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People have different preferences when it comes to cuddling - whether they like a full embrace

or just a hand on their arm or leg. Some feel comforted and supported by snuggling, while
others may feel uncomfortable or prefer their personal space. Despite personal preferences,
medical experts have discovered that cuddling can have positive effects on one's health, which
we will explore further.

'Maternal Behavior' Promotion

When humans touch, such as through cuddling, hugging, or holding hands, it triggers a
chemical response in the body. One of the hormones released is oxytocin, which is linked to
feelings of love, trust, protectiveness, and bonding. Oxytocin is often associated with pregnancy
and maternal behavior, as it promotes nurturing feelings in a mother. Additionally, research
shows that people who are falling in love have higher levels of oxytocin than those who aren't.

Bringing Down Blood Pressure

Scientists from the University of North Carolina conducted a study on premenopausal women
and found that hugging or cuddling with their partners can have positive effects on their mental
and physical health. The study showed that after receiving hugs from their partners, the women
had higher levels of oxytocin and lower blood pressure, which made them feel more relaxed and
at ease.

A Rise in Happiness
Dopamine, also known as the "feel-good" hormone, increases in the body during cuddling,
snuggling, or hugging. It can make people feel like they are on a natural high. Research shows
that dopamine plays a crucial role in regulating happiness and is one of the most essential
chemicals in mood control.

Depression Reduction
When cuddling, serotonin, another chemical in the brain associated with happiness, is said to
increase. Serotonin is one of the most significant neurotransmitters that affect a person's mood.
It promotes feelings of optimism, satisfaction, and happiness when released into the brain.
Doctors believe that a decrease in serotonin levels is often responsible for causing depression.
This is why many modern antidepressants aim to increase the amount of serotonin available to
the brain cells.

Weight Loss
Doctors believe that cuddling has many physical benefits that can trigger a chain reaction
leading to further improvements in your health. Some studies suggest that the accumulation of
these hormones and the resulting happiness can help you lose weight and boost your immune
system to ward off illnesses. This means that cuddling may have far-reaching effects on your
overall well-being, making it a worthwhile activity to engage in.
Cuddles at a Price
Believe it or not, there are companies in the U.S. that offer professional cuddling services. A
quick online search revealed several such businesses, including Cuddle Comfort, which claims
to have over 230,000 members. However, these companies aren't focused on providing
romantic or relationship-related services. Rather, they aim to promote mental and physical well-
being. Cuddle Comfort, for example, was founded in 2011 with the goal of making physical
affection more accessible to people without any romantic obligations or prerequisites.

According to Cuddle Comfort's website, cuddling is incredibly important for our well-being. It can
act as a natural antidepressant, reduce anxiety, and boost our immune system. However, many
people don't get enough of it because they feel they need to be in a romantic relationship first.
That's where Cuddle Comfort comes in - they offer a service where people can hire professional
cuddlers. It seems that people value the positive effects of cuddling so much that they're willing
to pay for it, with rates starting at $80 an hour. It's surprising to think that cuddling could be such
a profitable industry.

5 Advantages of Cuddling for Children

Cuddling isn't just good for adults; doctors also recommend cuddling with your children,
especially in the first three months of life. Doing so can help establish a foundation for:

● Boosting self-confidence
● Building healthy relationships
● Developing coping abilities
● Promoting healthy sleep patterns
● Strengthening the digestive system

During the first three months after birth, babies are adjusting to a new environment outside of
the womb. Doctors refer to this period as the "fourth trimester," and cuddling can help replicate
the feeling of warmth and safety that the womb provided.

Bonding during this time is crucial and can lead to benefits later in life, such as self-confidence
and healthy relationships. Cuddling is beneficial for both adults and children and can contribute
to personal and relationship growth.

Squabbling Over Pets

Not only humans, but pets like cats, dogs, and chinchillas can also help release happy
hormones and reduce stress levels when cuddled with. So, if you don't have someone to cuddle
with, you can always turn to your furry friend. Interestingly, studies suggest that owning a pet
can lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of loneliness.
Taking the Embrace in its Fullness
While it's not a cure-all solution for every issue you or your loved ones face, research on the
positive effects of cuddling is encouraging. Whether or not you want to give it a try is up to you,
but remember that scientific evidence shows that snuggling can contribute to greater happiness
and improved health in various aspects of your life.

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