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The Pillars of Islam

The Holy Prophet “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam” said,
“Islam is built on five: To bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped
except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of
Prayers (salat), giving Zakaat, Fasting (Sawm) in the month of Ramadan, and al-Hajj
for whoever is able to bear the journey.”

Shahadah Witness

What are the Muslims beliefs about Shahadah?[10]

Shahadah means Oneness of Allah and Prophethood of Muhammad saw

1 Oneness of Allah Prophethood of Muhammad saw

2 He has no family Last/seal. The Holy Quran says, “Muhammad is not the
father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of
Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets.”

3 powerful Universal. The Quran says, “Say, ‘O mankind I have been

sent to you all as the messenger of Allah.”

4 forgiving Role model

5 All knowing Led the prophets in prayers during meraj
6 Creator Forgiving
7 Cherisher Quran was given to him
8 Guide His record of life is preserved in the form of
9 Protector etc The whole earth is made masjid for him
1 Take references He will recommend people for heaven at the time
0 from the first five of Day of Judgement
surahs of syllabus
Take references from first five the life of Holy
Prophet saw or articles of faith

Describe the importance of the first Pillar of Islam

This declaration is the foundation of belief on which the whole structure of Islam
has been built. It is the expression of this belief which differentiates a believer
from a non-believer. By expressing these sentences we enter the fold of Islam. By
pronouncing this declaration, we believe and affirm that none deserves worship except
Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala); we must stay steadfast upon this phrase and apply it in
our practical life and never associate any partners with Him.

To bear witness that Holy Prophet “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam” is the servant and Apostle of Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) means to obey him
in what he orders, to believe him in what he informs, to stay away from that which he
forbids, and to apply his Sunnah in our eating, drinking, sleeping and behaving with

Expected questions

1. “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger.” Describe the Muslims
beliefs summarized by the declaration of faith (Shahadah).

2. Explain how the declaration of faith (Shahadah) is acted upon through the
remaining four Pillars of Islam.

3. Prove how the declaration of faith (Shahada) is acted upon through the
remaining four pillars of Islam.

4. What is the importance of the first Pillar of Islam?

5. ‘There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.’ Write about the
significance of the shahada to a Muslim.

The Prayers (salat)

Preparations made for the Prayers (salat)/the conditions of the Prayers (salat)

 Not having thick material like wax, oil paint, nail polish that cover the skin
on the face, hands and arms.
 We perform ablution; wash hands, clean teeth, make gargles, rinse nose, wash
face and arms, pass wet hands on head and wash feet.
 If water is not available or we are sick then we perform dry ablution. First
make intention of purity, then say Bismillah, then touch pure sand and pass on
face and again we touch pure sand and pass it lightly on arms.
 If we are impure we must take bath and make sure that mouth and nose are
properly cleaned.
 Clothes should be pure from drop of blood, urine, pus or semen on them.
 Praying place should be pure from drop of blood, urine or any other filth.
 Men must offer the Prayers (salat) in masjid and women can offer at home.
 Azan is said (Call for Prayers /salat)
 We face towards Qiblah.
 Mobile, TV and telephone should be off.
 No picture should be in the surrounding or it must be covered.
 It must be offered on the prescribed time.
 Satar must be covered [Men: navel to knees (if no clothes otherwise his body
must also be covered except hands face and ankles), Women; whole body except
face, hands, feet].
 Make sure that no movement is possible in front.
Time and Raka

Names Time Rakaat

Fajar Break of dawn till Just before 2 Sunnat (Muakkadah)

the Sunrise.
2 Fard

Zuhr When Sun declines till the Shadow 4 Sunnat (Muakkadah) 4 Fard
of anything becomes twice its
2 Sunnat
2 Nawafil

Asr After the shadow is twice of its 4 Sunnat (Ghair Muakkadah)

size till the Sunset.
4 Fard

Maghrib Immediately after the Sunset till 3 Fard2 Sunnat (Muakkadah)

the red glow ends at horizon in
2 Nawafil
the west.

