transformed into a wide thoroughfare of plaza is a respectable brick building, rising
green grass. Broken up by sculptures, picnic three stories above the ground before
tables and community gardens. Pleasant peaking in a belltower. Stretching behind it
walking and bike paths snake through the is a long, straight, brick street flanked by
area, encouraging Kine to enjoy the well-lit shops and restaurants with trees, planters
“natural space”. and clocks dotting the way.

Function: The Greenway connects the North Function: One of the most visited tourist
End, Downtown, and Chinatown, allowing sites in America, it’s been nicknamed the
for pleasant, if inefficient, foot travel Cradle of Liberty, due to frequent and fiery
between the neighborhoods. Opening in speeches delivered there in support of
2008 it has become a fixture of life in American Independence. Modern nights see
central Boston. Offering green space for that tradition continue as local, state, and
recreation while also hosting countless national political leaders occasionally
community events, festivals, and art employ it as a backdrop for speeches.
exhibits. The Greenway is not an ideal
hunting ground, however, many Gangrel
and Toreador flock to the area looking to
enjoy the open space and pleasing

Old State House Aquarium

Form: Flanked by whizzing streets and Form: Sitting on the coast of the Boston
dwarfed by smooth glass skyscrapers, this Harbor and home to a family of seals that
narrow brick building sits as an island of live in an open-air exhibit outside, this
calm in busy modern life. Decorated with massive concrete and glass structure is a
ornate white and gold trim the building is a Boston Landmark. Once inside the
callback to a more “elegant” and “refined” aquarium’s most striking feature is a 4-story
era of American ideals. circular tank, towering above a large ground
floor pool hosting a flock of penguins. Off
Function: This historic building is now a the wide spiraling ramp wrapping around
museum, attracting tourists from around the central tank are numerous wings
the world hoping to see the sight the dedicated to jellyfish, local Atlantic wildlife,
Declaration of Independence was first read tidal pools, and tropical fish.
to the public, and the nearby site of the
Boston Massacre. While the many nearby Function: In Kindred Society, the New
alleys and bars are prized hunting grounds, England Aquarium acted as an Elysium
the State House itself serves mainly as a during the waning days of the Camarilla’s
landmark. influence. Now under Hecata control, they
still use it for family meetings and private
Old Corner Bookstore parties. The aquarium also has an off-site
Form: This three-story nondescript brick facility in Quincy. Which acts as a holding
building has the bright logo of a Mexican space, marine rescue, and rehabilitation
chain restaurant flowing in its window, and center.
a small metal plaque pressed into the South Station:
sidewalk. Form: The neoclassical building is home to
a sprawling mass of railroad tracks,
Function: Claiming to be the Oldest numerous abandoned tunnels, and some
Continuing Operating retail location in small chain restaurants clustered at the
America, the Old Corner Bookstore has center of the spiderwebbing tracks.
fallen from its grand heights. It served as an
Elysium from 1835 until the early 1900s. To Function: At the intersection of Atlantic
Passing Kine it was one of the most Avenue and Summer Street, South Station is
important bookstores in the country Boston’s main land transportation hub. It
frequented by famed authors from around serves as the junction point between
the world. However, at night, it was a commuter rail, Amtrak, and local subways.
gathering place for Malkavian, Toreador, South Station is a valuable domain for any
and other Kindred to discuss literature, and Kindred to hold due to its key role in the
reminisce about older days. However, coming and going of elders or fledglings
threats from Sabbat agents eventually lead unwilling, or unable to drive. Currently, it
to its abandonment. It was then nearly hosts a warren of Nosferatu.
destroyed in the Giovanni lead urban
renewal of the mid-1900s but spared due to
the intervention of local Kine.

Omni Parker House:

Form: An elegant and gilded hotel featuring marble counter-tops, plush red carpets and gold
trim. The faint mummer of conversation permeates the lobby, softly oozing from dining rooms.

Function: The oldest still-operating hotel in America, the Omni-Parker house has been a hub for
Boston movers and shakers for over 150 years. It’s hosted an impressive cadre of America’s
elites such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John
Wilkes Booth, and John F. Kennedy. Legend says that Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X also served
on the hotel staff. In modern nights the hotel still operates much the same. Featuring standard
and luxury hotel rooms, an elegant dining room, and restaurant along with two bars. The
Malkavians, Ventrue, and now the Hecata frequently arrange for powerful visitors to stay at the
hotel, while Anarch organizers still fraternize with the kitchen workers.



Gaslit lamps, meticulously trimmed trees, wrought iron fences, arched stone, and brick facades
line the comfortable cobbled streets. Shaded in the day, and well-lit at night, Beacon Hill seems
to ooze wealth and power. Devoid of the gaudy flashy status symbols of the newly rich, this
reserved and understated neighborhood nevertheless seems to silently judge you, not for what
you have, but for how long you’ve had it.


First occupied by Europeans in 1625 when a terrace homes were constructed in a housing
house was built by William Blackstone. He boom lasting until the 1870s. Meanwhile, the
was seeking to claim the small hill for Northside of the hill became home to a vibrant
himself. But, Blackstone’s plans to hold the community of African Americans. This
hill deteriorated following the incorporation collective was a key way-station on the
of the Massachusetts Bay Company, which Underground Railroad, and instrumental to
seized the hill in 1934, building a signal the establishment of the Republican Party and
beacon on its summit and using the slopes the eventual abolition of slavery.
as a military camp and parade ground. The
Following the Civil War, much of Beacon Hill’s
heavy presence of soldiers and sailors
black community relocated to Roxbury, and
fostered a small redlight district on the hill,
construction of new homes for Boston’s elite
now nicknamed "Mount Whoredom".
shifted to Back Bay following its successive
reclamation project. The decline of the black
The 1700s saw the Hill be repurposed into a
population led to an influx of Irish and Jewish
cow pasture, and the creation of “Beacon
immigrants into the north slope of the hill.
Street” to allow landowners easy access to the
This prompted another wave of construction,
Boston Common’s public grazing lands. This
this time on the north face, replacing many of
arrangement continued until the
the mudbrick and wood houses with yellow
Revolutionary War when both the Hill and the
brick apartments or townhouses, capped off
Common were once again used by the British
by converting the African Meeting House into
Army as a camp.
a Synagogue.

Following the war, the southeastern tip of

The 20th century saw Beacon Hill’s character
Beacon Hill was selected as the site of a new,
solidify. While much of the city was being
larger statehouse. Due in part to low land
reshaped by infrastructure projects Beacon
value, and its proximity to the Boston
Hill’s wealthy and well-connected residents
Common, which was emerging as a center of
fended off poorly conceived urban renewal
public life in the city. With the construction of
projects. Their efforts culminated in Beacon
the new State House, the desirability of land
Hill being granted “historic district status”
near Beacon Hill rose. This attracted an
first for the south slope in 1955, then the north
American Aristocracy nicknamed the Boston
in 1963. Beacon Hill continues to be a home
Brahmins, who included writers and
for many of Boston's most wealthy, and well-
philosophers such as Henry Thoreau and
connected residents to this day.
Wendell Phillips. New mansions, houses, and


Boston Common Massachusetts State House

Form: Dotted with food carts, statues, Form: This grandiose brick and marble
playgrounds, gazebos, and an ice-skating rink. building stands like a summit overlooking the
Pedestrians mill about into the wee hours of Boston Common. Robust arches and graceful
night. Handsome brick and concrete columns rise from a wide set of stairs receding
sidewalks snaked throughout the park, from ornate wrought iron gates. The whole
illuminated by round white streetlamps structure is capped by a gleaming golden
shining like stars in the darkness. dome that sits illuminated against the sky.

Function: The Common has emerged as a Function: Built on land donated by John
center of civic and recreational life for the city. Hancock, with funds and materials provided
What was once home to hangings, army by Paul Revere. The state house is a handy
camps and cattle has now become the premier landmark when navigating the nearby Boston
location for musical festivals, public fairs, and Common. Influential Kindred can occasionally
protests. After dark, the Common can become be seen making visits to meddle in politics.
a dangerous place for Kine as both mortal Although such desperate attempts are risky,
assailants and Kindred hunters stalk for their especially in the days of the SI. Most Kindred
next meal. Sitting between Chinatown, Back choose to give the building a healthy distance
Bay, Beacon Hill, and Downtown, it’s also due to recent security features from the UWU.
emerged as a common meeting place due to
the darkness and lack of security cameras. Suffolk University
Some have even pushed for it to be declared Form: As you approach Suffolk you can notice
Elysium. the fluttering gold banners bolted onto
buildings, and the college’s seal plastered in
Boston African American Historic Site windows. One of Boston’s many “Urban
Form: This blocky nondescript three story Colleges” Suffolk is scattered across Beacon
brick house sits on the corner of two narrow Hill and the western edge of Downtown. You
streets. The faint glow of imitation candlelight dip in and out of its small pockets of influence
illuminates a black metal sign with gold until arriving at your destination.
Function: Suffolk boasts several liberal arts
Function: Established in 1980 as a way to programs and has a prestigious Law School.
preserve the history of Boston’s African Although overshadowed by the more elite
American community and highlight their Harvard. Kindred, willing to play the long
contributions to abolition. The historic sight game, frequently cultivate relationships with
included a museum, several historic students, hoping they can mature into useful
residences, schools, and meeting places, pawns. Failing that, they serve as convenient
linked by the “Black Heritage Trail”. The and easy-to-access sources of blood in an
project was a joint initiative by the city’s otherwise difficult-to-hunt neighborhood.
Venture and Bruja hoping to find a symbol of
Boston solidarity.

The Club of Odd Volumes

Form: Surrounded by white trim and recessed
from the street by a number of concrete steps,
this green door has no distinctive
characteristics, save for an antique lantern
hanging outside.

Function: This exclusive social club gathers to

discuss and exchange rare books. Limited to
87 members, the club houses over 2,000
priceless volumes, of which only a handful are
only occasionally exhibited to the public.
Despite the illustrious membership, esoteric
interest, secretive nature and long history, no
member of Boston’s Kindred society has
managed to infiltrate the Club of Odd

City Hall
Form: This massive brutalist structure towers
over an open concrete plaza, creating a feeling
of unease and communicating naked
authoritative power. It is a visual fortress
rising from earth, illuminated in hazy yellow
lighting by the sulfur lamps nearby. It’s a
striking, and controversial addition to
Boston’s architectural patchwork.

Function: Built during the Urban Renewal

focused on revitalizing the city center during
the mid-1900s, it has remained a hotly
contested part of Boston civic life. Some
advocate for it to be renovated or destroyed.
But this has been vocally opposed by others.
Generally, the Camarilla appreciates the
comparison it draws to a fortress as a
reminder of the siege mindset they had
adopted resisting the Sabbat while it was built.
The Hecata are uncertain about what to do
with their new prize but decided to keep the
modern castle, for now. Outside of the
occasional festival hosted in the Plaza few
Kindred linger outside City Hall, the wide-
open spaces and many security cameras
making for poor feeding.

Cars inch along the narrow streets, as pedestrians step on and off the shoulder width sidewalks.
The red brick buildings bristle with cafes, restaurants, and bakeries. Music floats and mingles
with lively conversation in the well lit thoroughfares, only to grow near silent in the twisting
back alleys that snake through the district.


One of the earliest communities in Boston, Immigrants. These new residents inherited
by 1646 the North End had a large enough the rotten luck left by the Irish.
population to support its own Church, The neighborhood was hit hard by the
Meeting House, and Graveyard. During the Spanish Flu, and then suffered the absurd
Revolution, the North End was hit hard. The tragedy known as the Great Molasses Flood.
fashionable neighborhood was rocked by
riots protesting British taxation. During the The 1930s saw the construction of Boston’s
war, many buildings were dismantled for “Central Artery”. This project demolished
use as firewood. Following the Revolution, hundreds of buildings and isolated the
the North End continued to decline. By the community from wider Boston. Despite the
1840s many considered it to have the worst new major road, traffic in Boston continued
living conditions in the city. to worsen, leading to the construction of the
Callahan Tunnel, connecting the North End
The mid-1800s provided no respite; with to East Boston 20 years later. In these
the North End hit hard by a cholera intervening years, the North End
outbreak killing hundreds. This startling experienced a short-lived revitalization
death rate, combined with rising tensions featuring low disease rates, low mortality
between the community’ established rates, and little street crime through the
Protestants and the immigrating Irish 1940s & 50s. However, that was followed by
Catholics drove the neighborhood further a sharp population decline until the 1980s.
into poverty. The late 1800s saw the
establishment of several charities, trade Revitalization efforts were undertaken in
schools and orphanages that catered the 1990s, with the Central Artery
specifically to the North End, hoping to dismantled and replaced by the “Big Dig”
alleviate the suffering of its residents. tunnel. The land previously occupied by the
Central Artery was repurposed into The
Problems persisted despite this, causing the Rose Kennedy Greenway. This gave the
Irish population to almost completely neighborhood access to greenspace and
abandoned the area by the 1900s. In their opened it to the rest of the city. With new
place flooded Jewish and Italian life breathed into the old neighborhood it
began to stabilize in the 2000s.


The Giovanni Building Lo Spirito

Form: Perched on the corner of Prince and Form: Boasting a handsome river rock
Salem the Giovanni building is a towering 5 facade and gold trimmed signs this elegant
story brick structure, coming to an end at a Italian restaurant is furnished with an art
knife-like point. Oxidized copper trim and deco interior. Its small and intimate tables
paneling make the structure look older than give enough room for patrons to speak
it truly is. Hidden in the ornate detailing are without being overheard.
macabre scenes and arcane sigils.
Function: Family legend says that this once
Function: The beating hearts of the Hecata humble Italian restaurant was the first
in Boston. It hosts law offices, retail firms, Giovanni haven in Boston, serving simple
and accounting agencies all under one roof, spaghetti and pasta. However, following the
and all connected by a complicated series of Hecata’s formal takeover of Boston the
family ties. While a risky strategy for most restaurant’s popularity soared from 2003
Kindred, the Hecata have no qualms about onward. The hotly sought dining
putting most of their eggs in this one basket. establishment is usually reserved weeks in
Securely nestled in the heart of the North advance, although an exception is known to
End, few would dare assault the family’s be made for celebrities, or well-connected
stronghold. Even if a rival sect succeeded in friends and family. While the ground-level
such a foolhardy endeavor, the Hecata restaurant is a mostly legitimate business,
wouldn’t be crippled. the two floors above see the Giovannie
family attend to supernatural, and extra-
Bova’s legal, affairs.
Form: Weather white siding and a simple
hand painted sign cause most eyes to pass Mike’s Bakery
over this nondescript little bakery nestled Form: Recognized by the large yellow
underneath the corner of a brick apartment lettered sign protruding over the sidewalk,
complex. Those who stop to peer inside will Mike Pastry is, even at late hours, usually
spot counters crammed with pastries and crowded with tourists pressing against the
baked goods. white glass cases.

Function: The local’s response to Mike’s, Function: Popular tourist spot well known
this 24-hour Bakery has been family owned for its Cannoli and other baked goods. It
and operated for nearly 100 years. Starting often features long lines crowding out the
by going door to door and offering free small sidewalk. It can serve as a good spot
samples of bread, the Bova family quickly to blend into a crowd or a place to lure away
became a staple of the North End. The an unsuspecting visitor with promises of an
Bova's also have a unique relationship with authentic Boston experience. While the
the Hecata of Boston; while the family of Hecata don’t need to hunt often, when they
bakers knows that Kindred exist, they’ve do it’s normally on tourists visiting Mike’s.
kept quiet without threats, bribes, or any
formal arrangement.

Copps Hill Old North Church

Form: Tilted and crumbling headstones Form: First visible as a slender white spire
slump in jagged rows rising away from the rising from the crowd of buildings. The Old
street, names too worn and faded to be North Church is a simple brick building
made out. Penned in by brick walls and iron with a short face and large square vestibule
fencing, the whole space has a gloomy capped by a narrow white steeple.
unease and feels almost as if by entering
you’ve put yourself on a stage. Function: Another historic building, the Old
North Church was the beginning of Paul
Function: One of the oldest cemeteries in Revers' ride, where the famed lanterns were
Boston, Copps Hill provides the Hecata with hung to inform American of the British
a ready supply of ghosts, and secure access invasion; “one if by land, two if by sea.” The
to a location where the veil is thin. The church continued to operate since the
graveyard also gives most other Kindred a Revolution and even hosted Queen
reliably secluded location to feed on tourists Elizabeth II when she visited for America’s
or morbid dates. However, it’s prone to Bicentennial. In modern nights the Hecata
frequent and unpredicted closures as the have taken a special interest in the church
Hecata shuts its gates to perform their for extensive crypts that were recently
necromantic rituals. rediscovered underneath it. Over 37 tombs
have been found, many hidden behind wood
The Comedy Spot planks, plaster, or slabs of slate. Who, of
Form: Barely able to hold two doors and a what they’re searching for in the tombs is a
ticket booth, it is utterly unimpressive from carefully guarded secret.
the outside. Once in the building it’s a dense
tangle of green rooms, black box theaters, The Vadia Building
bars, and stairways, with one auditorium Form: Sticking out like a sore thumb, this
capable of holding a crowd of over 150. once elegant brick building has been gutted
to add glass sliding doors, and small
Function: Established by the Hecata as an balconies with orange plastic paneling.
olive Branch to the Ousted Malkavian and Trying its best to blend in.
Toreador. The Comedy Spot is a well-
regarded comedy club specializing in sketch Function: Originally an upscale hotel, it was
and improv comedy; frequently satirizing firebombed in the 1970s. Following that, the
the city’s leaders, and riffing on local Hecata purchased the husk and retrofitted it
politics. It provides a convenient feeding to serve as an apartment complex. It houses
ground and an easy meeting place. The family members and loyalists. There are a
Hecata also uses the Club’s comedy few units kept empty for emergencies.
workshops as a way of scouting out
potential new agents, choosing some of the
quickest thinking to be tapped for some of
the more “public relations” facing aspects of
their organization.


Steam hisses from vents, shrouding stairways to basement level storefronts. Narrow two-lane
streets seem to be forever caught in the shadows of aging 3 -5 story buildings and newly built
skyscrapers. Neon and LED signs advertise restaurants, bars, groceries, and bubble tea shops.
Large bags of garbage are piled up on cans just off the too narrow sidewalks.

Situated on tidal flats reclaimed from the The 2000s saw an effort to revitalize and
sea in the early 1800s, the neighborhood preserve the neighborhood, started within
now known as Chinatown started as housing the community, and later taken up by city
for Anglo-America. But, due to planned officials and developers. In the late 1990s,
infrastructure projects near the sight, it residents began to organize community
became less desirable and quickly fell in crime watches, which cut down on gang
price. The low-cost housing was snapped up activity. The Combat Zone was also slowly
by a succession of Irish, Jewish, Italian, eliminated in the early 2000s, although
Lebanese, and finally Chinese immigrants. traces of its spirit can still be found nearby.

Waves of Xenophobia in the late 1880s In the 2010s city officials and real estate
sparked campaigns of intimidation by both developers began to notice Chinatown's
city police and private citizens. But attempts valuable location in Boston, and its
to drive the Chinese out of Boston backfired, important cultural legacy. Boston is the last
strengthening the community, and Chinatown in New England and the Nation’s
publicizing the existence of Boston’s 2nd largest outside of New York. New
Chinatown to immigrants across the amenities, such as the Kennedy Greenway,
country. While the population of Chinese and a renovated Tufts Medical Center, made
and Asians in the United States overall fell it all the more desirable.
during this period, Boston’s Chinatown
population experienced exponential growth. Chinatown in the early 2020s sits in a
precarious situation. Many long-time
Following the outbreak of WWII the residents fear displacement as new
neighborhood fell into hard times. While construction and white migration drive up
population growth continued, the rent costs. The neighborhood currently
construction of the Boston Turnpike retains its characteristics. Restaurants,
displaced and destroyed many businesses in Groceries, and Newspapers catering to
the area. The creation of the “Combat Zone”, Chinese and other Asian cultures are still
Boston’s red-light district, nearby also common, and many historic buildings are
encouraged gang activity, peaking in 1991 being protected. But many fear it’s only a
with the Boston Chinatown massacre. matter of time before gentrification forces
them out.


Chinatown Gate
Form: Crossing under this large stone gate
transports one from the hustle and bustle of
Chinatown to an the odd tranquility of a
wide open town square that trickles into a
series of parks. Overhead sit the ornate
green tiles of a Shinto Shire. Gentle flapping
in the breeze you can see the American and
Taiwanese flags.

Function: Erected to revitalize the once

rundown area in the wake of Boston’s Big
Dig Project, this traditional pairing gate
stands as a proud reminder of the
neighborhood's strength and identity. While
the gate and the small park surrounding it
are largely too public and touristy for a good
feeding, the surrounding dive bars, and
alleyways, serve as prime spots. Many also
sport graffiti left by passing Ravnos to
communicate to others of their clan.

The Clay Pot

Form: The Clay Pot is an unassuming
Chinese Restaurant. A yellow awning with
Cantonese characters saying something
barely keeps rain from falling onto windows
plastered with the menu and faded photos
you swear you’ve seen at every cheap
Chinese restaurant you’ve ever been too.

Function: The base of operations for Effie

Feng it serving dumplings, chow-mien, and
fishbowls of liquor into the wee hours of the
morning. It’s a frequent stop for hungry
college students, late-night drunks, or 3rd
shift workers looking for a quick bite. Feng
works hard to keep the Clay Pot as a neutral
meeting ground, however, given her tight
control of the surrounding area, few accept
an invitation lightly.

Tammy’s Emerson College

Form: Somehow the facade has a layer of Form: Centered on a brick alleyway,
grime over the green paint. From the Emerson’s “Campus” snakes out and
outside, if not for the neon lights and intertwined with the city. Old office
blaring music, the building would look buildings, piano repair shops and hotels
abandoned. have been retrofitted to act as classrooms,
dorms and performance spaces.
Function: Local dive bar popular with
college students, and 20-somethings. It’s a Function: Nestled on the borders of
hunting ground for young Kindred and an Chinatown, Back Bay, and Downtown,
anarch toe-hold into Chinatown Emerson specializes in arts,
communications and entertainment. With a
South Street Diner strong counter-culture and odd hours, many
Form: Hammered metal, blue tile and a Emerson Students, and even some faculty,
rooftop sign in the shape of a coffee mug, make appealing targets for hungry Kindred.
the South Street diner looks like it was built Some even grow to be influential thralls.
in the 50s, and has sat unchanged since Emerson also has a satellite campus in Los
then. The well-loved interiors are Angeles, making its students and alumni an
memorized by devoted regulars. important link between Boston’s Anarchs
and the Anarch Free States on the West
Function: Opened in the 1940s to serve Coast.
factor workers, South Street has evolved
into a Boston institution. One of the few 24 Tufts University School of Medicine
hour establishments in the city, it plays host Form: A Sprawling hospital complex, with
to the weary or drunken dregs gathering to layers of roads, overpasses and
rally in the wee hours of the morning. It’s underground parking lots before the glass
also a popular spot on the local campaign and steel structures even begin to rise.
trail. Politicians wanting to boost their blue-
collar credentials stop in for a quick photo Function: The center of Hecata interests in
and burger. Kindred use it much the same Chinatown, Tufts, is tightly controlled by
way, getting an early morning snack, or the ruling clan. They keep a careful eye on
hob-nod with local labor organizers, men of blood bags, medical research, and visiting
the people, and the working masses. researchers. Hoping to accomplish dual
goals, they play a dangerous game of
conducting their own research into the
Vampiric condition while feeding counter
information to SI scientists studying the
same phenomena. The complexity and risk
of this operation is staggering, but so far it’s
paid off. But, both the Anarchs and the
Camarilla eye this delicate dance closely,
waiting for the first misstep.



Stretching from the Public Gardens to Hynes Convention Center, Back Bay is home to rows of
Brownstone Houses, many refitted into retail space. They sit along wide avenues with frequent
public squares, fountains, and other spaces. Further from the coast, the skyline rises with
massive glass skyscrapers butting against historic stone churches.


Boston’s Back Bay derives its name from the

fact that, for most of the city’s history, it was In the intervening years, a number of
simply the “Back Bay,” a stretch of water historical buildings and noteworthy
behind the Shawmut Peninsula. Beginning institutions have made Back Bay their
in 1820 the city began a campaign to double home. Including the Boston Public Library,
the size of the peninsula by filling the bay. Trinity Church, Arlington Street Church, the
Christian Science Center, and The Mary
The project finished in 1890, using soil and Baker Eddy Library and Mapparium.
gravel transported by rail from nearby
Needham. The city of Boston took The 1960s saw the development of the
advantage of this new development, laying “High Spine”, a series of skyscrapers
out clear guidelines on land use, clustered along the Massachusetts turnpike.
establishing a comprehensive set of zoning Among these new buildings were the
laws and even publishing style guides for Prudential Tower and Hancock building.
the area. This was the origin of Boston’s This dramatically reshaped Boston’s skyline
iconic brownstones. and added an entirely new character to the
southern blocks of Back Bay; now featuring
dramatic glass high rises towering over
stone churches, remaining as steadfast
reminders of the city’s past.


Boston Public Garden Newbury Street

Form: A complex lattice work of overlapping Form: The wide sidewalks are flanked by
footpaths wind their way among manicured shade trees gently curving upwards to greet
lawns, colorful flower beds, gnarled tress, the triple decker brownstones. Fenced in
and polished statues. Elegant bridges cross seating areas let crowds of diners spill onto
over small cables connecting the garden’s the street, and spiraling staircases shuffle
two ponds. Soft light falls from the shoppers to stores nestled just above and
streetlamp globes and wrought iron gates below street level.
guard the premises conveying an air of
“look, don’t touch”. Function: In the 1920s, Newbury Street had
established itself as a destination for dances,
Function: The first public botanical garden parties, and social gatherings. These high-
in America, this park sits directly across class soirees quickly attracted shops selling
from the Boston Common. While the luxury goods. These luxury stores evolved
Common and Garden both serve as green into an eclectic mix of stores and
spaces, the Garden’s use is far more restaurants catering to hip and trendy
restricted. Fitting given the origins of the tastes. For modern nights it remains a
park as a Toreador project. There was crowded shopping street, and often features
discussion of establishing it as an Elysium, pop-up shops for online retailers.
however that has long since been
abandoned. Now it stands mostly empty Trinity Church
after dark, used by a few solitary Gangrel Form: Dwarfed by the surrounding steel and
seeking escape. glass sky scrapers, this shockingly ornate
and intricate stone church still draws the
Boston Public Library eye. Soft white and yellow lighting casts
Form: This resolute old building commands warm shadows on the impossibly detailed
an entire city block. Tan stones etched with sculptures, tiles and brickwork that rise into
bold lettering flank repeating arches that rounded tiers and pointed steeples.
seamlessly meld into a modern structure of
concrete and glass that rises into the sky. Function: Considered one of the most
architecturally significant buildings in the
Function: One of the oldest, and the third- United States, this is a still-operating
largest, public library in the United States. Anglican Parish. It served as an Elysium and
After renovations in 2013, the library meeting point for the Primogen Congress
features a coffee shop in the lobby, four until they were ousted by the Triad in 1890.
floors of circulating books, conference In modern nights, due to the Losambra’s
rooms, hundreds of computers, a 3d printer, defection, the Camarilla has a renewed
and even a radio studio operated by the interest in the building, supporting a
local NPR Affiliate. It’s a center for civic life number of concerts there, and looking to
and frequently hosts guest lectures, art install loyal ghouls in its administration,
exhibits, film screenings, and community while a powerful elder already has the
events. Some of these are organized by church within their clutches.
Kindred benefactors.

Christian Science Center Hynes Convention Center

Form: This 13-acre campus straddles the Form: The Hynes Convention centers stills
edge of Fenway and Back Bay. Rows of heavily on the streetcorner. Its squat blocky
Neoclassical libraries, museums, and construction only somewhat dispelled by
churches are organized around a long large windows and a massive glass atrium
reflecting pool. The concrete and stone stretching over the sidewalk and into the
embrace of the campus leaves you feeling streets.
peaceful and small.
Function: Most Bostonians view the
Function: The Church of Christian Science convention center as a minor annoyance or
is a spiritualist movement from the late necessary evil. Currently, it hosts some
1890s. During the height of its power, the prominent annual events, including Anime
Church proved a troubling threat to the Boston, and the Harvard Model UN.
Kindred of Boston, sponsoring inquisitions However, the city is looking to sell the
and faith healing. However, due to Sabbat Center to fund the New Boston Convention
assault, Camarilla manipulation, and and Exhibition Center in Seaport.
mundane controversy, its power slipped in
the early 1930s. With the SI on the rise, both Prudential Center
the Giovanni and Losambra look at the Form: Towering black skyscrapers rise
Christian Science Center and its once- above a sprawling shopping complex, with
powerful institutions as tools too dangerous crisscrossing sky walkways shuffling
to leave up for grabs. pedestrians to surrounding buildings high
above city streets.
John Hancock Tower
Form: The reflective blue skyscraper looms Function: The Prue currently hosts office
impossibly far above you. It’s two white space for many influential companies. The
antennas, so prominent in the city skyline, sprawling shopping center below it is home
utterly invisible from the street. Inside the to a dizzying number of retail stores,
windows grants a commanding view of the restaurants, and a handful of hotels.
surrounding city and offer no viable barrier
between the flood beneath your feet and the Berklee College of Music
near endless void one step blow. Form: Melding into the city you know you’ve
hit Berkeley when you see colored hair, alt
Function: This prominent aspect of Boston’s fashions and large instrument cases
skyline stands as an embarrassing failure for outnumber the respectables coats and
Boston’s Camarilla. The Hancock Tower was casual wear found elsewhere in the city.
plagued by engineering failures, unforeseen Berkley is crammed full of small
construction challenges, and publicity performance spaces, grand music halls, and
disasters. It was completed 100 million state of the art recording studios.
dollars over budget, and six years behind
schedule. The Venture and Malkavian Function: At the forefront of music
owners held onto the building until 2006, education, this college attracts students
when they sold it, launching a game of from across the world hoping to make it big
financial hot potato that lasts to modern as musicians. The college is a hot spot for
nights. Boston’s Toreadors.

Formerly a land of marshes and swamps, West Boston was built on land “reclaimed” from the
bays and wetlands behind the Shawmut peninsula. Countless tons of dirt, rock and other landfill
were poured to expand the city of Boston during the 1800s. Determined to make the most of this
hard-fought dry land, the communities of West Boston were meticulously planned city officials.
The wealthy & powerful designed this new city to the west to cement Boston’s status as the
center of the universe.

Having been created to fulfill the needs of greater Boston, the western neighborhoods lack the
rivalries, independence, and resentment that can be found elsewhere in the metro area. These
are the areas that have only benefited from Boston’s global status. They also house several of the
institutions that keep the city relevant on the global and national stage, with cultural capitals
such a museums, universities and sports complexes. Along with residential and commercial
areas that attract all ages and demographics.

West Boston is not held by any one faction. Hecata, Anarchs and Camarilla all probe and jockey
for power. Sect warfare is never outright and violent. It happens through manipulations and



Lush green foliage separates densely packed squares that brim with color and sound. Busy
urban centers and vibrant town squares fade suddenly into quiet parks and reclaimed green
space. The streets burst with the energy of a festival, only to be battered into quite submission
when they but against the serious estates.


Starting as a rural area outside of Roxbury, area of this intersection became Fenway-
Fenway-Kenmore developed a unique Kenmore. The initial plan for Fenway &
identity in the 1870s as Boston’s project to Kenmore was to turn it into an upper-class
reclaim land in the back bay started residential neighborhood.
connecting back onto the mainland. The
green spaces spanning the city. The strong
However, two forces conspired to prevent cabal of Colleges and Museums that had
that; Boston’s Nemours academic been forged during the project also helped
institutions, and it’s growing rivalry with protect Fenway from some of the more
New York. As New York’s newly completed disastrous infrastructure projects Boston
Central Park was drawing praise from later undertook.
across the world, Boston became aware of
the need to provide a series of parks and Modern Fenway - Kenmore hasn't changed
green spaces. So, as colleges and academic too much. It still resembles the “streetcar
institutions snapped up newly reclaimed suburb” style of neighborhood found in
land, Boston had them partner with the Cambridge. The mix of residential,
architect of New York’s Central Park to commercial, and academic buildings forms
design a shared green space. a strong walkable neighborhood rich in
cultural amenities. While many other places
The end result was the Boston Fens, a large like this become “gentrified” Fenway does
park and nature reserve at the center of the its best to retain an egalitarian streak,
neighborhood. The collaboration was so community leaders work to ensure the arts
well received by the city that Boston spun it and culture on display remain open to all.
out into the “Emerald Necklace” a series of


Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Form: Considered to be a work of art itself, Form: One of many Boston buildings that
the MFA stands as if a roman temple were boast a unique mix of old and new, this
untouched by time. Gleaming white marble well-made stone brick structure shares the
columns, and mathematically perfect lines block with a modernist white and glass
welcome visitors as they shuffle by outdoor structure. Stepping inside, New England is
sculptures, such as a giant baby head, and a left behind as the space opens into a
native American Astride a horse appealing Mediterranean garden. High Glass ceilings,
to the great spirit. thriving plant life and lively fountains trick
patrons into forgetting they are inside.
Function: The Museum houses over
450,000 works of art from all over the Function: This private art museum is one of
world. The MFA is the most prominent art Boston’s Hidden Gems. Often
museum controlled by the Anarchs. Since overshadowed by the much larger MFA, the
ousting the Camarilla in the early 2010s the Gardner Museum boasts an impressive
new Kindred owners have made a concerted collection of paintings, textiles and
effort to break the aristocratic air associated sculptures in a building modeled after
with art to this end the museum has become Renaissance palaces, including an open
an active member of Boston’s community. It courtyard, kept warm year-round by a glass
offers free dance performances, classical ceiling. However, what launched the
music concerts, exhibit tours, craft museum to infamy was a robbery in 1990
demonstrations, and hands-on art making, that took 13 works in the world’s largest art
as well as free admission on Wednesday heist. The perpetrators were never caught.
nights. In addition to making a concert The museum offers a standing bounty for
effort to highlight the art of marginalized information leading to the works recovery.
Back Bay Fens
Kenmore Square Form: Sunken below the winding city
Form: Two major thoroughfares bend streets. Wind tousles the tall grasses as
around this brick plaza. Brownstones and something slips into the rivers, just out of
apartment complexes rise above the view.
crowded cacophony of signs. Restaurants Function: This large urban wild sits at the
and bars imploring travelers to stop in for center of Fenway. Hosing a freshwater
food and drink. marsh, brooks, a number of ruined
Function: Serving as another of Boston’s structures and several new monuments. The
many Racks, Kenmore Square is home to fens are an escape form the city. While some
Bars, and Restaurants at almost every price kindred use the fens as a hunting ground,
point. Their bread and butter is catering to and a number of Gangrel choose to sleep in
sports fans before or after a Red sox games, its Earth, the frequent presence of Werewolf
attempting to beat the busy traffic by travelers makes this a risky prospect.
grabbing a bite.

Fenway Park these were swiftly aborted for fear of a

Form: More entryway than wall, the brick masquerade breach.
boundary of Fenway is a long series of
arches with outdoor sidewalk blending to
indoor flooring seamlessly. Any exposed
metal is painted green. These green support
beams and handrails snake around the
stadium before merging into the “green
monster” in the outfield.

Function: Home to the Boston Red Sox,

Fenway Park is one of Boston’s most
prominent cultural institutions. Infamous
for their passionate fans, the Red Sox are a
fundamental part of Boston’s identity as a
city. While Bostonians can have deep
resentments and rivalries, everyone roots
for the Red Sox. Games at Fenway are an
all-day affair, giving the entire
neighborhood the feeling of a carnival.
While never declared Elysium, Fenway is
sacred ground to Kindred and even during
the height of the Sabbat war, most New
England Vampires know to respect its
sanctity. Those who didn’t learned shortly
after. Deslin Coates, the Camarilla’s sheriff,
now claims it as his domain.

Form: This massive two-sided sign
illuminates the night with countless LEDs
forming a RED Triangle against a white
background with green letters declaring
“CITGO”. Spindly scaffolding runs between
the two sides of the sign and elevates it from
the rooftops below.

Function: A symbol of Boston Pride and

visible from Fenway Park, where it’s
battered by the occasional homerun. The
building below it is home to a bookstore,
physical therapy office, and YMCA. In the
wild heights of Sabbat raids there were
several attempts to string prominent
kindred out on the sign to meet the sun.

Northeastern University Harvard Medical School

Form: White framed buildings mingle with Form: Serious gray stone piles atop
older brick architecture, giving just enough themselves to create an imposing front, The
space for light to filter down to the large main building rises in front of the wide
sidewalks running between campus green lawn, doing its best to emulate the
buildings. Parthenon.

Function: Northeastern is one of many Function: Another of Harvard’s satellite

colleges that make their home in Fenway. campuses, the Harvard Medical School
Its curriculum emphasizes Co-Ops, helps give the university access and
Internships, and study abroad programs. influence in Fenway’s cultural district. For
Northeastern students can spend months, the Kindred of Boston, it provides yet
or even years, of their time as students away another area of immense risk. The ongoing
from the main campus. This makes it an medical research is important to the SI. Any
ideal institution for Kindred looking to Kindred would love to sabotage these
maintain their mask as a student. projects relating to Blank Bodies, but few
are willing to take that risk themselves.
Boston University
Form: As you approach it feels as if you’re Boylston Street
walking along a gradient from an urban Form: The wide street is flanked with thick
downtown to a college campus. The sidewalks. Families scramble to find their
University buildings grow closer and denser, cars, load groceries and rush into waiting
culminating in a grassy quad walled off from restaurants.
the city by gothic tan-stone buildings.
Function: Not to be confused with Boylston
Function: Founded in 1869 as an alternative Street in Brookline. Serving as another rack
to the many religious colleges and for Boston. Boylston Street is a high traffic
universities of the time, BU was an unusual area, connecting Fenway-Kenmore to Back
insulation open to everyone regardless of Bay & Downtown. It provides access to
sex, race, or religion. This wider pool of restaurants, bars, big box stores, and dozens
talent led to expansion, requiring it to move of small alleyways to duck into.
to Fenway in the early 1900s, building a new
campus on the banks of the Charles River.
BU is the college in Boston closest to having
a traditional campus. It features a wide
verity of programs, and has a long history of
student activism, serving as a “recruitment
center” for Anarchs.

As you travel southwest in Brookline, away from the center of Boston apartments transition to
houses, to stately homes. The neighborhood is trying with all its might to not seem as if it were
not part of a city. Houses are given yards, streets are wider, the green of grass and trees a more
constant presence. The whole area is stifling and static, frozen in time. Few Kindred stay in the
neighborhood without pressing interest.


Brookline was a relatively peaceful little

hamlet that had started as a farming
community. It had an uneventful history
until the 1860s when wealthy Bostonians
began buying up land and building large
estates. Farmland was converted into
residences for prominent Lawyers,
Businessmen, and Educated Professionals.
Many of the deeds sold during this period
stipulated that the land could not be resold
to Irish or Black Americans. This segregated
many of the Irish and Black Domestic
Workers into small shanty towns within
Brookline. This racial and class disparity
persisted for the next several decades.

As the area urbanized the surrounding

communities of Roxbury, Dorchester and
Allston–Brighton voted to be annexed by
the city of Boston. However Brookline’s elite
upper class were hesitant to relinquish
direct control, despite the benefits access to
Boston’s power water and sewage systems
could have. Several prominent homeowners
launched a campaign of propaganda against
the annexation, and the town refused to join

This choice let Brookline retain the identity

it had established up until that point. It has
remained an enclave for Boston’s Upper
Class, with a small population of domestic
workers living inside the town.


Coolidge Corner The Country Club

Form: A cream-white octagonal tower Form: Several golf courses spread out from
pierces the sky, with dark gray tiles covering the squat U-shaped building at the head of
the roof. Colorful awning decorate the sides, this exclusive establishment. A short
and a flat clockface sits on the front. driveway separates the walled compound
from the rabble.
Function: For many years Coolidge Corner
was the only retail district in the city of Function: An “exclusive” Golf Club that
Brookline. It hosts a Bookshop, Historic Art serves as an athletic center for the rich and
Deco Theater, Kosher Butcher, and a elite of Brookline. In addition to a golf
grocery store. While most Kindred residing course, it hosts 9 tennis courts, squash
in Brookline have their own private herds or courts, curling lanes, skeet shooting range,
hunting grounds Coolidge Corner serves as skating rink, hockey pitch, an Olympic sized
a rack for those visitors allowed to feed here. pool and a cafe. Some Kindred retain
membership in the club using it as an
St. Aidan’s Church exclusive herd.
Form: Separated from the streets, this high
roofed church has a simple but striking A- Puppet Showplace
Frame construction. Interrupted by a Form: Whimsical red awnings stretch over
spiritling belltower. the street in front of this small theater.
Inside shelves lined with puppets can be
Function: One of Brookline’s many Catholic quickly covered by curtains to focus
Churches, this local parish was the home attention onto the stage.
church of the Kennedy family. In the 1990s
the archdiocese sold the parish, and it now Function: This strange cultural institution is
operates as a halfway house for those home to Boston’s Puppetry Guild. It
looking to get off the streets. provides a performance space for 300
puppet shows a year. It also hosts
The Sommer’s Club workshops for aspiring puppeteers.
Form: Ornate wooden trim decorates the
stone exterior. Soft white light washes out the Site 42
sidewalks. Form: A hospital looms behind this
sprawling, but nondescript house. The
Function: Once an exclusive social club run fences are unusually high, and the curtains
by a prominent Ventrue, it since fallen on seem nailed shut.
tough times. Its proprietor left in the
Beckoning. Following the Camarilla’s series Function: “Site 42” is rumored to be where
of crisis, no one has claimed domain over it the UWU holds their live specimens for
since the 2010s. study, testing and dissection.



Subway tunnels breach to the surface; belching trolly cars that shudder down tracks splitting
the streets in two. Flat faced buildings line the sidewalks. Matte sings, dull neon, and faint music
lure patrons to the bars thumping just off the streets. House parties rage in the apartments
perched atop these bars. Down the side streets cheap wooden houses seem almost thrown
together. Few esteemed older constructs bear witness judgmentally.


In the early days of British colonization, the facilities, a new rail line on the west edge of
land that became Allston & Brighton was set town was opened in 1867. This new western
aside as a village for “Praying Indians” who railway station was named Allston, after a
wanted to convert to Christianity. local painter. The community of Allston
Facilitating this were ministers from the grew in parallel to Brighton, with Brighton
future Harvard College, who traveled across centered around gardens and grazing fields,
the Charles River. The large encampment of while Allston centered itself on stockyards
Cambridge alumni gave the area nickname and slaughterhouses.
of “Little Cambridge.” It grew into a small,
but prosperous, farming community, In the 1870s Allston–Brighton elected to be
supplying most of the meat needed by the annexed by the nearby city of Boston.
continental Army in Massachusetts during Boston gained a new neighborhood for its
the revolution. booming population, and Allston–Brighton
gained the support of a larger city to help it
Following the war, Little Cambridge and modernize. That promise came true in 1890
Cambridge fell into a disagreement about when electric streetcars came to town,
the Great Bridge that linked the two towns. followed by a housing boom similar to what
Refusing to make much needed repairs to was occurring in the nearby Back Bay area.
the bridge, and beginning to pass laws that The area was then divided in the early 1960s
would damage their cattle industry, the new by the Massachusetts turnpike.
town of Brighton severed ties with
Cambridge and became fully independent in Modern nights see Allston as a largely
1807. residential neighborhood, populated mainly
by students seeking to take advantage of the
For much of the century, Brighton lower rents. This student population also
continued to grow slowly and focus on rural drove a large nightlife scene with bars,
industries. Cattle farming was still a liquor stores, and late-night take-out joints
booming business. To support this growing mixed among the old Victorian houses and
trade, and the need for more meat packing triple decker apartment buildings.


Mind Light Temple

Form: Ringed by immaculately trimmed Harvard Business School & Harvard
bushes and a bright red fence, this striking Stadium
castle-like structure seems to radiate calm Form: Isolated between the churning
into the night air. freeway and Charles River. The collection of
Function: This Buddhist temple was home austere buildings and manicured lawns
to a prolific Korean American monk who create a different world from Allston.
pioneered a new style of Korean Function: While most of Harvard’s campus
Swordsmanship “Shim Gum Do” or “mind and facilities are across the Charles river in
sword path”. Serving as a cultural center Cambridge, this “satellite campus” hosts the
and temple for local Buddhists it also Harvard Business School and most of the
supports a number of clubs across the city University's Athletic facilities. While it’s on
teaching self-defense classes, Buddhist the northern “Spur” and still not fully
Doctrine and the martial arts. integrated into the neighborhood, these
enclaves of the Harvard elite do occasionally
Packard's Corner & Maverick’s Lumber mix with the student masses nearby.
Form: Squat concrete buildings crowd over
too small sidewalks. Roads and tram tracks Allston Village
carve vast voids between the nonsensical Form: Cars roar down the Massachusetts
mix of retail institutions. Turnpike, only to be drowned out by the
Function: Once home to several car rattling of the T, the cacophony of human
dealerships, Packard’s corner has been voices, and seemingly ever-present music.
developed into a clutter of apartment Neon lights and colorful signs assaults any
complexes. It also is home to a local lumber eyes that wander onto the building’s
supply yard and woodshop. Kindred know facades. The few Kine still holding onto
this store, Maverick Lumber, as home to the their senses force their eyes down at the
best wooden stakes in the city. Ideal for broken glass and cracked pavement.
duels and hits, it’s also monitored for Function: “Allston Village” is an advertising
potential hunters. term used to describe the cluster of bars,
restaurants, music venues and nightclubs
Paradise Rock Club that are near the neighborhood's eastern
Form: The simple black and red facade of end. Hole-in-the-wall places frequented by
the building is adorned with a few simple long time locals and transient college
logos declaring it as the Paradise Rock Club. students with names like “The Avenue”
Two marquees juts out at an angle boldly “Hopewell” The Silhouette” and “Tavern in
stating the acts performing inside. the Square”. Allston Village serves as the
Function: This 18+ music venue is well rack for West Boston with Kindred flocking
known for its small shows with big bands. to feed on the drunken revelers.
Attracting world renown acts artists who
want to play at a smaller venue. Boston
artists and elites fight tooth and nail with
hardcore fans for tickets to these shows.

The north shores of the Charles River have long defined themselves in active opposition to
Boston. Despite their geographic closeness, Cambridge has long sought to usurp, or at least
rival, its sister to the south. Resting any close ties until after the Revolutionary War. Even then
North Boston always positioned itself as a viable, if not better, alternative to the Shawmut
peninsula. The north shore prided itself on being less urban, industrial, and loud. To hear them
tell it, they have, and always will be, more refined, educated, and desirable than the common
vulgar Boston to the south.

But it was the 1900s that saw Cambridge truly begin to embody that position. While Boston still
seeks to balance blue collar industry with white collar professions and educational institutions,
North Boston deindustrialized. It embraced the forces of modernity, resulting in high paying
tech, research, and education jobs. It also pushed against urbanization, leaving ample room for
suburban living, and cultural amenities. Still, it has far to go if it wants to eclipse Boston’s
storied history and throngs of loyal denizens.

North Boston is almost exclusively controlled by the Camarilla, with Cambridge emerging as
their stronghold. However, the Anarchs have recently become more active in Charleston.

Dappled by shade from pleasant trees: and offset from the quiet streets, and handsome brick
and marble buildings stand with equal weight to sleek glass and steel peers. Picturesque
alleyways and ample public squares break up the mixture of houses, shops, and small office
buildings. If you let yourself, the whole space can feel thoughtful, considered, calculated.

Shortly before Christmas of 1630, 700 The early 1900s saw Cambridge cement
Puritans from the Massachusetts Bay itself as the academic Capitol of America.
Colony traveled upriver from Boston The Newe College, now called Harvard was
Harbor. There they established a “Newe joined by MIT, relocating from Back Bay.
Towne.” The town splintered again in 1636,
as one of the Preacher took a few followers In an attempt to drum up economic activity
west to establish Hartford and Connecticut. during the great depression the Cambridge
Their plots of land were sold and used to Public Works Administration ordered the
found “Newe College”. After that the town demolition and complete remodeling of East
slowly grew into an agricultural village that Cambridge. This destroyed many
supported nearby Boston, just eight miles communities, replacing them with
east. It was during this time the name was segregated public housing, radically
changed to Cambridge. changing the e city, as families moved out to
be replaced by single students, or young
By the time of the revolution, most of the professional couples.
town’s population were still descended from
the original Puritan colonists, with the few The 1970s saw these wounds scab over with
Anglican “worthies” shut out from town life. a wave of high-tech startups bursting onto
Cambridge also became the birthplace of the the scene. Fueled by innovations from MIT
American Army when George Washington alumni and managed by Harvard business
took command of the local volunteer militia graduates, Cambridge was the birthplace of
in Cambridge Common. Cambridge served the networked router, email,
as a seat of American Military power during microcomputers, the first spreadsheet
the war. software, and a number of other
The post-war years saw Cambridge expand
rapidly, building a bridge and major roads Flush with cash the city eagerly embraced
between them and Boston to better connect this new identity and funded DNA and gene
the two cities. It also became a fashionable labs that had been forced out of Boston by
residence for many of the Nation’s leading grassroots protest.
poets. By the early 1850s it established its
character as a “Streetcar Suburb”. Modern nights see Cambridge as a thriving
Cambridge’s growth continued with the late city, built on tech companies and academic
1800s seeing it developing an industrial east institutions. Gentrification has driven out
side. East Cambridge was known for many longtime residents, but there's a
producing Steam Pumps, Ink, Glass, and constant influx of wealthy young
Candies. professionals to replace them.


Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Form: The prototypical example of an Form: Sitting on the banks of the Charles
American College, Harvard has wide open River MIT organizes a mixture of elegant
quads with meticulously kept foot paths and concrete buildings and glass structures so
well-spaced trees. Old brick buildings with architecturally innovative they could be
white trim rise from the grassy lawns. considered sculpture. Underneath the
grassy quads and foot paths a labyrinth of
Function: The oldest college in the United tunnels connects the countless laboratories,
States, and one of the foremost universities classrooms, and other facilities into what
in the world, Harvard is a storied could be the world's largest continuous
institution. It’s alumni boasts US structure.
Presidents, Nobel Laureates, Olympic
Athletes, Billionaires, Academy Award and Function: Before moving from Boston to a
Pulitzer Prize winners. It remains one of the mile long tract of land reclaimed from the
Camarilla’s prized jewels, and the ideal Charles River, MIT was already a well-
ground for finding promising new established research institution. The new
fledglings. However, the rise of the second Cambridge campus gave the college room to
inquisition has upended many of these long- expand unimpeded. As it was built it
term recruitment schemes. Most Harvard became home to one of the largest
students are too high profile to be embraced complexes of interconnected buildings in
unnoticed. Kindred are now scrambling to the world. The network of subterranean
find other ways to influence the powerful tunnels linked state of the art tech labs,
alumni produced here. student dorms, and a nuclear reactor. Due
to its long history of collaboration with the
Kendall Square Department of Defense, MIT has become
Form: Trendy cafes have a few late night dangerous ground for Kindred to tread on,
diners sitting under umbrellas. They look as agents of the Second Inquisitions'
out over a small park dotted with modern Unusual Weapons Unit watch carefully for
sculptures, all in the shadow of sleek glass “Blank Body'' meddling.
and metal skyscrapers rising up elegantly
before veering off at odd angles. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Form: Handsome brick walls encircle a
Function: Known as the “most innovative peaceful estate with rising chimneys and
square mile in America” Kendall Square is noble columns. A flat green lawn stretches
home to the largest concentration of across the open area in front of the main
Startups outside of silicon valley. It also building with its brick and marble facade.
hosts offices and tech labs for major tech
firms like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Function: Once a leading center for female
IBM. Its mixture of offices, parks and academics until it was absorbed by Harvard
recreation amenities makes it a popular in the 90s. It retains some of that legacy
meeting spot for elite Kindred. today, and many Feminist Anarchs risk the
ire of the Camarilla and wrath of the SI to
hold rants on the campus.

Club Passim Garment District

Form: Turning down a wide alley, you Form: This drab beige cube of a building
almost miss the stairs downward. Under a would be utterly forgettable if not for the
hand shaped sign is a rustic dining room vibrant tripe of pink running around its
and tiny stage. Warm lights give the venue a outside. Once inside you’re greeted with a
homely feel as gentle conversation goes on sea of clothes from every kind of fabric and
around you. style imaginable. They’ve hung on, from and
over industrial racks and wireframe shelves
Function: Starting as a Jazz and Blues club that seem two stitches away from buckling.
in the 1950s, it evolved into a folk club in
the 1960s featuring acts like Bob Dylan, Function: Named after Chinatown’s, now
Joni Mitchell, and Jimmy Buffett. It’s a defunct, garment district. It began in the
popular spot for Toreadors, and older 1940s selling used clothes for creating rags.
anarchs who bemoan the fact that it’s “sold Now it’s transitioned to a thrift store, selling
out”. both new and used clothes. Older garments
are available for purchase by the pound.
American Repertory Theater Kindred looking to pick up an untraceable
Form: Colorful banners hang fluttering outfit cheaply and quickly often stop by.
rafters. Yellow and orange lights add a
comforting feel to the industrial concrete Bridges
and black metal framed building. Form: Held aloft by rolling concrete arches,
or jagged steel supports, the Charles rivers
Function: This joint project by the cities’ flows, imperceptible but powerful below.
Toreadors and Malkavians was founded in Pedestrians rush from one end to the other,
1979. It helped the Camarilla, already few pausing to admire the twin skylines
struggling in Boston, establish a foothold stretching out along the shore before you.
nearby. The theater proved a successful
venture, and was declared Elysium after the Function: Despite its independent nature,
Hecata ousted the Camarilla remnants from Cambridge has built numerous bridges
the last of their holdings in Central Boston. connecting it to Boston. Many of these fell
into disrepair during the 1900s and
Brattle Theatre required urgent refurbishment in the early
Form: The flat faced building stops abruptly, 2000s. These refurbishment efforts were led
offering no clear entryway. Ducking into the by the Hecata and displaced a number of
side alleys you find the box offices, which Nosferatu and Gangrel who had set up
usher you into a too small screening room. havens in the crumbling structures. Some
have returned, but are usually hounded by
Function: Started in 1948 the Brattle is an the Camarilla which routinely patrols these
independent one screen Movie Theater links to their new fortress across the river.
showcasing, classic, foreign, arthouse and
indie cinema. The Brattle continues to be a
showcase for local and noteworthy cinema
into modern nights, attracting a number of
Toreadors to attend.

First Church of Christ, Scientist

Form: The boxy church rises before you,
four columns terminating in a wide triangle
that rises to the bottom of a flat dome a
desperate attempt to invoke the grandeur of
an era long since gone. Inside the building
echoes, empty.

Function: This branch of the Church was

Christian Science was built in the waning
days of the Church's influence. In modern
nights it has become a meeting place for
Clan Losambra wishing to parley for
membership in the Camarilla.

The Hornsby
Form: The weathered brick exterior
disguises a luxurious and recently
refurbished décor inside. Bellhops and
waitstaff linger in the lobby, waiting for any
needs that must be met.

Function: Billing itself as the best option for

Kindred looking to stay in Boston, the
Hornsby is a luxury hotel located just across
the river from Back Bay. It features a
number of windowless rooms that can be
booked by asking for a “Sunrise Suite”. It
serves as a place for the Camarilla to hold
their guests, or prisoners.

The Red Building

Form: Black glass with crimson trim juts up
from the pavement, blocking out the stars.
The crown comes to two sharp points.

Function: Hosting the headquarters of the

Camarilla, the Red Building is a mixture of
office space and luxury apartments. It has
tight security and an extensive basement.


Rising and falling along rolling hills, buildings form a nearly unbroken wall. They crowing into
sidewalks that seem too small, next to streets that fell too wide even with a unending chain of
parked cars stretching along both sides. The occasional alley punches through, giving a brief
repent from the unending suburban oppression.

Founded in 1928, before the great Shortly after Charlestown voted to become a
migration of Puritans, the town of part of Boston, dissolving its city
Charlestown was initially a trading post and government in 1874. Now a Boston
waystation for the founders of Boston, neighborhood, Charleston’s Irish residents
Cambridge, and other cities in the area. integrated into the city’s criminal elements,
However, it was quickly eclipsed by these becoming a hub for the Irish Mob.
cities, ceding large tracts of land to
Cambridge, and more satellite cities to the The 1960 - 1990s saw the Irish Mob erupt
north. into a series of armed conflicts over
territory within the neighborhood.
During the revolutionary war Charlestown Attempting to quell the violence, Boston
was almost entirely destroyed during the proposed a development plan that would
Battle of Bunker Hill. Despite being a ruin, demolish a majority of housing to redevelop
the town was connected to early expanding the area.
Boston by a new bridge in 1786. The
following years saw it rebuild its economy, The plan was fiercely opposed by locals who
primarily through the Navy Shipyard, feared what was occurring in the North End,
Charlestown State Prison, Bunker Hill Chinatown, and Chelsea. The plan was
Breweries, and tourism to the Bunker Hill quashed until the 1990s when market forces
Monument, erected in 1827. began to gentrify the area, pricing out some
of the Irish residents. In modern nights
Charleston’s primary identity emerged Charlestown is still a residential
shortly after as the 1860s saw a massive neighborhood. However it struggles with a
influx of working class Irish Catholic rapidly increasing disparity between rich
Immigrants, mirroring what occurred in and poor residents.
South Boston, Somerville and Dorchester.

Warren Tavern Bunker Hill Monument
Form: Weathered white planks sit behind Form: The 221-foot obelisk of grey stone
blue and gray trim. An American flag flaps brick crowns an already commanding hill at
above the door. Inside is a generous space the terminus of the freedom trail. Wide
crammed with tables and stools. Thirsty steps descend sharply from the lofty heights
patrons stagger to and from the bar, as to wide grassy fields, with two layers of
images of America’s forefathers look on fencing pushing back against the city.
from their framed places on the walls
Function: The endpoint of Boston’s freedom
Function: Claiming to be the most historic trail. During the day it’s open to the public
watering hole in America, this unassuming as a free museum. At night it hosts a few
tavern was a favorite haunt of Paul Revere, Kindred looking for a commanding view of
Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, the city. The small contingent of Gargoyles
according to oral tradition. It’s still a in Boston are currently musing whether to
popular stop for locals and tourists alike, adopt it, and some of the disused facilities in
serving as a rack for Charleston. the park surrounding it, as an Eriery.

Bunker Hill Community College USS Constitution

Form: Centered around a massive L shaped Form: Contrasting the mid-century skyline
concrete Complex, Bunker Hill’s drab behind it, the Constitution looks almost
industrial exterior disguises a cheerful impossible. Three masts pierce the sky,
colorful interior. While the main campus connected by a web of rigging and fluttering
sits just off the interstate, the college flag. Sharp white trim decorates the black
operates in buildings spread across painted wooden hull. The ship seems to be a
Charleston and situated in disused Post relic, cast adrift in the seas of time, a call
Offices, Train Stations, and Prisons, back to a much older age.

Function: Residents of Charleston like to Function: The last active wooden battleship
view themselves as resourceful and scrappy. in the US Fleet, the USS Constitution,
Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) fits nicknamed Old Ironsides, served in the US
this model to the letter. BHCC enrolls over war with Barbary Pirates, and the War of
13,000 students, who take classes during 1812. Becoming a symbol of American Naval
usual academic hours, or late at night, on might, it sailed around the world before
weekends, and whenever else they can fit settling into reserve status. Moldering in
into a working-class schedule. Emphasizing disuse for decades, the ship again rose to
flexibility and workforce education, the prominence with the approach of America’s
college stands in stark contrast to many 150th anniversary. Since then, it has served
other academic institutions in the city. Its as a museum ship and received numerous
night classes and innovative online learning monumental restorations. Older Kindred
courses also appeal to many Kindred feel a strong connection to the ship, while
looking to explain their skill set, develop a younger Vampires consider it a pointless
herd, or reinforce a mask. vanity project.

Boston Sand & Gravel

Form: Dominating the sightlines from
Boston’s Northeaster shore this massive
industrial complex rises over the Charles
River. Yellow and white painted buildings
proudly announce the business in red block
letters. Piles of the eponymous sand and
gravel are heaped in front of silos and

Function: This supplier of building

materials operates at a highly visible plant
on the edge of the Charles River. Rumored
to have deep connections to the Irish Mob
as a money laundering operation. The
ample riverside facilities host the occasional
gangland shootout.

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

Form: The futuristic building is made of
curved and recessed squares. Glass walls are
broken by white and blue paneling. It seems
to almost glow against the night sky.

Function: This world class hospital serves as

a training ground for Harvard Medical
students. It focuses primarily on physical
therapy. Recent years have seen it open a
new wing to help battle the Opioid Epidemic
in Boston.

The Institute
Form: Large chain-link fences surround an
otherwise pleasant looking office. Lacking
windows, large murals decorate the walls.

Function: Founded by Malkavian Primogen

Richard Durnstrum’s following the
disappearance of Quinten King, the Institute
studies Malkavians and help them manage
their derangements. The results and
methods were mixed. Since Operation
Swansong, no patents have been discharged.
Rumors swirl that it’s where Hazel locks up
her opposition.


Clumps of tightly packed houses spring up from disused industrial centers. The city blocks bleed
into a patchwork landscape broken by the occasional small park or open square. Disused rail
tracks snake through the neighborhood, allowing would be gangs of bored children to prowl and
play away from the sleepy streets and cracked blacktops.

Starting as windmill owned by the Colonial Kindred grew interested in the city after a
Government for use as a Gunpowder new rail line was established in 1870 leading
storage. Somerville became a flashpoint in to a boom in meat packing. Slaughter could
the American Revolution. As tensions happen outside Boston, but still be delivered
between the Crown and Colonists increased, “fresh” meat to hungry diners inside the
the British Army worried leaving the people city. During this time an influx of Irish
of Massachusetts with easy access to this Immigrants came to Somerville, once again
pile of explosives. stirring anti-Catholic sentiment.

Fulfilling British fears, the Patriots launched The industrial boom lasted until the 1950s.
a midnight raid in 1774. The British Army Tightly packed houses surrounded by four
learned of the plan and moved the powder story factories, and slaughterhouses. Then
to an island fort off the coast of South the factories left, followed by the trains, and
Boston. Enraged the Colonists began to finally the local economy collapsed.
stockpile arms and munitions in their own Somerville fell into a recession, and by the
homes, eventually turning the weapons over 1960s the neighborhood, lacking willpower
to General Washington as an “arsenal of and desperate for money, accepted a
liberty”. number of infrastructure projects that razed
neighborhoods. Somerville’s communities
Following the war Somerville focused on were destroyed by Interstates and freeways
social community development, instead of that benefited the Boston elite. Because of
industrialization. Even allowing a convent of this, the late 1900s saw crime and
Catholic Nuns to establish a school and corruption run rampant throughout the city.
hospital. This experiment in religious
tolerance ended in disaster. Fed rumors and Then Cambridge came to the city’s rescue.
scandalous stories that abuse and vice were Rising rent, a booming economy and
rampant in the convent, a mob burned growing population saw citizens from
down the convent in the 1834. Cambridge moving to Somerville, allowing it
to share in the prosperity. By the early
Shortly after, Somerville split from 2000s the city had stabilized, although car
Charleston to become an independent city thefts and street crime remained high.
and began to compete with Charleston as However, corruption and white collar crime
Cambridge’s main industrial partner. were largely eliminated, with Sommerville
Somerville used its ample sandy soil to being the “best run” of Boston’s satellite
produce bricks, glass and iron. cities.

Davis Square Assembly Square
Form: Theaters, music clubs, restaurants Form: Pressed against the coast, big box
and bars spilling patrons onto smooth brick stores and shopping complexes struggle for
foot paths. They snake under shade trees room against glass and plastic framed
back to a subway intersection. offices, hotels and apartment complexes.
Function: Somerville’s nightlife district. It’s Clear views of Boston towering skyline make
a popular place for Kindred to pick up the newly minted mid-rise buildings seem
mortals. Especially during the free folk somehow small.
dances held during the summer, and the Function: Sometimes called Somerville’s
HONK! Brass music festival in October. Comeback Kid, Assembly Square is the
Davis serves as a rack for Somerville. neighborhood Somerville is funneling
redevelopment funds into. While it can’t
Tufts University compete with Boston of Cambridge,
Form: Wide green lawns, and weathered Somerville hopes Assembly Square can at
stone buildings dot the campus, which rises least attract those pried out of its neighbors.
like a fanciful castle estate in the otherwise
flattened suburbia . Students shuffle to and
from buildings, some peeling off into the Brickbottom Lofts & Studios
surrounding neighborhood. Form: Despite dull green panels plastered on
Function: While Tufts Colleges of Arts and top of it, they can’t shake the look of an
Medicine are located elsewhere in Boston, industrial warehouse. Exposed tan concrete,
the university itself is situated at the and block lettering on accentuate this.
northern tip of Sommerville. Overshadowed Function: Brickbottom is an attempt to
by nearby Harvard, Tufts has still built a attack up and coming artists to Somerville.
reputation as an elite school in its own right. They offer a number of studio apartments,
Like many other colleges it serves as a that come with gallery space. As well as a
hunting ground for a few privileged residency program that provides subsidized
vampires. In addition, with Harvard falling rent for more prominent names. Toreadors
under the supervision of the SI, Tufts are known to frequent the area, and some
students and Alumni are more likely to be even dare to use it as a haven.
scouted by Camarilla Vampires as
candidates for the Embrace. Somerville Path
Form: Devoid of buildings, and abandoned
LEGO Land Discover Center by city services, this strip of tall grass snakes
Form: Nestled inside the Assembly Square behind houses for miles. Separated from
mall, bright primary colors catch the eyes of yards by steep concrete walls, now rife with
passing children. graffiti.
Function: An indoor children’s museum Function: The site of former train tracks,
offering attractions related to LEGO toys. Somerville has never quite gotten around to
It’s one of Somerville’s relatively few tourist developing this abandoned infrastructure.
attractions. Although aimed at children, It’s largely used by young delinquents to
some Kindred are known to stop by out of roam the town away from their parents’
curiosity. prying eyes.


Largely residential neighborhoods, the Southern Sections of the Boston Metro area was always a
part of, while still separate from the city proper. This unique position allowed its neighborhoods
to develop unique identities, while still being deeply integrated into Boston. For better or worse.

Much of South Boston’s vibrant character, and scrappy reputation comes from the
disenfranchised people forced to live there. Close enough to the city to be useful, but far enough
away to be ignored. With the Irish, Gay and Black communities have a strong presence. But
they’re beginning to be forced out by a new influx of affluent residents. They love the culture and
location, but wish it was just a little more palatable to them.

South Boston is largely held by the Anarchs, although the Camarilla still claims some Elysium
within the territory. The Hecata are generally happy to leave Anarch coteries and Barons to run
their domains, provided they do not become problems.


Colorful two story houses cluster around narrow streets, with pastel paints freshly dashed over
the wooden planks. Cracked sidewalks and low curbs foster tufts of grass. Taught banners and
simply lettered signs advertise old family corner stores. Graffiti and utilities paint battle for the
concrete and broken glass crunching beneath worn out sneakers.

