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Group 1
Muhammad Iqbal Johari 8820322049
Adilla Zaqiatun Nisa 8820320004
1. Instructional Design Idea

Students Level:
High School - SMA/MA/SMAK/Sederajat

Lesson Topic:
Kurikulum 2013 – KD 3.4 & 4.4 – Caption Text

Learning Objective:
1. Students able to distinct the social features, generic structures, and the language features of
caption text.
2. Students able to independently write/create their own caption text

Learning Activities
The learning activities will be conducted in a format of a Blended Learning Activities, where the
students will have to read the materials provided by the teacher through an LMS (in this case Instagram
app), online without a face-to-face meeting to be conducted, and then in the following, the students will
have a face-to-face meeting either in a form of a direct offline meeting in class or online meeting via
Zoom, Google Meet, or other video conference media to continue discussing and presenting what they
have learned about the topic during the asynchronous meeting in class.

Activities before F2F:

During the activities before the face-to face meeting, students will be given the materials through a link
of a post on an Instagram account created by the teacher that will be dedicated for this topic.
The students will be required to look at the posts and read the information that will be given there.
The materials posted will be in a form of pictures that contains compact information regarding the topics
that will be learned during the f2f meeting. The pictures will be:
 Brief review what they have learned in the previous topic/meeting
 Introductions to the lesson topic – The KD, and the learning objectives
 What is Caption Text
 Example of Caption Text
 Social features of caption text
 Generic structures of caption text
 Language features of the caption text

Then, there will be another instruction be given through another post that the students will have to fulfil
before the face-to-face meeting that will act as a brainstorming of this activities before the f2f meeting.
The teacher will posts several examples of caption text on that account and then the students must like
three post of examples on caption texts and give a comment on one of them.
Lastly, to act as an attendance prove, there will be a post in a form of an Instagram story video for the
students to like the post and give a comment where they said they have done the readings. The instruction
for this attendance prove will be given at the last post of the materials.
If the students had some difficulties accessing the materials, the teacher will also provide a link in the
caption of the posts where the students will be directed to download a document of student’s activity
works where they could read the materials there and other further information regarding the topics, and
some small exercises for the students to work on and they could submit it through the DM feature in the
application or just send it through the email (this could act as a bonus grade for them).

During F2F Meeting (In the classroom mode):

1. The teacher open the class by greeting the students
2. While preparing the tools/media that will be used during the class (e.g. projector, PC or
smartphones, and/or a modem/internet router/Wi-Fi), the teacher check the students attendance,
prepare the students to be ready for the lesson, and check the students their about their
activities/task before the f2f meeting.
3. By the time the preparation for the media/tools needed for the lesson is finished, the teacher check
the students whether they understand the materials given through the LMS.

Introduction to The Topic

1. Teacher will check the class, by asking what they would learn in class today
2. Then again, the teacher will ask the students, what have they learned and understand from the
materials given previously through the LMS and what they did not understand from the materials
3. Consecutively, the teacher will try to explain some key points of the topics that will be learned
during the discussion between the students and the teacher.
4. The teacher then would show them through the projector, the Instagram feed of the account used
by the teacher for the previous activities before the f2f meeting, and show them the posts of the
materials that will be learned today.
5. The teacher will then ask the student about the LMS/application, have they use the app before?
what do they use it? How often they use the app? What are the other features they know about
the app?

For the brainstorming activities the teacher would post an Instagram story during the class, the story post
will be in a form of a picture or a video with a fill-up question sticker in it. The question asked will be about
what kind of Instagram content (photo or video, the theme or topic of the post, etc.) the students are likely
to see, give likes and comments and what kind of content they are most likely to post themselves. The
students then would have to submit their responses in the Instagram story so that the teacher would then
discuss the responses together with the class.
This brainstorming activity would be shown live during class through the projector so that the class could
engage with the materials and the activity.

