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Language notions

Accent Акцент [countable]

a particular way of speaking (pronunciation) usually connected with a country, area or
social class.
E.g. – He speaks English with a slight German accent.
He noticed that I spoke Polish with an accent.
a broad/strong/slight/faint etc accent
2 the part of a word that you should emphasize when you say it [= stress]
In the word 'dinner' the accent is on the first syllable.

bilingual двуязычный
1 written or spoken in two languages:
a bilingual dictionary
The report proposed bilingual education in schools.
2 able to speak two languages equally well:
Their kids are bilingual.
Louis is virtually bilingual in Dutch and German.
- bilingual (noun) [countable]
[ see: monolingual, multilingual]

cockney, Кокни 1 [countable] someone who comes from the east part of London, and who has a
Cockney particular way of speaking which is typical of working class people who live there
2 [uncountable] a way of speaking English that is typical of working class people in the
east part of London
—cockney (adjective):
She has a broad cockney accent.
Compound Соединение [countable]
1 a combination of two or more parts, substances, or qualities
Teaching is a compound of several different skills.
2 a noun, adjective etc that is made up of two or more words. The noun 'flower shop'
and the adjective 'self-made' are compounds
Derivative Производное – a word made up from another word (by means of affixation,
composition, transition, etc.): depend – dependence, independent, dependable, etc.
E.g. You can boost your vocabulary by studying derivatives.

Dialect Диалект .a variety of a language, spoken in one part of a country, different in

vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
E.g. She had a strong Lancashire dialect.
Dialectal (adj.) In Britain we can observe many dialectal differences.
Cockney – a dialect spoken by people born in the East End of London.
E.g. Cockney is so different from English that many foreigners can’t understand it at all.

Esperanto Эсперанто [uncountable]

an artificial language invented in 1887 to help people from different countries in the
world speak to each other

jargon Жаргон .words used by people who do a particular job or are interested in a particular
subject, which ordinary people cannot easily understand

lingua franca Общий язык. смешанный[countable]

a language used between people whose main languages are different:
English is the lingua franca in many countries.
monolingual Одноязычный .speaking or using only one language [see: bilingual, multilingual]:
a monolingual dictionary

Mother tongue Родной язык – the language which a person first learned to speak (and which one
mainly speaks)
E.g His French is excellent, but his mother tongue is English.
A slip of the tongue-a slight mistake in one’s speech
With a sharp tongue- intending to hurt, angry or severe in one’s remarks.
E.g. She is well-known for her sharp tongue.

multilingual Многоязычный .using, speaking, or written in several different languages [ see:

bilingual, monolingual]:
the problems of a multilingual classroom
a multilingual phrasebook
- multilingualism (noun) [uncountable]

slang Сленг.informal words used by people who belong to a particular group, for example
young people, criminals etc

Standard - generally recognized as correct or acceptable; a norm of the English language as fixed
English in dictionaries; as used by the educated speakers; associated with King’s or Queen’s
English or the language of the BBC.
E.g. Standard English is taught in most schools in Britain.
nonstandard: Lots of people say “I gotta go” but “gotta” is still considered

Language Learning
Bridge (v) Преодолевать препятствия, выходить из затруднения, разрушено[transitive]
1 to reduce or get rid of the difference between two things:
The differences between our two cultures can be bridged if we continue to
Alvin managed to bridge the gap between ballet and modern dance.
a fallen tree bridging the stream

clue Ключ к разгадке, улика, ход мыслей, нить информация.раскрывать.[countable]

1 an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime or mystery:
Police have found a vital clue.
2 information that helps you understand the reasons why something happens
clue to/about/as to
Childhood experiences may provide a clue as to why some adults develop eating
3 a piece of information that helps you solve a crossword puzzle, answer a question etc:
I'll give you a clue, Kevin, it's a kind of bird.
4 not have a clue (where/why/how etc) informal
a) to not have any idea about the answer to a question, how to do something, what a
situation is etc:
'Do you know how to switch this thing off?' 'I haven't a clue.'
b) to be very stupid, or very bad at a particular activity:
Don't let Mike cook you dinner; he hasn't got a clue.
crash course Ускоренный курс[countable]
a course in which you learn a lot about a particular subject in a very short period of time
a crash course in Spanish

Edge Преимущество advantage [singular, uncountable] something that gives you an

advantage over others:
Companies are employing more research teams to get an edge.
The next version of the software will have the edge over its competitors.
The team seems to have lost its competitive edge recently (=its ability to compete well).
fluent Беглый. Владеющий 1 able to speak a language very well
She was fluent in English, French, and German.
2 fluent French/Japanese etc someone who speaks fluent French etc speaks it like a
person from that country:
He spoke in fluent Italian.
3 fluent speech or writing is smooth and confident, with no mistakes:
He was a fluent and rapid prose writer.
- fluently adverb:
He spoke French fluently.
- fluency noun [uncountable]

incentive Стимул побуждение [uncountable and countable]

something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc:
create/provide/give somebody an incentive
Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.
incentive to do something
a recycling drive backed with financial incentives

medium Средний промежуточный умеренный среда носитель средство ум медиум

plural media or mediums [countable]
1 a way of communicating information and news to people, such as newspapers,
television etc
Advertising is a powerful medium.
2 a way of expressing your ideas, especially as a writer or an artist
medium for
the visual media (=painting and films)
3 medium of instruction a language that is used for teaching:
English is still the main medium of instruction in Nigeria.

proficiency Умение сноровка опытность [uncountable]

a good standard of ability and skill
proficiency in/with/at
a high level of proficiency in English
Nick's proficiency with computers is well-known.

subtlety Тонкость утонченность хитрость нежность искусность острота [countable usually

plural] a thought, idea, or detail that is important but difficult to notice or understand
subtlety of
Some of the subtleties of the language are lost in translation.