For much of Boston’s Early history, implementing a busing program to counter
“Southie” was better known as Dorchester de facto racial discrimination that had
Heights. It was a collection of hills at the emerged in the city.
northern tip of Dorchester, and just south of
Boston proper. Separated by marshes and The plan saw students from Southie and
rivers, Dorchester Heights served as a Roxbury bussed into each other's school
defensible position to survey the city from. districts. It was fiercely opposed by Southie
and Roxbury’s residents. Delinquency
During the Revolutionary War, Dorchester skyrocketed as roughly half the enrolled
Heights was used to survey British Troop students skipped class in protest.
movements inside Boston. It was also the
site of George Washington’s first definitive These “protests” quickly turned violent, with
victory against the British. Following this, students throwing rocks at police cars,
“Fort Independence” was established. overturning buses, assaulting drivers and
fellow students. The plan was abandoned in
The land under Dorchester Heights was the mid-1980s. But racial tensions remained
developed over the next 100 years, growing high between the two neighborhoods.
more dense and urbanized. Landfill was
added to reclaim the surrounding marshes Wanting to shed the reputation for
and connect the area to the “Boston Neck”. intolerant violence it had earned for itself,
Dorchester Heights’ evolution to Southie Southie embraced a city plan to revitalize its
was formalized in 1804 when Boston SeaPort District. The process of
annexed “South Boston” from the city of transforming the old Docks started with
Dorchester. “the Big Dig” which reshaped Boston’s
transportation infrastructure. Once the Big
South Boston evolved into a blue-collar Dig concluded, a series of skyscrapers were
residential district. It was largely populated built near the new infrastructure.
by poor Irish Immigrants fleeing the potato
famine. These families made the Completing the Seaport District has brought
neighborhood their own, giving Southie, as gentrification to Southie, as cash flushed
they began to call it, a reputation as the young professionals moved into the
scrappy and hardscrabble neighborhood. neighborhood. But their sudden
encroachment threatens to price out many
But, Southie was thrust onto the national of the longtime inhabitants.
stage in the 1970s. Boston was

Southampton Yard
Form: A sprawling field of track stretches
out; impossibly long. Trains hunker
underneath a tangled mess of steel
supports, shouldering thick coils of cables
that weave themselves across the yard.
Function: A shadow of what it once was,
South Hampton yard is the switching
ground for commuter rail and Subway
trains coming in and out of Boston. It’s
where out of service trains go to await
deployment, and where still functional traits
go for maintenance and repairs. The Hecata
and Anarchs have been known to use it as a
staging ground for smuggling operations.

Form: Old paint flakes off the brick walls.
Inside sneakers squeak against the wooden
Function: Candlepins is a variant of bowling
with a number of small, but important
differences. Hardly played outside of new
England, the sport is slowly dying out. This
spot in the South End is one of the last
operating locations that offers it. Because of
this, Candlepins has a reliable and dedicated
community of regulars built up around it.

Fort Independence
Form: The sheer gray faces of this five-
pointed star impose on the horizon, acting
more like cliffs of stone than walls of brick.
Immaculate green lawns do what they can to
disguise this once military insulation as a
public park.
Function: One of Boston’s many historical
sights, Fort Independence mainly serves as
a tourist attraction with Revolutionary War
buffs flocking to the sight. Its rumored
mages use the old fort for arcane rituals.

Form: Tall skyscrapers, colorful sculptures
and twinkling lights reflect off of the
turbulent blue water. Stonework steps rise
descend behind thick black iron chains to
reach the ocean's surface.
Function: Seaport is home to towering office
buildings, trendy restaurants and a wide
range of retail stores. It’s what has been
drawing “Yuppies and Hipsters” to Southie
like moths to a flame. It acts as the Rack for
Southie, and a number of Ventrue are
looking to headquarter operations here.

Institute of Contemporary Art

Form: This sideways L shaped building is
made of white metal and clear glass. The
bulk of the gallery space is nestled in one
large section, overhanging an outdoor space
Function: Focusing on Modern Art and long
associated with the Dada Movement, the
ICA has positioned itself as an alternative to
Boston’s mainstream museums and
institutions. They promote unknown, up
and coming or particularly transgressive
artists. It’s a favorite for Anarch Toreadors
looking to produce works unfit for the MFA.

Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Form: Colorful lights paint the white
support beams that prop up a wide fanning
structure. Beneath it grows a boxy structure
of glass and steel.
Function: Boat has bet big on this new
Convention enter hoping to replace the old
one in back bay. The BCEC hosts a number
of events, such as the video game expo Pax
East, and the Biotechnology Industry
Organization Conference. Kindred have
little use for such a high profile venue but
can be found preying on the influential
professionals drawn to it.


Buildings line the narrow streets presenting an unbroken facade of warm red bricks. Trees and
hedges line the sidewalks, catching the sounds of cars rumbling down the street. Small parks
and greenways squeeze what little space they can, walled in by the omnipresent brick.


The South End was created in the 1840s. population the tenement buildings fall into
Refuse, gravel and earth was added into disrepair, and the South End degraded into
Boston Harbor to expand the “Boston a slum.
Neck”. This reclaimed land was meant to
provide a foundation for a residential But, despite the economic conditions, the
neighborhood to alleviate overcrowding in South End still fostered a lively culture
Beacon Hill. But the South End’s status as scene, emerging as a Jazz mecca in the
an upper class neighborhood was short- 1950s. Local establishments were
lived. Following the completion of Land frequented by notables such as Duke
Reclamation projects in Back Bay, and Ellington, and Cab Calloway. In addition a
Dorchester the upper class relocated there, strong gay community developed, with
emptying the South End and making room many finding the gender segregated
for a working-class population. tenement housing provided cover for their
The amenities built for the previously
wealthy residents stayed, including an But by the 1960s the City Planners had
intricate system of parks, a number of decided the South End was in need of some
respectable hospitals and a handful of renewal. The old Jazz Clubs were torn
colleges. These amenities, and the recently down, as were many of the crumbling
vacated real estate, attracted landlords who tenement houses, slums, and shantytowns.
set up tenement housing and apartments. In their place were built factories and print
The middle class workers and iterate shops. Churning out furniture, instruments,
bachelors, who snapped up these new and city newspapers.
housing opportunities were met with
hostility by established residents. This attempt at urban renewal revitalized
the area but forced out the people
Still, the South End transformed into a previously living there. New shops,
middle-class neighborhood, then a working residences and cultural centers were
class one. But, due to the greed of landlords, established.
and hostility towards its immigrant


Boston University Medical Campus SoWa Power Station

Form: Gray glass and gray bricks weave Form: As if three cathedrals had lost their
together to form block facades towering bell towers while being slammed together,
above you. Shuffling under awnings and the grand structure rises out and above you,
covered driveways leads you to a simple elegant and imposing.
reception desk.
Function: Originally built to power the
Function: BU Medical Campus is one of the South End's streetcar network, the SoWa
few hospitals not under control of the power station was saved from demolition
Hecata. It’s a lifeline for Kindred who wants after the rail lines became defunct. Now it
to drink bagged blood, without paying the serves as a massive event space. It hosts
Hecata’s exorbitant fees for the privilege. fundraisers, plays, private parties, and
political campaign events.
Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe
Form: Flat gray facade has been painted Wally's Cafe
onto bare cement. Over the glass door hangs Form: Sandwiched behind a set of wide
a gold trimmed sign with red and yellow brick stairs, this red door all but silences the
letters declaring Charlies’ Sandwich Shoppe, lively Jazz coming from the inside. The
with two P. cramped, poorly lit space is filled with
patrons dancing.
Function: Sitting between diner and coffee
shop, this tiny establishment can only seat Function: Claiming to be the oldest
30 people. However, it’s played host to Jazz continually operating Jazz Club in the
Legends, Governors and at least President, United States, Wally’s attracts hot new acts
who stop in. Locals and tourists come to eat from across the United States. It’s
at all hours of the day and night, ensuring frequented by those who want music and
there’s at least the potential for a meal. dance, without the traditional club

Paradise Jewelers & Coins The Blue Pearl

Form: Thick bullet proof glass protects a Form: Straddling the border between the
glittering display case of antique coins and South End and Chinatown, the Blue Pearl is
jewels. a forgettable building. Inside low ceilings,
and dark wood tables give a sense of
Function: An otherwise reputable seller of claustrophobia.
Coins and Jewelry. Paradise also acts as a
money laundering operation for the Function: The Blue Pearl was the Sabbat
Giovanni. Buying and selling Coins and stronghold in Boston until the Sect’s sudden
Gems at ridiculously inflated, or discounted disappearance. Rumor is some still loyal to
prices. the cause meet up here.


Aging wooden houses rot and disassemble themselves in the shadows. Proudly pressure washed
brick structures rise above, reaching for respectability. Plastic signs swing above the streets, as
hand painted windows advertise the businesses inside. Trash collects in empty lots, almost
afraid of when the wind blows it back onto the immaculate streets.


Roxbury started as an independent Roxbury remains a center for Black life in

collection of quarries and small Boston up to moder nights.
communities south of Boston. Hastily The mid-1900s proved to be a challenging
founded, Roxbury had no time to build a time for Roxbury. White residents moved
meeting house before its first winter. This out, and white businesses relocated. The city
forced the local government to meet inside struggled to fund essential services for its
the church. As the community expanded its dwindling population. This culminated in a
residents were leading voices in forcing riot sparked by the assassination of MLK in
Indians to relocate to “Praying Town” 1968. The looting and arson were heavily
following King Phillips War. But, the land publicized contributing to the
these settlers claimed after forcibly neighborhood's decline.
relocating the Indians was rocky, and ill-
suited to subsistence farming. By the 1970s vacant lots, and burned out
structures dotted the neighborhood. Trash
Following the American Revolution, piled in public spaces, and essential services
Roxbury evolved into the first of Boston’s were scarce. Despite being incorporated into
suburbs. Wealthier Bostonians would Boston’s City government Roxbury
purchase, or build houses in Roxbury, then continued to decline.
commute via carriage into the city proper.
Roxbury also established a role in the trade However, Roxbury began a slow reversal of
of salt, fish, tobacco, and rum. This required its blighted existence starting in the late
a railroad to link Roxbury with the rest of ‘80s with the MBTA’s Orange Line rerouting
New England. Then an influx of Irish through the neighborhood. Access to mass
Immigrants to work that railroad starting in transit saw residents more easily able to
the 1840s. access jobs in greater Boston, and draw
attention to their neighborhood.
As Boston began to purse land reclamation
projects Roxbury became more integrated Following the Orange Line, Roxbury
into the city. The wealthier class also began received a slew of new housing
to move out, making room for more working developments, which fostered retail and
class housing. First inhabited by German commercial development. Although an
and Jewish Immigrants fleeing WWI. They influx of college students and young
went to work for the many breweries and professionals threatened to gentrify the
distilleries that had opened in the area. neighborhood, strong community
organizations and fierce grassroots
This industry was hard hit by prohibition, organization has allowed Roxbury to protect
but Roxbury’s factories, warehouses, and its historical sites, cultural institutions and
retail industries enabled the neighborhood's unique heritage into modern nights. The
continued to grow. Its population was 2020s see Roxbury as one of Boston’s most
bolstered by African Americans fleeing promising neighborhoods.
segregation and Jim Crow in the south.


Abbotsford Center for Afro-American Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center

Artists & Culture Form: Feeble pink paint struggles to hide
Form: Rising up, Abbotsford looks for all the water damage. Off-white curtains hang
the world like a gothic castle. Dark stone behind the thick glass adorned with
spires are lit with yellow light spilling from printouts of the agency’s logo.
narrow windows. Function: This non-profit provides financial
Function: Once a private mansion home. and legal support to recently arrived
The building is now operated as a museum refugees and immigrants, regardless of their
for African American Artworks. It hosts legal status. Some detractors claim they help
workshops, cultural building events, and illegal aliens avoid the law. Their donors
puts on performances. Acting as a and champions insist they help get people
community center for Black Bostonians. on the legal path to citizenship.

Nubian Square Code Enforcement Police's (CEP)

Form: Marble and copper facades dress up Form: A big building illuminated with blue
brick structures sitting at odd angles to the and white lights. The glass exterior is
intersection. Bright lights bathe pedestrians quickly blunted by endless walls of tan
in a feeling of safety. cubicles.
Function: Nubian Square rose to Function: Nestled in the headquarters of the
prominence by being located on the only Boston Police Department, the CEP is in
road connecting Boston to the outside charge of the city’s sanitation services and
world. This advantageous location made it housing code enforcement. Stationed in
an important hub of commerce. In modern Roxbury during its lows of the 60s, the CEP
nights it serves more as a neighborhood has wide ranging, and often ill remembered
center, hosting a post office, Roxbury’s powers. Kindred have been known to use
YMCA, and churches mixed into the malls obscure regulations and long forgotten
and shopping centers. It serves as the rack health codes to shut down rivals’ businesses
for Roxbury. or have their havens condemned.

South Africa Hibernian Hall

Form: Bright flashing lights, and blaring Form: The four-story brick box is broken up
music do their best to distract from the by large arched windows.
chipped and faded paint depicting a colorful Function: This storied Irish Dance hall was
African safari on the simple concrete walls. heavily vandalized during the height of
Function: South Africa is a storied racial tensions in the 1970s. However, it has
institution among the Boston Anarchs. survived and been restored into modern
Serving as the Haven for Pug Jackson, a nights. One of the few Elysium located in
Bruja Primogen and prominent leader of the Roxbury proper, it has been all but
Kindred of Liberty. With Pug Jackson’s abandoned by the Camarilla.
departure from the city, South Africa has
become an anarch “Elysium.”

Franklin Park Zoo

Form: Sculptures, wide walking paths and
food stalls mingle between large animal
enclosures. Most beasts slumber somewhere
out of sight.
Function: Home to exotic animals, and
attractive to victories of all stripes. After
Hours access is occasionally arranged for
powerful kindred curious to sample a
variety of exotic animal bloods.

Harvard Arboretum
Form: The skyline and streets disappear
behind meticulously managed trees. Flower
Beds, hedges and tomato cages support a
diverse display of plants.
Function: This vast urban park is operated
by Harvard, but is open to the public. It
boasts a staggering collection of plant
specimens allowed to live and thrive out in
the open air. The college uses the area for
botany lessons and ecological studies.
Kindred are known to use it for games after
dark, turning the vast fields and forests into

Greater Boston Bigfoot Research Institute

Form: A round metal awning sticks out of
this mundane building. Through the glass
windows stuffed sasquatches’ stare.
Function: Nicknamed the B-Bri, this place is
primarily notable for its tutoring and after
school care. Focusing on science and
literacy skills with K-12 students, they do
use the idea of Bigfoot Research to make
learning more fun. But, some hunters with
children do meet-up at the establishment.

Frederick Douglass Square

Form: Simple brick buildings line cracked
sidewalks. No curb stops cars from leaving
the cobblestoned streets.
Function: One of Roxbury’s many
residential areas. Some Kindred keep
havens in the area.


Two- and three-story houses seem to breathe a sigh of relief as they expand into the space
opening between them. Narrow alleyways separate the homes that eye each other suspiciously.
Streetlights disappear, replaced with floodlights and darkness around each home.


Dorchester, like many of the neighborhoods political structure. Because of that, the city
around Boston, was founded during the ceded land to Quincy and Boston several
waves of Puritan migration out of England times over the century, culminating with
in the 1600s. During this wave of settlement Boston Annexing the remnants in 1870. By
Dorchester was one of the first English that time Dorchester was apprised
settlements to establish a grist mill and neighborhood with homes designed by
public elementary school. Dorchester was renowned architects, and featured cutting
also noteworthy in that their church was the edge innovations such as sewage treatment
first in the Americas to allow blacks, plants.
sparking a fierce debate about whether
enslaved populations were to be granted Dorchester’s wealthy and politically
their freedom upon joining the church. The entrenched population saw it emerge as a
Church, and the slaves seeking their hub for activism. Prominent suffragettes,
freedom lost that argument. Dorchester also Civil Rights leaders, and lobbyists made the
supported the relocation of Native neighborhood their home. This atmosphere
Americans to Praying Towns following King of tolerance saw Dorchester construct a
Phillips War. The following decades saw number of triple decker apartment
Dorchester grow first as a farming town. buildings to welcome working class
immigrants from all races and backgrounds.
The runup to the American Revolution had
the Sons of Liberty frequent a tavern within Development continued, with the JFK
Dorchester. During the war itself, the Battle Library and U-Mass Boston opening along
of Dorchester Heights struck a definitive the long neglected coast of the
blow against the British, forcing them to neighborhood. Much of the residential area
evacuate Boston, shattering an 11-month was left unaffected by this building boom on
siege of the city, and giving George the coast, preserving the suburban feel west
Washington his first victory in the War. of the highway.

The 1800s saw Dorchester develop into a Modern Dorchester has all but been
suburb for Boston’s elite. Streetcars ferried subsumed into Boston. Populated largely by
the wealthy to and from their homes and older and more established residents,
Boston’s social institutions. This eroded there’s not much fight to carve out their own
Dorchester’s independent identity and unique identity.


Moon Island John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and

Form: Burned out husks and clumps of trees Museum
dot this wide flat island, attached to the Form: Warm light spills from the bold
mainland by a narrow strip of road, with geometric collage of shapes. The striking
spike strips and control booths. triangle center rises to pierce the stars.

Function: Tightly controlled by the Boston Function: Housing records and

Police, Moon Island hosts training grounds correspondence from the Kennedy
for them, and the Boston Fire Department. Administration, this Library does its best to
Gunshots, raging fires, and simulated riots preserve the hope, optimism, and civic pride
are all relatively common occurrences. embodied by the late JFK. Most Kindred
Public access is not allowed, fueling stories have little fondness or time for the museum
that the Hecata used it to host vast outdoor and its nostalgia tinted view of history. But,
events on the island. However, these are more than one Anarch has been moved to
unlikely to have ever occurred. action by the unachieved dreams that
Kennedy inspired.
The Boston Globe
Form: Rounded glass arches jut out of the University of Massachusetts Boston
front facade of this brick building. Tall Form: Blocky new construction clusters
windows, and intricate cursive letters break along the coast line. Ample space is given
up the four-story walls. for pedestrians and cars to shuffle students
across the campus.
Function: The foremost daily newspaper in
New England, and a nationally respected Function: One of the more traditional
paper. The Boston Globe has a reputation campuses located within Boston, UMass
for hard-hit journalism and excellent students are largely in-state residents. The
investigative reporting. The Globe's University is noted for its broad fields of
Spotlight division has broken stories about study and active research into fields such as
Municipal Corruption, and Abuse in the economics, management and psychology.
Catholic Church.
Boston Winery
Eire Pub Form: Gray brick arch welcomes patrons
Form: White River stones are capped off inside from a trimmed brick patio.
with a green trim roof, and gold lettering. Scaffolding is clung to by shriveled vines.

Function: An otherwise unremarkable Irish Function: The Boson Winery serves as a

Pub, the Eire has become steeped in meeting ground for the refined and elite of
political superstition. Mayors, Governors, the city. Vampires have little use for the
and even Presidents have stopped by, space, but their powerful ghouls and thralls
hoping to bless their campaigns with the can be enticed by visits to, or gifts from
luck of the Irish. For the locals, it's simply a here.
good neighborhood watering hole.


The skyline fades to a distant memory. The hustle and bustle of the city is replaced with an all-
encompassing, almost oppressive silence. Trees and hedges smother sounds, only to be.
overpowered by the blinding lights and deafening roar of a car traveling down the wide streets.


The site that would become Quincy was first building ships for trade. These industries,
visited by Europeans in the 1620s. By then, and the completion of a railroad in 1826,
the Massachusett people had already saw it become heavily integrated into
cleared the area and improved it to serve as Boston’s sphere of influence.
a semi-permanent settlement. These
European colonists established a Quincy also developed the “Quincy Method”
community called “Mount Wollaston” of education, which became the basis of
shortly after. well-rounded humanities curriculums still
employed in schools across the state. These
This new town was quickly embroiled in good schools attracted residents from the
conflict. The more conservative puritans in city proper out into Quincy, establishing the
the south decried their drunkenness and Squantum neighborhood.
tolerance of the natives. The towns’ leaders
were arrested, and Mount Wollaston was The suburban character continued to
incorporated into Dorchester. develop through the late 1800s and early
1900s. Those elites unable to influence
It took until the American Revolution for Boston’s Urban Renewal efforts traveled to
the town to regain its independence. Named Quincy where they could re-shape the
after the family that would produce two smaller town into their image. Because of
presidents, Quincy was born. The name is this, Quincy has resisted many of the
pronounced Kwin-zee. Locals can absolutely urbanizing influences that revitalized
tell out of town visitors by their Boston starting in the late 1900s.
pronunciation. Both Presidents John
Adams, and John Quincy Adams are natives Because of this, Quincy ranges from a sleepy
of the town. small town, to the much dreaded “boring
suburbs” and Home Owners Association
Through the 1800s, Quince developed into dominated housing projects found across
an economic hub for Massachusetts. middle America.
Quarrying granite for construction and


Squantum The Marina

Form: Dense pine trees wall off this Form: Condos rise above the coast. They
practically island neighborhood. One road descended to apartment buildings, before
runs up the peninsula before splintering trailing off to malls and stand-alone homes.
into cul-de-sacs surrounded by mansions. Docks spread out from the shoreline like a
Function: Squantum hosts a class of rich spiderweb.
suburban elites. They are the kingmakers in Function: One of Quincy's residential
Quincy, often treating the town as their own neighborhoods, the Marina, is a mixture of
domain, exercising a level of power they residential housing, commercial space and a
would be unable to have in Boston. sprawling series of docks for sailboats and
yachts. Harshly opposed by the residence of
Wollaston Beach Squantum, the Marina has emerged as an
Form: White sands stretch on for over a economic center for Quincy, and is
mile. The waves lap quietly against the attracting young people into the once sleepy
shore. town.
Function: The largest beach in the Boston
area, Wollaston, has been the site of WaterWorks
extensive environmental clean-up due to the Form: he Bright lights, haze and throbbing
nearby Sewage Treatment plant on Nut music announce WaterWorks for blocks
Island. After these efforts in the early 90s, away. Inside, fish tanks, fountains, pools,
Wollaston has emerged as a popular site for and other decorative water features
oceanside recreation. entrance patrons addled senses.
Function: The largest, and only, nightclub in
Kelley Armory Quincy, WaterWorks, is a point of
Form: Yellow and gray bricks press into the contention for locals. While the youth enjoy
ground. The doors stand several feet above a having the nightlife, many retirees and
wide ditch running around the perimeter, parents decry the loud late-night revelry it
accessible by a small bridge. brings.
Function: This supply depot for the National
Guard has recently been given elevated Quarries
importance. The SI & UWU have begun to Form: Red stone walls plunge deep into the
use the facility as a drop point to send or Earth, with open air voids yawning before
receive weapons and materials. you. Narrow paths wind down, overgrown
with moss.
Function: Once Quincy’s main economic
resource, the Quarries are now mostly
empty. They've become the sights of large
lakes, and parks. Adventurous kids play in
them, and there's rumor an group of
Gargoyles has moved in.

Straddling the Atlantic shoreline, and more north-eastern than strictly east, these towns lack the
natural ports, connection to the mainland, and defensive positions that made Boston an
appealing site in early American history. Because of this most of East Boston and its
surrounding cities have been reliant on their large, loud, and rambunctious big brother to the
west, despite several being full self-governing communities.

Fiercely independent, the cities of Chelsea, Winthrop, and Revere are proud to believe that
they’re in command of their destinies, despite the reality they, and many of their residents, rely
on Boston for their existence. Still, they look to East Boston, with its constant legal struggles and
the bullying of city hall, as a cautionary tale. The outer suburbs stand as a quiet reprieve from
the big city, where one can lay low, hatch schemes, recuperate or build power away from prying
eyes and crushing authorities. But only for so long.

East Boston is largely contested between the Hecata and the Anarchs. Although both Sects seem
hesitant to exercise direct control over the area, fearful of prompting reprisals from the SI
watching the Airport, or the Lupines lurking nearby.


Chelsea seems like it struggles to establish a clear identity; generic modern construction buts
shoulders with blighted urban parks, and historic brick structures. Wide roads cut through
neighborhoods once connected by narrow alleys and apartment buildings look over long-
abandoned warehouses and parking lots. The neighborhood seems fractured. Unsure of its’
future and embarrassed of its past.

Starting as a small trading post under the businesses to connect Boston to its more
sway of Boston, Chelsea spun off into an affluent suburbs. Another was a Great Fire
independent town in 1739. It remained a that burned 18 city blocks in 1973. Finally,
relatively sleepy town until the outbreak of was a rise in street crime and political
the American Revolution, where it was the corruption.
site of the second battle in the war, saw the
first capture of a British Ship, and hosted By 1991 the city had collapsed completely;
part of George Washington’s army during Chelsea was in economic, social and
the Siege of Boston. financial ruin. Declining tax revenue, and
inflating city budgets caused the state of
The 1850s saw Chelsea emerge as an Massachusetts to step and all but dissolve
industrial hub, first for wooden ship the city government. Boston University took
construction, then for manufacturing over management of the Public Schools, the
rubber, boots, stoves, and adhesives. To run police and fire department were
these factories a “Great Wave” of Jewish and reorganized, City Administrators were
Russian immigrants came to Chelsea. entirely replaced, and three former Mayors
However, many of these residents were were imprisoned for federal crimes. After 5
displaced by a fire in 1908, Following that, years the state charged a citizen panel with
the city rebuilt and modernized, widening drafting a new charter.
streets and updating its infrastructure to
attract residents from Boston’s North and While white-collar crime had decreased,
South End. Yet, Chelsea resisted becoming a and the city was once again on a stable
suburb, still basing its economy on financial footing, its decline had not entirely
shipbuilding, lumberyards, metalworks, and reversed. Many of the industries that let the
paint companies. Many of these were based city stand independent from Boston were
down by the waterfront. still hollowed out or destroyed, leaving its
residents to commute into the city looking
But the mid-1900s were devastating for the for work. Despite that, Chelsea’s affordable
city. Despite a new wave of immigration housing and strong Hispanic community
from Central and South America by 1980, it continue to attract blue-collar workers being
had lost nearly a third of its population. One priced out of Boston, Cambridge and
contributor was a series of infrastructure Somerville.
projects that demolished many homes and


Naval Hospital Boston District Bellingham Square

Form: Five Cheap cinderblock and concrete Form: Handsome brick buildings rise above
structures squat around an open yard. Once tidy green laws and generous sidewalks. The
handsome green doors are locked behind sky is visible through wide shade trees,
wrought iron bars. Peeking through the while countless colorful signs clamber for
cracked windows one can only faintly see your attention.
the emptiness inside. Function: Planned as a city center following
Function: While many of the historic the 1908 fire Bellingham Square is the Rack
buildings in Central Boston are well- for Chelsea. While its nightlife cannot rival
preserved Chelsea’s Naval Hospitals stand that of Boston, the odds of finding a late
empty. While protected from development, night commuter or party goer stopping for
and not currently run down, it still lacks the food and drink is highest here.
funding and attention that turned Boston’s
other historic sights into sacred ground. Box District
Some desperate and traveling Kindred Form: Mass produced houses, and
choose to use these abandoned buildings as apartment buildings are interspersed with
havens in a last-ditch gamble to avoid empty lots, and abandoned warehouses.
greeting the sun. Playgrounds, parks and new sidewalks do
their best to distract from the urban blight
Chelsea Clocks gentrification is attempting to wipe away.
Form: This long narrow brick building Function: Once known for its packing and
overlooks a wide street. Handsome block warehouse centers, this area was hard hit
letters read out “Chelsea Clocks” from during the mid-1900s. Formerly a hub for
across the street. A single light is on in the crime and smuggling operations, the Box
lobby. District is now evolving into a trendy, and
Function: Gifts from the Chelsea Clocks are affordable place to live.
valued for their accuracy, ornamentation
and expense. Watches, mantle pieces and Tobin Bridge
grandfather clocks serve as status symbols Form: A Lattice of painted green steel hoists
for the Kindred of Boston. Buying one is two layers of asphalt and concrete into the
seen as a desperate play for status, while sky. Cars rumble across, kicking up fumes
being gifted one is a signal that you have that swirl in strange shapes.
been embraced by the elite. Function: Like Boston itself, most residents
of Chelsea have a complicated relationship
The Secret Place with the Tobin bridge. It was part of the
Form: This unremarkable gray box has only mid-1900s infrastructure projects that
a dollar sign painted onto the door. began the city’s spiral into ruin. Yet, the
Function: In the year before online bridge is a daily part of life for many; acting
shopping the Secret Place specialized in as the primary artery into the city of Boston
mail-order goods. Since the internet it’s from Chelsea.
transitioned acquiring foreign goods that
are difficult to order online.


This aging coastal town feels far removed from Greater Boston. Standalone Queen Anne-style
houses and Cape Cod duplexes sit tightly packed with small yards and flowerbeds separating
them from the streets. Everything is either weathered stones or aging painted wood. Gulls are
heard calling in the distance and countless sail boats dot the blue waters of the day.


Winthrop’s history post-colonization started communities, such as Winthrop. Winthrop

as, not even a town, but a collection of residents participated in the Battle of
Farms on the outskirts of Boston. Valuable Chelsea Creek, giving the Revolutionaries an
as grazing land, its ability to control the early victory in the war.
northern waterways leading to Boston, and
its easy access to a number of nearby In 1852 Winthrop broke off from Chelsea to
islands. become a town in its own right. The newly
formed town has had a quiet history since
Many of these islands were used as hideouts then. In the 1900s Winthrop partnered with
for pirates, or prison camps during the early the State of Massachusetts in a number of
conflicts between Europeans and the land reclamation projects to expand the
Indigenous People. Many of these conflicts peninsula into nearby waters. First to help
had ended and British settlers had with the creation of Boston Logan Airport,
established permanent homes in the area. in nearby East Boston, then to connect Deer
Some still stand to this day, with one acting Island to the mainland, allowing for the
as the oldest continually occupied house in construction of a water treatment plant.
Since then, Winthrop has struggled to retain
In 1739 nearby Chelsea withdrew from its identity as a sleepy costal town, despite
Boston to become its city, seeking more pressure from the larger city of Boston.
control over itself and the surrounding

Winthrop Beach The Five Sisters
Form: Wide Sandy beaches stretch for over a Form: Connected to the shore by a faint
mile up the coast. Small houses grow larger strand of muck and sand, these Sisters are
the further north you travel along; capping little more than piles of rock off the coast.
with a towering condo building right as the
sandy beach gives way to rock. Function: Part of a multi-million dollar
project to restore Winthrop’s beaches, the
Function: During the summer residents and sisters serve as a wave break, and help to
out-of-town visitors flock to these relatively gather sediment which repairs the nearby
small, but less trafficked beaches. Winthrop beach.
lacks the boardwalks, and retail shops
common in other coastal communities Yacht Clubs
although some food carts and cottage stores Form: Crammed against the ocean, two
do open in the parking lots. small parking lots cling to the shore as the
labyrinthian fingers of the docs stretch out
Deer Island to sea. Lights blink against the horizon
Form: Rocky beaches and wide grass lawns showing the last few ships as they navigate
stop suddenly at chain link fences guarding back to shore.
an industrial slab of concrete and steel. One
faint nature trail slinks around the island, Function: Winthrop boasts a sizable
unable to hide views of the towering water population, of hobbyist sailors. To support
treatment plan. this community there are Yacht clubs,
docks, and small ports around the city.
Function: Historically the sight of an Enterprising Kindred have realized the
internment camp for Native Americans value in retaining a small for a speedy
during King Phillip’s war. Currently home to getaway, or mobile base of operations.
Boston’s wastewater treatment plant, this
former island also includes a small public Fort Banks
park and a few cemeteries. Many indigenous Form: Hidden behind spindly trees and a
Gangrel retain a deep resentment about the waist-high chain link fence, this
island's current-day use. unimpressive hole in the ground goes
unnoticed. The rusted garage door would
Winthrop Water Tower have sunk into the muck long ago, if not for
Form: Visible from most of Winthrop’s the concrete footing poured below it.
beaches, this red, white, and blue pillar
towers into the sky. Function: First built during the
Revolutionary War. The cold war saw it
Function: Other than hosting the town’s serve as a communications hub and staging
water supply it serves no obvious function ground for anti-aircraft missiles. Since then
beyond being a landmark and easy-to-find the city of Winthrop has purchased the land
meeting point. and paved over most access points to the


Mid-century hoses mix with older brick buildings, rubbing shoulders too close to be a traditional
American suburb. As you get closer to the shoreline the neighborhood rises, with family homes
giving way to condos and the occasional blighted lot, left abandoned to vagrants as hedge funds
shuffle its ownership. Through the salty air you can almost smell ambition and unachieved

Colonization of what would become Revere First Italian immigrants in 1905, then
started with a smallpox epidemic sweeping Russian and Polish workers in 1915, and the
through the region in 1616; decimating the 1920s saw mainly Jewish immigrants. By
local population and paving the way for the 1940 a quarter of Revere’s population was
land to be annexed by Boston in 1634. After Jewish.
King Phillips's war in the 1670s the area,
then known as Rumney Marsh, was fully Spared many of the calamities of nearby
opened to European settlement. In 1852 Chelsea, and with more room for expansion
Rumney Marsh became its own town. 1775 than Winthrop, Revere remained somewhat
saw the marsh act as the sight of the first prosperous through the rest of the 1900s. It
naval battle in the American Revolution. continues to be a gateway for immigrants
into the United States into modern nights,
In 1871 Rumney Marsh formally changed its with roughly 27% percent of its residents
name to Revere to capitalize on the rising being foreign born. Many of its largest
popularity of Paul Revere and draw communities are Moroccan, Brazilian and
immigrants looking to chase the American Jewish. As of 20202 it became the fastest
Dream. The early 1900s saw multiple waves growing town in Massachusetts.
of immigration rapidly reshaping the city.


Revere Beach
Form: A near-endless expanse of blue water Wonderland Greyhound Park
collies with the black sky at the horizon. It Form: The sprawling abandoned race track
seems impossibly far from the lush yellow is crumbling inward. Long abandoned
sands. Lazy traffic putters behind the vendor stalls, sun-stained bleachers, and an
boardwalk lined with arcades, tourist shops overgrown track slowly rot under the thick
and ice cream parlors. veneer of graffiti and refuse built up by
vagrants, criminals, and urban explorers.
Function: Once a thriving entertainment
district and beachfront, Revere Beach went Function: Wonderland is both the last stop
slowly downhill during the 1950s, with on Boston’s MBTA train lines and also an
many of the amusement rides, attractions entertainment district by the beach and
and family-friendly restaurants giving way home to several ballrooms, hotels,
to strip clubs and dive bars. But even that restaurants, and other attractions. The
struggling trade in vice was killed off by a Greyhound Park was one of the longest-
Blizzard in 1978. Practically abandoned, the operating attractions in the area, opening in
city stepped in to revitalize the area. Over the 1930s and continually operating till
the next 20 years it re-sanded the beaches, 2009 when greyhound races and betting
constructed new high rise apartments, and were outlawed statewide. The ban was
renovated many of the abandoned pavilions. pushed by the Hecata, hoping to target
It re-opened in 1996. The Ministry has been Ministry operations and build goodwill with
heavily involved in Revere Beach after the the Gangrel. The Greyhound Park currently
collapse of clan Ravnos, and is more than stands empty, as the Ministry debates what
happy that the revitalization has matched to do with it.
their efforts at rebranding. The beach serves
as the Rack for Revere. Rumney Marsh
Form: Rumney Marsh is a wide flat field of
Necco Headquarters muck, wild grasses, streams, rivers, and
Form: Beige and unassuming this blocky pools. Bisected by the roaring
office building and factory looms over the Massachusetts turnpike and sandwiched on
neighborhood it squats in. There’s a faint all sides by suburbs and big box stores, it’s
sickly sweet scent in the air as you impossible to truly escape the city, but most
approach. are able to feel at least separate from it.

Function: One of the oldest confectioneries Function: This State Preserve is a popular
in America, Necco is one of Revere’s largest recreation site for Revere, and Bostonians
employers and home to a cult classic loved looking to escape the city. It features a
sweets, including Thin Mints, Sweet Hearts number of hiking trails and non-motorized
and Necco Wafers. Its headquarters and boating routes. Here Gangrel and Lupines
facility is open for tours, and some of nervously probe each other defensively,
Reveres Kindred appreciate the irony of trying to come to a new understanding in
hunting the workers and tourists visiting a the absence of the Sabbat’s brutal violence.
candy factory.

Kelly's Roast Beef

Form: This cheery green & white building
has two takeout windows and a small dining
room. Inside hungry patrons much on fries
and sandwiches around a central ball.

Function: The origin of a regional chain

with locations across Massachusetts. Open
late, and with high foot traffic, the Revere
location serves as a valuable piece of
territory for Ministers looking to feed or
find their next mark.

The Voke
Form: Sandstone bricks support a wavy W-
shaped white awning. The two wings of the
buildings stretch away from the entrance.

Function: While not a bastion for academic

excellence, the Voke is a point of pride
among Revere. This publicly funded
vocational school prepares the next
generation for practical trades. Automotive
maintenance, welding, plumbing, electrical
work, construction, hospitality and
broadcasting. Desperate Kindred unable to
afford professionals, or seeking those who
can’t know better, often employ these
students in their schemes.

Island Leather
Form: Gray side paneling rests behind a large
porch. Inside handmade clothing lovingly
rests on racks, hangers and displays.

Function: While the front sells boots,

jackets and other typical leather clothing
they have a backroom well stocked with
more exotic pieces. Known for quality and
discretion, the Frazier family is on their 3rd
generation of leather workers. Several
Boston Kindred have commissioned them
for protective gear or leather items for more
recreational activities.


The wide horizons of the Atlantic are obscured by crowding domiciles, leaving you to feel
penned in despite the vast expanse around you. Bodegas give welcome refuge from the long
gridiron streets. Regulars linger in the doorways chatting over small TVs, lotto ticket, half-
forgotten in their hands. Planes rumble overhead, a constant reminder of the neighborhoods'
subservience to the city across the channel.

The area known today as Eastie, or East when the MBTA established an undersea
Boston, started as an archipelago off the tunnel connecting the mainland to East
coast. The islands were settled as a source of Boston.
timber and grazing land. It served as a small By then Eastie had boomed into a
farming community, and waystation for prosperous working class community, with
ships heading out to the Atlantic until 1833. large populations of Immigrants. Following
the outbreak of WWI the community hosted
The area’s course was then changed by an internment camp for captured German
William Sumner and his East Boston POWs. By the start of the 1920s the need to
Company. Buying up the islands with the process these captured sailors, and the flood
intent to profit off Boston’s population of refugees from Europe prompted the
growth. The islands were connected through construction of “Boston’s Ellis Island” an
land reclamation, and a bridge was built to immigration station in the neighborhood.
connect the area to Chelsea. The lumber This reputation was cemented with the
industry was consolidated, a Sugar Refinery establishment of Boston Logan Airport. The
built, and plots of land drawn divided for airport proved to be contentious to Eastie
sale. Shortly after 10 wharfs were residents. It caused the shutdown of a
constructed, allowing for the establishment number of Piers and Ports. It also turned a
of Shipyards. East Boston was then annexed large swath of public lands into a private
by the city of Boston. airfield.

Following the annexation of East Boston, The 1960s saw East Boston briefly in the
the neighborhood set about attempting to national spotlight as the first home of JFK’s
solve its largest problem: transportation. immigrant great-grandfather, and the
Access to the mainland, and getting around starting point of his senate campaign. This
the new landmass caused untold problems national attention also sparked plans for an
for the cities industrialists. Leading to more expansion and renovation of the Boston
investors flocking to the island to fund mad- Airport. These plans were hotly opposed by
cap schemes promising to solve this issue. locals who litigated the expansion for nearly
Many of these failed, but helped establish a 30 years. The expansion was finally finished
brief golden age of steam-punk innovation. in 2006.
This era came to a close in the early 1900s

Piers Park Santarpio's
Form: This tiny park seems squeezed Form: Off-white paneling is broken by a
against the shore; concrete walls fall below rusty red sign with green lettering, proudly
your feet to the ocean below, and across the illuminated to be viable from the highway.
impossibly vast bay rises the skyline of The few commuters who stop in are greeted
Boston. Sharp black towers reflecting red by a cramped space. Locals clump around a
and yellows lights into the night. You can wooden bar stretching out of sight to the
turn away and pace the small brick paths back where the smell of toasted cheese and
running through a patch of grass trees, but crisping meat oozes out from.
the city still looms behind you.
Function: One of the few cultural
Function: The site of an ongoing battle institutions in East Boston known to the
between Eastie and the Boston Mainland. wider city, this Pizza place started as a
Much of East Boston’s green space and bakery catering to Italian Immigrants
recreational land was lost to Boston Logan working at the shipyards. It’s been
in the 1920s. The proposed trade was that operating for over 100 years.
many of Eastie’s disused wharfs and piers
would be turned into new parks. However a Boston Logan International Airport
lengthy legal battle prevented this, and Form: This sprawling complex is impossibly
seeded bitter feelings that continue to this large. A cavernous entryway splinters in a
day. “Phase one” of the park opened in the labyrinth of tunnels. Walls are plastered
90s with proposed plans for two more with exhibits on Boston’s history, and
waterfront parks currently stuck waiting on cameras scrutinize the movement of
city approval. travelers.

Suffolk Downs Function: The cause of much tension

Form: Long warehouses stretch away from a between Eastie and the rest of the City,
disused racetrack, now just a ring of packed Boston Logan is one of the busiest airports
dirt surrounding a grassy field. The space in the world, and a hub of trans-Atlantic
feels impossibly large, clear sightlines and travel. Plagued by problems in the late 80s,
open vistas leave you feeling you're always traffic to the airport was cited as one of the
visible to someone. reasons for Boston’s “Big Dig '' project,
which was completed in the mid-2000s,
Function: This storied horse racing track along with a renovation of the airport.
opened its doors in 1935 and served as a Boston Logan serves as one of the main
hub for horse betting, and a large outdoor gateways for European travel to and from
venue for concerts until 2019. Due to the United States.
competition from nearby Casinos the
racetrack currently stands empty, awaiting a
redevelopment plan.

This section introduces noteworthy Kindred operating in and around Boston. Storytellers are
encouraged to omit certain Kindred as they see fit to better compliment the characters your
players have created or the Chronicle you are running. Have Prince Hazel and the rest of her
court met final death, leaving a few sole survivors in a sterilized city? Does Andres rule his
Giovanni family with an iron fist, leaving no others to oppose him? Are the Anarchs ascendant,
having captured the home of the American Revolution and cast out all the elders who ruled over
them? The characters listed here are building blocks, and chess pieces. Use them to populate the
Jewel of New England however you see fit, and push them in whatever direction best enables
you and your players to tell your story of personal and political horror.

Legacy Characters adapted from previously published material will be marked with a symbol to
denote which book they were drawn from. The Giovanni Symbol for Giovanni Chronicles, the
Swansong symbol for Swansong, and the Elder symbol for Dark Colony. Information on Kindred
found in those books, but not given updated biographies can be found at the end of this section.

Each Kindred’s entry will include the following:

MORTAL DAYS: Summary of their mortal More information on these relationships

life and who they were before the embrace. can be found in the coteries section

KINDRED NIGHTS: The story of their WHISPERS: Rumors about this Kindred.
embrace, and activities into modern nights. They could be true or false. How widely
known each of these rumors are, and what
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: The current the Kindred feels about them is up to you.
plans, goals, and activities they engage in
night to night. Many serve as plot hooks, or MASK AND MIEN: Their physical
can help inform this Kindred’s actions. appearance, general demeanor, and a few
other tips on how to portray them.
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: Their “home” as
well as the areas of Boston they exercise
power. This can be geographic regions, Attributes (X/X) The included “stat
industries, or other spheres of influence. sheet” for each Kindred can found at the
end of their entry. The two numbers here
THRALLS AND TOOLS: Who and what indicate a standard dice pool that can be
they use to carry out their schemes. quickly used when calculating their “true”
stat would be a hindrance. The larger
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: Friends, number represents a pool for a specialized
allies, enemies amoung Boston’s undead. skills, and the smaller a pool for an
unspecialized skill.

Boston’s Banu-Haqim are a recent addition to the city. During the Dying Times a number of the
Judges were hired to aid in the sect warfare, making them a common sight in the bloodied
streets. However, few remained long after their jobs were completed.

The most recent crop of residents are largely refugees fleeing the Assamite Schism. While New
York and Miami are also popular destinations for the clan, Boston’s rebellious spirit, connection
to American heritage and ample opportunities to carve a domain of their own attract those
children of Haqim not entirely sold on the Camarilla, or overly eager to prove their worth.

Yasmine Lazaar - Reluctant Assassin veteran of the North African Campaigns to

Quote: “I’ll write you a beautiful eulogy.” train her to be a sniper. She could still fight,
MORTAL DAYS: but she’d be far from the danger itself.
Some of Yasmine’s earliest memories were When the Ifni War broke out in 1957, she
of Spanish rule. She remembers her father was ready. The rebels assigned her to play a
being taken from their home. She key, but secretive part in maintaining the
remembers her mother being unable to find siege of a Spanish outpost. Sitting on the
work. She remembers being given up to a outskirts of the city she’d pick off drivers as
Catholic Boarding school. they entered into the desert. Yasmine’s
efforts here caught the eye of a Banu-
By the time she had turned 16 it was Haqim.
apparent that the Spanish’s attempt at
“civilizing” her was not going to take. She KINDRED NIGHTS:
spat on the Spanish Cross, the Spanish Yasmine’s embrace was not an unpleasant
Language, and the Spaniards themselves. experience. She spent the first few years
She began associating with Moroccan after her death hidden away in an Assamite
nationals. While she grew to share their stronghold, learning the arts of Blood
dislike of the French, which jointly Sorcery, and being indoctrinated into the
administered the region, her hatred was culture of her clan. When she was
reserved for Spain. embraced, she thought she’d be joining an
army that would constantly fight the
Spanish and French Vampires of the
“Camarilla”. But, what ended up catching
her attention most in those early nights was
the Assamite’s arts and philosophy.

Gifted a reprieve from the battlefield, and

time to clear her head of Nationalist ideas,
Yasmine was finally able to re-examined her
relationship with Islam, and Allah. She still
believed the war was just, but slowly began
to regret the more painful actions it
required. Attempting to balance these
competing ideas, Yasmine resolved that she
would continue down her path as a sacred
warrior, only if she could find ways to kill
After WWII Yasmine, now a young woman, her targets without undo pain.
joined with some Nationalist Militias that
would go on to form the Moroccan Army of This pledge proved surprisingly easy for the
Liberation. There she hoped to learn basic gifted assassin to follow. In the following
tactics, combat training and the principles years she traversed the world, taking jobs
of Urban Warfare. However, her stance on wherever she could, removing wicked
joining the fight butted against gender roles Kindred and Kine at every opportunity. As
of the era, and the culture of Morocco. her skill grew, she grew interested in finding
Through persistence, she convinced an old work on her own, away from her Sire and

Clan’s dictates. Out of curiosity she decided Resistant Refugee: Unlike many others
to pursue a bounty the Sabbat had set on of her clan who are eager to prove their
Lord Pendragon, part of Boston’s Triad. place and worth to the Camarilla, Yasmine
has made no moves to get into the sect's
Unfamiliar with New England, or the good graces. She maintains many of her
Sabbat, she reached out to the local Bishop clan’s customs from their independence
who took a week to show her how the Sect days, and has repeatedly slighted the weak
operated. Yasmine was horrified. Seeing the remnants of Boston’s court. They'd like to
monsters for what they were, she fled to fix that, Yasmine would like them to stop
Boston, seeking to contact her clan. It was asking.
there she learned of the Assamite Schism.
Her first response was to rush to the aid of SI Profiling: Muslims immigrating into
her clan, but her recent experience with the the US shortly after 9/11 faced a lot of
Sabbat gave her pause. If those monsters scrutiny from Government Agencies. The
had sought her skills, could her sires be so years after were a little better, made all the
different? worse by her extra-legal profession.
Yasmine’s activities never crossed over into
As word of the Assamite civil war continued giving her file in SAD Databases, but she
to reach her, Yasmine grew sick. The wouldn’t mind having official records
warrior poets she had fought alongside relating to her past Masks expunged.
seemed far removed from these savage
brutes in the stories. Seeing no alternatives, DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
she decided to remain in Boston, and learn a Roxbury Star Bookshop (Haven 1):
little about her old enemies; the Camarilla. Yasmine currently lives in the basement
Boston’s court failed to impress. She saw below a Roxbury bookshop. She is set up a
them as weak, disorganized, and petty. The pleasant living quarter in the windowless
Anarchs were little better, and the Hecata room.
had no interest in her beyond her skills as
an assassin. But, with her Clan now divided, THRALLS AND TOOLS:
and many defecting to the Camarilla, she Henry Odenkirk: Yasmine’s mortal
had few places else to go. So Yasmine “agent” who supplied her with equipment
remained in Boston, taking occasional work and the occasional job during her
in exchange for protection. globetrotting year. She keeps a burner
phone with his number in case his services
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: are required.
Former Warrior, Current Poet:
Growing weary of violence, Yasmine is Mujtahid Kahn & Roxbury Mosque
looking into alternative ways to make ends (Herd 2): While often unable to join for the
meet and be of value to Kindred society. daily prayers, she still makes an occasional
Currently she’s pursuing poetry, composing appearance to debate and learn from this
long intricate verses. However, she fears the religious community.
scrutiny publication or performance of these
works could bring. Banu Haqim Elders (Malwa 3): The
Children of Haqim maintain strong bonds,
and Yasmine remains in contact with many

of her former teachers, partners and even a Those who know her speak of a sweet and
few students. curious woman who has strong principles
and a clear passion for fairness. However
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: most know her professional persona.
Franz Galvez (Contact 1) Franz and Someone who presents as completely
Yasmine have a tentative respect. They unassuming and forgettable till she bursts
remain in contact so long as Yasmine makes into a flurry of precise and well-timed
no overt moves against the Cam, and Franz actions.
doesn't ask her to join.
Yasmine speaks with no accent; however
Martha Randolph (Enemies 1) Their she’ll often stop mid-sentence and search
close proximity in Roxbury has led these for a word, sighing before picking one that
two to fight on more than one occasion. doesn't fully capture what she wants to say.

Lin Feng (Allies 1) Yasmine feels drawn Sire: Bashar al Muhammed

to this strange thin-blood who seems to Embraced: 1959 (1930)
Ambition: Find worth beyond being an assassin.
have so much he’s unable, or unwilling to Convictions: Even when death is necessary, pain is
say. not.
Touchstones: Mujtahid Kahn
George Brimmer: The old toreador and Humanity: 4
Generation: 12th
writer is an outlet for Yasmine to get her
Blood Potency: 1
work seen by someone else.
Attributes: (6 / 3) Rough EXP: 219
WHISPERS: Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Assamite: Yasmine is a die-hard Assamite, Charisma 1 Manipulation 2 Composure 4
Intelligence 4 Wits 3 Resolve 2
addicted to diablerie and hell bent on
purging the Banu Haqim traitors. The Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6
Repentant poet thing is just an act.
Skills: Brawl 1 Craft 2 (explosives), Firearms 5
(Sniper Rifles), Melee 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1,
Wassail: Her lifetime of violence has taken
Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2, Awareness 3, Academics 2,
a toll on her humanity, and she’s close to Medicine 3.
succumbing to the beast.

MASK AND MIEN: Disciplines:

Blood Sorcery 1
Foreign Passports (Mask 2): From her Celerity 3
travels she’s collected an ample supply of Obfuscate 2
passports from the US, Morocco, France, Auspex 1
Spain, the Philippines and Israel.

Yasmine has dark curly hair, usually pulled

back into a tight bun. She wears loose-fitting
clothing, both for modesty and to easily
conceal whatever she may be carrying.

Franz Galvez - Kindred Inquisitor bad as Kindred were, there were greater
Quote: “There is no pleasure in this. The monsters in the dark.
truth is all I take. “
Born into Spain during the waning days of Moved by the offer, Franz accepted the
the Inquisition Franz learned from an early embrace, joining the clan with the
age how to keep quiet, and guard secrets. understanding he would be hunting Demon
Still, his parents were swept up in the last Worshippers, ancient monsters, blood-
mass prosecution of Muslims during the drunk beasts, and power mad tyrants. His
Inquisitions. While spared the pains early years did not disappoint. Franz was
himself, Franz was brought to witness a part brought to North Africa where he unearthed
of their torture. It terrified him and broke nests of Baali, fended off Settiet incursions
them. They confessed, were given heavy and first encountered the Sabbat.
fines, and forced to convert.
These early years changed him. Franz was
Renouncing his childhood faith and no longer ferreting out heretics or finding
converting Franz threw himself into hidden infidels. He was hunting the
studying Catholic Law. His efforts monsters even monsters feared. Threats did
eventually resulted in being appointed as an little to move what they had for hearts and
inquisitor for the Crown. This led to a falling minds; pain was their only motivation.
out with his family that was never healed. Franz launched into it with abandon,
Still, he was safe, safe from the pain, and making good on decades of colorful
fear of torture. That fear was valuable, and descriptions.
useful. But pain, instead of stripping lies to
lay bare the truth, pain caused subjects to
build elaborate fantasies to make it stop.

This reasonable nature, and dedication to

truth, attracted the eyes of a more secret
part of the inquisition. Before long Franz
was hunting demons. His first encounter
with a Kindred was kicking in its door and
dragging the blood sucker into the light. As
it turned to dust in his hands Franz knew he
had finally found something worthy of
striking fear in. He spent the next ten years
tracking Vampires all across the Iberian
Peninsula. They were impressive, with
unmatched resilience, cunning and power. Then came the Assamite Schism. While no
But Franz, with his quiet menace and longer practicing Islam, Franz looked at the
calculated reasonability, always found them. dictates form the newly awakened
Methuselah and saw in them a return to his
Then one night, they flipped the script. mortal life, hunting people for their
Approaching the aging inquisitor an thoughts and hearts, not their monstrous
ambitious Assamite explained to him that as acts. Refusing to return to such a life, Franz

defected to the Camarilla, fleeing to Boston. The first floor is occupied by students giving
He now partners with the Hecata to smuggle a good cover for any louder activities.
other Banu Haqim into the states and set
them up in Camarilla cities. Cambridge Islamic Center (Herd 1):
Due to a few large donations, Franz is a
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: respected member of the Harvard Islamic
Scourge of Justice: Since the collapse of Center. While he doesn't actively practice, it
Boston’s court Franz has taken on a role serves as a useful tool for hiding or helping
loosely resembling that of a Scourge. Kindred traveling through Boston.
Policing Cambridge, and other Camarilla
territory, for Caitiff, Thin Bloods, and Boston Logan Airport (Influence 1):
Anarch troublemakers. Even the Hecata While not in his domain, Franz has a few
have been known to inquire for his help loyal ghouls and a number of connections in
removing problems kindred in his domains. the airport. They look the other way for
Franz relishes these exercises but longs for a certain shipments, but can’t do much
real challenge; Sabbat saboteurs, Baali beyond that.
hives, Settie Conspirators, Ravnos Cults.
Competitive Scholarship: Seeing the Law Students (Allies 2): Occasionally
absence of Tremere in Boston, Franz has ambitious law students are employed for
decided that it’s the perfect stage for Haqim free labor to draft citizenship forms, asylum
to audition for the role of the Camarilla's applications, or other documents that help
leading experts on magic. Franz has begun manufacture new masks.
collecting occult tomes, artifacts, and other
information on Blood Sorcery. He’s looking Detective Jonathan Hernandez
to establish a Banu Haqim “Chantry'' on the (Contact 1): Member of the Cambridge
east coast. police.

Refugee Coordinator: Franz’ occupation KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:

in modern nights is helping other Children Jimmy Hill (Retainer 2): Franz has
of Haqim escape Ur-Shulgi and find places taken an interest in Hill, seeing him as a
within the Camarilla. His network of other prime example of how their clan can expand
Banu Haqim helps move refugees from beyond their historical spheres of influence.
Boston to other friendly domains in
Chicago, Milwaukee, Phoenix or Dallas. Bartholomew Bradly (Enemy 2): His
However, the price of bribes for the docks penchant for appearing around trouble and
and airport are beginning to strain his secretive nature have made Franz hostile.
patience, and the refugees' finances.
Gonzo Carnivale: He’s an amateur as far
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: as Franz is concerned.
Cambridge Apartment (Haven 2):
Residing on the top floor of a modest three WHISPERS:
story apartment building, Franz keeps a few Aspiring Justiciar: Franz is positioning
units open for visiting members of his clan. himself to become a Banu Haqim’s
Justiciar. Operating is a struggling city,

seeding support across America, brushing Jimmy Hill - Man in Uniform

up on Blood Magic. It’s all there. Quote: “Do your duty, nothing less, nothing
Enhanced Interrogation: He relishes in MORTAL DAYS:
following through on his threats, keeping a Growing up in Charlestown, Jimmy’s
number of unfortunate Kindred to practice parents did their best to give him the usual
on. This allows him to indulge in Kindred childhood of urban kids in the 90s. They
Vitae, and keep his skills sharp. were a bit too overprotective, worried about
crime, helping him with homework
MASK AND MIEN: whenever they could. They scrimped and
Ismael Perez (Mask 3): Professor of saved and sacrificed for their kid. Not
Spanish History for Harvard. His classes enough to send him to a private school, but
and students are all on paper, but it gives every Eid al-Fitr was magical. His summers
him access to the campus and helps when were balanced between freedom at home,
interacting with the community. He can also and fun trips around the state and country.
use this position to give student IDs to
refugees. Jimmy was a carefree kid. Decent enough at
school, able to pass without trying too hard,
Franz is a middle-aged man with intense but not motivated to do much more. He
eyes, a hawkish nose and olive skin. Thick played baseball, watched TV, and snuck a
dark hair is just beginning to show a streak beer here and there. He loved the Red Socks
of gray. He speaks with a calculated and grew to appreciate Boston for the city’s
precision and carefully calibrated force. history. But, to his parents’ gentle
frustration he never found direction. Then
Sire: Ignacio Carpinteria Domínguez the towers fell.
Embraced: 1749 (1699)
Ambition: Uncover and destroy any cults in Boston
Convictions: Destroying monsters requires a
Touchstones: Arlette Castillo
Humanity: 4
Generation: 9th
Blood Potency: 2

Attributes: (10 / 3) Rough EXP: 316

Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2
Charisma 2 Manipulation 5 Composure 5
Intelligence 2 Wits 4 Resolve 3

Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 8

Skills: Melee 3, Larceny 3, Stealth 4, Survival 1,

Etiquette 2, Insight 5, Intimidation 5, Persuasion 3,
Subterfuge 3, Academics 1, Investigation 5, Occult 3,
9/11 radically changed his course in life. Still
Disciplines: a junior in high school, Jimmy, despite
Blood Sorcery 3
Celerity 4
living in the states his whole life, faced
Obfuscate 3 suspicion, bullying and persecution.
Dominate 2 Confused, and angry, but still a proud

American, Jimmy finally found a direction was given were routine errands most other
in his life; bring the bastards who did this to Fledglings grew quickly tired of.
With the support of Boston’s Banu-Haqim,
The day after he graduated high school, and later the Camarilla, Jimmy got a job as
Jimmy signed up with the army and shipped a detective in the BPD. Back in an office, the
out to Afghanistan. Despite his full grid of falsifying forms and disappearing
citizenship, Jimmy was still viewed with masquerade breaches has begun to wear on
suspicion in the army. Passed from unit to Jimmy, who’s hoping to once again find a
unit he struggled to build connections, and higher purpose.
reliable contacts who would vouch for him.
Even the COs who wanted him were soon PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
disappointed when they realized he was Task Force H: When not forging
“just another kid from Boston” without any documents for the Camarilla, Jimmy’s main
special insight. focus at work is an organized crime unit
targeting the Italian Mob. This is a not-so-
Not seeing any real action and unwilling to subtle shot across the bow of the Hecata.
put up with much more “military bullshit”, While Jimmy’s elders fear a direct
Jimmy returned home after his first tour of confrontation, they know if it blows up in
duty. Enrolled in Bunker Hill Community his face, a young neonate is no great loss. If
College and took a job as a night watchman it succeeds, all the better.
at the monument.
Correspondence College: Jimmy has re-
KINDRED NIGHTS: One night Jimmy enrolled in weekend night classes at Bunker
awoke with an unbearable thirst. Racing Hill Community College. Many other elders
into the night he found a pedestrian, and scoff at these efforts, and the low prestige of
gorged on him, stopping just short of killing his college. But Jimmy is determined to
him. Drenched in blood, and thoroughly prove them all wrong.
confused, he staggered into the darkness.
Time Is a Cruel Mistress: Never having
Days later, Jimmy’s sire introduced himself, been declared legally dead, Jimmy is still in
asking how he’d adjusted. His sire then touch with most everyone from his life. This
explained Kindred society, and that Jimmy is beginning to cause problems, as they’ve
had been chosen for a greater purpose than started to notice he isn’t ageing. After
guarding a crumbling monument or fighting almost 20 years, Jimmy figures he’s got 5 -
a pointless war. He was to be a guardian of 10 more before he needs to wrap it up and
their way of life. adopt a new mask. He can’t keep looking
like a 20 something when he should be 60
Finally feeling like he was a part of without a convincing excuse.
something, Jimmy threw himself into their
work with gusto. Running about doing
whatever errands were needed. The cloak DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
and dagger of kindred life appealed to his Charleston Apartment: Jimmy keeps a
sense of adventure, even though the tasks he blacked-out apartment.

Bunker Hill Community College: He’s He uses these obligations to play

taken to viewing BHCC as his personal responsibilities off one another.
domain. Few Kindred want to oppose him
currently, but if others begin to see the value Easily Influenced: Jimmy doesn't have
of this domain, he may not be able to keep an original thought in his head. Anyone who
it. gets him alone in a room can fill his head
with nonsense, and twist him to believe
THRALLS AND TOOLS: whatever they want.
Boston Police Department (Contacts
2, Allies 1): Being a young and quick rising MASK AND MIEN:
star attracted some attention. It lets him get Jimmy Hill (Mask 2): Jimmy is still able
a number of Kindred out of tough binds or to use his real name. His biography attracts
harass SI and Anarch interests. some odd looks, being a 40-year-old who
still looks 20, but it’s holding for now.
Army Comrades: Most are too far away to
be of immediate help, but Jimmy’s wide Jimmy wears a well-trimmed beard and
tour of duty in the middle east put him in keeps the sides of his head shaved, with hair
touch with a lot of soldiers who have been a little longer on top. He’s well-muscled but
honorably discharged or risen through the seems almost loath to use his strength.
ranks. Occasionally he can cash in a favor.
Generally meek and unassuming, Hill can
Mom & Dad: They are still alive, and still turn on to briefly grab the attention of
in Charleston. Jimmy helps out when he crowds and rooms but is often unsure of
can, but they understand he’s busy with what to do with this added attention.
class and police work. They’re incredibly
proud of their son, the war hero, and Sire: Mayson Emmanuel
detective. But Jimmy has considered telling Embraced: 2005 (Born 1985)
Ambition: Make my parents proud
them the truth, turning them into ghouls, or Convictions: Things work out eventually
even embracing them, but can’t muster the Touchstones: Mohammed & Aisha Hill
courage to do anything right now. Humanity: 7
Generation: 12th
Blood Potency: 1
Susan Buchannan (Enemy 1): He’s Attributes: (4 / 1) Rough EXP: 172
terrified of Susan and does all he can to stay Strength: 4 Dexterity: 2 Stamina: 3
out of her way. Charisma: 2 Manipulation: 1 Composure: 3
Intelligence: 2 Wits: 4 Resolve: 2

Franz Galvez (Malwa 3): Jimmy was Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 5
initially thankful for his interest, but fears
he can’t stand up to the pressure Franz is Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Firearms 3, Melee 2,
putting on him. Stealth 1, Survival 1, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 1,
Academics 2 (Law), Awareness 1, Investigation 3,
Medicine 2, Technology 1,
Slacker: Jimmy doesn't do much. His Disciplines:
“busy schedule” is largely a way to explain Celerity 3
why he can’t be found reliably in one place. Obfuscate 2

Boston’s long connection to rebellions and progressive movements has naturally attracted a
large Brujah population. Scores of the Rebels have been sired within the city, only to perish in
some foolhardy cause, or go out into the world to carry the fiery passion their patriots' and
forefathers carried across the nation.

The Brujah in Boston are almost exclusively Anarchs. The majority were members of the
Kindred of Liberty who hoped for a more equitable court following the fall of Quinten King.
They were disappointed with Hazel's rise to power, and her insular rule. The other notable
Brujah population is the smattering of Sabbat survivors, left behind by the Gehenna war and
trying to make sense of the new world they find themselves in. Both groups were hard hit by the
Second Inquisition’s Operation Swansong.

Martha Randolph - Reactionary Quickly becoming Pug Jackson’s prized

Revolutionary protégé, Martha has managed to wrest an
Quote: “Change is fun.” outside influence over the city from her base
MORTAL DAYS: of operations in Roxbury. This is due in
Born a Boston native, Martha lived a wild large part to her rapport with Boston’s
and reckless life, falling into a pattern of youth and an uncommon understanding of
delinquency and rebellion. She quickly the internet. Attracting followers from
developed a reputation for violent antics crowded bar rooms and mobilizing them
and daring heists, even going so far as to with a post, Randolph has become deft at
steal Boston Police Cruisers. But all that destabilizing her rivals' power bases and
came to an end when she was caught in a subtracting from their herds.
nightclub fire at Coconut Grove. Choking on
smoke, and body engulfed in flames, Martha PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
flung herself out a window, crashing onto Baron of Roxbury: Martha has no time
the streets below. for the Camarilla, she was an ardent Anarch
before the convention of Prague and is now
a violent anarch after it. Following the
disappearance of Pug Jackson, she took over
the Kindred of Liberty and command of the
Anarch domain of Roxbury. While social
media savvy, and supported by a wide
network of ex-Sabbat, and newly minted
Anarchs, maintaining a domain as large as
Roxbury is difficult especially for a young
Kindred. Feeling in over her head, she’s
constantly checking over her shoulder. Both
for Camarilla actions and for attacks from
within her own ranks.