Main Activities:
1. After the brainstorming activity finished, or while the students are filling up the question in the
Instagram story, the teacher then would once again reintroduce the topic of today’s lesson
2. The teacher will give some explanation to the students, what they didn’t understand about the
topic, and the things needed in a caption text.
3. The teacher would then explain and show them the examples of caption texts from the posts on
the Instagram account, and if necessary, the teacher will use the Instagram’s Search and Explore
feature to show the students other examples of caption texts.
4. While at it, the teacher then will ask the students to work in a pair of 4
5. Then the teacher will instruct the students to create a post, posted from just one account of one of
the members of the group, where the post would contain 4 things, a photo, a video, a graphic and
a table, where they would give each content, a caption text
6. The contents will have to adhere to a certain topic/theme that the groups have decided together
7. During this, the teacher will move around to see the teams and try to inquire about their works,
and maybe try to help them by providing some comments and/or input for their content to help
them better understand the topic
8. The post then would have to be tagged to and mention the teacher’s Instagram account dedicated
for the class
9. After all the groups posted their works, the class would then review their posts together and try to
distinct their social function, general structures, and language features of each of their posts
10. Consecutively, the other students would have to give comments to the other group’s posts and
give a like to one of the post they took interest in. Here the teacher would also give the posts
some additional comments and perhaps give a score for the group works.
11. After the group activity, the teacher will now ask the students to individually post a content either in
a format of a photo, video, graphic, or a table, of their own topic of interests, not using the existing
ones they had previously in their account or copying form the internet, into their feed and add a
caption into their post, and also tag and mention the teacher Instagram account.
12. The individual post would act as a final works of today’s topic and will be their assessment of
understanding this topic.
13. If time allowed, the teacher would then pick two or three of individual post who had already finish
their works and try to review and discuss it with the class and even give them a score.

End the class:
1. If the time allocated for the individual works is not enough, it could be used as an assignment for
the students to be done at home.
2. The teacher, again will ask the students, what have they learned in this class and ask a few of the
students to give a brief summary of what they have learned today
3. The teacher will ask the students to give comments about today’s topic, how do they feel in learning
this topic using the LMS/application, what are the fun things they get, and the lacks in the method
4. After that the teacher then will also give a brief summary of the topic, and gave positive comments
and feedback for the students also motivate the students in learning this topic.
5. The teacher, if could, give a brief hint of what the students will learned in the next meeting, it could
be the topic or anything.
6. Lastly the teacher end the class by saying thank you and greet the student goodbye.

Evaluation and assessment:

Assessment used in this meeting/topic will mostly rely on two things, student observation in class by the
teacher during the f2f meeting, and their responses and works posted through the application/Instagram.
The observation during f2f meeting could be used as an evaluation for the student character and also to
see whether they could grasps the topic by looking at their readiness in learning. While their works could
be used as their assessment for the Individual cognitive and psychometric understanding.

During F2F Meeting (Online synchronous mode/via Zoom or Google Meet, etc.):

1. The teacher open the class by greeting the students
2. While preparing the tools/media that will be used during the class (e.g. PC or smartphones), the
teacher check the students attendance, prepare the students to be ready for the lesson, and check
the students their about their activities/task before the f2f meeting.
3. By the time the preparation for the media/tools needed for the lesson is finished, the teacher check
the students whether they understand the materials given through the LMS.

Introduction to The Topic

1. Teacher will check the class, by asking what they would learn in class today
2. Then again, the teacher will ask the students, what have they learned and understand from the
materials given previously through the LMS and what they did not understand from the materials
3. Consecutively, the teacher will try to explain some key points of the topics that will be learned
during the discussion between the students and the teacher.
4. The teacher then would show them through share screening, the Instagram feed of the account
used by the teacher for the previous activities before the f2f meeting, and show them the posts of
the materials that will be learned today.
5. The teacher will then ask the student about the LMS/application, have they use the app before?
What do they use it? How often they use the app? What are the other features they know about
the app?

