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Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95

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The influence of pyrite content on the flotation

of chalcopyrite/pyrite mixtures
Clement Owusu ⇑, Susana Brito e Abreu, William Skinner, Jonas Addai-Mensah, Massimiliano Zanin
Ian Wark Research Institute, The ARC Special Research Centre for Particle and Material Interfaces, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, Adelaide, SA 5095, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the flotation of copper ores, several processing plants report that copper recovery is affected by the
Received 2 July 2013 proportion and reactivity of pyrite in the ore, with the effect becoming more intense when the feed par-
Accepted 27 September 2013 ticles are finer as a result of regrinding. In this work, a mixed model mineral system consisting of chal-
Available online 20 October 2013
copyrite (CuFeS2) and pyrite (FeS2) with varying pyrite content (20–80 wt.%) was used to investigate the
effect of pyrite on the pulp chemistry and chalcopyrite recovery. Flotation tests showed that chalcopyrite
Keywords: flotation rate, recovery and grade, as well as the pulp oxidation potential, decreased with increasing pyr-
ite content whilst pyrite recovery increased. Surface analysis (XPS, ToF-SIMS and EDTA) indicated that
Pulp redox potential
copper activation of pyrite increased with increasing pyrite content, facilitating pyrite recovery. The
Dissolved oxygen decrease in chalcopyrite recovery can be attributed to increased surface oxidation.
Flotation Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction regrinding to very small particle size is commonly performed

(Gaudin, 1939; Sutherland, 1989). However, in most cases, an
The most abundant mineral resource of copper is the sulphide increase in valuable mineral recovery is not observed upon
minerals. Examples of such minerals include chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), regrinding, implying that size and liberation changes are not the
bornite (Cu5FeS4), chalcocite (Cu2S) and covellite (CuS). In recent only key influential factors determining the flotation performance
times, it is very rare to find copper deposits with head grade aver- (Frew et al., 1994). Ye et al., 2010 showed that the surface chemis-
aging more than 2% Cu (Davenport et al., 2002). In both porphyry try of minerals (which impacts on the optimum mineral separa-
and skarn ores, the copper grade is lowered by the presence of tion) may change significantly after regrinding, depending upon
other sulphide and non-sulphide gangue minerals such as pyrite the type of mill and grinding media used. The effect of grinding
(FeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), and quartz (SiO2) (Aplan and Chander, media and environment on chalcopyrite flotation has been re-
1988; Kydros et al., 1994). Chalcopyrite, a major resource for cop- ported in previous studies (Van Deventer et al., 1991; Grano,
per production, is not exceptional; it is often found in association 2009; Bruckard et al., 2011; Peng and Grano, 2010). These studies
with iron sulphides, particularly pyrite, and minor amounts of revealed that grinding with mild steel media yields lower chalco-
sphalerite and molybdenite (Habashi, 1978; Wang and Forssberg, pyrite flotation recovery compared with stainless steel, which is
1991). Recent studies indicate that selective separation of chalco- attributed to an increase in the formation of iron hydroxide species
pyrite from pyrite is very difficult due to several electrochemical on the chalcopyrite surface. Arguably, it is difficult to deconvolute
interactions that occur at the minerals surfaces during the grinding the effect of pyrite and steel grinding media on chalcopyrite as
and conditioning processes (Finkelstein, 1997). For instance, gal- both serve as sources of iron ions released into the pulp solution.
vanic interactions between pyrite and chalcopyrite surfaces prior Recently, Pease et al. (2006) showed that when fully inert ceramic
to flotation may lead to the oxidation and dissolution of the chal- medium is used in the regrinding of the ore, the effect of iron con-
copyrite and copper activation of the pyrite. The formation of tamination was noticeably reduced, improving the selectivity
hydrophilic surface coatings of iron hydroxide which depress chal- against sulphide gangue minerals and increasing chalcopyrite flo-
copyrite flotation may also occur. Copper activation of pyrite fa- tation recovery. Recent reports from various processing plants
vours collector adsorption on to the surface, enhancing its show that chalcopyrite flotation recovery after regrinding is af-
floatability and subsequently lowering the overall chalcopyrite fected by the proportion and type of pyrite in the ore, the effect
grade (Xu et al., 1995; Peng et al., 2003). To improve mineral liber- becoming more pronounced when the feed ore particles are fine
ation and increase chalcopyrite flotation recovery and grade, (<20 lm). Therefore, the aim of this work is to extract the exact
influence of pyrite content on the chalcopyrite recovery, grade,
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 8302 3714; fax: +61 8 8302 3683. and selectivity after regrinding using an IsaMill with fully inert
E-mail address: (M. Zanin). ceramic medium. Model mineral systems comprising of pyrite