Aggressive Negotiations: While most

KINDRED NIGHTS: experienced as a street fighter, provocateur,
She awoke in the back of an ambulance, and gang banger, Martha has recently
surprisingly cold, and terribly hungry. After changed tact. She’s hoping to join forces
she gorged on the driver, her sire introduced with the Hecata and push the Camarilla out
her to the world of Kindred politics, and of Boston entirely.
attempted to induct her into Pendragon’s
army. But, as Martha learned more about Crisis with Faith: Roxbury is home to a
the authoritarian ruler, and the old power number of historic churches and religious
plays, she quickly resolved not to become a sites that have attracted the interest of
tool in this game. Less than a year after her Kindred from the Banu Haqim, and
embrace Martha diablerie her former Losambra. This influx of Camarilla aligned
master and joined the Kindred of Liberty in Vampires makes Martha nervous, despite
rebellion against Boston’s rulers. their assurance of pure intentions. She’s
currently keeping a healthy eye on them, but

worries her reasoned suspicion could political marches, rallies or ballot initiatives
quickly spiral into faith based persecution. have become an important way to stop, or
delay rivals’ schemes.
Nostalgic Expansion: Martha wants to
push north, expanding her domain to George Williams (retainers 1): Owner
include Boston’s South end. This would of Denmark. Martha has ghouled the bar
allow her to re-open the Coconut Grove owner and keeps him as a retainer to handle
Nightclub where she holds she’ll be able to business during daylight hours.
re-capture feelings from her mortal life. Or
at least feel more in control of her undeath. KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
Pug Jackson (Mawla 3): With Jackson
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: aiding Anarch free states across the US,
Roxbury (Herd: 2 Influence: 2 Martha has little contact with him, but he
Resources: 3) Claiming everything does what he can to help from afar.
between the Redline and Blue Hills from
Mass Ave to Franklin Park as Anarch Deslin Coates (Enemy 1): As one of the
Territory, Martha has carved out a wide most high profile anarchs in Boston, Coates
domain, with several historic sites, is attempting to track her down.
including Boston’s Famed Latin School. But
she allows any non-Camarilla to remain in Effie Feng (Allies 1): Martha and Feng
the neighborhood. Provided they follow the have an uneasy understanding. They stay
masquerade, and don’t cause problems. out of each other’s way.

Denmark’s (Haven 3): Martha has taken WHISPERS:

ownership over the old Roxbury bar through Serial Diablerist Pug didn’t leave to fight
a proxy. This gives her a common meeting at the convention of Prague, Martha
place, and ample opportunity to feed. diableried him.
However, she’s looking for another domain
where she could escape if things ever get too Sell-Out: She’s hoping to join the Hecata's
hot. organization, and is willing to sell out her
gangs to enter into organized crime.
College Students (Herd 4): Through Paper Tiger: Martha doesn't have any real
dating apps, rallies, and the occasional stint sway with the Anarch, and the first person
as a Gig Worker, Martha has ingrained to challenge her for Barony will probably
herself into a number of campuses. win.

Roxbury Gangs (Allies 3): Martha has

maintained gang connections over the years, MASK AND MIEN:
and frequently employs them for muscle Student IDs (Mask 1): Over the years
when hitting some smaller Camarilla she’s been able to legitimately enroll in a
operations. number of community colleges, or take a
single class at larger universities, granting
Political Organizers (Allies 1): Deciding her impressive access to campus. Her most
that fighting a war requires multiple tools, frequent identity is Mallory Collins, a

political communications major at Susan Buchannan - Sandblaster

Northeastern University. Quote: “Bloody your knuckles before a
negotiation. Gives you credibility.”
Criminal Record (Infamy 1): Having MORTAL DAYS Susan's mortal life was
been arrested more than once, Martha has a demanding work. Her parents were both
criminal record under the name of Margot blue-collar factory workers, who scraped
Roxbury enough to send her to school. But, as soon
as she was old enough, Susan started
Community Organizer (Contacts 2): working. Cutting her hair to look more like a
When doing community organization, or man, she got hired to help in the warehouse
political activity she uses the name Ella of a concrete company. Her hours were
Garrison. long, and the work was physically
demanding, but it paid well.
With rippling muscles, a shaved head, sharp
features and near permanent scowl Martha
comes across as a woman to be feared.

When facing enemies she presents a stone

wall of righteous fury and icy contempt.
Among allies this softens into an almost
playful antagonism, with friendly insults.

Sire: Kirk Wallaby

Embraced: 1942 (born 1918)
Ambition: Drive the Camarilla out of Boston
Convictions: Defend your Home
Touchstones: Heather Musca
Humanity: 7
Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 1
Coming home coated in dust, and coughing
Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough EXP: 294 up grit, Susan saw her health deteriorate,
Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3 even as she helped claw her parents out of
Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Composure 5 debt. However, when she collapsed on the
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 4
warehouse floor, hacking blood, the boss-
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 8 men pounced. Susan never came back to the
Skills: Brawl 4, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Larceny 3,
Stealth 1 (Cities), Intimidation 3, Leadership 4,
Falling behind on rent, she began to look for
Streetwise 5 (Roxbury), Subterfuge 2, Persuasion 1,
Awareness 2, Investigation 1, Technology 3 (Social other ways to make ends meet. In seeking
Media) charity, she happened across a Union
organizer, who learned of the conditions at
Disciplines: her warehouse. The Organizer took Susan
Presence 3
Potence 2
under her wing and worked to Unionize the
Celerity 2 shop over the next few years.

The victory was short-lived, as union-

busting thugs began to target her for her PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
successful organizing activities. An Arranged Marriage: Susan is looking to
improvised bomb was hidden under her enter into an alliance with the Hecata,
sink and went off in the middle of the night. hoping to strengthen the Anarch territories
and force out the Camarilla. She’s run a
KINDRED NIGHTS: handful of important errands for Andres but
Susan came too in the ruins of her house. is looking to fully organize her support
Her first meal was pulled from her parent’s before floating the idea of a formal alliance.
mangle remains. Disgusted with herself, she
took to the streets and nearly greeted the Agitator: While she’s not been engaged in
sun. Saved from an untimely fate by the many attacks recently, she still longs for
Kindred of Liberty, they enlisted her in their combat. She hopes that with one high-
struggle against Biltmore, and the other profile victory, she can send the Camarilla
tyrannical rulers of Boston. packing for good. It’s an audacious goal, but
potentially reachable.
Susan initially contributed through her
organizing skills, offering speeches, and The Hand that Feeds: Suspiciously
pushing pamphlets. But, her self-loathing, Susan is supportive of most Urban Renewal
and seething anger saw her volunteer for projects the Camarilla are pushing. She’s
increasingly aggressive missions. Eventually smart enough to realize that the
she started viewing herself as little more construction will make her money, and the
than a foot soldier. new complicated infrastructure will be
vulnerable to sabotage.
By the 90s she had split from the KoL over
differences in philosophy, joining with the DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
Gemini League and their more violent Charleston (Influence 1): Susan focuses
methods. There Susan became a full Urban on rousing the rabble in East Cambridge.
terrorist, sabotaging Camarilla's The former industrial center is feeling the
infrastructure projects. sharp squeeze of gentrification.

Following the collapse of the Triad, Susan Bunker Hill (Haven 1): She maintains a
briefly attempted to rejoin the Camarilla townhouse in Bunker Hill.
and help reshape it for the better. But, she
found Hazel's weak court despisable, and THRALLS AND TOOLS:
the politicking of the Cam Kindred still Construction Unions (Influence 3):
insufferable. She quickly fell back into her When needed she can pull strings with some
old habits. construction companies to get access to
material, equipment, or information.
But with the Hecata controlling much of the
city's infrastructure, and the SI on the rise, Boston Gunsmiths (Contacts 2):
she’s had to lay down her arms. Having commissioned a few custom pieces,
Temporarily, she’s finding more progress Susan is a familiar face in the seedier gun
can be made through words than actions. shops around Boston.

Boston Sand and Gravel (Resources consequences, but those consequences

2): Susan maneuvered herself into being a should be fair.
partial owner of Boston Sand and Gravel.
She plays no part in its day-to-day Sire: Irvin Lankershim
operations but collects a check every other Embraced: 1923 (Born 1901)
Ambition: Unite Boston’s Kindred
month. Convictions: Together we are strong
Touchstones: Debora Shelton. Construction
Bernhard von Eschenbach: Susan is a Humanity: 6
Generation: 13
champion of Bernhard’s projects and he is
Blood Potency: 1
an admirer of her construction work.
Attributes: (5 / 3) Rough EXP: 214
Konrad Mueller (Retainer 1): While Strength 4 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
she claims to detest him, the former Sabbat Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Intelligence 2 Wits 2 Resolve 3
warrior is too useful to get rid of.
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 7
Berel Underwood (Enemies 1): With
his long history of exploitative labor Skills: Brawl 4, Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Craft
(Explosives) 2, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge
practices, Susan has a special hatred for
3, Finance 2, Investigation 1, Politics 2,
WHISPERS: Presence 3
Martyr: Susan has never forgiven herself Celerity 2
Potence 2
for what she did to her parents, and has
quietly been hoping for her destruction.

Caitiff: Susan has no clan and joined with

the Brujah to disguise her true nature.

Masochist: Her hardscrabble life

predisposes her to unpleasant experiences,
and she’ll relish any arduous or painful
sensation she can get.


Samantha Buchanan (Mask 1):
Updated name on the union rolls

Susan is a stout wall of a woman recognized

by her strong jaw and curly hair. She wears
drab, durable clothing able to take a

Susan is a hard-nosed, tough love kind of

woman. She believes that actions have

vision, the young soldier broke ranks and

Konrad Mueller - Sabbat Soldier ran. The next night, he was found by a
Quote: “Fuck you and Fuck off!” roving Sabbat pack.
MORTAL DAYS: Konrad was born and
raised in modern-day Germany to a poor KINDRED NIGHTS: Mouth full of dirt,
family. They eked out a meager living. and hungry beyond belief, Konrad clawed
However, as the third son, he knew there his way to the surface of the battlefield he
was little future for him after his parents had run from. Frenzied with hunger, he
died. Inheriting a small plot of barely usable gorged on stagnant blood. Once he had
farmland, he stared down the fate of a poor finished, the pack came back. With few
subsistence farmer and decided he’d have other choices, Konrad joined them.
no part in it. He sold the land to his
brothers, signed up to join the prince’s He was quick to take to the Sabbat lifestyle.
army, and became a soldier. Following a few easy years picking off soft
targets, the pack decided it was time to up
their game. There was a coterie of Toreadors
living on the edge of Boston. They arrived,
lit the house of fire, and watched as the
human loving vampires burned alive. One
broke the door, racing into the night.
Konrad took after him, catching the Kindred
just after she had extinguished the flames.
Tearing into her with his fangs, Konrad got
his first taste of Kindred blood.

Following this, he became more and more

daring in his attacks. Burrowing deep into
Camarilla's territory before revealing
himself in brazen displays of monstrosity.
Konrad’s first experience with the army was Konrad and his pack managed to survive for
not glorious combat, but the harsh years, becoming the terror of New England,
indignities of life at sea. His company of always one step ahead of the hunters and
soldiers were some of the first Hessians to the Sheriffs.
travel across the Atlantic and join the
British in their fight against the colonists. That changed when Pendragon arrived. The
Konrad’s cold welcome in New York did British Ancilla made finding and destroying
little to spark a love for his new employers. Konrad’s pack one of his highest priorities.
The arrogant English believed themselves He nearly succeeded. Having found where
superior to this “Hired Help” and were they were hiding. Pendragon arrived in
distrustful of their “barbaric ways.” person.

In his first Skirmish, Konrad nearly died. The heavy doors flew off their hinges,
Shot through the shoulder, he fell and was splintering. The pack scattered in fear, but
trampled by charging calvary. With smoke Konrad was reckless and raced forward. The
filling his lungs, and pain blotting out his “fight” lasted 30 seconds, but it distracted

Pendragon long enough for the others to who betrayed him. While not stupid,
flee. Furious, the Triad's warlord shattered Konrad will take any opportunity to hurt a
Konrad’s limbs, peeled off his scalp and member of any sect he comes into contact
ordered the building burned. with. He’d love a broader form of revenge,
but right now this seems like all he can get.
As the flames flicked his cheeks, Konrad
mustered the last of his will and dragged Bloody Lip: Konrad doesn't care for much
himself to an overturned water trough. By these days, he spends most of his time
some miracle, he survived the following picking fights with drunks, bums or law
week undiscovered. Slinking back to the enforcement. He usually wins, but always
Sabbat he told the Cardinal an embellished lets himself get messed up in the process.
account. He was rewarded for his brave
service with a new pack, and a position of Soldier of Fortune: “Free” from politics
honor on the front lines. and sect ideology, Konrad is looking to
make his fortune. What marketable skills he
Konrad was now a cautious commander. has are debatable, but for now he’ll settle for
His attacks were brutal, effective, and mugging, robbing, and other forms of
underhanded but never needlessly risky. criminal theft. He’d love to do a bank heist,
for that he’d need a crew, and a plan.
But, growing impatient, Sabbat leadership
ordered a daring assault on Boston itself. DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
This invasion during the early 90s went Dorchester Flop House (Haven 1):
horribly awry. The chaos they brought to the Konrad spends the day in a practically
streets caused mass casualties to both. But, condemned Dorchester basement. It’s
desperate to press the advantage and windowless with a sturdy lock that he has
capture the city, Konrad called for the only key to.
reinforcements from the Cardinals in New
Hampshire and New York. THRALLS AND TOOLS:
Dorchester Gangs (Allies 2): Konrad
His pleas were unheeded and when the ash has ties to a number of Gangs and criminal
settled, the two sects had exhausted elements in the city that reach out to him
themselves, with the Giovanni family when they need a bruiser. Usually he’s paid
emerging as the strongest faction. in cash, but there are some favors he can
Embittered by this betrayal, Konrad refused cash in.
to join the Sabbat in their Gehenna war,
electing to remain in Boston. In modern Mrs. Atmore: His landlady, the two get
nights he’s vaguely aligned with the Anarchs into frequent shouting matches. However,
in opposition to the Camarilla, but few truly it’s never physically violent. Konrad respects
trust him. her refusal to be intimidated.


Revenge: There’s little love between Hazel Iverson (Enemy 5): Konrad
Konrad and any sect, but he has ample loathes this upstart fledgling beach.
hatred for the Camarilla, which he feels
constantly humiliated him, and the Sabbat

Jessica Wagner (Enemy 2): Despite her Intelligence 2 Wits 2 Resolve 3

overtures towards him, Konrad’s simmering
Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 6
resentment keeps him from accepting her
aid. Skills: Brawl 3, Firearms 4, Melee 2, Stealth 4,
Survival 4, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuge
Tepexk (Allies 1): While Tepexk loathes 2, Awareness 1, Investigation 1
him as a colonizer, Konrad regards the
Gangrel as one of the few who understands Potence 4
him. Fortitude 5
Presence 1
WHISPERS: Obfuscate 1

Saboteur: Konrad’s violence isn’t random.

He’s calculating how to destabilize the city
and sow the seeds of chaos.

The Loneliest Number: After a few years

of sulking, Konrad is looking to sire some
Childer and build a broader power base.

Wassail: He’s all but given up on the world

of Kindred. Now he’s just looking for the
perfect moment to succumb to the beast.


Maskless: Konrad has no mask, his
criminal record lists him as a John Doe.

Franz has pale skin, and small hateful eyes.

While of average size he seems to take up
more space than he’s supposed to.

He’s adopted a deeper sound to his

normally nasally voice, allowing him to flip
between intimidating and annoying.

Sire: Sabbat Pack

Embraced: 1777 (Born 1752)
Ambition: Bring the Camarilla to the ground
Convictions: Everyone will screw you eventually
Touchstones: Mrs. Atmore
Humanity: 1
Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 2

Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough EXP:322

Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 5
Charisma 2 Manipulation 4 Composure 3

crown, he embraced his role as a totally free

Sammy Totem - Pirate Admiral man. Until the Society of Leopold caught
Quote: “Ye best put a little faith in them. Finding the ghost ship during the day,
superstitions.” they tore the decks apart, burning anyone,
MORTAL DAYS: Sammy says little of his they could find. Sammy survived by rolling
days as a mortal. What few facts can be his “bunk” into the sea. He spent the next
gathered lead most to assume he grew up few years clawing his way from island to
poor, Welsh, and had no love for the British. island before arriving back on the mainland.
As he grew older, and their empire
expanded, he found himself impressed into Back in civilization, Sammy took no time to
service on a British ship, and dispatched to seek out a crew of his own. Embracing the
the Americas. new class of shovelheads he took to the seas
again, siding with a batch of rebellious Bruja
The trip went south quickly, as they were throwing off the shackles of their English
attacked by a ship flying unknown colors, Masters. After the American Revolution,
and quickly capsized. The last Sammy Sammy found his temporary partner's high-
remembers is his lungs filling with water. minded rhetoric tiring, and returned to his
marauding ways.

Drifting up and down the coast, Sammy and

his crew played a part in most naval
conflicts on American shores till the arrival
of Lord Biltmore. Focusing his attention on
New England, Sammy did his best to
contain the Elder’s influence, and denied
him access to the sea.

When the Sabbat called the Gehenna War,

Sammy answered. Assembling a small
armada that locked down parts of the
African Coast, and disrupted shipping in the
middle east. Until a few years ago.
KINDRED NIGHTS: Spitting sand,
Sammy looked onto the night sky with new Sammy washed up on the coast of
eyes. Only to find himself impressed into Winthrop, deep in torpor. A handful of
the crew of the “Cain’s Cutter” a Vampire Thin-Bloods found his body and kept it
battleship that sailed the American Coasts, secure, draining him of vitae. Then the old
drifting during the day, only to spring alive sea captain escaped, devoured his captors,
during the night to wreak havoc on mortal and now roams the coast again.
For nearly a century Sammy slept in barrels, Part of the Crew: Sammy’s main
gorged on salt-tinged blood, and traveled preoccupation is getting a ship and crew.
with the pack. Seeing the Sabbat as a Wanting to build something that will last,
parallel to his own experience resisting the he’s avoiding the shovelhead tactics of the

past, choosing to instead recruit from the idea, becoming a Hound, Executioner or
already embraced Vampires, or if he must Brujah Primogen would future his aims.
embrace ensure that it’s willing, and skilled,
mortals. WHISPERS:
Connoisseur: Sammy is a fan of pulp
Prosthetics: Tired of having to make do adventure novels and burlesque. He’s
with a peg-leg, Sammy is hoping modern sometimes seen sneaking into the city to
replacements can improve his mobility and steal from old book shops, or catch a show.
quality of life.
You’re a Fine Girl: Fearing he’s grown
Horrors of the Deep: Whatever too detached from humanity, Sammy is
destroyed the Sabbat Armada spooked him. looking to settle down, meet a nice girl, and
Sammy is now looking to expand his reform into a somewhat respectable
knowledge of the Occult. He’s digging up member of either the Anarchs, or the
information on sea monsters, folk tales, old Hecata.
sailor stories and superstitions. For
someone who spent centuries at sea, he’s Buried Treasure: His return to Boston
finally seen something that scared him. isn’t a coincidence. He’s hidden a buried
treasure somewhere in Winthrop, but can’t
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: remember where exactly he hid it.
Winthrop (Fame 1): As a real-life pirate
he’s gained some notoriety MASK AND MIEN:
Samuel Toke (Mask 1): This hastily
Triple Monkey (Haven 3): This seedy assumed cover name has almost no
tiki bar on the coast serves as Sammy’s main documentation.
haven nowadays.
His red splotchy face is weathered and
THRALLS AND TOOLS: almost leathery. Thick gnarled hands clutch
Sabbat Ghouls (Retainers 3, Enemies like claws at his side, handing from broad
1): Sammy knows a few ghouls that were shoulders attached to a barrel chest.
loyal to the Sabbat during the dying times.
Some have happily re-entered his service, a While he avoids “pirate words'' he does
few others are loath to see his return. speak with a faint accent inspired by their
pop culture depiction. He has a jovial,
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: inviting air, but some mortals get the
Abbess Twain: He’s respectful of the uncanny feeling he’s like a cat playing with
Aquatic Gangrel and aids her whenever he his food.
Sire: Sabbat Admiral
Yesenia Mora: The two bond over their Embraced: 1620s (Born 1590s)
Ambition: Make the seas safe again.
love of “plunder” as he puts it. Convictions: Freedom, and security, are hard won.
Touchstones: Sherry Glass (Bartender)
Deslin Coates: Sammy and Deslin have a Humanity: 3
friendly game of “cat and mouse” that’s Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 2
winding down. While Sammy isn’t sold on

Attributes: (10 / 4) Rough EXP: 385

Strength 5 Dexterity 2 Stamina 5
Charisma 4 Manipulation 4 Composure 4
Intelligence 2 Wits 4 Resolve 3

Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 7

Skills: Athletics (Swimming) 3, Brawl 3, Drive

(Sailing) 1, Firearms 4, Melee 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2,
Intimidation 3, Leadership 2, Awareness 2, Occult 1,
Science (Oceans) 1

Potence 3
Celerity 3
Presence 1
Protean 3
Dominate 1

The longest residing clan in Massachusetts, the Gangrel have little in the way of formal
organization or structure. Most Gangrel tend to avoid the city, choosing to settle in Western
Massachusetts or the fringes of the Boston Metro Area.

Those Gangrel who find themselves in Boston itself have historically been ambitious, desperate
or both. But following recent urban renewal campaigns more Gangrel are voluntarily relocating
to Boston for its excellent park system. The chaos and instability brought by recent sect warfare,
SI assaults and clan realignments also means many influential Kindred are looking to hire some
extra muscle with serious survival skills.

Axel “Ax Mike” McMichaels - Feral KINDRED NIGHTS: Initially the

Mechanic embrace didn’t change Axel’s lifestyle too
Quote: “Hear that howl? That’s freedom.” much. Already working long hours and late
MORTAL DAYS: While his parents owned nights at mechanics, and garages, he now
and operated a farm to support themselves, simply had less to spend his wages on,
in their hearts they were both gearheads, letting him save up to work on more project
constantly tinkering with the tractors, cars and bikes. He also began taking on pro-
trucks, and other machinery to make life bono jobs for influential kindred in the area,
just a little bit easier. Axel inherited this first by sourcing and repairing vehicles, then
interest in machinery and learned to drive as a driver for these powerful members of
by the time he was 12. Once he was able to the Kindred community.
start driving legally, he would head into
town and work at a local mechanics. Despite When the Triad collapsed in the early
ample experience, he still wanted to learn 2000s, Axel found himself in a lurch.
how to do things the “right way” and Unwilling to align with the rising Hecata,
enrolled in trade school. With a new degree, but clearly seeing the faults of the aging
and solid credentials he moved to Boston, Camarilla, he struck out on his own, fleeing
hoping to make a life in the big city. the chaos to Revere, hoping to gain a little
distance, and lay low. Without guidance or
He discovered city life wasn’t for him. support from the larger sects of Vampires,
Despite the shrieking beauty of the city’s Axel made a risky move; directly contacting
trains, buses, and unending stream of the Garou of the area. They reached a
traffic, Axel found the labyrinthine streets tentative understanding.
disorienting and the skill of its drivers
abhorrent. Growing increasingly frustrated,
he began taking more frequent, and longer
trips back home, and upstate into the
mountains, where he could work on a
number of project cars in peace.

It was on one of these trips that Axel’s fate

changed. Testing out a newly modified bike,
Axel tore past, then crashed into, the Wolf
Pack; a group of Camarilla Archons. The
wreck totaled the Kindred’s bikes and left
Axle bleeding and broken on the
mountainside. He remained there for two
days, until the Wolf Pack, curious about
where the modified bike came from, The Werewolf tribes were occupied hunting
returned, and interrogated him. Impressed down the remaining Sabbat in upper New
with his skills, Axel was brought to Boston, England. So long as Axel remained in
presented before the Prince, and was Revere, keep clear of Kinfolk, and dissuade
granted permission to be embraced. travelers from going north he was fine.
However, the encroaching Ministry
threatens this delicate balance.

windows have been replaced with

PLOTS AND SCHEMES: bulletproof black acrylic.
Fixer Upper: Ax Mike is looking for a
permanent haven far outside the city where THRALLS AND TOOLS:
he can retreat to work on cars, gaze at the Mamma McMichaels: His mother
stars and hunt in peace. He’s long been fed currently resides in a nursing home on the
up with the city and Kindred politics. edge of Revere.
However, he’s neither wealthy nor powerful
enough to make such a rural estate work. As Mechanics (Herd 1, Allies 2): While the
such he’s looking for partners in the venture workers of the Ax Yard are unaware of their
or places he can get for cheap. boss's nature, they are loyal to him, and
willing to tolerate the occasional
Chop Shop: His main source of income is eccentricity.
running a chop shop in Revere. It cleans,
scraps or refurbishes old and damaged Revere Kinfolk (Contacts 1, Allies 1):
vehicles that are beyond repair, or too He’s a known face among the Lupine
incriminating to keep. It’s a valuable aligned mortals in Revere. Not well-liked,
service, one the Hecata are eager to lock into but at least tolerated. In desperate
an exclusive contract. Ax Mike isn’t eager to situations, he can call in favor against
expand, but he is looking for an appearance, common foes.
ideally one who can help remove more
magical problems. KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
Candace Hall: Axel is creeped out by this
Jaws of Death: The negotiations with woman and concerned about her schemes.
Lupines are reaching a breaking point.
Despite his numerous concessions, and Andreas Giovanni: Terrifying. Axel
dwindling territory, aggressive moves by the breaks out into a cold sweat wherever he
Ministry, and the Werewolves' inbuilt stops by to commission some sick
hostility have pushed tensions to a breaking instrument.
point. Axel is walking on eggshells, worried
that his death will be the opening salvo in a Amos Breckenridge: Axel has come to
renewed war. regard Amos as something of a surrogate
Ax Yard: The Ax Yard is his junkyard / WHISPERS:
garage / chop shop. It has a handful of Blood Traitor: Ax Mike has allied with the
mortal operators and mechanics, but Mike Lupines to save his own skin. It’s the only
keeps it open and running after hours. The way he’s survived so long.
high fences discourage most Kine from
interfering but are easily vaulted with Settiet Convert: Despite his grumblings
potence. about the damage, they cause to his fragile
peace accords, Ax Mike has joined with the
RV (Haven 1): Mike’s personal haven is an Snakes, finding their mantra of freedom
RV parked at the Ax Yard. The once tinted through corruption to be liberating.

MASK AND MIEN: Amos Breckenridge - Free Trapper

Axel McMichaels II: Ax Mike’s mask is as Quote: “World’s too big to stay in one
his own son. It holds up well enough, but he place.”
doesn't have to do much to maintain it. MORTAL DAYS:
In mortal life, Amos was a devout
Axel looks simple. His slightly pudgy oval Methodist. He grew up in Boston before
face, beer belly and stubble invite leaving for the American West where he
comparison to stereotypical trailer trash. became a fur trapper. He worked as a free
trapper on the frontier collecting beaver
He speaks with the difference and politeness plews for years.
of a working-class man used to serving
those who consider themselves superior to Changing fashion trends and over
him. He almost seems afraid of anyone he harvesting of Bevers lead to the fur trade’s
meets. collapse. Amos found himself destitute.
With few other options he took a couple jobs
Sire: Diligence
Embraced:1964 (Born 1945)
leading settlers out West.
Ambition: Establish a secure place to retire
Convictions: Anything can be fixed with enough Eventually, he ended up aiding the US Army
work on military incursions into Indigenous
Touchstones: Mama McMichaels,
Lands. More skilled as a scout than a
Humanity: 7
Generation: 13th warrior, Amos rarely saw front-line combat,
Blood Potency: 1 but used his skills for espionage and
nighttime raids. Until he was caught by an
Attributes: (5 / 2) Rough EXP: 216 Indigenous tribes’ guardian angel; a
Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Stamina: 4
Charisma: 2 Manipulation: 1 Composure: 3
vengeful Vampire, who turned Amos,
Intelligence: 3 Wits: 4 Resolve: 3 forcing him to walk the Earth forever
doomed to be a monster.
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 6
Skills: Brawl 1, Craft 4 (mechanics), Drive 4, Survival
1, Stealth 1, Intimidation 1, Streetwise 3, Finance 1, Feeling forsaken by God and unwilling to
Technology 3 (Cars), Animal Ken 2. risk harming his fellow soldiers and settlers,
Amos fled into the wilds. Years of subsisting
Disciplines: off animal blood, sleeping in caves, and
Fortitude 2
Protean 3
being deprived of any interaction left him
Potence 1 near-feral, granting Amos an uncanny
proficiency with protean and animalism.

Amos was discovered by the Vampire

societies of the Southwest on the brink of
Wassail. They took him in and put his skills
at surviving the sun-scorched wilds to use as
a currier. Amos took to the new role with
relish. He spent decades crossing the
country, surviving scrapes many others
would have found impossible.

On this quasi-exile learned everything he impressive number of boons from an array

could about the customs, traditions, and of Kindred across the country. He doesn't
politics of vampire courts across America. want to abandon this small fortune of favors
Slowly he repaired his humanity, and tamed and is looking for someone who could
his beast. arrange a complicated series of trades and
exchanges to move his debts closer to New
Still, his Southwestern elders could never England.
bring themselves to respect this feral
Wildman. This has led Amos to strike out on Room of My Own: Despite having been in
his own, seeking to rise to or surpass the Boston for several years now, Amos has
influence of his longtime benefactors. spent that entire time living out of his car,
Settling in Boston, Amos quickly emerged as or sleeping in the earth. While this suits his
a well-respected member of Boston’s personal tastes just fine, it’s no way for a
community and looks to translate his respected member of the community to live.
newfound reputation into political power. He has enough capital in gold and antiques
to buy a small place outright, but hasn’t
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: found something to his liking.
One of my Peers: While most other elders
have secured themselves court positions, Absolution: Amos is seeking redemption
sired numerous children, and developed for the sins of his mortal life, and a new
cushy lives, Amos’ nomadic nature purpose in his Kindred one. While he’s not
prevented him from starting many of those begun Golconda research, he is exploring
long-term plans. He’s currently looking to Settie teachings, Noddism and other
make up for lost time and thinks the chaos Kindred faiths.
in Boston is the perfect place to do so. While
a long-time member of the Camarilla he’s DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
gone independent recently, claiming to be Car (Haven 1): Amos currently lacks a
above Sect Warfare permanent haven, choosing instead to sleep
in the Earth, or the trunk of his car, guarded
by Theresa. This vehicle can be found
parked anywhere across Boston but is
usually near the fens.

Emerald Necklace (Influence 2): While

some Kindred have pushed for spaces like
the Common, Esplanade, Harvard
Arboretum and Kennedy Greenway to
become Elysium, Amos considers them to
be his Domain. Enforcing this claim is hard,
given the scattered nature of the territory.


Truckers (Allies 2): On his travels Amos
Take the Money and Run: Due to his life crossed paths with many transportation
on the road Amos has accumulated an workers and other iterate professions. These

connections give him a steady supply of Infernalism and faces a blood hunt if he ever
blood, and connection to the outside world. returns. It’s only due to a Boon owed to him
by a Justiciar that he stayed off the Red List.
Historical Interpreters (Herd 2):
Seeking to better understand the modern Insurrectionist: He’s had nothing but bad
view on his mortal life, Amos has begun to experiences with elders and court politics.
spend time discussing the battles, policies, He’s not looking to help the Camarilla
and legacy of westward expansion with stabilize the city but is looking to exploit the
those who reenact it. confusion and establish his own Praxis or
Theresa (Retainer 3): Large bobcat that
acts as Amos familiar. Cult Affiliations: Instead of looking for
redemption, he’s already found it. Amos is
Ft. Pat Mahoney (Ally 1): This parish deeply ingrained into a Infernalist cult
priest listens to his confessions every other based in Boston.
Wednesday. Amos hasn’t told the man
about his undead nature but is frequently MASK AND MIEN:
tempted to unburden himself. Driver’s License (Mask 2): Surprisingly,
Amos has kept his car registered, and his
Fern Harper: Park ranger and DIY driver’s license up to date under the name
vlogger living in Chelsea. Amos has found Amos Breckenridge IV.
her videos helpful in understanding mortal
society. While he’s never met her in person, Amos is a short, hunched man with a scruffy
he makes sure to watch all of her uploads at beard, long hair and bushy eyebrows. He
an internet cafe. tends to wear wool, leather and linen
clothing, most notably a fur lined woolen
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: cloak. He also has a gunshot wound from a
Vivian Abbott: As a longtime client of “magic bullet” on his forehead that has
Amos’, they have a healthy friendship. never fully healed.

Hazel Iverson: Amos has no intention of Amos tends to be quiet and reserved until
slighting the new Prince, but also refuses to engaged. He is fond of idioms and colorful
court her influence. stories, speaking either in pithy remarks or
long verbose passages.
Patrick Carr: Another of Amos’ longtime
acquaintances in Boston, the two enjoy Sire: Camillo
playing cards together. Embraced: 1865 (Born: 1830)
Ambition: Build a community I can settle down with
Convictions: Respect is Everything
Elizabeth Whitt: As one of the few other Touchstones: Ft. David Clement, Fern Harper
Kindred who’s been in the Fools’ Gambit, Humanity: 6
Amos feels an obligation to protect her. Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 2

WHISPERS: Attributes: (7 / 4) Rough EXP: 364

Exile: Amos committed some great crime Strength 3 Dexterity 2 Stamina 4
in the Southwest, such as mass Diablerie, or Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Composure 4

Intelligence 2 Wits 4 Resolve 4

Abbess Twain - Sea-Wolf
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 8
Quote: “Better to kill a wild thing than tie it
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Craft 1 (Tanning), Drive down.”
4, Firearms 2 (Muzzleloaders), Stealth 2, Survival 5 MORTAL DAYS: Born to a town guard in
(navigation), Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 3, Insight 3, early colonial Boston, Abbess grew up in a
Leadership 1, Persuasion 3, Performance 3
rapidly expanding city. Although never
(storytelling) Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2, Awareness 4,
Investigation 3, Medicine 1, Politics 2, Occult 2 experiencing them firsthand, she quickly
grew accustomed to the extremes of human
Disciplines: brutality. She saw militias push back native
Fortitude 3 populations and beat back the natural
Protean 4
Obfuscate 2
world. The “civilized” world of Boston was
Animalism 4 little better. Watching from a distance at
fancy parties she witnessed the
psychological tortures of refined New
England society. Debutants, wannabe
aristocrats, and other elites humiliated,
slighted, and degraded each other to puff up
their own egos.

Growing into adolescents she quickly began

gravitating toward Boston’s sailors. She
found their tales of the honest labor, wild
locations, and the empty tedium of ships
more and more appealing. Eventually, she
began stowing away on their ships for short
trips to Salem, Providence, or other nearby
locales. It was on these trips she fell into a
whirlwind romance.

When her father found out he brought the The Kine of modern nights has been a
man up on Piracy charges. He was hanged. refreshing change of pace. But she still finds
Distraught, Abbess threw herself into the most Kindred to be two-faced and petty
sea. monsters.

KINDRED NIGHTS: She was saved from Rule the Waves: Abbess has long
a watery grave by a Sabbat pack which considered her domain over ships in the
fished her battered corpse from the surf. harbor to be uncontested because it largely
She was fed Vitae and shoved back towards was. However, with more and more Kindred
Boston. Fearful, Abbess fled, swimming up growing interested in Boston, its lucrative
the coast sleeping in caves, or under shipping lanes are eyed as a prize ripe for
shipwrecked hulls. the taking. Abbess is searching for options
and alliances that would let her continue to
Carving her own path, Abbess grew feed and stalk these waterways uninhibited.
accustomed to her new Kindred un-life, She’s willing to back almost any claim that
mastering the arts of Protean and lets her do that.
navigating the ever-shifting territories of the
sect war by being too aloof to matter. DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
Boston Harbor (Influence 2): Abbess
When the dying times of the late 90s came, considers all ships in Boston Harbor to be
Abbess changed tact; abandoning the shores her domain, a claim that’s been largely
entirely, and preying exclusively on sailors uncontested due to its obscurity, and her
as they pulled into or out of port. Scaling the difficulty enforcing it.
massive steel hulls of yachts and cargo
haulers. This risky lifestyle paid off, Underwater Ruins (Haven 4): Due to
allowing her to survive the 2nd Inquisition's her extensive time in the area, Abbess
great purges. knows several submarine caves, wrecks, and
abandoned structures under the Boston
In modern nights she’s faced with tighter waves.
security on the ships and boats she once
considered her exclusive hunting ground, Yacht (Haven 1): The closest thing to a
Abbess more frequently finds herself traditional haven Abbess has is the Salty
returning to dry land, where she struggles Selkie; a small luxury yacht stolen from the,
with modern life, and human interactions. now deceased owner. It holds a few
Viewed as a curiosity among the camarilla windowless cabins and is currently
and Hecata holdouts, Abbess feels the most registered to her one ghoul: Captain Buford
affinity with the struggling Anarchs of New Sternson.
England, who see her as a rare elder they
may actually trust. THRALLS AND TOOLS:
Atlantic Sea Life (Retainers 2): Abbess
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: had ghouled a number of marine animals,
Deep Breath: Spending so long away from including Octopus, Sharks, and geese.
humans has begun to take its toll on her
humanity, and Abbess hopes that returning Captain Buford Sternson (Retainer 1):
to society can stop her downward spiral. After breaking onto a small yacht and killing

its owner, Abbess ghouled the Capitan, reasoning that no one would remember a
granting her a loyal retainer and a place to working-class girl from 300 years ago.
sleep closer to shore.
Abbess’ skin is impossibly pale, almost
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: translucent. The thin spider web of veins
Stephano Giovanni (Enemies 1): can easily be seen under harsh light. Her
Abbess once made the mistake of attacking long dark hair is tangled and matted
a Giovanni ship. Since then, she and framing big eyes and high cheekbones. She
Stephano have been dedicated to make each always smells vaguely of salt.
other miserable.
She’s unsettling to many Kindred in the city.
Tepexk: Abbess sees him as a twisted Forgetting to breathe, blink, and speaking
reflection of herself, believing he wants to just a bit slower and softer than is
further succumb to his beast, while she’s comfortable.
desperately fighting to escape it.
Sire: Sabbat Pack
Sammy Totem: Abbess finds him more Embraced:1835 (Born 1810)
Ambition: Reconnect with humanity
annoying than anything. Convictions: Never be at someone else's mercy
Touchstones: Captain Buford Sternson
WHISPERS: Humanity: 2
Bigger Fish: There’s a reason Abbess left Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 3
the ocean she’s not letting onto. Something,
or someone, forced her out and is now Attributes: (7 / 2) Rough EXP: 397
making its home in Massachusetts Bay. Strength 4 Dexterity 4 Stamina 5
Charisma 2 Manipulation 1 Composure 3
Guppie: Abbess isn’t as old, or powerful as Intelligence 1 Wits 4 Resolve 4

she lets on. No one had heard of her for Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 7
hundreds of years until suddenly washes
ashore and demands to speak with the Skills: Athletics 5, Bawl 4, Larceny 3, Stealth 4,
Primogen Council. Survival 4, Animal Ken 4, Awareness 4, Investigation
2, Medicine 1, Science (Marine Biology) 1,

Salty Dog: Strangely, she’s never Disciplines:

mentioned the call of the beckoning. Is it Protean 5
because she’s spent several hundred years Animalism 3
underwater? Word is that both Tremere and Fortitude 3
Obfuscate 2
Hecata want to get a sample of her blood to
test some theories.


Maskless: One of Abbess’ greatest
weaknesses is her lack of a mask. Ordinarily
that suits her just fine, given her rusty social
skills, and preferred lodging. However, it
may lead her to trouble with any authorities.
If pressed she’ll use her actual name,

what he must do to survive. Night after

Tepexk - Deer Island Stalker night he gorged on the blood of his own.
Quote: “This land was here far before you Day after day he hid hiding among the
and I, as it will be here far after you.” diseased bodies of the freshly buried.
MORTAL DAYS: Tepexk barely
remembers a time before the white man He watched as the city grew, and his home
colonized America. As a young boy, he disappeared. He did what he could to push
recalls hunting deer, foraging for back against the foreigners who had
cranberries, and spending the winters destroyed his home, but found his attempts
hearing stories in the longhouse. blunted against colonial opposition. So
Tepexk remained on Deer Island.
One such night Tepexk heard a tale of a
great bat that lurked in the forest, devouring
all those with evil in their hearts. He spent
that night awake, swearing he could hear
the wings of it circling around the village.

As he grew older great changes swept

through the land of the Masschusset.
Strangers from across the sea came with
odd ways and contrary ideals. They tore the
land, unleashed a plague, and spread across
the coast.

Tepexk grew old as he watched this blight

expand, hoping to hear the wings once
more. When tensions blistered into war, he, PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
now an old man, sought help the only way Land Reclamation: He’s accepted the
he could. Striking deep into the wilderness, notion that it’s impossible to drive out these
he found a massive cave. Plunging inside he invaders now. His time was generations ago
found, not a beast, but a monster of a man. and is lost to history. However, some of
Tepexk pleaded with the Elder to save his those who were responsible for the
people, offering his own life in exchange. slaughter of his people still exist as undead.
He seeks to correct that.
KINDRED NIGHTS: Tepexk’s first nights
as a Kindred were especially brutal. He Atonement: While revenge is sweet,
feasted on the blood of the English, Tepexk knows that he’ll eventually have to
unbothered by their knives and guns. make pace with his people for what he did to
Despite his abilities, his people could not be them during their internment on Deer
saved. Island. He’s looking for a spiritual guide to
help him process this guilt.
Eventually, he was found, rounded up with
the rest of his village, and forced onto a Ancestor: Tepexk hasn’t seen his sire since
remote island in the harbor. With no more his embrace. While some Vampires may
battles to fight, Tepexk realized with horror consider him fortunate, Tepexk finds

himself longing for the companionship of

someone who remembers what life was MASK AND MIEN:
before Colonization. Winthrop “Wild Man” (Fame 1):
Existing mainly as Cryptid to the Kine of
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: Boston, Tepexk has yet to establish a mask.
Deer Island (Haven 2): He’s set up a Tepexk has a deeply lined face, worn down
small haven in one of the outbuildings from years of worry and bitter
around the Deer Island Wastewater disappointment. His body is covered in
treatment plant. Once his business in small nicks and scars.
Boston is done, his last act will be burning
this building to the ground. When in the city he seems to almost ball-up
and shrink inside of himself until provoked,
THRALLS AND TOOLS: when he’ll expand out into a righteous rage.
Crows (Retainers 1): Tepexk has several He knows and speaks perfect English, albeit
birds ghouled that he uses to patrol with the local Boston Accent.
Sire: The Shawmut Monster
Embraced: 1670s (born 1610s)
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: Ambition: Drive all the colonizing Kindred out of
Jessica Wagner: The former Sabbat Boston.
Bishop has approached Tepexk in the past. Convictions: The world needs balance
He believes she could help him drive the Touchstones: James Butcher
Humanity: 4
others out but would then need to be dealt
Generation: 8th
with. Blood Potency: 4

Effie Feng: Feng and Tepexk were once Attributes: (8 / 3) Rough EXP 365
cautious allies in driving out the British, Strength 3 Dexterity 4 Stamina 5
Charisma 1 Manipulation 2 Composure 3
however their relationship has grown Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 7
Skills: Athletics 4, Craft 3, Stealth 3, Survival 5,
Folkloric Bane: Tepexk is unable to
Animal Ken 4, Insight 3, Subterfuge 2, Awareness 2,
voluntarily cross running water. It’s why he Investigation 1, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Science 3
was stuck on the island for so long. (Ecology),

Mounting Thirst: His old prey is no Disciplines:

Animalism 3
longer slaking as much hunger as it used to. Protean 5
Unschooled about generation, blood Fortitude 3
potency, and methuselah’s thirst he has no Auspex 2
idea why this. Obfuscate 1

Imposter: There’s no way Tepexk is a

Gangrel. He was a botched embrace by one
of the early Ventrue settlers resulting in a
strangely powerful Caitiff.

Beauvais had Deslin informally organize the

Deslin Coates - Sheriff of Boston Irish Community to back another pawn of
Quote: “Order is a fickle thing. I focus on Beauvais for city office. Pleased with his
security. Much simpler.” work, and eyeing his physical prowess,
MORTAL DAYS: Beauvais offered Deslin the embrace in
Deslin Coates was born to factory workers in 1862.
the streets of Belfast. Bitter labor disputes
over the introduction of industrial KINDRED NIGHTS:
machinery for making Linen allowed his Deslin served his sire faithfully for years,
father to get a job when he signed on to Scab thankful to have the gift of eternal life.
in one of the factories. The Unions were However, this ended when a group of
crushed, the job became permanent. British Vampires arrived and began to take
over Boston. One minor co-conspirator,
Deslin was a rambunctious child who Nathan Appleton, captured Deslin and held
enjoyed playing Cricket in the Moors and him in a ship moored off the coast for over a
pastures outside the cities. This didn’t last year. Deslin was tortured for information
long before the famine began. Crops were about Boston’s shipping industry, the state
failing. At first Deslin noticed it in farms of the Kindred Court, and anything else he
outside Belfast. But, soon it crept into the knew. For over a year all he had to subsist
poor districts, then the working class. To on was his captor’s blood.
supply his family with food his father began
stealing from the factory. But, he was
caught, beaten and imprisoned.

Feeling they had no other options, his

mother sold what little they had left and
bought passage to America. The voyage was
perilous. Deslin remembered being
crammed into tiny cabins while Atlantic
waves broke over the bow.

Arriving in Boston, his mother and he

looked for work. Deslin found a job
unloading cargo at the docks. The labor was
hard, but it made him strong. He unloaded
ships for almost 10 years. During that time, Thoroughly Blood Bonded to Appleton,
he made inroads with the local Irish Deslin was released back into the night to
Community, and began to think of Boston serve as his bodyguard, starting shortly after
as his home. This strong connection the turn of the century. Feeling a frantic
attracted the attention of Pierre Beauvais, a loyalty to the Textile Tycoon, Deslin carried
Welsh Vampire fleeing the Camarilla in out every word to the letter. In return,
England, and looking to carve a domain in Appleton taught him the more nuanced
the Colony. ways of Kindred politics.

However, Appleton’s double dealings were earnestly look at how best to expand their
not careful enough, and he was caught in a territory.
scandal disastrous enough that Prince
Quinten King called a Blood Hunt. Deslin Whipping Votes: Boston’s Gangrel are
and his master attempt to flee, but were scattered, and most have a lukewarm
caught and cornered by Appleton’s own relation to the Camarilla at best. His
childer. With a wet “plop” his head hit the position as Primogen is at risk if he can’t
floor, and Deslin’s bond was broken. prove he’s more than a rubber stamp for
Hazel. He’s looking for an underrepresented
Clarity rushed into Deslin’s mind. This man group of Kindred he can speak for at
had forced his betrayal, robbed years from Elysium in exchange for their support.
him, and caused him to stand by as the city
he had grown to love withered. Hate filled Strategy Sessions: Hazel, Deslin and
his heart, and in one defiant blow, he several other Kindred have been discussing
crushed the skull of his former captor. where to try and gain more territory. While
Impressed, Appleton’s Childer, Hazel most others are recommending Alston, or
Iverson, choose to spare Deslin’s unlife. the relatively unsettled East Boston, Deslin
is pushing for the more prestigious Fenway
The next years of his unlife saw Deslin Neighborhood.
working with Hazel to support the Kindred
of Liberty in their quest to overthrow the DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
British Kindred of Boston, and their Puppet Charleston Warehouse (Haven 3): The
Prince. These efforts culminated with Hazel fortified concrete building serves as his
claiming Praxis in the 2010s. To bolster her living quarters, armory, and when
support, she appointed Deslin her sheriff, necessary, prison.
and supported his claim for Primogen.
Cambridge Office (Haven 1): An
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: otherwise abandoned office once used by
The 9 to 5: Sheriff Deslin looks into any the Longshoremen’s Union. The public face
strange occurrences or security threats that of the Camarilla Sheriff
happen within Cambridge. This includes
nightly patrols to ensure feeding areas are Fenway Park (Influence 1): Deslin is a
respected, the Traditions enforced, and massive baseball fan. He has box seats for
enemies of the Sect remain outside their the Red Sox and is only too happy to bring
territory. VIP visitors to catch a game.

Staffing Challenges: Deslin is THRALLS AND TOOLS:

shorthanded. Cambridge is a smaller Cambridge Police Department
domain than all of Boston, but he hardly has (Retainers 2): Some of the more crooked
enough time to patrol it, keep Hazel safe, cops are on Deslin’s payroll, but recent
investigate problems, act as Primogen, and police reforms are making it more difficult
pursue his own endeavors. He’s hoping to for him to use them.
add a couple of Hounds, and maybe a
Scourge to lighten the load, allowing him to Boston Longshoremen’s Union
(Retainers 1): These hardscrabble men

are physically imposing and willing to do without the notoriety of being Boston’s
semi-honest day's work for an extra buck. Sheriff.

Irish Community (Contacts 1): He’s MASK AND MIEN:

maintained some community ties in Cody Derringer (Mask 1)
Boston’s Irish Population. Chances are he
knows a guy who knows a guy whose Deslin is a boulder of a man with a thick
cousins’ nosey step-aunt knows the guy black beard and short cropped hair. Tattoos
you’re looking for. cover his rippling arms, and he towers over
most other Kindred.
Hazel Iverson: Deslin has unwavering He prefers not to say much, sticking to only
loyalty to his Prince keeping no secrets. what is essential. For this reason, and his
intense loyalty, he’s developed a reputation
The Snopes: Deslin can’t deny they get as one who’s more than able to keep secrets.
results, but resents the ideas of them
sticking their nose into his domain. Sire: Pierre Beauvais
Embraced: 1862 (1835)
Ambition: Provide peace and security to Boston
Kindred of Liberty: They’re too stubborn Convictions: Never betray my Prince
for their own good. If they joined up, life Touchstones: Connor McGuire (Red Sox Outfielder)
would be better for everyone. Unfortunately, Humanity: 4
they chose to do things the hard way. Generation: 9th
Blood Potency: 3

Berel Underwood: Deslin doesn't fully Attributes: (8 / 6) Rough EXP: 319

trust him. Gut feeling says he’ll eventually Strength 4 Dexterity 3 Stamina 5
betray Hazel for his own gain. Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 3

WHISPERS: Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 7

Performance Review: Deslin never had
to do any serious work as Sheriff Galeb Skills: Athletics 3 (Baseball), Brawl 4, Firearms 2,
Bazory handled that for him. But now, after Larceny 3, Melee 1 (Baseball Bats), Stealth 1, Survival
1, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2,
the Slaughter, and with other Kindred
Awareness 3, Investigation 3, Occult 1, Politics 2
interested in the post, he’s having to re-
prove himself very quickly.
Doppelganger: Amos doesn't exist, or at Fortitude 4
Protean 3
least the one in Boston isn’t him. It’s an Dominate 2
elaborate identity Deslin is using to operate Obfuscate 1
Celerity 2

Boston is the Hecata Stronghold in America. Despite attempts by the Camarilla, Anarchs and
Second Inquisition to purge the city of their influence the Necromancers remain dug in. They
control most of the city’s medical infrastructure, and have their fingers in business, government,
the criminal underworld, even entertainment.

However, the Hecata are not as unified as they appear to outsiders. While Andres Giovanni sits
at the head of the family, still very much in charge, his lieutenants are losing faith in ability to
make decisions. He seems transfixed on the idea of piercing the veil and unleashing countless
Wraiths upon the city. This apocalyptic and secret goal has the few who know it concerned.
Boston also had an influx of New Blood transfused into the city following the Family Reunion.
These younger Hecata are looking to oust Giovanni and his loyalists. In this family there’s no
shortage of ambitious sons and daughters looking to bury their elders.

Vivian Abbott - Gin Dealer family business. She expanded her network
Quote: “Darling if you can’t handle it, let of fixers, pimps, and dealers from the North
me do this myself.” End into the rest of the city. After the repeal
MORTAL DAYS: of prohibition, many of her contacts went
Born in the city’s North End to Italian legit, opening micro-breweries, distilleries,
Immigrants, Vivian used her substantial or liquor stores. But some moved to
social graces to catch the eye of a prominent pedaling harder drugs.
Boston Brewer, and member of the
Giovanni crime family. After their marriage, This extensive street network serve as a
Vivian proved to be a deft hand at managing basis for the Hecata takeover of Boston.
the business, leaving her husband as just the When the Sabbat attacked during the 1990s,
face. However, this arrangement suddenly Vivian used her small army of second and
ended when her husband fell ill, and the US third-generation criminals to keep their
passed prohibition. Looking to make ends Kindred masters away from the rampaging
meet, Vivian became a bootlegger. packs.

The Giovanni family was happy to learn she

could step up to fill her dead husband’s
shoes. It started with just providing their
speakeasies with gin, then she began to
provide the Kindred with fresh blood.
Curious about these strange parties and
requests, Vivian investigated them,
uncovering the truth, and becoming a

Sensing an opportunity to climb the ladder

further, Vivian learned everything she could
about the undead, becoming one of the
Giovanni’s most capable mortal agents. She
became essential to their operation, Following the violence, Vivian came into her
knowing it inside and out. own, using skill at bending wills and supply
chains to significant effect. She cut off the
Once she felt ready, she made her move. Camarilla from their pillars of power, and
Walking into Andres office, Vivian calmly suppliers of blood helping to defang the
laid out several weaknesses in the organization without driving them out.
organization, how she could exploit them to Several of her loyal Italian Mobsters went
ruin family and the contingencies she had legit to join the city Government, and a
taken in case of her death. Then, she offered number more retained control of the streets.
to solve these problems, in exchange for the
embrace. Impressed by her ambition, and Following their soft takeover, Vivian felt
lack of fear, Andreas agreed. secure enough to pick up a new hobby.
She’d grown tired of fulfilling Andres’
KINDRED NIGHTS: She has since spent whims and left that to younger kindred.
her unlife expanding her involvement in the While still nominally in charge of street

operations, she spends most of her time nights Vivian can be found at her small
dubbing in humors and the creation of batch distillery in Chinatown. This former
blood wines. Her disinterest in necromancy speakeasy has expanded to take over a five
is disappointing to some, but many Hecata story building situated next to Tufts Medical
appreciate her attention to an understudied Center. The first-floor bar is frequented by
art. stressed doctors and emotional patients
who sampled the rotating selection of craft
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: beers and small batches of local wines made
Fine Vintage: Her knowledge of Blood on the 2nd and 3rd floor. However, Vivian’s
Wine started as a polite interest to amuse 4th floor laboratory uses blood and other
the few valuable Tremere allies left in humors freshly drawn from the hospital
Boston, it quickly grew to curiosity, hobby, nearby to craft her concoctions.
and now a passion. Vivian spends long
hours dabbling with Blood Wine and other North End Apartment (Haven 3):
humors, experimenting with different Vivian maintains a small apartment in the
effects and the results she can achieve. North End to keep in touch with her Hecata
Given her wide network of distributors, contacts.
she’s begun exploring options for
widespread distribution, potentially giving Suffolk University (Influence 2):
her more control over the city’s Ventrue, Following her pivot to legitimate business,
Tremere, and Thin Bloods, always in need of Vivian went to great lengths to gain control
specific kinds of blood. of Suffolk University. Fortunately, organized
crime often employs lawyers, many of whom
New Generation: She’s quietly cultivating had connections back to Suffolk.
a new generation of Hecata to oust Andreas
Giovanni and take control of Boston for THRALLS AND TOOLS:
herself. Unwilling to risk a direct North End Mobsters (Allies 4): Her
confrontation she hopes to either move him crime connections, now in their 3rd
elsewhere, or quietly remove his agents to generation, are still loyal to her and willing
replace them with those loyal to her. But to move, steal or deal with most requests
when she makes her big play, it’ll cost her she sends their way.
the most valuable asset she has; being
underestimated. Suffolk University Students (Herd 2,
Contacts 3, Retainers 1): While unaware
Lost Love: Her husband died young, of her undead nature, Vivian tries to keep an
before the reality of marriage could set in. In eye on students in her domain. Exceptional
Vivian’s mind they’re still the perfect couple students or professors stand as prime
and she secretly pines after that lost love. targets to be ghouled or embraced.
Vivian has a far-off fancy of launching an
expedition into the shadowlands to bring Valentino Abbot: The great-grandnephew
her husband back. of her late Husband, Valentino is a student
at Suffolk who knows her as a friendly
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: professor willing to pull strings for him.
The Rum November & Bootlegger
Brewery (Haven 3, Resources 3): Most

KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: Evelynn Abbate (Mask 3): Vivian’s

Andres Giovanni: For Vivian Andres is a current mask. The Brewery and donations
complex relationship. Although she admires to Suffolk are in this name, and she uses it
his achievements and ability, he's also a in most of her official interactions with
perverse arrogant old man who's beginning legitimate business. Also used to teach a
to outlive his usefulness. Vivian sees him as history of prohibition class on Suffolk’s
a vanguard of the old insular ways that have campus.
earned the Hecata nothing but suspicion.
Vivian remains a striking woman in unlife.
Hazel Iverson: Vivian wishes she could Her dark hair and elaborate make-up are
work with Hazel. However, the Prince has still reminiscent of the 1920s. She generally
been stubbornly refusing their overtures for speaks with authority and confidence but
more cooperation. She admires the new knows when to soften into a siren song.
Prince and will enjoy working with her or
crushing her if she succumbs to defeat. Sire: Antonio Giovanni
Embraced: 1933 (born 1899)
Ambition: Control the Boston Giovanni
Mirabella Higgins: Her hand-picked Convictions: Always be prepared
protégé. Vivian has great things planned for Touchstones: Valentino Abbot
her but is frustrated that Higgins seems to Humanity: 6
be resisting her attempts to get close. Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 2

WHISPERS: Attributes: (9 / 4) Rough EXP: 355

The Woman Who Would be Prince: Strength 2 Dexterity 4 Stamina 3
Vivian has no love for the family, feeling Charisma 4 Manipulation 4 Composure 5
ostracized and used by them. She’s looking Intelligence 5 Wits 4 Resolve 3

to defect from the clan to join one of the Secondary Attributes: Health 3 Willpower 8
larger sects. But she wants to do so in style,
becoming the undisputed Prince of Boston. Skills: Craft 4, Firearms 1, Brawl 1, Stealth 2, Drive 1,
Etiquette 2, Insight 3, Leadership 2, Performance 1,
Persuasion 4, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 2, Awareness
Grave Dirt: Vivian rose through the ranks
3, Finance 5, Investigation 4, Politics 2, Occult 2
of the Giovanni quickly. She only did so
because she had information on Andreas Disciplines:
that turned him into a puppet Patriarch. Auspex 2
Fortitude 2
Oblivion 2
Bleed Them Dry: Her experiments in Dominate 1
Blood Wine require the death of many Kine,
and the imprisonment of several Kindred.


Bloody Mother Superior (Fame 1): Her
Mob contacts know her by this code name,
which they understand as a hereditary title
passed from one female don to another.

Gonzo Carnivale - Mincemeat PI Giovanni accepted these events. But their

Quote: “I prefer dead witnesses. They don’t ghosts stopped being free, so assumed he’d
lie to me.” scared off the culprit.
MORTAL DAYS: When Gonzo was barely
older than a boy, he gave the eulogy at his It was a dark time in Gonzo’s unlife. The
father’s funeral. He’d do anything to get his rest of his family had assumed him dead.
father back. Failing that he’d make sure his Shortly after his brother lost the Bakery,
Dad received justice. His younger brother which was demolished to build a freeway.
took over the family bakery, allowing Gonzo He enlisted with the army and died die in a
to pursue a career as a crime fighter. German trench.

Gonzo’s career was cut short before it could

even start. In 1919 Boston’s police went on
strike attempting to form a union. The city
tried to rush the graduation of recruits to
replace the strikers. But, Gonzo resisted,
insisting on graduating “the right way” by
finishing his training and standing with the
striking workers. He was expelled from the
academy by the end of the month.

Taking it in stride, Gonzo went into “private

practice” working as a PI taking cases police
deemed too unimportant, hard, or weird to
be worth their time. This rapidly led him
into contact with Boston’s Occult, and the Wishing for death, Gonzo began breaking
Giovanni. The family, after being discovered into morgues, hoping to be incinerated. But
by the PI, hired him to track a “bleeding the more time he spent among the dead, the
heart” who was freeing their specters. Their more curious he became about where they
supernatural investigations turned up went, and who they left behind. His old
nothing, so the family hoped an old- habits surfaced. Gonzo started looking into
fashioned dick could do the trick. abandoned cold cases, weird events, and the
forgotten dregs of society. This “pro bono”
Gonzo tracked the culprit to a Curiosity work led him to cross paths with more of
Shop in Southie. It reeked of death. Holding Kindred society. Word made its way around;
his breath Gonzo confronted the Witch there’s a Dead Detective who can’t resist a
Doctor inside. The Samedi offered Gonzo a good mystery.
chance to see his father again, if he was let
go. Gonzo accepted the deal, on the Gonzo leaned into the role of a Noir
condition they “make it look like he tried.” Detective; chain smoking, sipping blood
from flasks, wearing a trench coat and
KINDRED NIGHTS: With a black eye, fedora. Whatever let him interrogate ghosts
and freshly rotting face, Gonzo returned to and learn more about the great beyond.
the Giovanni. He claimed to have been
jumped, and then embraced. Unhappy, the

When the Giovanni called their family down the sires of Caitiff, Thin-Bloods and
meeting, Gonzo went, arguing for the abandoned Fledglings. Family’s important,
Samedi to join and serve as a check on the and in death you take what you can get.
unscrupulous family, and to gain their
secrets. Successful helping them earn DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
membership. Returning to Boston, Andreas Thinking Mug (Haven 3): Gonzo’s haven
appointed him as one of the Hecata’s is the floor above a coffee shop. It overlooks
primary investigators. the Kennedy Greenway where his family
Bakery once stood.
Cry of the Hunted: Most of Gonzo’s work North End Police (Influence 3):
for the Hecata consists of tracking down Despite over a century of reforms, much of
Fetters, objects or people tying Ghosts to the what Gonzo learned in the academy still
mortal plane. This information is then applies to modern policing. His continuing
guarded jealousy to keep it from nefarious investigations have also kept him up to date
hands, even within his own clan. Gonzo on modern forensics.
prefers to build relationships with his
spectral thralls, and will spare some spirits THRALLS AND TOOLS:
from servitude. But he understands that it Boston Police (Influence 3): His,
helps to have a bit of leverage for shockingly detailed, tips are usually heeded.
Astor O’Shaughnessy (Ally 3): One of
A Dangerous Profession: Over the years the Mortuary Assistants at Massachusetts
Gonzo’s curiosity has made quite a few General Hospital. Astor is intrigued by the
enemies. Almost every power player in the mysterious Detective who frequents her
city is aware of him as a potential, and office.
painful, thorn in their side. But he’s always
proven too useful to get rid of, until now. KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
With his free agency ended, and his lot Andres Giovanni: Gonzo isn't stupid,
thrown in with the Hecata, Gonzo figures Andres calls the shots, Gonzo makes 'em
now is a good time to flush his true friends, happen. Still he can't shake the feeling the
and enemies into the open. Don thinks less of him.

Gaslight: Forging documents, staging Vivian Abbott: Vivian is a sharp lady.

cover ups, burning evidence. There’s plenty While Gonzo feels no special loyalty to her,
of tricks to derail a police investigation, but he is more fond of Vivian than many of her
sometimes psychological manipulation is rivals.
still the best. Gonzo is skilled in all these,
but after recently getting his looks back he’s Deslin Coates: The Boston Sheriff is good,
still reveling in the face to face but Gonzo thinks he's better. To hear him
manipulations of gaslighting. tell it, Deslin lacks the investigative skills
needed for his job, and is more of a glorified
Strangers in the Night: Despite his hard bodyguard. Deslin dislikes this slander.
boiled exterior, he’s still something of an
idealist. One of his side hustles is tracking

The Professor: Dismissed as a crank by place. He speaks in a rumbly baritone,

most Kindred, Gonzo is not in the business punctuated with gallows humor and
of dismissing crazy ideas unless he has aggressive gestures from his cigarette
evidence to the contrary. Plus, he's funny. holding hand.

Effie Feng: Gonzo has spent more time Sire: Pappa Frog
sticking his nose into Chinatown than Embraced: 1929 (Born 1800)
Ambition: Protect the spirits of Boston from
anyone else. He thinks the Malkavian has enslavement
developed a soft spot for him, otherwise Convictions: Secrets will always get out
she'd have destroyed him by now. Touchstones: Astor O’Shaughnessy
Humanity: 6
Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 1
Double Indemnity: Despite his loyalty to
the Hecata, Gonzo misses being the Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough EXP: 248
underdog, playing powerful employers off Strength 1 Dexterity 1 Stamina 3
each other. This old habit is hard to kick, Charisma 4 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Intelligence 3 Wits 4 Resolve 32
and he still collects rewards from all factions
in the city. Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 7

Journey into Fear: Gonzo is still longing Skills: Investigation 5 (Cold Cases), Occult 3, Insight
3, Awareness 3, Academics 2, Etiquette 2, Persuasion
to reconnect with his long dead father and is
2, Subterfuge 2, Larceny 3, Stealth 1, Craft 1
willing to join an expedition into the (Cocktails), Brawl 1, Technology 1
Shadowlands to discover his ultimate faith.
But Gonzo dreads what he may find. Disciplines:
Obfuscate 3
Fortitude 2
Murder, My Sweet: Lonely for much of Oblivion 2
his life, Gonzo is looking to settle down, and Auspex 1
wants to do so with Astor. However, he’s
afraid of passing their painful kills onto her,
and wants another clan to embrace his
Femme Fetale.


Robert Bogart (Mask 3): This Licensed
PI can also craft temporary false IDs.

Gonzo is a nondescript Italian man, usually

wearing a bulky coat and hat. When feeding
Gonzo’s face withers to resemble a skull
with two white hot coals burning in the

He fancies himself a scrappy underdog.

Overworked, underappreciated, not above
playing dirty, but with his heart in the right

Faustino “Fozzie” De Rossi - Die AIDs crisis began to tinge his routine with a
Laughing darker edge, before breaking fully into
Quote: “Yes. and…? No, I am serious.” gallous and macabre humor. While unable
MORTAL DAYS: Growing up in Beacon to break into the mainstream, his gift for
Hill, Fozzie lived a life of privilege. He was confronting darkness and death made him
always a funny kid but had what his Catholic popular in the Goth Scene, and at Mobster
parents considered “odd tendencies.” As he Bars.
grew, he showed little interest in girls, but
they wrote it off as being a good chaste This led him to the Giovanni, who were
Christian. planning a joint venture with the Toreadors;
a comedy club to act as a meeting ground
That illusion continued until he went to between the two. The two clans agreed that
college, studying communication at he was a fitting choice for the embrace.
Emerson. There Fozzie was exposed to
Boston’s burgeoning Queer community. KINDRED NIGHTS: Fozzie’s induction
Which he took to like a fish to water. Finally into the family couldn’t come too soon. He
freed from the stifling atmosphere of the was on the edge. But, plucked from
Beacon Hill Home, he blossomed. obscurity and given a purpose his good
humor returned. With a little
encouragement, and ample time to practice
Fozzie proved himself quite capable as an
actor, comedian and even business

The Comedy Club prospered under Fozzie’s

watch. Then the Sabbat came. Fozzie and
his comedians were targeted for harassment
by the sect. For weeks on end they were
hounded, and battered in the streets by the
sect. The rest of the Giovanni viewed it as
acceptable for their longer-term plans.
Fozzie was livid, and used his platform to
launch scathing critiques of Andres and his
Then his parents found out. Fozzie was cut brood. It did not go over well; Andres had
off, dropped out of school. He worked a the clown staked and buried alive.
rotation of food service, and retail jobs to
make ends meet. To stave off the despair, Ten years later, Vivian unearthed the near
Fozzie turned to comedy, doing sets at his forgotten comedian. Returning him to the
Emerson Friend's events, then Open Mics, Comedy Club. Fozzie had trouble adjusting
and finally getting gigs at some of the bars, to the rapidly changed world. Finding his
clubs and restaurants he works at. sexual orientation no longer taboo, and his
nihilistic streak more common were a
While his material started out lighthearted pleasant surprise. But knowing Andres was
enough, the daily grind of his life, romantic still in charge was not. Still, he’s agreed to
troubles, and the looming specter of the play nice and bide his time, for now.

