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1. low/high context cultures communicate information in direct, explicit, and

precise ways/ communicate in ways that are
implicit and rely heavily on nonverbal language
2. peach and coconut cultures Peach cultures are said to be “soft” on the
outside, but hard inside/
Coconut cultures are said to be “hard” on the
outside, but soft inside
3. a universal/global language a hypothetical or historical language spoken and
understood by all or most of the world's
4. a vernacular language (non-standard dialect) a native dialect or form
of speech of specific people or a specific region
5. an obscure language a language that isn't well known to general
language learners
6. a peripheral language/ make up 98% of all languages, but are spoken
a central language/ by less than 10% of mankind/
a hypercentral language written languages, are taught in schools, and
each has a territory to call its own (national
a language which holds the entire world
language system together and used by the
greatest number of non-native speakers in the
7. a second language/an official language a language that a person learns in addition to
their first language/
a language given a special status in a particular
8. an invented language (Esperanto) a language devised by an individual or a small
group of individuals and proposed for an
international language or for some more
specific purpose
9. a lingua franca a language that is adopted as a common
language between speakers whose native
languages are different
10. an Anglicism a word or phrase borrowed from English into a
foreign language
11. the conquest of English The state of English becoming the dominant
language in the world
12. an interlanguage / a hybrid language a language or form of language having features
of two others, typically a pidgin or a version
produced by a foreign learner
13. a bridge language As lingua franca. a language that is adopted as a
common language between speakers whose
native languages are different
14. language deterioration the process of the language becoming
progressively worse
15. linguistic disorientation A state of confusion connected with lack of
linguistic means
16. language conservationists/purists a person who insists on absolute adherence to
traditional rules or structures, especially in
language or style
17. an indigenous language/a minority a language that is at risk of disappearing as its
language /a vanished language/an speakers die out or shift to speaking other
endangered language languages
18. linguistic diversity A specific measure of the density of language,
or concentration of unique languages together.
Include language family, grammar, and
19. linguicide the death of a language from natural or political
causes, the absorption or replacement of a
minor language by a major language
20. linguistic revitalization an attempt to halt or reverse the decline of a
language or to revive an extinct one
21. a linguistic elective an optional (elective) course of studying foreign
22. a linguistic hotspot concentrated regions of the world having the
highest level of linguistic diversity, the highest
levels of endangerment, and the least-studied
23. Monolingualism speaking only one language/ two languages/
/bilingualism/multilingualism several languages
24. anglo-globalism global spreading of English
25. language preservation the effort to prevent languages from becoming
26. Globalisation the process by which businesses or other
organizations develop international influence or
start operating on an international scale
27. language immersion programming a technique used in bilingual language
education in which two languages are used for
instruction in a variety of topics, including math,
science, or social studies
28. Americanisms a word or phrase (or, less commonly, a feature
of grammar, spelling, or pronunciation) that
(supposedly) originated in the United States or
is used primarily by Americans.
29. Britishisms a word or phrase (or, less commonly, a feature
of grammar, spelling, or pronunciation) that
(supposedly) originated in the United Kingdom
or is used primarily by the Brits.
30. Americanization of the language the process by which people or countries
become more and more similar to Americans
and the US ( the action of making a person or
thing American in character or nationality)
31. Anglocreep the subtle adoption of British into everyday
American speech
32. Transatlantic English a cultivated accent of English blending together
features of both American and British English
that were considered the most prestigious by
the early 20th-century American upper class
and entertainment industry
33. Miscommunication failure to communicate adequately
34. accent-bias /accent-prejudice a form of prejudice in which people hold
implicit biases about others based on the way
they speak
35. accent softening/accent reduction the process through which an accent is reduced
or modified towards another accent
36. Employability being capable of getting and keeping fulfilling
37. a voice coach A person who teaches a correct variant of
38. Received Pronunciation/BBC English /the the standard form of British English
Queen’s English pronunciation, based on educated speech in
southern England, widely accepted as a
standard elsewhere
39. Estuary English/ accent associated with the area along the River
Cockney/Brummie/Scouse Thames and its estuary, including London/
a dialect of working-class Londoners
traditionally spoken in the East End/
an accent spoken by many people in
the dialect spoken by people from Liverpool
40. elegant or stylishly luxurious// favourable or
posh/refined/cut-glass/beneficial/detrim advantageous/
ental/strong/distinctive/regional accent tending to cause harm/
serving to distinguish it from others/
regional differences in pronunciation
41. social mobility the movement of individuals, families,
households, or other categories of people
within or between social strata in a society. It is
a change in social status relative to one's
current social location within a given society
42. the class divide social stratification in which a society is
separated into classes whose members have
different access to resources and power
43. out-of-classroom learning / in-classroom the use of places other than the classroom for
learning teaching and learning/
studying in class
44. external / instrumental / integrated doing something not for the sake of inner
/mixed motivation/ fulfilment (because we want to), but to gain a
reward or avoid a punishment/
practical or pragmatic reason for language study
(to pass the exam)/
a person has fully integrated a motivation
within himself (we have our own reasons for it)/
a mix of all the types
45. CV curriculum vitae. A short written description of
your education, qualifications, previous jobs,
personal interests, that you send to an
employer when you are trying to get a job
46. language aptitude/competence prediction of how well, relative to other
individuals, an individual can learn a foreign
language in a given amount of time and under
given conditions
47. audio-visual/kinaesthetic learning a type of learning which is described by delivery
and the use of instructional content that
involves sound and visualization
48. task/topic based the use of authentic language and on asking
instruction/communicative language students to do meaningful tasks using the target
teaching (CLT)/ICT language
49. A language is best learned between the The language is best learned when you
sheets communicate to native speakers.
