Game Theory Meets With Quantum Networks

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Quantum Game Theory meets Quantum

Indrakshi Dey, Senior Member, IEEE, Nicola Marchetti, Senior Member, IEEE, Marcello Caleffi, Senior
Member, IEEE, and Angela Sara Cacciapuoti, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Classical game theory is a powerful tool focusing on optimized resource distribution, allocation and sharing in classical wired
and wireless networks. As quantum networks are emerging as a means of providing true connectivity between quantum computers, it
is imperative and crucial to exploit game theory for addressing challenges like entanglement distribution and access, routing, topology
extraction and inference for quantum networks. Quantum networks provide the promising opportunity of employing quantum games
arXiv:2306.08928v1 [cs.NI] 15 Jun 2023

owing to their inherent capability of generating and sharing quantum states. Besides, quantum games offer enhanced payoffs and
winning probabilities, new strategies and equilibria, which are unimaginable in classical games. Employing quantum game theory to
solve fundamental challenges in quantum networks opens a new fundamental research direction necessitating inter-disciplinary efforts.
In this article, we introduce a novel game-theoretical framework for exploiting quantum strategies to solve, as archetypal example, one
of the key functionality of a quantum network, namely, the entanglement distribution. We compare the quantum strategies with classical
ones by showing the quantum advantages in terms of link fidelity improvement and latency decrease in communication. In future, we
will generalize our game framework to optimize entanglement distribution and access over any quantum network topology. We will
also explore how quantum games can be leveraged to address other challenges like routing, optimization of quantum operations and
topology design.

Index Terms—Quantum Networks, Quantum Games, Entanglement Distribution, Network Topology, Fidelity, Latency


E VERYONE wants to enter the quantum race, from tech

giants to states and governments with massive public
funds for infrastructure development, like European Com-
Quantum networks have to exploit the unique phe-
nomenon of entanglement [6] to fully unleash the com-
munication and computing potentialities allowed by quan-
mission’s Quantum Technologies Flagship program [1], and tum mechanics. Entanglement is the most powerful form
USA’s National Quantum Initiative worth 1.2 billion US$ of correlation with no-counterpart in the classical world,
[2]. Such a huge investment is motivated by the promise a property that can be exploited for information process-
of quantum computer’s capability of executing tasks that ing between two quantum communicating nodes, sepa-
choke classical computers within realistic time-scale [3]. rated by considerable distance. Therefore, entanglement has
Unleashing the full potential of quantum computing re- emerged and elevated as the most important ‘resource’ for
quires implementation of operations among a large number the communication over quantum networks; its importance
of qubits, which is impossible for a single quantum proces- is analogous to the fundamental role played by frequency
sor to execute with the current level of technology. In order bands or sub-bands within classical networks. Irrespective
to circumvent the challenges associated with large mono- of the kind of entanglement, bipartite or multipartite, it is
lithic quantum processors, the most promising approach is a very fragile resource, difficult to generate and retain in a
to network multiple realizable smaller quantum processors sustainable way. However, in order to leverage the prop-
(or nodes) together [4]. Each such processor can execute erties of entanglement for communication within quantum
few operations individually, but when interconnected in a networks, entanglement needs to be distributed among the
quantum network i.e. the Quantum Internet, one is able to communicating nodes. Formulating algorithms for manag-
compile large and complex computing tasks exceeding the ing entanglement within a quantum network and distribut-
computing power of a single quantum processor. As quan- ing entangled states between multiple nodes (processors)
tum networks will be rolled out, providing true quantum is a fundamentally crucial and complex challenge [7]. A
connectivity between quantum computers over short and promising solution for entanglement distribution within
long distances, it will be possible to realize a wide range quantum networks can be the development of centralized
of distributed quantum computing, secure communications, or distributed decision-making targeting the optimization
and quantum-enhanced applications [5]. of long-term system properties.
Decision-making procedures exploit the interplay be-
tween instantaneous distribution of resources and long-term
• ©2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from performance results in distinctive formulations, and aim
IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future
media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising at optimizing figures-of-merits subjected to associated con-
or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or straints. In classical networks, constraints are environmental
redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of characteristics, like, fading, pathloss and interference, while
this work in other works.
figures-of-merit are error probability performance, spectral