For the brainstorming activities the teacher would post an Instagram story during the class, the story post
will be in a form of a picture or a video with a fill-up question sticker in it. The question asked will be about
what kind of Instagram content (photo or video, the theme or topic of the post, etc.) the students are likely
to see, give likes and comments and what kind of content they are most likely to post themselves. The
students then would have to submit their responses in the Instagram story so that the teacher would then
discuss the responses together with the class.
This brainstorming activity would be shown live during class through share screen mode so that the class
could engage with the materials and the activity.

Main Activities:
1. After the brainstorming activity finished, or while the students are filling up the question in the
Instagram story, the teacher then would once again reintroduce the topic of today’s lesson
2. The teacher will give some explanation to the students, what they didn’t understand about the
topic, and the things needed in a caption text.
3. The teacher would then explain and show them the examples of caption texts from the posts on
the Instagram account, and if necessary, the teacher will use the Instagram’s Search and Explore
feature to show the students other examples of caption texts.
4. While at it, the teacher then will ask the students to work in a pair of 4
5. Then the teacher will instruct the students to create a post, posted from just one account of one of
the members of the group, where the post would contain 4 things, a photo, a video, a graphic and
a table, where they would give each content, a caption text
6. The contents will have to adhere to a certain topic/theme that the groups have decided together
7. During this, the teacher will move around to see the teams and try to inquire about their works,
and maybe try to help them by providing some comments and/or input for their content to help
them better understand the topic
8. The post then would have to be tagged to and mention the teacher’s Instagram account dedicated
for the class
9. After all the groups posted their works, the class would then review their posts together and try to
distinct their social function, general structures, and language features of each of their posts
10. Consecutively, the other students would have to give comments to the other group’s posts and
give a like to one of the post they took interest in. Here the teacher would also give the posts
some additional comments and perhaps give a score for the group works.
11. After the group activity, the teacher will now ask the students to individually post a content either in
a format of a photo, video, graphic, or a table, of their own topic of interests, not using the existing
ones they had previously in their account or copying form the internet, into their feed and add a
caption into their post, and also tag and mention the teacher Instagram account.
12. The individual post would act as a final works of today’s topic and will be their assessment of
understanding this topic.
13. If time allowed, the teacher would then pick two or three of individual post who had already finish
their works and try to review and discuss it with the class and even give them a score.

End the class:
1. If the time allocated for the individual works is not enough, it could be used as an assignment for
the students to be done at home.
2. The teacher, again will ask the students, what have they learned in this class and ask a few of the
students to give a brief summary of what they have learned today
3. The teacher will ask the students to give comments about today’s topic, how do they feel in learning
this topic using the LMS/application, what are the fun things they get, and the lacks in the method
4. After that the teacher then will also give a brief summary of the topic, and gave positive comments
and feedback for the students also motivate the students in learning this topic.
5. The teacher, if could, give a brief hint of what the students will learned in the next meeting, it could
be the topic or anything.
6. Lastly the teacher end the class by saying thank you and greet the student goodbye.

Evaluation and assessment:

Assessment used in this meeting/topic will mostly rely on two things, student observation in the meeting
room by the teacher during the synchronous meeting, and their responses and works posted through the
The observation during f2f meeting could be used as an evaluation for the student character and also to
see whether they could grasps the topic by looking at their active engagement during the meeting. While
their works could be used as their assessment for the Individual cognitive and psychometric

2. Name of LMS: Instagram

LMS Icon/Logo:

Registration Process If you don’t have a Facebook account:

1. Download the Instagram app from the App Store (iPhone)
or Google Play Store (Android).
2. Once the app is installed, open the app
3. Tap Create New Account and enter your email address or
mobile number, then tap Next. Note: If you sign up with
email, make sure you enter your email address correctly and
choose an email address that only you can access. If you log
out and forget your password, you'll need to be able to
access your email to get back into your Instagram account.
4. Enter the confirmation code sent to your email address or
mobile number, then tap Next.
5. Create a password, then tap Next.
6. Enter your birthday, then tap Next.
7. Add your name, then tap Next.
8. Create a username, then tap Next.
9. Read Instagram’s terms and policies, then tap I agree, if you
agree to the terms, to create your account.
10. Add a profile picture, then tap Next. If you’d like to add a
profile picture later, tap Skip.
11. If you want to share your profile picture as your first post,
tap the switch button then tap Done.