50. Variety is the spice of life new and exciting experiences make life more
Mass media

1. the fourth estate the British press which is considered to have a

lot of influence on people
2. national papers/ nationals//quality a daily newspaper that circulates generally in
papers / broadsheets // tabloids /popular each State, the Capital Territory and the
papers Northern Territory//
a newspaper, typically a broadsheet, that is
considered to deal seriously with issues and to
have high editorial standards//
a newspaper having pages half the size of those
of the average broadsheet, typically popular in
style and dominated by sensational stories
3. newsagents a shop that sells newspapers and magazines, as
well as some foods and things that people often
buy such as cigarette
4. morning “paper round” a job of delivering newspapers to houses along
a particular route (usually done by children
before or after school.
5. circulation / circulation wars the number of copies sold of a newspaper or
magazine /the rivalry between newspapers for a
6. human interest stories a story that discusses a person, or people, or a
pet in an emotional way
7. shallowness/sensationalism / hyper Lack of depth (in sayings, intellect)/
commercialization / disastertainment / a type of editorial tactic. Events and topics in
dumbing down news stories are selected and worded to excite
the greatest number of readers and viewers/
a process in which big business works with
media outlets to figure out increasing ways to
push consumable products in the programming
to such a degree that it becomes difficult to
determine where the actual line is between the
original media product and the commercial
emphasis on bad news/
simplification/ the act of making smth simpler
and easier for people to understand.
8. coverage the reporting of a particular important event or
9. exposure the state of being in a place or situation where
there is no protection from something harmful
or unpleasant
10. censorship the suppression of speech, public
communication, or other information
11. a verifiable source A source which can be proved by somebody
12. fake news a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that
consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes
spread via traditional print and broadcast news
media or online social media
13. interactive journalism/ citizen journalism a new type of journalism that allows consumers
to directly contribute to the story/ members of
the public who find themselves on the scene of
events before journalists arrive
14. user-generated content any form of content, such as images, videos,
text, and audio, that has been posted by users
on online platforms such as social media and
15. comments sections a feature of online blogs, news websites, and
other websites in which the publishers invite
the audience to comment on the published
16. breaking news newly received information about an event that
is currently occurring or developing
17. Headlinese/headline English is an abbreviated form of news writing style
used in headlines
18. body copy/front page/lay-out The body text or body copy is the text forming
designer/editor the main content of a book, magazine, web
page, or any other printed or digital work/
the first page of a newspaper, containing the
most important or remarkable news of the day/
Layout designers are graphic artists who
specialize in page composition/
Newspaper editors have the daily responsibility
of deciding which news stories are printed in
the paper
19. compressed style/language conventions pressed together or reduced in size or volume /
different combinations of ways a writer
manipulates language to show the audience
something in a unique way
20. paparazzo/a paparazzi magnet a freelance photographer who pursues
celebrities to get photographs of them/ A
Person who is constantly being Followed By the
21. invasion of privacy intrusion into the personal life of another
without consent.
22. affective news a form of news storytelling which involves
emotion the newsroom - an office at a television
or radio station or a newspaper where news is
gathered and reports are prepared for
broadcasting or publishing
23. negativity/positivity bias /asymmetry A tendency to report negative/positive views of
reality/ lack of symmetry
24. the news addict a person who can’t stop keeping up with the
25. unrelenting flow/ incessant bad news Lasting for eternity, with no stop/when there is
deluge an unrelenting flow of bad news
26. news literacy /media literacy the acquisition of 21st-century, critical-thinking
skills for analysing and judging the reliability of
news and information, differentiating among
facts, opinions and assertions in the media we
consume, create and distribute
27. digital footprint the information about a particular person that
exists on the internet as a result of their online
28. cyber-criminal/cyberstalker/cyber individuals or teams of people who use
security awareness/security savvy users technology to commit malicious activities on
digital systems or networks with the intention
of stealing sensitive company information or
personal data, and generating profit/ refers to
how much end users know about the cyber
security threats their networks face and the
risks they introduce/a user having a good
understanding in surfing the Internet safely
29. online scam/scammer A crime using the Internet to deprive a person
of property or any interest, estate, or right by a
false representation of a matter of fact, whether
by providing misleading information or by
concealment of information/a person who
commits online scam
30. a phishing attack/a phisher an attack often used to steal user data, including
login credentials and credit card numbers/a
person who commits phishing attacks
31. human trafficking the unlawful act of transporting or coercing
people in order to benefit from their work or
service, typically in the form of forced labour or
sexual exploitation
32. brainwashing he concept that the human mind can be altered
or controlled by certain psychological
33. foul play a criminal act that results in serious damage or
injury, especially murder/ unfair play in a game
or sport
34. a digiholic addicted to the digital media
35. cyber bullying the use of electronic communication to bully a
person, typically by sending messages of an
intimidating or threatening nature
36. digital detox a period of time when a person voluntarily
refrains from using digital devices such as
smartphones, computers, and social media
37. empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings
of another
38. split focus/long-term memory distracted attention (especially about children)/
refers to the storage of information over an
extended period
39. excessive screen time Spending long hours staring at a screen
40. obesity a complex disease involving an excessive
amount of body fat
41. linear television/ terrestrial a real-time television service that broadcasts
television/cable television/ live TV scheduled programs, conventionally over the air
or through satellite/cable, not streamed to a
specific user/
a type of television broadcasting in which the
television signal is transmitted by radio waves
from the terrestrial (Earth-based) transmitter of
a television station to a TV receiver having an
a system of delivering television programming
to consumers via radio frequency (RF) signals
transmitted through coaxial cables, or in more
recent systems, light pulses through fibre-optic

42. cord cutter /cord-never the pattern of viewers, referred to as cord-

cutters, cancelling their subscriptions to
multichannel television services available over
cable or satellite, dropping pay television
channels or reducing the number of hours of
subscription TV viewed in response to
competition from rival media available over the
Internet/ a person that has never signed up for
a cable subscription in their life. Instead, Cord
Nevers get their television viewing experience
through the use of various streaming apps such
as Hulu, Netflix, and YouTube
43. SVOD (Netflix) subscription video on demand service. Allows
users to access an entire library of videos for a
small recurring fee. This fee may be charged
daily, weekly, monthly or annually, depending
on the service. Once the user has paid for access
to the service, they can watch as many videos as
they want on any device with internet access.