Isha After the red glow ends at 4 Sunnat (Ghair Muakkadah)

horizon in the West till the
4 Fard
early dawn.
2 Sunnat (Muakkadah)

2 Nawafil

3 Witr (Wajib)

2 Nafl

Friday When Sun declines till the Shadow 4 Sunnah (Muakkadah)

of anything becomes twice its
2 Fard 4 Sunnah (Muakkadah)
2 Sunnah (Muakkadah)

2 Nawafil

Eid/Id After Sun rises till just before 2 Wajib

The method of Prayers (salat)

 Ablution.
 Pure and clean clothes as well as place.
 Stand erect with face towards Qiblah, feet four inches apart, hands hanging
alongside the body.
 Intention.
 With hands raised, recite Takbir Tahrima: “Allah is Great.”
 Then fold both hands on navel and recite Thana, Ta’awwuz, Tasmiyah, Surah
Fatiha and any other Surah.
 Perform Ruku. While in Ruku, recite Tasbih Ruku three times.
 Stand straight for a short while after Ruku.
 Prostrate/Sajda and recite its Tasbih, sit up and prostrate again.
 Stand again and perform the next Rakaat just like the 1st one; repeat the step
from Surah Al-Fatiha till prostrations.
 Then sit on the knees and recite Tashahhud, Durood and a supplication.
 Lastly say Salam on both the sides.

Friday Prayers (salat)

 Bathing.
 Good clothes and fragrance.
 Azan.
 Speech of Imam in the native language.
 Four Rakaat Sunnah Prayers (salat).
 Second Azan.
 Arabic sermon (two parts)
 Iqamat.
 Two Rakaat Fard Prayers (salat) in congregation behind Imam

 Dua.
 Four Rakaat Sunnah Prayers (salat).
 Two Rakaat Sunnah Prayers (salat).
 Two Raktaat Nafl Prayers (salat).
 Dua.

The Friday sermon includes:

 Glorification and praise of Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala), confirming the aspect

of tawhid
 Praise and blessings on the Holy Prophet “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam” as the greatest example to follow and sending peace
and blessings on him
 Reflection /reinforcement of the Quranic verses that have been selected for the
particular sermon
 Referring to an authentic hadith to elaborate the topic and demonstrate the
implementation of the injunction by the Holy Prophet “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-
Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam”
 The imam reminds the whole congregation about their duties towards Allah
(Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) and their fellow beings, he warns the people against the
consequence of doing evil and reminds them of the hereafter
 Prays for the welfare of the community.

Eid/Id Prayers (salat)

 Muslims wake up early in the morning.

 They clean one's teeth with a miswak or brush.
 They take bath.
 They put on one's best available clothes.
 They use fragrance.
 They don’t eat before the Eid-ul-Adha Prayers (salat).
 They recite the Takbir of Tashriq in a loud voice while going to the Eid-ul-
Adha Prayers (salat).
 Lecture.
 No Azan and Iqamat.
 2 Rakaat Wajib.
 Six extra Takbeerat; 3 in first Rakat, before the recitation of the Quran and 3
in the second Rakat after the recitation of the Quran.
 Arabic sermon with two steps. It is a Sunnah that in Id-ul-Adha the Imam begins
the first Khutbah by reciting takbir (Allaho Akbar) nine times and the
second Khutbah with reciting it seven times.
 Dua.
 Greeting.

Shortened Prayers (salat)/Qasr

During Travel, Faraiz of Zohr, Asar and Esha are shortened from 4 Rakaat to 2 Rakaat
but the rest remain the same.

The journey would be of 15 or 17 or of 19 days with the variation of beliefs. There

is no qasr of Sunnah and Wajib Prayers (salat), if there is time they must be

Qasr Prayers (salat) is subject to the following conditions:

The travel must not be less than 48 miles according to most of the school of
thoughts. Except Hanafi other school of thoughts believe that the journey should not
be for haram activity and his travel must not be for the commission of sin. He should
not be a nomad, who roam about in the deserts (and temporarily stay at places where
they find food for themselves, and fodder and water for their animals, and again
proceed to some other place after a few days halt). His profession should not be
traveling (that is, his work involves traveling; or that traveling is the means of
his subsistence, like the camel rider, driver, herdsman, and sailor).

Combined Prayers (salat)

The Shia acknowledge five daily Prayers (salat). However, they are allowed to pray
them in three distinct times: Fajar separate, Zuhr and Asr combined in the evening,
and Maghrib and Isha combined at night. Sunnis are allowed to pray Noon and Afternoon
Prayers (salat) one after the other (without a lot of delay between the two).
Similarly, they are allowed to pray Sunset Prayers (salat) and Night Prayers (salat)
one after the other. It should also be noted that the Sunnis agree to the combining
of Prayers (salat) in the case of rain, travel, fear, or other emergencies such as
going for school or an important meeting etc. Pilgrims combine Zohar and Asr Prayers
(salat) in Arafat on 10th of Zilhajj and Maghrib and Isha in Muzdalifa.

