November 13, 2018

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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7

November 13, 2018

Teacher: Ariel B. Pore
Time: 7:40-8:40 Emerald

I. Objective
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts algebraic expressions, the
properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations and inequalities in one variable.
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and algebraic
methods in solving problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations and
inequalities in one variable.
C. Learning Competency
 Uses models and algebraic methods to find the: (a) product of two binomials; (b)
product of the sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of binomial; (d) cube
of a binomial; (e) product of a binomial and a trinomial. M7AL-IIe-g-1
o Product of Two Binomials
II. Content
Product of Two Binomials
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s guide pages:
2. Learner’s guide pages: pages 146 - 149
3. Textbook pages:
4. Additional materials from Learning Resources (LR) portal:
5. Other Learning Resources: Visual Aids
IV. Procedures
A. Elicit
 Review the previous discussion.
 For the motivation part, present the following activity:
Find the product of (x + 1) and (x + 2).
What did ask you to do in the activity? How many polynomials are there in
the activity? How many terms are there in each polynomial?
B. Engage
 Relate the activity to the lesson for today and present the lesson.
”Our lesson for today is finding the product of two binomials”
 Present the lesson’s objective.
C. Explore
 Present the following activity:
Direction: Find the product of the following binomials using algebra tiles and
FOIL method. (State the instructions on how to find the product of two
binomials using algebra tiles and FOIL method).
1. (x + 2) (x + 3)
2. (2x + 1) (x + 4)
D. Explain
 The students will be asked the following questions:
1. How did you get the product of the two binomials?
2. How does getting the product of two binomials being done?
E. Elaborate
 Elaborate the steps/procedures in finding the product of two binomials.
 After the elaboration process, let the students apply their learning by answering
the following:
1. (x – 1) (x – 2) 2. (2x – 1) (x – 1)
F. Evaluation
Find the product using the FOIL method.
1. (x + 2) (x + 7)
2. (x + 4) (x + 8)
3. (x – 2) (x – 4)
4. (x – 5) (x – 4)
5. (2x + 3) (x + 5)
G. Extend
Find the product using the FOIL method.x2
1. (3x - 2) (4x + 1)
2. (x2 + 4) (2x – 1)


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