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
88 C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95

and chalcopyrite in different proportions (20–80 wt.%) are used for conditions. The pulp Eh was expressed relative to the standard
the study. Surface species formed on the mineral surfaces during hydrogen electrode (SHE). In some tests the amount of collector
grinding and flotation were determined using ToF-SIMS, XPS and added was kept constant regardless of the amount of Cp in the
EDTA extraction to provide fundamental understanding on the spe- mineral mixture (200 g/t after primary grinding and 50 g/t after
cies responsible for the flotation performance of the two minerals. regrinding), while in other tests, it was scaled to the amount of
Cp in the mixture, (200 g/t of Cp after primary grinding and 50 g/
2. Experimental t of Cp after regrinding). This is discussed further below.

2.1. Materials and reagents 2.2.2. Flotation data analysis

After chemical analysis, the elemental assays for Cu and Fe for
Chalcopyrite (Cp) (Mannum minerals) and pyrite (Py) (Peruvian each sample were converted into mineral compositions using the
mine) minerals of particle size ranges 400–2000 lm and following mathematical relations based on the stoichiometric com-
600–2000 lm, respectively were used for this study. The chemical positions of Cp and Py:
composition of the two samples is reported in Table 1. It is noted ð%CpÞ ¼ %Cu  ð183:3=63:5Þ ðChalcopyriteÞ ð1Þ
that, from stoichiometric calculations, the Cp sample contains
about 75% Cp, 4% Si and about 9% of non-sulphide iron minerals. %Fe ¼ %Fe  %Cu  ð55:8=63:5Þ ðIron present as pyriteÞ ð2Þ
The Py sample contains about 97% Py and virtually no copper sul-
phide. Blends of the two samples, in different ratios, have been
%Py ¼ %Fe  ð1119:8=55:8Þ ðPyrite in sampleÞ ð3Þ
used in this study.
Ceramic beads (Ø 3.5 mm) (Xstrata Technology, Australia) were The metallurgical balance of each test was also performed with
employed as the regrinding media for the IsaMill. Sodium isopro- respect to Cp and Py, and recovery versus time data were fitted to a
pyl xanthate (SIPX) and Dowfroth 250 (polypropylene glycol) were first order rate equation:
used as a collector and a frother, respectively. Analytical reagent
R ¼ Rmax ð1  ekt Þ ð4Þ
grade lime and demineralised water were used throughout the
whole experiment for pH/pulp conditioning and grinding purposes, where R is the recovery at time t, Rmax is the maximum recovery at
unless otherwise stated. infinite time and k is flotation rate constant. From Eq. (4), Rmax and k
were inferred for the two minerals.
2.2. Experimental procedures
2.2.3. Subtraction of entrainment
2.2.1. Mineral grinding and flotation In this work, mineral particles recovered by true flotation and
Samples of 200 g of Cp single mineral or Cp/Py mixtures com- entrainment were determined using the method developed by
prising different proportions of Py and Cp (20, 50 and 80 wt.% Py Ross (1991). A simplified solution of the method developed by Ross
addition) were mixed with 0.3 dm3 of demineralised water and can be obtained by dividing the total flotation time in time inter-
lime and ground with grinding medium (stainless steel rods, vals (corresponding to the collection of the four concentrates). In
10  22 mm and 6  16 mm) in a Galigher laboratory mill to ob- a short time interval Dt, the recovery by entrainment, as a percent-
tain a d80 of 105 lm at pH 10. The mill product was transferred age of the feed, can be written as:
into a 1.5 dm3 flotation cell (Agitair Model LA-500R), pH adjusted
to 10.5 with lime and conditioned with xanthate collector MiðDtÞ
EiDt ¼ XðDtÞ  RW ðDtÞ  ð5Þ
(200 g/t SIPX) for 2 min. The conditioned pulp was reground to Mifeed
a d80 of 20 lm in a 1 dm3 laboratory attrition mill (IsaMill). After
where RW(Dt) is the recovery of water in the time interval, Mifeed is
regrinding, the ground pulp was quickly removed from the mill
the mass of mineral in the flotation feed and Mi(Dt) is the average
and transferred back into the 1.5 dm3 Agitair flotation cell (in or-
mass of mineral in the cell during the time interval. X(Dt) is a trans-
der to retain the pulp potential and the dissolved oxygen level at
fer or entrainment factor, which is particle size dependent (Ross
or close to the value in the mill) and pH adjusted to 10.5. The
and Van Deventer, 1988). The entrainment factor was estimated
pulp was then conditioned with 50 g/t of SIPX and frother
from Eq. (5) with the assumption that the recovery of the hydro-
(25 g/t Dowfroth 250) for 2 and 1 min, respectively. A schematic
philic mineral (which in this study is pyrite) in the last concentrate
diagram of the flotation procedure is presented in Fig. 1. Four
(i.e. the last Dt) is purely by entrainment, EPy(Dt) = RPy(Dt). This
concentrates were collected at time intervals of 1, 2, 3 and
method is a discretisation of the method developed by Ross
4 min. The dry masses of the four concentrates and tailings were
(1991), which would require numerical solution. It has been tested
determined and chemical assays were undertaken for determina-
and proved to show negligible differences from the Ross method.
tion of their elemental compositions.
Recovery by entrainment was subtracted from the chalcopyrite
The impeller speed (1000 rpm), pH (10.5) and air flow rate
and pyrite recovery data to give the recovery by true flotation.
(2.5 dm3 min1) were maintained during conditioning and flota-
tion in all experiments. Pulp oxidation potential (Eh) and dissolved
2.3. Techniques
oxygen level (DO) after IsaMilling prior to collector addition were
measured at room temperature using a TPS 90-FLMV meter
2.3.1. EDTA extraction
(Fig. 1). The pulp pH was maintained at 10.5 to mimic plant
Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid disodium salt (EDTA)
extraction followed by inductive coupled plasma (ICP) analysis
Table 1 was performed to measure the amount of extractable metal
Chemical composition of chalcopyrite and pyrite samples used for the study. oxide/hydroxide Cu and Fe at the mineral particle surface. A vol-
Mineral Elements (mass %) ume of 190 cm3 of a 3 wt.% solution of AR grade EDTA was pre-
pared and the pH was adjusted to 7.5 using AR grade sodium
Zn Fe S Ca Cu Si Pb Mn Mg
hydroxide solution. The solution was then placed in a continu-
Chalcopyrite 0.01 28.9 29.0 1.76 26.4 4.2 0.34 0.02 0.68
ously-stirred reaction vessel and purged with nitrogen for
Pyrite 0.18 44.9 53.5 0.44 0.13 0.7 0.02 0.02 0.08
10 min. 10 cm3 of slurry was collected immediately after
C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95 89