PLOTS AND SCHEMES: books him for shows on her terf in Roxbury.
“Charity Roast”: Fozzie’s primary drive is Fozzie appreciates the lifeline she’s offering
to eliminate Andres, permanently. The old if things ever get too intense.
fossil has no sense of humor, and clings to
anachronistic ideas of what the clan and Annalee Bonnet: Annalee finds Fozzie to
society should be. He’s far too weak to do it be vulnerable and trite. Fozzie finds her to
himself, but he’s heard rumors Vampires be a stuck up without a sense of humor.
who eat their elders grow in power.
Molly Blake: Fozzie sees her as a gateway
Alumni Relations: Fozzie understands into understanding the new era of mortal
the value of building relationships with humor and communication, something he's
Boston’s transient student population. been struggling to connect to.
However, it’s a hotly contested field, and a
washed up comic getting friendly with coeds Andres Giovanni: Fozzie loathes Andres.
isn’t a good look. Still, he’s persistent, Feeling deeply betrayed by the man who had
hoping stubbornness will pay off. But more first accepted him like family. Ira a light
savvy operations believe it’s a matter of time Fozzie cam never forgive.
before he succumbs to “Cancel Culture”
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: Thrall: Fozzie wasn’t un-steaked, he was
Asylum Comedy Club: There’s a locked resurrected. Vivian brought him back as an
room behind the stage, Fozzie sleeps there undead tool, bound to her will.
during the day, and feeds from the
comedians and audience members. Plague bearer: When he was a mortal,
Fozzie contracted HIV. He still spreads it to
THRALLS AND TOOLS: the Kine he feeds on.
Boston Comedians (Herd 1): It’s been a
few years since he was last on the comedy MASK AND MIEN:
circuit, but most old timers still remember Faustino “Fozzie” De Rossi (Mask 2):
Fozzie. Fozzie still uses his real name. The several
year gap on his resume is hard to explain,
Boston LGBTQ Community (Fame 1): but most have accepted his excuse of “living
Some of his old sets were aired on Pirate in LA.”
Radio or passed around through bootleg
tapes. His name has a little recognition in Fozzie is unthreatening. His round chubby
modern nights, but there’s still a few fans face is constantly plastered with a
eager to see his new material. bewildered smile, distracting from his above
average height and size.
Bert Campbell: Fozzie’s first boyfriend still
lives in Boston. They’ll call every once in a Whether in English or Spanish, Fozzie
while, and reminisce about old times. speaks quickly, barely pausing between
words. He likes to come on strong and lead
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: the conversation.
Martha Randolph: The violent anarch
enjoys Fozzie’s routines, and frequently

Sire: Vivian Abbott

Embraced: 1984 (Born 1960) Andreas Giovanni - Don Giovanni
Ambition: Kill Andres Giovanni Quote: “Don’t waste my time with anything
Convictions: It’s better to be underestimated
Touchstones: Lilly Smith
this droll.”
Humanity: 4 MORTAL DAYS: Andreas is from the old
Generation: 12th clan Giovanni, and proud of it. Growing up
Blood Potency: 1 he traveled between their Sicilian mansions.
Before he turned 10 he knew how they
Attributes: (5 / 2) Rough EXP: 153
Strength: 1 Dexterity: 2 Stamina: 2 afforded them. By his 12th birthday,
Charisma: 4 Manipulation: 3 Composure: 3 Vampires, Ghouls, the Blood and
Intelligence: 2 Wits: 4 Resolve: 2 Necromancy were common words.
Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 5
As a teen he started schooling in the family
Skills: Performance 4 (Comedy), Insight 3, ways. Necromancy, extortion, and their
Streetwise 3, Finance 3, Etiquette 2, Persuasion 2, taboo trades. He was a prodigy and his work
Subterfuge 2. Athletics 1 earned him offers of the embrace three
times before he accepted.
Fortitude 1
Auspex 2 KINDRED NIGHTS: Following the
Oblivion 1 embrace, Andreas finally dabbled in real
necromancy, coming face to face with a
darkness deeper than anything he had seen
as boy. He was unimpressed. He saw
nothing to fear in Oblivion, despite constant
warning from his elders about losing his
humanity if he kept pursuing these arts.
Andres has concluded that his humanity
was worth losing.

Unshackled by fear or even the loose morals

of his peers he rose through the family ranks
with ease. Flush with cash skilled in,
scientist and necromancy, there was no
morbid fantasy he wouldn't or couldn’t
afford to entertain. But, his appetites and
curiosities began to attract the attention of
the Camarilla, and the Vatican. In 1920 the
family sent him to Boston, hoping he could
make something of the chaotic domain
while removing the threat he posed at home.

Within Months Andres had the family

business in his pockets. He disposed of the
family members loyal to the old Don and
installed his own. His agents wormed their

way through the city, egging on the cities. But even Andres was forced to bend
Camarilla, leading them to disastrous ends. to a new status quote. He now chaffs under
By the early 90s the city was ready to these restrictions, forced to let splintered
collapse, all it needed was a push. bloodlines into his family home.

The blood hungry Sabbat supplied that, PLOTS AND SCHEMES:

invading the city en masse during a terrible Pierce the Veil: Andres feels he’s done all
blizzard. Snow froze over the ash and blood he can to understand death and specters
that coated the city, hiding the carnage from from this side of the veil. He wants to go
mortal eyes. In the following days, Andres beyond, and interrogate their ordinary
offered an olive branch to Prince Quinten living conditions. He knows better than
King III, offering his support and help most what lies beyond, but he is also the
rebuilding the city, and fending off future best prepared. While stopping just short of
attacks. In no position to argue, King Augustus’ drive to shatter the veil, Andres
accepted the Giovanni into the Camarilla. still wants to open the door, allowing for
easier coming and going. That way not even
The Giovanni then set about re-building the death will be an escape.
city. Undoing much of the damage they had
caused during the mid-1900s; removing Company Calling: Hecata Elders are
freeways divided neighborhoods, curbing immune to the quiet call of the becoming.
street violence, fostering cultural None know exactly how, and the secret is
institutions. In an act of city-wide kept from those outside the clan, but other
necromancy, Andres raised Boston from the elders and noticing. Andres has begun to
brink of death. But, doing so required allies, receive powerful guests from across America
and trust. He began to delegate more and looking for his advice to stave off the
more of his responsibilities to his childer, Beckoning. While his excuses have stood up
freeing him to pursue Necromancy. to scrutiny so far that won’t always be the
case. The rest of his clan will not be happy if
he’s the one to spill the beans.

Diplomatic Relations: The Anarchs and

Camarilla are circling Boston. Both want
nothing more than to dethrone Andres, and
take the Jewel of New England for
themselves. He’s doing his best to play the
rival sects off of each other, while
maintaining good relations with both. He
acknowledges the Camarilla in Cambridge,
and respects the Anarchs in Roxbury, but
makes it clear that if they operate in his
domain, they answer to him. It’s a delicate
balance, as powerful as the Hecata and their
When the family reunion was called, spectral thralls are, they couldn’t withstand
Andres’ Boston was held up as an example a joint assault.
of how the Hecata should takeover and run

Family Meeting: The family meeting did not

go well for Andres, who was vocally opposed East Boston (Influence 3): With the
to allowing the Cappadocians and Samedi East Boston Police in his Pocket, Andres is
leadership roles within the Hecata, but was still attempting to control Boston Airport.
overruled. While he’s made some token
appointments in Boston, there’s nothing he Quincy Mansion (Haven 5): While the
would like more than to prune them off his North End is a fortress, Andres maintains a
family tree. mansion as a final bolt-hole if things get too
hot in the city. It also serves as a secluded
Something Fresh: After centuries of life, getaway for more deviant endeavors.
little thrills Andres anymore. He finds the
deviants of today terribly droll, and all the THRALLS AND TOOLS:
taboos of modern life quaint. This lack of Spectral Thralls (Retainers 5): Andres
passion is becoming a problem. He’s controls a small army of Wraiths that prowl
publicly seeking Kindred, or even mortals, Boston, tied to his will.
who can shock, surprise and stimulate his
Giovanni Crime Family (Contacts 5):
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: The Giovanni family’s resources span the
North End (Lein 5, Influence 4): globe, allowing Andres to acquire nearly
Andres is utterly in control of the North anything, or find anyone almost anywhere.
End, while Vivian runs the day-to-day
operations, his will carries just as much Boston Criminals (Allies 3): For the
weight. most part, Andres has neglected
maintaining relationships with street level
Chinatown (Chasse 5, Lien 1): After criminals. His name still carries weight and
dismantling the Combat Zone, the Hecata fear, but it won’t demand loyalty.
have little interest left in Chinatown beyond
using it as a feeding ground. They maintain KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
influence, but it’s not absolute. Quinten King III: To Andres he was such
an amusing little man, it's a shame he's no
Beacon Hill (Portillion 1): Andres keeps longer around in any meaningful way.
a residence in the better policed, and more
secure Beacon Hill. It serves as a helpful Hazel Iverson: Despite her claims to be
place to house visitors. bold new leadership, Andres sees nothing
she does as surprising. Which is a shame, he
Downtown (Influence 3): Much of the wants a true adversary.
Giovanni family’s legitimate business
interests lay in Downton Banking or Real Ion Mykhailo: An annoying, but
Estate Firms. intriguing little wrinkle in his plans. Also in
direct competition, he lacks the support to
Back Bay (Influence 2): Andres has felt be a real threat but that makes him an
his influence in Back Bay, and the areas excellent plaything.
beyond, slipping for some time. Still
considered part of his domain, it’s too far to
be controlled effectively.

Jessica Wagner: An old reliable When something catches his interest, he

manipulator. She can occasionally surprise fixates on it. Unblinking, almost unmoving/
him, and her tastes are delightful! His laugh, rarely ever heard, is a full body
cackle that sends shivers through anyone
Martha Randolph: Surprising! Although hearing it.
her creativity is limited to one genera, she's
still a delightful challenge at times. Sire: Lucretia Giovanni Capriccio
Embraced: 1754 (Born 1733)
Ambition: Shatter the veil between life and death
WHISPERS: Convictions: I am what they should fear
Black Sheep: Andres is not in the family’s Touchstones: Freddy Giovanni
good graces. His conquest of Boston has Humanity: 2
Generation: 8th
bought him some leeway, but his
Blood Potency: 4
eccentricity, and need to break Taboos, are
ill-suited for modern nights. No one will Attributes: (11 / 6) Rough EXP: 660
miss him when he’s gone. Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 5 Manipulation 4 Composure 4
Intelligence 4 Wits 4 Resolve 4
Courting Disaster: He still holds to
Augustus’ plan to sunder the Veil, letting the Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 8
dead roam free on Earth. This would be
disastrous for all involved. Skills: Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Insight 5, Performance
3, Intimidation 5, Leadership 4, Streetwise 4 (Boston),
Subterfuge 4, Craft 4, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3,
Infernalist: Seeking more power than Academics 3 (Sociology), Occult 5 (Ghosts), Finance 5,
mere Wraiths can provide, Andres has Investigation 2, Politics 5, Medicine 2 (Psychology)
begun courting Demons. It’s only a matter Science 5
of time before he unleashes hell in Boston.
If he hasn’t already. Auspex 4
Celerity 3
MASK AND MIEN: Dominate 4
Don Giovanni (Fame 3): For his Potence 3
Oblivion 5
criminal business, Andres still uses the old
Protean 3
Mafia title of Don. While organized crime
has fallen out of fashion, he likes the old
Mafioso persona.

Andy Giovanni (Mask 2): Shortening his

name to Andy for legitimate family

Andres projects an air of power leaving

those around him uncomfortable. He seems
to have forgotten that those around him are
people, not things. When he addresses
someone, it is with authority, and an hint of

Stephano Giovanni - The Sergeant

Quote: “Come now, no sense in making this When Andreas took over, Stephano was the
any worse.” only of Raoul’s men he kept in the city.
MORTAL DAYS: Stephano was honored, and despite
Stephano Giovanni was born in 1755 to a differences with Andreas, continued to serve
wealthier branch of the Giovanni family. him through the rest of the 1900s. After the
There were never any illusions about how Giovanni took over the city, Stephano was
his father and uncles became rich: They rewarded with control over East Boston.
were thieves and murderers, and it worked Andres hoped his long-time ally could
for them. Stephano fit right into the family secure the Airport, but Stephano was
business, proving to be a deft hand at unsuited for the delicate manipulations and
squeezing victims, and finding new ones. long running schemes required for
maintaining control over such a complicated
On his 16th birthday, Stephano was institution.
inducted into the Giovanni family proper.
Under the pretext of losing his virginity,
Stephano was fed vitae, and turned into a
ghoul. For the next 40 years he used this
power to indulge plans and urges he had
been too weak to pursue as a boy. Now,
preternaturally strong, he could indulge
these long-held fantasies with results he
found thrilling.

This all ended in 1800, when Stephano was

captured. He refused to say much about his
confinement, except that it wasn’t at the
hands of vampires, and he wasn’t a snitch.
The group, who he only calls “the Guild”
held him for 6 months. Long enough for the PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
blood to wear off. He was captured as a boy Damn Metal Birds: Stephano is, to this
of 16. He left as a man in his 50s. day, bashing his head against Boston Logan
Airport. Control has grown more contested
KINDRED NIGHTS: As a reward for his in recent years, but Stephano maintains a
silence Stephano was embraced upon his hold over the Taxi Departures, and the
return. He spent the next 100 years in Shuttle buses to and from the airport.
Rome, studying the occult. His studies did
little to help him regain his boyish charms. Kids These Days: He’s always abhorred
But, by 1901 the family considered him idle hands, and most Kindred he sees sired
sufficiently recovered and sent him to nowadays view their embrace as the end of
America. Raoul Giovanni, his grandsire, was their life. After becoming a vampire, they
the Don of Boston and offered to take just want to sit on their laurels, and coast to
Stephano under his wing. Stephano oversaw eternity. It makes him sick. Stephano is
strong-arming and leg breaking around the always looking for ways to remind young
north end, until 1921.

Kindred that they need to be working, and Jackie Freeman: Ambitious but looking
hustling every chance they get. to go about it the right way. She's a rarity
these days, and as such he'd like to cultivate
Final Improvements: He still longs for her.
his lost youth. Stephano is looking for ways
to return to his prime. Cybernetics, Jimmy Hill: What upstart Camarilla
Vicissitude, and Blood Sorcery are all paths whelp is trying to outfox him for control of
to this goal that has crossed his mind. Boston's police.


East Boston (Influence 2): Stephano is Rat Bastard: Stephano talked a lot. He’s
still struggling to gain control over East still ratting to the Guild that captured him
Boston, he has respectable influence, but all those years ago.
nothing that could be mistaken for control.
Pedicide: He’s grown unhappy with so
Boston Taxis (Influence 4): While the many of the family’s new members, and is
airport is hotly contested, the ground willing to start rolling heads that aren’t
transport to and from the Airport is firmly pulling their weight.
in Stephano’s control. Ride shares have
damaged this. MASK AND MIEN:
Steve Giovanni (Mask 2) Taxi driver
Suffolk Downs: This was his pet project
after acquiring East Boston, however the Stephano, with his silver hair and bushy
rebuilding of the city ended up damaging mustache, appears as a distinguished older
his investments. Stephano still lives in the gentleman. However, he carries himself
abandoned track but believes his days in with the energy of a youth.
this rotting palace are numbered.
He is stern, commanding, and direct. He
THRALLS AND TOOLS: has little patience for idleness.
East Boston Thugs (Retainers 3):
Older mafia muscle. Sire: Paulo Giovanni
Embraced: 1800
Ambition: Eradicate all resistance to the Hecata
Luigi Giordano (Contact 1): The Convictions: Hard work should be rewarded
grounds keeper at Suffolk Downs with an Touchstones: Luigi Giordano
intriguing past as a cat burglar. Humanity: 3
Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 3
Boston Police Department (Contacts
3, Allies 2): Stephano has a working Attributes: (8 / 3) Rough EXP: 448
relationship with the BPD, able to call in Strength 4 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
favors because of a few large donations. Charisma 4 Manipulation 4 Composure 3
Intelligence 4 Wits 2 Resolve 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6
Susan Buchanan: He values loyalty, and Skills: Awareness 3 Athletics 3 Brawl 4 Intimidation
Susan's organization is built on that. There's 5 Leadership 3 Streetwise 4 Subterfuge 2 Drive 2
a good degree of respect.

Etiquette 2 Firearms 3 Performance 2 Larceny 2

Finance 3 Occult 3 Nino Ricci - Dr. No-Name
Quote: “Stop squirming, the only thing it’ll
Dominate 5
make easier is dying.”
Fortitude 2 MORTAL DAYS: Nino Ricci grew up in
Oblivion 3 Florence where he studied to be a surgeon.
Potence 4 When he graduated, he packed some bags,
Presence 4
hopped on a bicycle and began touring the
countryside where he offered his services to
small towns, for a premium. If they lived,
great. If not, he wouldn’t stick around long
enough for it to matter. Still, his skill and
reputation as a surgeon grew. Along with his
price. By the time he was 30, many of Italy’s
elite hoped for his consultations.

Then he fell into the service of the Giovanni

family. With Italy battling cholera, many
wealthy families began to place doctors on
retainer. Ricci was brought in to treat a few
of the Giovanni children. He tried his best,
however the children appeared to recover
entirely on their own.

Still, the Giovanni were grateful to have the

good doctor, and kept him on payroll. The
longer Ricci spent with the family the more
strange things he saw. First knives and
gunshots, then odd boils, coagulated blood,
and unusual deformities. Ricci’s began
collecting samples and running tests. This
all reached a head when one of his patients,
a young man, died on his operating table.
Distraught, Ricci ran into the street, fearing
for his life. Only to be greeted by the man
the next evening. Nino was brough back to
the family, ghouled, and began working with
for the true Giovanni; procuring blood and
bodies for their necromantic needs.

KINDRED NIGHTS: After decades of

faithful service, Nino was granted the
embrace, and formally welcomed into the
family proper. He found the new line of
work thrilling. Serving as a personal

surgeon to Vampires saw him constantly tantalizing glimpse, but he wants to begin
encountering strange new aliments and field testing some ideas.
Body or Soul: Having transcended death,
After a few years of study in Rome, Ricci’s Ricci is now curious about the nature of the
sire called for him to arrive in Boston. “life”. He knows of ghosts, but has yet to
Coming ashore in time for the Spanish Flu, properly separate a wraith from a physical
Ricci’s skills were well employed, limiting body without killing the body. This feat
the pandemic’s damage to the family’s remains one of his “white whales”.
holdings. While the city was ravaged by the Re-Animation: One of his more sensitive
illness, the Giovanni ghouls and associates projects is attempting to re-animate long
were kept out of harm's way, while many of dead corpses. Seeking to replicate the effects
their enemies succumbed to the disease. of the embrace, while avoiding the “side
When Boston finally fell to the Giovanni,
Nino took his place controlling Boston’s Blood Banker: He oversees most of the
various hospitals. Placing a handful of bagged blood in Boston. Ricci is not
trusted ghouls in key locations, he gained aggressive in monopolizing his supply, but
access to almost every blood bank and always seeks a “competitive advantage” that
surgical ward in the city. Such a massive will foster reliance upon him.
network is impossible to monitor closely, so
he keeps a loose leash on his proxies. DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
Massachusetts General Hospital
(Herd 5, Influence 3): Overseeing the
country’s third largest hospital gives Ricci
almost unimpeded access to corpses, and

North End Town House (Haven 3): His

primary residence in the North End.

Chelsea Laboratory (Haven 3): This

more Private library & laboratory is home to
his darker pursuits.


Dr. Omar El Amaryl (Retainer 3): The
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: administrator of the Hospital.
Plague bearers: Disease and biological
warfare have recently become Ricci’s main Leonora Giovanni (Retainer 2):
obsession. He has a number of theories on Daughter of the Giovanni family assigned to
how to use Kindred as vectors for disease Ricci to study as a candidate for the
transmission, and their ability to destabilize embrace.
cities. Computer monitoring offers a

Boston Mortician’s Association MASK AND MIEN:

(Contacts 2): The leading professional Rick Neto (Mask 3): One of hundreds of
group for Boston’s medical examiners, nurses in Boston’s hospital system, this
coroner's morticians and others commonly mask can issue birth & death certificates,
dealing with death. forge prescriptions, and other medical cover
for kindred wanting formal documentation.
Hazel Iverson: Smarter than many of her Despite his high forehead and thinning hair,
detractors give her credit for. She got Nino appears slightly younger than when he
outplayed for the blood trade, but her was embraced.
instincts were good. Trying to steal the
blood trade was a good notion, but poorly Nino is tired. In almost all interactions he
executed. seems distracted, and like he’s trying to
preserve his energy. He speaks slowly and
Vivian Abbott: A welcome addition to the clearly.
team. She's taken much of the mundane day
to day running of her operations. Sire: Stephano Giovanni
Embraced: (1890) Born 1834
Ambition: Break the cycle of life and death.
Ion Mykhailo: an intriguing intellect tied Convictions: All things are possible with study and
to such an awful imagination. If he wasn't so practice
consumed with vanity and a God complex, Touchstones:
he'd be an excellent partner. Humanity: 7
Generation: 12th
Blood Potency: 2
Patrick Carr: An astute observer of
human behavior, and a valuable Attributes: (6 / 3) Rough EXP 297
acquaintance. Also willing to let me get Strength 1 Dexterity 4 Stamina 2
some time away from my family. Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Intelligence 5 Wits 3 Resolve 2

WHISPERS: Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 6

Bleeding Heart: Ricci is sympathetic to
the plight of many young vampires and will Skills: Craft 2, Melee 3 (Knives), Stealth 2, Survival
3, Etiquette 2, Academics 3, Awareness 1, Politics 3,
happily help them learn how to most safely
Finance 4 Medicine 5 (Surgery), Occult 2, Science 4
get blood, preserve it and keep their victims (Biology) , Technology 3 (Medical)
from dying.
Tainted Supply: He’s experimenting on Auspex 3
Oblivion 3
the kindred who buy blood from his Dominate 2
suppliers, trickling out tainted samples. Fortitude 1

Regretful Kindred: Ricci was voluntold

for the embrace. He has grown weary of his
unlife, and is looking for a way to break the

Mirabella Higgins - Rising Star Mirabella was to be embraced, and Vivian

Quote: “Just because it says that, doesn’t would teach her the ropes of unlife.
mean it means that.”
MORTAL DAYS: Mirabella was always KINDRED NIGHTS:
viewed as a smart kid. Born to an old Irish- Mirabella was unable to refuse, and Vivian
Italian family in the North End she learned maneuvered her to be a Junior Legal
to debate by listening to her aunts and Advisor in City Hall. She was to read
uncles argue with tourists about baseball. incoming legislation, write opinions on how
Taking what she learned back to school her it would likely be enforced and interpreted,
teachers were impressed with her quick wit then report back to both her contacts in the
and horrified by her potty mouth. Mayor's office and the Hecata. She’d act as
an early warning system for the clan’s
With a few recommendations from college criminal elements and a thumb on the scale
professors she met at her parent’s bakery, for their legitimate interests.
Mira won a spot in Harvard’s undergraduate
law program. There Mira specialized in
criminal justice. The grueling 8 years of
study it took to pass the Bar Exam saw her
work with several district prosecutors and
public defenders. There she learned a few of
the legal tricks, dirty and otherwise, that
could be used to protect the innocent.

After graduating she landed a job with the

Boston District Attorney's Office, working
cases of domestic abuse and harassment.
When the lead DA on one case ended up
incapacitated the day of closing remarks
against a Hecata-aligned mobster, Mira
made waves by delivering the closing While already accustomed to long nights,
arguments herself, clenching a conviction. she was surprised at how much the loss of
sunsets, blue skies, and the waking world
This sparked a dizzying series of events. affected her. But her family and colleagues
Mirabella received a profile in the Boston understood what it meant to be busy, and
Globe, got job offers from high-profile Law generally accepted her excuses to only meet
Firms, and faced a series of credible death after dark.
threats. But she was most unprepared for a
visit from a strange lady one night. Vivian has made sure she’s also well-
schooled in Kindred affairs. Within a year of
Vivian explained to the young Lawyer what her embrace, Mirabella had been introduced
a hornet’s nest she had just kicked up. to the major players in Boston. But, as eager
Andres had taken the loss personally and as Vivian was to get her into select circles,
wanted her to make an example of her. Mirabella worries such a meteoric rise will
Vivian however had struck a compromise; only paint a target on her back.

PLOTS AND SCHEMES: Boston Lawyers (Contacts 3)

Appropriations: Most of the legislation
and mayoral decree she’s been advising on KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
pertain to money. The city is padding its Vivian Abbott (Mawla 3): She's like an
budget with the hope of reporting a surplus. overbearing mother. Mirabella didn't do
However, putting pressure on the right anything to ask for the embrace and now
spots could see these excess funds funneled Vivian acts like she owns her. It is unfair,
elsewhere. She’s looking for a worthy cause, but she doesn't have any better options.
but Vivian is encouraging her to fill the
Hecata coffers. Andres Giovanni: Andres is a terrifying
force. His presence makes her skin crawl
Pro-Bono: In her, ever-limited, free time and he seems to look through her, as if
Mirabella is trying to provide free legal imagining what she'd be like as he peels her
advice for those unable to afford legal apart.
services. While she can’t represent them in
court, she can provide good notes and Stephano Giovanni: Mirabella believes
briefings to their Public Defenders she can bring Stephano around. While he
detests her for getting handouts, she knows
Of My Peers: While the Hecata are he'll respect her if she hustles.
keeping her under close watch, she has
found time to meet with a few other Berel Underwood: The older Ventrue
kindred. Mirabella wants to form a coterie wants to exploit her, she knows that.
outside of the Hecata to “keep her honest”.
Jackie Freeman: This punk ass kid has
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: decided that she's not worth her time. What
Beacon Hill Townhouse (Haven 2): does she bring to the table, other than
Her Hecata supplemented salary covers a walking in sunlight? If she lost the attitude,
little townhouse in Beacon Hill. then could work together.

City Hall (Influence 1): Mirabelle doesn’t WHISPERS:

have much power over the city government, Icarus: She ruffles feathers with nearly
yet. Her nocturnal nature hardly limits how every introduction she’s made. If Vivian
much she can network, but her clearance weren’t backing her, she’d barely last the
gives her some pull and credibility. night.

THRALLS AND TOOLS: Sect Defector: She doesn't trust the

Mom and Dad (Retainers 1): Her Hecata. She’ll happily sell them out in
parents remain incredibly proud of her, and exchange for protection.
she would do anything to protect them.
GamerGurl: While in college she picked
James Goodman (Retainer 2): Her up a love of PC Gaming. While she claims to
legal aid. James is a good if a little crooked have left these “childish things” behind,
lawyer. Recognizable for his gaudy fashion she’s a talented player on a non-professional
sense and penchant for colorful language. MOBA team.


Recent Corpse (Mask 2): No one knows Jason Millier - Fiscal Prodigy
she’s dead yet. Quote: “Patience brings opportunity.
Daring takes advantage of that
Mirabella retains some good humor from opportunity.”
her mortal days, although is much more MORTAL DAYS: Jason was born to play
paranoid after the embrace. She seems to second fiddle. His father was the baby of the
have a need for control and certainty. family, forever in the shadow of Jason’s
uncle Francis. Jason always resented his
Sire: Vivian Abbot father’s reputation. By his teens he was
Embraced: 2020 (1989) determined to not suffer the same fate.
Ambition: Get out from the Family’s Control Through hard work and cunning, he made a
Convictions: Rules are weapons, whether used for
good or bad depends on the people welding them
name for himself in the world of finance.
Touchstones: Mom & Dad Barely into his adulthood he acquired a
Humanity: 7 small bank and caught his Uncle Francis’
Generation: 12th eye. From then on even Jason’s father
Blood Potency: 1
stopped calling him boy.
Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough EXP 192
Strength 2 Dexterity 1 Stamina 3 Jason was no longer the child of the family’s
Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 3 youngest brother. He was now Francis’
Intelligence 4 Wits 4 Resolve 2 "Good Nephew Jason," and one of the
family’s rising stars. Before long Francis was
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 5
sending Jason the clients he didn’t have
Skills: Craft 1, Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Leadership 2, time to take care of himself. He wasn't
Persuasion 2, Performance 1 (Courtrooms), Streetwise Francis' heir, but he was treated as such,
3 (White Collar Crime), Academics 4 (Law), even eclipsing Francis' own son, Benjamin.
Awareness 1, Finance 1, Investigation 2 (Police
Procedure), Politics 4 (Boston), Technology 2
Jason was becoming a cutthroat
Disciplines: Businessman. He oozed charm to smooth
Auspex 2 over a cold, calculating, and ingenious
Fortitude 1 mind. But, throughout his rise to power he
retained an odd sense of honor. Always
repaying debts and finding ways to make
amends to those he callously screwed over
in business deals. His rivals found their
families cared for, and their homes secure.
This was no more so apparent than with his
family. Members often found themselves
bested by Jason, only for him to forgive
their debts, or otherwise make them whole.
What’s a couple thousand between blood. In
the 1930s Francis took Jason and Benjamin
with him to Boston, pursuing business deals
with the Giovanni family. Where they

became embroiled in their criminal Americas, and new faces entered Boston.
enterprise. The time to strike was coming soon.

The excellent work of the family saw them

invited to the Giovanni building for an after-
hours office party. There, Jason, Francis,
and Benjamin were asked to take a blood
oath, then tied to a chair and had their
wrists slit. As the blood drained out of him,
the crime family took a vote.

KINDRED NIGHTS: Jason came to with

Benjamin’s wrist in his mouth, franticly
sucking the last drops of still warm blood
from his cousin’s veins. Shocked, he and
Francis staggered away from the corpse. The
laughter of Andres Giovanni ringing in their
Family Feud: Jason is still plotting
This traumatic adoption into the family
revenge against Andres for the death of his
seeded a bitter resentment in Jason’s heart.
cousin. He remembers to this day the taste
Hurting family was, to him, an unforgivable
of Benjamin’s blood in his mouth. While
offense. Francis, depite having lost his
he’ll never openly oppose Giovanni, he’s
“lesser son” took to unlife easier than Jason
been looking into ways to subvert his
did. He worked his way to a prominent
influence and weaken him before taking a
position in the Giovanni family, eventually
strike. Most recently he’s been loosening
being recalled to Europe.
their controls over the Camarilla’s finances
Jason did what he always did; calculated. and funneling cash to Effie Feng’s gangs so
He was reliant on Andres and the family to they can better stir up trouble in China
avoid destruction. So he buried his feelings Town.
and worked in their mutual interests.
Shuffling money, seeding investments, and Real Estate: Boston, as with many cities, is
targeting their enemies in the Camarilla let suffering a crisis in housing and cost of
him grow rich. But, as the years wore on his living. Jason sees this as an opportunity and
hope of usurping Andres to get revenge is looking to build a series of apartment
withered as the Don’s power grew more buildings and condos. They’re being
entrenched. opposed by the local residents who decry
them as ugly and fear the low-cost housing
Then came the family reunion. While not will bring crime. Jason needs to overcome
invited, Jason heard Andres was these hurdles to get the buildings permitted.
reprimanded, singled out as example of an
old stagnant city refusing to adapt. His DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
lieutenants were pulled away, scattered to Downtown Apartment (Haven 2)
learn from younger minds across the Jason resides in a penthouse apartment
overlooking the Boston Common.

Finance District (Herd 2, Influence 3) WHISPERS:

With a number of prominent bankers, Embezzlement: He’s been skimming off
brokers, and managers under his thumb, Hecata profits to line his pockets.
Jason has little trouble shuffling money or
finding a bite downtown. Clear the Board: Most of Andres’ loyal
lieutenants were moved around the globe
Milliner Bank of Boston (Resources after the Family Meeting. This was Jason’s
4) Overseeing the local branch of his doing, specifically to weaken him.
family’s global bank leaves Jason flush with
Benjamin Millier II (Mask 2): He’s
THRALLS AND TOOLS: named his mask after his dead cousin.
Boston Financiers (Contacts 4):
Among the moneyed elites few would pass Despite his large nose, Jason has a
up a chance to meet with him or his handsome face with cold blue eyes and a
business representatives. sweet smile, just barely hiding the
calculating mind behind it.
LaFra Security (Retainers 2) Private
security firm owned by the Milliner family Jason is all business. Even when he’
and contracted to protect their interests. socializing, it’s business. There’s an angle to
everything, something he can exploit, profit,
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: or otherwise turn to his own advantage.
Andres Giovanni: Andres must be Sire: Andres Giovanni
destroyed. He cares only about himself and Embraced: 1959 (Born 1932)
killed Jason’s cousin. But he's too powerful Ambition: Kill Andres Giovanni
to remove through force. Convictions: Never hurt family
Touchstones: Morgan Pendleton
Humanity: 4
Vivian Abbott: How no one else sees Generation: 9th
what's she doing is ridiculous : To Blood Potency: 3
Jason what Vivian is doing is obvious, that
Andres hasn’t seen and moved against her is Attributes: (5 / 3) Rough EXP 281
Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
stranger. Still, now may be the time to Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
strike. Intelligence 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3

Berel Underwood: There’s a certain Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 7

respect for Berel in Jason’s undead heart.
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Performance
While his banking skills are nothing to rival 2, Awareness 4, Brawl 2, Intimidation 1, Leadership
his own, the man can run a company. 2, Subterfuge 1, Academics 3 (Literature), Finance 5,
Politics 4
Jameson Chobot: Jason lacks respect for
Chobot. The desperate Venture should have Auspex 2
just stayed out of Boston, now he’s Dominate 3
squandering his fortune. Potence 1
Presence 2
Oblivion 1

Losambra are a rare sight in Boston. Most were hunted down during the Mad King’s Reign.
Other clans who survived that time are wary of the Magisters, remembering all too well the
danger their powers and presence in the city can pose.

The few Losambra found in Boston are either Sabbat shovel heads who have somehow survived
since the mass embraces of the 90s, or those looking to defect to the Camarilla. Both Prince
Hazel, and Quinten King before her, have no tolerance for these turncoats and will outright
refuse admission into their sect. The only way to prevent being destroyed on sight is to produce
proof another prince has granted you membership. Fortunately, the Hecata and Anarchs are far
more open minded towards allowing these traitors into their ranks.

Jessica Wagner - Sister of Trinity stole everything he owned and began

Quote: “Survival is the first step to success.” romaing New England. She harassed by law
MORTAL DAYS: enforcement, American Soldiers and even
Jessica’s father was an influential church officials wherever she went. It was
landowner in Wales, noted for his iron will after three years of this arduous life that she
and business savvy. Her mother was of low was approached and offered the embrace.
status and deemed unworthy of his
marriage. Jessica was born a bastard.
Shamed publicly, the merchant married her
mother. The his investments failed, forcing
him to enter indentured servitude in the
colonies. Jessica and her mother followed.

Life in the Colonies was harsh, but

somewhat sheltered from the brutal class
divides of England. One year before earning
his freedom, her father caught tuberculosis
and died. This forced her mother and her to
finish the last year of his contract. Their
master was strangely harsher with Jessica
than other indentured servants.
When she earned her freedom, Jessica Jessica was given scant training, then tossed
struggled to find work that could support onto the front lines of the New England
her mother. With their savings dwindling, battlefield. Hammering against the
Jessica joined the Anglican Church as a Camarilla cities proved a good outlet for a
sister. She found the congregation hostile to lifetime of pent-up. It didn’t take long
such a charity case, and the sisters made before she became a Ducas of her own pack.
sure she earned her keep. Jessica did the
work resentfully and took to pilfering small With the outbreak of the Civil War, Jessica
valuables in order to pass onto her mother. emerged as a leading voice insisting the
Sabbat remain in New England to further
The outbreak of the American Revolution destabilize the Camarilla. As New
proved another stroke of bad luck, as her Hampshire, Vermont and Maine fell to the
membership in the Church of England Sabbat Jessica was rewarded with the rank
marked her as a loyalist. Her Order’s of Bishop and sent to study under Francisco
Church and dormitory were burned under Domingo de Polonia in New York.
suspicion of housing munitions. Fleeing
New England the other sisters left Jessica Jessica proved a deft student and learned
destitute in the winter. his tricks of manipulation. Newly schooled,
she turned her attention to Boston.
Attempting to return home, she found her However, the Camarilla stubbornly clung to
mother dead, and the small sums she had the city, forcing her to strike a deal with the
been passing to her through the mail Giovanni family. While the uneasy alliance
collected by the landlord. Furious, Jessica

kept the Sabbat from outright claiming the congregation of Trinity Church. She’s been
city, it also denied it from the Camarilla. making large donations since the first
church was burned down in 1872
At the outbreak of the Gehenna War,
countless Sabbat Elders abandoned their The Blue Pearl (Haven 3): This
domains to travel the world answering the Chinatown restaurant has a labyrinth of
beckoning. Narrowly young enough to avoid back rooms, enabling Jessica to reside
feeling it, for now, Jessica was hastily there, and occasionally meet with other
dubbed the Bishop of New England. Kindred.
However, between the Sect’s restructuring
and the assault of the SI, this title is all but
meaningless. THRALLS AND TOOLS:
Kristin Moon (Retainer 2): The
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: accounts manager for Trinity Church.
Sword Re-Forged: With the Sabbat’s
dismantled into smaller cells, Jessica finds Ronda Markson (Retainer 2): Jessica’s
herself beginning from nothing. She wants personal assistant and bodyguard. A former
to build a coterie dedicated to her aims, and nun, she has been ghouled and loyal for
utterly loyal to her visions for Boston. years.

Probationary Membership: Following KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:

the Losambra defection, Jessica has Max Lowell: This Gangrel was the old
announced her presence to a select few proprietor of the Blue Pearl. He hasn’t been
members of the Camarilla, probing the seen in years, but Jessica seems to respect
likelihood of her being granted him, or at least his memory.
membership. She and her contacts are
locked in a dance of negotiations, with the Quinten King III (Enemies 3): King will
Camarilla wanting to see her reduced to a give her absolutely no quarter after the
neonate, or given final death. Jessica insists decades the two spent fighting. She can’t say
her skills make her a fitting choice for she misses the Elder Malkavian, but the
Scourge, Sheriff, or Primogen. world seems less interesting without him.

Combat Zone: The gentrification of Hazel Iverson (Enemies 1): Jessica

Boston’s Red Light District has left more knows Hazel would like nothing more than
monstrous vampires without a place to to declare a blood hunt on her, so she’s
indulge their bloodlust. While the Hecata careful to avoid giving her a clear reason.
and Camarilla are less interested in
establishing a zone of anarchy where Andres Giovanni (Allies 5): The two go
anything goes, Jessica has had success way back. Andres has always been willing to
influencing some Roxbury authorities to “let entertain and indulge her. New
them fight it out.” circumstances are no different.

DOMAIN AND HAVEN: Sammy Totem (Allies 2): The old sailor
Trinity Church (Herd 1, Resources 1): is happy to have another veteran of the sect
Jessica is a prominent member of the wars to chat to and amuse with his stories.

But they both understand the need for 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 2, Streetwise 1,
discretion. Subterfuge 4, Awareness 2, Investigation 2, Occult 2,
Politics 3 (Sabbat)

Konrad Muller: Muller frustrates her. Disciplines:

Why he won’t simply fall in line and take Dominate 3
orders is understandable, but annoying. Oblivion 4
Potence 2
Obfuscate 3
Bartholomew Bradly: As someone who Fortitude 3
potentially survived an encounter with an
antediluvian, Bradly would be a useful

Infiltrator: She’s here only to reduce the
city to a Sabbat domain.

Thrall: There’s some much more powerful

entity that has control of her mind.


Jessica Wagner: She’s been
masquerading as her daughter for
generations now.

Jessica is proper. She has an air of icy

elitism about her. It’s like she knows a
secret you don’t and will never be able to

Sire: Jefferson Dally

Embraced: 1792 (Born 1989)
Ambition: Control the city of Boston
Convictions: Trust no-one, it can all be lost.
Touchstones: Ronda Markson
Humanity: 2
Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 3

Attributes: (10 / 4) Rough EXP: 392

Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
Charisma 3 Manipulation 4 Composure4
Intelligence 3 Wits 4 Resolve 4

Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 7

Skills: Brawl 2, Firearms 3, Melee 4 (Fangs), Stealth

2, Survival 2, Etiquette 2 (Religious Services), Insight

Boston’s Malkavians have fallen upon tough times. Since the Civil War, the city had been ruled
by the Moon Clan, and the Children of Malkav did an acceptable job. Boston was never a prized
domain, but it was still the Jewel of New England, and remained an oasis of calm amid the
ocean of Sabbat violence in New England.

But Modern Nights see the clan scattered and stigmatized. Between Quinten King, his The
Round Table, Biltmore, and his Redcoats, few outside of the clan have much taste for Malkavian
rule anymore. Richard Durnstrum’s prominent involvement in the project that led to Operation
Swansong has only cemented this reputation. Despite all this, a number of Malkavians still
reside in Boston. Many were once powerful and respected members of the court, who are biding
their time to once more emerge in a leading role.

Percival - Questing Knight Percival. Then one night, she saw an

Quote:” For King and Country!” opportunity. Her sire had come with a noble
MORTAL DAYS: Percival was born to town guard, innocent, and pure of heart.
wealthy parents in Providence and had a Then murder him in front of them, draining
happy childhood. However, that ended his blood, and casting him into a pit.
shortly after they turned 14. It was then she
met her Guinevere. The merchant’s son
quickly became her obsession. She hung on
every word, carried out every wish, and
mastered every task he she set before her.
Their “romance” continued for years, until
one fateful night. Coming to visit him
through the driving snow, she was
welcomed in by the servants. Rushing to
warm herself in his bed, she stormed up the
stairs, and crashed through the door,
discovering him in bed with the daughter of
a wealthy merchant.

Enraged, she fled into the night. When she

attempted to tell what she had seen to Shocked, Percival spoke with a clear voice,
others, she was quickly diagnosed with paralyzing their former master. The other
hysteria. Locked away in a Boston Asylum knights swarmed him, driving a stake
and abused into silence, she fell into deep through his heart, and casting him into the
despair. Until she met five others at the same pit. Days later, the town guard
Asylum. Seeing each other as kindred emerged. Naked, covered in dirt and blood,
spirits, they stuck up a bond, and descended but with clear eyes and a powerful aura.
into a shared delusion of Knights and Percival and the rest of the Knights
chivalry. The group’s shared delusion drew recognized him as their new leader: a King.
the attention of a nearby Malkavian Elder, Voluntarily bonding themselves to his
who stole them away from the Asylum and service, the Knights joined King on several
Embraced them. adventures. Percival quickly proved herself
his right hand, saving her Regent from
KINDRED NIGHTS: He kept them countless perils. As a reward, she got to
isolated from the rest of Kindred Society, hold down the former Prince while the King
wanting them to remain permanently in his severed his head.
thrall. To that end, he would leave each
night on a “beast hunt,” trusting them to After that, she became his favored
guard the “Castle”. When he returned it was bodyguard, accompanying him wherever he
always with fresh blood for them to feed went. Including the fateful meeting where
from. King allied with a powerful lord from
overseas. Distrustful, Percival quietly, but
However, her sire’s wanton cruelty to the frequently voiced her concerns to King
beats he captured, and his condescension about this foreign ruler, and his troubling
towards his children never set right with

henchmen. However, time and again she be gallant, powerful, but above all loyal to
was rebuffed, then pushed away. the King and his Kingdom.

Forced to patrol the perimeter of Boston, far Foreign Consorts: Self-direction is a

from her fellow Knights, and far from her strange sensation for Percival, but she had
King, Percival made a momentous choice. In one idea that captured her interest: riding
the late 90s, when patrolling the edge of the the kingdom of the foreign influences that
city, she encountered a Pack of Sabbat, led her King astray. This includes the
amassing to assault the city, and kill the tattered remnants of Biltmore’s Redcoats,
Foreign lord. and the Hecata. Any other “foreign
Consorts” she finds trying to influence the
Percival let them into the city and told no Camarilla Court are equally subject to her
one. It was the beginning of the end. Gone suspicion, and wrath.
were the glory days, the noble quests, and
the great merriment. All that remained was Side Quest: Percival is always looking for
watching their kingdom slowly crumble. adventures, and Noble Quests. This makes
her difficult to find as she races around
Nothing drove this home more than the Boston on strange errands and chasing
Death of King. In modern Knights, Percival mythical beasts. But, if she can be found,
is a lonesome figure, traveling Boston and and convinced that their cause is worthy,
doing her best to help those in need. Yet, the Knight will happily join any distraction
every smile lasts a little too long, every from her chronic loneliness.
laugh is a bit too loud. Her forced good
cheer, and flagging merriment betray a deep DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
loneliness that has once again settled in her South Cambridge (Haven 2): Percival
soul. Something she fears even the return of has a house in south Cambridge near the
her King, and reuniting with her fellow MIT campus, and Fort Washington Park.
knights cannot fix.
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: Boston Renaissance Fairs (Herd 1):
Sworn Sword: While the Blood Bond to While Percival has trouble fitting in with
Quinten was severed with his “Death” mortal societies, Renaissance Fairs are
Percival is still irrationally loyal to the fallen where she feels most at home.
prince. She’ll follow his order to the letter,
despite a creeping suspicion that he hasn’t Massachusetts Witches (Allies 2):
always acted in her best interest. Percival is Percival is occasionally employed by Witch
beginning to look into other opinions of her Covens in and around Boston. She has a few
King. While she’s deluded herself into favors to pull here and there.
thinking otherwise, she’s searching for a
reason to turn against him. But it’ll have to New England Lupines (Enemy 3): Her
be a good one. questing often runs afoul of Werewolves in
the area.
Found Families: With the Knights
scattered across New England, Percival is Fae (Allies 1): Fairies are drawn to the
looking for a new Coterie to join. They must strange delusions of Percival. They seem to

gain strength from her belief in a world of MASK AND MIEN:

magic, and chivalry. Maskless: Percival hardly interacts with
mortal society, and when she does, they
Tom Pemberton: Professor of Ethics and write her off as insane, or a very committed
Foster Father to three children. Percival got LARPer.
him a professorship in Cambridge after the
Camarilla moved there. Percival has a stockier build and fiery red
hair that can often be seen streaming
Quinten King III: Even with his
“destruction” Percival is loyal to King. Her derangement results in her seeing the
world around her as if from an authoritarian
Elizabeth Whitt: The strange Malkavian myth. She speaks in a strange hybrid of old
is an exciting ally. and Shakespearean English. Percival seems
to have boundless energy and enthusiasm
Berel Underwood: More so than Hazel, with no limit to her sense of justice and
Percival dislikes Berel for his scheming chivalry/
against her King.
Sire: Nathan Skarvan
Andres Giovanni: Andres is the target of Embraced: 1811 (Born 1770s)
Ambition: Assemble a new Coterie of Knights
her Rage. Hazel at least keeps the kingdom. Convictions: No one should ever be alone for long
Andres humiliated her King and stole his Touchstones: Tom Pemberton
kingdom. Humanity: 5
Generation: 9th
Blood Potency: 3
Deception: Percival’s delusion isn’t as Attributes: (10 / 5) Rough EXP:474
strong as she acts. She’s well aware of the Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 5
world and uses the Questing Knight act to Charisma 3 Manipulation 2 Composure 5
get her targets to lower their guard. Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 4

Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 9

Despondent: Despite her outwardly
cherry demeanor, Percival is searching for Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Firearms 3, Larceny 1,
death. Melee 5 (Swords), Stealth 1, Survival 3, Animal Ken 1
(Horses), Etiquette 4, Insight 4, Intimidation 1,
Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1, Academics 1 (English
Holy Grail: She holds a number of Literature), Awareness 5, Politics 1 (Boston), Occult 3.
powerful relics looted from Tremere
Chantries, Witch Covens, and Sabbat Disciplines:
Strongholds. Auspex 5
Dominate 4
Fortitude 3
Potence 1
Celerity 1
Presence 2

Bernhard von Eschenbach - Architect up to him. His architecture and theatrical

of Madness designs grew more audacious functional
Quote: “You waste precious time twisting only due to their supernatural abilities. High
minds night after night. If you let me, I can balconies that could be reached with flight
build a space that will do that for you.” or great leaps. Shadowy corners and alcoves
MORTAL DAYS: Bernhard was born into to hide in. Limited natural lighting. All
a family of Bavarian Aristocrats. He had a became hallmarks of his work.
gilded childhood constantly traveling with
his parents. Bernhard grew to love the During the first World War he fled to the
theaters and grand public buildings he got US. Quinten King III and his patron Lord
to visit. The vaulted ceilings, stained glass, Biltmore were thrilled to have a renowned
and rising columns transported him to Kindred Architect in their city. They helped
another world. When he grew old enough, him gain control of the Boston
he left for college to study mathematics and Redevelopment Authority. There Bernhard
architecture, earning a degree in Munich. laid plans for the Massachusetts Turnpike
He got a little work designing minor public Extension. Meant to be an economic lifeline
buildings here and there. But city budgets for Camarilla interests, it served to inflame
were not big enough to support his lifestyle, tensions with Boston’s Anarchs and the
and he wasn’t skilled enough to land more Giovanni, which were displaced or cut off
lucrative court contracts. from the city by the raised highway.

He fell into scenic design for the theater,

using his training to craft wondrous
perspectives and other visual tricks. These
innovative designs caught the eye of Ludwig
II of Bavaria. The prince brought him to
advise on his numerous castles and theater
projects. The designs Bernhard put forth
were always the most eye-catching, but
utterly impractical. Still, they helped push
the envelope and develop a unique
architectural style. Bernhard’s good times
ended in 1886 when Ludwig died. Officially
by suicide, but Bernhard suspected
something foul was afoot. He spent years
trying to find the truth of what happened to Furious at this slight the Giovanni acted
his royal friend, but to no avail. swiftly, expunging Bernhard’s influence
from the BRA, and beginning to plan what
Left penniless and old, when a Malkavian would become Boston’s Big Dig before the
Ancilla approached him to offer the Turnpike was even finished. Unsawed,
Embrace, Bernhard accepted. Bernhard launched on another project, the
John Hancock Tower, the tallest building in
KINDRED NIGHTS: Upon embrace, New England. Partnering with Venture
Bernhard felt his mind expand, and the financiers, it heralded as a visible symbol of
possibilities of the world open themselves the Camarilla’s might and elegance.

he never could quite shake the feeling of

The project was a fiasco. Finished 100 being an under-dog. One of his strategies in
million dollars over budget, and six years recent nights has been to support Anarch
behind schedule. For years after it was cells by funding their sub-culture’s
scheduled to open whole sheets of reflective activities. Betting on these often-overlooked
glass would fall off the building shattering artists, entrepreneurs and civic leaders has
onto the streets below. The top floors given him a diversified network with reach
swayed in the wind, plaguing the tenants in surprising places. He’s always looking to
with motion sickness. The Ventrue washed expand.
their hands of Bernhard. Stubbornly he
worked to fix the tower, which finally Panic Room: Starting to hear the soft call
opened in 1976. However, he was left of the beckoning, he’s launched on a
without money or credibility. secretive project, converting an old panic
room from the days of the Sabbat invasion
Into modern nights Bernhard sulks in his into a chamber that can block out the call of
tower, high above the world, and removed the blood. It hasn’t worked, yet. But he
from the petty struggles on the streets. hopes with some occult or technological
When the rest of the Camarilla pulled out of expertise it can.
Boston, Bernhard remained. After the
Hecata turned down his offers of allyship, DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
he became an Anarch, selling part of his John Hancock Tower (Haven 5):
stake in the building to support their cause. Bernhard built several secret passages,
hidden floors, and Kindred accessible rooms
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: into the tower. He maintains a residence on
Controlled Demolition: Bernhard is the 59th floor.
planning to gradually dismantle his rival’s
basis of power. While violent attacks and Back Bay (Influence 3): Since the
populist appeals are effective for a while, he withdrawal of the Camarilla, Bernhard has
knows that to destroy something you need emerged as a mover and shaker in Back Bay.
to remove the support. He’s working on He hasn’t claimed Barony over the
slowly eroding the Camarilla’s cultural neighborhood, but little happens there he’s
institutions, the Hecata’s medical centers unaware of.
and both of their fiscal holdings, all while
building up alternatives under his control. Boston Architectural College (Herd
2): When he leaves the Hancock Tower it’s
Urban Renewal: By launching a building usually to travel here. He likes to gain
spree across the city he hopes to both add inspiration from the young minds.
cash into his coffers and seed bases of power
in the suburbs, and Central Boston. Many of THRALLS AND TOOLS:
these buildings are still looking for tenants Boston Planning & Development
or project managers who can keep rival Agency (Influence 2): His influence
influences away. hasn’t been completely scrubbed from city
planning. While the agency is now under
Gothic Revival: Despite being an fire and threatened with elimination,
entrenched member of the establishment,

Bernhard can still influence zoning and MASK AND MIEN:

development programs across the city. Bernard V. Eickhoff (Mask 2)

The 200 Clarendon Company Bernhard is a tall old man with harrowed
(Resources 4): This company manages features hidden behind a gray bushy beard.
the day-to-day running of the tower. He’s recently adopted the style of a “new
Bernhard pockets a little of their money. aristocracy”, jeans, hoodies, sneakers.
After a hard stretch, it’s becoming
profitable. He personifies the “mad genius” reputation
some artists have. Brilliant insights and
Stone Swan Architecture (Contacts 3): deep passions are broken by bouts of
With projects around the world Bernhard frustration and apathy.
has eyes across the US and limited influence
in a number of other domains. Sire: Helmut Grubenhoff
Embraced: 1900 (Born 1842)
Ambition: Control Boston, or at least Back Bay
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: Convictions: Boundaries are meant to be pushed to
George Brimmer: A fellow elder from the achieve perfection
Old World, the two share a long friendship. Touchstones:
Humanity: 4
Generation: 10th
April Bosley: One of the few Camarilla
Blood Potency: 2
contacts he remains in contact with, he
views her attempts to bring him into court Attributes: (7 / 4) Rough EXP: 320
as desperate. Strength 1 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2
Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Intelligence 4 Wits 4 Resolve 5
Jennifer Rebauch: She has vision,
although it’s still rooted in mundane Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 9
orthodoxy. She lacks the ability to truly
break barriers. Skills: Craft 5, Larceny 2, Stealth 2, Etiquette 3,
Leadership 3, Persuasion 2, Streetwise 2, Academics 4
(Architecture), Awareness 3, Finance 1, Investigation
Susan Buchannan: Of all the Anarchs, 2, Politics 3, Science 3, Technology 2
Susan is the one he respects most. She
knows how to build things, although she is Disciplines:
not an architect, she can follow blueprints. Obfuscate 3
Auspex 4
Dominate 3
Sacrificial Lamb: Bernhard’s is being
manipulated to serve as Quinten’s vessel.

Hit List: The SI has been looking into

“Blank Body Architecture” and noticed the
hallmarks of Bernhards work. Soon he, and
anyone living in a haven he designed, is
greeting the sun.

Elizabeth Whitt - Fae Touched clean. The vicious politics of Boston’s

Quote: “I wish that we were better Kindred and her own mundane existence
strangers.” had ground her down, to the point she had
MORTAL DAYS: Born to an elderly been trying to greet the sun. But every time,
couple in Chelsea, Elizabeth had a fondness she frenzied, and her Beast dragged their
for drawing, sketching fantastical little smoking corpse out of the light.
worlds. As she grew older, she entered the
Church Choir, discovering a second talent Taking pity on her, the Changeling brought
for singing. However, she delayed starting a her to “The Fool's Gambit” a tavern and
life of her own to help her parents fight to “free hold” in downtown Boston. Dazzled by
keep their home, which had been targeted the whimsical world she’d entered, Whitt
for demolition to build a new highway. Still, begged for sanctuary, and after much
her talent attracted the attention of many deliberation the Changelings acquiesced.
locals, and eventually a handful of She spent decades hiding within the Free
community theater organizations convinced Hold, making merry and keeping an eye on
her to commute to Cambridge. the outside world.

The opening night of Oh, Kay! was a As Boston’s Combat Zone was slowly
whirlwind. She remembers lights, applause, gentrified, the Fool’s Gambit found itself
a butte of roses and countless strangers endangered, and Whitt was asked to
heaping her with praise. Then, on her walk approach several influential Kindred to seek
home being approached by another fanatic, help in protecting the Free Hold from
with eyes cold as winter and a grip like iron. banality. Emerging into the Kindred world
With cutting complements, he told her she’d for the first time in decades, Whitt found a
be a prize worthy of a prince. world of chaos and horror beyond what she
had left. Feral Sabbat packs, vile
KINDRED NIGHTS: The next thing Necromancers, and marauding anarchs tore
Whitt remembered was awaking to find into the grinding bureaucracy of Camarilla.
herself covered in blood, with a splintered
wood scattered about. She wandered Boston Cautiously Whitt exploited the chaos of the
for a few nights, eventually being arrested dying times to carve a small territory for
by a group of “Redcoats” who took her to a herself, bolstered with wards from the
“Prince.” From there she was forced into the recently arrived Banu Haqim.
confounding and cutthroat world of Kindred
Corrupt Bargain: The Banu Haqim have
It was a life Whitt was not meant to lead. decided the bill for their services is coming
She drew inward, finding solace in creating due. They’re calling for her services more,
morose paintings streaked with hatred and and more frequently. Recently they’ve even
confusion. These personal, and occasionally had the audacity to demand access to the
macabre works drew the attention of Free Hold itself. Whitt now fears they will
Changeling. For a number of years, the two drag her fully back into the Jyhad or worse
supernaturals were unaware of the others strike the free hold directly. She’s hoping to
true nature. Till one day the Changeling rid herself of this debt either by replacing
found her crying tears of blood. Whitt came

the wards, driving the Banu Haqim out of

the city, or disappearing into the night.

Glamor: When Whit leaves the free hold it

is often to help the Changelings inside on
some quest, or more commonly to help
them acquire Glamor. She’s usually found
scouting for artists, creatives, or
shepherding the naive, idealistic and
innocent for long enough that a Kithain can
make their visit.

Riddle Festival: Every year the Fools

Gambit holds a riddle contest and festival
on the 4th of July. Whitt wants to ensure
this year is one for the history books. She’ll KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
happily welcome any help that will ensure Amos Breckenridge: Some misadventure
this. years ago saw Amos end up inside the Fool's
Gambit. The Changelings seemed to
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: approve, so Whitt trusts him.
The Fool’s Gambit (Haven 5):
Impossible to find, this Tavern exists in a Percival: Her fantastical view of the world
different reality, and can only be accessed is refreshing to Whitt. One of the few she
through an enchanted, hidden, and utterly truly trusts to run errands in the real world.
unremarkable door somewhere in
downtown Boston. Franz Galverz: The Inquisitor has been
helping strengthen wards to protect the
PO Box 356: All contact to Whitt starts Fools Gambit, but Whitt won’t trust him.
with leaving a wax sealed letter in this box.
THRALLS AND TOOLS: Golconda: Those damned fairies broke her
Boston Kithain (Allies 4): Whitt is curse, and she’s hording their secrets all to
fondly appreciated by many of the older herself.
Kithain who frequent the Fool’s Gambit.
Occasionally she has them use their strange Exquisite Blood: She’s saturated in
magic and bring their considerable power to Kithain magic. Anyone who tastes her blood
bear on her schemes. can tell, if you drink her dry, you'll surely
gain a little of their powers.
Starving Artists (Fame 1): Becoming
something of an urban legend among Exile: Whitt was kicked out of the Free
Boston’s art community, many swap stories Hold after an ill-timed frenzy saw her drain
of a muse who visits them in the wee hours one of the changelings.
to spark creativity.



Elizabeth Whitt (Maskless): She spends The Professor - Quaint Case Study
so little time interacting with authorities, Quote: “Is it preposterous that such a
she rarely needs to give more than a name. hypothesis should be granted apotheosis.”
MORTAL DAYS: Little is known of the
Targeted for the embrace due to her Professor’s mortal life. It’s speculated that
appearance, and spending so much time in a he was once an actual professor, a sci-fi
freehold leaves Whitt looks truly alive. Her author, street preacher, or perhaps just an
skin is full of color, and her eyes sparkling. ordinary person. No one has claimed credit
for his embrace, and he refuses to answer
Whitt has spent so much time with any questions about how he became a
Changelings she sometimes deludes herself vampire.
into thinking she’s one of them instead of a

Sire: Preston
Embraced: 1920s (Born 1900s)
Ambition: Shed her Vampiric Nature
Convictions: People need more whimsy in their lives
Touchstones: Margaret Murphy (owner of the
Fool’s Gambit)
Humanity: 9
Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 2

Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough EXP 227

Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2
Charisma 3 Manipulation 2 Composure 3
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 5 / Willpower 5 KINDRED NIGHTS: The Professor does

not actually regard himself as Kindred.
Skills: Craft 4 (Painting), Performance 2 (Music),
Instead, he insists that he is a “visitor from
Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Subterfuge 2, Animal Ken 2,
Etiquette 2, Stealth 2, Occult 4 (Fae), Academics 2 the heavens’ who must consume blood to
(Mythology), Medicine 2 “maintain my Earthling visage”. Because of
this, and his other eccentric behaviors, most
Disciplines: Kindred brush him off as either a tiresome
Auspex 3
Presence 3
kook or an entertaining sideshow. But, the
Obfuscate 2 Professor has a knack for knowing secrets,
Fortitude 2 predicting events and showing up at just the
right time to ruin the best laid plans. It’s
allowed him to survive Boston’s turbulent

Despite this, the Professor hasn’t ever been

a power player. Until recently he still slept
in a college Broom closet and spent his
nights lecturing to empty halls. But, after
the Triad collapse, he entered Boston’s

power struggle with surprising clarity. He Colleges (Fame 1): The professor’s
foiled rivals' plots, avoided danger with ease general demeanor and vast intellect have
and turned failure into opportunity. granted him free range over many of
Boston's educational institutions. Bringing
The Professor has called for a more him into contact with Kindred who prefer a
“scientifically minded” inquiry into the tight control over their domains.
Kindred Condition and reinforcing
“Quarantine Procedures” as he calls the Comic Book Shops (Influence 1): These
Masquerade. His calculated and rational Sci-Fi nuts love to poke fun at the Professor,
approach to Jyhad has caused a few outliers and he enjoys laughing at them.
to support his bid, despite the insanity.
Broom Closets (Haven 1): The Professor
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: Sleeps in Broom Closets
Symposium: Professor has been
contacting several powerful Kindred outside THRALLS AND TOOLS:
the city and hopes to attract them to Boston Students (Herd 2): Some of the students
for a “grand Symposium” which would allow he’s been a Guest Lecturer for keep in touch.
him to better understand and advise on the
culture and customs of those who emulate Conspiracy Theorists (Contacts 2):
his example. Some in the Camarilla have They keep in touch & pass observations
interpreted this as meaning he wants to about UFOs.
hold a Conclave. He’s looking for those that
would be willing to spread the word and KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
seeks tutors while the event is being Jackie Freeman: The Professor views her
organized. as an unwilling, but capable student.

Chariots of the Sky: Fascinated with air April Bosley: She finds his assertions
travel, the Professor has taken attempts to embarrassing but is forced to put up with
gain control over Boston Logan, bringing him. The Professor enjoys her attempts to
him into direct conflict with a number of poke holes in his observations.
interested parties. So far, he’s made little
progress in controlling it, but with the right WHISPERS:
accomplices, he could at least succeed in SI Sleeper: Professor’s rise to prominence
causing a bigger power vacuum around it. comes from the SI capturing him, and
breaking his brain, even more so. They’ve
Organic Produce: Professor has grown turned him into an agent of chaos, trying to
tired of hunting, lying or otherwise getting destabilize Boston’s power structures.
blood from mortals. He’s looking for a
reliable way to supply himself without Masquerade Risk: Professor has been
having to directly take it. However, the talking with some paranormal investigators
Hecata who controls Boston’s blood banks and pseudo-scientists. While it’s all dressed
have blacklisted him. For now, he subsists up in his sci-fi babble, he’s told them
off of animal blood. enough to blow the masquerade wide open
if it gets published.

MASK AND MIEN: Quinten King III - Prince of Boston

Smith Johnson: When asked for a name Quote: “A form, a form! My Kingdom for a
beyond Professor he offers this up. form!”
Surprisingly, he has a number of University MORTAL DAYS: Born and raised in
Credentials all held in the same leather Boston, Quinten joined the police to keep
wallet. his community safe. However, he was
quickly frustrated by the bureaucracy,
The Professor is a small, rumpled man with ineptitude and corruption plaguing the
all white hair and thick glasses. He’s been organization.
wearing the same purple sweater over a
collared shirt and tie since anyone’s met It came to a boiling point with the murder of
him. a young girl who lived down the street from
him. Outraged, Quinten went rogue, raising
He speaks like a college student attempting a mob and arranging an illegal manhunt for
to pad the word count of an essay. Filled the murderer. Little did he know, the girl
with redundant clauses and stuffed with had been killed by a local Kindred. Terrified
obscure vocabulary. Droning on in a high- by the mob brandishing torches and
pitched whimsical voice. sharpened rakes through his domain, the
Kindred decided to embrace, and
Sire: Unknown traumatize this upstart police inspector.
Embraced: Unknown
Ambition: Hold a Conclave in Boston
Convictions: I am not a Monster
However, his plan backfired. Impressed by
Touchstones: Heraclea Melville Paranormal the fiery resolve, and skillful oration of
investigator Quieten, several of his Children began to
Humanity: 7 scheme against him.
Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 1

Attributes: (8 /2) Rough EXP: 287

Strength 1 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2
Charisma 4 Manipulation 2 Composure 2
Intelligence 5 Wits 3 Resolve 3

Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 5

Skills: Insight 5, Performance 2, Persuasion 2,

Streetwise 1, Academics 5, Awareness 3, Politics 1,
Science 3,

Presence 2
Auspex 5
Dominate 3
Obfuscate 2

KINDRED NIGHTS: Quinten’s embrace

was particularly brutal. Buried under the
grave of the girl who sparked his

investigation, he had to dig himself out of legends. But, when roused from these bouts
the earth and through her corpse. He of pity he was a terrifying force. Still, he was
emerged into the grave, to find his sire, first unable to mobilize the American members
meal, staked to the bottom. Betrayed by his of Boston’s Camarilla, who viewed him as a
brood, the elder Malkavian was ambushed weak traitor.
and thrown into the grave to be Diablerized
by the fledgling police officer. By the early 2000s, his situation was
untenable. While the Sabbat was no longer
Confused, and angry, Quinten was calmed an issue, many members of the Kindred of
by his six Malkavian siblings who explained Liberty had joined in the Anarch Revolt. As
their Kindred condition, and particular Anarch riots increased in intensity, the
delusion, to the man they now saw as King Hecata figured Quinten, and the rest of his
Arthur. puppet court, had outlived their usefulness.
The Giovanni bosses announced they were
Quieten took to this new role with gusto, no longer allied with Boston’s Camarilla.
Blood Bonding the Six Knights, who viewed
themselves as heroes from Arthurian While many believed he was killed, the truth
legend. Together, the 7 took up Quinten's is Quinten had conducted a strange ritual
mortal crusade of keeping Boston safe. For with the aid of Tremere from the Hartford
several years they crusaded against mortal Chantry, and a local Kine Witch. This
witches, savage lupines, and Sabbat packs. allowed his soul and mind to flee into the
Their questing eventually drew the Ire of Malkavians’ Cobweb; especially a link he
Boston’s Prince. He feared they would spark had established between his Knights, and
a war with the Sabbat, something Boston's other loyalists, Known as the Round Table.
Camarilla could not win. Enraged at this In this half-death, Quinten’s mind lays in
request, Quinten stormed from Elysium, something akin to Torpor.
gathered his knights, and slayed the Prince.
The empty shell of his body was given to a
Claiming Praxis King declared his would be vengeful Primogen who kept it chained
a reign of Shining Justice, Romantic Peace, below a blood bar, drawing vitae to sell for
and Noble Honor. It was nothing of the sort. profit, and cutting off its regrowing limbs
Riding high on vanity, and distracted by the once a month.
petty drama of Court, King’s many enemies
outside of Boston began to circle. When To Boston at large, King is officially dead.
Lord Biltmore, a British Methuselah, came However, occasionally one of the Six
across the Atlantic with his followers, King Knights will arrive at a gathering speaking
had no choice but to accept his aid in in Quinten’s voice and displaying knowledge
protecting Boston from the Sabbat. only the former Prince could have.

