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11th grade

Class:CCS 03

Theme: Hospitals Industry offers and request

Ercília Elias Moreno Nº 32
Esperança Álvaro Nº
Teacher: Sansão
Estrela Francisco Nº 36
Essita Samuel Nº
Feita da Costa Nº 40
Eugenia António Raimundo Nº
Fane da Iasmine Nº
Sónia Amadinho Nº 92
Yulen David Nº 93

Chimoio, September 2023

1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................3
2. Goals................................................................................................................................................3
2.1. General objective......................................................................................................................3
2.2. Specific objectives....................................................................................................................3
3. Hospitals Industry offers and request..............................................................................................4
3.1. Five Different Sectors of the Hospitality Industry...................................................................4
4. Hospital homes / hotels....................................................................................................................7
4.1. Classification on the basis of length of stay.............................................................................7
4.2. Residential hotels......................................................................................................................7
4.3. Transit hotels............................................................................................................................8
4.4. Transient hotels........................................................................................................................8
4.5. Semi residential hotels..............................................................................................................8
4.6. The Latest Hospitality Trends..................................................................................................8
4.7. Hospitality Technology Trends................................................................................................8
4.8. Hospitality Marketing Trends...................................................................................................9
4.9. The Relevance of Revenue Management for The Hotel and Hospitality Industry..................9
4.10. Find Travel Agencies to Generate More Bookings in the Hospitality Industry...................9
4.11. Hospitality Management.......................................................................................................9
4.12. Different Management Types Within the Hospitality Industry............................................9
5. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................13
6. Bibliographical References............................................................................................................14
1. Introduction
The hospitality industry is comprised of various sectors that house, feed, transport, and entertain
visitors. Each sector covers a broad range of fields, providing a distinct variety of goods and services.
It’s important to note that while separate from one another, they can often overlap and work in
conjunction to create one complete and comprehensive hospitality experience. Below, we’ll
investigate each sector individually to fully define the hospitality industry. So, what is the Hospitality
industry? First, defining what we mean by the hospitality industry is important. After all, it is a broad
field. While most people have a basic idea of the types of businesses that count as hospitality brands,
a far smaller number can provide a coherent and satisfactory explanation of what the industry is and
is not.

2. Goals
2.1. General objective
 Describe about Hospitals Industry offers and request

2.2. Specific objectives

 Conceptualize Hospitals Industry offers and request
 Identify types of Hospitals Industry offers and request

3. Hospitals Industry offers and request

The hospitality industry is comprised of various sectors that house, feed, transport, and entertain
visitors. Each sector covers a broad range of fields, providing a distinct variety of goods and services.
It’s important to note that while separate from one another, they can often overlap and work in
conjunction to create one complete and comprehensive hospitality experience. Below, we’ll
investigate each sector individually to fully define the hospitality industry. So, what is the Hospitality
industry? First, defining what we mean by the hospitality industry is important. After all, it is a broad
field. While most people have a basic idea of the types of businesses that count as hospitality brands,
a far smaller number can provide a coherent and satisfactory explanation of what the industry is and
is not.

The hospitality industry refers to various businesses and services linked to leisure and customer
satisfaction. A defining aspect of the hospitality industry is that it focuses on ideas of luxury,
pleasure, enjoyment, and experiences instead of catering to necessities and essentials. The hospitality
industry is part of a larger enterprise known as the travel and tourism industry. The travel and tourism
industry is vast group of businesses with one goal in common: providing necessary or desired
products and services to travelers.

Hospitality can be termed as a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain
mutual understanding between an organization and the public i.e., the business of making and
keeping friends, and promoting an atmosphere of better understanding. As per the Oxford Dictionary
Hospitality is defined as: ‗Reception and entertainment of guest, visitors or strangers with liberality
and goodwill.‘ The word hospitality is derived from the Latin word ―Hospitalitias‖

The travel and tourism industry can be segregated into five main parts and further it shows the
various sub components of each part. The hospitality industry consist of lodging and food and
beverage operations – plus institutional food and beverage services which do not cater to the traveling
public. Lodging operations stand apart from other travel and tourism businesses since they offer
overnight accommodations to their guests. Many lodging properties provide food and beverage
service, recreational activities and more.