44. binge-watching/binge viewing watch multiple episodes of (a television
programme) in rapid succession, typically by
means of DVDs or digital streaming
45. imminent demise of TV eventual death of TV as digital media
46. If it bleeds, it leads. if there's violence, conflict or death involved, it
gets to the top of the news
47. the BBC / Auntie// BBC 1 / BBC 2 / ITV/ The British Broadcasting Corporation/
the ratings war an informal name for the BBC/
the first flagship television network of the
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in the
United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Channel
the second flagship television network of the
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in the
United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Channel
a British free-to-air television network with its
headquarters in London/
a situation in which each of two or more
channels makes a particular effort to attract
more viewers or listeners than its rival.
48. TV output/highbrow programs/ minority the connector of equipment providing an
interest programs / mass audience analogue signal acceptable for a television (you
programs can share your content to TV via phone)/
intellectual, academic program/
programs with low coverage/
programs with high coverage
49. license fee an amount of money paid by an individual or
business to a government agency for the
privilege of performing a certain service or
engaging in a specific line of business
50. government intervention regulatory action taken by government that
seek to change the decisions made by
individuals, groups and organisations about
social and economic matters

1. singer / songwriter / conductor A person who sings songs/

a person who writes songs/
a person who stands in front of an orchestra or
choir and directs its performance.
2. lyrics The words of the song
3. keyboard /brass/ woodwind/ percussion/ An instrument with a set of keys (piano)/
string family /electronic brass wind instruments (trumpet, horn,
wind instruments other than brass instruments
(flutes, clarinets)/
musical instruments played by striking with the
hand or with a stick or beater, or by shaking
(bells, drums, xylophones)/
The largest family of instruments which include
cello, violin, contrabass/
Instruments containing electronic parts (electric
guitars, pianos)
4. elation great happiness and exhilaration, excitement
5. social glue the ability to take all the individual parts and
stick them together as one single vehicle taking
the whole company forward at the same speed
6. musical receptivity one’s ability to receive, comprehend, be
sensitive to, and have a working knowledge of
musical concepts like rhythm, tempo, phrasing,
and mood.
7. ubiquity he fact of appearing everywhere or of being
very common.
8. busking/a busker the money a person needs to pay for food, a
place to live, and the way of earning this money
9. the Fab Four The Beatles
10. gigs Another name for concerts
11. the charts the lists, which come out weekly, of the most
popular musical records
12. rehearsing A process of rehearsal/revision the program
13. a melting pot a place where different peoples, styles, theories,
etc. are mixed together
14. vocals A part or melody that is sung in a musical
performance or recording
15. a music genre/micro genres//genre- a conventional category that identifies some
blending/genre blurring pieces of music as belonging to a shared
tradition or set of conventions/
a narrowly defined group of texts connected in
time and space/
merging of peculiar features (theme,
instruments, tunes) of two or several music
genres. The result – a hybrid (cross-) genre
16. an artiste a skilled performer, especially a dancer, singer,
or actor
17. the super fan an extremely enthusiastic or dedicated fan
18. concert announcements info given to the audience about an upcoming
19. revenue the income that a company receives regularly
20. an LP a vinyl composition disk
21. a classical composer A person who writes classical music to be
played or performed by musicians
22. the undisputed greats smth which everyone agrees with
23. The Baroque period/ Romanticism/ artistic style that started around 1600 in Rome,
Classicism Italy and spread throughout the majority of
Europe during 17th and 18th centuries/
a style of art, music, and literature of the late
18th and early 19th centuries, usually opposed
to classicism/
a style of art based on particular standards in
Greek and Roman art
24. oratorio/opera/choral writing/ the a large musical composition for orchestra, choir,
British national anthem and soloists/a form of theatre in which music
has a leading role and the parts are taken by
singers, but is distinct from musical
theatre/composing music specifically for choral
God Save the Queen
25. “the land without music” The UK in 19th century
26. a dynamic musical culture About a culture rich in musical prodigies
27. a visiting composer composers of foreign extraction
28. recital a performance of music or poetry, usually given
by one person or a small group of people
29. The Proms/Promming/a Prommer/The an eight-week summer season of daily concerts
Last Night of the Proms of orchestral classical music held annually in the
Royal Albert Hall in central London/
the use of the standing areas inside the hall for
which ticket prices are much lower than for the
seating/ends with the singing of the patriotic
songs ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ and ‘Rule
Britannia’, with the audience and those
watching at home enthusiastically joining in