Fig. 1. Flowsheet of the experimental flotation procedure.

regrinding with the IsaMill and placed in the EDTA solution for was found to be approximately 2%. All recoveries are indicated
5 min (while purging with nitrogen). The sample was then filtered after subtraction of entrainment (refer to Section 2.2.3). The effect
through a 0.45 lm millipore membrane and the extract analysed of Py content on Cp flotation recovery after IsaMilling is shown in
using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission spectro- Fig. 2 (tests at constant SIPX addition rate) and 3 (tests with SIPX
photometry. The percentage of EDTA extractable iron or copper, addition rate scaled to the amount of Cu in the mixture). This
an indicator of mineral surface oxidation, was expressed as the was done to deduce the effects of the following two mechanisms:
ratio of EDTA soluble copper or iron to the total amount of copper (i) surface modifications on chalcopyrite (oxidation) and reduced
or iron in their insoluble forms in the samples (wt./wt.% Cu or floatability and (ii) copper activation of pyrite and subtraction of
wt./wt.% Fe). collector available for chalcopyrite.
Figs. 2 and 3a show that the amount of pyrite in the feed has
2.3.2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) significant impact on the chalcopyrite recovery, grade and selectiv-
The surface atomic concentration of species on the mineral sur- ity. For the tests with constant collector addition rate (Fig. 2a), an
faces was examined by XPS. Samples of regrinding mill (IsaMill) increase in Py content from 0 to 80 wt.% resulted in a decrease in
discharge with d80 of 20 lm for the 20, 50 and 80 wt.% Cp/Py mix- Cp recovery (after 10 min of flotation) from 96% to 82% and a
ture were subjected to analysis. A Kratos Axis Ultra X-ray photo- decrease in the flotation rate constant from 0.94 to 0.45 min1
electron spectroscope (XPS) was employed with an Al Ka (Table 2). In the tests at scaled collector addition rate (Fig. 3a),
monochromated X-ray source (1486.8 eV) operating at 130 W. At Cp recovery and flotation rate constant decreased from 96% to
the initial stage, the samples were examined in a survey mode to 56% and from 0.94 to 0.39 min1, respectively. Similarly, the recov-
identify all the elements on the surface to determine their atomic ery of Py gradually decreased as the amount of Py present in the
concentration after which various elemental regions were scanned mixture increased (Figs. 2 and 3b). For example, in Fig. 2b, Py
for information on the chemical bond and oxidation states. The re- recovery decreased from 33% to 9% when the Py content in the feed
sults are presented as surface weight concentration and XPS was increased from 20 to 80 wt.%. The Cp grades for the various
spectra. Cp/Py mixtures are presented in Table 2. The maximum achievable
concentrate grade and recovery decreased with increasing Py
2.3.3. Time-of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) content in the flotation feed. This was associated with a decrease
Samples of flotation concentrates (con. 1–4) from the test of 20 in Cp flotation kinetics.
and 80 wt.% Py additions were washed with NaOH solution (pH The major difference between the results in Figs. 2 and 3 is the
10.5) to remove any suspended material (i.e., very fine and/or col- lower Cp recoveries obtained in the tests where the collector addi-
loidal particles). The mineral particles (chalcopyrite/pyrite) were tion rate was scaled to the amount of Cu in the mineral mix, espe-
wet mounted on to indium foil on a silicon plate and introduced cially at high percentages of pyrite added. The second difference is
in the fore-vacuum chamber of the ToF-SIMS instrument. A ToF- that Py recoveries are generally lower and almost independent of
SIMS instrument of the model PHI TRIFT V nanoToF from Physical the percentage of Py in the feed when the collector addition rate
Electronics Inc. was used in this study. A pulsed liquid metal 79Au+ is scaled to the amount of Cu in the ore mix. This may suggest that
primary ion beam operating at 30 kV was used for the analysis. The Py competes with Cp for adsorption of collector, and that collector
analysis was conducted under the high imaging resolution mode dosage is therefore critical. These results are in good agreement
and charge neutralisation was provided by an electron gun and a with those obtained in most copper processing plants where the
gun for Ar+ ions. ‘Raw’ data files for positive (e.g. including Cu+, recovery of copper after regrinding is affected by the proportion
FeOH+, etc.) and negative (e.g. including O, C2 H5 OCS  
2 , SO3 , SH ,
of pyrite in the ore. The results also correlate well with those ob-
etc.) secondary ions were acquired for images of 256  256 pixels tained by Ekmekci and Demirel (1997) who also showed that the
and raster size 75–100 lm. Data were acquired for 2 min with the collectorless flotation behavior of Cp and Py mixtures was con-
ion dose below the static limit (<1012 ions/cm2). The positive and trolled by the proportion of both minerals in the mixture.
negative mass spectra of regions of interest (i.e., particles) were ex-
tracted offline using the WinCadenceN software. The intensity of 3.2. The role of pulp redox potential (Eh) and dissolved oxygen (DO)
the secondary ion signals was normalised to the total ion yield of
selected peaks. Pulp electrochemistry measurements at the start of condition-
ing (Table 2) show that an increase in Py content leads to a
3. Results and discussion decrease of the pulp redox potential (Eh) after fine grinding. For
example, at 20 wt.% Py addition (SIPX scaled to Cu in the feed)
3.1. Flotation results the Eh was 203 mV (SHE) whilst at 80 wt.% Py addition the Eh
decreased to 176 mV (SHE). Although the decrease in Eh is not
3.1.1. Effect of pyrite content on chalcopyrite flotation large, the dissolved oxygen in the pulp was remarkably reduced
The flotation experiments for the various Cp and Py blends were with increased pyrite in the mix. The decrease in the pulp DO/Eh
repeated 3 times and the standard deviation on the recovery values suggests the creation of a more reductive environment as more
90 C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95

(a) 100 (b) 100

80 80 20 wt.% Py add.
50 wt.% Py add
80 wt.% Py add

% Py recovery
%Cp recovery

60 60

40 0 wt.% Py add. 40
20 wt.% Py add.
50 wt.% Py add.
80 wt.% Py add.
20 20

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Time ( t, min) Time (t, min)

Fig. 2. Cp (a) and Py (b) recovery versus time as a function of the pyrite content in the mix ([SIPX] = 250 g/t in all tests).

(a) 100
(b) 100

80 80
% Cp recovery

% Py recovery

60 60
20 wt.% Py add.
50 wt.% Py add.
80 wt.% Py add.
40 40
0 wt.% Py add.
20 wt.% Py add.
50 wt.% Py add.
20 20
80 wt.% Py add

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (t, min) Time (t, min)

Fig. 3. Cp (a) and Py (b) recovery verse time as a function of the pyrite content in the mix ([SIPX] = 250 g/t of Cp in the feed).

Table 2
Summary of pulp electrochemistry and flotation results.