3.1. Five Different Sectors of the Hospitality Industry

While the hospitality industry covers several different services, it can generally be defined through
five different sectors. These sectors include food and beverages, lodging, recreation, travel and
tourism, and meetings and events. Though each sector is distinct from the next, they often work in

conjunction with one another. To learn more about the sectors, what they're comprised of, and how
they connect, continue reading below.

a) Food and Beverage Industry

The food and beverage industry consists of the preparation, transportation, and serving of food or
beverage to customers. Given the wide variety of options available to customers when it comes to
food, this sector has become one of the most successful and easy to identify sectors of the industry.
With options ranging from something as simple as a hotel breakfast bar to venues as extravagant as a
five-star restaurant, there is no shortage of opportunities in this sector.

Examples of some of the most common food and beverage businesses include:

 Restaurants
 Cafeterias
 Catering companies
 Cafes
 Fast food restaurants
 Pubs
 Delis
 Third-party delivery services
b) Lodging Industry
The lodging industry consists of businesses that provide overnight accommodations to guests.
Depending on the type of service you provide, businesses in the lodging industry can accommodate
as few as one or two guests to as many as hundreds. Because of this large range, your experience
across different segments of the lodging industry can vary immensely. Below, we’ve listed some of
the most common types of lodging businesses:

 Hotels: A hotel is the most common and recognizable type of business in the lodging
industry. Often marketed towards vacationers and business travelers, hotels allow guests to
rent individual rooms for a set period. Furthermore, hotels often offer their guests a number of
amenities such as access to pools, fitness rooms, and complimentary breakfast.
 Vacation rentals: A vacation rental business offers an alternative to traditional hotel stays.
These properties are typically owned by individual people or families and listed on websites
like Airbnb or Vrbo. They allow travelers to plan a visit for a short amount of time and can
often be booked at cheaper prices than hotels.
 Bed and breakfasts: Traditionally, a bed and breakfast is a smaller establishment that
accommodates a handful of guests and serves them breakfast in the morning.
c) Recreation Industry
One key sector of the hospitality industry is recreation. In general, businesses in the recreation
industry provide customers with ways to entertain themselves, pursue hobbies, or experience
educational opportunities. Though they can occasionally last overnight or for long stretches, most
recreation can be experienced for just a few hours, such as an afternoon trip. In most cases,
businesses in the recreation sector rely on admission tickets, concessions sales, and food and
beverage sales to collect revenue.

Below, we've listed some common examples of the recreation industry:

 Amusement parks
 Campgrounds
 Theaters
 Museums
 Zoos
 Art exhibits

d) Travel and Tourism Industry

Travel and tourism is one of the largest sectors of the hospitality industry. In general, travel and
tourism allow people to visit destinations outside of their normal environment. Distance traveled and
length of stay vary significantly depending on the context. Some shorter trips can be as brief as a day,
such as sleeping overnight while visiting friends or family. Comparatively, some trips can last up to a
year, in the case of students studying abroad for a semester. Of all the sectors in the hospitality
industry, the travel and tourism sector has perhaps the most crossover with its counterparts. This is
because when people choose to travel, they don't just plan a method of transportation, but rather an
entire stay. This can include making reservations such as where to eat, choosing a hotel, identifying
attractions they might want to visit, ordering room service, or scheduling business meetings.

e) Meetings and Events Industry

This segment of the hospitality industry consists of a variety of social, business, and sporting events.
These events can range from something as intimate as a small wedding to events on a much larger
scale, such as an expo. Venues that support the meetings and events industry have become integral to
most major cities, not just because of the flexibility they offer, but because of the potential revenue

they can bring in. Because of this, many cities depend on the meetings and events industry to draw
people to them and support other local businesses.