30. The Royal Albert Hall/the stalls/venue a concert hall on the northern edge of South
Kensington, London where the Proms is held/
a theatre or concert hall are the seats on the
ground floor directly in front of the stage/ the
place where music festivals / concerts / musical
performances are held
31. Giant (in music) a very successful and powerful person
32. Philharmonic Orchestra/ Symphony a large, multi-instrument ensemble of people
Orchestra/ensemble/impresario / tenor who play classical music. (puts the emphasis on
the organizers and the audience)/
a big ensemble that has more variety in terms of
the instrumentation — so not just strings, but
winds and brass and percussion. (places the
emphasis on sound and the actual music-
a group of things or people acting or taken
together as a whole, especially a group of
musicians who regularly play together/
a person who arranges for plays, concerts, and
other entertainments to be performed/
a male singer with a high voice, or (especially in
combinations) a musical instrument that has the
same range of notes as the tenor singing voice
33. repertoire all the music or plays, etc. that you can do or
perform or that you know
34. chamber music/ orchestral music music written for a small group of musicians so
that it can be performed easily in a small
concert hall or in a private home/music
performed by an orchestra
35. ‘Land of Hope and Glory’/‘Rule Britannia’ British patriotic songs performed at the Proms
36. a pre-concert talk a talk about the music you are going to listen to
37. a raffle ticket a numbered ticket
38. the soundtrack to one’s life an inseparable musical part of my life
39. pomp and pageantry magnificence, poshness, grandeur, splendour
40. a staple of the British summer he main part, the main event (the Proms)
41. Glasto/Bestival/Creamfields/Reading a music festival held in a village. Considered a
and Leeds festival/Wireless/Parklife spiritual centre/
annual four-day festival held in Dorset, in the
south of England (must-do activity for ravers)/
an electronic dance music festival series
founded and organised by British club promoter
Cream, with its UK edition taking place on
August Bank Holiday weekend/
a pair of annual music festivals that take place
in Reading and Leeds in England. The events
take place simultaneously on the Friday,
Saturday and Sunday of the August bank holiday
weekend, sharing the same bill/
a music festival that takes place every year in
London, England. While it started as primarily a
rock and pop festival, in recent years it has
focused on hip-hop and other urban music/
a two-day non-camping festival which held
annually in Manchester, England. It’s focused on
Indie / Dance / Electronic / Hip Hop
42. festivalgoers/attendees people who are present at an event
43. a rite of passage a ceremony or event that marks an important
stage in someone’s life
44. line-up a group of people that has been brought
together to form a team or take part in an event
45. a trailblazer the first person, company to do something new
46. prodigious children /music very talented children (even genii)/
prodigies/musically gifted someone with a great musical ability that
children/virtuoso usually shows itself when that person is a young
a child capable of playing musical instruments
and having all the features for it/
a person highly skilled in music or another
artistic pursuit.
47. precociousness the condition of showing achievement much
earlier than usual
48. specialist teachers a teacher with expertise in a subject, with high
49. STEM subjects Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (as subjects of study)
50. syllabus a plan showing the subjects or books to be
studied in a particular course, especially a
course that leads to an exam

1. deterioration/land degradation/water the fact or process of becoming worse/

scarcity/melting of the polar the process in which the quality of land is
ice/shrinking glaciers/global sea level destroyed or spoiled/
rise/species extinction/habitat a lack of fresh water resources, a situation in
loss/urbanization/droughts and which water is not easy to get/
floods/damaged marine eco-systems process of changing from a solid substance to a
a large mass of ice that moves slowly becoming
increase in the amount of water/
a situation in which a set of animals or plants no
longer exists/
the environment in which an animal or plant
lives began to die/
when people leave the countryside to live in
natural disasters caused by changes in the
nature(period when there is little or no rain,
become covered with water)/
when all the living things in the sea is spoiled
2. a scourge something that causes great suffering or a lot of
3. peasoupers/smog a very thick often fog, a mixture of smoke,
gases, and chemicals, that makes the
atmosphere difficult to breathe and harmful for
health caused by air pollution
4. greenhouse gases a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy and
causes the greenhouse effect, especially carbon
5. T-charge/congestion charge an amount of money that you have to pay each
day to drive into a city centre, charged in order
to reduce traffic
6. smoke-free zones legally defined area where only approved solid
fuels can be used within buildings
7. carpooling (car sharing) sharing of car journeys so that more than 1
person travels in a car
8. exhaust fumes gases that are thrown from an engine as waste
9. unleaded petrol Petrol (liquid) that does not contain lead
10. sustainability avoidance of the depletion of natural resources
in order to maintain an ecological balance
11. carbon output an amount of carbon produced by car(the