Compensatory Prayers (salat) (qada)

Prayers (salat) is among the duties of man toward his Creator and to offer so is
incumbent upon the obliged person. A person, who does not offer his obligatory
Prayers (salat) on its prescribed time for any of the following reasons; such as
forgetfulness, unconsciousness, intoxication, the lack of opportunity, being under
compulsion or emergency (like doctor in operation, soldier, police, pilot, ambulance
driver etc), out of heedlessness, or it is offered but later discovered that it was
invalid (batil), must offer compensatory (qadha) Prayers (salat).

The ladies who have to miss the daily Prayers (salat), or any other obligatory
Prayers (salat), due to monthly cycle or post child birth period, do not need to
offer any qadha for them.

Anyone who has to offer qadha Prayers (salat) should not abandon it totally though it
is not obligatory to offer it immediately.

The Prayers (salat) that has not been offered in the past, should be performed
in qadha in the same manner in terms of the number of rak’ahs. For example, a person
who is traveling should offer the qadha for a four-rak’ah Prayers (salat) in full.
And if while traveling, a person misses his noon (zuhr) Prayers (salat), in his
hometown he should offer its qadha in a shortened manner, i.e. in two rak’ahs instead
of four.

How are the delayed (qada) Prayers (salat) as a sign of Allah’s (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala)
Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) is rahman and rahim and He never wants to burden His
creation and hence has given them the option of offering qada Prayers (salat) even
before ones death. Daily Prayers (salat) are obligatory on all Muslims at all times,
however at certain times a person may forget or sleep or in journey or sick or
extremely busy, so to make up missed salat Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) has given this
option to fulfil obligation. There is no recompense of this duty therefore it is
Allah’ (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) mercy to allow to reoffer the missed Prayers (salat) to
save from sin and punishment.

Difference between Regular (daily) and Private (dua) Prayers


Regular (daily) Private Prayers (salat) (Dua)

Timings are fixed. Mostly at the end of Prayers (salat) or in any


Certain components of standing, No components

bowing and prostrating

Obligatory. Non obligatory

It has a proper method Mostly by raising hands

It is said in Arabic Any language

Cleanliness is required and Ablution is not compulsory

ablution is must

Clean place is required No need of clean place

Describe the times when Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) is thought most likely to accept du’a

According to the Ahadith opportune moments of the acceptance of du’a are given as:
The last third of the night, an Hour during Friday Prayers (salat), while Drinking
Zamzam water, while Prostrating, at the end of The obligatory salat, in the night of
'Qadr', during the rain, at the time of adhan, the one who is suffering injustice and
oppression, during journey, the parent's supplication for their child, after praising
Allah and showering durood on the Holy Prophet “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam”, on the day of Arafat, during the month of Ramadan, when
the armies meet, when Muslims gather for the purpose of invoking and remembering
Allah (Dhikrullah), first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, when the heart reaches out to
Allah and is ready to be totally sincere, after the death of a person, while breaks
the fast, immediately after wudu, after stoning the Jamarat at Hajj, inside the
Ka'bah, on the mount of Safa or Marwah during Umrah or Hajj, while visiting the sick,
and dua made by the sick.

Importance and benefits of the Prayers (salat)

What are the individual benefits of the Prayers?

Prayers (salat) makes a person pious because along with time, he starts to perform
good deeds, abstaining from bad ones just as Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) said in the
Quran, “Indeed Prayers (salat) saves from immodest actions and bad deeds.” A person
not only becomes pious but also becomes closer to Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala), as due
to praying he fulfills Allah’s (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) command and is in direct
conversation with Him which makes Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) happier. The Prayers
(salat) keeps a person clean the whole day as he mostly remains in ablution and he
cleans his teeth and limbs. Prayers (salat) makes a person very punctual due to its
performance on time. It is a healthy job as he walks to masjid 5 times a day and also
stands, bows, prostrates, sits and stands repeatedly which the sources of exercise
are for body.