efficiency, outage probability. On the other hand, in quan- games can achieve equilibria outperforming their classical
tum networks, constraints are characteristics resulting from counterparts and allow the players to explore correlated
the interaction between quantum states and the environ- outcomes (with no-counterpart in the classical world) even
ment, in a noise process known as decoherence with no- in the absence of communication [11].
counterpart in the classical world. Figures-of-merit include
fidelity, or communication rate in terms of ebits per channel
use [8].
In this article, we aim at exploiting the promise of game
theory for quantum networks. As a first-ever application,
Motivation we propose a novel game-theoretic framework for entan-
Classical game theory has proved to be instrumental in opti- glement distribution, capable of establishing stable links
mized decision-making for resource distribution, allocation between any two nodes separated by a distance within
and sharing within resource-constrained classical networks, fixed network topologies. Consequently, we investigate how
like Internet-of-Things (IoT), network of unmanned aerial classical and quantum strategies can be formulated for the
vehicles (UAVs) [9]. Game theory-based framework has game framework such that fidelity is maximized, while
been a preferred choice for online decision-making with maintaining entanglement rate, and link latency is mini-
limited and incomplete information, over i) traditional nu- mized subjected to coherence time constraint.
merical optimization techniques, which become too com- We formulate two different kinds of games; i) multi-
plex to solve with the increase in the network size and player coalition game where multiple nodes within a quan-
number of parameters involved, and ii) learning techniques, tum network cooperate to establish entanglement (link)
which are only as good as the a-priori data (information) between source and final destination, ii) 2-way consensus
available, and need complete information about the net- game, where each node decides on the next 1-hop des-
work to achieve reliable performance. Besides, learning tination among multiple nodes available to communicate
and common optimization techniques operate offline with with. We devise both classical and quantum strategies for
average response time increasing exponentially with the each game; where quantum strategies offer advantage in
increase in the number of nodes and shortage in the resource performance in both cases.
(like, computing power, memory) availability. Game theory Introduction of quantum strategies blurs the boundary
champions optimization scenarios with limited information between cooperative and competitive scenario, as the initial
as it enables entities to model uncertainties resulting from entangled quantum state allows players to utilize the corre-
other entities’ behaviors and to alter their actions based on lations present in the state. In this paper, we deviate a bit
the models, and learns from the network topology to enable from this condition in our 2-way consensus game, where
stable coordination in a decentralized setting. Furthermore, the players’ action does not depend only on the player’s
game-theoretic techniques are distributed decision-making observation of the quantum state received from the referee.
tools, which makes them scalable with the network size in The player decides on the next node for communicating,
terms of computational complexity and memory require- based on fidelity payoff and latency cost estimates over the
ments. forwards links available.
Quantum Games promise increase in efficiency and
payoffs, emergence of new equilibria and novel game
strategies which are simply not possible in the classical
domain. Owing to these advantages, quantum games have G AMES
been applied to recast different quantum algorithms and Game theory provides a set of mathematical tools and
information processing techniques as games characterized frameworks that leverage interactions of rational hetero-
by strategies and rules for gathering a deeper understanding geneous self-interested entities with different information
of those algorithms and techniques. Examples include ex- availability, to achieve a global objective and predict system-
perimental demonstration of quantum Prisoner’s Dilemma level emerging behaviors. From a network perspective,
using nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computers, one- game models can capture the influence of the network topol-
way model of quantum computation, or alternatively, repre- ogy on distributed decision-making processes of entities,
sentation of quantum non-locality, cluster-state generation, with the freedom to plan their moves independently based
or different counter-intuitive paradoxes using non-zero-sum on their own goals and incomplete local information. A
games or graphic games [10]. However, neither classical nor basic game model involves five components : a) Players -
quantum games have ever been exploited for solving chal- Participants or decision-makers; b) Action - Preferred move
lenges like, distribution and sharing of fragile resources like of each player through implementation of player’s control;
entanglement, optimized topology extraction, and fidelity- c) Information - Local or global knowledge that dictates
guaranteed information routing through fixed or dynamic each player’s decision; d) Strategy - Mapping player’s
quantum networking topologies in both competitive and moves with the information available to it at any point in
cooperative scenarios. As the Quantum Internet gradually time; e) Utility or Payoff - Each player’s preference ordering
becomes a reality, it will be possible for quantum net- of possible game outcomes.
works to leverage the benefits offered by quantum games A very important concept in game theory is Equilib-
over classical games in the aforementioned challenges. rium. The most commonly known form of equilibrium
Indeed, by incorporating quantumness in form of pre- is the Nash Equilibrium (NE). NE constitutes an optimal
shared entanglement among network nodes, quantum set of strategies, for all players within a game under a

