The Replum of Discrete Reality!

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19th March 23.

I'll write until I don't feel sleepy,but I certainly don't feel even a bit,but I don't know
what I'll write! So lemme narrate a story to myself and to the other two which
probably they know,but let me put it into words rather it being in the possibilities of
my universes where I exist differently and of things I visioned in my partial death.
So,it goes like this; listen to it with all ears,I would like to name it universe 6(it's not
random, rather it's a continuation from my other partial death dreams).
Universe 6,the universe which exists parallel to our universe 7 and lies just below us
in the parallel series of infinite possibilities,there exists a guy (ahh!! I forgot the
start!!!)so,this guy is one guy but there exists 3 different personalities within him
making everything a three person viewed thought,meaning if that guy meets
someone he gets that person from perspective of three different people,to make it
simpler it's like viewing something from three different locations,as life goes on he
gets used to all his personalities.

To give you a rough idea this guy is a teenager, around his teenage years,the catch of
the story is how he sees people and being what he's been all his life a
chaotic-diplomat, decisive and deceptive.
One of the days he meets a girl named 'time' at the start it's nothing, everything is a
casual as it could be, he is as he should be calm and observing and he knew that
there's something with this girl not willing to actually engage into her at all,but as
curiosity kicks and fate flicks everything fits where it has to be.

And as every story goes from 'hey' 'Greetings' to : Where have you been?
And the conversation became keen!
With consistent yet a rough and few sharable things one of his,this guy's personality
gets attached to 'time'
As I earlier mentioned three personalities that are 'Peace' 'Chaos' and 'Diplomat'.
And of these three, 'Peace' is this guy's name,and this personality of his gets attached
to 'time'.
At first he ignores it, this affectionate feeling,as two of his personalities took over him
and he would forget about 'Time' but then he would feel that emptiness and
restlessness in his chest to which he was unknown only to realize when he used to be
'Peace' completely. With the growing closeness it became hard to suppress it any
longer and if he would try to suppress it,he would feel suffocating in his own body!
They are in class talking and as she speaks he's just looking straight into her eyes only
to get lost into the two deep ocean eyes, everything feels dimmed as she speaks,the
lights feel dull in presence of her, the room felt like a hill station as she kept her voice
reverberating in the room,and all he could feel was the branches of her Aura holding
him tight and engulfing him into her energy completely. Their Aura grooving as if
her voice played the rhythm on which he got mesmerized and Their energies
The moment sings,
ये खिलती मस् ु कान,
ये सरगम सी बोली,
सब तम ु तक,
ये एकटक तम ु को दे खना,
ये अंजानी खश ु ी,
सब तम ु तक,
बस तम ु तक।

They are talking to each other and the conversation goes like this:

Peace: (with low yet hearable tone) I have longed to tell you something!
Time: (indulged in her stuff) yeah-yeah go ahead I'm all ears.
Peace: (thinking deep,eyes rolled down) As you know everything is ending and we'll
be parted soon, busy in our
ever running life...(stops)
Time: (not realizing it until it's a minute) Oi,I was listening why did you stop?

Mean time in that minute of silence Peace in his mind

बोल मैं यू रहा हु,
जैसे तम
ु सब सन ु लोगी,
ख्वाब ऐसे बन ु रहा हु,
जैसे लोग हजार होंगे और तमु मझ ु े चन
ु लोगी।

Time: (snapping him out his thoughts) where did you go in the middle of the
Peace: (gravely) yeah! Sorry about that. I just went in my thoughts and chose the right
words to frame my sentences.
Time: (stressing) And why would you do that while talking to me!
Peace: (elongating his sentences) Because.....that's how I am.....
Time: (quickly) nevermind that. Say what you were telling about life and all.
Peace: (sighing) Our class is about to end. We are going to be busy building our
careers and since that is going to happen I won't be able to be close to you.
Immediately he shuts his mouth and fumbles his words makes it look like he didn't
said anything.His heart beats fast as if he just ran a marathon,And as her mind fastens
all the clips of her one by one his hearts beats into a rhythm and it goes like this:

डर ऐसा लगा रहा है ,

जैसे मौत करीब हो,
ऐसे,जैसे जिंदगी का सरू ज डूब रहा है ,
और तम ु मेरी नमाज़ ऐ मगरीब हो।

By that time,'Time' heard everything what he said but she acted as if she didn't heard
it all and took her time to react, she in her mind:

बोलतो तू किती,
अर्धा माझ्याशी,अर्धा मतीत,
जेव्हा मी बोलते, "बोलकी!"
मी विचार करते आमचा अतीत,
आण वक्त,पल जे आम्ही सोबत केला व्यतीत.

Peace: (loudly) Oiii, still conscious? Did you heard what I said? If yes that's what I
wanted to say. And if no nevermind it's not that important!
Time: (firmly) Yes! I did.
Peace: (eagerly) Sooo, what do you have to say on that?
Time: (blank) Time will take its course as it has to.
Peace: (realizing) it is the inevitable which has struck this moment.

Both of their faces fallen and breaths deep, they look into eachothers eyes, probably
to find the ray to hope which they both have lost, probably to find some way to stop
this moment, probably to go limitless but all they could find was each other in
eachothers eyes looking at eachother with unknown affection and enormous pain of
parting.They didn't shed a tear but their aura was heavy.

As the saints say, Peace is just for a period and Time is limitless, Peace ends but Time
is infinite, Peace is chaotic and diplomatic where Time is relative.

He lost it,
She lost it,
All being in front of them,
Could have holded hands,
And spent life,
But life played their emotions as bands,
And sliced 'em and left 'em empty hands.

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