Arnold Split Specialized For High Intensity Training

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Dave - Arnold Split Specialized for High Intensity training

Day 1 (Chest and Back) Day 3 (Shoulders and Arms)

(Chest-focused) (Shoulders focused)

o Dips: 2 x failure o Shoulder press: 3 x failure

o Incline Bench press: 2 x failure o Cable Lateral Raises: 2 x failure
o Flat DB Bench Press: 2 x failure o Seated Lateral Raises: 2 x failure
o Incline DB Bench press: 2 x failure o Machine Reverse Flyes: 2 x failure
o Cable Press (H to L): 2 x failure o Face Pulls: 2 x failure

(Back) (Arms)

o Wide-grip Rows: 2 x failure o OH Triceps Extension: 2 x failure

o Tucked-grip rows: 2 x failure o Seated incline curls: 2 x failure
o Neutral Lat Pulldowns: 2 x failure o Preacher curls: 2 x failure
o Kelso Shrugs: 2 x 10 reps o Hammer curls: 2 x failure
o Triceps Pushdowns: 2 x failure
o Zottman curls: 2 x failure
Day 2 (Legs and Core)

(Quads focused)
Day 4 (Rest Day)
o Squats: 2 x failure
o Core workout and cardio
o (Lower)Leg press: 2 x 10 reps
o Leg extension: 2 x failure
o Bulgarian Split Squats: 2 x failure Day 5 (Chest and Back)
o Seated Leg Curl: 2 x 10 reps
o Standing Calf raises: 2 x failure
o Pull ups: 2 x Failure
o Single arm rows: 2 x failure
Do Core Workout (2-3 Sets) o V-grip Lat Pulldowns: 2 x failure
o Bent over rows or Neutral Cable
Core Workout: (20-30 Seconds)
Rows: 2 x failure
Set 1 o Kelso Shrugs: 2 x 10 reps

o Russian Twists (Chest)

o Scissors
o Incline bench press: 2 x failure
o Knee in crunch
o Chest/bench press: 2 x failure
Set 2: o Incline DB bench press: 2 x failure
o Cable Press: 2 x failure
o Bicycle
o Leg Raise
o Over Knee Crunch
o Plank
Day 6 (Legs and Core) Day 8 (Rest Day)

(Hamstrings-focused) o Core workout and cardio

o Leg curls: 2 x failure

o Squats: 2 x failure
Other tips:
o Romanian DL: 2 x failure
o (Upper)Leg press: 2 x 10 reps Progressive Overload:
o Standing calf raises: 2 x failure
o Seated calf raises: 2 x failure Up the weight until you can do 6-8 reps

Keep doing the new weight until you

(Core) can hit 10-12 reps again…

Do Core Workout (2-3 Sets) Increase the weight and repeat

Core Workout: (20-30 Seconds)

Set 1

o Russian Twists
o Scissors
o Knee in crunch

Set 2:

o Bicycle
o Leg Raise
o Over Knee Crunch
o Plank

Day 7 (Shoulders and Arms)


o Shoulder press: 3 x failure

o Cable Lateral Raises: 2 x failure
o Seated Lateral Raises: 2 x failure
o Machine Reverse Flyes: 2 x failure


o Skull crushers: 2 x failure

o Seated incline curls: 2 x failure
o Overhead Extension: 2 x failure
o Preacher curls: 2 x failure
o Triceps Pushdowns: 2 x failure
o Hammer curls: 2 x failure
o Reverse Bar wrist curls: 2 x failure
o Standing inward curls: 2 x failure

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