Reduced to a Puppet Prince, King did his PLOTS AND SCHEMES:

best to advocate for his Knights and My Kingdom for a Form: Existing in
Subjects, to trivial effect. Decried as the half-death isn’t convenient, at all. It will
“British Doll” and “Biltmore’s Plaything.” allow him to escape any threat to his life for
Quinten slowly receded into himself, the near future, but it comes at a terrible
reminiscing on past glories, and fictional cost. The Cobweb is not a safe place, and

even the Round Table he’s assembled within Loose Ends: The ritual used to bind his
it has its dangers. Quinten is looking for a soul to the Cobweb attracted great interest
new, permanent host to hold his mind. from other Malkavians. But, Quieten doesn't
While many of his knights would willingly want any more company. He’s trying to kill
give up their lives for him, Kings consider the Kine Witch who helped him.
them too useful to sacrifice. He’s looking for
the rare combination of powerful blood, and DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
weak will. Someone easy to repress for the Havenless: Quinten has no official Haven,
long haul. relying instead on the resources and homes
of his current host.
Let the Record Show: He was never a
popular Prince. His entire reign was Boston (Influence 3): Although no
propped up by other Kindred looking for a longer Prince on account of his “death”,
puppet. This was an open secret. But Quinten still has much influence over the
Memory is a fickle thing. Quieten is lingering Camarilla territories.
launching a gaslighting campaign to spin
himself into a tragic hero. He’s pinning his THRALLS AND TOOLS:
failings on Biltmore’s incompetence, Hecata Knights of the Round Table
meddling, and lackluster support of the (Retainers 5): Scattered across New
Kindred of Liberty. In his story he fought England, the Knights are still loyal to King,
valiantly to defend the Camarilla and kept it and will heed his word. They serve as
alive despite all odds for almost a century. terrifying agents.
Then it collapsed when the Hecata refused
to take the Anarchs seriously. To hear him Cambridge Camarilla (Influence 3):
tell it, he was, and still should be, a good The convention of Thorns had no clause for
Prince. this situation. But, the rule of Praxis still
applies, Quinten continues to claim it,
Scales of Justice: Quentin is still although his ability to enforce it is reduced.
occasionally called upon to settle disputes,
at least until someone else can claim Praxis. Boston Police Department (Allies 2):
When summoned for these judgments, he Quinten has a few lingering contacts in the
acts as a brutal arbiter of justice. Fully BPD.
believing in an eye for an eye, and the King
Solomon approaches. Wynne & Doug Billings: Wynne is an
Arthurian Scholar at Boston University;
Caught in the Web: Quinten isn’t the only Doug is a Prosecutor for Boston.
entity in the Cobweb. Powerful entities
hound him whenever he travels the mental KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
network or threaten to rip his mind from Andres Giovanni (Enemies 5): King
whatever body he inhabits. Understanding knows how dangerous Andres can be but
the nature of these “brigands” as he calls does what he can to undermine the Don’s
them is a high priority. He’s looking for authority in Boston.
obscure knowledge of the Occult, Kindred
History and Magic. Hazel Iverson (Enemies 4): While King
tries to hold no ill will towards Hazel, after

all it was the Primogen who forced him out,

not her, he knows she won’t step aside the Sire: Nathan Skarvan
let him reclaim the throne. Still, he Embraced: 1811 (Born 1770s)
Ambition: Reclaim a body, my honor, and my
appreciates her efforts to preserve the throne.
domain. Convictions: Never let an injustice go unpunished
Touchstones: Billings Family
Effie Feng (Enemies 3): Feng was one of Humanity: 2
Generation: 7th
the Primogen who helped force him out,
Blood Potency: 3
since then she’s withdrawn to Chinatown,
but King still seeks revenge. Attributes: (10 / 6) Rough EXP: 589
Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Percival (Retainer 3): While she’s always Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Composure 4.
Intelligence 4, Wits 4, Resolve 4
loyal, King has learned not to take her for
granted. He does his best to reinforce her Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 7
loyalty when he can.
Skills: Brawl 3, Performance 2, Insight 5, Leadership
4, Subterfuge 4, Etiquette 4, Firearms 3, Performance
Franz Galverz (Allies 2): Franz has a
4, Stealth 2, Academics 3 (Law), Streetwise 5
deep respect for King’s long history fighting (Boston), Politics 4 (Bureaucracy), Investigation 4,
the Sabbat and wouldn’t mind his return. Medicine 3 (Psychology), Occult 1.

WHISPERS: Disciplines:
Auspex 4,
Final Death: Quinten King III died in the Celerity 2,
early 2000s. This nonsense started as the Dominate 5,
Knights delusion, and was picked up by the Fortitude 2,
Cam as useful propaganda. Obfuscate 3,
Potence 1,
Presence 3
Biltmore’s Revenge: Quinten’s diablerie
against Biltmore failed, and the British
Elder continued to rule Boston until the
Knights found out, and killed him.


Quinten has no body, and as such has no
use for a mask right now. He can possess
other Malkavians connected to the Madness
network for short times, overwriting their
personality and replacing their Social and
Mental stats with his own.

Quinten lives up to the name “King” he

carries himself with regal dignity, treating
those who engage with him as interlocutors.
Irony and humor are beneath him, sarcasm
unbecoming. Lofty rhetoric and drumming
fingers punctuate his appearances.

Effie Feng – The Hungry Dead and accurate insights into their movements
Quote: “Purpose often comes to us the endeared her to the Kindred of Liberty.
roundabout way.” This combination also enabled Feng to be
MORTAL DAYS: In mortal life Effie Feng accepted into Kindred society as a
was a servant to a cruel Chinese Noble. She Malkavian.
was recruited into a coup attempt by his
younger brother. However, it went awry. He
and Effie were executed for their betrayal.

KINDRED NIGHTS: Effie then received

the “Second Breath” a mystical process
where a spirit re-possess its own body to
wander the Earth as a “Kuei-Jin”, one of the
Hungry Dead. The Hungry Dead differ from
Kindred in a few ways. They may endure
sunlight for short periods, however
prolonged exposure will cause them to rot.
They may eat and drink freely, however,
gain no nourishment from it. Their nutrition
comes not from Blood itself, but the
spiritual energies within. Feng played a key role in weakening
Biltmore’s forces to the point the Sabbat
Effie found herself inducted into a Kuei-Jin could practically wipe them out in the 90s.
Court and began searching for the purpose With the British driven out, Feng thought
that had allowed her spirit to remain on her role in America was done. But word
Earth. During this time, she was assigned a never came from her Daimyo. Through the
Daimyo to instruct her. But, young and 90s she squabbled over territory with Pug
naïve to the ways of the world, Feng was Jackson of Clan Brujah. But her heart
manipulated into betraying her master to a wasn’t in it anymore. Her resources
group of British Kindred. dwindled as her chance at redemption
seemed to slip away. She took a mortal
Exiled from her home, with her connection lover, birthing a dhampyr in the late 1990s.
to the Kuei-Jin courts severed, Feng
developed a deranged need for revenge The birth of her son caused Feng to all but
against the British Kindred. She wandered withdraw from Kindred affairs. Her power
the Earth for many years, eventually hearing was far reduced, limited to a few blocks in
of the Triad and its occupation of New Chinatown where she sats as an oracle,
England. She left Asia to establish herself in offering fortune cookie wisdom to tourists,
their domain and drive them out. She hoped and cryptic glimpses of the future to
that removing them from America would be Kindred.
enough to reverse her exile.
But since her son has come of age, Effie has
The next several decades saw her build an burst back into the intricate power plays of
impressive base of support in Boston’s Boston. Ruling Chinatown with an iron fist
Chinatown. Her raving hatred of the Triad and navigating sect alliances with razor wit.


Dead Girl Walking: Throughout her Chinatown (Influence 3): While her
years in Boston, Effie never needed to lie fiscal capital, and loyal manpower is
about her true nature, the Kindred simply reduced from its height, Feng is still a force
assumed she was Malkavian. However, if to be reckoned with in Chinatown. But her
this “deception” is ever discovered it could power is best grown by not using it, so she
have dire consequences. The Camarilla plays nice with the Hecata and occasional
don’t take kindly to outside influence, and Anarch.
the Hecata are known to do unspeakable
things to other undead. Effie doesn’t know Clay Pot (Haven 3): Upgrading from the
the fate of any Hungry Dead they’ve basement of a liquor store to the floor above
captured, but she is determined to not find this restaurant was the first of Feng’s recent
out. Maintaining this facade is her highest power moves. It’s secure and private.
priority. It’s enabled by blood sorcery rituals
Chinatown Gangsters (Allies 3): Feng
Primogen Council: The Cambridge has started building rapport with the
Camarilla are looking for members to fill the Criminal elements in Chinatown. Some old
power vacuum left after Operation timers remember the Dragon Lady of the
Swansong. As one of the few “Malkavians” 80s & 90s with a fierce temper and chilling
not connected to the Round Table, Effie is in insights.
an ideal position to serve as their Primogen.
However, the Anarchs has begun calling her Shim Gum Do (Retainers 3): The
the “Baron of Chinatown” muddling the Temple / Dojo in Brighton has provided a
waters of her allegiance. number of mortals trained in sword fighting
and Buddhist Philosophy. They’re valuable
Family Business: Much of her funds enforcers and confidants for Feng who feels
come through racketeering in Chinatown. the connection to her home culture slipping
While it has the veneer of an official security with every passing day.
company, most of the clients know what
they’re really paying for. KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
Line Feng: Effie would do anything to
Great Leap Backward: During the mid- protect her son. She’s raised him to be an
1900s the Hungry Dead of China began a independent partner, but still guards him
period of aggressive expansion. They have with jealousy.
since reversed course, retreating into Asia.
Effie has no idea what caused this. It could Quinten King III: King’s tragic hero act
be related to the Beckoning, the Gehenna will not work on her. The Prince welcomed
War, or the Week of Nightmares. But she’s those British invaders, and necromancers
curious to find out. Discovering this new into the city.
threat and aiding in its defeat serves as a
tantalizing path to redemption.

Vivian Abbott: She’s thankful this loneliness have left her weary, and a touch
member of the Hecata has no interest in her sad. Threats against her or her son will be
beyond power and money. met with ferocious anger.

Gonzo Carnivale: He’s an obnoxious Sire: Sun Tai T’ung

snoop who hasn’t yet learned that it’s better Embraced: 1784 (1759)
Ambition: Reconnect with her Court in Asia
to stay out of her way. But he is amusing Convictions: Redemption must be earned
and provides good cover. Touchstones: Bhikkhu Kwon
Humanity: 4
Martha Randolph: Given their territory Generation: 7
Blood Potency: 4
borders, they’ve struck an uneasy non-
aggression pact. Attributes: (10 / 6) Rough EXP: 619
Strength 3 Dexterity 5 Stamina 3
WHISPERS: Charisma 3 Manipulation 4 Composure 1
House of Carna: Effie has made her true Intelligence 5 Wits 5 Resolve 3

self known to a few Tremere loyal to the Secondary Attributes: Health 3 Willpower 4
House of Carna. She hopes these blood
sorcerers will be able help her maintain this Skills: Performance 5, Awareness 5, Brawl 4, Insight
deception, if not convert her into a full 2, Intimidation 5, Leadership 3, Persuasion 3,
Subterfuge 3, Athletics 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 4,
Firearms 2, Melee 5, Streetwise 3 (Boston & Hong
Kong), Technology 1, Academics 3 (Mathematics),
Extraneous Variable: The U.W.U. have Politics 3
tailored their weapons and approaches to
deal with Kindred. They’re unprepared for Disciplines:
Auspex 5
the Hungry Dead. Celerity 1
Dominate 3
False Flag: Feng wasn’t exiled. She was Obfuscate 4
sent to Boston to claim it for her masters Presence 4
Blood Sorcery 3
back in Asia.


“Malkavian” Feng is skilled enough in
Mystic Arts to hide her nature from
rudimentary use of Auspex. She’s also living
among Kindred long enough that few
cultural quirks would give her away.
However, there are some fundamental
differences that would be impossible to
hide, especially her resilience to sunlight.

Evelynn Fang: She uses this westernized

name to interact with some mortals.

Feng speaks in perfect English. While it's

clear she still has a brilliant mind, years of

Boston’s Ministers have all but been forced out by Ventrue and Hecata. With the Hecata carving
out sizable portions of the criminal services the Ministers traditionally thrive in. The Ventrue
attempt to crack down on these efforts have mostly ended up targeting Ministry Operations

The Ministers that are able to function in Boston are those that can adapt to this new paradigm.
They operate in quasi-legal markets. Largely disorganized, the recent question of property on
the Revere waterfront has given them a foothold to coalesce around. However, the remain a
group of small fish in a big pond.

Harry Doyle - Body man was running for president and wanted
Quote: “I’ve gotten good at getting Harry to help coordinate travel. He proved a
anything. ‘Cept answers.” valuable ally, both in maneuvering the
MORTAL DAYS: president efficiently, and in advising on
Born in Boston, Harry spent his youth policy issues. For his loyal service, Harry
playing football in the park, sneaking beers, was brought into the White House as a
and narrowly avoiding trouble with the law. “Special Assistant to the President for
At the outbreak of WWII, he enlisted and Transportation and Infrastructure Policy”.
became a pilot flying missions over Europe, He was a key mind behind the Blockade of
dropping supplies for the French resistance. Cuba established in 1962. However, most of
His first experience with smuggling. As D- his contributions were as a back channel for
Day approached, he volunteered for a the White House to indirectly talk to less
dangerous mission; letting himself be shot savory organizations and supply staffers
down and taken prisoner with intelligence with goods and services they couldn’t get
that would help the French POWs stage a through official channels.
jailbreak to distract the Germans. Somehow,
he pulled it off, and the prisoners took their The Kennedy Assassination was an
holding center, giving a friendly oasis to the enormous blow to Harry, who watched it
invading Allies. happen two car lengths in front of him. He
resigned from his post a few months later,
separated from his pregnant and spent
almost two years unemployed, hitchhiking
across the country. It was during this time
he met his sire; a Settiet in New Orleans.
Floored to see the architect of the Cuban
blockade in his clutches, the Kindred
brought Harry into his employ as a
smuggler. After dozens of successful runs to
and from Cuba, it was decided Harry was
too valuable to let go.

Harry’s transition to un-life sparked a deep
sense of guilt. In his mortal life he had
Returning to the States, Harry enrolled in helped people flitter away what little time
Harvard Business school where he played they had, and as a reward, he now had all
football and met a young John F. Kennedy. the time in the world. It didn’t seem right.
The two remained in touch after college, as Soon after his embrace, he left New Orleans
Jack pursued politics. Harry remained in and returned home to Boston where he took
Boston and developed a reputation as a a job as a truck driver.
“fixer”, the kind of guy you could go to get
anything, legal or otherwise. Night after night, for years, he sat behind
the wheel, alone with his thoughts. Time
In 1960, Harry was surprised to receive a passed so slowly, it felt like agony. Until the
call from his old friend Jack Kennedy. He Dying Times. During one of the Sabbat

Raids, Harry found his truck rolled by a

pack of shovel heads. Pushed to frenzy, Campaign Manager: He’s been out of the
Harry bit one of the antitribu, and drained game for a long tie but Harry still
him dry. The high was euphoric. understands grip and grin politics. He
Remembering the pleasures of his his knows there’s plenty of people jockeying for
mortal life, Harry had a new outlook on life. power, and he wants to meet the contestants
before baking a horse.
Presenting himself to court, the prince
pardoned him pardon for his crime, and put DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
the trained smuggler to work planning ways Sea Shore Car Wash (Haven 2,
to reinforce their supply lines against Resources 1): He lives in the basement of
meddling. Harry worked for the Camarilla this 24-hour car wash. It provides a
for a time, before receiving a better offer convenient excuse for any visitor to pass
from the Hecata. He jumped ship, leaving through for a drop or pick-up.
the Camarilla’s blood trade in disarray just
as the recently minted Prince Hazel was Bay of Cigs (Resources 2): After the US
taking over. normalized relations with Cuba in the
2010s, the lucrative smuggling ring he
Following the SI attacked, Harry once more inherited from his sire has all but dried up.
felt that guilt tugging at his soul. Quietly, he He did open a cigar and liquor store
turned control of the Hecata blood trade specializing in Cuban brands for premium
back to Vivian. Since then he’s retreated to prices.
Revere with the rest of his clan.
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: Boston Teamsters Union (Retainers
New Hire: The pony express, an 2, Herd 1): The truckers and delivery
independent network of Kindred couriers, drivers of Boston tend to stick together.
has recently employed him as the
administrator for Boston. He’s in charge of Massachusetts Democratic Party
sending and receiving the dead drops left by Commission (Allies 2): A few old
couriers across the city. However, his contacts can still be reached in positions of
malaise has seen a number of important power.
packages being lost. He’s trying to track
Berel Underwood: Doyle avoids
What is my Purpose: Harry is looking to Underwood, who loathes the turncoat.
find clarity and meaning in his unlife, and
he’s begun seeking out those with Vivian Abbott: He is indebted to her. For
knowledge of the Sabbat. His past some reason she didn’t bear a grudge after
experience with diablerie remains one of the he pulled out of the Hecata.
strongest sensations he’s had since death
and he knows their sect embraces the Franz Galverz: Is terrifying. Doyle knows
practice. He’s seeking out former members his search for meaning may run afoul of the
to learn more about what they stand for and inquisitor's approval.
if he can accept it.

Candace Hall: Candice’s easy answers are Ambition: Find purpose

too well rehearsed to provide any real Convictions: Life is fleeting
Touchstones: Tian Schloss - Boston Globe
comfort. Journalist
Humanity: 5
Konrad Muller: Doyle knows Muller is Generation: 11th
dangerous, but he can’t shake a feeling the Blood Potency: 2
pugilist could lead him to some kind of
Attributes: (7 / 1) Rough EXP: 238
mentor. Strength 4 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 4 Manipulation 4 Composure 2
WHISPERS: Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 1
Catholic Guilt: The SI’s massacre was
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 3
because of a traitor among their ranks, not
because Harry left them exposed. His guilt Skills: Athletics 4 (Football), Brawl 1, Drive 5
could be manipulated into getting him to (Planes), Firearms 3, Stealth 2, Survival 1, Etiquette 1,
rejoin the camarilla, but this truth could Insight 2, Leadership 3, Persuasion 3 (Union
Workers), Streetwise 3 (Boston), Subterfuge 2,
embolden him to join the Hecata or
Academics 3 (Economics), Awareness 1, Finance 1,
Anarchs. Investigation 1, Politics 5 (Labor Movements).

To Mr. President: His job at the white Disciplines:

house was procuring women to satisfy JFK’s Protean 2
Presence 2
appetites. While the president’s affairs are Obfuscate 3
well known, some extra salacious details
would fetch a high price.

Conspiracy Nut: As someone close to the

Kennedy Assassination he’s privy to info the
general public didn’t get. It made him


Jack Doyle (Mask 2): When Harry’s son
died in a car crash, he picked up the young
man’s identity.

Harry is a pale middle-aged man with

thinning curly hair and a rarely seen wide
smile. Built like a linebacker. Although
generally morose and despondent, he can
put on a solid act and pretend to be
charismatic whenever he’s being social.

Doyle speaks with a simple Boston accent.

Sire: Member of Manon’s Temple

Embraced: 1969 (Born 1921)

Candace Hall C.S.D. - Faith Healer long since thought buried. Stealing into the
Quote: “Sin brought death, and death will night, she went to look for a nip of Poppy
disappear with its disappearance.” Tears, just to ease their suffering.
MORTAL DAYS: A strong, rambunctious
child, Candace found life in gilded age She found a ready supplier. Her supervisors
Boston rife with adventure and romance. found her. In a matter of months, she was
She’d frequent the streetcars, and wander stripped of her position, her status under
the docks looking for distraction and review. Her former friends, her parents, all
excitement. As she grew older these saw her with shame. With nowhere else to
dabbling’s became more illicit. Falling into turn, she drifted back into the dens.
bars, opium-dens, and brothels.

Till her health began to fail. Taking action

her family placed her in the care of a series
of doctor, each one stripping more and more
of the drugs from her lifestyle. Left a
hollowed shell, she faded to an empty head,
and half heart. It was then her parents
placed her into the care of the Christian
Scientists, a new church that promised
physical and spiritual healing.

Placed with many young people like herself,

Candace found herself drawing strength,
and hope, from the stories they told. She
heard about them finding life beyond their KINDRED NIGHTS: It was at the end of a
addictions, and exploring a whole new month-long visit that Candace awoke.
world, and working to make it a better Something gnawed inside her. Not food nor
place. She threw herself headfirst into their drink nor drug was able to silence it. Still,
work, learning from their books, and even once more she returned to her dealer and
taking courses taught by their founder. asked for a fix. He smiled and welcomed her
into their twilight world.
However, when she re-entered the real
world, she found her work suddenly much Candace quickly learned of these Setties and
harder. Having a non-captive audience their ways. They dealt in all that was wicked
made preaching harder, and often she found and corrupt, dirtying their hands so that
her prayers unanswered, and her patients others may remain pure. They were martyrs,
sickening. The stress mounted; her faith taking the evils of the world inside
crumbled. themselves so that others could become
free. Candace adopted this role with
Almost five years after emerging from the abandon. Shepherding those with sick
asylum, she found herself tending to a ward minds and desperate bodies. Many
of patients plucked from an opium den. succumbed to the evils they brought inside
Hearing their moans, and recollections of themselves, but a glorious few transcended
being on the drug stirred a desire she had

their ailments under her care. A service she DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
made sure they could always re-pay. Chelsea Church of Christ, Scientist
(Haven 2): Her personal has in an
Modern nights see Candace peddling dietary attached room to this small community
supplements, healing crystals, and church. She knows establishing this as a
alternative medicine to recovering drug Ministry Temple would be a large gamble,
addicts, the mentally-ill, and those just essentially costing her a personal haven.
dissatisfied with life. Things that help the
sick and dying “find hope” if not a cure. MLMs (Resources 3): Selling a number
of “health foods” she imports for cheap has
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: let her amass a small fortune.
Alternatives to Medicine: Candace is
largely preoccupied with building a network Revere Medical Center (Infamy 1): A
of ghouls. While the crystals, powders, and number of run-ins with doctors here
other snake-oil she sells are no more than attempting to get her patient's actual help
placebos, whenever she finds someone truly has resulted in her getting a restraining
useful, she’ll slip them some of her vitae. order from the clinic
This usually cures their afflictions and
enthralls them in her will. THRALLS AND TOOLS:
AA (Herd 2): Frequenting Alcoholics
Temple: The Ministry of Boston currently Anonymous meetings provide her plenty of
lacks a proper place of worship. Being victims to feed on, and mark for future
forced to meet in strip malls, hotel rooms schemes.
and individual homes is cute but makes it
hard to be taken seriously. For some reason, Chelsea Church of Christ, Scientist
Yesenia is hesitant to establish a proper (Herd 2, Retainers 1): The patrons of
temple in Revere’s waterfront, so Candace is this church are often able to attempt some
taking matters into her own hands. unorthodox healing rituals.

Furry Little Converts: While Lupines KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:

generally avoid Boston proper a number Martha Randolph: Martha considers
have Kinfolk, Familiars or family living Candance an opportunistic parasite, but
within the suburbs. Candace is working to can't deny she has a knack for pressuring
bring a few them into her thrall, hopefully people. For her part Candance sees Martha
granting her control over the Werewolves as a tool to wield against the wicked.
Susan Buchannan: While Susan doesn't
Three Step Process: Candace practices share her ideologies, they agree on the
an old ministry approach to getting power of collective action.
follower. 1) find a mark, someone desperate
for something. 2) Offer an easy answer, Yesenia Mora: According to her Yesenia
drugs, sex, religion. 3) Wait till that no has abandoned the way, and chose a truly
longer satisfies so you can move them onto sinful path of self-destructive self-
something new. enrichment.

Franz Galverz: Candance despises Franz Yesenia Mora - Artistic Entrepreneur

and his close minded persecution of those Quote: “Does it matter if it’s real if it makes
he sees as monstrous. you feel this?”
WHISPERS: Yesenia was chosen as one of the first
Addict: Candance hasn’t shaken her female students to attend university in
reliance on Heroin, often getting her victims Nicaragua. There she studied archaeology
high before feeding on them. and art history, waiting to know more about
the ancient world. She graduated in five
True Faith: She’s never lost her mortal years, entering the real world of fieldwork.
faith in a higher power, and truly believes
she’s serving his will. In this male-dominated field the pressure
grew. At first, it fueled her drive to succeed.
MASK AND MIEN: But over time her will was ground down.
Constance Hall: Parishioner at the Mounting finical trouble found her
Chelsea Church of Christ, Scientist. gambling to make ends meet. This deepened
her debt. Desperate, she began pawning off
Candace has a slim frame and almost small artifacts at antiquities dealers. When
waifish proportions. Long brown hair making one of these sales she observed a
frames her oval face with piercing blue eyes. forged item. The dealer shrugged off her
critique, which planted an idea. She started
She is intense, carrying the demeanor of making and pawing forgeries, using her
someone who is convinced they know best, credentials as an archeologist to bluff
and it’s your fault for not seeing it that way. through verifications.

Sire: Pastor Wallace McCormick This attracted the Church of Set who were
Embraced: 1920 (Born 1889) hoping to humiliate a local museum. In
Ambition: Expand my flock to dwarf all others
Convictions: Healing requires discomfort
exchange for erasing her considerable debts,
Touchstones: Pastor Peter Weinberg Yesenia went to the press with her
Humanity: 3 techniques for forgery. She then proceeded
Generation: 12th to demonstrate how to detect them, and
Blood Potency: 2
listed a number of items she knew were
Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough Exp 295 fraudulent. All of which had found their way
Strength 1 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3 into the museum. Pleased, the Setties kept
Charisma 4 Manipulation 5 Composure 2 her around to authenticate antiquities and
Intelligence 2 Wits 2 Resolve 3 artistic works for their own collections.
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 5
KINDRED NIGHTS: Mora’s enterprises
Skills: Stealth 1, Etiquette 2, Insight 3, Intimidation saw her well rewarded by the Setties,
1, Performance 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 5, medicine granted the gift of the embrace after a
3 (Painkillers), Politics 1, Science 1 (Addiction)
number of years. Following this she was
Disciplines: shuttled across Latin America auditing
Obfuscate 3 Settiet temples for authentic relics and
Presence 5 overseeing the sale of the forgeries in their
Protean 1 collections.

that are not only valuable, but also

During WWII, the Settiet Leaders asked for powerful.
her to return to Egypt and aid in preserving
their antiquities. She remained there Pop Up Installations: As a way of making
throughout the Cold War hunting lost relics in-roads with others, and for her own
and artists’ works across the middle east. amusement, Mora has taken a leading role
in organizing temporary art installations for
At the turn of the century Mora’s colleagues the anarchs.
began prophesying the end times as signs of
Gehenna mounted. Unwilling to accept such Pictionary: One of her current projects is
dire predictions she broke ties with the studying the graffiti, gang sings, and
Church of Set and fled to the Americas. informal methods of communication used
There she joined a reforming sect from her by Boston’s Subcultures and other clans.
clan, re-named the Ministry. Settling in She collects pictures, and rubbings in a large
Boston she was welcomed by a robust binder that helps her decode any “secret”
Anarch movement eager for the credibility messages she encounters.
such an expert in antiques and art could
Revere Waterfront (Haven 3,
Resources 2): Mora has sunk
considerable funds into buying up parts of
the Revere Waterfront. While many
storefronts continue to sit boarded up, some
have re-opened as antique stores, dive bars,
tourist traps, and artist galleries. She keeps
at least one unoccupied at all times to act as
an office & haven.

Museum of Fine Arts (Influence 1):

While decidedly counter culture her work
has attracted the notice of some gatekeepers
at the MFA.


It Belongs in a Museum: Much of her Graffiti Artists (Herd 1): Those that run
time in modern nights is consumed by solo are often easy to prey upon.
mundane antiquities deals. While generally
routine and boring, they serve to make the Antiques Dealers (Contacts 4):
Anarchs, and herself, lots of money. In Entrenched into the market for rare art and
addition, it helps her keep tabs on undead antiquities, Mora can source artifacts or
rivals. offload stolen goods.

Nine Tenths of Ownership: Mora has KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:

begun probing the ruins of the nearby Bernhard von Eschenbach: Yesenia
Chantries. Hoping to find relics and works wants him to consult on the redevelopment

of the Revere Waterfront, but he considers it Humanity: 6

a task beneath him. Generation: 12th
Blood Potency: 1

Tempa Dolma: Another Kindred Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough EXP 234

interested in Occult artifacts and esoteric Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2
cultures. She’s a rival who could expose her Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 2
Intelligence 4 Wits 3 Resolve 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 4
Amos Breckenridge: The roving
blowhard seems to want nothing more than Skills: Craft 4, Larceny 2, Insight 1, Persuasion 2,
to be an annoyance to her. Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3, Academics 3 (Art History),
Finance 2, Investigation 2, Occult 1, Politics 1, Science
2 (Carbon Dating), Technology 2
Harry Doyle: Mora views Doyle as an
investment. Sure, he’s not useful right now, Disciplines:
but he’ll be worth something soon. Obfuscate 2
Presence 3
Protean 2
WHISPERS: Dominate 3
Sabbat Convert: While traveling the near-
East Mora defected from the Settiets to ally
with the Sabbat. She’s using the Anarchs in
Boston to weaken the city for their coming

Mnemosyne Target: Her activities have

made a cult of Noddist Archaeologists target


Yesenia Mora III: She’s adopted the
identity of her granddaughter.

Yesenia projects the forgetful and busy air of

someone with too much to do and not
enough time to do it. She tends to lazar
focus on a task and then completely drop it
the moment something else crosses her

With blush of life, she has olive skin and her

curly hair regains its bounce and volume.

Sire: Marriott D'Urban

Embraced: 1945 (Born 1897)
Ambition: Know the origin of Vampirism
Convictions: Truth requires verification

Often overlooked, some Nosferatu claim to have been in the Americas since before even the
Vikings set foot in the frozen north. However long their tenure on the continent, the Sewer Rats
have played an undersong role in shaping the city's history.

Modern nights see the clan persist in much the same manner. While not ruling outright, or
forcefully participating in Sect conflict, the Nosferatu remain in the shadows, keeping their
heads down and manipulating the other clans through what information they give them at what
times. Their network is wide ranging and Boston’s penchant for historical preservation and
extensive subway system giving them ample nooks and crannies to hide in.

Patrick Carr - The Bellhop Carr awoke to his body being warped and
Quote: “You’re not ready to know half of twisted, turned into a monster. Deeply
half of what happens behind closed doors.” unhappy with his new existence he refused
MORTAL DAYS: Patrick Carr was born in to take part in Kindred life. He spent the
Ireland. Scenes of mob violence and next decades stalking his family and friends,
protests of British were burned into him by pining after the life he could no longer have.
the time he left the country for the New
World. Arriving in Boston he found work in
a leather company. Making a comfortable
living, he became involved in colonial

Carr was a reasonable man, not a

revolutionary. He understood the grievances
of the colonists but thought that a violent
uprising would only make things worse. So,
when he heard alarm bells sounding one
night, and recognized them as a British call
to arms, he raced into the street. Carr hoped
to diffuse what was quickly escalating into a
By the time his children died, he was a
Rocks and blows hailed down on the British seasoned voyeur. He saw dirty laundry,
troops. As the mob grew more violent, Carr buried bodies, and countless petty sins.
attempted to remove himself; only to be Carr’s old ideas of honor and chivalry
trapped by the throng of bodies. The withered in the face of human depravity. He
Redcoat’s first volley scattered the crowd, knew how power worked now and wanted to
the second shattered his ribcage. Coughing make it work for him.
blood, Carr was rushed home. Doctors
attempted to treat his wounds. But he was When a new hotel opened downtown, Carr
dying. He spent three days on his deathbed, set up shop, using obfuscate to act as a
the Sons of Liberty begging him to bellhop. When the rich and powerful came
denounce the British. But Carr maintained to Boston, Carr took their bags, brought
to his dying breath the soldiers were acting them food, heard their schemes, and
in self-defense. watched them indulge in every vice.

KINDRED NIGHTS: Boston’s Ventrue When Warrick, Biltmore, and Pendragon

had arranged for Carr to be embraced launched Operation Longbow, their plan to
hoping the victim of this “police action” control Boston, Carr was one of their first
would help clear their name among other contacts. The Nosferatu served as a faithful
Kindred, and calm tensions. When Carr member of Warrick’s web for years, reveling
refused to become their puppet, he was cast in the power he finally got to wield. But the
into the streets to die. There the Nosferatu SI and their raid on Schrecknet ended all
found him. that. The web was tattered, and Carr found

himself once more reduced to a mere never to be cleaned by staff or checked out
bellhop. by guests. There’s a rotating list of 300 fake
names that rent the rooms on a semi-
But Carr has found a way to turn this randomized schedule.
misfortune to his advantage. As opposed to
invading privacy, and spying on other THRALLS AND TOOLS:
Kindred, he now provides one of the few Boston’s Local 26 (Contacts 4, Herd
places within Downtown Boston mostly 2): The union for Hotel, Restaurant, and
devoid of Hecata influence. Casino employees in the City of Boston.
Carr’s connection and influence among
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: them runs deep and gives him access to a
Web 2.0: Carr has begun to carefully reach surprising number of locations.
out to the scattered network of contacts and
connections he knows survived the SIs Helen Shattuck (Retainers 2):
purges. While he fears returning to the Concierge at the Omni-Parker. She manages
halcyon days of Schrecknet, Carr is re- Carr’s sleeping arrangements, handles
building Warrick’s system of information incoming mail for him, and takes notes on
brokers. Relying on dead-drops, ciphers, people of interest arriving during the day.
and in-person couriers, the system is slower,
but according to Carr, far more secure. KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
Hazel Iverson: Carr know better than to
Ivory Towers: After the Hecata’s takeover make an enemy when he could have a client.
of Boston, Carr has seen the Omni-Parker He has no love for her and feels slighted by
house warded against spirits, patrolled by her choice of sheriff and hounds, but he’ll
loyal ghouls, and swept for electronic bugs. happily play along to avoid trouble.
According to Carr it is the most secure
meeting place in Boston, serving only the Kaisu Leto: An inexperienced whelp who’s
most respected Kindred. He’s begun almost got his whole sect killed. He has a lot
expanding this service to other Hotels, to learn.
Offices and Air BnBs, across the city. Each
with varying levels of security. Harry Doyle: Doyle is a failure who never
leveraged his connections into success and
Homeward Bound: Rising in age, Carr power.
has begun to consider returning to Ireland
to aid their independence movement. He’s Jessica Wagner: She pays well for his
hesitant to leave his Boston operation to just discretion, and he’s happy to maintain
anyone and needs a worthy proxy before deniability.
taking the trip. In addition, he wants
someone to assure him this isn’t the Vivian Abbott: While she doesn’t have a
beckoning sinking its hooks into him. big mouth, her actions speak loudly. Could
learn to be more subtle.
Omni-Parker House (Haven 4): WHISPERS:
Historic hotel in downtown Boston, Carr Cut out the Rot: His old grievances
has set himself up in a suite of rooms that is against the Ventrue still run hot. He’s happy

to pay double for any dirt on the Blue

Bloods and give it out for free. Jennifer Rebauch - South Station
From the Ashes: Carr is Warrick! New Quote: “You get good at picking out who
face, new name, same Kindred. He wouldn’t has to be here, and who chooses to be here.”
go down that easily. MORTAL DAYS: Jennifer grew up in East
Boston. Her parents worked in construction,
Three-Legged Stool: Carr’s connections and when she turned 16, they got her a job
outside Boston are for more than as a ticket taker at the local MTA station.
information brokering and helping kick the Jennifer took to the job with the jaded
Hecata out of the city, he’s hoping to disinterest of a teen, paying attention more
establish a new Triad. to the people filtering through the station
than the departure tables and ticket stubs.
John Sparks (Mask 3) She made a game of memorizing her
regulars. But there always seemed to be one
During the embrace Carr was given mottled she could never figure out. Always take the
flaky skin, large bat ears and noticeable 9:47 outbound, and back on the last train in.
fangs protruding from his lower jaw. But, as much as she tried, she could never
His long service has given him a flat even remember his face.
demeanor. His face is a mask of calm.

Sire: Dusty Tooth

Embraced: 1770 (Born 1740)
Ambition: Build a new Nosferatu Web
Convictions: Everyone has a dirty little secret
Touchstones: Helen Shattuck
Humanity: 5
Generation: 11th
Blood Potency: 2

Attributes: (10 / 2) Rough EXP: 279

Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 4 Composure 5
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 7

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Larceny 4 (Lock Picking), After graduating high school, Jennifer
Stealth 5, Etiquette 4, Insight 2, Subterfuge 4,
decided to continue her job with the train
Awareness 3, Investigation 4, Occult 1, Politics
(Boston) 4 network, eventually landing a gig as a
driver. She kept up her old game, trying her
Disciplines: best to learn the commuters. Till one day a
Obfuscate 5 crash nearly killed her. Found bleeding on
Potence 2
Animalism 1
the tracks, the Nosferatu took her in, and
Dominate 2 after a brief probation, asked for her

KINDRED NIGHTS: Limbs stretched, Man’s Best Friend: While the city
and skin tinged unnaturally blue by the currently doesn't have a large population of
Embrace, Jennifer couldn’t return to mortal street cats, Jennifer is working to bring that
society. She was put to work mapping the population under her control. Hoping to
Nosferatu's tunnel system. have a loyal animal in each T stop.

Completing that task quickly, she was then Marked Men: The SI has a number of
brought on to help them plan expansions, agents who travel through south station.
including influencing the Big Dig, and an Jennifer has extensive information on them
expansion to South Station. However, these but is still unsure of what exactly to do
projects were put on hold due to the Sabbat about each of them.
assaults of the early 90s. Churn in control of
the City Council, and the collapse of DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
Camarilla companies further delayed the South Station (Haven 4): While some
project. Finally, in 2002, Jenifer stiff-armed parts have been recently compromised, the
her plans through the committees and saw station still serves as a commanding base of
South Station rebuilt to her specifications. operations that Jennifer knows as the back
of her hand.
Following Warrick’s disappearance,
Jennifer has withdrawn from the extensive Boston MBTA (Influence 3): Jennifer
information trading of the Nosferatu Web. can exercise limited control over Boston’s
Re-focusing on local issues, she keeps her subway system, creating artificial delays,
finger on the pulse of the city. altering timetables, and getting authorities
to turn a blind eye.
The Future is Now: After nearly 20 years, THRALLS AND TOOLS:
Jennifer is thinking South Station could use Ayesha Pota (Ally 3): As the station
another renovation. She’s hoping to master, she keeps an eye on things during
incorporate more modern technology, daylight hours.
granting her more direct control over the
station and how it operates. Some steps, Bus Drivers (Allies 2): Her network of
such as automated ticketing machines and Teamsters and bus drivers usually relay
modern security cameras have been information to her about happenings across
installed, but she’s looking for further the city.
Build Up Better: Jennifer is trying to Bernhard von Eschenbach: She sees the
make inroads with the Hecata to have them Aspiring Baron as a useful partner. His
expand Boston’s subway service and her experience manipulating the city planning
influence. They’re already working to committees and designing buildings is
declare some parts of the city car-free, but valuable for her civil engineering projects.
she wants to push for outlawing or taxing
ride-sharing services. Patrick Carr (Malwa 1): Carr longs to
bring Jennifer back into the fold of the Web.

Jennifer wants to be sure she’ll be a major Sire: Patrick Carr

player, instead of a pawn. Embraced: 1984 (Born 1953)
Ambition: Control Boston’s Public transit network
Convictions: Nothing stays forever, things always
Mirabella Higgins: Higgin’s meteoric rise come and go
in Boston’s city government unnerves her. Touchstones: Ayesha Pota
She suspects something is not on the level Humanity: 7
Generation: 12th
but sees a way to leverage this to her
Blood Potency: 2
Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough EXP 226
Kaius Leto: Jen thinks Leto unfairly Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2
blames her for not giving him heads up Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 3
Intelligence 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3
about the SI assault. They aren’t speaking
currently. Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 6

WHISPERS: Skills: Drive 5, Larceny 3, Stealth 2, Animal Ken 2,

Insight 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1, Investigation 1,
Train Tyrant: She rules the tunnels with
Politics 2, Technology 2
an iron fist, and wants to expand her
domain at any cost. There are currently Disciplines:
plans being seeded within the city council to Animalism 3
ban cars within downtown Boston, forcing Obfuscate 4
Potence 1
all Kindred to go through her domains.

Underground Railroad: Despite still,

marginally, kowtowing to the Hecata and
Camarilla, she makes a habit to smuggle
Thin Bloods, Caitiff or other destitute
Kindred out of the city.


Jennifer Walker (Mask 2): Name used
for paperwork and official interactions.

Carlie Card Platinum (Resources 1):

Allows free rides on any Boston mode of

The Embrace saw Jennifer’s limbs stretch to

ungainly proportions, her skin fade to a pale
blue and bug eyes bulge from her skull.

Rebauch likes to put her head down and do

her work. Bringing up ideas when she has
the data and experience to be sure of them.

the new year, he Embraced the librarian and

Kaius Leto – Bookworm revealed to him what had just happened. He
Quote: “Oh. This is bad.” could agree to be his childe or see his
MORTAL DAYS: existence be extinguished.
Kaius was born in Brooklyn in 1957. His
only memories of his modest childhood are Kaius remained with his sire, who educated
of the time he spent taking refuge in him about the secrets of his clan. His new
neighborhood libraries to escape the way of life was not terribly different from his
bleakness of his existence. They say that past existence. He adapted to it quickly. The
when you have nothing in your life but former librarian proved to be an excellent
books, you end up a librarian. Kaius Leto student. He learned quickly and earned the
was no exception to the rule. He would go respect of the others. In 2014, the elders
from being a mediocre student to an began to feel the call of the Beckoning that
exploited worker in one of those libraries he pushed them to leave one after another.
had so loved as a child. Calebros felt he would not resist for long. As
such, he asked his favorite childe to leave
A reserved and lonely man, he let people New York to find his place elsewhere.
walk all over him and stayed late into the
night wandering the shelves, tirelessly
sorting the books, scanning the volumes
methodically. For years, he expanded his
knowledge in a multitude of fields, never to
boast and without a single soul to talk to.

It was not until 1997 that a real interaction

with another human took place. Around
that time, Kaius had gotten a job at the
prestigious New York Public Library. The
irony was that this person that he found
wandering the halls as night fell was no
longer truly human in the same sense as
him. It was the great Calebros, a Kindred
renowned for his thirst for knowledge, and
the erstwhile Prince of New York.
Kaius obeyed him, as he always did. He
Kaius was intrigued by this character who went on a tour of North America's seats of
spoke with him about subjects that knowledge. After a period of wandering, his
fascinated him. As for the Nosferatu, he was path took him to Boston, where Hazel
surprised to find in this man a part of Iversen had just taken power. She asked
himself that he had long forgotten. Calebros him to remain in her Court to assist Jara
returned every night, got to know Kaius, and Drory, her chief of security, which Kaius
fed on him regularly. readily accepted.

KINDRED NIGHTS: On the first night of

January in the year 2000, as the city rang in

PLOTS AND SCHEMES: was deactivated in the mid-00s. Firing up

Black Out: After the SI’s Operation part of the old system is risky, but it can
Swansong resulted in a disastrous massacre, allow him to surveil anyone in Boston at the
Kaius is entirely re-tooling the Boston risk of the SI finding him.
Camarilla’s security protocols. While most
other Domains have outright banned use of d'Artagnan Security (Retainers 4): The
the internet and cell phones, Kaius fears Boston Court’s in-house private security
doing so would sacrifice Boston’s value as a firm. Staffed with ex-military, police and
tech hub. cybersecurity experts. While they’re paid by
Hazel, they report to Kaius. Many of them
Self-Actualization: Tired of being walked are unaware of their employer's undead
over by every member of the court, Kaius nature.
has decided it’s time he be treated with the
respect suitable for someone in his position. KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
To this end he’s started taking self-defense Hazel Iverson: Thankful to the new
classes and sought counseling to boost his Prince for plucking him from obscurity. But,
confidence. fearful of her expectations.

Circulation: Kaius has long been jealous April Bosley: Kaius thinks April is one of
of George Brimmer’s near monopoly over the few Kindred he can trust with his
the Boston Public Library. He’s looking for a secrets.
way to have the librarian removed, quietly.
While he could simply wait for the George Brimmer (Enemy 1): Brimmer
beckoning, there’s always the chance that a and Kaius never see eye to eye and have yet
doddering old man has discovered a way to to find a way to coexist.
stave it off.
Patrick Carr (Malwa 1): Kaius fears Carr
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: will replace him. While Hazel values his
College Libraries (Influence 1): Kaius loyalty, Carr has been doing this for longer.
has made inroads with many of the So, Kaius is making up for lost time by
librarians at Boston Colleges, corresponding seeking Carr’s advice whenever possible.
digitally to ask for their input on research
questions. Gonzo Carnivale: The Hecata investigator
is a constant thorn in his side.
Wireless Web Workplace (Haven 2):
This nondescript Sommerville warehouse is WHISPERS:
the new hub of the Camarilla’s digital Dead Man Walking: After what
infrastructure. happened to her plans for unification there’s
no way Hazel is going to keep Kaius around.
The Web (Contacts 4): Kaius has Puppet on Strings: His sire sent him to
inherited access to the remnants of the Web, Boston to claim the city for himself.
a vast surveillance network built during the
rule of the Triad. It has seemingly endless
information on Kindred activities up till it

Lonely: Kaius still feels he doesn't have

anyone to talk to, and people only come to
him when they need something.


Kaius’ face was left fractured and rotting by
the embrace, lacking a nose, and with clear
pockmarked scars he resembles a corpse
more than a living man.

He tends to defer to authority, speaking in a

wheezing raspy voice and making sure to
explain as much as he can in as little time as

Sire: Calebros
Embraced: 2000
Ambition: Secure the Boston Camarilla
Convictions: People tend to know more than me, so
Touchstones: Jeffry Starr - Cambridge Librarian.
Humanity: 6
Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 2

Attributes: (11 / 3)
Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 1 Composure 4
Intelligence 5 Wits 4 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6

Skills: Drive 1, Larceny 2, Stealth 1, Animal Ken 1,

Etiquette 2, Performance 1, Persuasion 1 (Begging),
Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3 , Academics, 4 Awareness
4 Finance 3 Investigation 4, Medicine 1, Occult 3 ,
Politics 2, Science 3, Technology 5

Obfuscate 3
Animalism 3
Auspex 2

Once renowned for their traveling Carnival, the New England Ravnos have all but disappeared.
It’s to the point that most Kindred are unaware of the clan’s continued existence. There are a few
who include Boston on their long circular rambles up and down the east coast. However, none of
them remain in the city any longer than it takes to freshen up old graffiti and grab a quick bite.

While there Bradley spent equal time with

Bartholomew Bradley - Insightful the American Troops, and their Vietnamese
Survivor allies, allowing him to include a number of
Quote: “Immortality comes in many forms allusions to their folklore and legends,
kid, hedge your bets.” giving his reporting an exotic twist. These
MORTAL DAYS: Growing up in Pittsburg, packages were also picked up by local TV
Bradley was a curious kid, always breaking networks due to their approachability.
into places he wasn’t supposed to. The
problem was, he was bad at it, almost But, none of this saved him from the harsh
always getting caught. But, with a mix of realities of war. Bradley was captured and
charm and guile he was never really forced into a POW camp. Still, his good
punished. humor remained, and he did his best to
record the stories of his fellow prisoners and
His knack for making friends and learning befriend his tormentors.
things he wasn’t supposed to saw him
charm his way into a university scholarship, Using the favor shown to him by the
where he earned a degree in Anthropology Vietcong, Bradley hatched a daring escape
and Journalism. Getting a job at the local plan. But things went awry. Lit up by flood
paper, his story about an antiquities lamps, and shredded by gunfire, Bradley
smuggling ring in Pittsburg caught the eye fled into the Jungle.
of a television station.
KINDRED NIGHTS: Bradley awoke to
find his shredded flesh mended, and a dead
soldier beside him. Totally lost, he
wandered the Jungle for days. Eventually
making his way to a small village. There
Bradley was greeted by his Sire, who
schooled him in the history of their clan, the
nature of their undeath, and how he could
be helpful in their cause.

Bradley spent the remainder of the war

collecting stories, mapping routes, and
marking sites. As the violent conflict ended,
Bradley prepared to release his memoir.
Mixing tales of the horror of war, with
While working there Bradley was mainly sympathetic descriptions of the Vietnamese,
assigned to African American stories, a loving prose about their cultural heritage,
pattern he found stifling and and the country’s natural beauty, Bradley’s
discriminatory. Confronting his producers, book served as a warning against Western
he demanded a more well-rounded set of military invasions, but an alluring invitation
topics to report on. The producers to come visit, and spend money.
responded to his wishes by sending him to
cover the War in Vietnam. Following his book, Bradley went freelance
and spent the next 20 years hopscotching

from one warzone to the next. Crafting tales the story, to only be shared with trustworthy
of daring midnight raids, death defying allies.
escapes, and human tragedy.
Globetrotting: Bradley desperately wants
In the late 90s, Bradley felt compelled to to leave America and see the world again. If
travel back East. Arriving in India during the airports and docks could be
the week of nightmares. There he faced consolidated under one influence his path
horrors beyond any mechanized or chemical would become immensely easier.
aberration he’d seen unleashed by mortal
man. Blood boiled in his veins, flesh Clan Father: Finding his clan shattered,
puckered and crawled against bone, reality Bradley is looking to re-build their numbers
folded into itself as death and life collapsed. and ensure the Ravnos are once more, if not
Then the sky ruptured, and Bradley was a major player, an acknowledged variable.
consumed by fire and light. He’s scoping out a number of candidates for
the embrace.
Spared final death by gorging himself on the
coagulated blood left in his Antediluvian’s DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
wake, Bradley managed to survive long Boston Globe (Contacts 1, Influence
enough to bury himself in a mud bank, 2): Bradley has continued to publish
where he fell into torpor. Crawling out articles in the Boston Globe, and his status
months later, Bradley was alone. Compelled as a war reporter earns him a few favors.
to move, Bradley has been wandering the
globe since then, seeking other survivors. Old Colonial Motel (Haven 1): One of
Increased SI patrols have temporarily his favorite stops, Bradley is only able to
trapped him in Boston. stay here once a week but can usually be
found checking in Sunday morning.
One Step Ahead: Simply surviving THRALLS AND TOOLS:
consumes most of Bradley’s energy in Lois Walters (Contacts 1): An up-and-
modern nights. He rotates between coming journalist at the Boston Globe.
countless flophouses, motels, condemned
buildings, and the occasional apartment. So Theodore Rogers (Retainer 1) His
far, he’s successfully evaded the SI, and “agent” who sells freelance stories and
curious Kindred. arranges travel.

Scoop of the Century: Bradley has an old KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:

Lenovo Laptop he stole back in ‘98. Saved Andres Giovanni (Enemies 3): In his
inside is an exhaustive report on his few encounters with the Elder, Bradley has
experiences during the week of nightmares, learned to avoid him. The elder seems to
and everything after. It’s either the ravings view him as nothing more than an amusing
of a madman or a treasure trove of toy, and Bradly can’t stand being locked up.
information on Antediluvians that could
provide unique insights on Gehenna and the Quinten King: As far as Bradly is
beckoning. The laptop is on its last legs, and concerned King is a damn fool playing with
Bradley is looking for another way to secure

powers beyond his comprehension and MASK AND MIEN:

deserves what’s coming. Journalist Visa (Mask 2): Bartholomew
still has an active passport he can use to
Effie Feng (Enemies 2): Bradley is one of prove his identity. Through Chimerstry he
the few who knows Feng’s true identity. He appears old enough.
doesn’t care about his clan’s ancient grudge
against the Kindred of the East. But he Bradley has a wide face and flat features.
knows Feng will kill him to keep her secret. Despite his size he’s adept at appearing
So, they exist in an unsteady standoff. small and disappearing into the
Leonie Uhrmacherin: The Tremere
would like to probe his blood for all kinds of Bradley treats others with respect and
arcane knowledge. Bradly is decidedly interest. Thos keen enough realize it’s
against that. Understanding his new nature almost as if he’s taking notes and filling
will come on his own terms. them away for later use.

Jameson Chobot (Allies 1): Chobot pays Sire: Lee Nguyen

Bradly more than his stories are worth. Embraced: 1997 (Born 1989)
Ambition: Re-Found my Clan
Bradley doesn't snoop too close to Chobot’s Convictions: Some stories require a good death
dealings. Touchstones: Lois Walters
Humanity: 5
WHISPERS: Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 5
Conspiracy Treaty: Bradley is, feebly,
attempting to unite Boston’s squabbling Attributes: (9 / 4) Rough EXP: 368
factions. He hopes that if the city unites it Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2
can stand as a bulwark against any coming Charisma 3 Manipulation 2 Composure 4
horrors. Intelligence 4 Wits 3 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 6

Lying Hack: Bradley wasn’t present for the
Week of Nightmares. He’s just regurgitating Skills: Firearms 1, Larceny 2, Stealth 3, Survival 3,
rumors and hearsay as fact. Etiquette 1, Insight 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3,
Academics 4, Awareness 2, Investigation 5, Finance 1,
Politics 2, Occult 1
Methuselah’s Thirst: Tasting the blood of
an Antediluvian greatly increased the Disciplines:
potency of Bradley’s blood, effectively Animalism 3
raising his generation. But he now can only Obfuscate 4
Presence 4
slake hunger from supernatural sources. Fortitude 3

In the absences of a powerful Camarilla court, and able to more easily hide from the SI assaults
that have decimated the city, Boston’s Thin-Bloods are poised to become a major faction in the
city. If they ever unify. However the clan still faces an upward battle with many older vampires
considering them little better than ghouls, or worse, a sign of the end times.

Thin-Bloods in Boston come from a wide set of origins. Some are the result of a botched
embrace, others are survivors of the Mad King’s Reign, and still others were victims of the mass
embraces used to siege the city in the 90s. From such a diverse background there is little to unify
and organize the clan around, leading most to operate independently, or join with one of the
large factions.

statement and be briefed on her case. After

Molly Blake - Terminally Online conducting the review, they decided her
Quote: “Privacy is dead. There is literally situation wasn’t serious enough to warrant
no reason to be shy.” protection.
MORTAL DAYS: Growing up just as the
social internet was booming, with parents She was jumped on her front doorstep.
too busy to really notice she had almost
unfettered access to the net, Molly was
constantly online. She ran fan blogs for TV
shows, hopped into chat forums, and even
dabbled in recording covers of popular
songs. While she would never have
considered herself famous, she was
noteworthy in these online spaces.

Almost unbeknownst to her by the time she

was in her late teens she had amassed a
digital “following” that read her blogs,
listened to her songs, and even watched
short animations she made. Never really
thinking much of it, she was caught off-
guard when an email came in inviting her to KINDRED NIGHTS: When she came to
attend convention in Boston as a panelist. her parents told her they’d run off the
Hesitantly she accepted. attacker but were worried she wouldn’t
make it. She’d lost a lot of blood. The
The trip was a success. She remembered it following days saw Molly notice strange
being a whirlwind, and fearing she’d make a changes. She couldn’t eat or drink, despite
fool of herself on stage, and meeting just so always feeling hungry and thirsty. Her skin
many people, and performing a song live for felt like fire anytime she was under the sun,
an audience. She was hooked. From there and she was impossible to wake up during
Molly doubled down on her small digital the day.
After mentioning it to a few friends she had
But, with this new effort and attention came on music forums, she received a visit from
new costs. Professional editing software, Romero Entretelas. He schooled her on the
then when she wanted to put her face in Societies of the Night, and the dangerous
videos; lights and camera, a better computer world she now found herself in. But, seeing
to edit on. It wasn’t long before she started her artistic talents he offered to find her a
accepting sponsorships and battling trolls. safer place in the city. Faring his tales of the
SI, Molly accepted his help.
When she had just turned 21 she was doxed
for the first time. Her email, home address, Molly proved to be a difficult tenant. Cycling
and photos were found on an anonymous through several communal havens who all
site. She learned this from the FBI, who found something objectionable about her.
asked her to come into Boston to give a Be that her content creation, lack of

knowledge about the Kindred world, or just Viewers Like You (Resources 1): The
her youth and demeanor. Her mentor is trickle of ad revenue and online donations
getting desperate and beginning to wonder that come from her backlog of content is
if she’s worth the hassle. enough to pay for the minor expenses of a
homeless Vampire.
And They Were Roommates: She’s KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
currently residing at Romero’s haven. But Romero Entrelas (Mawla 1): The
she feels pressured by the playboy musician Troubadour has taken a keen interest in her.
to either embrace his more hedonistic Molly is grateful to have a mentor guiding
lifestyle or give him space to pursue it. She’d her through unlife. But she’s growing
like to establish a communal have with uncomfortable with his cavalier style.
other Thin-Bloods closer to her age
Annalee Bonnett: Bonnett seems clingy
Lotta True Crime: Molly is actively to her. While the stability she offers is nice,
pursuing her killer. She has few leads other Molly has a sinking feeling there are strings
than some grainy footage from a home attached.
security camera, but she thinks it’s
definitely one of the creeps involved in her Trent Dallas: She finds Trent alternatingly
digital assault. funny and annoying. He’s instant that he’d
make a great agent for her, but she’s
#Content: She found it difficult to keep up hesitant to trust him.
with the work schedule she had been using
to maintain her following. While the WHISPERS:
subscriptions and followers remain as she Plant: The SI got to her first. Large digital
feeds them stories of health problems and footprint, interview with the FIB around the
life events, she knows at some point she’ll time of her embrace. It all makes sense.
have to re-engage or walk away She’s obviously feeding them information.
True Art: Her true talents are utterly
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: breathtaking. The mass appeal internet crap
Patch Notes (Herd 1): This combination she’s been doing is just to a quick buck.
gaming store and Internet cafe is her most What she’s really working on is high art,
frequent haunt. Here she’s occasionally true art. Symphonies, hand-drawn
recognized by fans who she’s able to feed animation, and even wearable sculptures.
from. That’s why it's taking forever.

Quincy Home (Haven 1): While she Cam Girl: She’s chosen to appeal to the
doesn't want to move back in with her sleazier side of her fan base, utilizing sex
parents for fear of the danger she could appeal to draw in more cash and attention.
bring to them, and the trauma that occurred It’s decoupled from her previous digital
outside her house, she can use their place in identities.
a pinch.



Molly Blake (Mask 2): She’s on the FBI’s Jackie Freeman - Grave Digger
radar, and will eventually need to adopt a Quote: “Don’t matter if you know more, or
new mask, but hasn’t found anyone willing have, more if you’re not gonna do anything
to cobble one for her. with it”
MORTAL DAYS: Growing up in Roxbury,
Molly’s bubblegum blue-pink hair is often Jackie’s parents barely made enough to live
left frazzled sticking out at odd angles. on. She learned to take care of herself early;
Around strangers she is anxious and walking to school, cooking pasta, packing
awkward. Often overcorrecting for her sandwiches.
But, Jackie didn’t mind, it left her with
Sire: Unknown plenty of time to play basketball. Using balls
Embraced: 2022 (2000) patched with duct tape, and hand-me down
Ambition: Move beyond my trauma
Convictions: Confidence trumps embarrassment
jerseys, she frequented pick-up games and
Touchstones: Mom & Dad eventually made the middle school team.
Humanity: 8
Generation: 13th While not a savant, she was good enough to
Blood Potency: 1
get by, and worked her way to be a starter
Attributes: (4 / 1) Rough EXP 156 Junior year. Trying to find a little money to
Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2 cover a gym membership for the off season,
Charisma 4 Manipulation 3 Composure 2 she took a job at the Forrest Hill Cemetery
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 2 as a gravedigger. She reasoned that she
Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 4
could do workouts to pay for her workouts.
What started as a summer job continued
Skills: Craft 3 (Cosplay), Animal Ken 1, Insight 3, into the school year, feeling it gave her an
Performance 4, Persuasion 3, Academics 2, Awareness edge, and an air of intrigue.
3, Investigation 1, Science 1, Technology 4 (Video
However, as she spent more and more time
Disciplines: at the Graveyard she began noticing strange
Thin Blood Alchemy 1 occurrences. Curious, she started prying,
and before long she’d already sheen too
much. The grave robbers broke her leg to
ensure her silence, and scuttled her chances
of playing her senior year. Furious, and now
burdened with medical debt, Jackie dropped
out and started working at the cemetery full
time. There she plotted revenge.

She finally trapped one of the grave robbers,

locking it inside an empty coffin. When she
showed her boss the following morning, the
only thing she saw inside the pine box was a


American Dream: Jackie was recently
turned and is still rooted in the mortal
world. She cares about creature comforts,
mortal status and helping her family. She’s
willing to hustle and work hard to make
cash. But, she know there are some ways
Kindred have to get rich quickly.

Patricide: While her status as a Thin-

Blood comes with some advantages, she
suspects that long term it may be a liability.
She’s looking for ways to become a real
vampire. No one has told her of Diablerie,
While laughed out of her supervisor’s office, but she still suspects the process involves
she did attract the attention of the Hecata, her sire.
who rescued the trapped Vampire. They
then offered Jackie a choice, she could let Going Pro: Jackie hasn’t fully given up on
this go on her own, or she’d loose her leg for the dream of playing basketball
longer than a basketball season. professionally. She reasons that if someone
could vouch for her having a skin condition
Furious, Jackie insisted they owed her, and or something, she could pull it off. For at
she’d keep at this until they made her whole. least a few years.
Impressed with the fire she showed, the
embrace was offered. Morbid Curiosity: New to this unlife,
Jackie still has much to explore and learn
KINDRED NIGHTS: Jackie was about the world of darkness. She’ll easily
embraced by a young member of the take risks to learn more about other
Hecata, fresh from the Family Reunion. supernaturals.
However, the blood failed to take, leaving
her Thin Blooded. While initially frustrated DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
at the lack of power, Jackie began to see the Forrest Hills (Haven 1): She lives with
advantages of her hybrid condition. her parents still.

The other Hecata fail to see it that way, and THRALLS AND TOOLS:
are embarrassed by their half-sister. So College Students (Herd 1 Contacts 1):
Jackie finds herself saddled with the Most of her friends went to college in the
mundane work that would be more easily city, giving her a wide network of contacts.
completed during twilight hours.
Ghost Hunters (Allies 1): In her more
Still, she views it as an opportunity, mortal days Jackie was involved in a small
marketing her skills, to try and earn easy team of amateur ghost hunters.
cash with other Kindred who need tasks
done during the day and don’t have ghouls. KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:

Lin Feng: Lin sometimes swings by to possess. She’s not afraid to ruffle feathers if
check in on her and offer her a place helping she believes herself to be right.
him run Chinatown with his Mom. She’s
suspicious, but the offer of easy Sire: Susanna DiCarlo
advancement is tempting. Embraced: 2018 (born 1998)
Ambition: Set up Mom and Dad to retire
Convictions: No such thing as good luck
Martha Randolph: The Baron of Roxbury Touchstones: Mom & Dad
seems useful. She at least warned her away Humanity: 6
from the Camarilla. But Jackie is keeping Generation: 14th
Blood Potency: 1
her distance. No reason to upset the Hecata,
at least just yet. Attributes: (4 / 1) Rough Exp: 145
Strength 4 Dexterity 4 Stamina 3
Stephano Giovanni: Jackie feels Charisma 2 Manipulation 1 Composure 2
Stephano is one of the few Giovanni who’s Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 2

on the level. He respects hard work, and Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 4
loyalty. If she wants an in with the
establishment, he seems like her best bet. Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Drive 2, Firearms 2,
Larceny 1, Stealth 1, Insight 1, Streetwise 2,
Subterfuge 1, Academics 2, Awareness 1, Technology 1
The Professor: She’s met him at a few
Ghost Hunting meetups and he seems off Disciplines:
his rocker. Thin Blood Alchemy 3

Haunted: Her ghost hunting team has ties
to the SI and are waiting on her to lead them
to “real” vampires.

Short Fuse: It’s incredibly easy to make

her loose face in a fit of rage.

Confidants: She has a number of people

that already know about her undead nature.


Jackie Freeman (Mask 2): As she was
embraced without being reported dead, she
can still use her name.

Jackie is a young athletic African American

woman. She’s fond of dangling earrings and
usually wears athletic clothing.

She speaks with the conviction and

certainty only the young and naive can

Lin was withdrawn from school, and didn’t

Lin Feng - Would be Bridge. see many kids his age for the next few years.
Quote: “Your world is so small, how can He was busy studying, and running errands
you not see the obvious?” for his mother, growing business. Having an
MORTAL DAYS: Lin had a rough agent able to use disciplines and act during
childhood. His father was absent, and his the day, even one so young, was a boon to
mother was, well she was Mom. Plagued by the Feng organization, and with Lin’s aid
long bouts of depression broken by short they were able to blunt the Hecata influence
periods of manic activity. She and Lin didn’t in Chinatown.
talk much, and when they did it was always
about his “purpose” their “role in the world” Modern nights see Lin playing a balancing
and a “grand destiny”. But Lin was taken act as something of a free agent, playing the
care of, there was always food on the table, a Hecata, Anarchs and Camarilla off each
roof over their heads, and friends who other in-order to keep Chinatown free of
would keep them safe. When he turned 12, their influences.
his mother took him to Salem where a
mortal witch drew his blood and told his PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
fortune: Lin was to be the bridge between Bridge Between Kingdoms: Effie is
two kingdoms. pushing her son to make in-roads with the
Thin Bloods of the city. Hoping this new
generation of Vampires will be more open-
minded to the Kei-jin’s influence.
Potentially offering these “dusk walkers” a
mindset that enables them to understand
their condition, and even offering them a
hope of salvation. Lin has made
introductions, but is more interested in
getting the thin-bloods to organize and
make him head of the clan, than selling
them a foreign ideology.