Some of the most common types of meetings and events include:

 Sporting events
 Family reunions
 Holiday celebrations
 Business events
 Trade shows
 Farm shows
 Conferences

The hospitality industry is comprised of five sectors that provide a wide range of services and
accommodations. Whether you're thinking of going into business in the hospitality industry or just
looking to learn more about it, it's important to build an understanding of what each sector does and
how they relate to one another.

4. Hospital homes / hotels

These days hospital tourism is picking up throughout the world. India is also not
lacking behind in this business. Good Hospitals have mushroomed throughout the
country and people from all over the world come with their patients for
medical checkup and/or treatment at these hospitals. Good hospitals have got hotels
attached to the hospitals which only cater for the relatives/friends of the patients
admitted in their hospitals. Usually they charge on European Plan or they offer a
package for the treatment as well as for the stay at the hotel.
4.1. Classification on the basis of length of stay
Some hotels cater for a specific length of stay. These hotels can be classified in the
following ways:
 Residential Hotels
 Transit Hotels
 Transient Hotels
 Semi-Residential Hotels

4.2. Residential hotels

These hotels offer rooms/apartments on monthly basis and even if a guest stays for a
part of the month, is normally charged for the full month. The best examples for
these hotels are hostels, paying guest houses for students, trainees, working people,
etc. Some big companies also hire them for months/years for their company
executives for pleasure, business, training, etc. These can be located in any part of
the country, it may be a hill station, beach, etc. for pleasure or a big city or an
industrial town for business.
4.3. Transit hotels
Motels and Airport Hotels are the best example of these hotels. These hotels are patronized by those
guests who are in transit and will be travelling further to their destination. Sometimes these hotels
also charge room rent for half a day as guests would like to stay just for a few hours. At times these
hotels have much more than 100% occupancy. In India the motels have not become very popular
as people do not travel very long distances by their own vehicles. But in U.S.A. and Europe the
motels are very popular as due to comfortable high ways and vehicles the long distance traveling is
not only convenient but very economical as well.
4.4. Transient hotels
Public Works Department (P.W.D.) Rest Houses, Bank Homes, Government Guest Houses,
etc. are the best examples of transient hotels. In these hotels one is not allowed to stay for a very
long time as these hotels are very economical and are usually patronized by the employees either
on transfer (till they arrange their accommodation) or on tour or on vacations.
4.5. Semi residential hotels
Most of the hotels in present days are Semi Residential Hotels and are located throughout the
country. The guests, staying in these hotels, are required to pay room rent on daily basis. He may
hire the accommodation for months or years together but the rent charged will be on daily basis.
The hotel may offer a special allowance on room rent to these guests. Usually these hotels operate
on European-Plan but other plans are offered to groups.
4.6. The Latest Hospitality Trends
It is important for businesses operating within the hospitality industry to keep up with the latest
hospitality trends, to avoid being left behind. Furthermore, keeping pace with the wider industry is
one way owners can help ensure their business delivers an excellent customer experience. In the
article “Hospitality Trends: The Latest Trends in The Hospitality Industry,” you can find the latest
hospitality trends.
4.7. Hospitality Technology Trends
As in every industry, technology is also becoming tremendously important within the hospitality
industry. It helps companies operating in the industry to innovate processes and customer
experiences. Furthermore, guests are used to various technologies at home, so they also expect at
least the same level when they are on holiday. Keeping up with the latest technology is essential
because the industry is extremely competitive. In the article “The Latest Technology Trends in the
Hospitality Industry,” you will find the latest technology trends that hospitality companies should be
aware of.
4.8. Hospitality Marketing Trends
Introducing the most effective hospitality marketing tools to your business is essential for attracting
new customers and increasing your brand’s reputation. Marketing your business through digital
platforms is a powerful way to gain maximum exposure. Knowing how users plan and book their
accommodations and tours online will help you utilize the most powerful marketing strategies. In
the article “Latest Hospitality Marketing Trends” you will find the latest hospitality marketing
4.9. The Relevance of Revenue Management for The Hotel and Hospitality Industry
Every industry is competitive, and the hospitality industry is no different. An effective revenue
management strategy can help to maximize profits, not just for the hotel sector but also for resorts,
cruises, restaurants, casinos, and any other hospitality sector. Revenue management utilizes a
revenue optimization method that helps businesses in the hotel and hospitality industry exploit their
full potential for higher profitability. Learn about the definition of revenue management and its
importance in this article, ‘Revenue Management; clearly explained!’.
4.10. Find Travel Agencies to Generate More Bookings in the Hospitality Industry
People often turn to travel agencies for travel products or services online rather than visiting
individual company websites. For this reason, the hospitality industry can potentially benefit from
linking to a travel agency platform, because the agency will be able to generate incremental
bookings for you.
Read “Find Travel Agencies to Generate More Bookings,” and you will have access to a list of the
main travel agencies to partner with and further information about why working with travel agencies
is so important.
4.11. Hospitality Management
Hospitality is an industry that includes restaurants, hotels, casinos, amusement parks, events,
cruises, entertainment, and other tourism-related services. As such, this industry isn’t just important
to businesses but also to customers, employees, and economies. Providing customers with excellent
service is the primary goal of hospitality managers as they focus on creating high-standard services
and environments to make their customers feel welcome at their establishments. ‘Hospitality
Management: The Essentials About Hospitality’ is a comprehensive guide that explains how to
kick-start your career in the hospitality sector.
4.12. Different Management Types Within the Hospitality Industry