Quantum Strategies of winning is 0.75, while if the resource is quantum (like a

pair of maximally-entangles qubits), the probability of joint
winning exceeds 0.75 i.e., cos2 π/8 > 0.75. This gain in pay-
Player 1

offs can be attributed to the fact that entanglement interferes

Input States

Quantum with the dilemma present in classical games. In classical

Player 2
games, dilemma refers to the condition where one player
can only win by lowering another player’s expected payoff.
Player N
In the quantum version, by incorporating entanglement at
the initial state of the game, more than one player can win
with acceptable payoffs within the range of possible payoffs
Quantum Strategies for strategies available in the game. Including entanglement
at the initial state determines generation of a range of
(a) Cooperative Scenario strategies that are not available with a classical game and
Quantum Strategies
classical players. Classical games and classical players resort
to deterministic strategies, which allow only one player
L? Retreat
to win under a certain scenario with maximum possible
Player 1 Action 1 payoff. Quantum strategies can be formulated using convex
linear combinations of unitary actions, and more than one
W ? Engage player can maximize its expected payoff accordingly to
Input States

L? Retreat
a selected strategy. Since quantum actions form a convex
Player 2 Action 2 compact subset of a finite dimensional vector space, game
equilibria will exist following Glicksberg’s generalization of
W ? Engage NE [14].
Quantum games can be cooperative (all players have
L? Retreat common interests) or competitive (players compete for a
particular target or have conflicting interests). However, the
Player N Action N way they are played, i.e. the strategies and actions taken by
W ? Engage the players, are different; a representation of how coopera-
tive and competitive quantum games are played differently
Quantum Strategies is provided in Fig. 1. For example, in the top part of Fig. 1,
(b) Competitive Scenario two or more players playing as a group cooperatively can
coordinate their strategies using a quantumly entangled
Fig. 1. Diagrammatic Representation of Quantum Games in Cooperative pair of systems. Players within the group can each decide
and Competitive Scenarios. on the respective moves, based on their own individual
situation and observation of other players’ strategies. The
certain scenario, with which no player can increase their cur- extra information on another player’s strategy can help a
rent expected payoff further by unilaterally changing their player decide on its move, rather than going for a random
strategies. NE, however, requires any player to know its step, thereby enhancing the player’s winning probability.
opponent’s strategies. When there is incomplete information For the competitive scenario at the bottom of Fig. 1, players
available on the opponent’s strategies, NE is extended to independently decide on their strategies and actions based
Bayesian equilibrium, where the set of optimal strategies is on their own individual situations. Depending on the pay-
obtained using information on all possible sets of strategies offs they receive in return, they can either win, lose but stay
and actions available in the game. In a network scenario, in the game, or retreat.
where multiple players cooperate to create a link, Wardrop
equilibrium [12] is used to refer to a set of optimal strategies,
through which players can ensure that the journey time G AME - BASED O PTIMIZATION F RAMEWORK FOR
for information between them is minimum. Depending on E NTANGLEMENT D ISTRIBUTION
the kind of game played and nature of players, the choice The primary contribution of this section is to employ
of equilibrium is crucial for determining mathematically game-theoretic framework for addressing the fundamental
and logically the players’ actions that can ensure the best challenge in quantum networks. Specifically, we focus on
outcome for each player. distributing entanglement among multiple nodes within
Games can be classical or quantum depending a quantum network, targeting optimization of long-term
on whether they employ classical or quantum re- system properties like, fidelity and coherence, entanglement
sources/strategies respectively. Quantum games offer ad- rate and latency in communication. Current technology
vantages over classical games in terms of winning proba- restricts quantum networks to be limited to fixed topologies
bilities, efficiency, payoffs and equilibria [11]. Quantum where the quantum nodes are usually connected through
strategies also offer strictly higher average payoffs over optical fibre links. Within these topologies, a group of
classical strategies in competitive scenarios where partici- nodes are connected to execute a computing task efficiently,
pating entities have conflicting interests. For example, in where such nodes form a coalition. Entanglement needs
CHSH games [13], if the a priori shared resource between to be distributed among all the nodes in the coalition to
two spatially-separated players is classical, the probability compile the task. Each link connecting the nodes within

