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How My Bedding Survived 5 Nights

of Sweat with Petroleum Jelly and a

I (from Sleepopolis’ investigative team) am researching a trendy skincare technique called
"slugging," which involves applying petroleum jelly to the face and neck. Although the internet
hype praises its ability to moisturize and prevent aging, not many people mention its effect on
their pillows.

What is Slugging, Exactly?

At first, I was confused about slugging. I saw many videos and claims from younger girls who
shared pictures of their grandmothers and explained how young they looked because of
slugging. I couldn't understand how these women could sleep comfortably, and I wondered if
their pillows would be damaged.

I couldn't imagine the commitment to apply Vaseline to my face every night, and it didn't sound
appealing. However, as someone who trusts any beauty hack online, is 22 years old with oily
skin, I had to give it a try. I was both excited and doubtful.

Incorporating Slugging into Your Nightly Skincare Regimen

Before beginning my slugging experiment, I cleaned my bedroom, including washing the

pillowcases and sheets and tidying up the room. Now, let us move on to the application process,
which may vary for you, so don't worry.

1. Take your product: To start, I took my small container of Vaseline.

2. Integrate it into your routine: Cosmopolitan suggests incorporating slugging into your
regular skincare routine by applying petroleum jelly to a damp face after finishing your routine,
but I opted for a different approach. If you use expensive products, I would recommend a
separate application. So, I performed my skincare regimen for one or two hours before putting
on petroleum jelly.
3. Apply it generously: Next, I applied a generous amount of jelly to my face and neck using
my hand. Afterward, my face looked shiny and clear, just like the "peanut butter baby."
4. Get some rest: I attempted to begin my slugging routine as near to bedtime as possible
because it can transfer onto everything, such as your hands, face, and phone. Therefore, finish
binge-watching TV and scrolling through TikTok ahead of time. While some individuals sleep on
towels to protect their pillows, I decided to apply the jelly directly to my pillowcase for the sake of
my test.

Five Nights of Slugging: A Writer's Experiment with Sleep

and Skincare

At the start of my experiment, I used a newly washed, white pillow. Amelia suggested washing
your sheets, including pillowcases, at a minimum once a week to prevent the accumulation of
allergens, fungi, and bacteria.

Additionally, she suggests using a pillow protector, which is like a mattress protector, to provide
an extra layer of protection and keep your pillow extra clean in the event of any petroleum jelly
leakage through the pillowcase.

During the first night, I put on a thick layer of petroleum jelly on my face just before bedtime.
However, I quickly realized that I had applied too much, and it ended up being messy. The jelly
was spread all over, making my face stick to the pillow, which made it hard for me to get a good
night's sleep. I had to toss and turn throughout the night.

Amelia suggests buying blackout curtains to help you sleep better while wearing petroleum jelly
on your face, which can be uncomfortable. This is especially useful if you wear an eye mask to
bed. The curtains will prevent any light from coming into the room.

If you're worried about petroleum jelly making your hair stick to your face while sleeping, Amelia
suggests putting your hair in a loose bun or ponytail or wearing a headband or sleep cap to
keep it away from your face.

When I woke up the following morning after my first night of slugging, I noticed that my face was
still sticky, and I had some new pimples. Moreover, my pillowcase had some peculiar gray lint
balls in certain areas, most likely due to the jelly trapping any hair or fabric particles. However,
there weren't any noticeable grease stains. Later, I realized that I had used too much Vaseline
on my face and neck, making it hard to sleep. So, on the second night, I applied a thin layer of
jelly and remembered that less is more.

Applying less Vaseline made it easier for me to sleep as my face stuck to the pillow less. I
followed the same process for the remaining nights and achieved similar results. Using less
product not only improved my sleep, but my pillow also remained unchanged.
If you're having difficulty falling asleep, Amelia recommends trying a meditation app. If the
sensation of jelly on your face is uncomfortable, a meditation app or sleep podcast could
provide a diversion as you drift off.
On the last night, I observed that there was no significant difference compared to the first night.
This made it clear to me that the more petroleum jelly you apply, the more noticeable its effects
will be on your pillow.

Sleeping with petroleum jelly on your face

The most important lesson to learn from slugging is to use less Vaseline. Apply a moderate
amount of the jelly on your face and avoid using an excess amount. Even if you experience
some lint or stickiness on your pillow, it won't be a major issue. You won't damage your pillow in
any way.

Do I plan to keep using petroleum jelly on my face every night after this experiment? Not really.
Will I do it sometimes? Perhaps. I do believe there are benefits to it, so I might try using less
product on certain parts of my face or doing it only a few times a week.

What are some steps you can practice to prevent staining your pillow before using petroleum
jelly? Here are some simple options.

● Consider using a pillow protector

● Try using an old pillowcase that you don't mind getting stained
● Place a towel that you don't care about on top of your pillow
● Be mindful of how much petroleum jelly you apply to your face

If you have any experience with slugging or want to try it, feel free to share your thoughts on
whether it has ruined your pillow or pillowcase by sending me an email at

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