Within the hospitality industry, there are several different management types to be aware of. In the
sections below, you can find out what each role entails.

4.13. Restaurant Management

Restaurant management is the management of businesses or departments within the hospitality

industry that allow customers to order and eat food on-site. It involves overseeing the day-to-day
management of the business or department, managing employees, tracking and maintaining stock
levels, managing reputation, and more. Check out “Restaurant Management: Everything You Need to
Know” for more on how restaurant management is defined, the core duties associated with the role,
the qualities needed to succeed, and the value of the role.

4.14. Travel Management

Within the hospitality industry, travel management refers to the specialism of organizing and
managing business travel. Typical tasks can include tracking expenditures, optimizing travel routes,
booking flights and hotel stays, and devising strategies to minimize the negative impact of business
travel on productivity, morale, and company finances.

Take a look at the “What is Travel Management?” article for an in-depth overview of travel
management as a discipline, complete with a breakdown of the most important tasks, an evaluation of
the benefits of travel management, and insights into the differences between in-house travel
management and the use of a travel management company.

4.15. Hotel Management

Hotel management refers to hotels and similar businesses operating in the hospitality industry.
Generally, hotel managers oversee daily operations, supervise departments when necessary, manage
employees, recruit new staff, provide training, devise strategies, and more. Read “Hotel Management:
Everything You Need to Know About Managing a Hotel” for a more detailed analysis of the role of
the hotel manager, the importance of effective management, and the core duties.

a) An Overview of Different Hospitality Careers

The hospitality industry is so diverse that those seeking hospitality careers have many different job
roles to choose from. Whether you want to work in food and drinks service, a front office position,
cleaning, and maintenance, or a managerial role, it is vital to understand the options available.

Read “An Overview of Different Hospitality Careers” for a breakdown of the most common and
important hospitality positions that are available, complete with a description of what each job
actually entails.

b) Channels for Finding Hospitality Jobs

Employers in the hospitality industry advertise vacancies on several different platforms and channels.
For this reason, if you are seeking hospitality jobs, you must turn to a combination of these channels
to avoid missing out on the ideal opportunity for your skill set and personal preferences. Check
out “Channels for Finding Hospitality Jobs” for an overview of some of the most popular and
important channels to find and apply for jobs online, including hospitality job boards, social media
sites, recruitment agencies, and hotel websites.

c) Tips for Advancing Hospitality Management Careers

The hospitality industry is competitive by its very nature, and demand for hospitality management
careers can be especially high. Whether you are looking to become a general or hotel manager, or the
manager of a specific department, there are certain things you can do to maximize your chances of
landing the role of your dreams. Read “Tips for Advancing Hospitality Management Careers” and
find a list of 10 tips that can help you find the right role, improve the quality of your application, and
perform well in the interview.

