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Ref. No. CBSS / Circular / 84 / 2023-24 Thursday, September 21, 2023

Subject: Important CAT4 Examination Announcement

Dear Parents,


The school will be conducting mandatory standardized testing, CAT4, as directed by SPEA, for Year 4 to Year 9. CAT4
(Cognitive Abilities Test), is a significant assessment that helps us gain valuable insights into our child's cognitive abilities,
which are crucial for their academic progress.

To ensure the smooth administration of the CAT4 examination, we kindly request that you make the payment of AED
80/- per student no later than September 25th. This deadline allows us to make the necessary preparations and
arrangements to conduct the examination efficiently. We understand the importance of this examination in helping us
tailor our educational approach to each student's needs. Your prompt payment will greatly assist us in organizing a
successful CAT4 examination for all students.

Thank you for your cooperation and ongoing support in ensuring the academic development of your child. We look
forward to a successful CAT4 examination and the valuable insights it will provide.

**Please note that the CAT4 exam is mandatory for all students from Year 4 to Year 9

Thanks and Regards,

For Cloud British Private School


Ref. No. CBSS / Circular / 84 / 2023-24 Thursday, September 21, 2023

Acknowledgement and Confirmation Slip

I __________________________________________, Parent of _________________________________, studying in

Class/Sec ________ of Cloud British Private School Sharjah acknowledge the receipt of the CAT4 Circular. I have enclosed
the amount of AED 80/- for the payment of the mandatory test.

Name of Parent Mobile

Name of Student Class/Sec
Signature with date

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