Mixtures (Cp-Py) Eh DO Rate constant (min1) Recovery (%) Grade (%)
pH = 10.5 (mV, SHE) ppm Cp Py Cp Py Cp Py
Equal amount of collector addition after IsaMilling (250 g/t SIPX)
0% Py 248 7.42 0.94 – 96 – 88 –
20% Py 240 7.03 0.90 0.48 94 33 68 23
50% Py 195 5.60 0.82 0.32 90 27 63 33
80% Py 190 4.00 0.45 0.14 80 9 41 52
Collector addition after IsaMilling scaled to copper (250 g/t SIPX of Cp)
20% Py 203 8.4 0.85 0.26 91 11 82 14
50% Py 190 6.1 0.64 0.21 72 8 65 25
80% Py 176 4.5 0.39 0.13 56 5 47 44

Py is introduced into the system. Pyrite is oxidative in nature; DO/Eh; it has been shown in previous studies that maximum Cp
therefore, increasing pyrite content subsequently increases the flotation is reached at Eh values around 250–275 mV (SHE) (e.g.
oxidative reactions occurring at the mineral surface, thereby Richardson and Walker, 1985; Goktepe and Williams, 1995; Kuo-
decreasing dissolved oxygen levels in the flotation pulp, as shown panportt et al., 2000; He et al., 2006).
in Eq. (6). This significantly lowers the oxidation and adsorption
rate of the collector on to the valuable mineral surface, thereby FeS2 þ 15=4O2 þ 7=2H2 O () FeðOHÞ3 þ 2H2 SO4 ð6Þ
impacting on its flotation recovery (He et al., 2006; Holmes and To prove that the change in Cp recovery results from changes in
Crundwell, 2000). The decrease in Cp recovery with increasing Py the pulp DO/Eh associated with increasing Py content in the min-
content (Figs. 2 and 3a) is associated with the decrease in the pulp eral mixture, an experiment was performed in which the pulp
C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95 91

was deliberately purged with air to increase the pulp DO/Eh in one a cuprous state with location of most intense peak around 932 eV
of the tests (80 wt.% Py addition) prior to flotation. Aeration of the representing Cu (I) (Fairthorne et al., 1997). The lack of Cu (II) on
pulp for 48 min increased the oxygen concentration from 4.5 to the surface, combined with the EDTA extraction Cu result, suggests
5.9 ppm and Eh from 176 to 335 mV (SHE). As a result, the Cp flo- that all the Cu (II) is in solution. The Fe2p spectra for the various
tation rate increased from 0.39 to 0.66 min1 and the recovery in- Cp/Py mixtures (Fig. 5b) are very similar in shape, with a sharp
creased from 54% to 72% (Fig. 4) while Py recovery decreased by peak at 706.5 eV, characteristic of low-spin Fe (II) in pyrite, and a
1%. The increase in Cp flotation with Eh may be due to xanthate broader contribution extending to about 714 eV. The latter in-
adsorption/dixanthogen formation at the Cp surface (Richardson cludes the iron oxy/hydroxide species on the mineral surface as
and Walker, 1985; He et al., 2006). well as a contribution from Fe in unaltered chalcopyrite (Fair-
thorne et al., 1997). Although the Fe2p spectra of the XPS suggest
oxy/hydroxide species formation, it is difficult to identify the exact
3.3. Solution and surface analysis species formed on the individual minerals as an average of the ex-
posed mixed Cp/Py minerals surfaces is measured.
3.3.1. EDTA extraction and XPS study
Feed samples obtained after regrinding (IsaMill product) for all 3.3.2. ToF-SIMS study
the Cp/Py mixtures were analysed using EDTA extraction and XPS To understand the surface chemistry differences occurring on
to identify and quantify species formed on the minerals surfaces. the chalcopyrite and pyrite surfaces when they are present in dif-
Table 3 shows that the relative amount of EDTA extractable Cu ions ferent proportions during grinding and flotation, and their impact
(CuEDTA/CuT) increases from 5.1% to 8.7% with increasing Py con- on the flotation behaviour of the two minerals, ToF-SIMS surface
tent in the mixture from 20 to 80 wt.%, while the relative amount analysis was performed on flotation concentrates from the tests
