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 Combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices

required to access, analyze, evaluate, use, produce, and
communicate information and knowledge in creative, legal,
and ethical ways that respect human rights. (Moscow
Declaration on Media and Information Literacy, 2012)

 It is a “set of competencies to search, critically evaluate, use,

and contribute information and media content wisely;
knowledge of one’s rights online; understanding how to
combat online hate speech and cyberbullying; understanding
of the ethical issues surrounding the access and use of
information; and engage with media and ICTs to promote
equality, free expression, intercultural/interreligious
dialogue, peace, etc.” (UNESCO, 2016)


 Give people an understanding of the importance of media

and other information providers in order to:
 Make informed decisions
 Learn about the world around them
 Build a sense of community
 Maintain public discourse, and
 Engage in lifelong learning.
 Spur citizens to become active producers of information and
innovators of media and information products, as well as
critical thinkers.
 Incite people to use new and traditional media for self-
expression, creativity, and greater participation in their
country’s democracy and the global information network.

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