E node will be part of the coalition to which entanglement will
be distributed.
Leader Leader
Scenario 1
E R E We consider a network topology which consists of N super-
E nodes (leader nodes), each capable of generating a given
e3 M -partite cluster state. Each super-node is connected to
R R M end-nodes. There are also L repeater nodes between
Leader : Supernode or e4 each pair of super-nodes. We represent such an example
Cluster State Generator Leader topology in Fig. 2 with N = 3, M = 4 and L = 2.
E : End-nodes Let us assume we want to establish a communication path
e2 E
R : Repeaters E between source A and destination B. Consequently, we
E E want to establish the best possible link between A and B
B to distribute entanglement in a way that i) minimizes the
number of quantum operations and latency in entanglement
Fig. 2. Optimized information and resource flow over a quantum network
topology with three leader nodes (Leader), multiple repeaters (R) and distribution, ii) maximizes fidelity within the coherence time
end-nodes (E) between A and B; both classical and quantum coalition of the link and iii) maintains the target overall network
games are employed and e1 → e3 → e4 → e2 are selected links for entanglement rate.
information flow.
We start by considering a coalition formation game for
the above scenario, where the coalition-driven link formu-
the coalition, can be characterized by a different coherence lation is dictated by the coherence time of the link between
time. Under this circumstance, entanglement distribution the source and the destination. Specifically, lower coherence
is affected by the decoherence time, and, in turn, latency time means we need to distribute entanglement between the
on the source-to-final-destination link will affect the fidelity source and the destination in a unit time over a minimum
and the overall network entanglement rate. Consequently, number of hops. Considering the entanglement rate as
entanglement distribution is also related with the optimiza- the payoff function and the number of hops between the
tion of the number of hops between the source and the source and the destination as the cost function, we find the
destination, such that communication takes place within the optimum set of nodes that can participate in the coalition
coherence time. It is to be noted here that irrespective of or link set-up. This optimization can be conducted through
the ultimate applications of the network which can be het- alternate iteration of coalition formation and entanglement
erogeneous, entanglement distribution is inherently married distribution, until the coalition converges to a final stable
with optimized link set-up while maintaining fidelity and formation. The coalition formation process is dynamic, dur-
entanglement rate. ing which the source node will try to join different coalitions
and compare the corresponding utilities. When a stable state
We design a game-based optimization framework for
is reached, the link coalition is fixed and maintained for
entanglement distribution within a fixed quantum network
a certain period of time to complete different application
topology. In this game, the quantum nodes are players, and
the utility function is defined as the difference between the
payoff and the cost function, where fidelity and entangle-
ment rate are considered as the payoff and link latency is Scenario 2
represented as the cost function, subject to constraints on Here, let us consider a tree-like network topology which
coherence time. The nodes sample their local fidelity and consists of multiple trees. Each tree consists of one source
entanglement rate and update their individual strategies node and several leaf nodes. However, each source (leader)
with the aim of minimizing latency within the coherence can exchange information with only one destination leaf
time of the forward link, satisfying an equilibrium flow of node at any point of time. We represent such an example
distributed entanglement. Our players are always quantum topology in Fig. 3 with 2 trees, where one tree has 5 leaf
as we are working on a quantum network topology. We, nodes and other one consists of 4 leaf nodes. In this case,
however, explore and compare classical and quantum strate- we want to establish the best possible path for entangle-
gies and resort to Nash equilibrium for the classical version ment distribution between two leaf nodes A and B, where
and to Wardrop equilibrium for the quantized version. A and B belong to two different trees, in a way that, i)
Another important aspect for practical implementation latency in communication is minimized, ii) the link fidelity
is to search for a stable solution. Wardrop equilibrium is is maximized and iii) the entanglement distribution can be
analogous to NE, however, we consider it for the quantum completed within the coherence time of the link.
strategies, in which case, the nodes aim at equalizing latency In order to optimize the overall network performance,
over their individual forward (outgoing) links. It is worth- each quantum node needs to decide on the next 1-hop des-
noting, we consider the outgoing links from each node in tination to communicate towards, depending on its current
order to account for the constraint on the link coherence state-related information (location, direction). All such 1-
time. Quantum strategies start with each node (player) be- hop links between the source and the final destination will
ing allocated a single entangled qubit. The arbitrary unitary form the link topology. We consider a two-way choice for
rotation that nodes apply to their qubit is their strategy each node; an example is provided in Fig. 3. Let node 2
choice. The strategy choice determines whether a particular decides to switch its link from node 1 to node 3. The link

