Final Project - WarehouseManagement

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ENEB Business School

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Final Project Guidelines

Please use this format to submit your final work. The paper must follow all the
guidelines as instructed in order to obtain full credit.

Remember that our team of tutors is available for any questions regarding your
final work. You must present the final version of your work as no previous
corrections will be carried out. To submit the final project, students must use
the template below, with their answers written after each statement.

Please present your final paper according to these requirements:

 Arial 12 Font.

 Margin: 2,5.

 Line spacing: 1,5.

 All fields on the cover page must be completed.

 The document needs to be properly paged.

Your final project must be authentic and individual. Any work that has been
plagiarized or papers written by others or with the help of others are likely to be
failed. If this occurs for the second time, you will not be permitted to obtain your

Be aware that you are permitted a maximum of two submissions per subject. If
both projects do not meet the standards and fail, the student must pay the
corresponding fee to be evaluated again.

When writing your final project please use Microsoft Office, Adobe or Apache's
Open Office Writer tools (DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF, etc.). Please consult your

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tutor when using a different format. Additional information about the software
will be needed.

Please use the following format:




The project should not exceed more than 18 pages, excluding the cover page,
bibliography and the appendix.

Evaluation Guidelines

The final work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Acquired knowledge (25%): the knowledge acquired throughout the

course of the subject will be evaluated through the analysis of the
theoretical data shown in the project presented by the student.

 Development of the Subject (25 %): the interpretation of the thesis

subject by the student and its development will be evaluated in a
coherent and analytical manner.

 Final result (25%): the final evaluation is based on coherent

solutions applied to solve objectives set out in the paper. The
presentation must be conclusive and formatting must meet
established parameters.

 Additional information and bibliography (25%): additional

information regarding the research and subject matter will be

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evaluated and taken into consideration as a bonus. This consist of:
bibliography, visual graphics, charts, independent studies carried out
by the student, external academic sources, articles of opinion, etc. All
sources, both printed and online, must be referenced according
to the APA regulations.


Robert is the current director of Verdifruta S.A., a company dedicated to the

cultivation and sale of fruits and vegetables, both to greengrocers and
supermarkets and to individuals through ecological baskets. Its production
stands out for the non-use of fertilizers and pesticides, so in recent years the
business has increased considerably, implying that they have tended to buy
more land for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.
Currently, the company has a central warehouse, nearby where fruit and
vegetables are produced, and with several regional warehouses in the main
sales areas.
However, and due to increased production, the company has been forced to
expand its central warehouse, because the current one has become too small,
causing space problems for the storage of the products once they have been
collected, as well as the containers, and causing chaos and withholdings in
relation to the output of the orders towards the end customers.

Robert does not know much about the configuration of a new warehouse, so he
asks you to help him design a warehouse that suits his current situation and his
real needs.


1. Analysis of the current situation of the company to detect the real needs
on which the new warehouse should be planned.

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2. Based on the real needs detected, set for each of them a general
objective and a couple of specific goals, as well as those actions that you
would implement to achieve those objectives.

3. Concerning the real needs of the company and the objectives to be

achieved with the new warehouse, select those areas or areas that
should be part of the new warehouse and justify their choice.
4. What equipment or storage facilities would you use in the new
warehouse? Why?

GROW Coaching Model Overview

You may find that you already use the elements of the GROW model (or T-GROW)
without even realizing it.

Here's a quick GROW Model overview:

 G: Goal (choose a goal or required outcome for the coaching session)

 R: Reality (explore where they are around the topic/goal, what's going on for
them, what's getting in the way)
 O: Options (explore ideas and brainstorm what they could do to move forwards)
 W: Will Do (identify the actions they will do to move forwards)

And to start the session, I like to add:

 T - Topic (choose a topic or theme for the coaching session)

Describe how you would manage good entries taking into account the type of
product you work with. Describe the kind of entries that the store will receive, as
well as everything related to the management of the warehouse.

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T - Topic

Why it's important:

When the client is unclear what they want from their coaching session, establish a
session topic up front. Even a loose topic - is an essential start point. It focuses the
client and also makes the session manageable for you as their coach.

The T - Topic is not essential. If a client comes to a session knowing (for example)
they want to work on getting that promotion then you can move straight into firming
up the G - Goal.

Use the Topic when the client comes to a session unsure of what are of their life to
work on. Or when they're scattered or have several potential session goals to
choose from.

The quicker you get your clients to narrow down a Topic for the session, the
quicker and easier it is to decide on the session Goal. Only then you can help your
client understand what's getting in the way and choose their next moves.

How it fits with other parts of the GROW Coaching


Establishing the coaching session Topic often blends with the R - Reality part of
the GROW model. This is because you may need a discussion around what's going
on in your client's life in order to drive out what they want to focus in on.

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