Laveena's Week 1

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by Laveena Arora - Monday, 19 July 2021, 12:01 PM

Number of replies: 2

Undoubtedly, the mining company executive remark is not completely applicable. In my opinion, every
factor is equally enormous to the survival of the company. Mining firms includes the extraction of
minerals, oil shale, metals, ores that entails serious physical activities which needs land, labour, and
machinery to operate all the exercise effectively.

But over time, technological advancements and automation have become an indispensable part of the
mining industry because miners work in underground mines and sometimes due to the collapse of roofs,
water floods or any other disaster happens (M.C. Fuerstenau, 1996). In addition, the software and
knowledge business is extremely favourable to preventing all these accidents and for safety measures.
For Instance, many mining companies use air pressure sensors to check air pressure and oxygen level in
mines and along with that nowadays firms also use software to detect toxic gases, errors and to provide
timely information to workers about the hazard.

Human resource and organizational behaviour theories must manage all the sources equally to achieve
organizational goals (Mcshane, 2021). As it is quite evident that environment of the company change on
regular basis. The company must choose a flexible approach so it can be changed according to the day-
to-day situations of the firm. As a result which can enhance leadership as well as financial effectiveness
(Fiedler, F. E.,1986).

Simply put, the executive's comment is not fully applicable as nowadays every sector prefers software
and information technology more than physical capital which is an integral asset for the company but in
the mining industry, both are equally significant. Ultimately, it's evident to follow flexible and reliable
approaches to balance situations more effectively.

Mcshane, S. Tasa, & Steen, S. (2021) "Canadian Organizational Behaviour" (11th Edition). New york:

Chi, G., M.C. Fuerstenau, R.C. Bradt, and A. Ghosh. 1996. Improved communication efficiency through
controlled blasting during mining. International Journal of Mineral Processes 47: 93–101.

Fiedler, F. E. (1986) "The contribution of cognitive resources to leadership performance", Journal of

applied social psychology 16: 532–545.

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