of EDTA extractable Fe remains approximately constant at 2.5%. at 20 and 80 wt.% Py additions. The information for the different
The increase in EDTA extractable Cu suggests oxidation of Cp mineral phases in the samples was extracted individually for Cp
(e.g. formation Cu(OH)2 on the surface). The decrease in DO/Eh as and Py particles. The presence of the two minerals can be visual-
the amount of Py increases is related to the reduction of more oxy- ised by imaging for copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) signals. A typical
gen on the pyrite surface during oxidation (Eq. (6)). The mineral ToF-SIMS image of a concentrate sample is shown in Fig. 6, display-
surface and bulk weight percentage of elements for different ing the total ion (a), Cu (b) and Fe (c) imaging signals. Fig. 6(d) is an
Cp/Py mixtures as measured by XPS are shown in Table 4. To have overlay image showing the presence of Cu (green) and FeOH (blue)
an idea of the alterations in the composition of elements on the on pyrite surfaces. The presence of Cu ions on Py particles confirms
minerals surface, surface to bulk ratio calculations for Cu, Fe and that the Py was copper activated in the presence of Cp.
S were determined (Table 4). The surface to bulk ratio of Cu in- A statistical set of Py and Cp particles in each concentrate
creased from 1.2% to 2.6% whilst that for Fe and S remained similar stream (concentrates 1–4) was investigated. A large number of
as the Py content in the blend increased from 20 to 80 wt.%. The grains (28 particles on average) was analysed to derive statistically
over-abundance of Cu on the surface with respect to the bulk is significant results. The intensities of the ToF-SIMS secondary ions
most likely the result of the transfer of Cu ions from Cp on to Py of total oxygen (O), copper (Cu), sulphur (in the form of SH) and
surface (copper activation of Py). The data suggest that copper acti- xanthate collector fragment (C2H5OCS2) were found to differ be-
vation of pyrite increases with increasing pyrite content in the tween the Cp and Py mineral surfaces. The trends of these signals
mineral mix. Copper activation of pyrite promotes the adsorption in each of the phases are presented in Fig. 7, for the mixed blends
of xanthate collector on to the pyrite surface, enhancing its flota- Cp/Py: 80/20 and Cp/Py: 20/80. One should note that in the test
tion under alkaline conditions (Finkelstein, 1997; Xu et al., 1995; with 20 wt.% Py addition, the data for Py is presented only for con-
Shen et al., 2001) centrate 4; it was not possible to identify a statistically-significant
The Cu2p spectra of the XPS analysis (Fig. 5a) show little evi- number of Py particles in the earlier concentrates. The distribution
dence of any intensity in the region around 945 eV where charac- of Ca ions was analysed with both XPS and ToF-SIMS but interest-
teristic Cu (II) ‘‘shake-up’’ satellites are found (due to energy loss ingly, only a little amount of Ca ions was found on the minerals
incurred by the outgoing Cu2p photoelectrons interacting with, surface.
and promoting, valence electrons into vacant Cu d states) (Skinner Fig. 7 shows that the intensities of hydrophobic sulphur (in the
et al., 1996; Prestidge et al., 1997). The surface copper is mainly in form of SH) and copper ion signals are higher on the Cp surfaces
than on Py surfaces. This behaviour is observed for the different
Py additions, although, when Py content is increased from 20% to
100 80%, the intensity of these signals on the Cp surfaces decreases
considerably. The intensity of the copper signal on Py particles is
80 No aeration
approximately 10 times lower than that on Cp particles (for the
With aeration test with 80 wt.% Py addition), providing an idea of the extent of
Cp recovery (%)