activity of going out of carbon in air)
12. the greenhouse effect/global process by which radiation from a planet’s
warming/climate change atmosphere warms the planet surface to a
temperature above(create a blanket around the
earth, trap the sun’s heat)/
increase of average temperature on the
earth(melting of the polar ice, shrinking glaciers,
global sea level rise)/
changes in the world's weather, getting warmer
as a result of human activity increasing the level
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
13. a flexitarian A person who eats mainly vegetarian food but
eats meat occasionally
14. food miles a measurement of the distance food has to be
transported from the producer to the consumer
and the fuel that this uses
15. a climate activist/a climate action a person who believes strongly that he may
advocate//a climate change save the planet from a climate change, takes
denier/denialist//a climate lukewarmer part in public protests to try to make smth
people who deny the man-made causes of our
current warming of the climate//
a person who believes in in climate change but
not as a potentially catastrophic phenomena
16. an emitter/contributor (to)/offender discharger, smth\smb who send out light or a
substance, especially the gas carbon dioxide
17. energy crisis a shortfall in or interruption to the provision of
energy supplies
18. fossil fuels oil, gas, coal that has been produced from
19. nuclear energy the power produced when the nucleus of an
atom is divided or joined to another nucleus
20. renewable /non-renewable energy that is produced using the sun, wind or from
crops, rather than using fuels such as oil\coal
(produced as quickly as they are used)/
types of energy that cannot be replaced after
they have been used(fossil fuels)
21. carbon footprint/ carbon neutral/low the amount of carbon dioxide that our activities
carbon produce/
achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions/
contain a small amount of carbon
22. safety features/ sarcophagus/radiation a feature of a product, designed to ensure or
poisoning/an exclusion zone increase its safety/
a massive steel and concrete structure covering
a nuclear reactor designed to limit radioactive
collection of health effects that are caused by
being exposed to high amounts of radiation, in a
short period of time/
an area where people are not allowed to go or
where they are not allowed to do a particular
thing( because it would be dangerous).
23. sustainable development A process causing little or no damage to the
environment and able to continue for a long
24. hydroelectric power An electrical power that is generated through
the energy of flowing water\electricity
produced from hydropower
25. finite supplies food and other ordinary goods needed by
people that having a limit
26. There’s no free lunch. getting any benefit is always associated with
costs, even if these costs are not visible at first
glance\ it is not possible to get something for
27. the Kyoto Protocol international treaty on Climate Change that
commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas
28. hydrogen /hydrogen vehicles a chemical element that is the lightest gas, has
no colour, taste, or smell, and combines with
oxygen to form water/
a vehicle that uses hydrogen
29. the electricity mix show the proportion of total electricity
generated by each source in a specific region,
country, or worldwide. These sources include
nuclear power, oil, natural gas and coal, solar,
30. energy transition change in the state of an energy system as
opposed to a change in an individual energy
technology or fuel source(a change from one
type to another\ the process by which it
31. incineration/ a landfill /recycling method of waste management, process of
/composting burning waste completely/
method of waste management, process of
getting rid of large amounts of rubbish by
burying it/
method of waste management, process of
collecting and converting waste materials into
new materials and objects. so that it can be
used again/
method of waste management, Collecting and
storing plant material so it can be added to soil
to improve its quality
32. disposal the action or process of getting rid of something
33. a circular recycling policy/economy activities aimed at reducing plastic, replacing it,
and properly recycling and disposing of it
34. a recycling facility/centre/bin/level an object that recycle plastic, a company that
disposes of waste.
35. eco-efficiency reducing ecological damage to a minimum while
at the same time maximizing efficiency\create
more goods and services while using fewer
36. cradle-to cradle /cradle-to-grave a concept based on the idea of waste-free
manufacturing production systems that do not harm the
~for all of a person's life
37. futility the fact of having no effect or of achieving
38. gate fees the charge collected upon a given quantity of
waste received at a waste processing facility
39. feedstock material that is used to produce smth in an
industrial process
40. a container deposit scheme person buy smth, in the price included deposit
for container, after using it-take container,
returns, he receives his deposit back
41. a keen recycler enthusiastic worker
42. eco-guilt feeling you get when you could have done smth
for the environment, (but made the decision
not to)
43. Extinction Rebellion global environmental movement with the aim
of using nonviolent civil disobedience to compel
government action to avoid destruction in the
44. direct action the use of strikes, demonstrations, or other
public forms of protest rather than negotiation
to achieve one's demands.
