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Smart Email Capture

What do they get? Give

a visual teaser. I really
like to use GIFs in which
I’m scrolling through
the document.

I created a ___________________________ that will help you Why would they want
it? How is it helping
with/to _________________________________________________. them?

Set the expectation that

Shall I send it to you by email, Max? you’re going to ask for
an email address.

Yes, please! Not interested

Ok, great!

Click the bubble below or type another email address Explain that they can
click the pre-filled quick
and I’ll send it there. reply or type another
email address.

Ok, thanks! Your _________ will be there in 2 to 5 minutes.

Sometimes with Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail/Outlook it ends Does the email address

contain “gmail”? Then
up in your promotion folder, just so you know. mention the email
could end up in their
promotion folder.

Created by Max van Collenburg

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