to tackle a language заняться языком

to steer clear of избегать
have sth under one’s belt быть под прицелом

neologism неологизм
barbarism варварство
obsolete устарелый
uniformity однородность
distortion искажение
to invoke respect призвать к уважению
slump резкое падение
breed complacency Самодовольство породы
bear the brunt принять удар на себя( главный)
peer pressure Давление со стороны сверстников
tuition fee плата за обучение
emergence появление
purist (a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures, especially in
language or style) пурист
vernacular родной народный местный общеупотребительный
resurgence возрождение восстановление
enhance усиливать повышать увеличивать совершенствовать
versatile разносторонний гибкий многогранный
resist противостоять сопротивляться противиться
to be loath to admit не признать не хотеть признавать
creep into проникать в
flexibility гибкость
obey the dictum подчиняться изречению
cross-pollination перекрестное опыление
plummy завидный сочный выгодный хороший
burgeon распускаться давать почки/ростки
bud бутон почка приятель
innate врожденный природный
make a point of ставить точку , считать обязательным для себя
archaic архаичный устарелый

Vocabulary : Environmental issues

General Notions
contaminate Загрязнять заражать осквернять (v) [transitive] - to make a place or
substance dirty or harmful by putting something such as chemicals or poison
in it
E.g. Drinking water supplies are believed to have been contaminated.
contamination [uncountable]
radioactive contamination
ecology Экология (n) [singular, uncountable] - the way in which plants, animals, and
people are related to each other and to their environment, or the scientific
study of this
E.g. the natural ecology of the Earth
ecological (adj.)
E.g. Tankers’ collisions are ecological disasters.
Ecologically (adv.)
environment Среда , окружающая среда (n) – 1. [uncountable] the air, water, and land
on Earth, which can be harmed by man's activities
E.g. Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.
legislation to protect the environment
the effects of acid rain on the environment
(n) - 2. [uncountable and countable] the people and things that are around
you in your life, for example the buildings you use, the people you live or
work with, and the general situation you are in
E.g. Our first task was to improve the physical environment (buildings,
furniture etc) in the school.
Young children often feel happier in the home environment.
The company had failed to provide a safe environment for its workers.
working/learning environment
a pleasant working environment
political/economic environment

(n) - 3. [countable] the natural features of a place, for example its weather,
the type of land it has, and the type of plants that grow in it [habitat]
E.g. a forest environment
a very adaptable creature that will eat different foods in different
WORD FOCUS: environment
good for the environment: environmentally friendly, eco-friendly, sustainable,
recyclable, biodegradable, renewable, organic
people who want to protect the environment: greens, eco-warriors
things that cause harm to the environment: pollution, greenhouse gases,
global warming, acid rain, deforestation

environmental (adj.)- concerning or affecting the air, land, or water on Earth

E.g. the environmental damage caused by the chemical industry
environmental issues
the environmental impact of pollution from cars
an environmental pressure group (group of people who want to protect
the environment)
environmentalist (n) [count.] - someone who is concerned about protecting
the environment

environmentally (adv)
environmentally damaging projects
environmentally friendly (good for the environment)

pollute Загрязнять осквернять(v)[transitive] - to make air, water, soil etc

dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to
E.g. beaches polluted by raw sewage
The factory pollutes the air and water.
heavily/severely/badly etc polluted
E.g. The island has been seriously polluted by a copper mine.
pollute something with something
E.g. The rivers had been polluted with aluminium.
Violence on television is polluting the minds of our children.
Syn. – contaminate
pollution (n)
Environmental Problems

aftermath Отава последствия последствие(n) [singular] - the period of time after

something such as a war, storm, or accident when people are still
dealing with the results
E.g. the aftermath of the accidents is unpredictable

bottle bank Контейнер для пустых бутылок [countable] (British English) - a

container in the street that you put empty bottles into, so that the glass
can be used again

campaign Кампания поход (n) [countable] - a series of actions intended to achieve

a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement
E.g. an advertising campaign
campaign for/against
a campaign for equal rights
Jones ran a good campaign.
He raised nearly $30 million in campaign funds.
The Friends of the Earth have launched a campaign to stop

deforestation Вырубка леса (n) [uncountable] - the cutting or burning down of all the
trees in an area
E.g. the deforestation of the tropics

deplete Истощать (v) [transitive usually passive] - to reduce the amount of

something that is present or available
E.g. Salmon populations have been severely depleted.
depletion (n) [uncountable]
the depletion of the ozone layer

dump Сбрасывать сваливать (v) [transitive] - to get rid of waste material by

taking it from people's houses and burying it under the soil
E.g. Britain dumps more of its waste than any other European country.

dump Свалка отвал дыра (n) [countable] - a place where unwanted waste is
taken and left
E.g. rubbish dump (British English) /garbage dump (American English)
The fire probably started in a rubbish dump.
Put the rest into a sack to take to the dump.
an underground nuclear waste dump
a dump site

dwindle Истощаться сокращаться терять значение уменьшаться ухудшаться

вырождаться приходить в упадок (v) [intransitive] - to gradually
become less and less or smaller and smaller:
E.g. The elephant population is dwindling.
Dwindling (adj):
dwindling resources
extinct Потухший вымерший (adj.) - a type of animal or plant does not exist any
E.g. Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
Pandas could become extinct in the wild.
an extinct species

flaw Изъян недостаток ошибка брешь порок (n) – a fault, mistake

a flaw in the software
serious/major/basic/minor etc flaw
E.g. A design flaw (a mistake or weakness in the way something was
made) caused the reactor to explode.

fossil fuel Ископаемое топливо [uncountable and countable] - a fuel such as coal
or oil that is produced by the very gradual decaying of animals or plants
over millions of years
E.g. Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by
renewable energy sources.

fumes Чад газ (n) [plural] - strong-smelling gas or smoke that is unpleasant to
breathe in, the gas produced when an engine is working:
exhaust fumes
E.g.The fumes from exhaust pipes pollute the air in big cities

genetically генетически модифицированный (genetically engineered) – GM -

modified genetically modified foods or plants have had their genetic structure
changed so that they are not affected by particular diseases or harmful

ghetto blaster Гетто-бластер бумбокс плеер [countable] (informal) - a large radio and
tape recorder that can be carried around, and is often played very loudly
in public places. This word is sometimes considered offensive in
American English [boom box American English]
E.g. Ghetto blasters contribute a lot to noise pollution

global warming глобальное потепление [uncountable] – a general increase in world

temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around
the Earth
E.g. Global warming is one of the consequences of the greenhouse

greenhouse парниковый эффект [singular] - the gradual warming of the air

effect surrounding the Earth as a result of heat being trapped by the

hit the headlines попал в заголовки - to be reported in many newspapers and on radio
and television:
a scandal that hit the headlines for weeks
E.g. The former MP found himself back in the headlines again.