45. a climate activist/ an environmentalist/a a person who believes strongly that he may
campaigner save the planet from a climate change, takes
part in public protests to try to make smth
a person who is interested in or studies the
environment and who tries to protect it from
being damaged by human activities/
a person that organize a series of activities to
try to achieve smth
46. ecocide destruction of the natural environment of an
area, or very great damage to it
47. hypocrisy a situation in which someone pretends to
believe smth that they don’t really believe, or
that is the opposite of what they do or say at
another time
48. Friends of the Earth an environmental campaigning community
dedicated to the wellbeing and protection of
the natural world and everyone in it
49. havoc/disruption/gridlock A widespread destruction/
disturbance or problems which interrupt an
event, activity, or process /
a situation when roads become so blocked by
cars that it is impossible for any traffic to move
(no progress can be made)
50. climate emergency A serious problems that are being caused by
changes in the world's weather, as a result of
human activity increasing the level of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere
51. the Earth Day an annual event celebrated around the world on
April 22 to demonstrate support for
environmental protection
52. green pressure Frightening people into believing that the Earth
is in danger of environmental collapse
53. greenwashing activities that make people believe that a
company is doing more to protect the
environment than it really does
54. eco-anxiety the concern that increasing human activity and
pollution are leading us into an inevitable
scourge and the destruction of our planet
55. an eco-tour holidays of natural beauty in a way that helps
people doesn’t damage the environment
56. a consumer/globe-trotting lifestyle travelling to a lot of different countries
57. an existential crisis moments when individuals question whether
their lives have purpose, or value, and are
negatively impacted by the contemplation
58. school climate strikes pupils do on strikes after classes or instead of it
59. the Greta effect someone so young be so outspoken about the
climate crisis, make incredible speeches in front
of world leaders, and helps teach people of all
ages and backgrounds that individuals really do
hold the power to make an impact
60. middle-class lobbying Seeking to influence a middle-class on an issue
Social issues

1. Our habits define us your traits reveal your true personality, who you
2. personality profile/tests/traits knowledge used to provide an evaluation of
personal traits, values and life skills/
a way of discovering, by questions, designed to
assess a person's personality/
a particular characteristic that can produce a
particular type of behaviour
3. deliberate deception intentional or planned the act of hiding the
truth, especially to get an advantage
4. impression management process in which people attempt to influence
the perceptions of other people about a person,
object by controlling information in social
5. On the internet, nobody knows you’re a nobody knows our real-world personas, only
dog online persona. Our online behaviours did not
reveal much about us
6. escapism a way of avoiding an unpleasant or boring life,
especially by thinking, reading, etc. about more
exciting but impossible activities
7. data mining process of using software to look at amounts of
computer data to find out useful information
(ex: what types of product customers buy, what
they listen to)
8. 4 personality types (average, reserved, classification of different types of individuals
self-centered/role model) that has found in the research with the Dr.
Marla Shapiro
Average type -as we would expect, a little bit
open, a little bit neurotic, not particularly
Reserved type -melt right back into woodwork,
not really open and jumping
Self-centered type -extroverted, boisterous,
take all the air out of the room
Role model type - open, a little bit older, more
women, conscientious, agreeable, might be a
9. social etiquette the set of rules that helps people understand
how they should behave in social groups \
10. digital reputation general opinion that people have about
someone on the internet
11. reigning monarch/serving sovereign he most recent monarch who rule a country/
having the highest power or being completely
independent who work to help society
12. royalties the members of the royal(relating to a queen)
13. the Civil List the amount of money allowed by Parliament for
what is spent by the royal family in doing their
duties, ceremonies
14. The Primogeniture Law the custom by which all of a family's property
goes to the oldest son when the father dies\ law
establishing the succession to the throne of the
eldest child
15. Annus Horribilis From Latin “a horrible year”/year of extremely
bad events of the queen. 1992, 2 divorces,
death of Diana, fire in castle western
16. anti-monarchy fervor People having strong, sincere feelings against
17. Victorian values follow the old values, qualities considered to
characterize the Victorian period, including
initiative and the importance of the family,
family as the main social institution
18. family unit/set up/arrangement/ a social group traditionally consisting of parents
diversity/education sessions and children/
the way in which things are organized or
an agreement between two people, which
provides an advantage to each/
the mixture of races and religions that make up
a family/
activities that aims at family education,
understanding what is family, what is love and
support, about diversity etc.
19. nuclear/extended/single-parent/multi- consisting of two parents and their children, but
generational family not including aunts, uncles, grandparents/
a family unit that includes grandmothers,
grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition
to parents and children/
one parent has a child or children but no
husband, wife, or partner who lives with them/
a type of family consisting of several
20. traditional/same-sex union between people like husband and wife,
marriage//cohabitation called spouses(=of the opposite sex)/
marriage between two people of the same sex//
the act of living and having relationship with
someone without being married
21. consumerism situation in which too much attention is given to
buying and owning things
22. sacred bond a close connection joining two or more people
that is considered to be holy and deserving
23. breadwinner member of a family who earns the money that
the family needs
24. familialism/post-familialism ideology that puts priority to family/
ideology that don’t concentrates in giving birth
to children as primary goal, people live for
pleasure, achievements, self-realization
25. moral decline/decadence behaviour and attitudes that show a fall in
moral standards
26. social welfare/the social safety net practical or financial help that is provided by the
government to help poor, ill, or old people/
a system to help those who have serious
problems and no other form of help (such as
welfare, unemployment benefit)
