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Standard Technical Specification and Method of Measurement 2013

Draft 7October 2013

Series 2000: Site Clearance


DIVISION 2100: CLEARING AND GRUBBING.......................................................................................... 153

2101 Scope...................................................................................................................................... 153

2102 Description of Work.................................................................................................................. 153

(a) Clearing..........................................................................................................................................153

(b) Grubbing.........................................................................................................................................153

(c) Ground Surface Level after Clearing and Grubbing......................................................................153

(d) Conservation of Topsoil.................................................................................................................154

(e) Conservation of Vegetation............................................................................................................154

2103 Execution of Work.................................................................................................................... 154

(a) Areas to be Cleared and/or Grubbed..............................................................................................154

(b) Trees...............................................................................................................................................154

(c) Disposal of Material.......................................................................................................................154

2104 Measurement and Payment..................................................................................................... 155


AND INSTALLATIONS............................................................................................................................ 157

2201 Scope...................................................................................................................................... 157

2202 Construction Requirements for Demolition of Structures.........................................................157

2203 Construction Requirements for the Removal of Existing Road Pavements.............................157

2204 Construction Requirements for Cleaning of Existing Drainage Structures................................157

2205 Construction Requirements for Existing Public Utilities...........................................................158

(a) Disconnections...............................................................................................................................158

(b) Protection of Existing Public Utilities............................................................................................158

(c) Relocation of Existing Public Utilities...........................................................................................158

2206 Measurement and Payment..................................................................................................... 158

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Standard Technical Specification and Method of Measurement 2013 Draft 7 October 2013

Division 2100: Clearing and Grubbing

2101 Scope
This Division covers the clearing of the Site and grubbing necessary for the construction of the
permanent Works in accordance with these Specifications; and the removal and disposal of materials
resulting from clearing and grubbing. This work shall also include the preservation from injury or
defacement of all vegetation and objects designated to remain.

2102 Description of Work

(a) Clearing
Where directed by the Engineer, clearing shall consist of the removal of all trees, brush, other
vegetation, rubbish, fences and all other undesirable material including the disposal of all material
resulting from the clearing and grubbing to a maximum depth of 150mm, except for boulders.

It shall also include the removal and disposal of structures that obtrude, encroach upon or otherwise
obstruct the work and which can be cleared by means of a bulldozer of 22 tonne mass and flywheel
power of 270kW. This also includes the removal of signposts; the demolition and removal of paved
ditches; and the demolition and removal of any other masonry or concrete structures that obstruct the

The moving of a certain amount of soil or gravel material may be unavoidable during the process of

Clearing shall include the removal of all rocks and boulders less than 0.15m 3 in size, which are
exposed or lying on the surface.

Any trees, structures or artefacts, either identified on the Drawings or noted on Site for care and
retention, shall be clearly marked off on the Site in a manner approved by the Engineer to avoid
accidental damage during construction operations. Should any such identified trees, structures or
artefacts be damaged inadvertently, or otherwise, the Contractor must report the same to the Engineer
in writing explaining any known reasons for the damage. Damage deemed to be caused by the
negligence of the Contractor shall be repaired at the Contractor’s cost.

(b) Grubbing
Where directed by the Engineer, all stumps and roots larger than 75mm in diameter shall be removed
to a depth of not less than 500mm below the subgrade level and a minimum of 300mm below the
cleared original ground level. Where the existing ground has to be compacted, all stumps and roots
including matted roots shall be removed to a depth of at least 200mm below the cleared surface,
except where otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer.

Except at borrow areas, the cavities resulting from the grubbing shall be backfilled with approved
material and compacted to a density not less than the density of the surrounding ground.

(c) Ground Surface Level after Clearing and Grubbing

All holes, ruts or other surface deformation remaining after clearing and grubbing should be backfilled
and compacted as directed by the Engineer to prevent the ponding of water. The cleared areas may
also require blading to improve drainage wherever possible.
Standard Technical Specification and Method of Measurement 2013
Draft 7October 2013

(d) Conservation of Topsoil

Where topsoil exists within the limits of the area to be cleared and/or grubbed, the Engineer shall
designate areas for removal of the topsoil together with any grass and other suitable vegetation. If not
used immediately, the topsoil shall be transported and deposited in stockpiles for later use.

(e) Conservation of Vegetation

Where provided for in the Contract, certain designated plants encountered in the road reserve and
borrow areas shall be carefully protected by the Contractor.

