Essay That Talks About North and South Korea

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Manuel Vince L.

BSBA – 1
North Korea and South Korea
North Korea and South Korea are two countries that share a long and complicated
history. Since their separation in 1948, they have followed very different paths. North Korea
embraced the ideology of communism, while South Korea embraced capitalism and democracy.
Both had a major impact on the world stage and have been subject to intense scrutiny by the
international community. North Korea is a highly centralized and tightly controlled country.
Unlike North Korea, South Korea is a democracy with a market economy. The country has
developed rapidly in the decades since the Korean War, becoming a major player in the global
economy and a leader in industries such as technology and entertainment.
The Korean Peninsula was under Japanese rule from the year 1910 to 1945. After the end
of World War II, South Korea was divided by the Allies into two zones, with the United States
occupying the southern half and the Soviet Union occupying the northern half. Two independent
governments were formed, one in the north and one in the south. The North Korean government,
led by Kim Il-sung, adopted communist ideas and established a one-party dictatorship, while the
South Korean government, led by Syngman Rhee, advocated democracy.
In the year 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, starting the Korean War that lasted
until 1953. The war ended in a stalemate, an armistice was signed, but no peace treaty. Since
then, the two countries have been hostile, with occasional violence and tensions between the two
countries. North Korea is known for its repressive government and isolationist policy. The
country is ruled by the Kim Dynasty, with Kim Jong-un currently in power. Governments control
every aspect of life, including media, education, and the economy. The country is highly
militarized and has one of the largest armed forces in the world.
North Korea is also developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, leading to
international sanctions and condemnation. On the other hand, South Korea has achieved
remarkable economic growth and democratization since the 1980s. The country is now a thriving
democracy and it is one of the world's largest economies. South Korea is known for its cultural
exports, including K-pop and Korean dramas which are gaining popularity around the world.

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