{2,3} {7,8} 1
1 6
100 100 100 100 0.9
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
{1,5} {6,9} 0.8
{1,4} 2 3 {6,9} 7 8
60 60
80 0.8 100 0.7
0.6 80 0.8 90
0.6 0.4 0.6
4 5 {3,4} 9
0.2 A {7,8} 0.5

B Link establishment 0.4

using 2-way 0.3

consensus game
{2,3} {7,8} 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

1 6
100 100 100 100
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Fig. 4. Nash equilibrium point between the links for information flow
{1,5} {6,9}
{1,4} 2 3 {6,9} 7 8 from A to B with the objective of minimizing the number of quantum
60 60 operations and latency, such that the information is exchanged within
80 0.8 100 the end-to-end coherence time of the link. The cost function for node
0.6 80 0.8 90
0.3 A and node B is computed using the total latency experienced over all
0.6 0.4 the links that information of the nodes propagates on. These results are
B {2,5}
5 {3,4}
9 based on topology outlined in Fig. 2.

Fig. 3. Optimized information and resource flow through the control of the referee for measurement and the corresponding payoff
the next one-hop link within a tree-like quantum network topology; nodes assignment. If the initial quantum states are unentangled,
1 and 6 are the leader nodes that are connected through a fixed link – the quantum coalition game breaks down into its classical
Links are selected for information exchange from A to B using a 2-way form.
consensus game. Numbers in red {60, 80, 90, . . . } are latency-based
cost and numbers in green {0.3, 0.4, 0.5, . . . } are fidelity-based payoffs. For scenario 2, we apply both classical and quantum
versions of the multiplayer 2-way consensus game for
between nodes 1 and 2 is removed followed by a consensus optimizing 1-hop link control between nodes within the
between nodes 2 and 3 to establish the link. Through this network topology outlined in Fig. 3. In the classical form
link deviation, the latency cost is reduced from 100 to 60 of the game, each player has two choices to select from,
and the fidelity payoff increases from 0.3 to 0.8. So the and the player will select the next 1-hop in a way that cost
edge between two nodes in this case dictates the two-way is minimized and payoff is maximized over the next set
consensus game process. of links. The other nodes in the network employ actions
that can only influence the overall utility of the network,
but have no impact or restriction on the selection of the
Classical V/s Quantum Strategies individual node’s next 1-hop link. For the quantum version,
Here we describe the differences between classical and we consider the quantum coin flipping game with the re-
quantum strategies for each of the two scenarios. For sce- quirements that, there is no cheating, each player is aware of
nario 1, we apply both the classical and quantum forms the others’ decisions to participate in the link formation, and
of the multiplayer coalitional game, towards solving the each player can agree on the respective individual decision
optimized link formation between two quantum end-nodes on the game outcome. Therefore, each player can confirm its
in the network topology outlined in Fig. 2. In the classical own progress in the game and the game converges, even if
form of the game, based on the classical strategy adopted there are multiple players working together and taking their
by each player, one guarantees that each player forming the own decisions on their individual moves.
coalition is rewarded by a certain amount called the ‘value
of coalition’. Other players in the game who are unable
to join the coalition can prevent the players forming the
coalition from getting any more payoffs than the ‘value of To implement the proposed game-based optimized link set-
coalition’. In our particular network topology set-up, the up for information flow and resource access within quantum
‘value of coalition’ is attributed to a target network through- networks, we conduct numerical evaluations. For each set
put. For the quantum version of the game, the leader node of parameter settings, simulations are run through 1000
to which the source node A is connected, is selected as the trials and the results are averaged out. Since the average
referee or arbiter of the game. The referee prepares an initial lifetime of a qubit with current superconducting technol-
quantum cluster state and forwards it to the players. Each ogy is around 500µs, we employ a synchronization time
player is in possession of a single entangled qubit, on which step of 300µs. The probability that a link will exist be-
it employs an arbitrary unitary rotation depending on its tween any two quantum nodes, irrespective of their type,
preferred action. The resultant state is forwarded back to repeater, end-node or leader, is expressed as p(m, n) =