ice cap Ледяная шапка [countable] - an area of thick ice that permanently
covers the North and South Poles
E.g. If the ice caps melt many countries will be flooded.
offender правонарушитель преступник (n) [countable] - someone or something
that is the cause of something bad
E.g. Among causes of air pollution, car exhaust fumes may be the worst

oil slick Нефтяное пятно [countable] - an area of oil on the surface of water or
on a road
E.g. The oil slick spread very quickly.

ozone layer озоновый слой [singular] - a layer of gases in the sky that prevents
harmful radiation from the sun from reaching the Earth:
the hole in the ozone layer
ozone-friendly - not containing chemicals that damage the ozone layer:
an ozone-friendly aerosol

reclaim Исправлять восстанавливать использовать утилизировать

регенерировать(v) [transitive] - to make an area of desert, wet land etc
suitable for farming or building:
E.g. This land will be reclaimed for a new airport.

recycle перерабатывать (v) [intransitive and transitive] - to put used objects or

materials through a special process so that they can be used again:
E.g. We take all our bottles to be recycled.
packaging made of recycled paper
E.g. Recycling is important to help protect our environment.

sewage сточная вода канализация нечистоты (n) [uncountable] - the mixture

of waste from the human body and used water that is carried away from
houses by pipes under the ground
E.g. Chlorine is used in sewage treatment.
The factory secretly dumped millions of gallons of raw sewage (that
had not been treated) into the Ohio river.

sludge Отстой шлам ил осадок грязь (n) [uncountable] - soft thick mud, the
solid substance that is left when industrial waste or sewage (the liquid
waste from toilets) has been cleaned

smog смог (n) [uncountable and countable] - dirty air that looks like a mixture
of smoke and fog, caused by smoke from cars and factories in cities

speak volumes Говорить о многом говорить красноречивее всяких слов (about/for

something) - if something speaks volumes, it clearly shows the nature of
something or the feelings of a person:
E.g. What you wear speaks volumes about you.

species Вид разновидность порода (n) (plural:species) [countable] - a group of

animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to
produce young animals or plants:
pandas and other endangered species (ones that may soon no longer

vanish Пропадать исчезать (v) [intransitive] - to disappear suddenly, to stop

vanish off the face of the earth (disappear so that no sign remains)
E.g. The bird vanished from sight.
By the 1930s, the wolf had vanished from the American West.

Vocabulary: Music
General Notions (genres, events, terms, etc)

accompaniment Сопровождение аккомпанемент (n.) 1APM [uncountable and

countable] music that is played in the background at the same time as
another instrument or singer that plays or sings the main tune
E.g. piano/orchestral/organ/guitar etc accompaniment
E.g. He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
to the accompaniment of something
E.g. An elderly man puffed on a trumpet to the accompaniment of drums
and piano.
2 to the accompaniment of somethingAPM while something else is
happening or while another sound can be heard:
E.g. They were exercising to the accompaniment of cheerful music.

background music Фоновая музыка [uncountable]C music that you can hear but are not
listening to
in the background
E.g. In the background I could hear the sound of traffic.
E.g. All of the background noise made it difficult to have a phone

bagpipe Волынка (n.) [countable]C APM a musical instrument played especially

in Scotland in which air blown into a bag is forced out through pipes to
produce the sound
—bagpipe adjective

chamber music Камерная музыка [uncountable] classical music written for a small group
of instruments
choir Хор (n.) [countable] APM a group of people who sing together for other
people to listen to:
E.g. He joined a church choir at the age of eight.
E.g. male-voice choir (noun)--a large group of men who sing

choral (adj.) [only before noun] APMrelated to music that is sung by a

large group of people together:
E.g. an evening of choral music

concerto Концерт (n.) [countable] a piece of CLASSICAL music, usually for one
instrument and an ORCHESTRA

contemporary Современный (adj.) A belonging to the present time [= modern]

contemporary music/art/dance etc
E.g. an exhibition of contemporary Japanese prints
E.g. life in contemporary Britain
(n.) [countable] contemporary--2 plural contemporaries --someone who
lived or was in a particular place at the same time as someone else
E.g. Oswald was much admired by his contemporaries at the Academy.

copious Обильный обширный (adj.) [usually before noun] existing or being

produced in large quantities:
E.g. He could drink copious amounts of beer without ill effect.
E.g. She listened to me and took copious notes.
copiously adverb:
E.g. Then she wept copiously.

counterpoint Контрапункт (n.) 1 [uncountable]APM the combination of two or more

tunes played together so that they sound like one tune
in counterpoint to something
E.g. The viola is exactly in counterpoint to the first violin.
2 [countable]APM a tune that is one part of counterpoint

“Dido and Aeneas” «Дидо и Эней» a famous opera written by the outstanding British
composer of the 17th century Henry Purcell
ear for Способность предрасположенность к музыке музыкальный слух (n.)
[singular]APM the ability to learn music, copy sounds etc
E.g. She has no ear for languages at all.
E.g. have a good ear for dialogue/music

Eisteddfod ежегодный фестиваль валийских бардов (n.)A an event in Wales at

which there are competitions in singing, poetry, and music
“Enigma Variations” "Вариации Энигмы" an orchestral masterpiece written by Sir Edward
highlight1 W3 Основной момент выдвигать на первый план ярко освещать
придавать большое значение (v.) [transitive] to make a problem or
subject easy to notice so that people pay attention to it:
E.g. Your resume should highlight your skills and achievements.
—highlighting noun [uncountable]

(n.) [countable] the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of

something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition
highlight of
E.g. That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.
highlight from
E.g. At 11.30 we'll be showing highlights from the Third Round of the FA
“Land of Hope and «Страна надежды и славы» the alternative British national anthem
Glory” written by Sir Edward Elgar

many-sided многогранный многосторонний (adj.) consisting of many different

qualities or features:
E.g. a complex many-sided personality

middle-of-the-road Умеренный центристский средний (adj.) average, not extreme:

E.g. a party offering safe, middle-of-the-road policies

Morris dancing Моррис танцует [uncountable] APDtraditional English country dancing

performed by men wearing white clothes decorated with small bells
—Morris dancer noun [countable]

music-to-work-to Саундтрек , музыка к (n.) [uncountable] background music, music that

accompanies work

mystery play Тайные игры (n.) [countable] APTRR a religious play from the Middle
Ages, based on a story from the Bible
prolific Плодовитый (adj.) a prolific artist, writer etc produces many works of art,
books etc:
E.g. Handel's prolific output of opera
—prolifically adverb

Proms, the a series of concerts of CLASSICAL music which take place every summer at
the ALBERT HALL in London, over a period of several weeks. Part of the
hall has no seats, so that more people can attend the concerts and pay less,
and many people, especially young people, stand there to listen to the
concerts. The Proms were started by Sir Henry WOOD in 1895, and they
are a well-known part of British life. The final concert each year, called
the LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS is always shown on television.
Puritanism Пуританство (n.) [uncountable] strict religious and moral attitudes - used
in order to show disapproval:
E.g. a harsh and repressive sexual Puritanism
recital Декламация , сольный концерт (n.) [countable] 1ALAPM a performance
of music or poetry, usually given by one performer:
E.g. a piano recital
E.g. a recital of classical favourites
rehearsal Репетиция повторение (n.)AMAP [uncountable and countable] a time
when all the people in a play, concert etc practise before a public
rehearsal for/of
E.g. a rehearsal for 'Romeo and Juliet'

repertoire/repertory Репертуар (n.) [countable usually singular] 1AP all the plays, pieces of
music etc that a performer or group knows and can perform
in somebody's repertoire
E.g. The group include some techno in their repertoire.
repertoire of
E.g. a wide repertoire of songs
revival Возрождение оживление восстановление (n.) 1 [uncountable and
countable] a process in which something becomes active or strong again:
E.g. The US and the UK have expectations of economic revival.
E.g. There has been a revival of interest in Picasso's work.
2 [uncountable and countable] when something becomes popular again
revival of/in
E.g. the recent revival in medieval music
E.g. a revival of organized religion
E.g. Traditional English food seems to be enjoying a revival at the
3 [countable]APT a new production of a play that has not been performed
for a long time:
E.g. Neeson was excellent in a revival of Eugene O'Neill's 'Anna Christie'.
sacred Священный святой (adj.) relating to a god or religion:
E.g. a sacred vow; sacred music
E.g. the miraculous powers of sacred relics
secular Светский мирской вековой (adj.) not connected with or controlled by a
church or other religious authority:
E.g. secular education
E.g. our modern secular society
self-taught Самоучка выучившийся самостоятельно (adj.) having learned a skill or
subject by reading about it, practising it etc yourself, rather than in a
E.g. She received some education at night school, but was largely self-
E.g. a self-taught pianist

surpass Превосходить превышать переплюнуть (v.) [transitive] to be even better

or greater than someone or something else:
E.g. He had surpassed all our expectations.
E.g. The number of multiple births has surpassed 100,000 for the first
surpass yourself (=do something better than you have ever done before)
E.g. With this painting he has surpassed himself.
treasury казначейство казна сокровищница (n.) plural treasuries 1. a place in a
castle, church, PALACE etc where money or valuable objects are kept
2. something valuable and unique
E.g. Thanks to Henry Purcell 17th century British music was included in
the treasury of European music.
tune1 S3 Мелодия настроить настраивать (n.) [countable] 1APM a series of
musical notes that are played or sung and are nice to listen to [= melody]:
E.g. Sam was humming a little tune.
E.g. a hymn tune
2 in tuneAPM в гармонии - playing or singing the correct musical note:
E.g. They sang perfectly in tune.
3 out of tuneAPM расстроенный - playing or singing higher or lower
than the correct musical note:
E.g. Greg's bass guitar was out of tune.

(v.)2 [transitive]
APM to make a musical instrument play at the right PITCH:
E.g. Someone's coming tomorrow to tune the piano.
tune in phrasal verb
1AMTTCB to watch or listen to a broadcast on radio or television
tune into
E.g. People get their information by tuning into foreign radio stations.
E.g. More than 150 million Americans tuned into watch the final episode.
tune up phrasal verb
1APM when musicians tune up, they prepare their instruments to play at
the right PITCH
tune something ↔ up
E.g. The band were tuning up their guitars.


accompanist аккомпаниатор (n.) [countable] APMsomeone who plays a musical
instrument while another person sings or plays the main tune

amateur Любитель дилетант (n.) [countable]

1 someone who does an activity just for pleasure, not as their job
[≠ professional]:
E.g. a gifted amateur
E.g. Mickelson won his first major golf tournament while still an amateur.
2 informal someone who you think is not very skilled at something:
E.g. You English are a bunch of amateurs when it comes to romance.
—amateur adjective:
E.g. an amateur orchestra
E.g. amateur dramatics British English (=producing or acting in plays as an
—amateurism noun [uncountable]
E.g. well-meaning amateurism

artist Художник артист (n.) [countable] 1AV someone who produces art,
especially paintings or drawings:
E.g. an exhibition of paintings by local artists
2 a professional performer, especially a singer, dancer, or actor:
E.g. Many of the artists in the show donated their fee to charity.
band Группа (n.) [countable] APM [also + plural verb] British English a group
of musicians, especially a group that plays popular music
E.g. I grew up playing in rock bands.
The band was playing old Beatles songs.
Smith joined the band in 1989.
They formed a band when they were still at school.
The entertainment includes a disco and live band.
interviews with band members
busker уличный музыкант (n.) [countable] someone who plays music in a public
place in order to earn money
cellist виолончелист (n.) [countable] APM someone who plays the cello—
APMa musical instrument like a large VIOLIN that you hold between your
knees and play by pulling a BOW (=special stick) across the strings

composer Композитор автор (n.) [countable] someone who writes music

conductor Проводник дирижер провод (n.) [countable] APMsomeone who stands in
front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing

dancer Танцор танцовщица (n.) [countable] 1 someone who dances as a

E.g. The dancer's technique is strong.
ballet/ballroom/flamenco/folk/belly/tap etc dancer
2 someone who dances:
E.g. the dancers on the floor
lay Непрофессиональный (adj.) 3 [only before noun] a) not trained or not
knowing much about a particular profession or subject:
E.g. lay witnesses

layman Неспециалист мирянин (n.) [countable] someone who is not trained in a

particular subject or type of work, especially when they are being
compared with someone who is [≠ expert]:
E.g. To the layman (=laymen in general) all these plants look pretty
E.g. If you don't understand what the doctor says, ask to have it explained
in layman's terms (=in simple language).
minstrel Менестрель певец (n.) [countable] a singer or musician in the Middle

musician Музыкант (n.) [countable] someone who plays a musical instrument,

especially very well or as a job:
E.g. a talented young musician
orchestra Оркестр (n.) [C also + plural verb British English]APM a large group of
musicians playing many different kinds of instruments and led by a
E.g. the Berlin Symphony Orchestra
the school orchestra
pianist Пианист пианистка (n.) [countable] APMsomeone who plays the piano
soloist Солист (n.) [countable] APMa musician who performs alone or plays an
instrument alone:
E.g. cello soloist Yo Yo Ma

songwriter Песенник (n.) [countable] APMsomeone who writes the words and
usually the music of songs

timpanist Ударник литаврист (n.) [countable] someone who plays timpani— a set
of large drums that are played in an ORCHESTRA

Music pieces
anthem Гимн (n.) [countable]
1APM a formal or religious song (NATIONAL ANTHEM)
2APM a song that a particular group of people consider to be very
E.g. The Rolling Stones' 'Satisfaction' was an anthem for a generation.
national anthem [countable] SANAPMthe official song of a nation that is
sung or played on public occasions
ballet Балет (n.) 1 [countable]APD a performance in which dancing and music
tell a story without any speaking:
E.g. We're going to the ballet tomorrow evening.
2 [uncountable]APD this type of dancing
3 [countable]APD a group of BALLET dancers who work together:
E.g. the Bolshoi ballet

carol1 also Christmas Кэрол , гимн , хорал (n.) [countable]

carol RRCAPMa traditional Christmas song
concerto Концерт (n.) [countable] a piece of CLASSICAL music, usually for one
instrument and an ORCHESTRA
fugue Фуга (n.) [uncountable and countable] APMa piece of music with a tune
that is repeated regularly in different KEYs by different voices or

hymn Гимн псалом (n.) [countable]

1APMR a song of praise to God:
E.g. He liked to sing hymns as he worked.
2 a hymn to something a book, film, song etc that strongly praises a person
or idea:
E.g. Their first single was a hymn to selfishness called 'Looking After
Number One'.

madrigal Мадригал (n.) [countable] APMa song for several singers without musical
instruments, popular in the 16th century
opera Опера (n.) 1 [countable]APMAPT a musical play in which all of the
words are sung [operetta]:
E.g. We go to the opera (=go to a performance of opera) regularly.
an opera singer
2 [uncountable]APMAPT these plays considered as a form of art
—operatic adjective:
operatic performances
—operatically adverb
opus Опус сочинение (n.) [countable]APMAPT plural opuses or opera
1APM a piece of music by a great musician, numbered according to when
it was written:
E.g. Beethoven's Opus 95
2A formal an important work of art by a famous writer, painter etc
oratorio APM оратория (n.) [countable]APMAPT plural oratorios –a long piece of
music in which a large group of people sing

rhapsody Рапсодия восторженная напыщенная речь (n.) [countable] APM a piece

of music that is written to express emotion, and does not have a regular
E.g. Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue
romance Романс романтика роман (n.) [countable]AL a lyrical song or short
instrumental composition having a simple melody
sonata Соната (n.) [countable] APMa piece of music with three or four parts that
is written for a piano, or for a piano and another instrument:
E.g. a piano sonata
song S2 W2 Песня (n.) a) [countable]APM a short piece of music with words that you
pop/folk/love etc song
E.g. pop songs on the radio
They sat round with guitars, singing folk songs.
b) [uncountable]APM songs in general:
E.g. The bravery of past warriors was celebrated in song.
burst/break into song (=suddenly start singing)
E.g. Some of his more drunken friends burst into song.

symphony Симфония (n.) 1APM a long piece of music usually in four parts, written
E.g. Bruckner's Fifth Symphony
2APM also symphony orchestra a large group of CLASSICAL musicians led
—symphonic adjective
toccata Токката (n.) [countable] a piece of music, usually for piano or organ, that
is played very quickly
The press

Critic – критик - a person who writes reviews and expresses opinion about book, film, and
Editor – редактор - a person in charge of a newspaper, magazine or a section of a newspaper or
who makes decisions concerning the contents.
Journalist – журналист - a person who works for a newspaper and writes articles.
Paparazzo – папараци – фотограф
Readership – читатели , круг читателей, читательская масса - all the people who read a book,
Reporter – репортер , корреспондент - a person who writes news or broadcastsnews reports.
Reviewer – рецензент , обозреватель - a person who express his opinion about a book, article.
Article - статья - is a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine.
Caption – титр , подпись , заголовок - words printed above or below a picture in a newspaper
or a book to explain what the picture is showing.
Column – стобец , колонка , колонна , графа , столбик a vertical section of writing on a
particular subject or a regular section/article writen by the same person that appears regulary in
newspaper or magazine.
Comic strip – комикс - is a series of drawings which tell a story, often with the words spoken by
the characters written on them.
Editorial – редакционный , редакторский - is an article in a newspaper which gives the
opinion of the editor or publisher on a particular topic.
Feature – особенность - a special article about a subject in a newspaper or a magazine.
Headline – заголовок - is a title of a newspaper story, printed in large letters.
Obituary – некролог - a piece of writing about someone who has just died.
Review – обзор , рецензия - is an article in a newspaper or a magazine in which someone gives
their opinion of something such as a book, play.
Supplement – дополнение - a separate part of a newspaper made in addition to the main one.
Broadsheets – плакаты листовки толстые газеты - serious newspaper that people respect.
Circulation – тираж - the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are
usually sold each day, week, month.
Censorship – цензура - the practice of system of censoring the press, i. e. to remove smth that is
considered of morally, harmfully.
Gutter press – бульварная пресса - journalism catering for vulgar tastes.
Heavies – серьезное издание - large, serious newspapers.
Journal – журнал - a serious magazine produced for professional people or those with a
particular interest.
Layout – планировка схема макет план разметка - the way in which writing and pictures are
arranged on a page.
Periodical – периодическое издание - a magazine,especially a serious or academic one.
Quality press - serious newspaper that people respect.
Tabloid – бульварный - a newspaper that has a lot of stories about sex, famous people and not
very much serious news.
серьезные газеты – heavies, broadsheets, quality papers
бульварная пресса – tabloids, popular papers, gutter press
общенациональная пресса – national papers
местная пресса – local papers
глянцевые – glossy
литературные – literary
новостные – news
выходящие раз в 3 месяца – quarterly
ежедневные – dailies
еженедельные – weeklies
ежемесячные – monthlies
специализированные журналы – journals
приложение – supplement
периодические издания – periodicals
отдельная часть газеты – section
дочерняя газета – a sister-paper
Четвертая Власть – the Forth Estate
экземпляр – a copy
тираж – circulation