d) Hospitality Management Jobs Offered By Hotel Chains

Within the hospitality industry, some of the biggest employers are major hotel chains, especially
those that operate globally. These businesses offer several different types of hospitality management
jobs and often advertise vacancies on their corporate websites, so it can be important to check those
regularly. In the article, “Hospitality Management Jobs Offered By Hotel Chains”, you can find out
more about ten of the biggest hotel chains in the world and use the information to seek out senior
management roles online.

e) Job Boards for Finding Hospitality Manager Jobs

Many people in the hospitality industry aspire to work in a managerial role. Still, for this to be
possible, the first step involves knowing where to look for advertised vacancies. Job boards represent
one of the most useful channels for anyone looking to become a hospitality manager. In “Job Boards
for Finding Hospitality Manager Jobs,” you will be able to gain insight into the role of a hospitality
manager and also find 10 examples of job boards that advertise senior hospitality positions.

f) Hospitality Course: An Overview of Hospitality Industry Education

The hospitality industry offers many job roles, and while some are entry-level positions, others
require more advanced skills and knowledge. This means that there may be some career options that
will require you to take a hospitality course first. Fortunately, there is a diverse range of options to
choose from. If you want to learn more about the hospitality courses, what they cover, how they can
benefit you, and where you can find them, read “Hospitality Course: An Overview of Courses &
Hospitality Educators”.

g) Free Online Guide on Revenue Management & Marketing Strategies

Excellent facilities, first-class service, the most comfortable rooms, and a great location may all be
the highlights of your hotel. Still, the question is, are your potential customers aware of these? Having
a perfect hotel without anyone knowing about it is useless unless you use the most effective hotel
marketing strategies. The ’Free Guide: Revenue Management & Hotel Marketing Strategies’ will
show you how to market your hotel business effectively by utilizing some important strategies.

h) How the Corona Virus Epidemic has Affected the Hospitality Industry

The global impact of the coronavirus on businesses, especially the hotel and hospitality industry, has
meant fewer people can travel due to the imposed travel restrictions. Almost all the local and
international events have been canceled or postponed to a later date, with examples including the
Olympic Games in Japan, the 2020 UEFA EURO, and the largest travel trade fair, ITB Berlin, to
name some of a few. With almost every business facing restrictions and people worrying about their
job security, it’s no wonder that no one is keen to book their holidays for 2020 or even 2021. The
hospitality industry is one of the sectors that’s been hit the hardest. Some hotels have lost up to 90
percent in occupancy, and some restaurants and hotels had no choice but to make their staff redundant
to stop recurring costs. As a result, many businesses have been forced to deal with their cash flow
problems and face an uncertain future.

5. Conclusion
The hospitality industry is comprised of various sectors that house, feed, transport, and entertain
visitors. Each sector covers a broad range of fields, providing a distinct variety of goods and services.
It’s important to note that while separate from one another, they can often overlap and work in
conjunction to create one complete and comprehensive hospitality experience. Below, we’ll
investigate each sector individually to fully define the hospitality industry. So, what is the Hospitality
industry? First, defining what we mean by the hospitality industry is important. After all, it is a broad
field. While most people have a basic idea of the types of businesses that count as hospitality brands,
a far smaller number can provide a coherent and satisfactory explanation of what the industry is and
is not.

6. Bibliographical References

John Whitehead. Grasping for the Wind, 2001

Michael Ann Holly and Keith Moxey (eds.) Art History Aesthetics Visual Studies. New Haven: Yale
University Press, 2002. ISBN 0300097891
Shiner, Larry. The Invention of Art: A Cultural History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
ISBN 978-0-226-75342-3
Arthur Danto, The Abuse of Beauty: Aesthetics and the Concept of Art. 2003
Dana Arnold and Margaret Iversen, eds. Art and Thought. London: Blackwell, 2003. ISBN
Jean Robertson and Craig McDaniel, Themes of Contemporary Art, Visual Art after 1980, 2005


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