2103 Execution of Work

(a) Areas to be Cleared and/or Grubbed

The portions of the road reserve that fall within the limits of the road prism as well as certain borrow
areas may require to be cleared and/or grubbed. The Engineer shall designate the areas to be cleared
and such areas shall not necessarily be limited to those mentioned herein.

The Contractor shall note that in order to avoid re-clearing, the clearing and/or grubbing may have to
be done immediately before subsequent construction activities.

The Contractor shall control the clearing and/or grubbing activities to ensure that the portion of the
road reserve that falls outside the limit of the road prism, or such areas as the Engineer shall
designate, shall not be cleared and/or grubbed. The areas to be cleared shall be the area on each side
of the road width, plus 3m and 1.5m in rural and town sections respectively beyond the catch-point in
cut and fill.

The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to prevent damage to structures and other private
or public property. In addition, the Contractor shall not clear or grub any other areas, or shall not
dispose of any material obtained from clearing and/or grubbing without the approval of the Engineer.

(b) Trees
Individual trees, designated in writing by the Engineer, shall be left standing and undamaged. A
penalty equal to the amount specified in the Particular Specifications shall be imposed for every such
tree, which is unnecessarily removed or damaged.

If necessary, trees shall be cut in sections from the top downwards. The branches of trees to be left
standing shall be trimmed so as not to intrude into the space for up to 7m in height above the roadway.

(c) Disposal of Material

Material obtained from clearing and/or grubbing shall be disposed of, as indicated by the Engineer, in
borrow pits or other suitable places and covered with soil or gravel. The burning of combustible
material will normally be permitted but may only be carried out with the prior written approval of the
Engineer. Care must be taken to observe any regulations related to air pollution.

All tree trunks and branches in excess of 150mm diameter shall be cleaned of secondary branches;
sawn into suitable lengths; and stacked at sites indicated by the Engineer. Such timber shall not be
used by the Contractor for any purpose and shall remain the property of the Employer unless
otherwise agreed with the Engineer.

Fencing wire shall be neatly wound into reels and all such wire, together with all fence posts and other
usable material shall be stacked at sites indicated by the Engineer.

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Standard Technical Specification and Method of Measurement 2013 Draft 7 October 2013

2104 Measurement and Payment

The tendered rate for the specific measurement and payment item shall include the general
requirements of Series 0000.

Item 21.01...................................................................................Clearing and grubbing

hectare (ha)
The unit of measurement for clearing and grubbing is the hectare (ha). The quantity shall be taken as
the area in hectares (to the nearest 0.1ha) designated by the Engineer and cleared and grubbed in
accordance with these Specifications. The measurement area for clearing and grubbing shall be the
plan area of the permanent Works. No deductions shall be made for buildings or structures and
existing carriageways shall not be measured.

Payment for fences which are removed, sorted, coiled and stored shall be made under Series 9000.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all work necessary for the clearing of the surface;
the removal and grubbing of vegetation, bushes, trees, tree stumps and roots, including any blasting
(not including those large trees and stumps covered in item 2102); cutting of branches; backfilling and
compaction of all holes and cavities; demolition, breaking up and disposal of walls and superficial
structures to existing ground level (except as otherwise stated in the Contract); making good to
severed ends of existing fences and walls; protection from damage of all vegetation and objects
designated to remain; and the removal, transporting and disposal of non-reusable material all as
specified in this Division.

Clearing and grubbing of any area not included under Clause 2103 of these Specifications (eg borrow
pits) shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor’s tendered rate in the relevant pay item (eg
clearing and grubbing of borrow pits under pay item 43.01).

Item 21.02................................Grubbing and removal of large trees and tree stumps

(a) Girth exceeding 1m up to and including 2m ................................................... number (No)

(b) Girth exceeding 2m up to and including 3m ................................................... number (No)

(c) Girth exceeding 3m up to and including 4m ................................................... number (No)

The measurement for grubbing and removal of large trees and stumps (>1m girth) shall be the
number. The girth of trees or stumps shall be measured at the narrowest point of the tree or stump in
the first meter of its height above ground level. Trees and stumps with a girth exceeding 1m shall be
measured individually and classified according to size in increments of 1m as indicated in the sub-
clause item.

The tendered rate shall include felling of trees, grubbing and removal of stumps and roots; backfilling
and compacting stump and root holes with suitable material; protection from damage of all vegetation
and objects designated to remain; and the removal, transporting and disposal of non-reusable material
all as specified in this Division.