copper activation of Py from contact with Cp in the pulp. The inten-

60 sity of the copper signal on Cp surfaces shows an interesting trend
throughout the flotation concentrates: decreases initially from C1
to C2, increasing from C2 to C3 and decreasing again from C3 to
C4. This behaviour may, possibly, be due to initial dissolution of
Cu ions into the solution following precipitation of copper species
20 (e.g. copper hydroxides) and re-dissolution. This trend is observed
for both 20 and 80 wt.% Py additions but the effect is more pro-
nounced for the test with 20 wt.% of Py. Although a speculation,
further investigation into this behaviour may help to better under-
0 2 4 6 8 10
stand the underlying mechanisms occurring during the flotation of
Time (min)
mixed minerals, especially when galvanic interactions occur. There
Fig. 4. Effect of pre-aeration on Cp flotation recovery (80 wt.% Py, [SIPX] = 250 g/t of is a complex interplay between the species in the solution and on
Cp in the feed). the minerals surfaces and this varies during flotation.
92 C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95

Table 3
Results of EDTA extractable metal ions for the various Cp/Py mixtures after IsaMilling at pH 10.5.

Mixture (Cp–Py) Eh., mV (SHE) Cu Fe

Cu in sol., mg/l CuEDTA, mg/l CuEDTA/CuT, % Fe in sol., mg/l FeEDTA, mg/l FeEDTA/FeT,%
20% Py 241 0.39 53 5.1 0.28 42 2.6
50% Py 223 0.12 27 6.4 0.11 32 2.5
80% Py 210 0.04 23 8.7 <0.01 50 2.4

Table 4
Bulk and surface average weight percentage and surface to bulk ratio of elements on mineral surface for different Cp/Py mixtures.

