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What is communication?

 “It is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors

to express or exchange information or to express your ideas,
thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.”

 “It is the exchange of information and the expression of feeling

that can result in understanding.”

Why do we communicate?
P - purpose
U - understanding
R - reaction
P - participation
O - pinions
S - sympathy
E - education

Types of Communication
 exchange of ideas that occurs through WORDS.
o Oral
o Written
 defined as communication WITHOUT words.
o Signs
o Colors
o Symbols
o Gestures
o Body Language
o Facial Expressions

The Communication Process

How is communication influenced by media & information?
Communication is a central activity everyone is engaged in -
expressing opinions, inquiring for college admission, establishing
relationships, defending your philosophies, etc. All this communication
sparks more communication, actions, and reactions.

 Communication tools such as radio, newspapers, television,
computers, film, etc.

 Data or knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction.
Information is expressed either as the content of a message or
through direct or indirect observation. It is the heart of

“Media is a term that refers to all print, digital, and electronic

means of communication. From the time the printing press was created
(and even before), technology has influenced how and where
information is shared.”

When you further study communication, you will learn that one of
its functions is to inform. This is all made possible through the use of

Ponder on one of those occasions where you read a magazine,

watched a program on television, listened to the radio, went to see a film
at a movie house, or surfed the Internet. Any such activity involves
media, information, and communication.

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