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Shopify Basics Badge – Individual Assignment

In this assignment, the students will create their own Shopify e-commerce store with minimum
of 7 products, grouped in at least two collections (categories).

Each student who receives at least 65% on the assignment, will receive Shopify Basics badge for
the pre-launch setup of an online Shopify store. This badge gives the students experience in
building an appealing store catalogue, customizing their website, and creating additional
website content. The store is not launched to the public and each student performance will be
evaluated through the following elements:

 Products
 Homepage and Theme
 Additional Website Content
Please click on the sign-up link on the Moodle to register and start your store – You will need to
have a name of store, but it can be changed later.
Assessment and Grading:
To qualify for the Shopify Basic Badge; students must meet or exceed the standard as defined
in the rubric posted on the Moodle.
Making the Student’s Admin Configuration:
Please make me a member of your staff with full access permissions, as described in this
Browsers supported by Shopify include:

 Google Chrome
 Mozilla Firefox
 Microsoft Edge
 Opera
 Apple Safari for iOS
 Google Chrome for Android
Regulated products:
Please do not add regulated products of any kind to your store, or even mention such products
in your store name. Please refer to the Terms of Service for Shopify: and their Acceptable Use Policy here: Stores that fail to comply with Acceptable Use Policy will
be automatically frozen.

Here is a sample of restricted products in US:


When asked to pick a plan:

Students should ignore any emails that ask them to choose a plan. Merchants using free trials
of various kinds are repeatedly encouraged to pick a plan, both through in-Admin messaging
and emails. Students on the Open Learning program don’t need to do this.
Additional Resources:
Watch or join one of the startup webinars at
Help documentation:
The Shopify Help Center at explains every aspect of the Shopify
We suggest you start with:

If you prefer videos, here is Shopify’s Youtube channel:

Shopify Blog:
Shopify publishes regular blog posts on a wide variety of topics:
Getting Help:
There is no charge for using the Support team at Shopify. If you can’t find the answer you need
through searching the documentation or online resources then reach out to help team at and they will direct you to the right place.

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