освещать (тему) – to cover a topic

уделять много места, внимания теме – to give a lot of coverage to, to devote attention to smth
представлять информацию – to present information
делать обзор (искусство) – to review (arts)
помещать на видном месте – to feature smth
комментировать – to comment on
сообщать, доносить, рассказывать о чем-либо – to report on
опубликовывать – to publish
специализироваться в чем-либо – to spesialize in
трактовать, преподносить тему определенным образом – to treat a topic in a certain way
иметь дело с - to deal with
ориентироваться на – to cater for
привлекать – to appeal to
придерживаться правосторонних взглядов – to hold rightwing views
вести себя навязчиво – to behave intrusively
быть известным, сильным в чем-либо - * to be famous for
* to be renowned for
* to be respected for
* to be noted for
* to have (high) reputation for
* to be strong on

большая газетная статья – a feature

передовица – an editorial, a leader (a leading article)
обзор – a review
комикс – a comic strip
житейские рассказы – a human interest stories
статьи рассчитанные на массового читателя – general interest articles
некролог – obituary
политический комментарий – political comment
передача, сообщение новостей – news reporting
колонка сплетен, светская хроника – a gossip column
гороскоп – a horoscope
(широкий) охват международных событий – (wide) coverage of international affairs
планировка (газеты) – layout
подпись под рисунком, фото – a caption
журналистское расследование – investigating journalism
заголовок статьи – a headline
статья о текущих событиях – an article on current affairs
карикатуры – cartoons
грозные (передовицы) – formidable (editorials)
вызывающий – challenging
прямолинейный – forthright
проницательный комментарий – penetrating comment
скандальная, вопиющая информация – outrageous information
старомодные, скучные, чопорные газеты – stuffy (newspapers)
широкий и точный охват событий – wide and accurate reporting
яркий, колоритный стиль подачи событий – racy style of reporting

журналист, передающий новости с опр. места, или по опр. тематике – correspondent

журналист – journalist
журналист, ведущий свой раздел в газете – columnist
обозреватель – reviewer
журналист, дающий свое суждение о чем-либо – critic
редактор – editor
журналист, занимающийся поиском и передачей новостей – reporter
круг читателей – readership

aptitude Уместность способность пригодность склонность (n.) [uncountable and
countable] - natural ability or skill, especially in learning
E.g. He has a natural aptitude for teaching.
aptitude test - a test that measures your natural skills or abilities
callous Черствый бездушный бессердечный (adj.) - not caring that other people
are suffering:
E.g. We were shocked at the callous disregard for human life.
a callous attitude
callously (adverb)
callousness (noun) [uncountable]
child prodigy Вундеркинд (n.) [countable] - a child who is unusually skilful at doing
something such as playing a musical instrument
disorderly Беспорядочно беспорядочный (adj.) formal
1 untidy or without any order [≠ orderly]:
E.g. clothes left in a disorderly heap
2SCC behaving in a noisy violent way and causing trouble in a public
E.g. disorderly conduct/behaviour
enigmatic Загадочный загадочно (adj.) - mysterious and difficult to understand
E.g. enigmatic smile/expression etc
enigmatically (adv.):
fickle Непостоянный ненадежный переменчивый изменивый (adj.) –
someone who is fickle is always changing their mind about people or
things that they like, so that you cannot depend on them - used to show
E.g. an unpredictable and fickle friend

firm Твердо крепко (adj.)2 S2 W2 - showing in the way that you behave or
speak that you are the person in control and that you are not likely to
change your answer, belief etc:
E.g. Cal replied with a polite but firm 'no'.
What this country needs is firm leadership.
firmly (adv.)
firmness (noun) [uncountable]
handicap Быть помехой (v.)[transitive] - to make it difficult for someone to do
something that they want or need to do:
E.g. a handicapped man
hard slog2 Трудный слог [singular, uncountable] (British English informal) - a piece
of work that takes a lot of time and effort and is usually boring:
E.g. It'll be a slog, but I know we can do it.
months of hard slog
hemisphere Полушарие сфера область (n.) [countable] - HBone of the two halves of
your brain
E.g. left\ right hemisphere
hemispherical (adj)
hereditary Наследственный потомственный наследуемый (adj.)- HBMa quality or
illness that is hereditary is passed from a parent to a child before the child
is born
E.g. hereditary studies
The Nature Theory suggests that intelligence, personality,
aggression, sexual orientation are encoded in an individual’s DNA.
See also: nurture
holistic Целостный (adj.) - considering a person or thing as a whole, rather than as
separate parts:
E.g. a holistic approach to design
holistically (adv.)
IQ [countable] ( SEintelligence quotient) - your level of intelligence,
measured by a special test, with 100 being the average result:
E.g. an IQ of 130; IQ above average

