Group 3 Bunny Hop Exercise Daan Jose Paler Gomez

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Bunny Hop

Group 3 CE32 (PATH-FIT)
Daan, Jurie Gomez, Jayson
Paler, Kaye
Jose, Jasher
◈ An exercise whereby the person crouches on their
haunches and then extends their legs and springs up,
jumping vertically into the air like a rabbit hopping.
◈ The bunny hop is a bodyweight exercise based on
locomotion that echoes the quadrupedalism. It is a
pylometric exercise that promotes coordination, mobility
and agility. Bunny hops are a great full body exercise
that burns a lot of calories.
Benefits of Bunny Hop Exercise
◈ The bunny hop increases functional strength in a full
body activation mode, spending more calories.
◈ The exercise promote core strength and coordination.
◈ Adding bunny hops to your workouts will improve your
functional capacity for daily activities and sports by
increasing your mobility.
What muscles do Bunny Hop Exercise
◈ Bunny hops are an exercise that can be useful
as a warmup or to improve coordination. For
other fitness goals, there are many better
exercise options. You do get some cardiovascular
and muscle engagement when doing bunny hops
but generally not that much.
◈ Keep in mind that bunny hops can be rough on body
parts like your wrists. Whether you should add the
bunny hops exercise or alternatives to your routine
depends on things like your personal situation, personal
preference, and training goals.
Procedures on Bunny Hop Exercise
1. Sit on your hands and feet with most of your
weight leaning on your legs.
2. Move your hands off the ground and forward
while leaning forward.
3. Land with your two hands on the ground. Jump
forward a small amount with your legs.
4. Land back into starting position but in a different
place. If you want to do more bunny hops and you are
more advanced you can move your hands off the ground
right before your feet land. This way you can move
forward just a little faster.

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