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I am the student of BS Applied psychology from Govt Graduate College for Women Satellite

town and Gujranwala I am conducting psychological research for which I want to collect the

information. I am inviting you to participate in my research and I assure you that all of your

information will be kept in confidential. All of your information will be used for research

purpose only I will be truly thankful to you for your time and consideration.

Informed consent

I am willing to participate in this research work. I have provided my information

voluntarily and agreed to fill this form without any cost. The researcher assured that I have

provided opportunity to withdraw it if I want.

Participant’s Signature: _______________

Age ___________

Education Metric ____Intermediate ____Masters

Marital Status Single ___Married

Frequency of Smoking Daily______ occasionally

Number of cigarettes less than 5 ___10-20___ greater than1pack

Read the statement and give honest answer of every statement.
1=strongly disagree,2=disagree,3=Neither disagree or agree,4=agree,5=strongly agree Items Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
disagree disagree or Agree
1. I would like to explore
strange places.

2. I get restless when I spend

too much time at home
3. I like to do frightened things
4. I like wild parties

5. I would like to take off on

take on a trip with no pre-
planned routes or
6. I prefer friends who are
excitingly unpredictable.
7. I would like to try bungee
8. I would love to have new
and exciting experiences,
even if they are illegal
Please indicate for each statement how much you agree with the statement.
Please do not leave out the statement.

Sr. Statements Rarely Occasionally Often Almost

1. I plan tasks carefully.

2. I plan trips well ahead of time.

3. I do things without thinking

4. I squirm at plays or lectures

5. I am self -controlled.

6. I concentrate easily

7. I say things without thinking

8. I change residences

9. I save regularly

10 I act on impulse”

11. I buy things on impulse

12. I am a careful thinker

13. I get easily bored when solving

thought problems

14. I change hobbies

15 I plan for job security

16 I act on the spur of the moment

17 I spend or charge more than I


18 I am a steady thinker

19 I often have extraneous thoughts

when thinking

20 I am future oriented

21 I am restless at the theater or

Please indicate for each statement how much you agree with the statement.
Please do not leave out the statement.

Sr. 0=do not 1=disagree 2=tend to 3=Agree

no agree agree

1. I am often carefree and in good spirits.

2. All in all, I am satisfied with my life.

3. In general, I am confident.

4. I manage well to fulfill my needs.

5. I am in good physical and emotional


6. I feel that I am actually well equipped to

deal with life and its difficulties.

7. I enjoy my life.

8. Much of what I do brings me joy

9. I am a calm, balanced human being.

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