Coming Out Party: Lin grows tired of

maintaining Effie’s masquerade. He wants
to announce their true nature to the
KINDRED NIGHTS: Lin had his first Kindred of Boston, believing it will allow
taste of the supernatural. Then his Mother them to command more respect and
unleashed a maelstrom that slaughtered the influence. However, he needs to make sure
witch and demolished the building. Fixing that a few hostile actors are removed before
her hair, Effie gathered Lin from the rubble he’ll truly feels safe.
and returned to Boston. There they began
training, with his mother teaching him Sponsored By: Lin is hoping to find a way
everything she knew about their to sponsor an E-Sports team and use it as an
supernatural gifts, and their criminal avenue for laundering the money his
enterprise. mother’s criminal network makes.

DOMAIN AND HAVEN: wary of letting personal feelings jeopardize

Clay Pot (Haven 1): The top floor above a what could be a useful partnership.
restaurant. Lin spends fewer and fewer days
here, but it still serves as a respectable Jackie Freeman: Lin values Jackie’s
meeting place for when he needs to hold ability to hustle and work hard. She sees
court. It’s secure and private. him as supremely useful.

Golden Coin Laundry (Resources 4): Jimmy Hill: Lin has little respect for the
This 24-hour laundromat serves as one of wannabe law-man. Running circles around
Lin’s main ways for turning illicit cash into him whenever he comes poking around.
legitimate funds.
Dorchester Flats (Haven 2): Lin’s own Sign of Gehenna: Lin’s birth heralds the
personal apartment where he can pursue end times. He is destined to become a great
projects away from the prying eyes of his destroyer who will purge his new Kingdom,
mother, or the obligations of Chinatown. destroying the Kindred across New
Boston Thin Bloods (Influence 1): Changeling: The real Lin was stolen away
Serving as a respectable ambassador for the by Kithain, fearing the power it could wield.
thin blood community, Lin is able to carry a He was replaced with a changeling who’s
little weight, and is known as a fixer for maintaining a triple masquerade.
Chinatown Bus Boys (Retainers 2): Lin Feng: Lin has his original birth
Lin keeps good relations with the certificate and identification.
dishwashers, and table cleaners working in
Chinatown, often using them for “Thin Blood”: Lin’s true nature is hidden
information. by a number of powerful wards constructed
by his mother. She maintains he was an
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: orphaned his thin-blood from a botched
Effie Feng (Malwa 4): Lin’s relationship embrace that has been adopted.
with his mother is not uncomplicated. He
alternates between feeling like her son and a Lin is a meek and unassuming boy,
tool she uses. He knows her expectations appearing no older than a teen. His aging
are high but at the end of the day, she will has slowed considerably, but he is not
have his best interests at heart, right? frozen in time like true undead.

Trent Dallas: While Trent is not the most Speaking fluent English and Mandarin in a
useful, he is a frequent contact. Lin and light Boston accent, Lin is thoughtful and
Trent occasionally enjoy living the “high does his best to speak formally, especially
life” in Chinatown’s bars and nightclubs. around his elders, but often lets slang sneak
Molly Blake: Lin won’t admit it but he
finds Molly cute and funny. However, he’s

Sire: Effie Feng What is a Dhampyr

Embraced: 2014 (Born 1998) Unlike their Kindred Cousins, the Hungry
Ambition: Forge my own destiny
Convictions: I can live however I want
Dead are able to reproduce with mortals
Touchstones: Monty Grubenhoff and produce viable offspring. However, this
Humanity: 5 can only happen when their undead parent
Generation: 14th is in a severe state of spiritual imbalance.
Blood Potency: 1
Because of this, most Dhampyr are looked
Attributes: (6 / 2) Rough Exp 181 on with shame as a reminder of darker
Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3 times in the parent’s existence.
Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 3
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 3 But some choose to see their half-dead
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6
children as a blessing, sent by the gods to
save them from a downward spiral. These
Skills: Brawl 3, Insight 2, Etiquette 1, Streetwise 3 parents invest time and energy into their
(Chinatown), Finance 2 (Money Laundering), children, knowing they will be valuable long
Subterfuge 2, Occult 3 (Kei-jin), Technology 2 (Video
term partners or retainers.
Games), Politics 2

Disciplines: Dhampyr will age normally until about 20,

Potence 1 at which point their ageing will slow,
Obfuscate 1 allowing them to live for another 300 years,
Auspex 1
Fortitude 1
more or less.

Dhampyrs still need to consume the life

energies found in Blood. They can eat,
drink, and pass food as mortals, but will
draw no nutrition from it. They are more
resistant to frenzy, and sunlight is
unpleasant, but not deadly to them. They
are also immune to the blood bond.

Players looking to make a Dhampyr should

consult with their storyteller. Mechanically
a Dhampyr’s abilities can be approximated
with a a Thin-Blooded character. Take the
Unbondable, Eat Food, Day Drinker,
Lifelike, and Vampiric Resilience Merits.
Along with the Dark Secret, Steak Bait, Baby
Teeth and Clan Curse flaws, taking the Clan
Curse of the Ministry. However, the effects
of this curse are only activated by sunlight.

Having long flocked to Boston as an oasis of calm in the Chaos of New England, the Toreadors
sit as one of the best organized and longest reining clans in the city. While they have never
officially ruled as Princes, many Toreadors have built small estates throughout the city and acted
as kingmakers, helping to steer the direction of the city, and wield indirect power.

Boston’s Toreadors are plentiful and diverse. Ranging from powerful elders entrenched in their
havens, influential ancilla rising through the world of art and politics, or fledgling college
students recently embraced and beginning to make their way in the world. Filled with beautiful
architecture and cared for green spaces, the Clan of the Rose feels at home in Boston.

George Brimmer - Dusty Librarian

Quote: “I assumed illiteracy would
decrease with degeneracy. Sadly, this was
MORTAL DAYS: Born in Kearney Ireland,
Brimmer had a deep love of literature from
an early age. He would memorize stories of
knights and dragons, devour the classics of
Greece, Rome, and English Literature.
Leaving home, he eventually traveled to
Belfast, hoping to enroll in college. Unable
to pay tuition, he instead took a job as a
night librarian.

There he continued to read and began to

write, starting with literary reviews, but Settling in Boston, he introduced himself to
eventually branching out into fiction, and the local Kindred. Impressed with the air of
finally poetry. It was this last pursuit that culture he brought to the city, many were
caught the eyes of Oxford’s Toreadors. happy to accommodate him. Brimmer
secured control over a small haven just
While not a natural gossip, Brimmer’s north of the Boston Common, in an old
encyclopedic knowledge of literature, and Apothecary shop. Brimmer saw to
ample collection of quips, idioms, and renovations, then leased the store to an
quotes, proved sufficiently entertaining. aspiring bookseller.
Beyond that he was driven. The man spent
his waking hours scouring libraries for any With that Brimmer was able to establish a
scrap of literary genius. Then happily steady supply of new volumes that would
regurgitated it to the gleeful Toreadors. slake his thirst for literature. Driven by their
Many of them quickly came to believe his shadow partner’s ravenous need for new
eye for talent, and unending passion was too stories the bookstore became a publishing
valuable to let dim with age. Following a house, and by the 1840s, was the center of
sufficient probationary period, the librarian America’s burgeoning literary community.
was embraced. First editions of new works from Emerson,
Hawthorne, Twain, Thoreau, and Beecher
KINDRED NIGHTS: Brimmer’s first Stowe were available in the Old Corner
years were spent swimming in the world of Bookstore’s ground floor, while printing
Kindred literature that was suddenly presses hummed away above; making
opened to him. Amassing a small library of volumes that would be spread across
hand transcribed texts, he became a rising America.
expert in the field. However, his ascension
was cut short by the Irish rebellions. Fearing These were the good times for Brimmer,
his well-known love of English Literature able to pour over countless pages of fresh
would make him a target, Brimmer fled to text every night, being the first to read great
the United States in 1793. new works. He even became more social,
opening his home to a literary club, and

later hosting an Elysium. But it couldn’t last. Those willing to endure his rusty social
Seeking to destabilize Boston’s economic skills are often rewarded with forgotten
and literary prowess, the Sabbat targeted his information. However, they risk him
publishing company for sabotage. Killing becoming overly clingy.
the company’s chief financial officer in
1864. Having lost one of his prized ghouls, Lost Works: While he still holds onto his
Brimmer’s company started a slow decline. handwritten copies of great Kindred works,
Unable to find a suitable replacement, the Brimmer has become aware of some
budget bloated, and revenue shrunk. noticeable gaps in his collection. Largely
studied in Europe and America he’s looking
By 1885, the company was sold, and to better understand Settie, Ravnos, and
Brimmer had lost his empire of words. The Banu Haqim literature and history. An
Old North Book store lost its status as interview with, or copies of books from,
Elysium, and Brimmer retreated to Boston’s knowledgeable members of these clans will
Public Library to find solace. He was ill- be richly rewarded.
suited for the coming years of Sabbat
attacks, Lupine Incursions, and the Book Balancing: Following the ouster of
tyrannical rule of British Kindred. Doing his the Camarilla, many Kindred who left the
best to remain under the radar, Brimmer city, or died in the violence, still owed boons
spent the century in the library. Reading, to, or owned them from, those who
writing, and hiding from the sun. Following remained. What to do with these messy
the death of Biltmore, Brimmer had a brief loose ends is a matter of some debate, and
stint as Boston’s Harpy, charged with Brimmer’s meticulous notes could help
recording what Boons had been issued and clarify the picture. However, he’s refusing to
repaid. Had it not been for this, he wouldn’t release them unless he’ll be reinstated as the
have even noticed when Boston’s Camarilla Harpy. The Hecata and Anarchs are
lost the city to the Hecata, who declined to unhappy about this demand, but they could
keep him as an official Harpy. stand to gain if he tipped the books in their
Modern nights see Brimmer lurking among
shelves in Boston’s Central Library. The Great American Novel: His other
Although, he occasionally leaves to pursue pursuit in the intervening years has been to
research in College Collections or Museums write a series of Vampire novels loosely
Archives. based on his own life. The few Kindred who
have read them are of mixed opinions, but
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: all agree that if published they could
Interview with a Vampire: Brimmer’s constitute not just a breach, but a shattering
time in the public library has not been idle. of the Masquerade. Brimmer has insisted
He’s accumulated a vast knowledge on a they’re meant only for circulation in
variety of topics. Starved for social Kindred circles, but he’s quietly been
interaction, he’ll eagerly discuss anything reaching out to publishers. Citing Dracula’s
visiting Kindred wants to know. The manipulation of Bram Stoker, he thinks’
information may be outdated, hypothetical, there’s actually no great harm. But Brimmer
and delivered in an overly-wordy academic doesn’t realize how thin the masquerade
pseudo-speak, but it’s better than nothing. already is.

April Bosley: Brimmer views April as little

DOMAIN AND HAVEN: more than an annoyance. While she contests
Boston Public Library: Brimmer’s his role as Harpy, he believes she lacks the
current haven is a disused wing in the old attention to detail required, even if she’s
section of the BPL. It houses his bed and an more socially graceful.
ample collection of handwritten volumes of
Kindred Literature. WHISPERS:
Revisionist History: The histories
Old Corner Bookstore: While no longer Brimmer has written on Kindred, the clans
the direct owner, Brimmer is a member of and Boston are rife with omissions and
the historical society that now owns this embellishments that suit his gilded age idea
building. He hates that what was once an of romance. Or strengthen his claims.
Elysium, and the jewel of his empire, now
houses a chain burrito joint, but he’s been Educated Imposter: Brimmer died
unable to find another tenant for the during the Sabbat attack in the 1990s. Then
building. Kindred, now claiming to be him is merely a
well-read imposter.
Boston Librarians (Contacts 2): Golconda: In his studies, Brimmer has
Brimmer’s well known in literary circles and uncovered the secrets to Golconda. Why he
is able to find rare volumes, obscure hasn’t pursued it is a mystery.
translations, and near forgotten sources.
Dr. Arthur Holland (Retainer 3): George Hawthorn (Mask 2): Using this
Literature professor at Northeastern mask allows Brimmer to claim to be a
University. descendant of Nathaniel Hawthorne,
offering a reason for him having such a
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: strange knowledge of that era.
Jessica Wagner: The Losambra elder has
been drip feeding Brimmer Occult Brimmer appears as hunched man in his
information in exchange for his aid. He late 60s with thin gray hair, and a patchy
knows she’s dangerous, but the knowledge beard. He’s fond of loose clothing such as
she holds is too valuable. bathrobes, fog coats, cloaks, and capes.

Bernhard von Eschenbach: The two He has a raspy, dusty voice and speaks in
elderly recluses rarely find each other’s proper articulated English. Most Kindred
company but do enjoy when they meet. describe him as grandfatherly. He has a
sharp temper and firm belief he’s always
Kaius Leto: Brimmer insists he doesn't correct.
look down on Kaius because of his clan,
instead it’s due to his lack of initiative. Sire: Reginald Huxley
Embraced: 1795 (born 1733)
Regardless he views the Nosferatu as a lost Ambition: Publish a best-selling memoir
cause. Convictions: Everything deserves to be recorded
Touchstones: Professor Arthur Holland
Humanity: 8

Generation: 9th Annalee Bonnett - Artistic Inspiration

Blood Potency: 3 Quote: “Sing for me little songbird. Praise
Attributes: (10 / 2) Rough EXP: 363
me, your muse.”
Strength 1 Dexterity 1 Stamina 2 MORTAL DAYS: Born to aspiring
Charisma 3 Manipulation 4 Composure 4 plantation owners in Missouri, Annalee, or
Intelligence 5 Wits 5 Resolve 3 Allie as she was nicknamed, lived a charmed
life. Filled with ice cream, debutant balls
Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 7
and family reunions. All paid for with the
Skills: Stealth 3, Etiquette 4, Insight 4, Performance profits from enslaved labor. Annalee never
4 (Reading), Persuasion 2, Streetwise 2 (Boston), gave much thought to that peculiar
Subterfuge 3 (Plagiarism) , Academics 5 (Literature), institution’s role in her life. It was the way
Investigation 5 (Research), Occult 4, Politics 4,
Technology 3 (Printing)
things are, and who was she to question it.

Disciplines: Not having to work allowed her and her

Auspex 4 parents to pursue the finer things of
Presence 4 “cultured life.” Singing, dancing, painting,
Celerity 1
playing instruments. As Allie grew older her
Obfuscate 2
talent for these spheres became apparent, as
did her emerging allure. Always popular
with the town boys, she became the most
courted lady in the county. Fearing she
would fall head-over heels for some farm
boy, or unrefined bumpkin her parents sent
her to a finishing school in Atlanta. While
there, Allie shed her old nickname, and
returned as Annalee.

The outbreak of the civil war saw her fairy-

tale life upended. Rifle balls ripped the
curtains. Flames licked the walls. Slaves and
soldiers looted the estate. Annalee watched
in horror from the chapel bell-tower as the
estate was destroyed around her. Amid the
chaos, her eyes locked with a soldier across
the battlefield. Terrified, Annalee slammed
shut the shudders, and hid.

Minutes later, the stairs creaked, and the

soldier was beside her. He promised to keep
her safe and hidden. The battle raged for
three days, but the chapel remained
untouched. Annalee thanked God for the
miracle, and her soldier, who brought her
water and food night after night. Finally, he

came to her with a sketchbook, and a During the assaults of the Sabbat in the 90s,
strange request. their sanctum was shattered and her soldier
met final death. Annalee turned inward,
hardening her estate, now rebuilt as an
apartment building and artist colony, into a
cult-like compound. Tenets are ghouled to
be loyal to her, and personal security prowls
the halls. As she sits in her penthouse,
oblivious to the world, she’s surrounded by
sycophants waiting on her every word and
generating works to flatter her ego.


Gilded Age: Annalee has insulated herself
against the outside world, and refuses to
allow any of its conflicts to creep in. This
world of artifice offers some protections, but
is beginning to crack. She needs good
KINDRED NIGHTS: Annalee awoke to a lieutenants to keep reality at bay.
bitter thirst she had never felt. Racing from
the chapel she flung herself into the fray, Conservatory: Her compound is host to a
seizing a union soldier and slaking her first number of gifted painters, sculptures, and
frenzy with his blood. White dress stained performers. However, some feel that their
with blood; she was led by her sire into the confinement is beginning to stifle their
woods. The the two spent the night lit by creativity. Annalee wants these rumblings
stars and the smoldering ashes of her home. silenced, either through a little retreat, or
other methods. But an energetic Kindred
Her sire, Thomas Falcone, told her of their could stoke a full rebellion.
condition, and showed her his work. Sketch
after sketch of her. From her early days to Love Sickness: Losing her Sire was a
the night, she was embraced. All rendered in devastating blow that Annalee never fully
obsessive, and graphic detail. Thomas recovered from. While she’s doing well on
implored her to follow him, and Annalee her own, she longs to have a powerful
did. partner to fall back on.

The two of them fled north, first to

Washington, then Hartford, and finally
Boston. Taking advantage of the weak DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
Primogen Congress, and Boston’s building Brighton Heights Apartment Complex
boom, they established an estate in (Haven 5): This five-story luxury
Brighton. When the Triad established their apartment black boasts private galleries,
rule, and propped up Quinten King as a libraries, performance spaces, one
puppet prince, Annalee was a happy restaurant, a trendy coffee shop, bar and
collaborator, serving as a Harpy and holding two courtyards on its grounds. Access is
court in her little kingdom. heavily restricted.


THRALLS AND TOOLS: Lou Ellen Bonnett (Mask 1)
Brighton Heights Tenants (Herd 3,
Resources 3): Access to keys and security She wears her blonde hair in elaborate done
codes allows Annalee to feed from all her up-styles so as to not detract from her
tenets. delicate features. She’s fond of elaborate
gowns and dresses.
Brighton Heights Conservatory (Allies
3, Contacts 3): Her collection of ghouled Annalee speaks with the honeyed southern
artists are moderately influential in their accent expected of a plantation belle. She
various fields. has exacting specifications and will heap
praise upon those who meet then, while
Reggie Johnson (Retainer 1): The verbally lashing those who don’t.
building Superintendent
Sire: Jonathan Harper
KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS: Embraced: 1864 (Born 1844)
Ambition: Build a paradise for myself
Yesenia: The Ministry antiquities dealer is Convictions: It’s serve or be served.
one of her greatest indulgences. She can’t Touchstones:
help but commission her to gather rare art Humanity: 4
works. Generation: 12th
Blood Potency: 2

Ingrid: While many Kindred are enamored Attributes: (9 / 3) R0ugh Exp 346
with her “bold” and visionary work Annalee Strength 2 Dexterity 5 Stamina 2
dismisses it as tasteless and vulgar dribble. Charisma 5 Manipulation 3 Composure 2
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 3

Bernhard: Annalee is a great admirer of Secondary Attributes: Health 3 Willpower 3

the Malkavians' work and has attempted to
commission him numerous times. The two Skills: Craft 4 (Sculpture), Animal Ken 2 (Horses) ,
have finally agreed on a joint project. Etiquette 4, Performance 4 (Dance) , Persuasion 5,
Academics 2, Finance 2.

Berel Underwood: Once a treasured Disciplines:

financier of her expos, Sect politics have Auspex 2
driven them apart and Annalee wishes to Celerity 3
see him removed from Boston. Presence 4
Dominate 3

Master Race: Annalee still holds many of
the racist views she was taught during
plantation life.

Clipping Wings: Beyond Ghouling

Annalee’s artists are locked into an abusive
relationship ensuring they never work for
other clients.

Romero Entretelas - Troubadour pseudonyms, leaving his original name to be

Quote: “If you find trouble, the music is lost. But, unable to change his face, the
soon to follow.” aging vampire soon found his image
MORTAL DAYS: remembered by one too many mortals and
Romero lived a charmed life in his youth. turned north.
The son of noble a family, he was afforded
the best tutors and showed an early Settling in Boston, Romero, unable to resist
penchant for music, especially the guitar. the limelight, fell in with the literary elite
However, this radical new instrument was known as the Boston Brahmins, who
viewed as unfit for the refined courts of awakened the man to the strange charms of
Spain. Disgusted with the aristocrats, their New England. Growing to like the changing
stuffy parlors and inability to see his genius, of the seasons, and the frosty winters,
Romero packed up and headed for a new Romero began to adopt a series of identities
world that he hoped would hold new ideas. each claiming to be the son of the last.
Fortunately, the roughish charm, quick wit,
Arriving in New Spain, Romero traveled the and silver tongue of a songwriter have
countryside as a bard for a few years before enabled this risky deception to work year
earning the favor of a Governor’s wife. He after year.
finagled this relationship into employment
as a court composer. For a few years he was
content penning nationalist anthems and
ballads to glorify king and country. But his
penchant for the lively and rambunctious
commoners drew him to taverns where he
ended caught up in the independence

The biting works of satire he would hammer

out on tables at the expense of his
employers became legendary in the
territory. It was only a matter of time before
these stories reached the governor, and
sparked a firestorm, including his
particularly detailed “love Poems” to a Having learned several hard lessons about
number of prominent officials. He was the nature of power, and the danger of
ordered to be executed for treason and mocking it, Romero has avoided the Jyhad
immorality. Fearing the loss of such talent, and violence of Sect wars. Focusing mainly
an elder vampire turned him to and spirited on enjoying the pleasures of the afterlife.
him away to Cuba. He’s been prowling Boston’s art museums
and music schools for three generations.
KINDRED NIGHTS: Appreciating music, poetry, fine art, and the
From there, Romero wandered the occasional mortal lover.
Caribbean, collecting and composing little
works of music to ensnare his victims. Settling in as a professor at Berklee College
Romero worked under a variety of of Music, Romero has no longer been able to

stand apart from the other Kindred of Back Bay Penthouse (Haven 3):
Boston. With the beckoning calling many Luxurious apartment on the top floor of a
elders elsewhere, he’s unintentionally new high rise.
become one of the eldest Vampires in the
city, and a number of ambitious players are THRALLS AND TOOLS:
seeking his favor. Berklee College Students (Retainers 1,
Herd 3): The main fuel for his ego is a
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: thronging crowd of young men and women
Sell Out: Despite his age and skill Romero who listen to him with rapt attention twice a
isn’t as wealthy as his Vampiric peers. week.
Between his larger-than-life indulgences
and separation from sect affairs most of his Music Industry (Retainers 2,
funds pass right through his fingers. As he's Resources 2): The number of acts,
being forced into a more prominent position producers and agents he’s made over the
in the city, he’s looking for ways to fill his years usually give him a kickback, and are
coffers more efficiently. able to perform favors.

Living like a Rockstar: Romero is a fan Boston Buskers (Contacts 3, Herd 1):
of simple pleasures, pretty things, creative The network of Boston street performers are
voice, praise and adoration. While he gets friendly with him, often hoping he can help
many of these from the small crowd of them “go legit”.
students that cling to his feedback, he wants
wider recognition as is looking to publish KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
original music on a number of music Molly Blake: Romero has taken this Thin-
platforms under a number of pseudonyms. Blood as a protege. However his role as a
mentor is interfering with his carefree
Harpy for Hire: His silver tongue and lifestyle.
independence have ironically made him an
ideal choice for the Camarilla Court who’s Yesmin Lazaar: Her efforts at poetry have
looking for aid in unifying the sect. sparked Romero’s song writing passions.
However, the Anarchs have been appealing However, she views him as an ineffectual
to his love of underdogs. dandy.

DOMAIN AND HAVEN: Annalee Bonnett: Romero and Annalee

Berklee College of Music (Influence are no longer on speaking terms after one
3): An entrenched tenured professor at the too many unwanted advances from him.
college, he has considerable sway over the
lives of students and access to many of the WHISPERS:
college's resources. Pseudo-Swashbuckler: Despite his
carefully constructed image as a
Boston Symphony Orchestra revolutionary scoundrel and boasts of his
(Influence 2): He has a number of friends roguish charms, he’s never actually been in
in the Orchestra. a real fight. Anyone who puts him into
trouble will find him fleeing.

Absentee Sire: Romero has often gotten April Bosley - Embattled Herald
carried away when feeding, and in fits of Quote: “Out of my way! I don’t have
guilt, left a number of wayward sires across time for this.”
the city. Most don’t survive a week before MORTAL DAYS:
they’re picked off by the SI. April was born in 1970 in Bay Village
neighborhood. She studied fashion in
New York before leaving to train with
Romero Entretelas VI (Mask 2): His
extensive list of affairs has left a trail of prestigious fashion houses across
plausible children linking this mask to his Europe. Upon her return to in 1998, she
original identity. founded her own house of high fashion.
The unique anti-conformist elegance of
A handsome Spanish man appearing just her creations soon drew the attention of
past young, Romero has deep laugh lines in the Divas of Boston. They naturally
his face and a tasteful amount of stubble. invited April into their social circle,
where she found herself intoxicated by
He speaks with a rich Spanish accent and is their charm.
found of flowery flourishes in his
conversations. Romero carries himself with
an unmatched confidence and ease.

Sire: Kenneth Chriswell

Embraced: 1812 (Born 1779)
Ambition: Become a household name
Convictions: You can get anything with enough
Touchstones: Mercedes Ramirez (Boston Busker)
Humanity: 5
Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 3

Attributes: (8 / 3) Rough Exp: 309

Strength 1 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2
Charisma 4 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Intelligence 2 Wits 5 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 6 April found an inexhaustible source of

inspiration in the members of the clan of
Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Craft 1, Stealth 1, Survival
1, Etiquette 2, Insight 3, Performance 5 (Guitar), the Rose. One member of the clan was a
Persuasion 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3, Academics 3 well-known art collector whom April
(Poetry), Awareness 1 (Crowds), Science 2 (Music
met and became enamored with. Their
Theory) Technology 1 (Acoustics)
boundless passion pushed her to accept
Disciplines: an Embrace that she understood
Presence 4
nothing about after only a few months.
Auspex 3
Celerity 2

they have heard them from the Herald.

KINDRED NIGHTS: April uses this tradition to ensure that,
Her lover and Sire quickly lost interest technically, the Camarilla is never baited
in her after the pride of flaunting his into fights with Hecata and Anarchs who
conquest in the most fashionable spots would intentionally break their rules to
in Boston. The first years of April's showcase how ineffective the Camarilla
unlife were spent alone, in solitude. She is at enforcing them.
found refuge and support in one of
Emem's clubs, where she learned all Secret Keeper: April is Prince Hazel’s
about her new nature and the history of most trusted confidant and is
the Kindred. There she met souls who responsible for updating detailed
were worn out by their mad hopes and reports on her political rivals. She’s
suffering. always on the lookout for more
information to add to these pages.
It was in this club that she first met
Hazel Iversen, a Kindred whose DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
Embrace and abandonment by her sire Cambridge Home (Haven 3): April
reminded April of her own boasts a mid-size home within
circumstances. April admired Hazel for Cambridge.
the way she was able to turn the
situation to her advantage. April offered Fashion Silo (Resources 3): April’s
Iversen her support and her services. In two story workshop. The ground floor is
thanks for her loyalty, Hazel granted her a standard department store, while the
the title of Herald when she took over upper floor features a studio for
the domain. designing custom clothing. and selling
secondhand items to ethically minded
Tradition or Taste: Boston has a
number of disused Elysium that are
technically still under April’s care. Rivals
Boston Fashion Industry
in the Hecata often point to their shoddy
(Resources 1, Influence 3): April’s
maintenance as evidence of Camarilla
dresses are highly sought after by
incompetence. The Anarchs frequently
Boston Elite’s, and she has much sway
used them as hide outs, turning the
over local celebrities.
Court’s own rules against them. April
would love nothing more than to
Aspiring Models (Herd 2): She has
“decommission” a number of these sites.
her pick of aspiring runway models all
hoping to walk with her cutting new
Delicate Dictations: According to
Camarilla tradition, a Princes dictates
and rules only apply to a Kindred after

Kaius Leto: Both Hazel and April were Humanity: 5

Generation: 12th
plucked from relative obscurity by Blood Potency: 1
Hazel. They learned the ropes of court
politics together. However, April feels no Attributes: (5 / 3) Rough Exp: 244
Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2
loyalty toward him. Charisma 4 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 2
Vivian Abbott: Vivian’s influence,
status and independence makes April Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 6

Skills: Craft 3 (Sewing), Etiquette 4 (Elysium),
Insight 2, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Performance
Romero Entretelas: This self-styled 2, Subterfuge 3, Awareness 1, Finance 2, Investigation
troubadour is annoying to her. 1, Politics 4 (Camarilla)

WHISPERS: Celerity 2
Blood Bounty: For her role in Presences 3
organizing the Unification Party that Auspex 3

resulted in much of the Hartford

Tremere’s Final Death, April has been
marked for destruction by their regent.


April Bosley (Mask 1): While
withdrawn from mortal society, she has
kept up her mask.

April wears immaculately tailored and

designed clothing. Piebaldism gives her
scattered patches of lighter skin.

April is strong willed and confident, to

the point of being rude and self-
centered. She takes care of herself, then
other if she can.

Sire: Art Collector

Embraced: 1999 (Born 1963)
Ambition: Make Boston an enviable domain
Convictions: The only ones who matter are those
loyal to you. All others are disposable.
Touchstones: Jason Renee, Jeweler

Boston, a city the Tremere can claim to have founded, is now almost devoid of their presences.
Hard hit by the Second Inquisition's efforts in the city. Their strongholds have been emptied,
their coteries scattered, and their members destroyed.

The last few Tremere who remain are easy to characterize as misanthropic loners who withdrew
from society or recently arrived fanatics hoping to rebuild their order in the clan’s first American
home. But the truth is most of the Warlocks who survived did so by dumb luck. Regardless, with
their clan thrown into chaos at all levels of, the Tremere have been slow to rebuild. While their
chantry has re-opened giving them a common meeting point, the Pyramid is truly shattered in

Tempa Dolma - Exiled Occultist this dangerous terrain gave her a few close
Quote: “Knowledge is power, and power encounters with the Sabbat. She only
longs to be free.” survived due to innovative uses of Blood
MORTAL DAYS: Born in Tibet shortly Sorcery.
after the dawn of the 20th century, Tempa
always felt her world was abuzz with spirits This unorthodox approach to field research
and magic. It gave a certain whimsy to the and her persistence in incorporating
hardscrabble life of a farm girl on the roof of Tibetan folkways into her blood sorcery
the world. She found herself always causing frustrated the Regent of Salem. As a result,
mischief, and telling fantastical stories to Tempa was reassigned to Boston during the
escape punishment. Sabbat’s assaults in the 90s. Not a soldier,
Tempa focused on creating safe havens,
However, that was shattered when the Red evacuating non-combatants, and preserving
Army invaded. Tanks and troops stormed the Tremere archives in the city.
her village, crushing crops and demolishing
homes. Her parents were killed in the
fighting, and Tempa fled into the
mountains. She wandered the wilderness for
three days, before arriving at an abandoned
monastery. On the verge of collapse, she
gave the mani wheel one final spin and sent
a prayer to the heavens.

That prayer was answered by a Tremere

Elder, dispatched from the Pyramid and
seeking Occult secrets from the orient.
Impressed by her knowledge of local
folklore, the Elder took her under his wing.
They spent the next few years living in the
monastery, trading knowledge of their When the Pyramid was shattered in 2008,
different sides of the world. Tempa found herself in a fortunate position.
She had accumulated a number of Boons
When the Chinese Government returned to from Boston’s influential Kindred, had a
Tibet to crack down on rebellion, the pair warded bunker for herself, and maintained
left for Europe, arriving in Vienna where good relations with the Hecata as they
Tempa was granted the embrace. moved into the city.

KINDRED NIGHTS: Keeping many other Tremere at arm’s

Spending nearly a decade studying in the length enabled her to survive the fall of the
Vienna Chantry, Tempa was dispatched to Jefferson Library and the SI sweeps of the
the Salem chantry to help research the local city, leaving her as one of the last Tremere
witches. Tempa’s hands-on approach saw in Boston.
her frequently traveling New England to
speak directly to living witches, as opposed
to digging through old archives. Traveling

PLOTS AND SCHEMES: Chantry. This extensive compound has

House of Carna: In modern nights Tempa libraries of occult knowledge, dozens of
focuses on attempting to re-establish a bedrooms, spaces hidden by magical
Tremere Chantry in Boston. Fearing the warding and countless security features.
return of the Pyramid, she wants to build a
strong clan presence outside of its control. Tremere Safe Houses (Haven 2):
Currently, she’s scouting for apprentices to Tempa has around a half dozen empty flats,
embrace and begin their training. shipping crates, and blacked out vans with
protective wards scattered across the city.
Hedge Magic: While unable to practice
mortal magic herself, Tempa has taken a Boston University (Influence 2):
keen interest in local Wiccans, witches, and Serving as a professor, Tempa has access to
other mage traditions. Whether she’s most of the college.
scouting candidates for the embrace or
deepening her understanding of magic is THRALLS AND TOOLS:
hard to say. Kine Withes (Allies 3): Alleys cautious to
hide her true nature, Tempa balances
Unlikely Allies: Keenly aware of her outreach to these powerful mortals with her
Clan’s history, Tempa has begun making own security.
overtures to their historic enemies. While
most have rebuked her offers as some kind Boston Bureau of Public Relations
of Warlock trick, she is persistent. To hear (Influence 1): While acquainted with the
Tempa tell it, she believes cooperation will current Mayor of Boston, Tempa tries to
bring more survival than competition. restrict her influence to Boston’s Public
Relations department. It avoids turf wars
Federalist: After seeing an authoritarian with other Kindred, while keeping a
takeover of her home country Tempa was powerful tool to shape public opinion.
never fully comfortable with the Camarilla’s
strict hierarchy. She also distrusts anyone B.U. Students (Herd 1): Her class
calling themselves Baron or Bishop. Tempa enables occasional feeding.
generally encourages moving away from
these titles and approaching problems as KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
individual coteries. Yasmine Lazaar: Tempa senses much
potential in her, and would like to help her
Sister Cities: Tempa hopes to strengthen cultivate her studies of Blood Sorcery.
Boston’s ties to other cities around the
globe, and has made inroads through Effie Feng: Feng and Tempa became
academic and government circles to have acquainted during Tempa’s residence in
Boston launch a “sister City” program with a Chinatown. Feng over emphasizes their
number of regional powers in Asia. acquaintance, while Tempa downplays it.

DOMAIN AND HAVEN: Leonie Uhrmacherin: She tolerates this

Jefferson Library (Haven 5): After the tradition bound Warlock, but dose not at all
slaughter of the Boston Tremere, Tempa appreciate her involvement or presence.
found herself as the sole inheritor of their

Jason Millier: Tempa has approached the Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6
Hecata’s accountant for aid in auditing
Skills: Stealth 3, Survival 2, Insight 1, Persuasion 1,
some of the Tremere’s holdings. However, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1, Academics 4, Investigation
she’s taking precautions to ensure he 4, Occult 5,
doesn’t know too much.
Auspex 3
Dominate 2
Old Hatred: She holds an intense loathing Blood Sorcery 4
toward the people and Government of Obfuscate 1
China, who she views as barbaric invaders.

Koldunic Sorcery: Tempa has tapped

into some strange power that grants her
control over elements.

Power Player: Tempa won’t admit it but

she’s deeply involved in Sect Politics. Why
else would she have Boston’s Mayor as a


Sandra Quan (Mark 1): Professor of
Anthropology at Boston University.

Tempa has a large round face, and keeps her

thick black hair pulled tightly back. She has
a quite, and firm, curiosity. This, combined
with a once deep sense of compassion has
been tempered by painful experience into a
careful and patient approach only
occasionally broke by exuberant

Sire: Archibald Harrier

Embraced: 1959 (Born: 1920)
Ambition: Don’t lose my new home.
Convictions: Power grows when cultivated, not
Touchstones: Mayor Madalina Wen
Humanity: 8
Generation: 10th
Blood Potency: 2

Attributes: (7 / 4) Rough Exp: 339

Strength 1 Dexterity 2 Stamina 4
Charisma 3 Manipulation 2 Composure 4
Intelligence 5 Wits 4 Resolve 4

Leonie Uhrmacherin - Arcane Clock brother was appalled, but the client was
worker intrigued.
Quote: “ Be Meticulous with Method and
Practice.” Arriving at his estate, Leonie inspected the
MORTAL DAYS: Hailing from Baden device, made a few refinements, and had it
Baden in Germany, Leonie was part of a set working within the hour. Pleased, their
of twins. Her brother entered an client commissioned a number of other
apprenticeship with the local clockmakers instruments on the spot. Eventually, Leonie
when he turned 12, while she remained at was granted residence to be on-hand to
home to learn housework. Upset with this repair these devices. After a years of service,
arrangement, she would pester her brother she was asked to accompany her client to
whenever he visited to teach her everything Vienna.
he could.
KINDRED NIGHTS: At Vienna her work
was presented to the Tremere Pyramid, and
she was granted the embrace. She spent the
next few decades learning in Vienna and
helping to standardize the thaumaturgical
equipment used in rituals. When her
apprenticeship was complete, she was
dispatched with a collection of this new
equipment to distribute across the
Americas. She established a base of
operations in Hartford.

Leonie was a vocal opponent of unifying

Hartford and Boston, and refused to attend
the ceremony, offering to remain and watch
As she grew older, Leonie refused to marry, the chantry. Upon receiving news of the
choosing instead to move in with her twin slaughter that the Hartford Delegation was
and act as a housekeeper for their small slaughtered, she rushed to Boston, only to
estate. While her brother proved to be a find the city’s Tremere facing a similar fate.
shrewd businessman, he was no more than Finding the city’s Tremere in shambles, she
an average watchmaker. Fortunately, with resolved to stay, and right the local Chantry
the tools and time to practice, Leonie in hopes of blunting the influence of Salem.
proved to be gifted in these arts.
Their work attracted the attention of a local Marketplace of Ideas: Boston’s Tremere
Lord, who commissioned a number of find themselves competing with Banu
clockwork devices, and insisted they be Haqim, Hecata, and Mortal Witches for
completed in secret. Leonie’s brother took favors and jobs based around magic. Leonie
the contract on himself, over her objections. is dedicated to ensuring the Tremere
When he presented the completed works to emerges, and remains, on top. Part of this is
the client, it failed to meet his specifications. acquiring more information about the
Leonie offered to repair it, free of cost. Her

Hecata’s necromancy and Banu Haqim

rituals. Tempa Dolma: The free-spirited “Regent”
is infuriating to her. What disappoints
Lightning and Crystal: Leonie is looking Leonie most is her wasted potential.
to learn more about modern technology,
mainly computers. Partly for their Effie Feng: Something is off with this
application in Blood Magic, but also to feed Malkavian. She doesn’t know what.
her need to tinker.
Lining Her Pockets: With the shattering Time Dilation: Her obsession with clocks
of the Pyramid, Leonie has come to realize leads some to conclude she’s experimenting
she can’t rely on the Tremere for everything. with time magic. This is a sphere long
She’s looking to get into business, and seed forbidden by the Tremere due to the
some investments. potentially disastrous results.

DOMAIN AND HAVEN: Cyborg Stitcher: Leonie’s familiarity with

Jefferson Library (Haven 5): While not mechanical contraptions and blood magic
the Regent of this chantry, Leonie has a make her a perfect choice for those hoping
residence in the Jefferson Library and can to use cybernetics.
be asked to consult on issues of magic they
encounter. Rhinelander: While based in the US for
most of her unlife, Leonie was always
Chelsea Clock Company (Haven 2): sympathetic to her homeland, and gained
Leonie set up a private workshop in the much from her German contacts during the
office space that once housed the Chelsea 40s.
Clock Company. She has a place to rest and
a handful of tinkering tools. MASK AND MIEN:
Leonie Uhrmacherin (Mask 1): She’s
THRALLS AND TOOLS: circled back to using her original name in
Hartford Chantry (Allies 3): While official papers.
depleted in numbers, she can still call upon
the remnants of Hartford to aid in problems Sire: Nanette
or help with research. Embraced: 1873 (Born 1838)
Ambition: Re-build and control the Boston Chantry
Convictions: People will cut corners if I don’t
Franz Galvez (Rival): Leonie knows Touchstones: Jeremy Schumacher, local librarian.
Franz is actively working to weaken the Humanity: 7
Generation: 11th
Tremere’s standing in the Camarilla. She
Blood Potency: 2
won’t allow that.
Attributes: (7 / 3) Rough Exp: 300
April Bosley (Enemy 1): While she Strength 3 Dexterity 4 Stamina 3
blames Hazel for the destruction of the Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 5
Intelligence 4 Wits 3 Resolve 3
Hartford Chantry, getting revenge on a
Prince is difficult. Till then she’s content to Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 5
torment Hazel’s playthings.

Skills: Craft 4 (Clock working), Larceny 2 (Lock

Picking), Etiquette 1, Insight 1, Leadership 1,
Academics 3, Awareness 2, Finance 2, Occult 4
(Alchemy), Science 2, Technology 1, Politics 3

Auspex 2
Blood Sorcery 4
Dominate 2

The Tzimisce are not an unheard of clan in Boston, however they are unusual. With most of their
elders refusing to leave their ancestral estates in Europe and the Near East few traveled to the
New World. Those that did often absconded to the mountains that reminded them of home.
Some established sprawling domains in the antebellum south.

The Dragons that find themselves in Boston during modern nights are largely Anarchs, carving
out small territories in the suburbs that they can rule completely and without supervision. The
Hecata and Camarilla believe many of the Clanless Vampires found in their domain to be
Tzimisce embraced during the Mad King’s Reign.

Ion Mykhailo- Cyborg Vampire and began to notice the outside world.
Quote: “Witness, as I do in a lifetime, what Following the collapse of the Triad, Ion
took the random spasms of “God” a traveled to Boston to assess the world.
MORTAL DAYS: Born a sickly child in Initially Ion was disturbed by the blistering
Odessa the figure now known as Ion grew speed of modern technologies and the vast
up fascinated with human anatomy, stores of easily accessible information.
devouring books of butchery and medicine However, he quickly grew to see the value of
with equal fervor. This thirst for knowledge modern machines, and became fixated on
eventually attracted the attention of a new medical technology. Crippling
nearby Tzimisce, who ghouled the sickly afflictions from his mortal life were now
young man. Ion served him faithfully for mere inconveniences. What was a death
many years, learning the secrets of sentence, was now survivable. Most
Vicissitude before being turned. surprising of all, a few mortals were now
shaping and modifying themselves with
KINDRED NIGHTS: No longer tethered wanton enthusiasm.
by the limits of Science, Ion twisted and
pushed his Earthly form, transcending the
limits of what the human body can be.
However, after a time he began to feel
stifled by his master, and sought freedom to
experiment on his own.

Ion left Ukraine to pursue solitude in the

New World, carving out an eerie estate in
the mountains of New Hampshire, bringing
with him a small family of loyal ghouls.
They would occasionally raid the nearby
towns, stealing away mortals for Ion to
purse his interests with.

Over time, in response to Lupine assault, Curiosity piqued, Ion moved into the city;
and the interference of Pendragon, Ion clearing out an apartment building in
hardened his estate into a gothic fortress. Allston to convert into his haven & lab.
While never aligned with the Sabbat, the Despite fierce resistance from all sides, Ion
reclusive elder did grant them safe haven in has resolved to claim Boston, allowing him
exchange for becoming one of his test to utilize its vast medical and robotic
subjects. resources in his grisly inquiries.

Until recently the Vampires of Boston knew PLOTS AND SCHEMES:

Ion only as a distant presence. He was Million Dollar Man: Ion is eager to make
someone that problem mortals could be sent use of advances in medical technology,
to and never seen again. But when the seeing cybernetics as a way to supplement,
Sabbat withdrew from New England, Ion if not surpass, his already impressive
was roused from his twisted experiments, supernatural powers. However, several

centuries of flesh crafting have resulted in

his inability to pass as an ordinary mortal. Allston Apartments (Haven 2):
He’s established a network of ghouls that Hollowing out a three story apartment
are able to acquire some mundane building allowed Ion enough space to begin
prosthetics, and widely available medical building a new laboratory and residence
knowledge. But he’s looking to employ within the city. However, it’s not entirely
lieutenants to help him gain control of MIT secure yet, and lacks many of the amenities,
robotics labs, BU Medical School or the and privacy, he has upstate.
Tufts Medical Center and their cutting edge
research. M.I.T. (Influence 1): Currently, Ion has
some limited control over MIT. Paying
Friends Like These: Ion has few friends bribes to a few campus guards, and
in the city. The Camarilla were embarrassed enrolling his Ghouls in undergrad classes
by his sudden appearance, and rapidly has granted him access to the some areas,
developing power base. The Hecata are but not where the real research takes place.
competing for control of the same medical
interests. The Anarchs dislike his THRALLS AND TOOLS:
authoritarian streak. Many unaligned Voloshyn Family (Herd 3 Retainers
Kindred fear they may become his next test 5): Having immigrated to the Americas with
subject. But, Ion is receptive to an alliance Ion, the Voloshyns are a family of revenants
with any of these factions, provided they immensely loyal to their master. They tend
help him get what he wants. Once he’s to his business and handle almost all
established a new laboratory and has easy interactions with non-Kindred.
access to cutting edge medical technology,
he’ll happily withdraw from the Jyhad and KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
return to his experiments. Nino Ricci (Enemies 3): Ion feels Ricci is
intentionally being difficult with him to slow
Clinical Trials: Ion requires a constant progress. They compete for resources, and
influx of Kindred and Kine test subjects to Ion believes the Hecata fear he’ll soon
attempt his theories, surgeries and rituals surpass them.
on. Something about the curse of Caine
refuses to play nicely with cybernetic Berel Underwood: Underwood has
enhancements, or surgical implants. proved an enthusiastic source of funds. Ion
Leading his test subjects to expire suspects the bill will come due eventually,
frequently, and him to need a steady supply but at the point he’ll simply dispose of him.
of new ones. He’s also eager to find other
supernatural beings to test on. George Brimmer: Ion has a deep respect
for the elder Toreador. While not as
DOMAIN AND HAVEN: glamorous, his work is vitally important and
New Hampshire Estates (Haven 5): they enjoy their rare meetings.
The Gothic estate in New Hampshire is still
under Ion’s control, although he no longer Jessica Wagner: Ion knows better than to
occupies it. Tended by a skeleton staff of become involved with a former Bishop of
loyal ghouls, it serves as a last stronghold, the Sabbat. But she has occult knowledge he
should this Boston venture go horribly awry. occasionally needs.

Attributes: (10 / 4) Rough EXP: 428
Second Inquisition Scientist: Ion has Strength 4 Dexterity 2 Stamina 5
struck a deal with the Second Inquisition, Charisma 2 Manipulation 4 Composure 4
he’s helping them capture and control Intelligence 5 Wits 3 Resolve 3
Kindred in New England in exchange for
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 7
free reign to experiment on them in a
twisted attempt to understand their Skills: Brawl 2, Melee 2, Firearms 1 (Flame throwers)
condition. Craft 2 (Engineering), Etiquette 1, Insight 3,
Intimidate 3, Academics 4, Awareness 1, Medicine 5,
Rogue Experiment: His Estate in New Occult 3 (Necromancy), Science 4 (Biology),
Technology 3 (Robotics).
Hampshire was abandoned after a failed
experiment created an abomination he Disciplines:
couldn’t control. It’s now loose in the wilds, Animalism 2
and the Lupines are pissed. Protean 4
Dominate 4
Oblivion 1
Necrosis: Despite all his efforts, the Blood Sorcery 2
cybernetic won't take. His flesh keeps
rejecting the implants. He’s so stuffed full of
plastic and metal that he’s a hollow shell of


Mykhailo Voloshyn: Fake identity that
holds Ion’s estates and interests.

Horrid Visage: Due to centuries of flesh

crafting, Ion no longer appears fully human;
with horns, boney spiky protrusions,
elongated limbs, hooved feet, and a swollen

Ion is a commanding and regal drawing

comparison to Generals and Judges. He
takes care not to humiliate his subordinates,
but will dismiss those he deems below his

Sire: Rastislav
Embraced: 1600s
Ambition: Control Boston’s Cybernetics Industry
Convictions: Science has no limits
Touchstones: Voloshyn family
Humanity: 3
Generation: 9th
Blood Potency: 2

Ingrid Weaver - Anarch Auteur her newfound deafness. The doctors

Quote: “Cut! It’s getting light. You got two reasoned that Ingrid was trying to make the
takes before I go method on your ass.” images twice as stimulating. But the
MORTAL DAYS: incident had also left her with a need to
Growing up in Quincy, Ingrid always control, and a slight paranoia.
thought she had a boring childhood. So, she
did what she could to make it intriguing. KINDRED NIGHTS:
She’d frequently run away into the woods It was shortly after these sessions that
near her house, only to turn around and Ingrid was caught up in one of the Sabbat
come home when it got too late, and she Raids of the Dying Times. Grabbed by a
couldn’t sleep on the hard ground she’d roving pack to feed off, then cast aside with
made a shelter on. a few drops of vitae smeared across her lips.
She came to the next night, hungry and
When she became a teenager these disoriented. After a week of roving from
rebellious tendencies grew, with her alley to alley, hiding in dumpsters, she was
frequently hopping turnstiles to go into the picked up by the Boston Anarchs.
city. Desperate for some kind of connection
with their wayward child her parents gave
her a video camera, asking her to document
her adventures. Ingrid took to it like a fish
to water making short documentaries of her
adventures. As they grew more and more
daring, she began having to embellish to
explain the narrow escapes, run-ins with the
law, and dangerous situations.

Upon getting into college, she fell in with a

group of transgressive artists and punks
who were always pushing the boundaries of
taste and their technology. At one
experimental silent disco thrown by a close
friend, Ingrid’s headset overloaded and Ingrid quickly realized that her siblings of
defended her. Following this incident her the night viewed her as a curiosity because
short films, previously anthropological docs of her clan. Refusing to be sidelined by
and adventure films with just a little shock either of her “disabilities” as she saw them,
value, evolved into low-budget horror before Ingrid broke off contact with her Anarch
descending into borderline snuff and sect and returned to school.
pornographic content. Disturbed her
professors recommended she be put into By doing night she completed a small
consoling. grindhouse horror film based on her
embrace. Enough was changed that it
Her parents were assured that Ingrid was couldn’t be called a masquerade breach, but
not violent or dangerous. But the accident it sent a clear message as it played in
had affected her in two ways. For one, she arthouse cinemas.
was pushing her films visuals to make up for

Ingrid sat back and waited. When the recommendations and insights are
Kindred of Boston reached out, she made it surprisingly professional.
clear; she was going to rise in the city
despite being a Vampire, not because of it. Quincy Home (Haven 3): Her parents
have retired to Florida leaving her with her
Since then she’s made a number of other childhood home. Here she stores her
horror films, grindhouse documentaries, collection of horror memorabilia.
photo exhibits, and even one music album.
Boston’s Kindred tolerate her as these films Izzy Bathory (Resources 3): Her
give a plausible cover for any masquerade production company has little liquid
breaches, provided she’s well paid to keep resources but boasts ample last generation
quiet. digital equipment.


Coming Soon: Tired of doing the same old Hackett Guttell & Co. (Contacts 2):
“tits and gore” grindhouse films Ingrid is This ostensibly respectful publishing house
looking to make something “cerebral, but is controlled by the Hecata. Ingrid has
unpretentious.” Not above taking pitches singed the distribution rights to her films
from unknowns, she could be persuaded to which are part of their line of obscene
direct a fresh enough idea. Her films are books and films.
guaranteed to play in the local art scene, but
almost never make much profit. Boston Arts Council (Allies 1, Enemies
1): Home to some of her most ardent
Death Scene: Operating in the public eye supporters and fierce detractors this local
is getting risky. She’s been at this game a body flips between giving grants for
long time, and the risk of the SI noticing her “pushing technology and the visual language
has increased. Even the shield of an “elusive of cinema.” To denouncing her latest release
eccentric” is wearing thin. She’s looking to as an “obscene affront to good taste and
fake her death to the world of Kine, but it common decency.”
needs to be legendary.
Boston Film Students (Retainers 2):
Critics Circle: Ingrid has heard stories of Desperate for opportunity and unwise in the
a place Kindred showcase their uncensored ways of the world, many film students will
artworks for each other's enjoyment and work long hours and keep quite about a lot
consumption. Featuring film, photos, of things for their name in the credits.
sculpture and even live performances. The
fabled Forgotten Worlds Gallery is KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
legendary for Vampire artists. It’s Ion Mykhailo (Mawla 1): Ingrid has met
somewhere in Boston, and the only way to few other members of her clan. She wants
find it is to be invited. Ion to teacher her more about the Tzimisce,
but is wary of becoming his pawn.
Museum of Fine Art (Influence 3): Gonzo Carnivalie: These unlikely friends
Despite some strenuous objections, she sits are sometimes seen watching movies
on the Film Board for the MFA. Her together.

Blood Potency: 1
Konrad Muller: Ingrid has little time or
Attributes: (5 / 3) Rough Exp: 233
respect for him and anyone tied to the Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2
Sabbat. Charisma 4 Manipulation 3 Composure 3
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 4
Practical Effects: Everything on screen is
actually done in real life. Skills: Craft 3 (Special Effects), Drive 1, Firearms 1
(Squibs), Larceny 2, Stealth 3, Insight 1, Leadership 3,
Masquerade Risk: There’s no way the SI Performance 2, Persuasion 2, Streetwise 1 (Black
hasn’t pegged her yet. Markets), Subterfuge 1, Academics 4 (Film Theory),
Finance 1, Occult 2, Politics 2 (permitting), Science 2
(Anatomy), Technology 2 (Cameras)
Concerned Parents Act: Several
petitions are circulating to have her barred Disciplines:
from producing any more films in Boston, Dominate 3
Protean 2
having any being exhibited within the city or
Animalism 1
distributed. They’re gaining traction after
her last film.


Ingrid Weaver (Mask 2): Since her
death was never recorded, her mask is her
real identity.

Ingrid has an enthralling appearance that

under the right conditions is uncomfortably
disquieting. Her neck is too long, her
features a little too perfect. Her eyes stay
unblinking a moment longer than they

Ingrid seems to only half pay attention to

wherever she is. The rest of her mind lost in
some ethereal contemplations. When she’s
pulled down to focus her opinion springs
fully formed, with no equivocation.

Sire: Sabbat Pack

Embraced: 2002 (Born 1980)
Ambition: Cement myself as a horror great
Convictions: You can’t trust stupid
Touchstones: Reverend Betty Kaeden - member of
the Boston Arts Council
Humanity: 5
Generation: 12th

Boston had long been a thorn in the side of the Ventrue. Historically held by the Tremere,
Brujah, and Malkavians, Boston was pointed to as an argument against the Blue Bloods instance
that they were always the best choice for leadership. But, following the Mad King’s Reign, the
Ventrue finally had their chance to rise and lead.

The Ventrue have emerged as one of the dominate clans in Boston, focusing their efforts on
controlling Boston’s burgeoning tech sector and the number of influential, and lucrative,
institutes of higher education. There is no shortage of ambitious Young Kindred looking to their
older, more established, Venture for funding, guidance and an example of how to navigate a
thorny situation. The path forward for their rule is unclear, but this clan relishes the challenge

become, she needed to distance herself from

Hazel Iverson - Prince of Boston those she loved, her mother, her family. She
Quote: “Out with the old, in with the new.” even considered ending her unlife, but
MORTAL DAYS: "surrender" was not a part of her
Hazel was born in 1901 to Scandinavian vocabulary.
parents. Her father relocated his maritime
freight business to take advantage of the
United States' advantageous taxation
system. His business prospered
considerably there, and in just 15 years he
had built his fortune.

His daughter undertook her brilliant studies

in business and economics at Harvard in
1920 despite the limited education
opportunities for women there. Hazel
convinced her father to move into the world
of banking. She quickly showed a certain
astuteness in the subject. She invested in
risky but highly profitable markets with an
instinct far beyond her age. She naturally In time, thanks to her determination and
drew the attention of investors and rival her sound investment she eventually gained
banks who went so far as to assassinate her the acceptance of the Court. Hazel planned
father in order to undermine her. The police her revenge and methodically gathered
and the justice system proved to be information about her Sire for years. In the
complicit in declaring his death a simple end, she proved to the Prince that Appleton
accident. Hazel found herself alone in was double-dealing with the British.
charge of the Iversen empire at just 38 years Quentin King had no choice but to launch a
old with no allies to speak of. blood hunt of the traitor so as to not be
accused of being spineless and collaborating
The isolation pushed her to a meeting with a with the invaders. Hazel had planned for
group of wealthy Boston financiers in order everything. Her ghouls were already holding
to ease tensions and competition. In Nathan Appleton captive at his residence.
actuality, Nathan Appleton, a deceased She did justice herself by making his head
textile had set a trap... fall onto the rug, in the exact spot where he
had made her bend the knee. She spared the
KINDRED NIGHTS: unlife of his bodyguard, Deslin, who, since
Against her will, he brought her back to that day, became her shadow as a token of
unlife on her knees, sparing her no gratitude. She has since earned the distant
humiliation. Appleton Embraced her out of respect of many.
pride, not to be outdone by a woman on his
own turf. Immediately, he neglected her and Having gained the respect of Boston’s
abandoned her to her own unlife. Hazel Kindred she began building from the base of
discovered on her own that she was undead. power, joining the Kindred of Liberty in
To protect them from the monster she had their clandestine opposition to Quinten

King’s Redcoats. In pursuit of this goal she

embraced a childe of her own, Erlantz, a PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
young finical prodigy. Despite Hazel’s From the Ashes: With her court battered,
protests Erlantz's became involved in the and the Unification of Hartford and Boston
KoL, and nearly blew his cover during an called off, Hazel is focusing on rebuilding
operation against the British militia. Hazel her court. Several key Primogen were lost to
was placed in a dangerous position, with her the SI, and trust in the Camarilla is at a low
very unlife at stake. The urgency of the in the city. She’s looking to infuse new blood
situation forced her to take a drastic step: to into her regime.
sacrifice her childe to protect her empire. It
was a bitter decision to make, but she didn't Rat Hunt: The information the SI hit the
waver. It was not in her nature. Deslin was Camarilla with had to come from
sent to eliminate Erlantz. Coates' report left somewhere, most likely within the Court
little doubt that the Blueblood had been itself. While a number of the Primogen have
destroyed. Hazel's reputation was salvaged. already gone into hiding or been disposed
of, Hazel still needs to solidify the security
When the elders began to give in to the of her court.
Beckoning, there was a major shake-up
among the powerful and ambitious Kindred Blood Trade: Hazel’s ambitions to control
still left in Boston. Hazel aspired to carve the Blood Trade through chemistry and
out a for herself, but she did not expect that, Thaumaturgy is delayed, but she still
in 2014, the remaining members of the intends to pursue it. However, the Hecata
Primogen would offer her their support to seem to have already cracked the code. Why
allow her to claim the position Quentin King they haven’t began distribution is a mystery,
had left vacant at the head of the domain. but it gives her time to catch up and
Though she seized the opportunity without sabotage their efforts.
hesitation, she remained suspicious.
An Example Of: Hazel has to balance the
Once in power, Hazel endeavored to restore inner forces of the Camarilla with incredible
the weakened Domain. Chief concern was outside pressures. The chance to go anarch
breaking the Hecata’s control over the blood and carve out a small domain appeals to the
supply. She assembled a small team of ambition of many Kindred. She’s trying to
occult and medical researchers who then spin operation Swansong as a reason to stay
attempted to court the Hartford Tremere together. However, she thinks it’d be best if
into an alliance. This move to solidify her another prominent sect suffered a worse
own power saw fear and jealous spread fate.
through the Camarilla. Hazel became
increasingly reliant on her close circle of DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
advisors, and the premonition of her Cambridge (Herd 5, Resources 5):
Malkavian retainer. Following the SI’s While Prince of Boston, much of Hazel’s
Operation Swansong, Hazel cracked down power is rooted in Cambridge where they
on dissent in her domain, solidifying her can operate without interference of Anarchs
power, at the risk of fracturing the of Hecata.

Iverson Bank (Resources 5): She still Quentin King: Not even final-death
draws wealth from the investments she stopped him. As long as his sycophants are
made here years ago. running around he’ll be a problem.

Somerville House (Haven 5): While Amos Breckenridge: It’s useful to have
many of her fellow have flocked to Beacon free agents in the city. He’s more than
Hill or downtown Cambridge, Hazel prefers capable as a patsy.
the relative peace of Somerville.
Deslin Coates: She trusts Deslin
Boston (Influence 3): She still has some absolutely. He’s more than a pawn, he’s
pull across the city. proved himself to be a partner.

THRALLS AND TOOLS: Kaius Leto: Useful and loyal, but if

Boston Police (Influence 4, Retainers someone has to go. It’ll him.
3): With much of her opposition relying on
criminal elements, such as Gangs and April Bosley: Useful but no irreplaceable.
Organized Crime, Hazel has begun backing
legitimate sources of power. Notably the Effie Feng: Long though dead, she’s
Boston Police Department. Prominent looking to make a comeback. She’s an
donations to their union and Fraternal experience political operative, which makes
Order of Police have strengthened her hold. her dangerous as one of the few who could
outfox Hazel for praxis.
Harvard University (Influence 4,
Contacts 3): The crown jewel of the Ion Mykhailo: He is playing a dangerous
Boston Camarilla, this elite institution game, and needs to be reigned in
serves as a grooming ground for prized immediately. He’s already a walking
recruits from across the world to train masquerade breach, but his attempt to
before being embraced. claim domain right where the SI is
operating is damning.
Andres Giovanni: This persistent, and WHISPERS:
deadly, thorn in her side needs to be Purge: Operation Swansong wasn’t
removed sooner rather than later. What to random, it was her attempt to remove the
with the rest of his clan, depends on who’s Tremere from power in New England to
in charge next. more easily control it herself.

Martha Randolph: Harmless, and a good Infanticide: She killed off the first child
outlet for the Anarchs to have. Easy to she embraced to protect her own reputation.
Berel Underwood: Outlived his Harriet Lowell (Mask 2): She adopted
usefulness. He got her the throne, and now the mask of her great-grand niece.
needs to be dealt with before he takes if for

Hazel is a tall woman with spiky white hair Berel Underwood - Rejected Son
and a freckled face. She has a tattoo of her Quote: “It’s nothing personal. You played
family crest on the back of her neck. the game, and lost. Bill is in the mail.”
MORTAL DAYS: Born with a silver in his
Hazel is confident and uncompromising. mouth Berel Underwood’s father was the
She knows best because she knows more head of the Sugar Trust, a business that held
than you. Her leadership is a burden, but it a monopoly in the refined sugar trade. That
comes with privileges, and she relishes both. year he was born, an embargo was levied
against the U.S. in retaliation for their
Sire: Nathan Appleton violation of neutrality in the Napoleonic
Embraced: 1941 (Born 1901) Wars. American ships were seized and
Ambition: Unify New England under my rule
Convictions: If I go down my enemies come with
banned from trading in Europe. New
me. England had no choice but to organize.
Touchstones: Christopher Iversen, grand-nephew, James, Berel's father, met a sailor by the
and manager of the mortal Iversen Bank name of Galeb Bazory who offered to
Humanity: 5
smuggle his sugar into Europe despite the
Generation: 10
Blood Potency: 3 ban. The two formed a bond of friendship
and mutual respect, and Galeb watched the
Attributes: (9 / 6) Rough Exp: 430 young Berel grow over the course of his
Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 4 travels.
Charisma 3 Manipulation 5 Composure 4
Intelligence 4 Wits 3 Resolve 5
Upon the death of his father in 1833, Berel
Secondary Attributes: Health Willpower found himself alone at the head of an
empire at the age of 26. Considering Galeb
Skills: Athletics 1, Drive 2, Firearms 1, Larceny 3 to be his spiritual father, he asked him to
(Fraud), Melee 3 (Saber), Etiquette 3, Insight 2,
stay by his side. Galeb accepted and settled
Intimidation 3, Leadership 4 (Corporations),
Persuasion 3, Subterfuge 2, Academics 3 (Economics), down in order to actively participate in the
Awareness 2, Finance 4 (Investments), Investigation financial expansion of Berel's business,
1, Politics 3 (Boston) providing him with sound advice. The young
businessman inevitably became curious
Dominate 4 about his mentor's life and his seemingly
Fortitude 2 eternal youth. Galeb to tell Berel the truth
Potence 2 about his nature, after which Berel would
Presence 4 continually beg to receive his Embrace.

KINDRED NIGHTS: In 1869, Galeb

consented. Berel possessed the same
qualities as his father, and Galeb grew fond
of him. However, his new nature suddenly
robbed him of any sense of limits. Berel was
ambitious. He managed to place a ghoul,
William Havemeyer, as the mayor of New
York City. Through this family, he created
branches throughout Europe, which placed
over half of the world's sugar industry under

his control in only two years. Berel then Underwood that he advised Iversen to
became involved in the banking and refuse him this right.
investment sectors. Galeb would drift
further and further away from his Childe. PLOTS AND SCHEMES:
Body Trade: Berel’s favorite scheme is
selling access to “vintage” mortals with rare
and exotic bloods. Then, once the get
drained and are no longer of use, selling
their exsanguinated corpses.

Search for a Sire: With Galeb still giving

him the cold shoulder, Berel is searching for
a fatherly figure that will give him approval
and encourage his ruthless approach. He’s
heard about the Giovanni patriarch and
respects their business practices. He’d like
to get closer to the family.

Prince Making: He’s unhappy with Hazel’s

independence. Berel is looking into ways to
Underwood seemed to integrate himself remove her from power and either take
everywhere: deep within governments, on praxis for himself, or install another, more
the boards of conglomerates. Nothing could pliable, puppet.
stop him. Nothing satisfied him. He was
infuriated by his Sire's lack of recognition.
To keep hold of the secrecy surrounding his
Sugar Trade (Resources 5): He
hegemony, he ordered the assassination of
involvement in the global sugar trade runs
Hazel Iversen's father, thus cutting short a
itself at this point.
burgeoning rivalry.

What he did not know at the time was that The Red Salon (Haven 2, Herd 5):
he would eventually support Hazel Iversen's While the original location of this blood den
rise to Prince of Boston soon after the has been compromised, Berel has partnered
disappearance of Quentin King. Although with other Kindred to re-open it at a new
Galeb was his first choice, Caleb's refusal location. He’s attempting to attract Vivian’s
forced Berel to revise his plans, so he opted blood wines to their stock.
for a young woman who was both ambitious
and easily manipulated. Unfortunately, the Beacon Street Home (Haven 3):
puppet turned against the puppet master, Handsome brownstone.
and Hazel proved to be more difficult to
control than expected. Worse, she earned THRALLS AND TOOLS:
Galeb's unconditional loyalty. Galeb's desire Boston Bankers Association
to sire another Childe was so intolerable for (Influence 4): Through proxies and fake

names, Berel has pull with this industry been feeding on his blood to expand his
lobbying group. own powers.