27. the dependency culture/welfare type of society that relies upon, and expects,
dependency/welfare addiction state benefits and support to maintain it
28. parental leave/ maternal leave time that a parent is allowed to spend away
/incapacity allowance/ benefits from work to take care of his or her baby/
a period in which a woman is legally allowed to
be absent from work in the weeks before and
after she gives birth/
money that are paid to someone who is
incapable of working because of sickness or
29. materialistic indulgence believing that having money and possessions is
the most important thing in life
30. birth rates/fertility rates the number of births that happen during a
period of time in a particular place
31. values-challenged reject, get rid of, reconsider of the values,
change everything, treated and behave in
different way
32. protracted adolescence lasting for a long time (eternal) or made to last
longer than necessary period in a person's life
when they are developing into an adult
33. traditionalists/conservatives/liberals/ believes in and follows traditional ideas\ does in
feminists//underclass// affluent the same way as has been done for a long time,
childless/childfree singles//late without any changes /
procreators not usually liking or trusting change, especially
sudden change/
believing in a lot of personal freedom, and
believing that society should change gradually/
people who believe in feminism and try to
achieve change that helps women to get equal
opportunities and treatment//
a group of people with a lower social and
economic position than any of the other classes
of society//
wealthy, well-off people without children//
give birth to the children later than other
34. family-friendly policies (paid parental projects or special programs that help and
leave/ state-sponsored childcare/ encourage new families put into action smth
affordable housing that improve the quality and condition of
programmes/healthcare related to family families/
planning/providing welfare support) government support financially care about
children care for children provided by the
government , while parents are at work or are
absent for another reason/
provide low-and middle-income people housing
loans at below-market rates/
the set of services provided by a country for the
practical or financial help that is provided by the
government to help poor, ill, or old people
35. the stigma strong feeling of disapproval that most people
in a society have about smth, especially when
this is unfair; stain; brand
36. financial insecurity problems with money
37. resilience ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after
smth difficult or bad has happened
38. adoption/international adoption/ the act of legally taking a child to be taken care
foreign adoption movement/fostering of as your own /
type of adoption in which an individual or
couple becomes the legal parent(s) of a child
who is a national of a different country. parents
must meet the legal adoption requirements of
their country and those of the country whose
nationality the child holds/
taking child into your family for a short period of
time without becoming legal parents
39. forced adoption/forced removal the practice of forcefully(using great physical
strength or violence) taking children from their
parents and placing them for adoption
40. adopted children/adoptive legally taken by another family to be taken care
parents/guardian/adopter/foster of as their own child/
carer/adoptee person who has the legal right and responsibility
of taking care of someone who cannot take care
of himself, such as a child whose parents have
person who taking care of someone who cannot
take care of himself for a short period of time\
someone who has been adopted as a child
41. adoption tax credit/adoption allowance tax credit offered to adoptive parents to
encourage adoption
42. an orphanage home for children whose parents are dead or
unable to care for them
43. the parent-child bond link between child and parent, strong feeling of
attachment and love
44. criminal record an official record of crimes that a person has
45. social service a service provided by government to help
people who are old or ill or need support in
their lives
46. ordeal a very unpleasant and painful or difficult
47. bureaucratic screw-tightening complexity of laws, creating new laws that not
help and even complicate smth
48. enlightened policy showing understanding, acting in a positive way,
and not following old-fashioned or false beliefs
49. parent engagement/parental ways in which parents take part in making
involvement decisions, planning, making sure work is done
50. authoritative/authoritarian/permissive demanding, responsive(let’s talk about it),
/uninvolved styles of parenting expect you will respect them and obeyed/
demanding but not responsive (because I say
so), refuse to allow freedom/
not demanding but responsive (do anything you
want) allow you to make a choice /
neglectful, neither demanding nor responsive (I
don’t care what you do), lack of interest what
you child do
51. demanding/responsive/overbearing not easy to deal with or understand, not easily
/overprotective/permissive parents satisfied or pleased, always require smth from
sympathetic, sensitive, quick to act, esp. to
meet the needs of someone/
too involved into child’s life, make all decisions,
too determined to tell other people what to do/
care about child very much, defend child/
not demanding but responsive, allow you to
make a choice, loyal
52. helicopter parenting/to hover over The way of treating children as a parent who is
somebody closely involved with their child's life and tries
to control it too much, especially their child's
education, overprotective, excessive interest
53. bubble-wrapped children/offspring Keeping children like a treasure, overprotected
54. ageing/ageism/ageist used to describe a person that is getting old/
unfair treatment of people because of their
A person with ageist views
55. older people/elderly people/senior a person who having lived or existed for many
citizens/OAPs years, receives an old age pension from the
56. the old old/young old traditional representation of the elderly people,
benign grandparents or burdensome Alzheimer
sufferers, spent and sagging, feel they’ve had
enough, passive victims/
new representation of the elderly people who
are climbing mountains, look and act young,
have bags full of energy, psychologically healthy
57. truism/You Are Only As Old As You statement that is self-evident and is obviously
Feel./You can’t teach an old dog new true/
tricks ideology that puts idea that number\age
doesn't matter when you feel yourself healthy,
happy and young/
it’s difficult to teach elderly people new skills,
tricks, things or to change someone's habits or
character because they are used to it in a
different way
58. residential homes home with social-work supervision for people
who need more than just housing
accommodation, such as elderly people
59. juvenescence looking or feeling young and energetic (youth)
60. being over the hill smb who is old and no longer useful or