Mixtures Bulk weight (%) Surface weight (%) Surface to bulk ratio (%)
Cu Fe S Cu Fe S Cu Fe S
20 wt.% Py 21.9 34.8 32.3 25.6 21.2 29.2 1.2 0.6 0.9
50 wt.% Py 13.1 38.6 40.3 19.2 21.0 32.3 1.5 0.5 0.8
80 wt.% Py 5.3 42.4 48.2 13.7 20.6 38.8 2.6 0.5 0.8

(a) x102 (b) x102

40 Cu (I) S Fe (II) S
30 12


25 10

965 960 955 950 945 940 935 930 925 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700
Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV)
Fig. 5. Cu2p and Fe2p XPS spectra for the various Cp/Py mixtures (pH = 10.5; SIPX concentration scaled to % Cp in the feed (20 wt.% Py, 50 wt.% Py, 80 wt.% Py).

Another interesting finding is the amount of collector adsorbed the cathode while chalcopyrite acts as the anode (Ekmekci and
on the particles surfaces: a higher intensity of collector signal was Demirel, 1997). Hence, galvanic interactions will favour the reduc-
observed on Py particles compared to Cp for both Cp/Py mixtures. tion of oxygen (cathodic reaction, Eq. (7)) at the pyrite surface with
This result shows that Cu-activated pyrite competes with chalco- formation of hydroxyl species (Eq. (6)), and the oxidation of chal-
pyrite for collector adsorption, and therefore, explains the in- copyrite (anodic reactions), with formation of covellite and con-
creased Py recovery when the collector dosage was kept constant comitant production of iron hydroxide and elemental sulphur
during the flotation test. The collector adsorbed on Cp particles re- (Eq. (8)). High pH and Eh conditions in the pulp, will promote fur-
mained approximately constant throughout the flotation concen- ther oxidation of copper and sulphur on the chalcopyrite surface
trates in both mineral mixtures, though it appears to be slightly (Eq. (9)).
higher for the test with 80 wt.% of Py. This observation is consistent
H2 O þ 1=2O2 þ 2e $ 2OH ð7Þ
with the anecdotal observation that minimum levels of oxidation
are required for the collector to adsorb on to the mineral surface.
Since the collector adsorbed on chalcopyrite particles remains con- CuFeS2 þ 3H2 O $ CuS þ FeðOHÞ3 þ S0 þ 3Hþ þ 3e ð8Þ
stant, it does not explain, alone, the observed decrease in Cp recov-
ery when Py content is increased. The overall hydrophilic loading CuS þ 2H2 O $ CuðOHÞ2 þ S0 þ 2Hþ þ 2e ð9Þ
on the particles surfaces appears to have a dominant effect on
The oxidation of sulphide surfaces is a complex electrochemical
the flotation behaviour of chalcopyrite.
process, involving a number of intermediate electrochemical reac-
The oxidation on the mineral surfaces was also examined. The
tions with the formation of sulphoxy species: SO, SO2, SO3 and SO4
Py particles were found to exhibit higher exposure of oxygen per
(Rimstidt and Vaughan, 2003). In alkaline solutions, a combination
unit surface area compared to Cp particles, regardless of their pro-
of these sulphur species may be expected on the surface of sul-
portion in the mineral mixture. By increasing the Py content in the
phide minerals. The sulphur oxidation on the surfaces of the Cp
mixture, the oxidation of Cp is enhanced, due to the galvanic inter-
and Py particles was examined in this study by following the SO 3
actions occurring between the two minerals. When Cp and Py min-
secondary ion signal. The exposure of SO3 ion on the surfaces of
erals come into contact, a galvanic cell is established and current
these minerals and its variation throughout flotation is presented
flows from Cp to Py. Pyrite is the mineral with the highest rest po-
in Fig. 8a. It is evident from the figure that SO3 species form in
tential of all sulphides (less electrochemically active), and acts as
higher amounts on Py particles compared to Cp, regardless of their
C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95 93



Fig. 6. ToF-SIMS image of total ion (a), Cu (b) and Fe (c) secondary ion signals and overlay (d) (scale bar = 10 lm).