Boston Thin Bloods (Influence 1): MASK AND MIEN:

Berel sees the usefulness of Thin Bloods and Douglas Underwood (Mask 2) One
seeks to employ them whenever he can.
of his descendants.
Berel has the wrinkled face of an old
Hazel Iverson: Berel was key to
man, pale skin, beady eyes, and thinning
getting Hazel Praxis. But now that she’s
hair. HE alternates between a formal
in charge, she seems to be done with
corporate politeness and exasperated
him. He needs to remind her who’s
really in charge.
Sire: Galeb Bazory
Trent Dallas: He’s a supremely useful Embraced: 1869 (Born 1808)
pawn. Ambition: Surpass my Sire in every way
Convictions: Never bet on losers.
Touchstones: Cassidy Smith (Hedge Fund
Jameson Chobot: Chobot is an Manager)
embarrassment. He had a 200 year head Humanity: 4
Generation: 11th
start and all the support of the Clan, and Blood Potency: 2
he’s still playing second fiddle.
Attributes: (9 / 3) Rough Exp 357
Strength 2 Dexterity 1 Stamina 2
Vivian Abbott: She’s a smart woman Charisma 3 Manipulation 4 Composure 5
who’s done much with little time. If the Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 3
Hecata want back in, she should be their
Prigogine. Secondary Attributes: Health Willpower

Skills: Firearms 1, Melee 1 (Fencing), Larceny 3

(Fraud), Etiquette 3 Intimidation 2 , Leadership 3,
Sect War Profiteer: The main buyer Persuasion 5 (Negotiation), Streetwise 2 (White Collar
for his corpses are the Hecata. While the Crime), Subterfuge 3, Academics 3 (Economics),
sale of dead mortals is accepted by the Awareness 3, Finance 5, Investigation 2, Occult 1,
Politics 4
Boston Court, discovery of his buyers could
case an outrage. Disciplines:
Fortitude 3
Feral: He was caught up in the SI raid Dominate 4
Presence 2
spending days locked in a safehouse. How
Auspex 1
he escaped is unknown, but the experience
of extreme hunger has made him more
brutish and violent.

Blood Merchant: He has the body of

Quinten King stored somewhere and has

his un-life. After a flawless introduction to

Jameson Chobot - Merchant of Old the court, he was trusted to begin running
Quote: “We have the advantage of operations in the newly established
persisting to see the fruits of our labor.” Colonies. Sent to New England, Chobot took
MORTAL DAYS: Born to poor farmers in to freedom well, running his domain
Wales, Jameson learned the value of hard efficiently and completely. However, he was
work ata young age. But, bailing hay, constantly undercut by Tremere witches and
shearing sheep, and bundling wool Brujah troublemakers wanting to claim the
eventually took its toll on him. Seeking an new world for themselves. Facing such
escape from the pastoral life, he presented opposition his efforts in New England
himself to become a carpenter’s apprentice. quickly floundered.

In the seven years he spent there, Jameson

learned all he could about the craft and
business of carpentry. Marrying the two, he
ensured his master’s shop prospered.
Following the end of his apprenticeship he
began working for wages. Pinching every
penny he could, the aspiring young man set
his sights on making a fortune. Offering
what, to a merchant, was a paltry sum to
help fund an expedition to the new world.
Sizing on the, apparently naive, craftsman,
the company accepted the offer, taking his
money and investing it in a barley sea-
worthy ship, and outfitting it with poor
equipment and provisions. The investors Embarrassed, Chobot fled south,
hoped it would not make their journey, establishing a series of successful
allowing them to collect insurance worth plantations in Virginia. Fortunately, his
more than the provisions. English masters were impressed with his
flexibility, instead of incensed by his failure.
Inspecting the vessel himself Jameson Still, his lack of success in New England
realized the ploy and demanded to be cut in stung, and as Chobot’s empire grew, he
on the scheme. Two months later the ship embraced a childer and left them to
and its crew sank beneath the waves, maintain this southern interest, allowing
seeding the Chobot fortune. His next him to travel north and attempt to correct
investments proved to be successful his error.
His first two ventures were to open a
As his fortune grew, he attracted the eyes of newspaper and establish a shipping
a Ventrue cable, who offered him a chance company. The paper circulated anti-
to grow his fortune for the rest of eternity. abolition propaganda, and the shipping
company hauled his goods across the
KINDRED NIGHTS: Chobot’s sires Atlantic. While at first, they merely grew in
ensured he was well-schooled and ready for tandem with his southern empire, this new

line of business then allowed Chobot to to strike a deal with the Hecata, or at least
weather the civil war somewhat unscathed. chip away at their power base.

With the establishment of the Triad, Chobot DOMAIN AND HAVEN:

merely kept his head down, staying out of Port of Boston (Influence 1): Through
political games. But, following its collapse, his company Moonlit Cargo he has some
he made a play for Praxis, opposing Quinten awareness of the comings and goings of
King. However the fervor of The Mad King’s ships in Boston’s Harbor.
followers was far more intense than he
calculated. Chobot nearly exhausted his The Boston Sextant (Influence 3,
fortune with schemes and skirmishes that Resources 3): Currently regarded as a
helped only to distract from the circling gossip tabloid the Sextant used to be a well
Hecata. Once again failing to deliver Boston respected opinion paper. Still, it’s disregard
into Ventrue hands, Chobot has turned for journalistic standards allows it to break
inward to lick his wounds as Hazel Iverson news on scandals and destroy reputations of
captured the throne. those it profiles.


Third Time’s a Charm: Chobot isn’t Howard Bankman (Retainer 2):
counting himself out as payer in Boston just Chobot’s trusted Ghoul. Current CEO of his
yet. While he’s lost the respect of many various enterprises and overseeing all his
Camarilla Vampires, he’s hoping to use that shell companies.
underdog status to gain unlikely allies. He’s
hoping to leverage the independent Kindred Hawse Security (Retainers 3): Private
to gain a set on the Primogen council, or security firm owned by Chobot.
even claim praxis.
Prodigal Son: Venue from England fleeing Patrick Carr: Chobot and Carr are
the second inquisition have sent word to partnering to set up temporary havens for
Chobot requesting asylum in his domain, at British Kindred fleeing the fall of London.
the same time his childe in the south has
stopped responding to his communications. Hazel Iverson: Chobot admires her
Chobot is now scrambling to find ambition and skill, but believers her a poor
accommodations for powerful overseas fit for the role of Prince.
visitors, and needs to reassert control over
his rebellious hire. Quinten King: Chobot see King’s current
predicament as an opportunity. If King
Triangular Trade: With the Hecata claims Praxis, Chobot could become
locking down Boston’s supply of blood, Seneschal; a step towards his own reign.
Chobot is hoping to break into a new
market; fetters. Mundane items that have Bartholomew Bradley: The former war
been infused with a spirit’s “essence” fetters reporter still draws a paycheck from the
enable their owner a degree of control over Sextant in exchange for favors
the wraiths. By amassing these he’s hoping

Lesser Son: Chobot is strangely silent on Trent Dallas - Tech Bro
his lineage leading some to believe he’s not Quote: “Bruh, you are too poor to be that
actually a Ventrue, or has some reason to be dumb.”
ashamed of his bloodline. MORTAL DAYS: Trent had a charmed
and easy life. His wealthy parents happily
MASK AND MIEN: lavished upon him every enriching
Jameson Chobot V Esq. (Mask 1) : experience money could buy. Crisscrossing
Tabloid attention and online conspiracy the country on private flights, studying with
theories are putting pressure of Chobot’s the best tutors, and having his most passing
habit of masquerading as his own whims indulged.

Chobot is a wide shouldered man with

gnarled hands and a weathered face. He
wears designer suits a year or two out of

Sire: Dónal
Embraced: 1620 (Born 1579)
Ambition: Become Prince of Boston
Convictions: Hierarchy exists for our protection
Touchstones: Jayla Evergreen, Reporter for the
Humanity: 3
Generation: 8
Blood Potency: 3
When Trent was old enough he enrolled in
Attributes: (7 / 4) Rough Exp: 320 Harvard’s prestigious business school. He
Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 1
Charisma 2 Manipulation 4 Composure 4
put in enough work to scrape by but spent
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 5 most of his time out exploring the city and
fraternizing with students from other
Secondary Attributes: Health 4 Willpower 9 colleges. Riding high on the prestige of his
status, he enjoyed playing “kingmaker” in
Skills: Athletics 1, Craft 3 (Carpentry), Etiquette 3,
Intimidation 2, Leadership 3, Persuasion 4, the social circles of “lesser institutions”.
Subterfuge 2, Awareness 2, Investigation 2 (Corporate
Espionage), Finance 3, Politics 4, Science 1 (Genetics) It was there he met a promising young
software engineer studying at Northeastern
Dominate 4
University. The young engineer introduced
Fortitude 2 Trent to the idea of digital currencies, and
Presence 3 their potential power as an investment. He
Auspex 1 happily dipped into his trust fund and cut a

Trent then did everything he could to bump

up the value of this new digital currency. In

the initial years the value soared as more exchanging those tokens for digital goods
and more wide eyed futurists wanted to and services. It’s plagued with issues and
support the dream. However, Trent was has next to no exposure. Trent is looking for
beginning to see the cracks form. As more additional investment, as well as a few key
serious investors began to circle the scrutiny evangelists.
piled on. Trent reached out to one last
heavyweight investor and made a pitch. Corporate Ladder: Not used to actually
working, Trent is looking at ways to delegate
The flood of money this local landlord sent the leg work for his schemes and plots. He’s
into their coin skyrocketed the value and already created a few ghouls, but he wants
sparked the attention of some regulators. to sire a few Childer of his own. He knows
Trent quietly pulled his money out of the the Camarilla court is loath to allow this, so
currency. He watched as the investigation he’s hoping to thin the herd and make space
concluded collapsing the coins value and for advancement.
leaving others with nothing.
Grifts and Scams: There’s a number of
Having made a tidy profit and easily pinned scams he’s currently running. Some of his
the blame solely on his partner, Trent favorites are simply going to bars,
through he was in the clear. Until he was restaurants, and shops, making a new
approached by a pale man in an old suit. “friend” and sticking them with the bill. His
more “reputable” pursuits include an
KINDRED NIGHTS: Boston’s Ventrue investing class, consulting business, and
were impressed with his ability to turn selling AI art.
money into more money, as well as his
ability to navigate a new world of digital DOMAIN AND HAVEN:
finance. He was offered the embrace, and Cambridge Apartment Complex
they engineered his death. (Haven 3): Trent bought this building
shortly before his embrace.
In the years since his death, Trent has
launched a number of digital only get rich THRALLS AND TOOLS:
quick schemes, finding young and ambitious Byte Terra Users (Resources 3): While
partners to act as the face and leave holding this small digital environment has few users
the bag as he pockets the profits. Running outside of Boston, it generates enough
digital “seminars'', setting up fake income for Trent to be comfortable, and
crowdfunding campaigns, selling pirated hear gossip from across the city.
media. But, Boston’s Camarilla grows
restless, as he falls far short of recreating his Emmie McNamara (Retainer 2): The
initial fortune. engineer who developed Trent’s first coin.
She just got out on probation, and he’s
PLOTS AND SCHEMES: already attempting to use her for new
Whole New World: Trent is currently schemes.
siphoning a lot of money into an Augmented
reality called “Byte Terra”. The “digital KINDRED RELATIONSHIPS:
ecosystem” is based on people buying Hazel Iverson: His grand-sire scares him.
tokens with real world money and then Hazel has little tolerance for Trent and

considers him an embarrassment waiting to Attributes: (5 / 1) Rough Exp 184

happen. Trent considers Hazel a frosty Strength 3 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2
Charisma 4 Manipulation 3 Composure 2
killjoy who won’t get off his back. Intelligence 3 Wits 1 Resolve 2

Molly Blake: Molly’s minor celebrity and Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 4
artistic skill has marked her as a talent
Skills: Athletics (Rowing) 1, Craft 2, Etiquette (Clubs)
Trent is hoping to acquire for his ventures.
3, Insight 1, Leadership 1, Performance 1, Persuasion
1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3, Academics 1, Awareness
Lin Feng: Trent and Lin enjoy hanging out, (Scams) 2, Finance 2, Technology (Cryptocurrencies)
but Trent is baffled why this Thin-Blood 3.
doesn't seem to trust him.
Dominate 3
WHISPERS: Presence 2
Airhead: Trent has only gotten this far on
dumb luck and other people's work. He’s
not clever, or cunning, or even charismatic.

Sacrificial Lamb: The smart Ventrue are

holding him at arm's length. They hope the
SI will fix onto him, so he can be offered up
when they come hunting.

Broke A-F: His lavish lifestyle has

bankrupted him, it’s all an act.


Recent Corpse: Trent is still doing his
best to lay low, preferring the anonymity
that comes with a digital environment. He
knows the Nosferatu can change their faces,
but he's yet to find one willing to teach him.

Trent has the relatively good looks, and

utter confidence of youth. Having yet to
truly struggle or suffer, he cannot
comprehend his own failure.

Sire: Miley Sellers

Embraced: 2018 (Born 1990)
Ambition: Become stupid rich
Convictions: Nothing can touch me
Touchstones: Emmie McNamara
Humanity: 3
Generation: 12
Blood Potency: 1

low, answering the Gehenna War, or was

Christopher Hammet: Technophobe
Ventrue & proprietor of the Somers Club.
The Vampires in this chapter are not a Likely answered the beckoning or was
compleat inventory of notable Kindred removed when Hazel consolidated power.
active in Boston. Several other officla
characters have been given bios and stats in Boston Camarilla From Swansong
other books. Galeb Bazory: Venture enforcer for the
Prince. Beginning to feel the beckoning.
Kindred from Dark Colony Leysha: Malkavian with powerful prophetic
Pug Jackson: Brujah and prominent abilities. Most likely gone independent.
member of the Kindred of Liberty. Left Emem Louis: Toreador club owner, and
Boston to become involved in the potential Anarch sympathizer.
Nationwide Anarch Movement. Richard Dunham: Malkavian Primogen and
Battista Decameron: 6th Generation researcher into Blood Stabilization. Likely
Gangrel operating in and around Boston. met final death during Swansong.
Most likely succumbed to the Beckoning. Hilda MacAndrews: Toreador Primogen
William Biltmore: One of the British Lords and potential traitor who sold out to the
of New England. Has either perished in the court to the SI. Likely met final death or fled
sterilization of London or answered the Boston when the allegations surfaced.
Jara Drory: Nosferatu Primogen. Met final Boston Anarchs from Swansong:
death at the beginning of Operation Swansong has a number of Minor Anarch
Swansong. aligned characters. Many of whom were
Elsa Linden: 7th Generation Toreador and probably destroyed during SI sweeps of the
member of the Kindred of Liberty. Likely city. Listed names include; Aatifa, Ch’in,
answered the Beckoning Gravdal, Metcalf, Abigail Nurmi, Panicucci,
Sigtryggsdottir, Villanueva, Saule,
Kindred from Giovanni Chronicles IV & Rafa.
Paul DiCarlo (12th Generation) No longer
in the family’s good graces after an Boston’s Liberty Club.
unauthorized embrace of his daughter. A collection of Anarchs centered around
Antonio Giovanni (10th Generation): Harvard. Their Membership Includes:
Accepted final death sometime during the Ansleigh, Bradley, Cameron, Josh, Stewart,
00s by volunteering for a suicide mission. Will & Sophie the Club Chairperson.
Domenic Giovanni (11th Generation):
Following a quest for revenge Domenic,
was recalled to serve the clan elsewhere.
Yong-Sung Chang: This agent of Theo Bell
failed to capture Boston from the Giovanni,
stunting his rise in the Camarilla.
Max Lowell: Sabbat aligned Gangrel and
proprietor of the Blue Pearl. Either laying

Snopes Meetings
Mission While some compare the Snoops to a Sheriff
The Snopes don’t advertise their existence and their hounds, the truth is far from that.
as a coterie. Each member tends to fancy There’s no formal organization or hierarchy,
themselves as a free agent, or lone wolf. The and the group rarely goes out of their way to
kind of person you go to when you need a coordinate collective action or all convene
problem solved quickly and quietly. in one place at one time.

However, when they encounter issues Usually meetings are between one or two
beyond their knowledge or capabilities, they members seeking out another’s expertise. If
call in favors with each other and help to the case peaks the other Kindred’s interest,
crack the case. they may join the investigation and work as
partners. Seeing all four working one case
Their goal as a coterie is to explore and together is a rarity and usually a sign of
explain the weird and unknown that finds some great danger or nigh impossible
its way into Boston on a nightly basis. mystery.

Gonzo Carnivale: Arguably the founder of Materials
the coterie, Gonzo was a mutual contact for Boons (Resources 2, Allies 3) The
all of the Snoops before the began working Snopes have gotten some powerful Kindred
together. He brings an in depth knowledge out of major jams, kept serious dirt quite
of the Criminal Underworld, Boston Politics, and even saved a few from final death.
and some expertise on necromancy. When they call a favor, it is heeded.

Amos Breckenridge: The long time Lockbox B130: When they’re unable to
courier has friends in strange places, and is meet face to face they drop off clues, notes
a key source of information from outside and correspondence in a Lock Box at the
Boston. His tracking skills and knowledge of Chinatown Post Office.
various domains usually helps with
identifying, and finding persons of interest. Pen Pals (Contacts 1) All four members
have contacts outside the city they can
Bartholomew Bradley: His long tenure request help from.
as an investigative reporter already makes
him a viable asset, but his first hand Past Cases (Enemies 2, Fame 2) Their
experience with elder vampires and long history of working in Boston has given
knowledge of Kindred physiology make him them notoriety and earned at last one
indispensable. powerful enemy. While most folks welcome
their help, some will question their loyalty
Tempa Dolma: The Coteries’ resident or discretion, few will outright oppose their
expert on thaumaturgy and hedge magic. involvement.
She’s usually the first point of contact when
determining whether something is truly The Snopes hold no communal haven or
unusual, or just ordinary magic. Domain.

Kindred of Liberty Annalee Bonnett: An odd member of the

Mission: Anarch Movement this Southern Aristocrat
To hear the KoL tell it, they stand against helps bankroll some of the Anarch’s
tyranny, oppression, and exploitation of all operations, and frequently houses their
forms in any domain. However, they’re members inside her complex.
starting with Boston.
Ion Mykhailo: Treated cautiously by most
Although many of the original KoL went on KoL members, Ion has proven to be too
to join the Camarilla, it’s current useful a tool to ignore. When he has a new
incarnation is dedicated to tearing down toy to play with he’ll happily take any
that structure, and checking the influence of opportunity to bring it into a fight.
the Hecata.
KoL members claim they want to see Far from the secretive organization they
broader self-determinism across the city, were in the past, the KoL hosts open
with Princes, Barons, Dons or Bishops meetings every first and third Thursday of
restricted to single neighborhoods, and the month. While the actual locations are
Kindred able to freely associate without the random, one member can always be found
fear of an elder stepping on their neck. recruiting beforehand at South Africa, a bar
in Roxbury.
Martha Randolph: The muscle of the KoL Meetings are loud messy affairs, where
KoL. She dedicates her time to riling up passion runs high and fights are
crowds, probing defenses and making uncommon. They’re held together by a
enemies. common foe more than common interest.

Susan Buchannan: Susan and Martha Materials

perform a delicate balancing act. While Chasse 3 Roxbury’s mix of working and
Martha gets into fights, Susan works on middle class proves a fertile hunting
organizing and solidifying territory. But she ground.
longs to be on the frontlines again.
Lien 2 Integrated into the city's
Ingrid Weaver: While not a militant or counterculture, fringe movements and
full throated member of the Anarch gangs gives them a loyal following.
Movement, Ingrid is a staunch advocate for
free expression and self-governance. Her Portillion 1 With few of the members
main contributions are rhetorical and she residing in Roxbury full time, infiltration is
makes an excellent provocateur . unfortunately easy.

Tempa Dolma: Considered a coup for the South Africa Haven 2 The KoL consider
KoL to count the de facto regent of Boston’s Pug Jackson’s old haven, an African themed
Chantry in their midst. While Tempa is not Bar and Restaurant, to be sacred ground.
an active member, her hesitancy to give the It’s secure and can host large gatherings.
Camarilla magical support is invaluable.

The Camarilla Court as sheriff. Although, Franz seems to be

Mission acting more as an executioner.
Battered by SI assault, but high on their
apparent victory driving out the inquisitors, Meetings
Boston’s Court is looking to firm up their The Camarilla host Court open to all
power base and attract new members. Their members and select visitors once every
long term goal is to usurp the Hecata and season at one of their Elysium. This is a
become the governing force of Boston. formal, almost pretentious, affair. Sires
present the Childer, and all members are
As it stands they’re focusing on attracting free to present issues for debate.
influential Elders who remain in the city.
Hoping to attract them with titles and their In reality most decisions are made behind
promise of opposing the Hecata. closed doors through cloak and dagger
deals. Schemes within schemes whirr as
Members Boons are traded.
Hazel Iverson: As Boston’s Prince, Hazel
oversees their entire operation. She is Materials
charged with upholding the traditions Chassis 4 Cambridge and their scattered
within her domain, and seeing its defense holdings remain rich with resources and
and expansion. cultural capital. Nearby neighborhoods
provide well stocked hunting grounds.
Berel Underwood: The most senior, and
last surviving, member of the Primogen Lien 3 The Camarilla was deeply integrated
Council, Berel views himself as a check on into the city's economic, cultural, and
Iverson’s power. He also provides much of political arenas. But they’ve been burned by
the funding the Cam uses to operate day to these wide ties and are working to add more
day. layers of proxies between them and the
levers of power.
Deslin Coates: Deslin is Hazel’s right
hand. He carries out her will, patrols the Portillion 2 Shorthanded and recently
domain and solves problems. He also vets exposed, the Cam is still trying to get their
aspiring members who want to join the sect. feet back under them. Cambridge has not
been hardened into the tightly controlled
Kaius Leto: The Camarilla’s head of domain many claim, and want, it to be.
security, Kaius’ job to protect their assets.
He’s currently overhauling Cam's American Repertory Theater (Haven
technology systems. 3): The most recent Elysium. Open to all
visitors and host Court.
April Bosley: Hazel’s Herald and the
Keeper of Elysium, April is in charge of Red Building (Haven 4): The Cam’s new
relations between the Court and their fortress. Has offices for notable members.

Franz Galvez: The most recent member

Franz is informally aiding Deslin in his role

The Giovanni Family Council operations, redistributes, and invests them

Mission into family businesses.
The “ruling class” of the Hecata are in
charge of the day to day operations required Nino Ricci: The doctor oversees Boston’s
to support Kindred society in Boston. They Medical Industry, securing blood, bodies,
manipulate the Kine, maintain the and equipment required for their
masquerade, and protect those who accept experiments and existence.
their leadership from the Second
Inquisition. Meetings
Full meetings of the Family Council are long
Other than general peace and stability, the involved affairs held behind closed doors
Family Council exists to trade notes on and always over dinner. Everything is
Necromancy, their observations of what’s brought into the open and discussed. Favors
beyond the veil, and other morbid little are traded, advice is given, feuds sparked
curiosities they have discovered. and settled.

By and large the Family Council seeks to Aside from these legendary dinners, the
preserve the status quo that is enabling family stays in close contact with each other
them to get richer, more powerful and able by checking in at each other’s havens and
to indulge their esoteric interests. popping by their places of business.

Members Materials
Don Andres Giovanni: The leader of the Chassie 4 Control over much of
Giovanni Clan, Andres has somewhat Downtown Boston gives them a
withdrawn from active involvement in the geographically small, but powerful and
coteries operations. He gives high level densely populated domain.
directives and stands as a bit of extra muscle
they can pull if need be. Lein 5 Have been manipulating the city for
over one hundred years the Hecata are well
Stephano Giovanni: Andres’ right hand. connected and able to draw from a wide
While he’s been given East Boston as a pool of resources.
personal domain, he remains heavily
involved in their Downtown operations and Portillion 4 While parts of the Family
serves to check the ambitions of other Council's territory, such as the North End,
members. are armored fortresses many of their flanks
in South and East Boston are exposed.
Vivian Abbott: Once in charge of their
smuggling operations, Vivian has expanded Giovanni Building (Haven 5) Their
her purview to include controlling elements personal fortress in the North End.
of the police, city government and aiding
Nino with the blood trade. Retainers 5 The Family employs a small
army of mortal bodyguards, and proxies on
Jason Milliner: The family banker, Jason both sides of the law, along with countless
launders funds gain through criminal spectral thralls.

The Kids Table

Mission Meetings
Members of the Hecata who perform The Kids Table have emerged as the most
important functions for the family, but find technologically proficient Coterie of Kindred
themselves locked out of the backroom in Boston. Much of their organization comes
deals and decision making joking refer to through coded text messages, emails, and
themselves as “the Kids Table”. forum posts. They take careful pains to
avoid SI detection.
They generally want the Hecata to remain in
control of Boston, but would like to be When they do meet in person the
included in the upper echelons of power. environment is congenial and friendly until
They strike a delicate balance between serious business arises. That sparks
currying favor with the Family Council and outbursts of frustration and anger with the
undercutting their members to rise through status quo.
the ranks.
Methods & Materials
Members Chassis 2 Their claims overlap with much
Vivian Abbott: The main organizing force of the Family Council, limiting their ability
of the Coterie. She tends to temper to pull resources and exert power
extremism into a working plan toward independently.
progress. Also voices their concerns in the
family council. Lien 4 Lacking many of the high status
connections of their elders, the Kids Table
Gonzo Carnivale: Gonzo is the Hecata’s has the advantage of being the folks doing
dedicated detective. Looking into weird the legwork.
occurrences and tracking the going-ons in
their Domain. Portillion 1 Unfortunately they can
scarcely claim any territory without Andres
Mirabella Higgins: While still learning or another Elder stepping in to “Supervise”
the ropes of her unlife, Mirabella is working it for them.
to give the Hecata more control over
Boston’s city government through gradual Lo Spirito (Haven 3) This Italian
legislative action. Restaurant serves as their base of
Operations. It’s entirely controlled by the
Fozzie De Rossi: While semi-exiled from Hecata, although most operate out of the
the family Fozzie oversees back channel Giovanni building leaving this for them.
communications to Boston’s Anarchs,
helping the two sects coordinate to avoid Contacts 2 Being on the outside has made
unnecessary hostility. them resourceful if nothing else. The Kids
Table has a wide network of Criminal
Jackie Freeman: Considered an Contacts outside of the traditional Giovanni
experiment, Jackie is being tested to see if organization
Thin-Bloods have a place in the Hecata
Family. She generally acts as a runner and

The Round Table Malkavians. But There is one scandalous

Mission rumor that reports the Knights also share a
Starting as a more normal Coterie during communal blood bond akin to the Sabbat’s
the Reign of King, The Round Table has Pack rituals.
always been devoted to preserving his
Praxis and protecting the city of Boston. Squires: Malkavians who associate with
the Coterie but are still held at arm’s length.
Following the Dying Times, with his They are not trusted with all the secrets, and
influence waning, Quinten’s sought the aid inner workings, but are useful.
of mortal witches. They preformed a ritual
that allowed him to flee into the Malkavians Meetings
Madness Network. Traveling along the The Round Table has few in person
psychic connection between his Blood meetings. Most often they pass messages
Bonded Knights, King was able to escape along the madness network. When they do
the torture and final death that awaited him meet openly and in person it is a pompous
when Hazel Iverson claimed praxis. affair, with much formal pageantry inspired
by chivalric myths.
In Modern Nights, the Round Table is
scattered. Percival, and a handful of other Some members of the Round Table choose
Knights, are dedicated to finding King a to keep their involvement hidden. These
body and reuniting his rule. But some newly Knights and Squires play a dangerous game.
inducted members believe the coterie Most Kindred prefer to hold the Round
should move on, acting as nothing more Table at arm’s length. After all, a secret told
than a social club. to one, is likely to be learned by all.

Members Methods & Materials

Quinten King III: Having escaped into Contacts 3 Nobody controls a city for close
the Madness Network, King’s survival is to 200 years without knowing how to work
something of an open secret among the the system. Members of the Round Table
Coterie. He still calls the shots, gives have access to that accumulated knowledge.
directives and occasionally makes
apparencies by dominating the body of a Allies 3 Their penchant for seeking
Knight. adventure has earned them a number of
favors in Kindred circles.
Percival: In King’s Absence, Percival has
become the de facto head of the Coterie in Enemies 1 The current Court knows better
Boston. She attempts to find Nobel Quests, than to openly act against a well organized
and prep the Kingdom for King’s return. group of Elder Vampires. However,
Iverson’s loyalists will act to check the
Other Knights: Originally numbering Six, group’s power.
only the Knights truly know how many of
them there are in modern nights. The title of
Knight is given to a Squire who has
completed at least one difficult quest. They
have high status among Boston’s

The Court
The core members of the Camarilla. They
are the movers and shakers, setting the
agenda and defining the sect. It is largely
their plans and decrees that other members
of the Sect end up scrambling to bring to

Are responsible for the policing of the
domain, enforcing the traditions and
providing for the security of Camarilla

The Diplomatic and finical arm of the
Camarilla. They are responsible for public
relations, financing Camarilla Operations,
and negotiating with other sects.

Outside Advisors
While they do not officially enjoy titles, or
even membership in the Camarilla, their
valuable skillset and lukewarm relationship
to other sects gives them a status
somewhere between Hound and Primogen.

Quinten King Loyalists

Members of the Camarilla who are loyal to
the Sect, but not its current court. They will
act to enforce the traditions and oppose
other Factions, but could also act against
Hazel Iverson.

Outsiders of Promise
The outsiders of promise are not considered
Enemies of the Sect, but also have no official
role within it. Some will tenuously claim
membership, others will rebuke being called
a Cammie. None of them are barred from
Elysium or prevented from attending an
Open Meeting of the Court.

Core Organizers
The unofficial leaders of the Anarch
Movement, Core Organizers are the ones
who shout the loudest, fight the hardest and
break new rules the quickest.

Aspiring Barons
Those motivated to join the Anarchs not out
of any ideological zeal, but because they
provide a more expedient path to power.

Rhetorical Wing
Kindred who agree with much of the
Anarch’s Ideology and Rhetoric but are
unwilling to participate in the more violent
aspects of the movement.

Anarchs whose membership is largely a
marriage of convenience. Most Outcasts
have no love for the movement and can be
lumped in with Boston’s Anarchs because
the sect is not well enough organized to
dispute their inclusion.

While they will formally dispute labeling
themselves as Anarchs, these Kindred are
not above publicly partnering with the
Unbound when their interests align.

Members of other who could be persuaded
to join the Anarch Cause, with the right
motivation. Most marks will not claim to be
Anarchs and avoid being actively associated
with the Sec. But they do occasionally help
them under the table.

The Family
Sitting somewhere between Clan and Sect
the Family is largely insular, to the point
detractors call it incestuous. Membership in
the family is hard to gain, usually only
through embrace, and it’s night impossible
to lose once you have it. Family always
comes first, and few will choose to align
with an outside sect before their own blood.

Lost Souls
These Kindred are the strange, the isolated,
the forgotten and outcast. Largely young,
ostracized, or victims of a recent tragedy.
The Family puts effort and attention into
developing their connections hoping to one
day “adopt” these Sect Orphans if they can
prove themselves.

Outside Contractors
Kindred the Family contracts on a regular
basis. While most provide services the
Hecata could perform in house, the Family
sees value in doing business with them to
ensure friendly competition doesn't erupt
into open hostilities.

Family Friends
While Family Friends have no interest in
joining the Hecata, formally or otherwise,
they are well liked by most of the family and
allowed too freely associate.

Blood Enemies
Those who have shown themselves to be too
dangerous and stubborn for the Hecata to
do business with. The Family will openly
oppose most attempts at Diplomacy or
Businesses from any of them.

and grants an additional skill specialization

CYBERNETICS related to your new prosthetic.

•••• Artificial Life: It takes some tinkering,

Home of medical innovation, and recently a but you’ve managed to get multiple “life
global player in robotics research, Boston support” systems functioning inside you at
has slowly developed an academic one time. Running them simultaneously for
community around cybernetics, and an long periods is risky, but once per story
underground community of enthusiasts. you’re able to activate all the effects of blush
With Hecata interests entrenched in the city; of life simultaneously without a rouse check.
even some Kindred have been able to For one scene you can pass as a mortal. This
receive these cutting edge augmentations. effect will stand up to rudimentary medical
Whether from the illegal market, academic, examination, but any serious scrutiny
or legitimate business side of things, you’ve (Intelligence + Medicine 5) will uncover at
gained access to some of these least one of your artificial systems.
experimental devices.
••••• Miracles of Modern Medicine:
You’ve got your hands on some state of the
• Future of First Aid: Having taken an art enhancements such as; bionic eyes,
interest in cybernetics you gain an additional hydraulic limbs, subdermal armor plating, or
specialization in a field such as technology retractable blades. But more importantly,
(robotics), medicine (prosthetics), streetwise someone to help with implanting them.
(illegal markets), science (anatomy), These implants allow you to mimic a
etiquette (disabilities), or craft discipline of level two or lower once per
(engineering). session. These disciplines must be related to
your cybernetic enhancement and have a
•• Back Alley Surgery: With a little know- possible scientific approximation. Imitating
how, and the right parts from a hardware a discipline still requires rouse checks, and
store, it’s not too hard to imitate some basic runs the same masquerade risks as their
bodily functions. You’re able to mechanically supernatural equivalents.
mimic one of the effects of blush of life.
Machines are now “breathing” automatically,
warming your skin, circulating a false pulse,
or holding down food and drink. The effect is
imperfect, and will not be able to stand up to
rudimentary medical checks, but may help
you pass casual scrutiny.

••• Good as New: Modern prosthetics are

advancing to the point they can rival, or even
surpass the genuine article. You’ve acquired
a replacement eye, limb, ear, heart, lung, skin
graft or other organ that is specialized for a
specific activity. This heals any lasting
impairment related to a lost limb or organ

of being able to tempt the best in order to

DIARY OF draw strength from it. By perfecting their
techniques you’re able to heal one point of

ELAINE aggravated willpower damage whenever you

succeed a frenzy check

CASSIDY & ••• Shared Will: Velia and Elaine existed in

a delicate balance of soothing and enraging
the beast. Their insights into this

VELYA THE relationship were highly informative for your

own purposes. Once per story you may take a
point of aggravated willpower damage to add
VIVISECTIONI or subtract one dice from another Kindred’s
roll to resist frenzy.

ST •••• Rational Actions As you’ve begun to

understand more about Velia you realize a
large part of his success in resisting Wassail
Velia was a powerful Tzimisce elder until was his reliance on rational thought and a
his Bride, Elaine Cassidy fell to Wassail. keen intellect, instead of fearfully clinging to
Velia the grafted her onto him, linking some arbitrary moral code. Embracing this
their flesh, minds and souls. This world view sees you permanently lose one
desperate attempt to save his bride humanity, but add your intelligence to dice
failed, and began to drive him closer and pools for resisting frenzy.
closer to Wassail himself. Vela and
••••• Beyond the Brink: Velia was unable to
Elaine were last seen roaming the
put his theories into practice before he
deserts outside Mexico City. However,
succumbed to the beast, but his notes on saving
they left scattered accounts of their
Wights seem sound enough. Accepting this belief
experience across Boston. These diaries,
gives you one dot of infamy as heretic, but
experiment logs and observations
guarantees you are the first to hear of any
provide unique insight into Wights, the
Wrights in the domain. If you attempt Velia’s
Beast and resisting Wassail.
efforts you must first reduce Wight’s hunger to
• Suppress Intrusive Thought The zero. Then you make physical contact with the
earliest scribblings in the diary are simple Wight, and expend a rouse check of blood to
techniques on how to cope with a shared temporarily link your minds. After you both must
mind. They include warning signs of an make a Frenzy Check (Willpower + ⅓ of
invading presence and simple tricks to rebuff Humanity) with a difficulty of 5. If either of you
them. Once per session you may add an fail the Wight’s beast remains in control. You
additional die to pools resisting mental take three points of aggravated willpower
disciplines such as dominate, or presence. damage, and lose one humanity. Your storyteller
decides what occur with a success, and may incur
•• Beastly Resolve: As the two settle into
additional penalties for failure.
their new existence, Velia and Elaine speak

to you, they will still honor requests equal to

THE DYING a major boon once per chronicle. But they
may seek to rid themselves of you if it

TIMES becomes a liability.

••••• Mass Embrace: Throughout the 90s

T he Dying Times were a period of Boston was hammered with Mass Embraces.
intense Sect Warfare in Boston Identifying all victims was an impossible
happening between 1990 and 2003. task, but the cities reports several
During this time almost every Kindred in unaccounted for disappearances. In truth,
the City was forced to fight for their the Sabbat had planned one last assault that
survival at least one. Many consider it the never materialized. There is a small army of
last Spasms of the Sabbat before it was Vampires they mass Embraced steaked
somewhere for safekeeping. These
utterly changed by the Gehenna War.
"shovelheads" are buried in Boston, and you
You were an abnormally active
know where.
participant in the street brawls, assaults,
and incursions of the Dying Times. This
has hardened you into a fine combatant
and means you often, literally, know
where the bodies are buried.

• School of Hard Knocks: Anyone who

lived in Boston during the Dying Times
knows how to act in a fight. Gain an
additional dot and specialization in either
Brawl, Melee, or Firearms.

•• Walk it Off: After the scrapes you've been

in, it takes a lot to phase you. When you're at
full Superficial damage you take only a one
die penalty to physical actions.

••• Enemy of my Enemy: Kindred were

not the only ones impacted by the violence of
the Dying Times. Fae, Mages Hunters and
Werewolves were all involved at some point
or another. Y0u survived a skirmish
involving one of these other Supernaturals.
Once per story you can call upon them to call
for their aid and they will respond in one to
three nights.

•••• Life Boon: You saved the ass of a

Kindred in Boston during the 90s. While
they believe they've mostly repaid the favor

of Vitae, small masquerade breaches or the

Fae Contracts occasional first born child.

•••• Imperfect Cantrip: While Kindred are

air Folk are fickle and alien beings born unable to perform Faire magic, studying it
to a realm far removed from our own. Its has strengthened understanding of
denizens are driven by whimsy, chaos, and Vampire’s Clan Disciplines. Any wits or
inscrutable dream logic that makes intelligence dice pools used to oppose your
Malkavians seem transparent. Their reality Disciplines suffer a three die penalty due to
warping powers are fueled by mortal this imitation-fee trickery.
imagination, reality and dreaming. But,
True Fae are rare in modern nights. Those
wishing to partner with a Fairy must seek
out Changelings or other refugees from
Acadia. These longtime residents of our
world are often less powerful but more ••••• Proselytize: Banality is the Fae word
predictable. Still, few wise Kindred enter for the corrosive force stifling human wonder
into their contracts without grave and creativity. Banality can strip Fae of their
deliberation. Access to their Glamor is a supernatural powers, or in large enough
powerful tool, but it often comes with quantities destroy their very soul. Some
sudden and substantial costs hidden in an Kindred have signed contracts allowing them
unexpected ocean of fine print. to absorb banality from a Changeling. our
name has been added as a signatory to one of
•Quicksilver Tongue- Studying Faerie these deals. This allows you to, once per
contracts has given you some small insights story, take Banality from your Ally. You can
into the Faerie way of thought. Whenever then release it into another individual filling
you're faced with a riddle or contract you the with doubt and disbelief. The effects is so
gain an additional die to solve or understand strong as to strip and individual of true faith
it. for one scene.

•• Live Your Dream: Exposure to the Fae

and their dreaming has re-awakened you to
the wonders of the world. You can use this
awareness to inspire your allies. Once per
session you can heal an ally for one point of
superficial Willpower damage with a
successful Charisma + Performance roll,
opposed by their Intelligence + Awareness.

••• Glamorous Company: You've made

contact with a Changeling who's decided to
enter into a deal with you, acting as a four dot
ally. But their help is dependent on you
providing them with riddles, favors, samples

historical society and your network of

HISTORICAL contacts you can track down primary source
documents, or gain leads on supernatural

SOCIETIES beings who witnessed events first hand. The

ghosts, vampires and mummies you
interrogate may be unwilling to relive the
B osteon’s rich history has long events you’re inquiring about.
attracted groups of passionate archivists ••••• Revisionist History: Your
and activists. They seek to explore, organization has built up enough credibility
preserve, and inform about the that it can begin to push against orthodoxy
mundane details hiding beneath the feet and be taken seriously. Once per story you
of the living city. Covering everything can have the historical society publish a
from general history to specific topics, paper based on witness testimony you’ve
these organizations range from gathered, questions given to your research
armature to professional. But having a team, or other investigations you’ve done.
structure helps with credibility. The conclusion your paper reaches, whether
factual or not, will be taken seriously at court,
and by other informed individuals for a
handful of weeks. After which it will either be
• Pub Quiz Wizard: Your knowledge of accepted into the historical mainstream or
local history is legendary. You gain a two dice rejected as fringe.
bonus on any roll relating to any Academics
or Investigation checks pertaining to the
topic of Boston History.

•• Local Guide: The city has an almost

endless stream of tourists, experts and
content creators looking to learn more about
niche topics of city history. You’ve found a
way to profit off them granting you three dots
to spread across herd, fame and resources.
Elevating none above 3.

••• Research Team: Counting as a group

of three dot allies, your historical society’s
research team can give you access to a library
granting you an additional die in any
investigation or academics rolls that take
place inside it. In addition once per chronicle
you may also task the Research Team to look
into a specific question. In one week they will
provide you a detailed report on the topic.

•••• Witness Testimonies: Through the


targeting you, you have the chance to

HEDGE improvise defenses. These improvised
defenses require you to make a Wits + Occult

MAGES roll, with a difficulty of 3. On a success you

gain two additional dice to resist its effects.

••••• Fleeting Ascension: The embrace

B before the Embrace you were
usually strips away all a mortal’s soul, leaving
already inclined towards the Kindred unable to cast spells outside of
Supernatural as a practicing Hedge Blood Magic. However, you retain some
Mage or student of Linear Magic . While connection to your mortal avatar. This allows
you are no longer able to practice the you to, once per story at the discretion of
same magics you were in life, your your storyteller cast true magic outside the
experience with the systems and rituals restrictions of Disciplines and Rituals. This
of casting confers other benefits. can manifest as an unlearned discipline or be
an entirely unique effect. The long term
effects of this wild magic is up to the

• Initiate: While all denizens of Darkness

usually keep to themselves, your
supernatural experience gives you some
understanding of how things work outside of
what your sire tells you. You gain an extra dot
of Occult Knowledge.

•• Magical Aptitude: The experience with

magical casting had more cross over than
expected. This allows you to learn rituals for
out of clan disciplines easier, with them
costing 6 experience per dot instead of 7.
However you still require a teacher, or an
appropriate substitute.

•••Coven: You’ve been inducted into a small

coven of witches. The group can act as a three
dot ally, and has given you access to their
meeting place, the equivalent of a one dot
haven. As you cultivate your relationship
they may evolve to become retainers, or a
small herd.

•••• Defensive Casting: Your experience

casting magic also works to defend from it. If
you are aware of a Magic Spell or Discipline

resonance and other properties for several

HUMORS years. While valuable, the recipe does not
guarantee interest from distributors, or
buyers. Going into large scale manufacturing
B between chemistry, and alchemy risks several masquerade breaches. You’re
the study of humors relates back to dark capable of small scale production. Once per
age medicine, and early witchcraft. story you’re able to refine blood worth four
Classically referring to the balance of dots of hunger, into two dots of worth
four liquids in the body, in Kindred
circles the Humors has come to refer to of blood wine, and matching a resonance and
the study of blood refinements and fitting a feeding restriction of your choice.
Creating Blood Wine requires a Wits + Craft
preservatives. As a student of this
and Intelligence + Occult roll. Blood wine
strange art you are able to preserve and
retains these properties for an entire
modify blood’s specific properties. chronicle.
• Weird Science: The study of Humors ••••• Transfiguration: Long considered
overlaps with a number of other esoteric the Holy Grail of Humors, Transfiguration is
fields of study. You gain an additional the process of converting one bodily fluid
specialization in an appropriate field such as into another. Once per story you're able to
Occult (alchemy), medicine (blood), or create enough blood to slake one dot of
science (chemistry) . hunger. Doing so requires you to mix one
rouse check worth of vitae into Phlegm,
•• Shelf Life: With a little practice and
Yellow or Black Bile and complete a Wits +
equipment you can preserve the resonance of
Craft, Intelligence + Occult, and Stamina +
fresh blood for up to a week. However this
Athletics roll. This blood will have a
requires highly specialized equipment in a
resonance of your choice and match any
dedicated space and an investment of time
feeding restriction.
equaling two hours before the blood is
collected. You can enough blood to slake
three drops of hunger from one mortal.

••• Spiked Drink: One of your experiments

went awry in a particularly useful way; you’re
able to manufacture a toxic blood that will be
rejected by a Ny Kindred who consumes it.
One hour after drinking the Kindred who
ingested it must make a Stamina + Composer
roll opposed by your Intelligence + Craft roll
to keep down the potent brew. On a failure
they vomit the concoction and 2 rouse checks
worth of blood.

•••• Blood Wine: Perfecting a few classical

formulas you’ve mastered creating blood
wine; a refine substance that preserves taste,

include at least one minor celebrity; a well

INDIE known character actor, a social media
influencer, the leading authority in an

FILMMAKER esoteric field, or a local business leader who

hired you for a commercial. You’re able to
invoke their name for a few small favors.
T he proliferation of video cameras, rise Once per story you can call them for a larger
of social media and development of powerful ask, counting as a three dot contact.
editing software has revolutionized the film However, they may sever the connection if
industry. Now, movies are being made across they feel your working relationship has
the country in small towns, and cities as soured.
students, hobbyists, and seasoned
•••• Movie Magic: For artistic choice, or
professionals seek self expression, fame,
lack of money, many film sets still use
fortune or vanity. You, either as an actor,
practical effects, and live stunts. Your
director, producer, writer or technician
position as a known quantity gives you
became part of the local film scene before or
credibility in mortal society to claim what is
after your embrace, but have quickly
and isn’t “movie magic”. Once per chronicle
discovered these “moving pictures” give you
you or a contact can claim, that a
some advantages in the Jyhad.
masquerade breach was part of an upcoming
film, marketing campaign, or the behavior of
an eccentric creative. The strength of this
• Guerilla Filmmaking: The only thing tighter claim is dependent on the severity of the
than the crew of an indie films are is the breach, and the believability of your cover
budget of an indie film. Loaning equipment story.
between filmmakers is not uncommon,
provided there’s mutual trust and a passion ••••• Closed For Filming: While up and
for the project. You have a friend who, with coming Indie filmmakers are well known for
some advanced notice and a plausible their ability to skirt the boundaries of the
excuse, is willing to lend you camera, sound law, many seasoned directors and producers
recording, or lighting equipment. They have discovered how to bend publicity
expect it back in one piece. hungry local governments to their own
interests. As one such artist, you are able to
•• Casting Call : Acting is a competitive field, deftly navigate the bureaucracies of local
where many would do anything to get ahead. Film Boards. Once per chronicle you can
As a semi-well established filmmaker you have local law enforcement close down a
have enough credibility to attract attention street, or building for up to 3 days by filming
from aspiring actors, and die hard movie a “Special Project” on the premises.
buffs. With enough advanced notice you’re
able to assemble a small crowd of people for
a “casting call” or to act as extras.

••• Guest Starring: Your connections


fame. In addition, some security guards,

ISABELLA curator or maintenance workers have taken
a shine to you, and are willing to let you stay

STEWART inside the building after hours.

••• Insider Information: You’ve

GARDNER uncovered a secret; either about the theft, the

collection, or Isabella herself. The Museum
has granted you a small stipend to stay

MUSEUM nearby and continue your research. This

grants you a one dot haven and access to a
three dot library with information about Art,
Literature and Boston’s Criminal
F founded by an influential philanthropist
and art curator at the turn of the century, this •••• Artist in Residence: The research
small museum is one of the foremost private proved successful and the museum decided
art collections in the world; housing to make their arrangement more permanent
significant paintings, sculpture, tapestries, by granting you a residency, guest
and decorative art in an architecturally curatorship or position as a security
influential building. Already a treasure of consultant. This gives you nearly unfretted
Boston’s artistic community, the museum access to the museum’s grounds and
was catapulted to infamy when 13 of the collection. Once per story you
museum's most significant works were
stolen in 1990. The case remains unsolved, are able to check out one art piece from the
and the works unrecovered to this day. Your museum, with a believable alibi and the
relationship to the museum may be based on understanding it will be returned.
a passion for art, interest in true crime,
friendship with the founder, or sheer ••••• Criminal Connoisseur: It’s a
proximity to the building. breakthrough in the heist of the century. You
have a new lead about the Theft, and a solid
idea of where the missing paintings are
stashed. Depending on the condition of the
• Amateur Enthusiast: As a frequent paintings and what is done with this
visitor to the museum, you’ve picked up a information you gain at least four dots to
thing or two about the art on display, or the spend between resources, fame, retainers,
theft of the missing works. In addition to a and contacts. With work your storyteller to
familiarity with the museum's layout you determine how and why these dots are
also gain a free specialization in Academics distributed, and whether granting additional
(art), Larceny (heists), or other appropriate dots of flaws and advantages is warranted.

•• Friend of the Museum: You’ve been

good at making friends, or buying influence.
You’re a well known face around the
museum, having the equivalent of one dot of

background. The storyteller may adjust the

KINDRED difficulty for this second roll based on your

NATIONALISM •••• Like in the Old Country: You’ve

spent so long fostering relations between
M Ost Vampires will at least give lip service
members of the local enclave that they’ve
to the ideas that their undead status, sect begun to think of themselves first and
membership and clan ties override any national foremost as members of your shared
divisions. But, the truth is that old loyalties are geographic, ethnic or national community.
hard to stamp out. By clinging to your geographic, This grants you Resources: (••) and Allies:
ethnic, or national roots, you’ve found a strong (••), as they establish something like a
source of identity to unite, or manipulate, others community fund, or scholarship trust, and
of a similar background. This lore sheet can be for organize something like a Neighborhood
both strong diaspora communities and less
Watch, Fraternal Organization or Street
savory nationalist movements.
• Neighborhood Bar: Frequenting
••••• The Will of Our People: Fully
businesses, events, or cultural institutions
organized, the community has established a
that cater to your identity has made you a
union, interest group or chamber of
recognizable face in the diasporic
commerce and gained powerful influence in
community. You have a dot of fame within
the local government. Any prior criminal
the local community that shares your chosen
record you have is wiped clean. You also gain
geographic, ethnic, or national background.
a two dot haven in the organization's
•• Our People Have a Saying: Shared headquarters and three dots of influence in
legends, idioms, and sayings hold powerful the local government or political party.
sway over people, letting them communicate
deep and intricate ideas far more efficiently
among themselves than with outside groups.
You’ve become well versed with these in-
group phrases. Once per session you can add
1 die to any social roll when interacting with
someone who shares your geographic, ethnic
or national background.

••• Lost in Translation: You’ve become an

expert on your own people’s customs, and
practices. You gain an additional language
related to your geographic, ethnic, or
national Background, if you’re not already
fluent in one. Also, once per story you may
re-attempt a failed social or mental roll by
claiming it was based on your, or the other
parties, ignorance about a local custom from
your or their geographic, ethnic, or national

next step for a good athlete is showmanship.

KINDRED Nothing gets a crowd going better than a
ballsy prediction, and a little bit of

SPORTS showboating. You’ve become accustomed to

adding a bit of flair to even mundane plays,
and accomplishing technical feats with
B osteon is well known for its relative ease. Due to this extensive practice
once per scene you can ignore the - 2 penalty
passionate sports fans, with loyalty to
on called shot for either Brawl, Melee or
hometown teams often acting as
Firearms rolls.
cornerstone of the city’s identity. The
city’s kindred are no different, even •••• Going Pro: Word has spread about
Vampires need to blow off steam your skills, either in Kindred or mortal
sometimes. The younger Anarchs are circles. There’s significant buzz about your
fans of using disciplines to spice up athletic exploits, granting you one dots of
games of Baseball, Basketball and fame in the sports world, and an additional
Hockey, along with their infamous three dots to spread among Resources,
Allies, or Contacts, elevating none of them
practice of using firearms to play “tag.”
above 4.
While the Camarilla has long looked
down upon such childish activities, ••••• Training Montage: Being a world
they’ve suddenly come to realize that class athlete takes continued effort and
friendly competitions are a healthy way dedication to daily training. However, over
to vent tribalistic tensions that threaten your unlife you’ve perfected a few exercise
to further fracture the sect. routines or training shortcuts that can get
results fast. Once per story you can radically
change your training routine, swapping two
of your physical attributes as you focus on
• Friendly Game: You are familiar with the one element of your body, at the expense of
rules, strictures, and customs of several another.
Kindred Sports. You gain +1 dice to all
Athletics tests relating to these competitions.

•• Little League: You’ve arranged for a few

informal teams to meet and play a series of
games inside your domain. It’s a good way to
build comradery, blow off steam and earn a
little extra for your troubles. Although, some
in power worry such large and frequent
gatherings could easily become masquerade
risks. Gain three dots to distribute between
Resources, Allies, or Contacts the represent
the connections and profits your league has

••• Watch This: After talent, and skill the


are considered inferior, if not outright

MARINERS dismissed, as sources of slaking hunger.
However, after enough practice you’ve
acquired a taste for it. You gain the benefits
O once known exclusively as a Gangrel of the Iron Gullet merit, and may count the
Bloodline, Mariners have become blood of marine mammals the same as
increasingly common in modern nights human blood.
as Kindred from all clans seek solitude.
Taking many forms some Mariners •••• Friends and Anemones: Traveling
imitate sirens or mermaids of old. Other the seas, rivers or lakes has put you in touch
embracing the role of deepwater with experienced sailors, divers, and
fishermen, giving you a network that’s able to
predator or simply enjoying the life of a
cover the world’s vast waterways. Your
sailor, pirate or fisher. This lifestyle
network counts as a two dot herd, and once
especially appeals to those escaping the per story you may call in a favor with to
2nd Inquisition, avoiding entanglements arrange for a series of fishing shacks, seaside
in Sect Politics, or traveling vast hotel rooms, or a boat to use as shelter while
distances to Answer the Beckoning. you travel.
While living an aquatic lifestyle provides
several advantages, it also comes with ••••• From the Depths: Having spent long
challenges. enough exploring the depths of local
waterways, you’ve uncovered something.
• Fish Outate Water: By circumstance or Either sunken treasure, a supernatural ally,
choice, you’ve spent a lot of time in, and or a buried artifact. Work with your
under, water. While your Kindred nature storyteller to determine the exact nature of
means you don’t have to breath down there, your discovery; and remember that the sea
navigating can still be a problem. But not for rarely gives up her secrets without a price.
you. You may add an additional die to any
physical rolls taking place in or under water.

•• Down where it’s Wetter Your

submarine explorations have uncovered a
perfect place to rest during the day; a local
shipwreck, submarine cave, or disused water
treatment plant. This counts as a secure 3 dot
haven, however, swimming to it requires a
successful strength athletics check (2). While
it is safe from most mortal and

kindred incursions, you are unable to store

anything that is easily damaged by water
unless special accommodations are taken.

••• Seafood Buffet: Ordinarily fish,

crustaceans and other cold blooded animals

resources, not above level 3, and counts as a

THE MBTA two dot mask. The mask requires minimal
maintenance, however it may be lost if you
fail to check in at least once a month.
The oldest subway and streetcar system
in the country; Boston’s public transit •••• Line Extension: one of the planned
network, colloquially known as “the T”, is subway lines got further along in
one the most extensive in the United construction than officially reported. You’ve
States. But, even with numerous discovered a sealed network of tunnels
attempts to upgrade and expand the running through Boston. While not fully
network it still suffers from aging explored, you’ve investigated a sizable
enough portion to count as a 4 dot Haven,
equipment and unpredictable service
capable of comfortably housing several
outages. Despite this, many Bostonians
rooms, amenities, and complete with power
remain stubbornly proud of their subway and water unknowingly paid for by the city.
system due to its historic status and
ample character. ••••• Service Outage: All complicated
systems have a few key points of failure.
You’ve identified a handful of those for
Boston’s Mass transit system. Once per story
• Charlie Card: “Charlie Cards” are the you can exploit these weaknesses, causing a
pre-loaded bus and subway passes which can service outage that lasts for a full day. This
either be loaded with credit to buy trips at a restricts access to the subways, prevents
discounted rate or grant unlimited access for their use and increases the difficulty of any
a set amount of time. As a frequent rider drive roll by five due to increased car traffic.
you’ve invested in a Charlie card, giving The storyteller may also choose to adjust the
unrestricted access to the subway during difficulty of any rolls needed to navigate the
operating hours, and granting an extra die on city by other means or perform actions that
rolls related to navigating the mass transit may be impacted by increased foot and
system. vehicle traffic.

•• NUMTOTs: Stumbling into the strange

sub-culture of Mass Transit Enthusiasts had
unexpected benefits. You gain an
appropriate specialization in a field related
to public transportation such as Academics
(city planning) or Drive (buses) and have
attracted a small group of like minded
mortals, counting as a one dot herd.

••• Transit Authority: By sheer luck or

careful planning, you’ve managed to take
over a low ranking position within the
MBTA, such as a security guard, ticket
attendant, or mechanic. This government
job grants you one additional dot of

•••• ERORR 404: You’re digital network

META-VERSE has grown interconnected enough that it can
network with most other systems. With
appropriate preparations once per story you
L Ong the dream of futurists, and sci- can target an individual and have them suffer
fi enthusiasts a virtual world effects like Clan Lobamba’s bane for hours
interconnected with real world has had equal to your Technology + Wits.
countless hours and billions of dollars
poured into it to be made a reality.
Boston hosts a number of prototype for
••••• Life Online: As an experimental trial
these Virtual Reality. They’ve been
you’re one of the few people who are able to
interconnected to other digital upload their mind to the cloud, creating a
environments such as home security perfect copy of yourself in your digital world.
systems, point of sale devices, public wi- This copy will exist beyond even your final
fi and cell towers This “Digital death. However it remains under control of
Ecosystem” has previously unfathomable the Storyteller until such an event. You can
interconnectivity, and vulnerability. All give your virtual self tasks to complete in the
accessible for a small fee to the tech digital world such as research, investigation,
enthusiast , or for free to the daring or socialization but there is no guarantee it
hacker. will carry them out.

• Digital Native: Either by buying into it, or

building it yourself you’ve gained access to a
secure method of virtual communication.
You’re able to set-up and have real time
meetings in complete privacy with anyone
who has an internet connection.

•• User Name: Your extensive online

presence practically guarantees any
background check will be able to verify your
existence, acting as a two dot mask. In
addition you’re able to generate this level of
detail for other Kindred acting as a cobbler
for virtual identities.

••• Digital World: The long held dream of

virtual reality is finally available to you. Your
haven gains one dot as the VR Lab is
installed. It enables you and others who have
appropriate equipment to explore
photorealist environments and situations,
opening a new level of manipulation for
those you plug-in while they’re unaware.

and digital communication work for a while,

REDCOATS sometimes you need to meet face to face. For
one dot of resources you can arrange passage
between your current domain and a
destination of your choice. The journey will
be slow but secure or quick but risky
C colonizers, Conquistador, Pilgrims,
Pioneers, Explorers and Cockneys, the ••••• First Landing: Whether pleased by
agents of European Expansion have your progress, or frustrated at the lack of
come by many names, but those who headway, your sponsor has decided to step in
arrive on the shores of Boston in modern and begin handling matters personally. They
night are called Redcoats. They seek to have sent news of their imminent arrival
push out the current Camarilla, Anarch forwarding you two dots of resources, and
and Hecata power structures to make granting you access to a two dot haven they
require you to prepare for them. When they
space for themselves and their European
arrive they will act as a three dot ally and
Masters. Most Redcoats are loyal to some
your role will become widely known. If it was
powerful Elder or Metal back in England. ever secret.
They are the first wave charged with
preparing the domain for re-

• Fresh Off the Boat: You have an

additional one dot of resources and contacts
representing the remnants of your domain
back in England.

•• Divided Allegiances: Beggars can’t

always be choosers & most Kindred
understand your sects allegiance was
probably based on convenience more than
ideology. Any penalties you suffer when
interacting with other sects is reduced by
one. But, your true loyalty is to your foreign
sponsor, who acts as a three dot Malwa

••• Experienced Espionage: Operating as

an agent far from your sponsor requires
nerves of steel. Over your deployment these
have manifested. Once per session you may
add a two dice bonus to a Manipulation or
Composure roll.

•••• Return Voyage: While ciphered letters


successful attack.
SABBAT •••• Valerie: This forbidden rite allows the

Sabbat to unify their packs and shatter any
previous blood bond. Once per Chronical
you, and three other Kindred, must first fill a
single chalice with one Rouse Check worth of
F eared in modern nights, and poorly
understood, the Sabbat remain a frightful Vita, the perform the ritual. At the end of the
presence lurking in the shadows. While some rite one Vampire will drink from the cup to
dismiss them as feral monsters, or believe they have their current blood bonds removed, and
have become all but extinct, you still find become Unbendable.
understanding their ways to be worthwhile.
Whether you’re a simple transgressive looking for ••••• Subsume the Spirit: The Sabbat is, at
forbidden knowledge, a deep cover agent back its core, a rejection of Humanity, the
from assignment, or a former member of the sect, controlling influence of ancient Vampires.
you’re painfully familiar with their doctrine and They embrace their cursed and monstrous
nature; as predators that feed on and grown
more powerful by taking life from those
• Antitribu : The Sabbat is made of
around them. The Sabbat even applies this to
Vampires that publicly denounce their clan
Diablerie. They have turned this ultimate
identity while still feeling the effects of their
taboo into an art form. Your studies have
curse. Using the ideas of these Antitribu
allowed you to mimic their methods. When
allows you to take Clan Coterie Merit from
committing diablerie you may roll your
Outside of your clan, but doing so will see you
Willpower + Blood Potency instead of
Shunned by those who value Clan Identity.
Humanity + Willpower to steal the soul of
•• Shovelheads: The Mass Embrace is the your victim. This knowledge acts as a Dark
most famous, and feared tactic of the Sabbat Secret and does not remove the social risks of
is to embrace a group of mortals and leave performing Diablerie.
them buried, forcing a pack of newly frenzied
“shovelheads” to claw from the earth and
rampage through an enemy domain. You
have witnessed this operation from
beginning to end. This grants you a dot of
fame and occult, in addition to an occult
specialization in either the Embrace, Frenzy,
or the Beast.

••• Monstrous Bite: More comfortable

with their monstrous nature, Sabbat
Vampires relish using their fangs in combat.
Imitating their fighting style allows you to
gain some of the benefits. When making a
bite attack, you may ignore the two die
penalty and your fangs will deal one
additional aggravated damage on a

the U.W.U. is definitely friendly, willing to

UNUSUAL give you feedback on any device you may be
working on. They’ll even offload out dated, or

WEAPONS partially destroyed equipment. It’s nothing

you couldn’t find on the black market, but
this is cheaper, and supposably far safer.

UNIT Your contact counts as a three dot ally and

once per story is willing to give you a
relatively mundane U.W.U. device.

•••• It does what!?: Whether through

F formed in the aftermath of the subterfuge, accident, or goodwill you’ve seen
Manhattan project, the Unusual plans for the most recent U.W.U. device. This
Weapons Unit was a top secret information is sought by several powerful
division of the US Army dedicated to mortals and kindred. Some seek to repress,
uncovering military applications for others seeking to imitate. But, once shared, it
new technologies. In the 90s the cell will lose substantial value. In addition to
located in Cambridge Massachusetts acting on this information yourself, you may
began researching supernatural also trade it for a major boon with an
weaponry, and has become an interested party.
important supplier of 2nd Inquisition
munitions and technology. They ••••• Prototype: You have a prototype from
currently partner with a number of the early days of the U.W.U.. Whether it
Boston based startup and Research works, or if it's even related to their current
Universities. research is still uncertain. Work with your
storyteller to determine the nature of this
device, it’s effects and any parties interested
in buying, retrieving or destroying it.
• As Seen on TV: An armchair expert in
unconventional weaponry, you have seen the
effects of the UWU first hand a number of
times. You may add an extra die to rolls for
treating, resisting and uncovering the effects
of their weapons.

•• In a Cave, With a Box of Scraps: Your

interest in, or talent for, tinkering with
strange inventions has caught the eye of the
U.W.U. One low ranking member of the
organization has made themselves known to
you. Whether they want you as a test subject
or a collaborator is unsure, but they’ve
extended a standing invitation to meet at a
time and place of their choosing.

••• Insider Trading: Your connection to


romantic interest. Mastering this subtle push

VAMPIRE and pull of flirtation allows you to add two
dice to all relevant social pools.

ROMANCE •••• Old Flame: At some point in your past

you were going steady with a now powerful
member of the Kindred World such as a
E eternity can be isolating for those
Baron, Primogen, Sheriff or other influential
who brave it alone. Some Kindred leader. Asking them to recall the good times
choose to weather the long years by you had will give you a two dice bonus to any
seeking out romantic partners. These Subterfuge or Persuasion Checks. You can
relationships are often entwined with also recall some of their secrets or tell some
the dynamics of Sire and Childer, scandalous stories to blackmail them.
Mentor and Student, Master and However this may cause them to turn on you.
Servant, or Schemer and Pawn. so few
transcend useful symbiosis to become
something more. The Cynical claim all
•••••True Love You and another have fallen
Kindred “love” is doomed to end with head over heels for each other. It’s more than
corruptive abuse, and broken hearts. But a simple fling, or a fleeting mortal
a few romantic souls dare to believe relationship. This truly feel like the one, and
different and plunge headlong into love. you two can spend eternity together, if you
play your cards right. Work with the
•Caress: Normally, vampires can only seal Storyteller to flesh out the details of you and
the wounds they inflict when feeding by your lover’s relationship. But, the thought of
licking them closed. Yet, for reasons your love drive you. Anytime you re-roll dice
unknown, a simple touch from you is enough with willpower you have one automatic
to elicit the same effect. A brush of the success, and once per session you may take a
fingertips, a press of the palm, even the point of aggravated willpower damage to
nuzzle of a cheek would be sufficient. This have all three be successes.
does not heal other sorts of wounds.

•• Incorrigible: There’s something that lets

you get away with things others just can’t.
Maybe you look too cute, or pathetic, or
innocent. Whatever it is, others can’t seem to
believe you mean to, or can do any real harm.
Any Subterfuge or Manipulation dice pools
have +2. But, there may be times when your
charms cannot save you.