attractive, too old to achieve success
Youth culture

1. youth culture / subculture // a youth a group of young people sharing the same
tribe/ pack/teds / mods / rockers / punks culture//
/ skinheads / new romantics / Britpop smth referring to the youth (their own customs,
language, affairs)/
a group of similar people/
a young man, especially in the 1950s in the UK,
who typically dressed in narrow trousers, a long,
loose jacket, and shoes with thick soles/
a member of a group of young people,
especially in Britain in the 1960s, who wore
stylish clothes and rode scooters/
smb who sings or plays\likes rock music (=
music with a strong beat)/
popular among young people, especially in the
late 1970s, involving opposition to authority
expressed through shocking behaviour, clothes,
and hair, and fast, loud music/
a young person, especially a man, who has very
short hair\no hair/
a pop culture movement that originated in the
UK in the late 1970s. was characterised by
flamboyant, eccentric fashion inspired by
fashion boutiques/
British pop music of the 1990s, influenced by
music of the 1960s, especially music by the
2. a generation gap/generational situation in which older and younger people
rebellion/Baby Boomers/Generation X/ don’t understand each other because of their
Millennials (Generation Y)/ Generation Z different experiences, opinions, habits, and
part of the international movement of
Extinction Rebellion, This group encourages
teenagers to participate in direct action against
the industries that are contributing to climate
change and the sixth mass extinction of life on
a person who was born between 1946 and
the generation born after that of the baby
boomers (roughly from the early 1960s to late
1970s), typically perceived to be disaffected and
the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s,
comprising primarily the children of the baby
boomers and typically perceived as increasingly
familiar with digital and electronic technology/
the generation reaching adulthood in the
second decade of the 21st century, perceived as
being familiar with the internet from a very
young age
3. a teenage fad trends, a style, activity, or interest that is very
popular for a short period of time
4. cosplay / cosplayer/Comic Сon the practice of dressing up as a character from a
film, book, or video game/
a person who practices cosplay/
an event with a primary focus on comic books
and comic book culture, in which comic book
fans gather to meet creators, experts, and each
5. proliferation the fact of something increasing a lot and
suddenly in number or amount
6. a niche pursuit an interesting and affecting only a small number
of people activity that you spend time doing,
usually when you are not working
7. a kickback a get together that has more people than a
hangout but less than a party (something in the
middle of a rave and pyjamas party)
8. inclusiveness the practice or policy of providing equal access
to opportunities and resources for people who
might otherwise be excluded or marginalized,
such as those having physical or mental
disabilities or belonging to other minority
9. one-size-fits-all suitable for or used in all circumstances
10. risk-averse culture/society not willing to do something risky if it is possible
that something bad could happen as a result
11. digital fluency The ability to communicate effectively and
ethically interpret information in a digitally
connected world
12. attention span the length of time for which a person is able to
concentrate on a particular activity or subject
13. a day outfit / an evening outfit a set of clothes go together worn for a
particular occasion or activity
14. to dress up/a mufti day put on formal clothes for a special occasion/
day when the office employees come to work in
ordinary, everyday clothes and, in gratitude for
such an indulgence, give a certain amount of
money to a certain charity organization
15. catwalk fashion trendy clothes that was shown on platform
16. scruffiness/low-key/dressy stuff the state of being unkempt or shabby/
without trying to attract attention, reserved/
the opposite of low-key stuff
17. financial autonomy the state when you allow yourself buy what you
want and don't depend on anyone
18. political correctness the act of avoiding actions that could be
offensive to others, especially those relating to
sex and race
19. the “boomerang” phenomenon/trend young adults returning to their parents’ home
until well into their 20s or early 30s
20. flying the nest leave parents' home to live on their own
21. job insecurity/insecure An unstable situation on a job market when you
employment/precarious job market have a possibility to lose the present job in the
referring to employees who perceive a high risk
of becoming unemployed (not only perceive a
threat to their current job but also lack
confidence to find other employment)/
a type of work on the job market which is poorly
paid, unprotected, and insecure
22. airbrushing pictures use an airbrush to cover or improve the
appearance of smth
23. going out / clubbing / raving/ going to a nightclub and staying out later than
partygoers / clubbers / ravers planned/
going out to nightclubs/
going out to raves/
someone who goes clubbing\ go out dancing in
24. a plant-based party /a night out/a event in which people mostly eat vegetarian
rave/street food events / mass food/
gatherings an evening spent outside of the home doing
something fun /
an event where young people dance to modern
electronic music and sometimes take illegal
event in which food that is cooked and sold in
public places, usually outdoors, to be eaten
an occasion, either organized or spontaneous
where the "number of people attending is
sufficient to strain the planning and response
resources of the community, city, or nation
hosting the event
25. hedonism living and behaving in ways that mean you get
as much pleasure out of life as possible,
according to the belief that the most important
thing in life is to enjoy yourself
26. pubbing / a pub crawl / bar-hopping/ Going out to pubs/
scuppering the institution a tour taking in several pubs or drinking places,
with one or more drinks at each/
visiting several bars in succession, having a drink
in each/
“to destroy” the establishment where you drink
27. a pint / pre-drinks/ a boozer / a non- a unit of liquid or dry capacity equal to one
drinker eighth of a gallon/
drink alcohol, especially in large quantities,
before going out socially/
a person who drinks large quantities of alcohol/
a person who does not drink alcohol
28. disposable income income remaining after deduction of taxes and
social security charges, available to be spent or
saved as one wishes
29. diversification the process of starting to make new products or
offer new services, or an instance of this
30. a scavenger hunt / a trivia contest a game, typically played in an extensive outdoor
area, in which participants have to collect a
number of miscellaneous objects/
a contest where the competitors are asked
questions about interesting but unimportant
facts in many subjects

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