nurture Воспитание обучение (n.)2 [uncountable] (formal) - SESSCthe

education and care that you are given as a child, and the way it affects your
later development and attitudes
pay off Расплачиваться окупаться покрываться (v.) - BFif something you do
pays off, it is successful or has a good result:
E.g. Teamwork paid off.
physiognomy физиогномика (n.) – HBHthe general appearance of a person's face;
judging human character by facial features.
syn. face reading
point to/towards Указать на (v.) - to suggest that something is true:
E.g. All the evidence pointed towards Blake as the murderer.
Everything points to her having died from a drugs overdose.
ruthless Беспощадный безжалостный (adj.)
1 so determined to get what you want that you do not care if you have to
hurt other people in order to do it:
E.g. a ruthless dictator
They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights.
2 determined and firm when making unpleasant decisions:
E.g. He ran the company with ruthless efficiency.
Throw away clothes you don't wear - be ruthless.
ruthlessly (adv.):
ruthlessness (noun) [uncountable]
sacrifice Жертвовать (v.)2 [transitive] - to willingly stop having something you
want or doing something you like in order to get something more important
sacrifice something for something
E.g. A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.
sacrifice something to do something
E.g. He sacrificed a promising career to look after his kids.
sacrifice yourself (for something)
E.g. mothers who sacrifice themselves for their children
sacrifice1 Жертва жертвоприношение (n.) E.g. She brought three children up
single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice.
self-sacrifice (n.)[uncountable] - when you decide not to do or have
something you want or need, in order to help someone else:
E.g. several years of hard work and self-sacrifice
self-sacrificing (adj.)
sinister Зловещий (adj.)- making you feel that something evil, dangerous, or
illegal is happening or will happen
E.g. There is a sinister side to these events.
He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.
sneak Ябеда подлец (n)2 [countable]
1 (British English informal) - a child whom other children dislike, because
they tell adults about bad things that the other children have done wrong:
E.g. You little sneak!
2 (American English informal) - someone who is not liked because they do
things secretly and cannot be trusted
spell out Изложить расшифровать - phrasal verb - to explain something clearly and
in detail
spell out how/what etc
E.g. The report spelled out in detail what the implications were for teacher
spendthrift Мот расточитель (n) [countable] - someone who spends money
carelessly, even when they do not have a lot of it.
tender Нежный ласковый мягкий (adj.)1 - gentle and careful in a way that
shows love:
E.g. Her voice was tender and soft.
a slow, tender kiss
tenderly (adv.)
tenderness (noun) [uncountable]
testify Давать показания свидетельствовать заявлять утверждать (v.)
[intransitive and transitive] - written to show clearly that something is the
E.g. The empty shops in the high street testify to the depth of the
testify that
E.g. The full ashtrays testify that smoking hasn't been stubbed out.
Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the
Syn. point to/towards, spell out
to go to Во все тяжкие - to try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve
some/great/any something that is important to you:
lengths (to do E.g. He went to great lengths to keep their name out of the papers.
something) Bella would go to any lengths to fulfil her ambition.

Family Issues

access1 S3 W1 Доступ (n.) [uncountable]

1. the opportunity or right to use sth (E.g. access to information; access to
2. SCLthe legal right to see and spend time with sb.
E.g. My ex-husband has access to the children once a week.
accessible (adj.)
accessibly (adverb)
accessibility (noun) [uncountable]
afford Позволить себе , предоставлять (v.) S1 W3 [transitive]
1. to have enough money to buy or pay for something
afford [to do] something
E.g. We can't afford to go on vacation this year.
I couldn't afford the rent on my own.
How can she afford to eat out every night?
2. to have enough time to do something:
E.g. Dad can't afford any more time off work.
! Afford can be followed by an infinitive with 'to', but not an -ing form: I
can't afford to buy (NOT can't afford buying/can't afford buy) a car.
affordable (adj.) E.g. affordable housing
benefit 1 S3 W1 выгода (n) 1.[uncountable and countable] - an advantage,
improvement, or help that you get from something
2 [uncountable and countable] (British English) -PEW money provided
by the government to people who are sick, unemployed, or have little
money [= welfare American English]
unemployment/housing/child etc benefit
E.g. You might be entitled to housing benefit.
on benefit
E.g. families on benefit
3[countable usually plural]BFI - extra money or other advantages that you
get as part of your job or from insurance that you have:
E.g. We offer an excellent benefits package.
medical benefits
be of benefit (to somebody) (= быть полезным - be useful to
have the benefit of something иметь преимущество
get/gain/derive benefit (from something)получать / извлекать
reap the benefits (of something) (= пожинать плоды - enjoy the
advantages of something)
the full benefit (of something) поная польза
for somebody's benefit для / ради чьей-то выгоды
be to the benefit of somebody быть кому-то полезным
mutual benefit (=взаимная выгода , взаимовыгода - useful to two or
more people)
with/without the benefit (of something) (=using/not using something)
economic/financial/social/health benefits
something outweighs the benefits of something (=something is more
important than the benefits)

benefit Извлекать приносить пользу помогать 2 S2 W3 (v.) [intransitive and

transitive] - if you benefit from something or it benefits you, it gives you
an advantage, improves your life, or helps you in some way:
E.g. They are working together to benefit the whole community.
Many thousands have benefited from the new treatment.
benefit greatly/enormously/considerably etc
E.g. I'm sure you'll benefit greatly from the visit.
beneficial (adj.) - having a good effect [≠ detrimental]:
E.g. a drug that has a beneficial effect on the immune system
Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment.
an arrangement that is mutually beneficial (=it has advantages for
everyone who is involved)
beneficially (adverb)
breakdown Сломать , распад , разрушение , поломка , развал , упадок (n.)
[uncountable and countable] - the failure of a relationship or system
breakdown of society
marriage/marital/family breakdown
E.g. Family breakdown can lead to behavioural problems in children.
He moved away after the breakdown of his marriage.
burden 1 S3 W3 бремя нагрузка груз ноша (n.)[countable] – a duty,
responsibility, etc that causes worry, difficulty or hard work.
E.g. to bear/carry/ease/reduce/share the burden
The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state
the tax/financial/economic/debt burden
childcare Уход за детьми , охрана детства (n.) [uncountable] - an arrangement in
which someone who is trained to look after children cares for them while
the parents are at work:
E.g. People earning low wages will find it difficult to pay for childcare.
I think more women would work if there were better childcare
cohabit сожительствовать (v.) [intransitive] - to live with another person and
have a sexual relationship with them without being married
cohabitation (n.) [uncountable]
consumerism стимулирование потребительского интереса , защита потребителей
(n.) [uncountable]
1PPP the belief that it is good to buy and use a lot of goods and services -
often used to show disapproval:
E.g. the growth of consumerism
2PPBBT actions to protect people from unfair prices, advertising that is
not true etc
consumerist (adj.)