••• Teasing Flirt: Looks aren’t the only way

to get attention. You’ve perfected the subtle
signals and social cues that communicate

••• Basis of Truth: In the World of

WITCH Darkness, a few Witch Hunts were not
entirely unfounded. Some Witch Finders

HUNTS happened to uncover genuine sorcery and

dark magics. Uncovering some of the old
tomes you gain access to these dark rites.
Subject to Storyteller’s discretion Blood
Sorcerers may immediately learn one 2 dot
S ale stands as a vivid example of ritual, and have justification to learn
Witch Trials, and Witch Panics in the additional rituals.
American imagination, it is sadly just a •••• Bis in Idem: “Ne bis in idem”, also
typical of a wider phenomena from the known as Double Jeopardy, is the legal
early modern period. In both the new principle that a person cannot be tried twice
and old world, Witch Hunts were not for the same crime. However, this principle
uncommon. While some caught Mages is often ignored in Witch Hunts. As such,
and Kindred, most of their victims were many survivors are decidedly more cautious
ordinary women. In modern nights the after their first accusation. You have found
term “Witch Hunt” has taken on one Kindred who survived the Salem Witch
meaning as a way to indicate baseless Trials and is willing to re-enter into the
modern world. They’ve taken notice of you,
allegations, or cast doubt on legitimate
and will act as a Four Dot Malwa, aiding your
endeavors in exchange for helping orient
them in the modern world.

•••••Incandescent: Surviving a Witch

•Self-Representation: Having told, or
Hunt can be extraordinarily difficult for the
escaped, more than one outlandish
obviously supernatural Kindred. Elders
allegation you’ve become quite well versed in
caught in the Salem trials managed to
keeping a cool head under pressure, and
develop one last desperate defense;
stoking the feeling of the masses. When
Incandescent. The ability to endure, at least
defending yourself from the allegations of
temporarily, fire. Having learned this from
others, or making your own allegations stick,
you Malwa, once per Chronicle you can
you add a bonus die.
become immune to fire damage for one
•• Echoes of the Past: You’ve been round. This does not extinguish the flames,
involved in one high profile witch trial, and and has no impact on sunlight. Fire will also
emerged unscathed. Whether that was by still cause Fear Frenzies.
defending yourself from false allegations of
Diablerie, or helping to stamp out a local
thaumaturgist cult you’ve made a name for
yourself among the Kindred of the city. You
have two additional dots of status, and
particular sway in matters relating to law and

Academics (Arthurian literature),
Etiquette (Chivalry) Melee (fencing) or
another appropriate skill.

TABLE ••• Noble Quest: After being in service to

one, or several of the, Knights you are
Built as a subset of the Cobweb, the trusted to send and receive mental
Roundtable is a mental link Prince communications. Members of the
Quinten King established between Round Table give and receiving strong
himself and his Knights; a group of impressions of time, place, and purpose.
Malkavians who had adopted identities Calling each other on Noble Quests.
from Arthurian tales. The Round Table Once per story you may attempt to
allowed them to share information, summon Knights on a quest. Not all
skills and occasionally bodies; leading may respond to your call, and those who
the knights to act with one mind. do may abandon the quest should it
Following the reported final death of prove too foolhardy.
Quinten more Malkavians have been
inducted into the Round Table. Some by •••• The Fraternal Orders: Successfully
replicating the ritual used to create it, completing at least one harrowing
others whose sires were a Knight, and Quest, your status has been elevated to
some through simple proximity. There that of a Knight. You and your fellows
are even whispers that Quinten III used share an intense bond. In moments of
the Round Table to survive his high drama you’re able to share each
diarylation by fleeing into this mental other’s
link, and is now looking for a new body
skills and strengths. Once per story instead
to inhabit. of using your skills and attributes to build a
dice pool, you may instead use the skills and
• Seat at the Table: Your membership in
attributes of another member of the round
the round table gives you a certain table.
amount of pull with other Malkavians in
Boston, counting as an extra dot of ••••• Royal Visit: Quinten III, or another
status when interacting with them. entity claiming his identity, has noticed your
efforts, and is interested in using you to
•• Chivalric Code: Having spent time as herald his return, or as the vessel for it. Once
a member of the round table, you are per Chronical you may ask Quinten III to
well accustomed to the intricate quirks, inhabit your body for one scene. During the
rules, and references it's nights, squires, duration your character’s mind will be
and nobles use when interacting. When replaced; using Quinten III’s skills, mental
attributes, and accessing his disciplines,
interacting with a another members of
while using your physical attributes. While
the Round Table, you may use this code
possessed your character is partially under
to secretly communicate high level control of the storyteller.
ideas. You also gain a specialization in

Vampires are not the only creatures of the night. In a city as storied, transmutable, and sought
after as Boston, other supernatural beings are not uncommon. Witches meet in hushed covens.
Ghosts roam paved over graveyards. Werewolves stalk through emerald parks. Fae revel at
historic sites. Hunters guard their suburban fortresses. Boston, dense and dynamic, sees the
strange and unexplained fold over each other more readily than other cities. With each
unnatural force scrambling to steer the city’s destiny, and control “the hub of the universe.”

This section provides an overview of other supernaturals that may be encountered while
exploring Boston, and tools for storytellers who wish to deploy them as antagonists. This
information would likely not be common knowledge to player characters. Knowing information
in this chapter should require player characters to have appropriate backgrounds, or make
appropriate rolls in Occult, Streetwise, Politics or other skills.

Each section will include an exploration of:

• Motivations & Methods; providing guidance on how and why these supernaturals may be
included in a chronicle. Some more common supernaturals found in Boston will also
receive a profile of local factions.
• Territory: detailing where in Boston they are likely to be found.
• Example Characters: will give generic stat blocks to reference for use as antagonists.
Some are given Vampire disciplines to approximate their supernatural abilities, with a
“discipline strength” stat that can replace blood potency. Storytellers are encouraged to
ignore hunger mechanics for these antagonists. Some such as Wraiths and Mages are
given special abilities to better approximate their unique ways of interacting with reality.
• Weaknesses: are given for the supernaturals, your coterie may have less experience
fighting. Changelings, Werewolves and Wraiths have their unique weaknesses outlined.
• Example Equipment: has been provided for Hunters and Changelings, as they can be
more reliant on magical items or technology. These items can be found and used by
player characters. But, doing so may require an investment of experience point into a
specific lore sheet or background, depending on the storyteller’s discretion.


There are three main groups of Hunters in Boston. The Second Inquisition, which in Boston is
made up by the Society of Leopold, an arm of the Catholic church, and the Special Affairs
Division (SAD) a subset of the FBI.

The Unusual Weapons Unit, or UWU, is a partnership between the Department of Defense and
local Universities. They specialize in supernatural research and the development of
experimental technologies. They do not actively patrol, or hunt for Kindred. However, they may
undertake “field work” to test prototypes or gather specimens.

Finally, are the unaligned hunters. Independent mortals for widely varying backgrounds that
hunt ghosts, vampires and witches for personal reasons. Arguably the purest hunters in Boston,
they are varied and unpredictable.

The Second Inquisition: Most SI members are hotly motivated to

Having just completed the successful complete their mission of purging Boston.
“Operation Swansong” the SI has become Believing themselves to be on a holy crusade
emboldened, and reckless. They know some purging demons, or as patriots protecting
“Blank Bodies” slipped through their purge their country from domestic terrorists. The
but are unaware of exactly how many. SI branches in Boston follow a strict
hierarchy & chain of command.
Most of the information they have is about
the Camarilla, and their old holdings in The SI in Boston has two branches. The
Downtown Boston. However, the Hecata Society of Leopold is an arm of the Catholic
and Anarchs have to tread lightly, fearing Church, serving mainly as consultants and
they too will get caught up in the web. The high level experts. They view the Kindred as
SI has access to the most support of all the demons that must be destroyed. The Special
hunter groups. They can pull Security Affairs Divisions (SAD) is a branch of the
Camera Footage and request the support of FBI. It sees Kindred influence as a vast
local law enforcement. They’re the network of domestic terrorists that must be
jackbooted thugs who kick down doors to disrupted and destroyed.
burn Kindred.

The Unusual Weapons Unit:

The UWU straddles the line between civilian
scientists and enlisted technicians. Pulled
from private defense contractors, the halls
of academia, or local “maker spaces”
members of the UWU are almost always
cross-discipline experts. They’re able to
problem solve and think non-linearly.

The UWU has a simple organizational

structure. It is run by a Director who
oversees funding for all projects and general
administrative tasks. Individual
laboratories, warehouses and other facilities
are overseen by the Facility Management
Liaisons (FMLs), who usually come from an
engineering or academic background. Field
testing of prototypes is handled by the
Office of Weapons Operators (OWO). These
agents are pulled from military
backgrounds. They have both combat and
research training.

Individual research projects are run by

Project Managers, who usually start as
outside researchers. In exchange for
bringing their project into the UWU they
receive grant money, support staff and
access to laboratory space. Project
Managers often compete directly with each
other for the limited resources available to
them and know little of the broader

In general the UWU dislikes the Society of

Leopold, dismissing their superstitions. The
UWU does not believe in true faith, magic,
or supernatural principles. They consider
themselves to be rationalists fighting an
unknown disease that has infected the
Kindred. They more easily work with the
SAD, although fear that SAD agents are less
interested in research than getting to play
with new toys. Independent Hunters are
occasionally recruited into the UWU ranks.

Independent Hunters:
Boston’s scrappy reputation carries over to
these citizen soldiers, going out into the
darkness of night to keep their families safe
from would be blood suckers.

The most diverse group of hunters, in

motivation, methods, and experience. Often
armed with no more than a baseball bat,
grudge, and what they’ve seen in movies a
desperate human is still a dangerous
enemy. Independent hunters can be the
most dangerous to Kindred due to their

While most Elders need not fear random

men and women armed with garlic and
pepper spray, Neonates and Fledglings that
feed on at the wrong bar, or on the wrong
person, are known to get their heads caved
in by the parents, children, or friends who
caught them.

Because of the Sabbat assaults during the

dying times, Boston has an above average
population of seasoned hunters. Those who
survived the ugly assaults of the 90s are
called Doyen, after the French word for

These “Doyen” hunters have roughly 30

years of experience ending Kindred un-lives,
and have organized a loose support network
among themselves. While most Doyen are
pushing 50 and starting to get “a little too
old for this”, some of their children are
electing to take up their fight.

Most independent hunters will never know

of the SAD, Society of Leopold, or UWU.
They may reach out to a police officer, local
Priest, or family doctor who knows a guy
who knows a guy. But they are largely
isolated, and on their own.


The Second Inquisition: The Unusual Weapons Unit:

SAD has a temporary headquarters set up in The UWU has several facilities scattered
an office building across from City Hall across Boston. Most of their laboratories are
There’s a small fleet of SUVs they use to clustered in Somerville, made of converted
patrol Central Boston. It’s well fortified. warehouses.
The Society of Leopold’s members circle They have a field-testing site in an old
between a number of Catholic Churches Quincy Quarry, and another on Hangman
throughout Boston. They usually can be island in the Boston Harbor. Most of their
found staying in the guest rooms of local live specimens are stored in “Site 42”
parishioners. somewhere in Brookline.
The two have a join facility on Long Island The UWU is also applying to gain ownership
in Boston Harbor. However, following a of Fort Banks in Winthrop. While future for
Camarilla assault it has been mostly MIT & the tech Start-Ups of Cambridge, the
abandoned. temptation of an underground campus to
too great to resist.
Independent Hunters: UWU sites vary greatly in security, and
Independent hunters largely lack formal management. Most will have the bare
territory. They do congregate at a few bars minimum of electronic locks tied to key card
in Roxbury. The Doyen are frequent visitors access. But, more sensitive projects are
to “Hopewell” in Allston-Brighton. known to use an implant system requiring
But most only have their houses and one or technicians and researchers to have an
two storage units to call their own. RFID emitter implanted into their wrists


Doyen Hunter OWO Field Operative

Age: 61 Age: 45
Ambition: Go out in a blaze of glory Ambition: Live through a story that gets me free
Convictions: Always watch your back beers for life
Attributes: (5 /3) Convictions: I’m the big damn hero
Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 4
Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 2 Attributes: ( 10 /3 )
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 3 Strength 4 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 2 Composure 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 5 Intelligence 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3

Skills: Craft 1 (Carpentry), Brawl 3, Drive 4, Firearms Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6
3 (Rifles), Larceny 1, Melee 2 (Stake), Stealth 2,
Survival 3, Streetwise 2, Academics 3, Awareness 2, Skills: Athletics 2 (Lacrosse), Brawl 4 (Krav Maga),
Investigation 2, Finance 2, Medicine 2, Occult 2, Drive 2, Firearms 4, Larceny 3, Melee 4, Stealth 3,
Technology 1, Survival 2, Subterfuge 2, Academics 2, Awareness 3,
Investigation 3 (Weapons Research), Medicine 2,
Equipment: Submachine gun. Night Vision Goggles. Occult 2
Stake launcher. Combat Knife. Kevlar Vest. Paramedic
Bag. SUV. Equipment: Submachine Gun. Sponge rounds.
Dragon breath rounds. Bug Bones. An Kin Lamps.
Bio: A survivor of the dying times. This Doyen is a Body cam. Riot Suit.
grizzled truck driver who hunts Vampires on the
weekends. Bio: After servicing in Afghanistan, they got an
engineering degree. The UWU has hired him to be a
field tester.

Novice Hunter
Age: 24
Ambition: Sleep peacefully again UWU Researcher
Convictions: Trust makes us stronger Age: 52
Ambition: Perfect my human-insect hybrids
Attributes: (4 / 1) Convictions: Gaining knowledge takes sacrifices
Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 1 Composure 4 Attributes: (10 / 2)
Intelligence 2 Wits 2 Resolve 3 Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Composure 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 7 Intelligence 5 Wits 4 Resolve 3

Skills: Brawl 2, Drive 3 (Sedans), Firearms 1, Larceny Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 7
1 (Sleight Of Hand), Melee 1, Stealth 1, Survival 2,
Streetwise 2 (Weed), Academics 3, Awareness 2, Skills: Craft 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Insight 2,
Investigation 1 (Photography), Finance 3, Medicine 1, Leadership 2, Academics 4, Awareness 2,
Occult 1, Technology 2, Investigation 3 (Troubleshooting), Medicine 5, Occult
3, Science 5 (Insects), Technology 5 (Bio-Medical)
Equipment: Pistol. Baseball Bat. Leather Jacket.
Flashlight. Purse Mace. DSLR Camera. Equipment: T.F.H. Unktomi Webbing.

Bio: Her pioneering work on beetle genetics attracted

Bio: After being feed on in Seaport, they have begun the UWU who brought her in. Now she works
taking self-defense classes and is looking for the implanting “bug bones” into OWO agents.
Kindred who bit him.


Stinging Honey Unktomi Webbing

This cocktail of heroin, blood coagulants Attempting to develop a non-lethal weapon,
and alchemical ingredients has slowly begun the UWU has created Unktomi Webbing.
circulating through Boston’s streets. When Modeled off spider silk, the sticky liquid is
injected into mortals its effects are similar usually stored in tanks or canisters, the
to that of a normal high, but are slightly sprayed from a hose.
“sweeter” and have more discomfort at the
injection site. However, when Blood with When exposed to air, Unktomi Webbing
Stinging Honey is consumed by Kindred, quickly expands and hardens. Depending on
the other effects manifest. the amount of Webbing deployed can either
restrict nobility, or outright incapacitate.
The blood quickly coagulates, preventing
the slaking of hunger. In addition, the Kindred fully caught in Unktomi Webbing
alchemical ingredients activate, dealing are immobilized and must make a strength
aggravated damage equal to the attempted check of 3 to break free. Or, an ally will have
amount of hunger slaked. This damage can to deal the webbing 3 points of aggravated
be avoided with a Dex + Wits roll to realize damage to cut them free. Kindred partially
its effects, and spit out the blood. caught have their strength and dexterity
temporarily reduced by one.
The UWU is currently working on a non-
heroin based alternative to dispense to its Bug Bones
own agents. Meanwhile it continues to Mimicking the chitin exoskeletons found in
trickle this tainted drug into Kindred insects, the UWU has developed a self-
adjacent nightclubs and drug dens. repairing organic armor. Surgically
implanted underneath the skin, Bug Bones
Sponge Rounds offer additional protection to mortals.
Made of a strong magnetic alloy, and laced
with coagulants these bullets contain small Mortals who have Bug Bones gain an
interior pockets. Upon entering the body, additional 2 points of health, and always
they thicken blood and begin to draw it into count as wearing Ballistic Cloth, converting
them, slowly depleting the Kindred’s supply 2 points of aggregated damage to
of Vitae. superficial.

When shot with Sponge Rounds, a Kindred

must make a rouse check for every three
points of damage sustained. However, this
ammunition cannot be fired from an
ordinary rifle. They must be used in
specially made firearm of resin and non-
conductive metals.

Lawson Catalyst Ghost Fire

The Lawson Catalyst is a platform for A series of lamps that emit low level
enhanced interrogation, subliminal radiation. Direct exposure stimulates nerve
messaging, and other forms of psychological endings, tricking the brain into believing it’s
manipulation. Through a combination of on fire.
controlled pheromone release, ultrasonic
frequencies and subtle vibrations the When deployed against Kindred, Ghost Fire
catalyst makes users more susceptible to triggers a fire frenzy of difficulty 3.
suggestions, and can permanently alter
brain patterns. Due to power draw and T.F.H.
other limitations, it is rarely deployed This experimental headgear protects the
outside of laboratory settings. wearer from the use of mental disciplines
such as Dominate and Presence. However,
The Lawson Catalyst has been through 3 it’s bulky and impractical to wear.
iterations. The Lawson Catalyst ME-1 is an
entire room inside the UWU “mothership” The UWU is working on two iterations of
where the subject is strapped into a machine this technology. 1) shrinking the equipment,
resembling a tanning bed. The ME-2 is a to be easily concealable and combat
semi-mobile application built into the back effective. 2) expanding its range, to provide
of a semi-trailer. There the subject is shielding for an entire room, vehicle, or
strapped to a device resembling a dentist's even a small open air area.
chair for interrogation. The ME-3 is an
experimental bodysuit worn by the Lazarus Cream
interrogator covered with LEDs, hoses and When absorbed into the skin, this syrupy
speakers. It requires being hooked to a formula has a variety of effects. It lowers
portable generator, and the subject must body temperature, pales the skin, tenses the
still be restrained. muscles, and stops circulation of blood.
Instead, oxygen is “passed” directly into the
The Lawson Catalyst may produce a number body by compounds found in the Lazarus
of game system effects. Examples include: Cream. The overall effect is that subjects
temporarily reducing Social and Mental using Lazarus Cream appear as Kindred, or
attributes, preventing the use of Willpower, at least Thin Bloods.
or mimicking the effects of Dominate and
Presence. However, use of the substance is obviously
dangerous. It's helpful effects will only last
for a few hours, before oxygen is no longer
“passed” and the user begins to suffocate.
Still, the UWU is considering its use for
undercover operations to infiltrate “Blank
Body” networks.

An Kin Lamps
Specially crafted diodes that release
radiation indistinguishable from the light of
the sun. An Kin Lamps has no effect on
most Kindred. However after the UWU
conducted testing on a Ministry Vampire,
they’ve become standard issue for any agent
sent to interact with Blank Bodies.


Boston is home to many Magical Orders and creating a paradox, which could erase them
Organizations. Most are consumed with from existence.
their own studies and pay little attention to
Vampires. Some do jockey for power at the To avoid creating Paradoxes, most Mages
upper levels of City Politics, where they are will disguise their magic as mundane things
fearsome opponents. More than one that could possibly happen in the real world.
ambitious Kindred has had their existence Hiding the fact they created a key for this
ended by crossing a Mage. Given time, locked door by “finding it in the bushes”.
preparations and privacy a Mage can do Magically healing a wound can be disguised
practically anything. with bandages and painkillers. Disguise
conjuring a fireball by spraying vodka over a
Mages separate their magic from the lighter. Of course, mages can, and
working of Vampires, Changelings and sometimes do, choose not to disguise their
Sorcerers by drawing a line between “true magic. This is riskier, but frees them to
magic” and “hedge magic”. What Mages call perform more impressive feats.
True Magic is an individual exerting their
willpower to break reality so it fits their Mages are just mortals. They can be blood
desire and imagination. The Hedge Magic of bonded, manipulated, and killed the same
others is still working inside the bounds of way any other skilled human can. Just with
reality. As one Technomancer put it “it’s the considerably more danger to their
difference between modding a game, and tormentor. Because of this, it’s usually best
using a cheat code.” practice for Vampires to treat Mages as
working partners, not thralls. Or avoid them
This makes Mages unpredictable and all together. If conflict is inevitable, indirect
dangerous. But, pushing the boundaries of pressure, manipulation, and surprise
reality is dangerous. If they commit too attacks work best.
many actions that violate reality, they risk

Sisterhood of Entropy

The sister hood of Entropy began as a another. Grandmother is the title for the
Heretical offshoot of the Anglican Church. order’s leader. Aunt or Uncle is used for
Fleeing England for the New World they Mages outside the order.
struck an uneasy truce with the Witches
already in the colony. That truce has held to The Sister of Entropy specialize in
this day. telekinetic and healing magic. Originally
believing their works to be miracles. When
The Sisterhood holds that the divine is in they abandoned this mindset, the Church
all, and by introspection and meditation branded them heretics. Now they
they can not only find the divine, but do its acknowledge their abilities as the reality
work. They seek to erase petty divisions warping it is. Fueled by their willpower and
between religious sects and creeds. To this their own belief in their abilities.
end it trains its mages to “go out and seed
harmony in souls.” The Sisters of Entropy hold to the belief that
Vampires are Demons that must be
The Sisters of Entropy practices a stricter expunged from the Earth. However, they do
hierarchy of members. Daughters are not actively seek them out, and are willing
apprentice mages; Sisters are full members. to work with them. At least temporarily.
Mothers are Mages who have trained

Fraternal Order of Æther

This collection of eccentric former Scientists
have all had their pet theories, and hopes
disproven by the cold laws of reality.
Rather than accept the collective consensus
of mainstream scientists, Ætherists elect to
bring their theories into reality. Their thesis
advisor, and “observable data” be dammed.
The most successful example of this was
when William Morton & John Collins
Warren demonstrated surgical anesthesia
for the first time. The flood of testimonials
and journal articles that followed put
anesthesia into the conscious, radically
changing surgery forever after.

No Ætherists has since replicated this feat.

Their perpetual motion machines, miracle
pills and impossibly efficient fuels are all
decried as junk pseudo-science, or common

The Ætherists practice alchemy, divination,

transmutation, pyromancy and other
elemental magics. Generally their magics
will be disguised as clockwork gizmos and
steampunk devices.

Their Order of Æther is organized like an

academic fraternity. It has a President,
Secretary, and various committees each lead
by a Chairperson. They host a recruitment
period once every two years. Potential
members are required to display magical
prowess and given tests of character,
integrity, and discretion.

The order has always been open to members

of all creeds and descends. But, some
members accuse older members of
unintentional bias.

Daughters of Salem

Following the Salem Witch Trials a group of given so rudimentary training, and left to
actual witches traveled to the city. There purse the Daughters’ goals in their own way.
they began to instruct a few surviving It’s not uncommon for them to become local
women in secret arts to defend themselves. protectors, guarding their community from
The first Daughters of Salem started as supernatural predators.
simple hedge mages. But in the 300 years
since their founding they have evolved into The Daughters specialize in subtle magical
an order of true mages. effects. Most stick to divination, sending,
summoning, or prognosticating. The more
Now able to shape reality to their own wills ambitious members are known to branch
instead of simply following rituals and out into controlling the weather,
recipes. The Daughters of Salem have taken commanding beasts, becoming
an active role in mortal society, often shapeshifters, and controlling minds.
champion progressive, and feminist causes.
Their goal is to empower the unempowered. Their magic is often disguised as wiccan
To this end, they largely draw their rituals, new age mysticism, folk medicine, or
members from the destitute, downtrodden, just motherly love. More vulgar magics are
abused, or unfulfilled. After their normally accompanied by fog, scents, wind,
Awakening, the newly christened Mage is and flashing lights.

64 Byte-punks
Founded in 1964, the Byte-punks are
technomancies. They grew from a group of
MIT students who first developed video
games. Blurring the lines between science
and Magic, they use computers and digital
technologies to accomplish feats that would
be otherwise impossible.

The Byte-punks have considerable overlap

with “Hacktivists” groups. They have no
formal hierarchy, set of ideals, agenda,
meetings, best practices, or manifesto. Their
membership is entirely self-determined.
Their identities are also kept entirely
anonymous to each other.

What unites the Byte-punks is their

commitment to pushing the boundaries of
technological magic, and their dislike of
supervising authority. They plunge into
Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, and
Quantum Computing with reckless

Robots, sentient algorithms, vast digital

worlds, and impossible feats of hacking are
all the purview of the Byte-punks. They
usually disguise their magic as these digital
tools or ordinary “hacking.” The more
vulgar spells in their repertoire manifest as
lightning, liquid metals, or digital glitches.

They have no formal organization, or

methods of contact. They use anonymous
chat forums to regale others with tales of
their latest exploit. Or seek advice when
they get in over their heads. Few ever meet
in person.

Members are not recruited, nor is there any

formal test to gain membership. But their
ever-evolving security measures and
decentralized group think all but ensures
that only the truly gifted keep up.

Most mages keep a home and workshop, Sisterhood of Entropy:
with their orders usually owning some kind The Sisterhood of Entropy operates out of a
of headquarters or central meeting place. large complex in Southie. The Cloister of St.
But there are no fixed rules. Hilda features dormitories, a soup kitchen,
halfway house, classrooms, and non-
Daughters of Salem: denominational worships spaces. All
Most members of the Daughters are constructed to resemble a gothic cathedral.
comfortable and established women, able to The razor-wire fence running around the
own single family homes in one of the premises has been disguised by letting vines
Boston Suburbs. Members use these private grow to overtake it.
homes for their meetings whenever
possible. But, the can also be found Fraternal Order of Æther:
frequenting bookstores, crystal shops, Most members are fond of Polcari's Coffee
farmers markets, and cute little cafes. in the North End. It’s a dark green store
front with big bay windows. Glass jars and
64 Byte-punks: strange chemistry equipment decorates the
The Byte-Punks own no property, and lack place. Drinks are ground, brewed and
any central meeting place. All their poured into glassware that most normal
communication is done online. While some patrons would swear is purely decorative.
do embody the stereotype of basement They hold their monthly meetings in the
dwellers, living inside the city, a number are “Æther Dome” an abandoned operating
set up in “off-grid” dwellings out in the theater in Massachusetts General Hospital.


Hacktivist Punk Daughter of Entropy

Age: 16 Age: 27
Ambition: Bring privacy to the people Ambition: Smash the patriarchy!
Convictions: There’s nothing worse than a sell-out Convictions: Treat others as they treat you

Attributes: (6 /2) Attributes: (6 /2)

Strength 1 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3 Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 2 Charisma 3 Manipulation 4 Composure 2
Intelligence 3 Wits 4 Resolve 2 Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 4 Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 4

Skills: Brawl 1, Drive 3, Firearms 1, Larceny 3, Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Larceny 2, Stealth 3,
Insight 3, Intimidation 3, Performance 2, Persuasion Survival 1, Etiquette 2, Insight 1, Intimidation 1,
1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 1, Investigation 3, Politics Performance 3, Persuasion 2, Subterfuge 2, Streetwise
2, Science 3, Technology 4 3, Awareness 1, Occult 1

Signature Spells: Signature Spells:

Ride the Wire: Using a computer, the Punk can Mother’s Love: This Daughter spends a point of
trace an electronic communication back to its source. willpower and rolls 6 dice (Charisma + Dexterity). She
She rolls 7 dice (Wits + Intelligence) to find its heals points of superficial damage equal to the
location in the real world. number successes or points of Aggravated damage
She can then roll 6 Dice (Intelligence + Stamina) to equal to half the number of successes.
travel through powerlines to that device. This Bitch Slap: This Daughter’s Strength + Brawl rolls
requires all 6 dice to be success, with 5 she’s deposited can deal unhalved superficial damage to Vampires, as
at a random location in Boston, at 3 or lower, nothing she imbues her blows with a telekinetic force.
happens. Shoulder to Cry On: Reaching out to touch the
Brain Blast: the Punk rolls 4 dice (Intelligence + mind of another, This Daughter rolls 7 dice (Charisma
Strength) opposed by her target’s Composure + + Manipulation), opposed by her target’s Composure
Awareness. If the Punk has more success than the + Insight. On a success her target’s humanity
target, the target takes willpower damage equal to the temporarily becomes 10 and they are flooded with
difference. guilt for any previous violent actions. This effect lasts
Big Brother: Pulling out her smartphone, the Punk one turn.
rolls 7 dice (Wits + Manipulation). On a success, her
screen displays the feed of any camera in the city. The Bio: Still being trained in the mystical arts. However,
number of success will depend on the type of camera. she frequently sneaks out of her cloistered studies to
A streaming webcam or smartphone will take 1, a practice helping others. Though, her attempts to help
CCTV footage, or secure camera will take 5. others sometime end up being more violent than the
Sisterhood would like.
Bio: SaV4ge, as she goes by online, believes she’s the
youngest and newest member of the Byte-Punks. An
honor she earned by accidently cracking open one of
the last Schrecknet servers.

Retired Witch Æther Secretary

Age: 64 Age: 121 (Appears 50)
Ambition: Find a worthy apprentice Ambition: Make Boston a bike centric city
Convictions: Going slow is sometimes better Convictions: It doesn’t matter if you’re right, it
matters if people agree
Attributes: (8 / 6)
Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3 Attributes: (8 / 6)
Charisma 3 Manipulation 4 Composure 3 Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
Intelligence 4 Wits 5 Resolve 3 Charisma 4 Manipulation 4 Composure 3
Intelligence 4 Wits 5 Resolve 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 6
Skills: Craft 3, Drive 3, Firearms 1, Melee 3, Stealth
2, Survival 2, Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 3, Insight 2, Skills: Craft 3, Drive 4, Larceny 3, Stealth 1, Etiquette
Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Performance 2, 4, Insight 2, Leadership 3, Persuasion 2, Subterfuge 4,
Persuasion 1, Subterfuge 2, Awareness 2, Finance 1, Academics 5, Finance 2, Investigation 3, Occult 4,
Investigation 4, Medicine 4, Occult 3, Politics 2 Science 4, Technology 1

Signature Spells: Signature Spells:

Reap the Tempest: The Witch rolls 9 dice Blast of Steam: The Mage rolls 9 dice (Wits +
(Intelligence + Wits). This summonses a storm with Manipulation) and steam, smoke or vapor begins to
power equal to the number of successes. 1 being pour out of nearby sources such as cigarettes, Sewer
overcast, 3 bringing rain. A 6 summons lightning and grates, exhaust pipes, boiling pots. The steam causes 2
fierce wind with 9 unleashing a hurricane force storm. points of superficial damage to anyone other than The
Place of Rest: Creating an air of calm, The Witch Mage caught it in.
rolls 6 dice (Charisma + Composure). All allies who The Mage can also use any successes from this roll to
spend an hour resting in her presence heal superficial additional dice to his stealth rolls as the steam hides
willpower or health equal to the number of successes. his movement.
Expulsion: With a shout The Witch summons a Work DAMNIT!: The Mage rolls 6 Dice (Wits +
mighty wind that blows her target out of the building. Strength) and slams his fist onto a malfunctioning
When they attempt to re-enter The Witch rolls 7 dice machine. With 3 or more successes the machine
(Intelligence + Resolve) opposed by their Dexterity + begins to work.
Larceny. If The Witch succeeds, the wind once more Bigger on the Inside: The Mage’s briefcases, vest
blows them outside. pockets, wallet, and hat are able to carry more than
Natural Charm: The Witch rolls 6 dice (Charisma + they should.
Composure) with 3 successes she gains the benefits of Impeccably Dressed: The Mage rolls 5 dice
the Stunning merit, adding 2 dice to any social pools (Dexterity + Composure) with 2 success any stains, or
where looks are relevant. grime from his clothes disappear, and his hair become
perfectly styled.
Bio: Still active in the Daughters of Salem, but only
for the social aspects. She has little to contribute Bio: A long-standing member of the Ætherists, who
about arcane rituals or the trials and tribulations of was recently elected secretary. He’s in charge of taking
training apprentices. However, she long for an notes, collecting stories and publishing a newsletter
adoptive childe or grandchild to share this secret side for members of the Fraternity.
of her life with.


Lupines, or the Garou as they call Generally, the Lupines that seek out
themselves, are a loose collection of Kindred will be young hotheads looking for
shapeshifters sworn to protect spirits and a fight to prove themselves and increase
the natural world. They are heavily involved their Renown. Though not to be trifled with,
in causes championing environmentalism they are not a challenge for older and
and climate justice. Given Boston and New experience Kindred, but they could tear
England's prominent role in the Politics of apart a pack of Fledglings or Neonates. Far
America’s center and far-left parties, finding more concerning would in an experience
Lupines traveling through the city is not pack of veteran Werewolves. When they
uncommon. While werewolves come from enter the city it is with a plan and agenda.
all walks of life, the most active will be They would be targeting a specific Kindred
protestors, political organizers, radical from their role in some scheme that,
activist, scientists, itinerant workers, or intentionally or not, has been damaging
academics of some kind. their territory and upset the natural
Two important concepts to Werewolf
Society are Renown, and Gnosis. Renown is More likely than the Lupines, Vampires may
a Werewolf’s standing among their society. encounter Kinfolk, the descendants of or
It’s made up of three components: Glory, family members of Werewolves. Kinfolk are
Honor and Wisdom. Glory is won in battle, not able to transform or use the Werewolf’s
supernatural gifts. However these Kinfolk
Honor is achieved through general conduct,
are important in providing shelter, food,
and Wisdom come from the advice they give and information to their transforming
to other Werewolves. Gnosis is a Werewolf’s relatives. Werewolves guard their Kinfolk
connection to the spiritual world. The jealousy, embracing, Ghouling or harming
Spirits Werewolves refer to are not ghosts, one is usually seen as an act of war.
but more metaphysical representations of However, Kinfolk can be almost impossible
the land, plants, and animals. Gnosis, along to tell apart from regular mortals, leading
more than one Vampire to accidently incur
with their rage, fuels a Werewolf’s Abilities.
the wrath of a Lupine.

Most Lupines in New England reside
outside the cities in wild spaces such as the
Blue Hills Reservation, Assabet River
Wildlife Refuge, or other wilderness areas.
Venturing beyond Boston is a dangerous
affair because of their presence, with even
Quincy, and Revere being considered their

However, nowhere is more dangerous for

ambitions Kindred than Mt. Greylock. This
peak is the Werewolves most prized holding
in New England. The site of a rare Caren,
Greylock is a wellspring of spiritual energy.
It has a large and experienced Werewolf
pack protecting it. Few Kindred who visit it
ever return.

When traveling inside the city of Boston

proper, most Lupines will elect to stay near
the Emerald Necklace, Greenway, or other
Parks. They travel on foot, by the MBTA, or
bum rides of other people. Commonly,
they’ll stay with their Kinfolk instead of
buying a hotel room.

Depending on the experience, the Lupine

may also be wary of police presence in
Boston. More than one Werewolf has been
branded an eco-terrorist, vigilante, or
general troublemaker.

Werewolves have 5 forms, although most
Kindred claim there’s only 3. There’s the
form of the Human, the Wolf and the
dreaded werewolf war-form.

The War-form is claimed to be the perfect

predator. This hybrid between man and
beast has razor claws, dagger fangs,
heightened sense and increased physical
prowess. When in Warform a werewolf
gains 3 additional dots of strength,
dexterity, and stamina. It’s claws and fangs
deal aggravated damage to Vampires. It also
heals one point of superficial damage each
round. But, it is unable to speak coherently.

The werewolf’s minor forms of Half-wolf

and Half-man exist as halfway points
between the Warform and the Werewolf’s
Human or Wolf self. Vampires encountering
these forms don’t see them as true
transformation, but more akin to a Gangrel
using protean to manifest animal traits.

Regardless of form, Werewolves take non-

halved aggravated damage from Silver. In
their Warform, superficial and aggravated
damage from non-magical sources is halve
and they heal one superficial damage per


Werewolf Pup Activist Executive

Age: 19 Age: 45
Ambition: Master my new powers Ambition: Get Boston to carbon neutral
Convictions: Somethings you have to do alone Convictions: One must adapt to survive
Discipline Strength: 1 Discipline Strength: 3

Attributes: (5 / 3) Attributes: (10 / 4)

Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2 Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 1 Composure 4 Charisma 4 Manipulation 3 Composure 3
Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 3 Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 5 Willpower 7 Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 5

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Survival 2, Animal Ken 1, Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Drive 1, Firearms 1,
Etiquette 2, Leadership 1, Performance 2, Subterfuge Larceny 1, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Animal Ken 1,
3, Academics 3, Medicine 3, Occult 1, Politics 1 Etiquette 2, Insight 3, intimidation 3, Leadership 3,
Persuasion 1, Subterfuge 2, Awareness 3, Finance 4,
Disciplines: Obfuscate 1, Fortitude 2, Protean 3 Investigation 3, Politics 3, Science 2, Technology 3,

Bio: Studying at U-Mass Boston, she only recently Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Fortitude 2,
learned she was a werewolf. Now she’s trying to Potence 3, Obfuscate 2,
balance her life as a student with her supernatural
responsibilities. Bio: One of the few werewolves who lives in
Downtown Boston fulltime. They manage a hedge fun
that provides cash to green energy start-ups. He’s also
involved in extensive lobbying.
Swamp Watcher
Age: 30
Ambition: Keep the Caren safe
Convictions: Ounce of prevention is worth a pound Lupine Wrath
of cure Age: 27
Discipline Strength: 2 Ambition: Grow tough love into an army
Convictions: Honor doesn’t matter when fighting
Attributes: (9 /4) for survival
Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 4 Discipline Strength: 1
Charisma 1 Manipulation 2 Composure 3
Intelligence 3 Wits 4 Resolve 4 Attributes: (8/ 5)
Strength 4 Dexterity 3 Stamina 5
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 7 Charisma 2 Manipulation 1 Composure 2
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 4
Skills: Brawl 3, Larceny 2, Stealth 3, Survival 5,
Animal Ken 4, Etiquette 3, Insight 2, Leadership 1, Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 6
Subterfuge 2, Awareness 1, Investigation 2, Medicine
1, Occult 3 Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 5, Drive 2, Firearms 3,
Larceny 3, Melee 2, Stealth 4, Survival 4, Animal Ken
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 3, Blood Sorcery 1, Intimidation 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2,
2, Fortitude 4, Investigation 2, Medicine 3

Bio: Has moved back to the fringes of the city after a Disciplines: Celerity 3, Fortitude 4, Potence 4,
long stint guarding Mt. Greylock. She now observes Obfuscate 1
the city and gives her packmates a heads up if trouble
Bio: He’s a member of an extremist group called
heads their way.
“Tough Love”. He’s arrived in Boston looking to
radicalize some students & disrupt some big
infrastructure projects.

People die. No one truly knows what lies
beyond from those who pass gracefully into
that good night. But for those who lived a
meager, tortured, unfulfilled, harrowing,
life? Who choose to cling to their lost hopes,
unlived dreams, and still simmering rage?
Death gives no respite. Those with
unfinished business in their mortal life are
still bound to it in death. Their souls become
shackled to this mortal coil. They persist as
Wraiths; tortured minds twisted and torn
between the land of the living and the
realms of the dead.

Contact between living and the dead is

taboo. The Wraiths who do interact with
this side of “the veil” are either outcasts or
criminals. They fear returning to the land of
the dead, lest they receive an even-harsher
punishment. Most Wraiths are self-
involved and isolated, unwilling to include
themselves in affairs not directly related to
their interests. These Wraiths guard people,
places or objects that were important to
their mortal lives. These “Fretters” as they
are called, bind the ghost to one place and
allow them to persist after death.

Fretters are the most important thing to a

Wraith, and they will do anything to protect
them. Wraiths are also the most goal
oriented of other Supernaturals. Wraiths are
all seeking one of two things:
Transcendence, or Oblivion. Transcendence
is the acceptance of death and the passing
on to whatever lies in store for those who
have died. Oblivion is simply; oblivion. The
total destruction of mind and soul.

All Wraiths are seeking one of these two

goals. Although, few know of anyone who’s
truly found Transcendence.

Ghosts’ territory is directly tied to their
fretters. Most will merely be possessive over
a small object and one or two mortals.
However some will lay claim to entire
buildings, or city blocks. But such specters
are rare, and usually draw the attention of
Ghost Hunters or Exorcists.

Those looking to find Ghosts to ensnare are

recommended to start by looking at
obituaries and death notices. Then confer
with their family, and friends. Seek out their
gravestone, home, or places important to
them. Disciples such as Auspex, Blood
Sorcery and Oblivion also help with locating
Wraiths and their fretters.

The North End, Downtown, and Chinatown

all have a relatively large population of
Wraiths. Most of them are already bound to
the Hecata. Those that aren’t take extra
precautions to avoid detection.

Emerson’s Cutler Majestic Theater, the

Omni-Parker House, and the Boston
Athenaeum are all confirmed to have
Wraith roaming their halls outside of the
Hecata’s Control.

Areas Boston reclaimed from the

surrounding tidal flats, such as East Boston,
Back Bay, and parts of Southie are notable
for their lack of powerful specters. Most
Ghosts lurking here had relatively recent
deaths. They’ve yet to be tied down to a

They also lack the powers and abilities the

harsh life of a Hecata Thrall forced Central
Boston Wraiths to develop. But, that also
means these are some of the few
independent Wraiths in Boston that will not
attack a Vampire on sight.


All Wraiths are invisible and intangible. They can only be seen through Auspex, Oblivion and
certain other Disciplines. They can only be affected by supernatural sources of damage. Most
Wraiths can take and leave physical form at will. They are troublesome opponents.
Outside of using Oblivion, or Blood Sorcery, the best option for Vampires is diplomacy &
blackmail. Attempting to appease the ghost, gaining control over their fretter, or helping it
conclude its unfinished business will all eliminate the spirit from the mortal world. Additional
information on Ghosts can be found in Cult of the Blood Gods.


Helen MacGregor - Opera Eddy Summers - Peeping

Screamer Poltergeist
Age: 141 (Appears 24) Age: 32 (Appears 28)
Ambition: Achieve transcendence Ambition: Drag as many people into Oblivion
Convictions: Everything good is fleeting Convictions: Everybody’ a bad person when given
Fretters: Cutler Majestic Theater. Boston Theater the chance
Critic’s Choice Award ‘02 Fretters: Abby Lane, the drive who killed him. The
Chinatown Hotel
Attributes: (8 / 4)
Strength 1 Dexterity 4 Stamina 4 Attributes: ( 8 /3 )
Charisma 5 Manipulation 4 Composure 3 Strength 4 Dexterity 2 Stamina 4
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 3 Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 1
Intelligence 1 Wits 2 Resolve 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 6
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 5
Skills: Stealth 5, Etiquette 3, Insight 2, Intimidation
3, Performance 5, Persuasion 4, Politics 3, Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Survival 1, Intimidation,
Leadership 3, 2, Subterfuge 3, Occult 1, Politics 1,
Arcanoi: Technology 3
Terrifying Voice: Helen rolls 8 dice (Charisma +
Intimidation) against her victims’ Composure + Arcanoi:
Resolve. On a success the victim is paralyzed with fear Phantasmal Grasp: Eddy can reach out to touch
for one round. people and things in the real world. He rolls 8 dice
Shattering Song: Her powerful voice buffets a (Strength + Brawl) against their Dexterity + Strength.
victim. Helen may use her Stamina + Charisma to On a success, Eddy has “grabbed” his victim. They
make physical attacks against a victim. cannot move until they break out.
Mirror Cameo: Helen can briefly manifest an image Kill the Vibe: Eddy rolls 6 dice (Manipulation +
of any actress she has seen preform on stage. Subterfuge) opposed by his victims Resolve +
Composure. On a success Edgar may implant a
Bio: Killed by an experimental operation meant to thought and general feeling in the victim.
heal her failing hearing, Helen’s promising opera
career was cut short at the age of 24. Now she lurks in Bio: Eddy died crossing the street while watching the
the theater, attempting to take her final bow. live feed from a camera he installed in a hotel room.
Now a ghost he watches people across the city,
seeking cheap thrills while he awaits oblivion


Shrouded in in rumor and superstition, Their commitment to romance, adventure,

Changelings, or Kithain, are rather hope and optimism is insufferable to many
common. But, they are only active as cynical Kindred. But those who share their
Changelings for short amounts of ideals, normally of Clan Ravnos, Malkavian
time. They, and all things of Fae nature, or Toreador, may find them entertaining
have an uncanny ability to slip from companions, and valuable friends.
memory. So, most Changelings are unaware Changelings do tend to avoid Kindred. Most
of their Fae nature until they are about 12 Vampires are actively shaping, controlling
years old and have forgotten about their and corrupting institutions that stifle the
true selves by the time they turn 40. creativity and whimsy Changelings need to
Those who meet an active Kithain realize
that Changelings are transgressive, curious, The basis of Changelings Society is the Oath.
passionate, and deeply tragic figures. A formal promise, Oaths bind Changelings
Changelings are fueled by the dreams and into groups called Motleys. Although it is
imagination of mankind, so much so that not uncommon to find Changelings acting
they find the dullness of the modern world, alone. These Motleys are then organized
what they call “Banality” toxic to their very into large Houses, Kingdoms, and Courts.
existence. But, straying too far from the But, most Motleys are unconcerned with
modern world leads them into madness and wider Changelings politics. Instead they
bedlam. focus on personal problems.


Changelings do not command intricate The Fool’s Gambit is run by Margaret

conspiracies or carve out vast territories. Murphy, a towering elf-like Changeling. She
Few control industries, corporations, keeps it open to all Fae and their guests.
organizations, or street gangs. Most Regardless of Oaths or outside allegiances.
changelings are content to have a few close But outsiders are rarely shown its location
companions with particularly vivid and always get lost whenever they try to find
imaginations and dreams. it on their own.

In addition to their home, school and work, Every 4th of July the Fool’s Gambit hosts an
most Changelings will watch over a annual riddle contest. Riddles are added to
particular bar, coffee shop, theater, studio, a barrel throughout the year, and on the 4th
or forest glen. In addition to their all of July the barrel is opened. Contests are
important “Free Hold.” Free Holds are asked riddles till only two remain. They then
places where the barrier between Dreams engage in a dule, challenging each other
and Reality is thin. “Glamor” runs rampant, with riddles of their own formulation. The
Changelings adopt their true forms, and winner is declared the Riddle Master and
imagination is unleashed. has rights to the best seat in the house for
the rest of the year.
Boston is home to a particularly storied Free
Hold called The Fools Gambit. It’s located In addition, the Fools Gambit also contains
somewhere in Downtown, not far from the a backdoor to “the Dreaming” a realm of
Boston Common. Inside a large hearth fire magic and raw creativity fueled by mortal’s
roars, bathing the Tavern with warm orange dreams and imagination. Physics and logic
light. Changelings of all ages can be found cease meaning. Dragons, sea monsters, and
carousing around the massive oak bar, unfathomable nightmares lurk. But no
resting in comfy armchairs and puzzling Kindred who has entered the dreaming
over riddles scrawled onto the walls. remembers their experience there.


Most Vampires dismiss Changelings as rare

creatures, unreliable as allies or thralls. But,
wise elders know they can be particularly
troublesome and unpredictable foes.
Changelings are identical to mortals unless
viewed with Auspex, which will reveal their
true “Chimerical” self.

Changelings take aggravated damage the

same as other humans. However, they also
receive aggravated damage from “Cold
Iron.” If physically harming a Changeling
these are the best methods.

However, Changelings can be delt with

without resorting to violence. Cutting them
off from the Dreaming forces them to suffer
“Chimerical Death.” They lose access their
Fae Powers, and any memories of the
supernatural are dismissed as “dreams and

To cause Chimerical Death in Changelings,

focus on exposing them to Banality. Being
grounded, getting detention, doing a tax
audit, going through the legal system, job
hunting, looking for a new apartment or
other mundane and soul crushing activities
all generate Banality.

In addition try to remove their sources of

Glamor. Glamor is created by powerful
emotions, imagination, and raw creation. It
comes from “Dreamers” pursuing their
passion. Usually artists, musicians, writers,
and inventors, but Dreamers can also be
serial killers or arsonists. Preventing
Changelings from associating with
Dreamers will force them to deplete their
store of Glamor, leaving them defenseless.


Competitive Redcap Nobel Troll

Age: 16 Age: 25
Ambition: Win the state football championship. By Ambition: Keep outsiders out of the Fool's Gambit
any means necessary Convictions: Trust must be earned
Convictions: Anything’s legal if you don’t get caught Discipline Strength: 2
Discipline Strength: 1
Attributes: (6 / 4)
Attributes: ( 5 / 3 ) Strength 5 Dexterity 3 Stamina 5
Strength 2 Dexterity 4 Stamina 4 Charisma 3 Manipulation 2 Composure 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 3 Composure 2 Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 4
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 8 Willpower 7
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 5
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Melee 4, Survival 3,
Skills: Brawl 4, Firearms 1, Melee 2, Stealth 3, Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 2, Insight 1, Intimidation 1,
Survival 1, Intimidation 3, Performance 2, Subterfuge Leadership 3, Awareness 2, Politics 3,
2, Awareness 1, Medicine 2.
Disciplines: Fortitude 5, Potence 2, Celerity 1,
Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Celerity 2, Potence 3, Protean 3
Protean 3
Bio: Recently graduated with a degree in Outdoor
Bio: A linebacker for the Roxbury Raiders, he is a Education. She works as a ranger in the Neponset
feisty little gremlin with red hair. He has a Voracious River Reservation in Dorchester. She also serves as a
appetite and revels in disgusting his peers. Scoutmaster for Troop 255

Slugha Lore Keeper Lovable Leprechaun

Age: 41 Age: 24
Ambition: Gain control of the Boston Library Ambition: Travel the world
Convictions: Secrets are only valuable because of Convictions: People take themselves too seriously
their scarcity Discipline Strength: 2
Discipline Strength: 3
Attributes: (5 / 3)
Attributes: ( 8 /3 ) Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 4 Charisma 4 Manipulation 2 Composure 1
Charisma 3 Manipulation 5 Composure 4 Intelligence 2 Wits 4 Resolve 3
Intelligence 4 Wits 3 Resolve 5
Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 7 Willpower 9
Skills: Brawl, Craft, Larceny, Stealth, Animal Ken,
Skills: Craft 2, Larceny 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Insight, Leadership, Performance, Streetwise,
Etiquette 2, Insight 1, Performance 3, Streetwise 2, Medicine, Politics
Subterfuge 2, Academics 4, Awareness 3,
Investigation 3, Occult3 Disciplines: Celerity 3, Potence 1, Presence 3,
Dominate 1
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 3, Presence 3
Bio: When not tending bars in Southie, this
Bio: Working as a librarian at the BPL’s Chinatown Leprechaun can be found Busking across the city. She
branch. She’s an unsettling presence, which suits her enjoys putting on a lively show, and getting into a
just fine. She longs to be left alone with her books. good scrape.

Selkie Lifeguard
Age: 18
Ambition: Get my crush to go out with me
Convictions: Trust must be earned
Discipline Strength: 1

Attributes: (6 / 4)
Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 4 Manipulation 2 Composure 3
Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 2

Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 5

Skills: Athletics 3 (Swimming), Drive 1, Stealth 1,

Survival 1, Animal Ken 1, Insight 2, Leadership 1,
Performance 2, Subterfuge 1, Academics 2,
Technology 1

Disciplines: Presence 2, Celerity 2

Bio: Part of Quincy High School’s Swim Team, she is

a shy, and absent-minded girl. She struggles
navigating the social hierarchy and dating pool of high

Eccentric Knocker
Age: 31
Ambition: Invent something absolutely perfect.
Convictions: Hard Work pays off
Discipline Strength: 2

Attributes: (5 / 3)
Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 2 Composure 2
Intelligence 4 Wits 3 Resolve 3

Secondary Attributes: Health 6 Willpower 4

Skills: Craft 5, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Insight 2,

Intimidation 3, Performance 1, Academics 2, Finance
2, Science 2, Technology 4

Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 2, Presence 3

Bio: He loves to tinker and runs a computer store in

Back Bay. It specializes in building gaming PCs. He’s
never truly happy with his work, but the customers all
give rave reviews.


Sword of Washington: Pixie Dust

Supposed to be the sword General Fine white sand. When sprinkled on a
Washington used to command his troops at mortal they are much harder to wake.
the battle of Dorchester heights. The blade Changelings claim it also ensures vivid
is ordinary steel, but legend says it cuts all dreams and refreshing sleep. Mechanically
men the same. mortals who have Pixie Dust sprinkled on
their eyes heal two willpower that night.
The sword of Washington deals aggravated Kindred gain no benefits.
damage to Mortals, Kindred, Werewolves,
Changelings and Wraiths. The Hall Pass
Simple leather wallet with a faded yellow ID
Edger’s Cloak inside. The face on the ID always looks
The Changelings claim this cloak was made almost like the last person holding it. The
from Edger Allen Poe’s childhood blankets. text and layout of the ID will match
The claim is dubious, but the cloak is whatever story the holder tells about
fashionable. Although it seems to move a themselves. However any QR Codes & ID
little too long before and after a breeze. The Numbers will be obviously wrong.
wearer can also hear a faint whispering
when wearing it. Bottled Lightning
This dusty mason jar glows bright blue.
Kindred suffer no effects from the Cloak, Touching it sends a tingle through your arm.
but mortals who wear it will suffer a terrible When shattered the lighting is released.
nightmare the week after they wear it. Lightning deals aggravated damage to
Mechanically they heal no willpower or Kindred and most Changelings.
superficial damage that night.
Twinning Rings
Portkey Simple gold rings that link the bodies of the
This beautiful antique lighter has detailed wearers. Any damage suffered by one of the
engraving, the bottom reads “to Robin with wearers is also inflicted on the other.
love”. It’s almost out of fuel.
Dubious Dice
When struck, the Portkey will teleport the These simple wooden dice are connected to
holder back to the last fire it started, a string. They seem to remove randomness.
provided the flames have not gone out.
Lamps, candles, campfires, and cigarettes Mechanically they allow you to replace one
count, so long as they have not gone cold to of your hunger dice with a D20. Success is 11
the touch. If the portkey is struck and the
or higher. 1 triggers a bestial failure, 20
last fire has gone out, nothing happens.
triggers a messy critical.
Hawthorn’s Pen
An antique fountain pen of brass and onyx, Brimstone
believed to be used while writing The Scarlet This fist sized lump of reddish coal will
Letter. Changelings guard it with jealousy. never go out once lit aflame. There are
several pieces of Brimstone already
Lucky Coin smoldering inside the hearth fire at the
A half-dollar coin minted in 1969. It always
lands on heads. Under the right light you Fool’s Gambit. These are a popular garnish
can swear JFK is winking at you. for drinks.

Following are a handful of quick scenarios for Storytellers looking for inspiration, a jumping off
point or to just fill a session. These outlines lack the detail of a full chronicle but should provide
a framework for a short story to introduce your players to specific aspects of Boston.


Suggested Sect: Camarilla Suggested Sect: Hecata or Camarilla
Cast: Effie Feng, Percival, April Bosley, Cast: Trent Dallas, Boston’s Hecata
Deslin Coates Attribute Focus: Mental, Physical
Attribute Focus: Social, Physical Neighborhood: Beacon Hill
Neighborhoods: Cambridge, Chinatown What Did Happened: Attempting to
What Did Happened: Effie Feng has expand into the real estate business Trent
learned of the recently “abandoned” Dallas bought a recently abandoned home
Institute. Hoping to bolster her support in Beacon Hill. Upon inspection he
through the city, she wants the Malkavians discovered it has a ghost living inside it. He
held there to be released. She’s partnered approached the Coterie looking for help
with Percival to make this happen. The flipping it for a profit.
former knight has approached your coterie What Could Happen:
to help ensure the precise outcome. • The Coterie takes him up on the
What Could Happen: offer. But instead of improving the
• Percival arranges to ambush your house, they take the keys and use it
players right outside of Elysium, in as a communal haven. The ghost is
full view of the court. After a rough annoying, but nothing they can’t
fight, she’s subdued. Deslin pushes handle. They gain a two dot haven,
for her destruction, but Hazel insists but Dallas will act as a one dot
she can still be helped. The players enemy unless they pay him with
are then tasked with delivering her three dots of resources.
to the Institute the following night. • Handling it on their own, the Coterie
• You spark an all-out brawl inside defeats the ghost in combat. Dallas
Elysium. Your players intervene to sells the house and gives the coterie
protect some members of the court, a dot of resources. However, in a
potentially being given the title of month, the ghost returns acting as a
hounds (two dots of status). But one dot enemy whenever the Coterie
Percival has a Blood Hunt declared is in Beacon Hill.
on her, forcing her to join with the • Taking the issue to Boston’s Hecata
Anarchs. Effie is furious at all of you, they offer to buy the building
acting as a two-dot enemy when outright, offering the coterie two
visiting Chinatown. dots worth of resources. The Ghost is
• Entering Elysium, an embarrassing never a problem again, and the
argument is sparked by Percival. Hecata now has an operating base in
However, it’s not enough for the Beacon Hill.
court to have her thrown into the
Institute. Feng is disappointed but
resolves to try again.
• Taking her plot to Hazel Iverson, or
one of the court earns the coterie a
Minor boon. However, the Court
realizes that Percival has outlived her
usefulness, and tasks the coterie with
disposing of her permanently.


Suggested Sect: Anarch or Hecata Suggested Sect: Anarch
Cast: Tempa Dolma, Franz Galverz Cast: Harry Doyle, Yesenia Mora, Berel
Attribute Focus: Physical, Mental Underwood
Neighborhood: Roxbury Attribute Focus: Social, Physical
What Did Happened: Tempa Dolma has Neighborhood: Revere, East Boston
learned one of the Tremere artifacts lost What Did Happened: Yesenia Mora has
during Operation Swansong has ended up in decided to partner with Berel underwood
the hands of the Banu Haqim. Dolma fears for her smuggling and shipping needs after
they may study it to learn some of her clan’s Harry Doyle missed an important shipment.
secret blood sorcery rituals and has enlisted This would cut off one of Doyle’s most
the coterie to get it back. lucrative revenue streams. He’s enlisted the
What Could Happen: Coterie to ensure Berel’s test run goes
• Breaking into a Roxbury Compound, poorly. The pieces Yesenia is shipping go
the Coterie defeats a series of out in two nights. He doesn’t know where
mundane and magical traps to claim they’re being kept but has identified the ship
the artifact and return it to Dolma. they’ll be loaded onto.
• Negotiating with Franz proves to be What Could Happen:
a dead end, so the Coterie bullies • The Coterie openly attacks the ships
Jimmy Hill, or enlists the aid of stealing the counterfeit artifacts in a
Yasmine. They recover the artifact, brazen heist. The loot is worth an
but now require protection from additional dot of resources. If the
Franz. Coterie’s involvement is discovered
• Franz has already learned how to Yesenia will refuse to be bullied
replicate the rituals that imbued the away by other Kindred and double
object with its power. He offers them down on working with Berel.
a replica of it in exchange for • Doing some investigating, the
keeping this secret. Coterie discovers Berel is grossly
• The Coterie seeks the aid of Leonie. overcharging Yesenia for his
She uses this opportunity to services. They can take this info to
highlight Tempa’s “incompetence” Yesenia and Harry Doyle, earning
and force her out of the Chantry. them each as a one dot ally. Or, they
• The Artifact has been stolen by a could take their knowledge to Berel.
Cabal of Mages who seek to use it in Impressed with their ruthlessness,
their plans. The Coterie is forced to he’ll offer to cut them in on the
hunt them down before whatever scheme, acting as a one dot ally and
scheme they’ve developed comes to giving them a dot of resources.
fruition. • Discovering where Berel is storying
the artifacts in East Boston, the
Coterie sneaks in ahead of time to
destroy, or steal them. In a few
weeks when they’re unloaded in
Europe, Yesenia gets word about
their absence or condition. Furious,
she’ll publicly confront Berel at
Elysium, damaging his reputation.
Doyle will reward the players with a
temporary dot of resources and act
as a two dot ally going forward.

The Devil shouted “Pissah”

‘Cuz he knew he’d just been tossed.
He started cuggin vodka,
to soffen up the loss.
Sully shouted “Devil come on back,
if you ever wanna press you luck.
I told you once you hard-on.
You’re a Whicked. Stupid. Fuck.”
-Adam Ezra

Written by
Alexander Hahn

Format & Layout by

Alexander Hahn

Composition Editing by
Alexander Hahn

Thanks to:
William ”Sezra” Cross III, Benson Langton, and Elizabeth Harper.
Thank you for providing feedback and acting as content readers for sections of this source book.
Without your contributions and encouragement this would have remained scattered campaign
notes on a dusty hard drive.

Special Thanks:
The White Wolf Wiki, WoD Discord & r/WhiteWolfRPG for providing an incredible community
and being an easy access lore repository.

Smithsonian Open Access & Wikimedia Commons for providing powerful search tools and easy
access to Public Domain images.

Wikipedia, as the first port of call for any research.

The countless Boston Historians, Academics and Citizens who’s work recording information
about this city has made this book possible.

Adam Carnevale for sparking my love of TTRPGs.

Brian Mitsoda for introducing me to the World of Darkness.

Boston. The first city I have truly loved.


Artwork utilized in this book is either original from the author, has been taken from public
domain sources or was previously licensed for use in another Vampire the Masquerade product.
Public domain works have been determined as such either by nature of their publication date, or
by the original artists application of Creative Commons “CC-0” or “CC-BY” license. No artwork
published under a CC BY-SA, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-NC-ND or other
restricted license has been used in this work to the best of this author's knowledge.

Artworks available under Public Domain:

At Dusk (Boston Common at Twilight) by Childe Laboratory (3) by Linda Bartlett. Link
Hassam. Link Amisom Uganda 33Btn 05 (6440489847) by
View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, AMISOM Public Information. Link
Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm by Thomas A Democratic People's Republic of Korea soldier
Cole. Link stands guard at Panmungak in Joint Security
James Renwick Brevoort, Gloucester, Area-Panmunjom, Democratic People's Republic
Massachusetts. Link of Korea by Sgt. Anderson J. Grant. Link
Jurors Listening to Counsel, Supreme Court, Disassembly at Y-12 Plant Oak Ridge Tennessee
New City Hall, New York by Winslow Homer. by Doe Oakridge. Link
Link Surgeon operating, Fitzsimons Army Medical
First in peace by Popular Graphic Arts. Link Center, circa 1990 by Unknown. Link
Boston firetruck parked on a street at night Amateur flame-in-hand illusion with hidden
(Unsplash) by Osman Rana. Link tealight candle by Роман Рябенко. Link
The Great Fire at Boston LACMA by Currier & Stained Glass in church of São Paulo 04 by
Ives. Link Wilfredor. Link
North End, Boston, United States (Unsplash) by Steampunk machinery at Steampunk HQ by
Akhil Dakinedi. Link Pseudopanax. Link
Old North Church by NPS Photo. Link Alchemy IV by Katherine Hanlon. Link
Pailou in Boston by Marco ALmbauer. Link Cyber by Kai Stachowaik. Link
Backbay from south by Anurodh Pokhare. Link Musician in white and red smoke by Austin
Alley house on the South Side, Pittsburgh by Neill. Link
Cbaile19. Link Kreuzmodale Aufmerksameit (Schattenwald)by
Boston at sunset by Robmyskis. Link Rhetos. Link
Little French Market by Frederick G. Hall. Link Wolf and Fox Hunt by Peter Paul Rubens. Link
Boston Stump by Kerr Eby. Link Deming The Mourning Brave by Edwin Willard
No Yuppies. (3113776007) by Andy Thrasher. Deming. Link
Link The Lorelei-saam by Albert Pinkham Ryder.
City from docks at night (Unsplash) by Zoltan Link
Kovacs. Link The Princess and the Trolls by John Bauer. Link
Bicycles against wall in 23 Foster St car park Fairy in Irises by Dora Wheeler Keith. Link
(Unsplash) by Myles Tan. Link ISS satellite pictures of Boston at night by NASA.
Sneakers hang over street (Unsplash) by Arnud Link
Mesureur. Link
Winthrop MA water tower by Marcbela. Link Fifth Avenue Nocturne by Childe Hassam. Link.
Summertime by Winslow Homer. Link All Roads Lead Into Apocalypse by Martin
Revere Beach - IMG 0862 by Daderot. Link Ratas. Link
Foggy Pier by Camille Kimberly. Link Sunrise over Fishing Waters—Maine. William E.
Revolutionary 1st may demonstration Berlin Norton . Link
2021 by Leonhard Lenz. Link

Artworks available under CC-BY & Other Licenses:

Boston à lheure bleue (4769294947) by Emmanuel Huybrechts. Link

Downtown Boston skyline and reflections in the frozen Charles River by Chris Rycroft. Link
2021 MLB AL Wild Card Game by Kevin Read. Link
Untitled by Andreas Rønningen. Link

Character Portraits:

Were created through use of, Dall E, & Mage.Space’s generative

capabilities. Raw images from these sources were then edited though Photoshop.

Portraits for characters from Vampire the Masquerade Swansong (April Bosley, Hazel Iverson,
Berel Underwood, Kaisu Leto, Deslin Coates) were made by editing screenshots of in-game
renders of their respective characters models.

Portraits for Amos Breckenridge, Martha Randolph, Ion, Jennifer Rebauch, Stephano Giovanni,
Andres Giovanni, Patrick Carr, Quinten King III, Ingrid Weaver, and Elizabeth Whitt were
initially designed in Heroforge before final portraits were made in Photoshop.

Portraits for Quinten King III, Elizabeth Whitt, Effie Feng, Andres Giovanni & Stephano
Giovanni were based on the character portraits by Vince Locke and Stuart Beel published in
Giovanni Chronicles IV: Nuova Malattia and Vampire: The Masquerade Dark Colony.

Lore Sheets:

Artwork for Lore Sheets comes from Art Packs available on Storyteller’s Vault.

Vampire the Masquerade created by; Mark Rein-Hagen with Justin Achilli, Steven C. Brown,
Tom Dowd, Andrew Greenberg, Chris McDonough, Lisa Stevens, Josh Timbrook, and
Stewart Wieck.

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition created by Martin Ericsson, Karim Muammar, and
Kenneth Hite.

Clan symbols, clan fonts, and Vampire: the Masquerade Logos – Chris Elliott and Tomas Arfert.

Format, layout, and style inspired by Mike Chaney’s work at Onyx Path Publishing.

Vampire: The Masquerade Dark Colony. Source book was written by John Cooper & Beth Fishi,
developed by Andrew Greenberg, and edited by Robert Hatch.

Giovanni Chronicles IV: Nuova Malattia. Campaign was written by Heater Grove and Matthew
McFarland, developed by Justin R. Achilli, edited by Ronni Radner.

Boston by Night, a sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong and the Vampire: The
Masquerade TTRPG, written by Matthew Dawkins.

Vampire the Masquerade – Swansong designed by Clément Plantier and written by

Laure Delmas, Manon Durrieu, Pierrick Haem, Thomas Pinaire
with script by Thomas Veauclin.

Freeholds & Hidden Glens. Written by Jackie Cassada, Richard Dansky, Christopher
Hind, Christopher Howard, Ian Lemke, Jennifer Lindberg, Kevin Andrew Murphy,
Nicky Rea, and Allen Tower.

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age:
Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage:
The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The
Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus,
Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The
Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The
Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, World of
Darkness, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their
respective logos, icons and symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradox
Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault.
©2018 Paradox Interactive AB, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 4 SE-118 66 Stockholm
Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden.

Initially Published on Storyteller’s Vault 2023


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