Success of a person in the life hereafter lies in the Prayers (salat) as the Holy
Prophet “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam” said, “The first
of his deeds for which a man will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection
will be the Prayers (salat). If it is found to be perfect, he will be safe and
successful. But if it is defective, he will be unfortunate and a loser.” Man is
forgetful, especially with his busy lifestyles. Prayers (salat) satisfies our
spiritual need to be in contact with our Creator. This gives the soul peace and
contentment as Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) says, “Without doubt, in the remembrance
of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” Man is surrounded by numerous trials and
problems. Once we focus on strengthening our relationship with our Lord, He, who is
All-Powerful, will fix our worldly problems. Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) says, “Seek
help in patience and Prayers (salat).” It certify if the person is believer or not.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam” said, “What lies between a man and atheism is abandoning Prayers (salat).”

What are the communal benefits of the Prayers?

Prayers (salat) creates equality as rich and poor stand together which finishes
differences between them and it shows that everyone is equal in front of Allah
(Subhanahu wa-ta’ala). For example a servant has a different place in the house where
he eats and sleeps unlike the boss but in Prayers (salat) they both stand together.
It not only creates equality but also creates unity as Muslims stand together in
Prayers (salat) at one place and form a block of unity which impresses non-Muslims
and shows them that Muslims are one nation. Congregational Prayers (salat) develop
the sense of discipline, teamwork and obedience when hundreds of people stand behind
one Imam to perform the Prayers (salat). Prayers (salat) also helps in establishing
brotherhood as the Muslims develop the sense of helping each other; the poor share
their problems with the rich and some of them help the poor in different ways. The
poor and the rich get chance to talk to each other which creates good social
relations and a healthy society. The sermon is delivered by the scholars in masjid,
from which we learn about Islam, about legal and illegal, about the rights of others
and about ethics. Friday and Eid Prayers (salat) gather Muslims at greater level.
Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) also accepts communal supplications as according to the
Hadith: “If 40 people gather at one place and make a supplication, Allah (Subhanahu
wa-ta’ala) accepts their Prayers (salat).” Communal Prayers (salat) increases the
reward of our Prayers (salat) to at least 27 times more than individual Prayers
(salat). Moreover the Holy Prophet “Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam” dislikes men to pray compulsory Prayers (salat) individually as he said,
that at the time of Azan, if a person doesn’t attend the mosque then if it was up to
me then I would have burnt his house but only because only for the sake of his family
I am not able to do so.
Expected questions

1) Outline the main teachings in the Qur’an and Prophetic ahadith about Prayers
(salat) as the foundation of Islam and describe how Muslims prepare themselves
for Prayers (salat).

2) What is the purpose of Prayers (salat) in congregation?

3) Describe the particular features of Friday congregational Prayers (salat)
(Jum’a) and the main features of the Friday sermon.

4) Describe the performance of a single Rakaat in the Prayers (salat).

5) Explain the importance to Muslims of cleanliness in Prayers (salat).

6) Explain the significance of the actions involved in this performance.

7) In what circumstance is it permissible for a Muslim to delay the Prayers


8) Describe the particular features of Congregational Prayers (salat) on Friday


9) Why do Muslims regard congregational Prayers (salat) as important?

10) What is the purpose of Prayers (salat) in congregation?

11) Why are Muslims encouraged to pay sadaqa during Eid-al-Fitr?

12) Explain the differences and similarities in the individual and congregational
Prayers (salat).
13) Describe the main characteristics of the congregational Prayers (salat) on

14) Explain the difference between regular daily Prayers (Salaat) and the
personal /private Prayers (salat) (Dua)

15) Explain why Muslims believe that personal Prayers (salat) (Dua) is important.

16) What are the conditions of Prayers (Salaat) that must be fulfilled before
performing them?

17) Explain the importance of mosques in Muslim communities.

18) Explain why it is important to perform the Prayers (salat) in this particular

19) ‘A mosque is a focal point in the lives of Muslims.’ Discuss.

20) How do the Prayers (Salaat) help keep the community united?

21) What is the purpose of Prayers (salat) in congregation?

22) What is the significance of invocation (dua) immediately after obligatory

Prayers (salat)?

23) Describe the purpose of Prayers (salat) in congregation.

24) How are delayed (qada) Prayers (salat) as a sign of Allah’s (Subhanahu wa-
ta’ala) mercy?

25) Describe the importance of Dua and the times when Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala) is thought
most likely to accept du’a.
26) How does du’a bring a believer closer to Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta’ala)?

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