Item 21.03.................................................................................Re-clearing of surfaces

hectare (ha)
The unit of measurement for re-clearing is the hectare (ha), but shall only be measured on the written
instruction of the Engineer. The quantity shall be taken as the plan area (to the nearest 0.1ha) re-
cleared in accordance with these Specifications.

The tendered rate for re-clearing shall be the same as for clearing and grubbing.
Standard Technical Specification and Method of Measurement 2013
Draft 7October 2013

Item 21.04...............................................Removal and storage of selected vegetation

(a) Cost of removal, storage, protection and replanting in a protected and fenced-off area of
selected vegetation......................................................................................provisional sum

(b) Charge on provisional sum......................................................................... percentage (%)

This item provides for a provisional sum for the removal, storage, protection and replanting of
vegetation approved by the Engineer as part of the clearing and grubbing work.

The removal, stockpiling and reuse of topsoil along with the replacement and replantation of trees are
covered under pay items 16.02 and 16.03 of Division 1600.

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Division 2200: Demolition, Removal, Disposal, Storage or Cleaning
of Existing Structures and Installations

2201 Scope
This Division covers the demolition, disconnection, removal or part removal, disposal and/or storage of
buildings, bridges, drainage structures, retaining walls, wells, buildings, service ducts, foundations,
fencing, walls, kerbs, old pavements, abandoned pipelines, disused public utilities and any other
obstructions which are not designated or permitted to remain; except for the obstructions to be
removed and disposed of under other items in the Contract.

This Division also covers the cleaning of existing drainage structures designated to remain as part of
the Works and includes cleaning, removal and disposal of materials related to the existing structure.

2202 Construction Requirements for Demolition of Structures

Existing structures and installations shall be carefully demolished as described in the Contract or as
instructed by the Engineer. The existing structures and installations shall be removed in such a way as
to leave no obstructions to the new Works. Those structures and installations which are to be partially
demolished, shall be shored, braced and supported in such a manner that the integrity of the structure
shall be maintained. All supports shall be kept outside the RoW.

The Contractor shall carefully remove and store materials salvaged from demolished structures and
installations. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, such materials shall become the property of the
Owner. This material shall be carefully transported and stored in an acceptable manner upon the
adjacent property of the Owner, or at a location to be identified by the Engineer.

Whenever materials are stored within the RoW, the Contractor shall be responsible for its care and
preservation until its authorised removal. The Contractor shall satisfactorily dispose of all material
designated by the Engineer as having no salvage value in accordance with the requirements of
Division 1600.

The Contractor shall remove structures and installations or part of structures and installations, which
obstruct the installation of any new structures or installations.

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, any voids below ground level in existing structures or
installations shall be filled and compacted with natural sand or crushed fine aggregate to a density
approved by the Engineer. Structures such as latrine pits and septic tanks shall be cleaned and
disinfected and the contents disposed of in accordance with the requirements of Division 1600 before
filling and compacting with approved material, as instructed by the Engineer.

2203 Construction Requirements for the Removal of Existing Road Pavements

Existing road pavements shall be demolished by excavation, scarifying or milling using appropriate
equipment approved by the Engineer. Materials resulting from the demolition of the existing road
pavement shall be disposed of, or stored as instructed by the Engineer.

2204 Construction Requirements for Cleaning of Existing Drainage Structures

The cleaning of existing drainage structures that are designated to remain as part of the Contract shall
be undertaken as directed by the Engineer. The work involves the cleaning of open drains and other
open structures, or the cleaning of piped or box-type drainage structures and their inlets and outlets.
All materials arising from such operations shall be disposed of as instructed by the Engineer.

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Standard Technical Specification and Method of Measurement 2013
Draft 7 October 2013

2205 Construction Requirements for Existing Public Utilities

(a) Disconnections
Prior to the commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall responsible for locating and identifying
all services. The Contractor shall contact all service authorities and arrange for the disconnection of
all disused public utilities including electricity, telephone, water, sewers and any other service facilities
encountered, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All correspondence between the Contractor and
service authorities shall be copied to the Engineer.

(b) Protection of Existing Public Utilities

Existing public utilities, which are to remain in place, such as sewers, drains, water pipes, conduits and
poles, are to be carefully protected from damage and are not to be displaced. Any utilities damaged
through the negligence of the Contractor shall be replaced at the Contractor’s cost.

Also see Clause 1207.