If you have a Facebook account, you could associate it to make it

into your Instagram account:
1. Download the Instagram app from the App Store (iPhone)
or Google Play Store (Android).
2. Once the app is installed, open the app.
3. If your Facebook account shows, you can:
 Tap Continue as [name] to learn more about what
happens when you create an Instagram account with your
Facebook account.
 Choose not to use your Facebook account and tap Create
new account, then follow the steps above to create a new
Instagram account.
4. To create an Instagram account with your Facebook account,
tap Yes, continue, then tap Next to sync your name, profile
picture and avatar across apps. Note: You’ll be prompted to log
into your Facebook account if you're currently logged out.
5. If you'd like to create an Instagram account without your
Facebook account, tap Continue without Facebook.
6. Create a username, then tap Next.
7. Read Instagram’s terms and policies, then tap I agree, if you
agree to the terms, to create your account.

Details of Features and 1.

How They Work: Sharing Photos and Videos

1. At the top, tap then scroll to Post at the bottom:

2. To upload a photo or video from your phone's library,

select the photo/video you'd like to share.

3. To take a new photo/video, tap above Camera. You

can tap to switch between front and rear-facing
cameras and to adjust flash.

4. Tap , then add a caption or your location.

5. When you're done, tap .

Exploring Photos and Videos
You can search on Instagram using keywords to find photos
and videos, hashtags, accounts, audio, tags and places.
To search on Instagram:
1. Click on the left, then click Search in the top left.
2. Type who or what you want to search for, then click the
account or hashtag from the list of results.

Direct Messaging
Instagram lets you send messages to one or more people in
chats. These messages can include text and photos or videos
that you take or upload from your library. You can also send
the following things as a message:
 Posts that you see in feed
 Disappearing photos and videos
 Instagram profile
How to:
1. Click or on the left.
2. Click the conversation that you want to view.

[Explain the functions of this feature here and how to operate
this feature]

With Reels, you can record and edit short videos. Learn how to
add music, effects and voiceovers to the clips you record,
manage who can see your reels or use your audio, and
discover creators on Instagram.

You can start a live broadcast to connect with your followers in
real time. Once a live broadcast has ended, you can share a
replay or access it in your Live Archive.

Shopping, Fundraising, and Donation
You can shop on Instagram from accounts with shops. You can
discover new shops on Instagram Shop. And you can set up a
shop in Instagram to start your own business.
You can raise money on Instagram for nonprofits and causes
you care about. And you can donate on to a fundraiser shared
on a post, story, live video or profile. Searching for the nonprofit
on Instagram and donating on their profile. Tapping a donation
sticker on a story or live video
Limitation(s) of This LMS: This application/software isn’t actually an LMS/Learning
Management System, where teachers could directly and in an
orderly fashion give their students instruction, submit a more
complicated and thorough assignments like in a texts or documents,
and easily grade their works as in other LMS’s such as Canvas,
Google Classroom, Schoology, etc. as it is generally just a social
media for people to post and share their daily activities via pictures
and videos, with captions.
And as the example I have given in this instructional lesson activity
plan, the teacher will have to make a thorough preparation to
conduct this type of activity in class with this type of application and
there are certain limitations and drawbacks that could happen from
the use of this application, as it is also required only for people at
least 13 years old to create an Instagram account. But, nevertheless
I’m pretty sure that most of the students, especially in this time of
age, each of them will have an ease of access to this application and
perhaps well-known about this application and its features as they
would already have their own Instagram account and actively
engaged within it.

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