divorce Развод (n.)1 S3 [uncountable and countable]SSFSCL - the legal ending

of a marriage [ syn. separation]:
E.g. Why doesn't she get a divorce?
One in three marriages ends in divorce.
to file/sue/petition for divorce (=start the legal divorce process)
E.g. His wife has started divorce proceedings.
the rise in the divorce rate
divorce Разводиться (v.)2 E.g. David's parents divorced when he was six.
divorced (adj.) E.g. Are you married, single, or divorced?
divorced from E.g. Anne is divorced from Simon's father.
exposure Воздействие , экспозиция W3 (n.) [uncountable] - when someone is in a
situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or
E.g. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.
Exposure to drugs
exposed (adj.)
expose W3 (v.) [transitive]
extended family Большая семья [countable] - SSFa family group that consists not only of
parents and children but also of grandparents, AUNTSs etc
juvenile Ювенильный юный юношеский (adj.) [only before noun] lawSCL -
relating to young people who are not yet adults:
E.g. juvenile crime
juvenile delinquent малолетний преступник [countable] - SCCa
child or young person who behaves in a criminal way
juvenile delinquency (noun) [uncountable]
lenient Мягкий снисходительный (adj.) - not strict in the way you punish
someone or in the standard you expect:
E.g. the lenient sentences handed down by some judges
School examiners say that marking has become more lenient in
recent years.
leniently (adv.)
leniency also lenience (noun) [uncountable]
E.g. the trend towards greater leniency for most offenders
maintenance S2 W3 поддержание , обслуживание (n.) [uncountable] – (British
English)SCL money paid by someone who is divorced to their former
wife or husband [= alimony]:
E.g. They have to find the fathers who abandon their children and make
them pay maintenance.
syn. child support
married WORD FOCUS:
single not married
divorced if you are divorced, you have officially ended your marriage
to someone
engaged if you are engaged to be married, you have formally agreed to
marry someone in the future
widowed if you are widowed, your husband or wife has died
be living together to be living as a couple in the same house without
being married
spouse (formal) the person you are married to
partner your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend
marital status whether you are single or married - used on official

married (adj.) S2 W2 1. having a husband or a wife:

E.g. Nicole is married to my brother.
We're getting married (=marrying) next month.
married couple/man/woman
E.g. a happily married man
When she first came to London, she was newly married and out
of work.
So, how do you like married life?
! Do not say 'be married with' someone or 'get married with' someone. Say
be married to someone or get married to someone.
2. be married to something - to give most of your time and attention to a
job or activity:
E.g. I was married to my job.
nuclear family Ядерная / нуклеарная семья [countable] - SSFa family unit that consists
only of a husband, wife and children
See also: extended family большая семья
overpopulation перенаселенность (n.) [uncountable] - when there are too many people
living in a particular place:
E.g. efforts to reduce overpopulation
overpopulated (adjective)
parental родительский (adj.) - SSFrelating to being a parent and especially to
being responsible for a child's safety and development:
E.g. parental responsibility
Opening a new school will increase parental choice.
parental leave Отпуск по уходу за ребенком [uncountable] - time that
a parent is allowed to spend away from work with his or her baby
rate Ставка норма коэффициент (n.)1 S1 W1 () [countable] - the number
of times something happens, or the number of examples of something
within a certain period
birth/unemployment/crime/divorce etc rate
E.g. Australia's unemployment rate rose to 6.5% in February.
a rapid increase in the divorce rate
sentence Приговор (n.) - a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty
of a crime
single 1 S2 W1 (adj.) - not married, or not involved in a romantic relationship
with anyone:
E.g. The changes in tax rates will benefit single people the most.
singles (n.) [plural]
E.g. The show is especially popular among young singles.
a singles night at the club
single parent (n.) [countable] - SSFa mother or father who looks after their children on
their own, without a partner [= lone parent]
E.g. The life in a single-parent family differs from the one in a two-
parent family.
temporary S2 W3 временный (adj.)
1 continuing for only a limited period of time [≠ permanent]:
E.g. temporary pain relief
You might want to consider temporary work until you decide
what you want to do.
She was employed on a temporary basis.
2 intended to be used for only a limited period of time [≠ permanent]:
E.g. temporary accommodation
The bridge was erected as a temporary measure.
temporarily (adv.)
transient преходящий временный скоротечный 1 (adj.) formal
1 continuing only for a short time:
E.g. transient fashions
2 working or staying somewhere for only a short time:
E.g. a transient population
trap 1 ловушка (n.) [countable] - an unpleasant or difficult situation that is
difficult to escape from:
E.g. Amanda felt that marriage was a trap.
debt/unemployment etc trap
E.g. people caught in the unemployment trap
the poverty trap – нищета - a situation in which a poor person without a
job cannot afford to take a low paying job because they would lose the
money they receive from the government
the poverty line Черта бедности also the poverty level Уровень
бедности (American English) -PEW the income below which a person or
a family is officially considered to be very poor and in need of help:
E.g. 20% of the population now live below the poverty line.

Phrasal Verbs
be after somebody/something (informal) - to want to have something that belongs to someone
E.g. I think Chris is after my job.
break away from (v.) - Отрываться от - to leave your home, family, or job and become
E.g. I felt the need to break away from home.
break up (phrasal verb) - if a marriage, group of people, or relationship breaks up, the people in
it separate and do not live or work together any more:
E.g. He lost his job and his marriage broke up.
The couple broke up last year.
break up with E.g. Has Sam really broken up with Lucy?
see through (phrasal verb) - to realize that someone is trying to deceive you:
E.g. I saw through his excuses.
I could never lie to her because I know she'd see through me straight away.

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