(c) Relocation of Existing Public Utilities

The Employer shall arrange with the appropriate authorities for the necessary relocation of any public
utilities, which would otherwise obstruct the Works.

Also see Clause 1207.

2206 Measurement and Payment

The tendered rate for the specific measurement and payment item shall include the general
requirements of Series 0000.

Item 22.01Clearing and grubbing at inlets and outlets of existing hydraulic structures
square metre (m2)
The unit of measurement for clearing and grubbing at inlets and outlets of existing hydraulic structures
is the square metre (m2) measured within the limits of the areas designated by the Engineer, which are
cleared and grubbed in accordance with these Specifications.

Item 22.02....Cleaning out of existing hydraulic structures (pipes and box culverts)
(a) Pipes with an internal diameter up to and including 750mm.................... . cubic metre (m3)

(b) Pipes with an internal diameter exceeding 750mm....................................cubic metre (m3)

(c) Box culverts up to and including 1.5m vertical dimension......................... cubic metre (m3)

(d) Box culverts exceeding 1.5m vertical dimension....................................... cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre (m 3) of material removed from existing hydraulic
structures, where instructed by the Engineer so that the structures are cleaned as specified.

Payment under this item will normally only be made once during the duration of the Contract.

Item 22.03Take up or down and set aside for reuse; or remove to store off Site, the
(a) Blockwork and stonework ......................................................................... cubic metre (m3)

(b) Paved areas and the like, brickwork....................................................... square metre (m2)

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(c) Kerbs, channels, edgings, combined drainage and kerb blocks, fencing, safety fences and the
like, copings, string courses and the like ...................................................linear meter (m)

(d) Cable.......................................................................................................... linear meter (m)

(e) Road lighting columns, brackets and wall mountings, traffic signs, reflecting road studs, gates,
stiles, street furniture, communications cabinets, posts, brackets, signal indicators, shelves,
racking, frames, electronic units and the like .................................................. number (No)

(f) Chamber covers and frames, gully gratings and frames and the like .............number (No)

(g) Individual blocks, features or stones .............................................................. number (No)

The measurement for take up or down and set aside for reuse or remove to store off Site blockwork,
stonework, paved areas and the like, brickwork, kerbs, channels, edgings, combined drainage and
kerb blocks, fencing, safety fences and the like, copings, string courses and the like, cable, road
lighting columns, brackets and wall mountings, traffic signs, reflecting road studs, gates, stiles, street
furniture and the like; communications cabinets, posts, brackets, signal indicators, shelves, racking,
frames, electronic units and the like; chamber covers and frames, gully, gratings and frames and the
like; individual blocks, features or stones shall be the volumes, areas, lengths or numbers stated in the

Item 22.04...........................................Cleaning of existing open drainage structures

square metre (m2)
The unit measurement for cleaning of existing open drainage structures shall be square metres
measured within the limits of the areas designated by the Engineer.

The tendered rate shall include precautions to avoid damage to property, structures, sewers, drains
and services; excavation of material; loading, multi-handling, transport and disposal of material; and
protection and relocation of existing public utilities.

Item 22.05..........................................................Removal of existing road pavements cubic

metre (m3)
The measurement for the removal of an existing road pavement shall be the cubic metre of material
measured in its original position and calculated by multiplying the plan area of the existing carriageway
by the depth to be removed as instructed by the Engineer.

The tendered rate shall include loosening or breaking up of material by any means; cutting through
reinforcement; loading into transport; protection of the subgrade; replacing material deemed to be
unsuitable by the Engineer; selection, separation, multiple handling and transportation of material;
over-break and making good; forming and trimming side slopes, benching, berms, trimming the bottom
and sides of excavations and clearing away loose material; taking precautions to avoid damage to
property; and haulage disposal or temporary stockpiling, including the provision of sites for stockpiles.

Item 22.06........................................................................Removal of existing concrete

(a) Plain concrete ........................................................................................... cubic metre (m3)

(b) Reinforced concrete.................................................................................. cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of existing concrete removed.

Payment shall distinguish between plain and reinforced concrete. For the purpose of this item,
reinforced concrete shall be defined as concrete containing at least 0.2% of steel reinforcement
measured by volume.

The tendered rate shall include loosening or breaking up of material by any means; cutting through
reinforcement; precautions to avoid damage to property, structures, sewers, drains and services;
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Standard Technical Specification and Method of Measurement 2013
Draft 7 October 2013

loading, multi-handling, transport and disposal of material; and protection and relocation of existing
public utilities.

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