proportion in the mineral system. When the content of Py in the mineral surface (Eq. (6)). The presence of Fe3+ ions in the solution
feed increases (Py > Cp), the oxidation of Cp is enhanced, as evi- may also act as oxidant species, enhancing oxidation of pyrite. The
denced by the greater exposure of SO 3 species on the Cp particles. presence of two possible sources of electron acceptor species in the
An interesting observation is that the formation of SO 3 on the sur- oxidation of pyrite (O2 and Fe3+) may explain the higher amounts
faces of Cp and Py follows a similar trend throughout the flotation of sulphoxy species, SO3 , observed on the pyrite particles surfaces
concentrates, increasing in the course of flotation. This finding sug- compared with chalcopyrite particles.
gests that the oxidation of sulphur follows the same mechanism/
rate on both minerals and is in agreement with the proposal that
oxidation of sulphide surfaces occurs via the same electrochemical FeS2 þ 3xCu2þ þ 4xH2 O $ Cu3x FeSð2xÞ þ xSO2
4 þ 8xH
mechanism (Rimstidt and Vaughan, 2003). Increasing the content Iron hydroxy/hydroxide species (FeOOH, Fe(OH)3) form on the
of Py in the system will promote sulphur oxidation on both Cp surface of these minerals under alkaline aerated solutions, Fe(OH)3
and Py particles surfaces. being the most likely abundant species. The presence of these spe-
Oxidation of Cp follows an oxidative dissolution mechanism; cies on the individual mineral phases was examined in the flota-
the Cu and Fe ions dissolve into the solution leaving a hydrophobic tion concentrates (Fig. 8b). The exposure of FeOH+ species on Cp
sulphur-rich or metal-deficient layer and/or elemental sulphur on particles was found to be approximately constant in the course
the surface. This phenomenon is generally accepted to impart sur- of flotation (C1–C4), in both tests; the effect was enhanced by
face hydrophobicity and induce collectorless flotation of chalcopy- increasing the content of Py in the mineral mixture. In contrast,
rite. The dissolved Cu ions in solution will, in turn, adsorb on to the Py particles were found to exhibit increasing exposure of FeOH+
pyrite surface, i.e., copper-activation of pyrite. It has been shown throughout flotation. Previous studies of pyrite have shown that
that Cu (I) species interact with either a S2 or S on the pyrite sur- a layer of Fe(OH)3 forms on the surface and that oxidation of pyrite
face by chemical adsorption and that no iron dissolution from pyr- proceeds upon formation of this layer. Due to the porous structure
ite occurs during this process. The overall reaction (adsorption and of the iron hydroxide layer, the oxygen can diffuse through the
oxidation) for the Cu-activation of pyrite can be represented by Eq. layer, reach the surface and be reduced (Eq. (6)), further oxidising
(10) (von Oertzen et al., 2007). The Fe2+ ions released into the solu- pyrite, which explains the observed increase of FeOH+ on the pyrite
tion will rapidly, under strong alkaline and electrochemical envi- surfaces during flotation (Chander and Briceno, 1987; Ekmekci and
ronments, oxidise to Fe3+ and form Fe(OH)3 precipitates on the Demirel, 1997; Ahlberg and Broo, 1996).
94 C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95

(a) 0.6 (b) 0.25

Cu+ SH -
ToF-SIMS Intensity
0.5 0.2

ToF-SIMS Intensity


0 0
Con 1 Con 2 Con 3 Con 4 Con 1 Con 2 Con 3 Con 4
Flotation stream Flotation stream

Cp in Cp/Py: 20/80 Py in Cp/Py: 20/80 Cp in Cp/Py: 20/80 Py in Cp/Py: 20/80

Cp in Cp/Py: 80/20 Py in Cp/Py: 80/20 Cp in Cp/Py: 80/20 Py in Cp/Py: 80/20

(c) 0.003
(d) 0.4

ToF-SIMS Intensity

ToF-SIMS Intensity

0.0015 0.2


0 0
Con 1 Con 2 Con 3 Con 4 Con 1 Con 2 Con 3 Con 4
Flotation stream Flotation stream
Cp in Cp/Py: 20/80 Py in Cp/Py: 20/80 Cp in Cp/Py: 20/80 Py in Cp/Py: 20/80
Cp in Cp/Py: 80/20 Py in Cp/Py: 80/20 Cp in Cp/Py: 80/20 Py in Cp/Py: 80/20

Fig. 7. ToF-SIMS secondary ion signals of Cu (a), SH (b) collector fragment C2H5OCS2 (c) and O (d) on Cp and Py surfaces in the concentrates (C1–C4) of the flotation tests with
20 and 80 wt.% Py additions.

0.06 0.025
- FeOH
0.05 0.02
ToF-SIMS Intensity
ToF-SIMS Intensity



0.01 0.005

0 0
Con 1 Con 2 Con 3 Con 4 Con 1 Con 2 Con 3 Con 4
Flotation stream Flotation stream
Cp in Cp/Py: 20/80 Py in Cp/Py: 20/80 Cp in Cp/Py: 20/80 Py in Cp/Py: 20/80
Cp in Cp/Py: 80/20 Py in Cp/Py: 80/20 Cp in Cp/Py: 80/20 Py in Cp/Py: 80/20

Fig. 8. ToF-SIMS signals of hydrophilic oxidation products SO3 and FeOH on chalcopyrite and pyrite surfaces in the concentrates (C1–C4) of the flotation tests with 20 and
80 wt.% Py additions.

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C. Owusu et al. / Minerals Engineering 55 (2014) 87–95 95

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