function of the number of nodes present in the network. The

average latency is calculated by summing the delay experi-
enced over all the links and then dividing the summation by
the number of hops. Performance of four different scenarios
is compared, where no game is used for classical networks,
classical game for classical networks, classical game for
quantum networks, and quantum game for quantum net-
works. The quantum strategies emerge as the winner and
the reason can be explained through an intuitive example.
Let us consider a coin toss scenario. For the classical strategy,
each player can choose head or tail with equal probability.
The quantum version will use entangled photons as qubits
instead of coins and the players can use a polarizer and
single-photon detector. So there is a possibility of rotating
the polarizer at most by 90o and players can maximize
their winning probabilities by choosing the angle of rotation.
Fig. 5. Variation in the normalized delay experienced by information flow So on average the probability of winning for each player
arriving at any end-node within the topology obtained in Fig. 2, as a func- can increase manifold with quantum strategies. Looking at
tion of the increasing number of nodes simultaneously communicating Fig. 5 and depending on the discussion above, it seems
over the network. CN stands for Classical Networks and QN stands for
Quantum Networks.
counter-intuitive that initially when the number of nodes
is below 2, classical games perform better than the quantum
version. Its worth-noting here that quantum games need at
least two nodes in the network to begin with to distribute
an entangled pair of initial quantum states. Therefore, the
quantum advantage is visible once the number of nodes in
the network increases to more than 2.
In Fig. 6, we analyze the game-theoretic performance in
terms of the end-to-end fidelity over the network topology
in Fig. 3 as a function of average link decoherence rate.
Decoherence in quantum links is represented in terms of
damping (amplitude or phase) or depolarizing. The results
generated in Fig. 6 consider depolarizing rate over the
quantum links. Quantum strategies perform better owing
to the increase in the average equilibrium payoff offered by
quantum correlation and unitary strategies.


Fig. 6. End-to-end fidelity improvement with variation in the link decoher- In this paper, we explored the promise of quantum game-
ence rate through the application of classical 2-way consensus game
and its quantized version. These results are based on the topology theoretic framework for distributing entanglement within
outlined in Fig. 3. quantum networks, with the aim of striking a flexible bal-
ance between link fidelity and latency while maintaining
entanglement rate over link coherence. In future, we will
µ exp[−d(m, n)/δλ], where d(m, n) is the Euclidean dis- generalize the quantum game framework to address dif-
tance between nodes m and n, δ is the maximum distance ferent challenges in designing, developing and deploying
between m and n, µ and λ are the control parameters of the quantum networks. An interesting direction will be to ad-
distribution; µ, λ ∈ (0, 1]; µ controls the number of edges dress the impact of (complex) network topologies on the
(links) present in the network topology and λ controls the evolution of the strategy and utility function of a game, or
length of different links. vice-versa studying how different game strategies impact
In Fig. 4, we analyze the Nash equilibrium for the the network topology.
latency and operations minimization problems with X and Another promising research thread would be focused on
Y axes representing the cost incurred at nodes A and B evolutionary game theory [6] which embodies a suitable
respectively. The curves are the best response functions framework for analyzing co-evolution, i.e., the process in
or the information exchange rate over the edges. We are which the properties of interacting systems evolve in depen-
particularly interested in the equilibrium point over the dence of each other at the backdrop of the dynamic fitness
edges between the leader-repeater-leader nodes. We reached landscape. The concepts of spatial structure and evolution-
a unique Nash equilibrium point at (0.695,0.74). ary game theory can be used to understand cooperation and
Next we investigate the efficiency of the classical and competition among the nodes of a quantum network, re-
quantum versions of the coalition game approach for topol- garding the use of quantum resources such as entanglement
ogy extraction in quantum networks in Fig. 5. We represent and the study of the co-evolution of the quantum nodes in
the normalized latency in one communications cycle as a response to their environment.

Quantum decoherence is a crucial quantum phe-

nomenon that we need to consider when designing optimal
resource sharing and allocation algorithms for probabilis-
tic quantum networks. Important open questions in this
context relate to how to decide when and where to send
information over the network while having only a local
k -hop knowledge of the network topology (or a limited
network state knowledge in general), for example how we
should make use of quantum repeaters or how to do error
correction while in storage to keep logical qubits alive. Fac-
toring in such aspects related to decoherence in a quantum
game theory framework is another interesting line of attack
for future work.

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